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What happens there? Does Kashmir belongs to Indians or to

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What happens there? Does Kashmir belongs to Indians or to the Pakistani?
its complicated

btw china also wants in on it iirc, you forgot them
I didn't know China was involved
Two nation theory doesn't worked and kashmir maharaja joined to Indian union kashmir is part of India
Fuck off.

India "landed" its troops in Kashmir to "help" us against the tribal "invasion" which, as it turns out, as an internal revolt against the then ruler of Kashmir.

They promised us plebiscite, but never gave it to us. They have been tricking the world ever since, including the UN.

Kashmir is Kashmiris' and no one else's. We die for our country and it is we who face persecution, not Curries or Porkis.
You won't, sadly, find an unbiased source for the history of the conflict. There are so many parties involved, it's a mess.

TL;DR: Kashmiris want to be left alone, or with Pakistan. India has over 650,000 troops and paramilitary in the state. Tens of thousands of rapes and murders by Indians. Promised plebiscite but never provided. Pakistan got its part in a war with India, and it would have claimed the entire territory had not India run to the UN and come up with the Line of Control. China probably wants Leh, who knows. We just want freedom, but India is using all kinds of torture and suppression. Look up Amnesty data on Kashmir.
I guessed you'll pop up in this thread
Kashmir is in India it'll be in future
Not by our will.
Muslims don't have so called "will"
Live in false life.
All you do is lying and deceiving everyone by shaving your beard
What happened to 40% kashmiri pundits? Who raped and killed them? But you are acting as a victim
We nuke kashmir rather than loosing it
Kashmir is our national identity and integrity but not your so called homeland
>but not your so called homeland

How can a non-Kashmiri tell a Kashmiri that Kashmir isn't his homeland? That's like me coming into your house and saying your house isn't yours.
I'm not a Muslim. Kashmir was a moderate Sufi country but became radicalised AFTER Indian occupation.
>What happened to 40% kashmiri pundits? Who raped and killed them?
Not the locals, for sure. 40%? More like 200 people. Do you get your news from some RSS outlet? Compare a couple hundred muh pundits, who btw are doing fine out of Kashmir, to thousands of cases of war crimes against Kashmiri muslims.
>Kashmir is our national blah blah
How does it feel to know that 90% of Kashmiris loathe India and would much rather be alone that be with you? Only a currybrain will call such a place "muh identity." Now go shit on the streets Pajeet.
>not your homeland
>born here
>parents and their parents born here
Are you a KP? This level of retardation is only possible for a Daali Bate.
He is probably a Kashmiri Pandit — those people who were "exiled" by the evil Kashmiri Muslims so we could no longer torture them, and be the lone victims of Indian subjugation. Currylogic works in miraculous ways.

If he's not a KP, then IDK.
You don't know India
India has numerous states which has 5000 years of history and culture all of them say India is our "homeland" but not specific state is our homeland
India is an artificial country.

>all of them say India is our "homeland" but not specific state is our homeland

Don't speak for other so-called Indians. Not all Indians share the same sentiment.
>Muslims don't have so called "will"
Correct sentence is
Muslims as a GROUP don't have so called "will"
I said you don't know about India
You don't know me.
No need to know you
All I know Muhammad was a great pedophile and homosexual the mother earth has ever produced Allah is merely invention of idiot
1. I'm not calling for Kashmir independence.
2. I'm not Muslim.

Real classy though.
>Designated kashmir thread
Isn't Kashmir a closed area for journalists?
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Reading on the history of that place, it's an absolute mess. Some idiot king of the place didn't make up his mind before he died and India decided to leave it to the Kashmiri people to choose but still have troops there. Now pakis say that they want a piece of that because most kashmiri are muslims while China just wants more land to do fuck all.

It's a really beautiful region, if it were up to me, I would remove all of the Kashmiri people and make the region a huge national park guarded by the UN. The beauty of the place is being ruined by the retards living and surrounding it.
India doesn't let people in. Afraid of their mess leaking out. They consider this international issue "national."
>I would remove all of the Kashmiri people
Dafuq I did to you?
Bhag be Bihari
He's not a Bihari.
Probably a Daali Bate who wants free land and a house. KPs are the Jews of India.
list of daily reminders
1. the ruler of Kashmir signed the instrument of accession which makes it an integral part of India irrevocably.
2. The plebiscite thingy was a personal promise by Nehru, a privileged NOT given to any other princely state. After Nehru's death, India doesn't owe anyone any kind of apology.
3. Kashmir is of Kashmiris, yes. But as a part of Union of India.
4. Art. 370 needs to be removed ASAP from Constitution of India.
5. Until Pak sponsored terrorism isn't completely decimated, AFSPA has to be enforced in J&K for the protection of minorities otherwise you'll see next exodus of minorities by terrorists.
>integral part of India irrevocably.
No, it doesn't Article 370 is the proof . Fuck off Bihari ki auwlad
Good thing you can't buy land here
Hear it from me, Indians are liar and thieves who even fix state elections and call themselves a democratic country
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>I was cleansed.
But he's still alive.
fucktard, have you even read 370 or the minutes of constitutional assembly meeting?
370 was a TEMPORARY arrangement on the insistence of Nehru and your chacha, Sheik Abdullah.

>indistries cannot buy land to setup factories.
>kashmiris cry for the lack of development
>repeat step 1.
> kashmir can survive all on its own, landlocked, in the ass end of all regions
> siding with Pakis ever
Kashmiris are just dumb inbred fucks who are all gonna die off in a generation or two
>implying we want to ""Development"" like Delhi
Fuck off Bihari, we won't let your kind bug land here
>Article 370 temporary
Yes, because plebiscite
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i like the wool desu good job!
Here you see a Westerner failing to comprehend the idea of justice, nationhood, and culture. The so called white people have an affinity towards materialistic possessions and pleasures which causes them to forget everything else that makes life meaningful. This cuck will probably post a "what happened to muh europe" thread in a couple of hours.

Don't mind curries. They try to show the world their le yogaman humane face while being aware of how Kashmir is only under their possession due to those half a million or more soldiers and weapons they have in Kashmir.
>doesn't want development
>still leeches off from the rest of the states
>kashmir gets 70% of their revenue from central budget in contrast to 30% for rest of Indian state
But those are found in Ladakh, not in Kashmir.
OOGA BOOGA to you as well sweater nigger
Look at all those completely non pulled out of my ass "facts" Pajeet has got going on over here.
>doesn't poo in loo
>is filthy Bihari
Kashmir je srbija
>mfw, he still believes there was never a mass exodus.
Why don't you just introduce a plebiscit about it the souvereignty of Kashmir?

>Sixty-one per cent of the Kashmiris polled asserted that they would "be better off politically and economically as an Indian citizen".
>mfw he believes Bihari has a say on Kashmir
1. None of the Indian princely states ever had a plebiscite.
2. Kashmir will not get any special privilege.
as a matter of fact, I do have a say in what happens in my country.
stay cucked, kashmiri lad.
they are qt tbqh <3
Our freedom movement leader stood up in this state election and India proved what they really are?
but spiritually and judicary they propably would prefere to be a God state with Sharia, 4 wifes and funny lapidations at noon. So the kids aren't hanging around doing dumb things.
>stay cucked
No Bihari buying land here
>my country
>implying I care what happens in Bihar the country
the thing is kashmir has 3 regions, Ladakh (Buddhist majority), Jammu (Hindu majority) and Kashmir (kebab majority).

Simply because kebabs want Sharia, we cannot and should not allow the Hindus and Buddhist to be overrun by muzzies.

you can get rekt all you want, you are not getting any plebiscite.
I mean a real plebiscit.

I mean Kashmir has no oil or anything does it? Who care wether they become Pakis, a God state or stay indian?
Nuke kashmir
Ladakh is 50% Muslim and Jammu is obviously a worthless piece of shit
> biting on the hands that feeds you

why are your people such ingrates
Kill yourself Muslim shit

It's the same shit Muslims do everywhere. They got Pakistan and Bangladesh but want another Muslims country because all Muslims are invaders who should be removed everywhere.
>Kashmiris want Sharia
Wew lad.
You can take Jumboo and Leh; we aren't fighting their non-existent cause.
>the thing is kashmir has 3 regions, Ladakh (Buddhist majority), Jammu (Hindu majority) and Kashmir (kebab majority).
>Simply because kebabs want Sharia, we cannot and should not allow the Hindus and Buddhist to be overrun by muzzies.
So there is a real controversy. Cool.
Why not slice it into three and do the pools for each of the ethnic slices on their own?

I realy don't get why India and Kashmir people are so eager to keep up the dissence when you could easily get to a solution.
Why not do it
>can't even poo in loo
>is a Bihari
>tells others to get rekt
>giving an occupied territory anything
>implying we will not take it
>implying freedom can be given
India has more Muslim population than Pakistan,now they want new Pakistan
Because Pakistan was made to be Muslim India and Muslims have too much clay already. If they want to live in a terror filled shithole they can go a few miles down to Pakistan and fuck off.
That's the last thing
Land is not for inbreders
i can agree to this.

Leh becomes inaccessible from India.

there has already been much lines drawing on map. We cannot go down that path.
kashmiri muzzies can STFU and act more gratefully towards the union who pays for their survival.
I don't give a fuck about India
Better then a piece of shit pedophile following rapist covered in shit because suicide bombers attack their designated shitting streets. You aren't human and being Muslims should be a crime.
Kashmiris want a resolution. We are disheartened by the nonsense Indiapoos feed the world, and how the UN doesn't do shit about anything, probably because Kashmir doesn't have oil. India is the stubborn occupying force in our land. They can go on with their sophistry but that doesnt change the facts, or our determination.

Not to mention that Indian media has made saints out of Indian soldiers, so Indians always go "dindu nuffin" when Indian army gangrapes twelve year olds (probably because Indian women smell like poo).
>this dumb indian itt
It belongs to Jimmy Page
>If they want to live in a terror filled shithole they can go a few miles down to Pakistan and fuck off.
this. a million times.
Thank you for the wisdom, 7597.
>why do muslims want to live in their own land by their own rules
>extremely confusing this situation is
Stop making a mess of everything, Shlomo.
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But we care for each other
Different states drinking same river water,living under same climate same land,same roots, now you inbred a lot claiming new state
You really think it's possible?
Kashmir separatists die like barking mad dogs
Well I appreciate your participation, but I think you lack the skill in getting to live in peace. So I might consider your contributions on such a matter less valueable.

support the IDF
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>implying indian federal system doesn't allow you to make your own rule and live.
go to Pakistan, or PoK, la and STFU
Also fuck off, I thought Jews were supposed to know stuff
5000 years of history to 100 years is "NOW"
You fucking follower of pedophile
You go to loo you filthy pajeet
Our land we won't leave it, India can fuck off
>Buddhism, Hinduism and Animistic type religions had been prevalent in Kashmir at various points of time. Islam started making inroads in the 12th and 13th centuries.

fucking muzzie converts.
you're obviously new to israel
what are you? russian? ukrainian?

Then go to Pakistan or one of the other 60+ Muslims places terrorist
why did you leave the jewish autonomous oblast and said that there is no place in the world for jews other than israel?
we all know you come from russia and you belong in the jewish region
go there now and there is not even 1% of a jewish population
what happened?
What makes you say the muzzie? Everyone here hate you just as much as you terrorist hate everyone.
As following post history the conflict is basically about beeing as mean to each other as possible just for the lulz.
Neither you win anything in fighting India nor India wins anything in having Kashmir.

>It's not what you say, but how you say it.
Sometimes it feels like you love to have an Entity you can hate.

As far as I see it India and Kashmir is extremely childish problem.
Not leaving my homeland and not letting a pooerbutnotinthelooer in.
you literally have temples who each have a slave girl to prostitute for your sadhus,
the girls are usually like 7 or 8
good job, pajeet
I guess I should start hunting animals and living like a troglodyte. That tradition goes back tens of thousands of years.
im on holiday, desu family
you sound like the "i went to israel once" starter pack
>everyone in Israel is Russian

No, I never lived by the oblast. I was born here, my parents were born here and their parents came here and fought for this land against the cowardly Muslims. Maybe if you had an education apart from pedophilia you would know why European Jews ended up in Israel.
>Kashmir was part of India before 1947
>i am a filthy Bihari and what I say matters
>100 Years
>The earliest copy of Quran in Kashmir dates back to 1237 AD and was calligraphed by Fateh Ullah Kashmiri who is believed to be a then Kashmiri Islamic scholar.
Pajeet, I..
>India wins anything in having Kashmir.
kashmir is an important part of indian culture.

wiki 'Kashmir Shavism'. It is an ancient sect of Hinduism started in Kashmir. There has been many ancient temples and universities. Unfortunately now, muzzies run freely there.
Also what is exactly bad in beeing a part of India?
>fought for this land
you mean we fought for it for you and you bombed us twice to say thank you
remember that?
You shit in the streets too and then bow in them to pray to your warlord God asking for more children to rape.

>going to holiday in a Muslim shit hole

Lol, yeah hating Muslims is as new to Israel as raping is to Muslims
>Thomas visited India in 52 AD, does that make Christinity the biggest religion in India?
muzzie logic

>holidaying in indonesia
for what purpose?
>who is Asaram
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Top kek
Ah so your a Brit who didn't get enough Muslim rape back home and needed more? Makes sense. No my family fought, and won. Enjoy your shithole vacation totally British guy.
Instead you should convert to Islam which strictly follows 7th century principles

paki terrorists have brainwashed these ungrateful idiots.

>Israeli calling other countries a shithole
Poojeet logic

How's raping 2 years old going, pajeet?
Lel you ran from a couple Holocaust Jew bombs and were on the Arabs side.
>Poojeet logic
you are an idiot, if you don't know about St. Thomas visiting India in 52 AD. You know (pubh) wasn't even born at that time.
Common mad dog bark more
And what is the gain?
If the people that build the temples and don't want to use them anymore is not a matter of your business.
If they want their sharia state, give em their sharia state and remove Hindu and Buddhist clay from their control. Or even better, make territorial exchange deal and remove muslims from India in the deal.

Realy it's the most stupid conflict on earth.
Yeah our quality of life is way better then your shit hole or anything in the vicinity of it. Way to show your true retardation thinking you don't live in the biggest shithole part of India, which itself is mostly a shithole. Only reason you faggots don't go to Pakistan is even other Muslims know Muslims can't run anything, accept run away.
No, thanks. I follow Dinduism which isn't really any substantial thing, but is very good propaganda to unite a billion biharis.
I agree with Poo Peeland.

I gibe rabies
I make you mad
Let me answer your question
why did you destroyed the berlin wall?
east germany was in a much shittier conditional than west. why part away with your higher income with some poor folks?
Shlomo, what do you want here? Shouldn't you be raping Palestinian centenarians? Or is it some shekels you want to lend me?

Again: my land, my decision. No Bihari will become a Kashmiri.
>prevented civil war
Well Indians, don't live under constant bombardment.

Did you know that most people don't need bomb shelters nowadays?
>he thinks kashmir is merely a religious issue
you see how they manipulate you? we are fighting for country (and religion only because india specifically targets muslims — muslims are killed for reasons as stupid as eating beef). Most Muslim scholars agree that the Kashmir issue has nothing to do with religion by Islamic doctrine. People only turn to religion, because in despair, they need an ideologh to give them support. Think of how poorer European countries are more religious.
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Lmao Ramanujan was no different than Muhammed, he married a 10 years old girl. MUH GREAT INDIAN MATHEMATICAN.
well, >>53863992 is a kashmiri. He has to face shelling from Pakis
Sorry, Pajeet unlike Biharis we care about the lives of our people as they aren't disposable like yours
when he was 18, not when he was 50.
I want you, Palestinians, and all Muslims who can't live with others to die. And no I wouldn't rape a goat fucker and get some disease, just shoot them.

I've never seen a terror attack where I live. Nice try, but my country is a lot safer then being in Muslim India or Pakistan.

>pooper implying his mighty rapist indian prevented a civil war
>Muslims caring about the lives of their people


You're Pakistan disposable lowest cast and don't even know it.

it is still pedophilia, browny.
Holy fuck you justifying raping a child by showing up this kind of 19 century incidents and ayesha marriage
Good to see there are Indians on /int/, rarely see you guys anymore
>I want you, Palestinians, and all Muslims who can't live with others to die.
This. Muzzies seem to have this superiority complex of accommodating others.
hmmm will you lads still make me delicious curry ?
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>mfw no one in this thread has mentioned water resource as one of the major reasons to hold on to Kashmir
I don't give a damn about the pandits or the muzzies, I just need my mountain water supply.
>Muslims calling anyone rapist

Again hahahahahaha

Your prophet raped kids of both sexes muhaja poopedo
Ok I explain it to you.
#1. The wall was built right through families! I don't know if you can imagine how crazy that is.
#2. The wall wasn't removed by the Capitalistic Western citizens. In contrary we reckognized GDR as souvereign state.
#3. The "Alex" TV Tower of Berlin was the Strongest TV station in the world. We used it to Reach as much of GDR possible. So the GDR citizens were able to percieve how it is to live in a capitalist country. Also they were bombarded with comercials of goods they couldn't buy. So they them selfs destroyed the commuist system and the wall.

The renunification of Germany was basically done to prevent 18 million people to flood into West Germany by transfering as much money as possible to the East to have their status of living lifted.

It was a deal.
make more kashmir threads, and you will see more of us.
>exploit guilt and make profit over alleged Holocaust to create his country
>a Muslims Indian calling other brown, pedophiles, claiming others don't care about lives and calling much better places shitholes

Man you people have Zero self awareness, stop describing yourself and your shit land
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>alleged Holocaust
bring my tinfoil hat.
Fuck off
All ours, you will live on Ganga river ""jal"" soon
Naw we fought for it and won, something you're cowardly unwiped rape loving asshole will never know.
>gets autistic over sarcasm
Make it a DMZ where anyone trying to pass through is killed dead. Problem solved :^)
>no Indians coming in
>second generation neo-convert feels proud of his muzzie heritage
You keep posting WE WUZ stuff at everyone but what were Muslims? Nothing but war starting rapists
The last thing for independent kashmir is nuclear war
You won't get kashmir peacefully
We have enough of being peaceful
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>we care about the lives of our people
Kek. Sure you do.
>2nd generation
>his reliogion is literally LARPing
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>less than 800 people died
Compared to your riot that definitely is less and India stoked this fire
unironically, if today ME arabs stop bombing, ME will become peaceful.
>not drinking water which is the same colour as your skin
>being racist in 2016
Instead you drink the shit known as Islam.

Was your family forcefully converted or were you a low caste monkey who's message of no matter you are you can be a terrorist appealed to you?
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>matter you are you can be a terrorist
Stfu and get kicked out 110th time already
>I've never seen a terror attack where I live.
Where do you live? Has it beaches?

Pakis bomb the Kashmiris, too? Why?

But beeing more religious also dosn't help poorer European coutries to develop...

It's like saying I drink because I lost my job. Drinking won't get you a job.

The thing is that having a reason for your attitude doesn't make it a usefull attitude. And I'm pretty sure the tool of faith won't get anything fixed for you.

So why did that happen? And do you think there won't happen massacres, rapes and injustices in an independant kashmir? Do you think hindus and buddhists in Kashnmir are also that confident in believing that?
Give Kashmir independence and sign a treaty where every surrounding nuclear power will fire warheads to glass the whole place the second someone tries to annex it.
>bag full of poo and pee
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Need me some mountain water,
Need me some mountain grill,
Don't you dare upset our Modi,
Otherwise you will be kill.
Indonesians claim to have been so stupid to become Muslim on their own.
idk, for the lulz?
>whole place
No no
Make them glass each other
I really hate my ancestors for not being died in resisting Islamic jihadists now it's become a mess
So Kashmiris are getting fucked three ways and no one gives a shit?
You first pedo, have fun being Pakistan unwashed pawn.

Netanya, yes right by the beach. We have like 1% Muslim and rockets don't reach us.

We the more primitive the more Islam seems like an answer
Don't worry, I hate your ancestors for same
pakistan, yes.
india, muzzies in kashmir say so.
non-state actors, yes.
Rightful serbian land
>He looks like a pile of shit
>Thinks has an opinion


Sorry, I'm a child.
What's that little area in China? I mean, how the fuck is there disputed territory in a state as strong and centralized as China?

I mean, those little autonomous regions in Georgia I understand, but how the fuck does China have something like that? That would be like if there was a region in Texas that nobody knows if it's administered by the US or Mexico
Yeah act as a victim while we giving all kinds of aid
tbqh I would love to see an independent Kashmir, overrun by filthy mullahs and pakis, fucking it all up.
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it's a snow hellhole. Aksai Chin
Pajeet detected
You hate his ancestors for not preventing your ancesters getting forcefully converted by the Muslim Hordes ?
It's the city I live in. It's kinda shitty in some parts but nice where I am and no terror or Islam.
You guys are retards, you can make so much money by making the place touristy and allow the world to see the beauty of the place (it beats kiwiland in some photos and that's saying something).

Screw your history, culture, and religion. You guys are ruining the natural beauty of the place with your pointless fights.
You also sound like a miserable fuck in this thread so fuck you.
>why did that happen
Dunno, ask the Indian army
Pretty sure there won't be mass rapes and massacres
>think hindus and buddhists in Kashnmir are also that confident in believing that?
No buddhists in Kashmir,
That ship has sailed, pretty bad cuz some of them were bro tier
Kill some mudshits for these disgusting shit brown Pajeet mooslims
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Please teach us your ways.
>no terror or Islam
just crime
Muslims are professional land killers. Like a cancer it only destroys until there is nothing left.

Waiting for the day desu
What? Do you want Indians access to your land? Do you want to allow Indians to buy land in NZ?
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Rightful Sikh clay desu
>pakistan, yes.
>india, muzzies in kashmir say so.
>non-state actors, yes.
It's three times yes for me.

Also this thread.
A perfect example that people are made to get killed over non-issues.

I can't believe everybody is still sticking with the idea it's a conflict they can WIN. After so much time.
Thinking about it my head could explode.
Yep, but we aren't Muslim savages or blacks so no rape or random murders. Just drug dealing and gangs killing each other. Easy to avoid and not worse then most major cities.
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>Be Israeli
>Get stabbed by a Muslim
my grandmother had her phone snatched by motorbikers twice.
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>people claiming autonomy
Oh come on.
I'm afine to India. So what?

Also don't forget Ghandi rooting was on our side in WWII !
>be Muslim
>try to stab old lady
>they survive
>Muslim shot and killed
>families house torn down

Keep it up; less old people, Muslims, and shitty Arab houses. Eventually we'll turn Palestine into a crater again and go on to being superior to Arabs in every way.
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>Be Muslim
>Be bombed by Israel
>Treated like 2nd class human in Europe and US
>Pray to Gayllah that Iran doesn't bomb me
When was this? It was bad before but now a bunch of French and British moved in and turned the city into the next rich area of Israel.
>Be German
>Be Muslim

>Be Muslim
>Be German
I intended to make a joke about statesman Benjamin Netanjahu...
i'm an idiot...

>It's kinda shitty in some parts but nice where I am and no terror or Islam.
What kind of business do you have there?
>Be Indian
>Have a shitty life

>Be me
>Beat Arabs with my brothers up

Feels good 2bh
>"""people""" destined to rule independent Kashmir
Well he has a point in this post...
But I guess none of the related parties can see it...
>that weak attempt
I make websites and advertise for businesses online.

Nice, we're not so different after all
2 years ago, last year, I went to a party and I was told it was "crime central".
can't be worst than jaffa.
This shitstorm is pathetic

Why can't Kashmir be ruled jointly by Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists?
Yeah people say that, it still has a bad rep but it's getting better. What happened in Jaffa? Also do you know who the robbers were? We have mizrahi crime, Russian crime and Ethiopian crime in some areas but other areas are rich euro zones.
Ranjit, how is DC? What startup did you fool into hiring you? Or is it a family restaurant?
>Why can't Kashmir be ruled jointly by Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists?
There are no Buddhists in Kashmir and Hindus make up less than 5%
>using logic and data against these shalom islam bad gevalt people
Then what is this?>>53863460
>What happened in Jaffa?
too many Arabs
It's always Arabs and Pakis, never had problems with Turks
To the kashmiri maa ka loda posting here,

Even if you inbreds are granted independence, it will take weeks for Pakistan to attack you. Then don't come crying "my daughters and wife are getting raped by Porki lulli"

If you want to be a part of Paksitan, congrats on being such an utter idiot to be a part of a failed state willingly.

Maa ki choot tum kashmiriyon ki.

Indian army zindabad. Jai hind.
That's Ladakh, not Kashmir
Nuke mecca
Prove Muhammad was not prophet and Allah is his invention to enjoy world pleasures
Shalom, Islam is bad.

Ah yes, death to Arabs!
Gaand mara, Bihari
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Would you like to be part of india or pakistan?
you guys don't hate the regular Indian, d-do you? Would you share a cup of kahwa with someone from say Delhi, Rajasthan, Kerela or Mumbai?
>choosing between India or Pakistan
>I make websites and advertise for businesses online.
I mean what busines is natanya popular for?
Also I like the way it has beaches and a wall like coast. Would go climbing and swimming everyday.

>Nice, we're not so different after all
He is propably in a "Comradship". Muslims are never alone. You have to be prepared to take it up with a whole neighbourhood at once.
>Would you like to be part of india or pakistan?
After nuclear war Pakistan don't exist
The guy in this pic >>53864463 is you.
>"wow just let me say 'bihari' to anyone who disagrees with me"
>implying I'm even 1% bihari

Mehboooba sayeed ke muh mein lund, teri maa ki choot me bum
I don't hate regular Indian but when that regular Indian talks about Kashmir as it's his property I get filled with rage
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The Chinese are already doing it here, it's meeting with some moderate to heavy resistance though.

While, I am absolutely opposed to the idea of china owning land here, but if they keep the environment like how it is and leave us be (I doubt that but we are one of their biggest dairy exporters), I wouldn't have much of a problem.

Let's say if Australia suddenly started saying that we belong to them because we're all white, and this starts a war between them and China, I would most likely choose China because if Aussie is roleplaying Pakistan, they would be in an absolute mess and would fuck our beautiful region up.

Of course in reality, Aussies and us are poofters together and fuck China but I think you can see my point. Choose the lesser evil and make your region beautiful and welcoming.
Do what Chandragupta Maurya would do
All I know is its a shame the two great shit states of India and Pakistan haven't nuked each other over it yet.
Are you a Paki slave or just the regular Arab sub human ?
>Ah yes, death to Arabs!
And it's the jews fault you know?
You created the very first Arab!

Just saying.
omg you owned me so bad

Chutiyon ke paas rebuttal hai nahi, shitposting pe utar aaye
>Mehboooba sayeed ke muh mein lund, teri maa ki choot me bum
1 Bihari
100 Bimari
No Nigger in West Germany and not in some Nazi shit.
I just hate Arabs and have Turk/Kurd friends who hate Arabs as well
Real estate, the euros are buying here like crazy and starting little stores and turning it from a bydlo place to little France. In 2020 this City is supposed to be the next big city of Israel. I go to the beach here whenever the sun is out, best part of the city. 5 minute walk for me. I even enjoy that crime parts of my city because it scares Arabs away who often get beaten here.
Kashmir belongs to Pakistan when 200 million Muslims leave India and you become kashmiri
>galiyon ka rebuttal
Bihari confirmed
Bihari seedhe baat kar
>I don't give a damn about the pandits or the muzzies, I just need my mountain water supply.
There are UN Rules about the rights of to take water from rivers. The River doesn't belong to the guy that owns it's spring.
You get to use only as much water as shares of the lentgh of the river on your land. And you have to ensure it passes the border unpolluted unless you live at the outlett of the river.

So water is no issue.
No no no, Venkataraman. Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris, not our neighbours to the west. All this talk, and you haven't learned a thing. How typical.
Go and cry in bathroom
I(we all) covert to Islam rather than giving up kashmir
>He's thinking Indians won't fuck it up
Kya pee liye tune? Chutiya hogaya hai? Tatti dimaag pe Chad gayi?
>Tatti dimaag pe Chad gayi?
I don't really care if they fuck you guys up, I just care about the environment of the place. You guys are temporary, we all are, stop fucking around and let me have chance to visit the place.

Make your minds up, that's what I'm saying. Of course, I realise you want an independent state/country of your own but you will be cucked beyond belief by two heavily industrialized countries (China and India) while having a knife on your throat by the pakis. It's probably best if you choose a country and stick with them with an iron clad contract (supervised by the UN) saying not to fuck you shit up. Out of all the countries possible, I see India as the best.
>There are UN Rules
Things don't always go according to the rulebook in case of war or even escalated tensions.
The Indus Water Treaty is a major source of concern for the Pakistanis.
I'm planning to dig up my house in case of nuclear fallout
No offense Kasmiri bro but yours is a lost cause. Despite what you think, you are not going get independance. Neither India nor Pakistan will give up what they already have. I wouldn't be surprised if they work together in the future to hold on to their territories. And you can rule out gaining independance by force. Who will fight for you? India never invaded Pakistan and never will. Pakistan tried 3 times and never did. You can't start a revolution either..both sides of the border are heavily militarized. Pakistan will react exactly like they did with Bangladesh and kill anyone who wants independance. And India will nuke Kashmir before they let anyone have it.
>wow let me call anyone who differs from me Bihari
>ammi that'll show them kek

Ahmed your break's over. Now go back to selling Pashmina shawls on the streets
Are you that gay Sikh? I have a strong feeling that you are.
You have strange feelings desu
good thread

resolved the issue

pajeet saves the day yet again
>families house torn down
But what happens to that family afterwards? Can't they rebuild their house? They obviously need some place to live as long as you don't dare going full genocide and kill their families as well.
>tfw I make a thread and cause a mess
Why can't you just discuss it peacefully? Is it impossible for you?
This Tbh
The situation is fucked
>talk about Kashmir
Good luck with that there will be more shit flinging in the thread than there is on the streets of Bihar.
Kiwi speaks the truth. Nuke Kashmir and start over.
ur mum wants it so she can lie down somewhere cause she is that fat that she needs a whole region as a bed
when the fuck is India gonna drive away porkis and chinks from Kashmir? Kashmir has and always will be Indian territory
Again, not yours to nuke.
>yfw article 370 will never be redacted
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>Kashmir has and always will be Indian territory
Would you please say that in Indian?
will vocaroo in a bit, la. hold on, k?
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