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/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 349
Thread images: 131

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Donald Trump's supporters are literally /pol/ edition

I haven't masturbated to anime in 10 years though.
>sanders joins trump campaign as VP
>trump runs as independant

Remember what?
There is nothing wrong with being a single childless man who masturbates to anime
I think that this description more accurately represents /r9k/, not that there is much difference.
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reminder to report all communist sympathizers to the local authorities
That would be hilariously awesome.

I want him to wind so Weedman Liberal cucks have to try and work with him. Would be kek times.
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Man, people are really upset if trump becomes president. Guess I'll vote for him because I'm an uneducated shit lord and I don't want to be known as an anti-semite
it represents a large portion of /int/ and 4chan in general as well
You aren't allowed to die for 45 more years.

all the formulas and natural conditions

like wavelength/frequency of light, gravity, etc
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я cкaзaв вaм, я тyт
я нe гoливcя тeж
still rude
but less rude this time
also dark chocolate is delicious
Honestly, I watch anime (not exclusively and not even primarily) and I enjoy some anime a great deal and I even think some girls from certain animes are cute and may feel sexually attracted to them but I don't think I've masturbated to anime more than a handful of times. It just doesn't do it for me. If I see a hot anime girl it usually just makes me want to look at actual porn to jack off to.

Anyone else feel the same? I don't understand how someone could actually finish to anime regularly.
He's talking about the alt right (which is literally just /pol/), not all of Trumps supporters.
I would vote for him, because of the amount of butthurt he will cause. Sanders comes off as an American Neville Chamberlain.
>socialist jew runs against /pol/ish hero

Is this going to be the biggest meme election of all time?
>GOP strategists desperately distract from how Trump is exposing them as hacks

unless its gay anime
I directly blame the Democraps and Republicunts for the downfall of America.

The donkey and elephant will burn as the bald eagle soars overhead.
Has this been confirmed
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>thinks insulting what I masturbate to is an insult

Nice try with your 3DPD, acne, period blood, pee, and poop
nth for don't bully!
Trump will make all of your wishes come true, anon.

He has asked all the stars in the sky to pray for the return of America's greatness.

Praise Trump. Make America great again.
there is nothing wrong with reading some yaoi and then anonymously posting far right views on the internet either
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Sanders on Tuesdays Thursdays Saturdays

Trump Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays

Sunday is for jebus.

yaoi is haram and a sin against the lord

do you WANT to spend eternity in the fiery depths of hell?
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Lol no wonder this guy is so ass blasted. The cuck memes really got to his head.
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where do you live
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pls dont
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I am a god
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Winnipeg unfortunately
So he admits Trump is the superior candidate?
I mean why else would you need start shaming the voters.

if you're a god, then how many fingers am I holding up
god dammit
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come to winnipeg senpai
where are you
>literally just got done fapping to sadpanda
>see this thread
>out of milk
>have to make oatmeal with water for breakfast tomorrow

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steak finger basket was a mistake
Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?
What skill should a college student pick up in their free time?
And a cukservative like him probably masturbates to BLACKED.

Since when is being childless a bad thing?
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join a gang
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In all seriousness, summarize with a % number, how possible it is for Donald Trump to become the president of America within the next 10 years.
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do you have to actually remember them for your tests?

i think it's mostly about understanding them and knowing when/how to use them. I could be wrong, i think buy physics majors in my uni can bring formula sheets (for harder formulas) to exams. They do have to memorize easier formulas and constants, though.
rate my singing or the BIG MICK DICK will cuck you forever
I don't want to get murdered by abos or your swamp mosquitos. This song is appealing though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLlsjEP7L-k

and in Calgary. when I tried to look up Ukrainian community stuff everything is in god damn Edmonton. I will die alone. I will take my neighbours to hell with me in grilled cheese fire.
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>He knows

Thanks for that la.

I've been thinking about shrooms lately. Should I?
Ladies and Gentleman, please rise for /pol/'s national anthem


Im not sure

we havent had to do any tests in this class yet
next election probably 70/30 with him being 70
t. election pro
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Holy Fuck, only mess of this magnitude could possibly make America great again.
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all posts below this line are now declared a no-bapping zone
What I love is that someone sat down, wrote that, and then children had to memorize it.

It's wonderful.

And I can't join a gang because I'm not Black or Mexican

in the city mosquitoes aren't an issue
but holy shit, if you are in a rural area, at about 9pm in July you can hear a really loud low-tone buzzing of the mosquitoes
shit is crazy
Song is basically our anthem btw

Also, why so set on slav bf?
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still waiting on Dark Souls 3 and SFV and P5 and fucking everything
fuck video games god dammit
i hate sanders but that would be a meme of mind blowing proportions
i want it
When you are coming down you will think deeply and originally about your life and its course
Very useful
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>first king of the united states
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Did you post that in the comments section?
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see >>53856773

pls delet ty
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>American truck simulator
>legend of skyrim
>no man's sky
>dark souls III
>DoA Beach boobies 3
>pokemon Go might be neat
>And a cukservative like him probably masturbates to BLACKED.
You're probably not too far off.
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>you can hear a really loud low-tone buzzing of the mosquitoes
Is it really that swampish? I thought that was a meme. Never been farther East than Saskatchewan which is just kilometers of nothing and grasshopper plagues. I wouldn't mind visiting Winnipeg some day.

And because shared culture I guess. I grew up in small towns that were basically abos/ germans/ slavs and a rare asian. Calgary is going the way of Toronto so it was a bit of a cultural shock to move here.
>legend of skyrim

cute bra
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Zelda U
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>never had gf
>flustered, literally going crazy from all the advice and things ive read about relationships and women and sex
>theres a girl i like
>been hanging out with her for a bit building up courage to ask
>i think she likes me back

Give me YOUR ENERGY /CUM/ i am going to make it !
it's not really even swampish, there is just a shit ton of mosquitoes
the area where i would hear that was out at my parent's cabin on Lake Winnipeg

and yeah similar demographics here:
>irish & scottish
>ukrainians & poles

And yeah I can imagine the transition from small towns to a large city would be weird to get used to.
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in the exact same boat except I'm 20
see >>53856893
ksmz is invincible desu
just tell girls how you feel about them
only thing that holds you cunts back unless you are physically repulsive
that was scary
the Californian was right, 2016 really is the year of the gfs
I guess people assume swamp because mosquitoes thrive in moist environments. Apparently you have statutes of them in your province, kek.

>would be weird to get used to.
Kind of makes it worse that I work around temporary foreign workers. People keep asking me what country I come from and if I'm Russian. I'm a 4th generation Canadian. Starting to drive me a little mad.
>just tell girls how you feel about them

no no no no no

telling girls how you feel is as dumb as showing up randomly with flowers
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no, it's less gay then showing up with flowers though

also it makes your intent clear and not confusing
because telling her how you feel prevents her from forming her own fantasies about how you might feel about her

and her own imagination is better than any lines or confessions anon could think up


I want it
Most tiny little towns have awful cheesy statues like that
Pic related is an example, the Selkirk Catfish (the statue itself is 15 feet tall)

Yeah, I imagine that could get really old.
The new influx of immigrants is iffy, gonna be weird to get used to if I can get used to it at all.
I'd rather have a metroid game for the PC.
forgot pic
ah. looks pretty good. hopefully it'll be a good open world, not a ubisoft open world.

i miss zelda games, haven't played one since twilight princes
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there was, and it was decent

plus AM2R is almost done
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I can't wait for shadow warrior 2
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>The new influx of immigrants is iffy
They just keep coming. Feels like the only option is to flee to the rural areas but no jobs there. Is Winnipeg bad for it? I heard immigrants dislike the city. There was that funny news article saying Winnipeg was the most racist city in Canada or something.

>that pic
My towns only had war monuments or pic related. Catfish one is kind of cute though.
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I forgot that I ate a kolache between sleeps
150 kcal over senpaitachi, should I just gorge myself now?
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In this world, you can even reach Sweden's welfare system in the far distance if you walk far enough.
is that not standard for walking towards something?

don't ask permission for something you obviously want to do
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/pol/ already went full retard and tweeted cum on pictures of his daughter saying, "We don't all masturbate to anime"
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its skyrim all over again

Good morning.

Things here keep getting worse. I got myself to at least listen to the lectures. I'm nervous though, I know I'll fail at least one test. I hope I manage the other tests.
That should be the end of my block

you mean fallout with swords?
tbqh the only video game I'm truly anticipating at the moment is DS3. I want to get Dragon's Dogma for the third time now, along with MGS5.

I just have to spend money on something that isn't liquor, though.
Struggling in college?
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I mean Far Cry with Dragons?
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That statue is nice, and has significance.
It just baffles me that instead of doing something historic, they put up a massive catfish.
Winnipeg isn't THAT bad for it, the immigrants we are mostly getting are more Filipinos (which are hard-working and pretty cool), some Chinese (never had a problem with them, they can be rude but they work hard and keep to themselves), and minimal amounts of arabs.
I'm really not complaining, it could be infinitely worse and it could be all arabs, it is just weird waiting for a bus and literally being a minority in the crowd.

And yeah, it's not so much racism or anything like that; it is that most of them cannot adapt to the cold. They just can't, to be fair, if you haven't lived with this kind of cold your entire life, it would definitely be a problem.
I've heard of Dragon's Dogma but I'd rather wait for DS3 and dick around in my backlog in the mean time.

Can't get into DS2 for replay. It's not so fun for some reason. The SM thing is too shit for co-op.
you cutting?
either way, you can't make up for it in any way

if you gorge yourself you will fail yourself more than you already have
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Whata re you listening to?

truly the undertale of our generation

yes, I know I should do more, but I can't force myself to do so. I didn't really enjoy my stuff so far, but I felt like it got better, and a degree would of course give me more opportunities.
I wanted to come to the US, or I at least thought about it, because the situation is just crazy here.
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...They really have become worse than /b/ haven't they?

They just gave that guy a boost to his career, now he'll be considered an expert on cyberbullying and videogames.
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I really like this song
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Are you the Germanbro that asked about Arkansas this morning?

No, I'm the one who's obsessed with Nevada.
You all don't really masturbate to anime, right?
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>they put up a massive catfish
Some small towns have more can't really afford to do something dumb. Partly because bad choices get them dethroned or someone angry will steal their lawn furniture. So my areas always got tasteful local statues.

>it is just weird waiting for a bus and literally being a minority in the crowd
I get that. Entire areas in Calgary, especially North East sort of became a no go zone in terms of living because of increased crime rate and regular Canadians not wanting to be minorities. But they've started to spread out into other areas, like mine. Local hipsters voted in a Liberal again so they'll get to enjoy devaluing of their over priced homes due to some low income housing projects he volunteered us for. Saw a woman in a full bedsheet outfit the other day so I'm not very happy. I just hope it doesn't get too bad in Winnipeg of all places. Cold seems to keep most foreigners away.
Fair enough, that guy dipped out of the thread before I could answer any of his questions.

Nevada is a strange place anon, lots of desert, very little private property, and filth as deep as a Saudi Arabian royal bank account.
That sucks. Why not look into other courses and see if you can transfer some credits or however it works there? If you hate what you're studying I don't think it will get better. Schools usually have consoling places for students to give advice.
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its hard to resist when they make em so damn hot

I wanted to go to the north west of Nevada, where there are some trees, the truckee etc. not the southern part. I know, a lot of people here said similar things, but I can't help liking this place. If California wouldn't be just as bad as germany, I'd probably try to move there.
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Yeah, I seriously hope it doesn't get any worse here.
I don't mind if there's more asians or southeast asians, I am more concerned about arabs and africans.
I mean, the crime is bad enough already, if even more crime-prone people move here it will turn into a battlefield.

Property prices are alright here, you can get an average-size house in an average area for around 270k, something like pic related
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Well, concering my courses etc. I feel like it's getting a little better. I just don't want to fail. I also try to get an internship at the local forester/ bureau for this stuff.
gonna have to fap in one of the shower stalls in my dorm hall lads
i dont like what im about to do
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Lads I'm high pic related
Here's a tip though, because everything in Las Vegas is overpriced and over the top, the rest of the state is cheaper overall and very accommodating to guests that might otherwise go back to Sin City for sinning.
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its not as liberal as you think, especially if you go east towards truckee

its actually got a lot of german ancestry here

dinosaurs, not dragons
develop an exhibition fetish
thanks doc
same here, but I feel like I am fucking it up. I'm going to need some of that energy
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>he thinks that inner-city play pen is the size of an American mcmansion

come on bro, we crashed our housing market because our cribs were so fly
gracias, doctor
>not listing the Scottish in the south seperately

>I am more concerned about arabs and africans.
Same. I've also started seeing Somalian groups of men and more homeless in the area. Before I never saw that. It's only been in the last 5 months that this has happened so it's probably some forced low income apartment buildings and they have plans to build new ones in a vacant lot.

Is the crime rate in Winnipeg more of a native thing? I've heard they get a bit more violent than in other places, sort of like northern ones in Sask. Housing prices have been better in Saskatchewan too supposedly.

270k is really good though. Here that won't even get you a shitty condo.

our government keeps fucking with interest rates to try and prevent a housing market crash, not sure if it's going to back fire or just keep crashing our currency
They're just trying to avoid the same mistakes we made.

Those frozen interest rates must infuriate Canadian banks, if that shit happened here it may have prevented some of the recession.
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Night /cum/.
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Yeah, it is a native thing.
It can get really rough, but the really horrible things happen in relatively contained areas.

Areas like pic related, took the pic a few days ago on the bus ride home
They are just jungles of train tracks, houses with broken windows & boarded up doors, and barbed wire
Banks don't care are much, they make money fucking people over other ways. We got rid of 30 year mortgages so there isn't as much risk in our housing market, but low interest rates do create some issues where if they bring it up like they need to some people won't be able to make their mortgages.

But it's raping our Credit Unions that operate like how banks used to be. Many have been on hiring freezes and skeleton staff for probably 10 years now due to interest rates since that's how they make their money.
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helped me find a way
to /cum/
turbotax just told me I qualify for food stamps
Goodnight Canadian

I stayed at Carson city for some days, it was nice naturewise. People say Nevada besides Las Vegas is boring, which makes me kind of nervous, I mean I never go out anyways, but I don't really know if I could deal with this.


But isn't east of the truckee basically Nevada?
Northern California has also been nice. If I were filthy rich I would move to some place at the 17 miles drive. That place was stunning beautiful, but of course it's like always, living in a nice place costs a lot.
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bonus pic
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goodnight fellow patriot
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also just ordered the bridgman anatomy manual desu

gnight bud
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pretty great book desu
You just like taking pictures of your city, don't you?

Yeah, compared to Vegas the rest of the state is boring.

Compared to Vegas the rest of the USA is boring.
I remember those pics from when you posted them before. ..I browse here too much.

There's some run down areas like that here too. It's usually old manufacturing neighbourhoods that died and became crack dealing neighbourhoods. We don't have as much native crime in Calgary, just a roving gang of drunks or two. They mostly keep to themselves when not begging or stay on the reserve.

yah, everything east of the sierras is nevada. But the northeastern part of of California is predominantly white and moderately to fully conservative, save for the destitute hippies and lake tahoe yuppies

its just god awfully expensive to live here

nice meme
>You'll never fight along with your communist friends against the government.
What't the point of living.
lel nice
Yeah, I feel like those are token areas that exist in nearly every city.
I just want to set cars on fire after my local hockey team loses an important match.
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Also that was very cute
naice find
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Then go down to Chiapas then you pussy

Fight the good fight with your "communist friends"
Guest where I am you huge fucking faggot.
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I'm off to bed, night everyone

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that pic is nearly identical to what my steam avatar used to be
Bailing on checkpoint duty to shitpost on 4chan

Get to your post faggot, you gotta shine a dim flashlight under some seats in a rusty pickup truck to make sure they're clear to go
Probably. I never go to those areas on foot since I don't want to get stabbed. They usually have drug rehab clinics which make it worse. I only have park area photos. Which range between nice, beaver apocalypse damage, and homeless camp grounds.
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see that mountain.jpg
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It's like he's borrowing his talking points from Todd Howard.

Las Vegas is just crazy. I could also imagine to live there, but I don't think I could afford to live there, plus there's a lot of crime as far as I know. I never felt unsafe when I've been there, but that's what I've heard. I'd also have to get used to the climate. Las Vegas felt to me like a giant theme park. Are you from Nevada?


Feels bad, lake Tahoe is nice. I'd probably go to some place like lone pine. I've been there and I thought that it's a nice place. But it's close to death valley, so I don't know if there are water problems, and if it's getting extremly hot etc.
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That's a crop from a lewd comic.
Must be a coincidence.
all of that artist's stuff is super cute

gud nite
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dumb shits sell your goods already
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I hate it when people fap to cute things.
Moe is enjoyable enough without the lewd.
at least it wasn't femdom seitokaichou
I've got family that lives there, they're a tad crazy but they love to gamble.
buy our oil senpai
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what the fug is going on there
Everything looks weird.
I'm aware. Most of my avatars tend to be. Although it's pure, not lewd.

Oh yes gambling is nice, eventhough I have to admit I only played the slot machines, because I can't poker. Plus I haven't been old enough to play at the tables. I'd like to play roulette though.
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It's a user mad map with a lot of weird funky islands at the bottom
nah man, just kidding, I love how Americans get so triggered when they hear the word communism. As if it were a cursed word or something. Meanwhile here in México several people openly admit being sympathizers.

Weird, I just want to smash shit and have a bigger purpose in life, fight a worthy war, belong to a new lost generation. But I'm here, losing my time watching series, studying an engineering just to end up buying stuff and consuming media.
/pol/ literally cannot shut up about this one guy making fun of them on twitter
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>Although it's pure, not lewd.
It's impure and lewd.
I thought you liked boys.
tell them to sexually harass the man until he produces nudes
you literally cannot shut the fuck up about /pol/

I don't use twitter; which seems to have become the centre of the political and business universe of late, rather than a place for teenagers to have arguments, so I don't know if anyone's already mentioned this, but...

...isn't this like him walking in and saying "YEAH, HILLARY CLINTON'S SUPPORTERS ARE ALL GAY CHILDLESS MEN WHO MASTURBATE TO GAY PORN" like... is this really acceptable in american politics? You can still get away with canning an entire demographic because of their lifestyle choices and sexual preferences provided they're not the SJW flavour of the month?
> I just want to smash shit and have a bigger purpose in life, fight a worthy war, belong to a new lost generation.
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>I just want to smash shit and have a bigger purpose in life, fight a worthy war, belong to a new lost generation

I know that feel bro
this is true

it's exactly that.
You would be shocked at what is acceptable in American politics.
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There is nothing wrong with admiring the pure and innocent love between 2d girls.
>I thought you liked boys.
No proof
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just give up
this is the first step to acceptance, and I think it was really brave of you to take that daring step

But we need to start with baby steps so this doesn't eat away at your grieving soul like a parasite.
We're going to start with step one:

1. Denial and Isolation

The first reaction to learning of terminal illness or death of a cherished loved one is to deny the reality of the situation. It is a normal reaction to rationalize overwhelming emotions. It is a defense mechanism that buffers the immediate shock. We block out the words and hide from the facts. This is a temporary response that carries us through the first wave of pain.

I think we're going to make some progress here healthily and responsibly.
>There is nothing wrong with admiring the pure and innocent love between 2d girls.
this desu

I don't really get it; here, we're all enough of a group of pedantic autistic cunts to poke holes in this man's views and chastise him over it forever.

Sure, all our politicians rape kids and animals, but at least they think before they speak.

Join the french army, go to Mali, or syria to get beheaded. Couldn't you join some kind of anti cartel unit?
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>Weird, I just want to smash shit and have a bigger purpose in life, fight a worthy war, belong to a new lost generation.

Your underageb& is showing.
gonna take some painkillers
maybe start up the fireplace

its 3am so anythings possible
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Why would you want the source to something "impure and lewd"?
he literally fits the profile for isis

>According to news and FBI reports, ISIS typically preys on Western youth who are disillusioned and have no sense of purpose or belonging.

>Much like criminal gangs that offer a sense of family and belonging, ISIS offers disaffected teens a chance to join a group that gives them purpose and meaning – however misguided.

but there's no need. as you said, he could join an
don't take too many, fall asleep, and burn the house down unless that's your plan
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ᵖᶫˢ ᵃᶰᵒᶰ
text got chopped
>as you said, he could join any cartel and get beheaded right here, no need to travel
>As if it were a cursed word or something

Have you seen what happened to Russia when the Bolshevik devils were unleashed, then look at Venezuela.

Do you want to be cursed to a life of waiting in line for two hours so you can get a loaf of bread and oranges?
Of course you don't, because you're Mexican, and Mexicans don't eat things in bread, they use tortillas to eat their food, which is like poor people bread made of fructose riddled corn that is bad for you.

Communism is bad no matter how you put it.
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theyre weak painkillers unfortunately
>this desperate for impurity
anon pls
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which source though? there's multiple, you know
All anti cartel units are crooked at some level, and are bad seen by the Mexican population. We just want the war on drugs to end.
I'm more on the spectrum of a tragic total war, I would change that for being a scientists but then again I'm an absolute fuck up. I just want to make an impact, I just want to live a life that has a purpose beyond me.
It's not the end of the world tho, I could live a mediocre life and drink enough alcohol in order to ignore the fact that my steps will be forgoten a generation from my death
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Research, anon

this >>53858660
too bad

mix with acohol
most people live irrelevant lives, get over it

I don't get guys like him. I grew up in a military family and people like him are the worst. They have a big mouth, but that's all. The ones who went to war zones come back as different persons.

Then definitely join the French Foreign Legion just for the combat experience. It'll come in handy later, I'm certain; however, you'll have to dedicate 5 years of your life, but there are benefits to this governmental mercenary work.
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i think you're getting a little carried away with this research
probably not a smart idea, these contain acetaminophen
So what's happening over at /pol/? Did I miss anything?
some guy called them out for being "childless single men who masturbate to anime" and now they're extremely butthurt

one guy was so mad he came on a picture of him on his phone
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So you don't want them all?
Does this help or hurt them?
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I'm perfectly in control.
ᶦ ᵈᵒ
I bet it was jotolisco.
Join a European army and you're ready to go.
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you've been corrupted anon
>you'll have to dedicate 5 years of your life
Seems nice. Really considering this. Thanks mate.
>people unironically think the war in drugs will ever end, when it's just a corrupt never ending cycle
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Okiedokie. The one you wanted was /g/749744/ae043f187c/

the rest
/g/802117/932c2392f7/ (my favorite)
No problem.
But really, there are tons of benefits to go with it, they'll even do some damnatio memoriae on any black pasts of yours.

You should watch a documentary about the World Wars and germany. Most guys been like you. Enthusiastic at first, thinking they'd have an impact and making their personal and peoples lives better. If you spend years fighting you'll end up disillusioned. It's your life.
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I'm still 100%
This is just research
Thanks, anon.
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>This is just research
impure research
just had a wank haha
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Can you guys recomend me a good romantic manga?
junji ito
fuck Iran and such

>The former Conservative government "booby-trapped" Canada's international relations with a pair of laws that are preventing the Liberals from lifting sanctions on Iran, says a former Canadian military analyst and Middle East expert.
How do you get tricked by a couple of mafia sheiks?
>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau called the deal a breakthrough for "quiet diplomacy."

Hahahaha. When's he getting a vote of no confidence?

thats over the line, anon
an apple a day keeps the doctor away

Cons installed some laws that marked Iran as a country that funds terrorism. People here could sue Iran directly if they suffered from Iranian terrorism (from what I get) so its created a diplomatic mine field if Lib cucks want to follow the US in removing sanctions.

Once the idiots who voted Lib in hopes for weed loose confidence in him actually legalizing it. They thought it would be an immediate thing but it turns out laws are not that easy. People are also already getting tired of his "positive" all talk attitude and no action movement.

A Quebec woman who had family murdered in an Islamic attack recently criticized him for continuing to bitch out of joining in on airstrikes and having no plan to combat terrorists at all. People are saying he's leaving foreign nations to defend us from the bad guys. There will be a lot of this while he's in office.
based harper does it again

jk he is tax man
they're all shit honestly

still I enjoy this fallout
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>Phone is charging
>Battery still going down
you need a new phone battery
I barely bought this phone last week
>tfw dropout
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>when I say it's noon, it's noon
based Cao Cao
tastosis are casting bw tomorrow if you're interested
thanks anon
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does any1 want a kissu
yes pls
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United Soviet States of America


Long Live Komrade Chertoff!!!
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don't be a brat, anon!
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i woke up at 9pm
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Overslept by about 3 hours.
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good morning pure texas anon

i hope you slept well
cute texas anon*

I did. Unfortunately that probably means I'll get very little sleep tomorrow when I try to readjust the schedule.
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>cute texas anon*
thats what i said
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*pure Texas anon
Sleep is for the weak desu
you made your bed and now you're going to have to lie in it
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I'll just have to accept this.

Already opened that one right after I read the last one. The last one was really good. I'm about to read this one now.

I'm already in my bed desu. But, I understand what you mean.
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I'm about to pass out
Good night.
i need to finish this vanilla porterrrrrrr
memewave is shit
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Tfw trapped in texas because poor af
futa is not gay anon
wise post

what shithole country is this from

Well look on the bright side, you could be stuck here or in sweden.
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>You faggots making the same posts you did every single fucking day

hurr durr futa is not gay hurr durr futa is so gay hurr durr anime hurr durr no anime!

do you guys just have no short term memory or are you really this fucking boring?
The second one
>hurr durr metapost
>meta post

go back to reddit or r9k if you want to roleplay faggot

So to bring another topic.
What's your favourite gun?
Roleplay? Where?
Reddit? /r9k/? I've never gone there.
Post something original and interesting instead of complaining. Oh wait, you can't.
anime is for loser virgin manchildren
grow up and get a gf
M1 Garand mostly because I don't really care about guns.

>says the guy getting angry because I don't want to talk about futa or anime for the 481020th time in a row
You're the only angry poster here, anon.
I'm pretty content right now, I just ate some chicken and I have a belly full of water.
It's /pol/
It's fucking /pol/
They are already conspiring.
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/pol/ is going full damage control.

Too bad. Do you care about cars?
Even less than I care about guns
Who even goes to /pol/ anymore
I only go there to grab Trump memes.
my mum is sick lads hoping I don't get it too
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this desu
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What is /cum/ listening to?

Is this an accurate representation of German history or is it just a meme?

What do you think? ;^)
I think it's 100% fact tbqh
Looks like everything is going rather well.
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cute (610).png
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thats one ugly asian dude

guy has a giraffe neck

This triggers me. Delet pls.
its your fault
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It's okay to enjoy pure things.
I'm in a good mood so I'll make a new for my cuckle friends

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its perfectly ok

even encouraged

but those comics were not pure
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Of course they were.

Either way, it's too late now. It's healthy to indulge in this type of research.
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Very healthy.
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>Of course they were pure.
>It's healthy
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I approve of your new sleep schedule. It's also very healthy.
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it still needs to improve but i'll worry about that later

Good night.
People would rather vote gor memes then Jim webb.
Thread posts: 349
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