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need more finns throat singing desu


bit funky on the subject/noun/object sequence
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what's Wisconsin
you kinda sound like you're getting drunk and can't hold back the injun accent anymore :r)
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I don't think they've allowed internet up there since Red Lake
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why though
is this hard or am I a lazy shit?

don't hide youh heritage, join the paneurasian masterrace


No I have been trying to do it for about 2 years now and can almost get the whistle sounds. It's fucking hard.
why are you trying to speak like characters in Fargo

you only need some "YA YOU BETCHA" to be 100%
you just need to keep gong at it

At first it'll hurt your throat like a bitch, but evetually it'll get easier.

Also, the key thing is listening to actual throat singing and trying to emulate it

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ah, okay. back to keep practicing then.
i wonder if this is similar to how death metal growling is

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it makes me so proud we lost at Legnica and mongols enriched us
nah, it's different

growling is a bit more agressive and kinda further along the throat/mouth or something....

reverb literally makes everything better
I've always done better in speaking tests than writing so I'll put it in google translate to get the pinyin and read it from that
Are you a southaboo?
hmm, you're right
i can't do that either anyway ;_;
but throatsinging seems way more difficult

can't really say since I never learned growling
keep in mind you'll literally need years before getting to mongolian levels

my boipussi is wet now
I think I understand
I thought 哈哈哈 or something like it was the equivalent
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*I want someone with a deep manly voice to sing some animu song
*I want someone with a weak boyish voice to sing Soviet army songs
*I want a grill to sing Marty Robbins

if these three won't be completed before the end of the thread, /int/ is delegalised

There's also hhhhh which I believe expresses laughter as well
yeah, i'm aware
thanks for the guide, friend.

ran out of beer and wine, on cooking rum now tвh
I ended up googling 哈哈哈 today for something but didn't know about 呵呵呵 and 233.
That will probably be useful at some point. Thanks
It's the first time when I ever write on 4 chan. I just wanna tell you that I love how your voice sounds and how you sing :3 Can you do more?
Nî hâo
granate na hrvate moj brate
Post some Icelandic my white friend
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pls halp, Ireland keeps talking about the IRA and it's starting to frighten me.
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that isn't even a pinyin tone mark
Ef maður ríður óléttri konu getur maður þá snert barnið með typpinu?
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Thanks a lot Alex, but the only reason i got that rusty voice was some phegm being stuck in my throat after smoking a cigarette, and it's there no more.
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damn, and I was just transliterating some anime shit

you'll get what's coming to you!
Its like the 3rd tone mark but upside down
well yea it's like the 3rd tone mark, but it isn't a tone mark
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od bihaća
do petrovca sela
can you pretty please finish all that song :3 ? i don't like the youtube version..and yours is waaaay better and sexier :3
How did i do?
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za dom spermi*
Wow that's perfect
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turn the kebab up to 11 :r)

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>tfw trst will never be albanian
I already knew what it was gonna be before I even clicked the link. 10/10


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>tfw 20 but still sound like you're 16
how to roll r
Thanks m8. Could you recommend me any good/interesting Icelandic books?

Your language is fucking beautfiul btw
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ask kot "kot how R"
kot say "it's just a matter of letting your tongue vibrate instead of producing a fricative, leave me alone"
ask kot "what you say"
kot say "what's wrong with you slavshits"
I don't know how to describe it to be honest. I guess put your tongue on the roof of your mouth and make a purr noise without the "p"
Say "water". Congratulations, you rolled your r
Don't press the tip of your tongue on your hard palate. Press both sides of your tongue on your upper teeth and keep the tip of your tongue free. Then use a burst of air to vibrate the tip of your tongue.


t. had phonetics class


Fucking hell man, did you at any moment in your life try to swallow a live porcupine?
I'm 18 and sound like I'm 13
kot will you fight against the burgeois elements within our society?

but Americans have beards at 13
Put your tongue on the top of your mouth and push up with it while forcing air over it.
The UK
south east you fucking manslag
Tylko jestem polakiem
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Rate pls
I sound more northern and I'm from fucking Poland

you're a London rapebaby
die lancs, york will rise again

nvm, I fucked up my british accents and geography
post your voice lad
>>53646my nearest city is liverpool. not a scouser tho, sorry!
>That accent
Please swear
meant for >>53646548
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what dya want me to say?
Wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked ova 300 chocolate globbernaughts frum tha corner shop. im trained in street fitin' & im the strongest foker in tha entire newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil bellend w/ a fit mum & fakebling. ill waste u and smash a fokin bottle oer yer head bruv, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can fokin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wanka. im callin me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper scrap. A roomble thatll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it. yer a waste bruv. me crew be all over tha place & ill beat ya to a proper fokin pulp with me fists wanka. if i aint satisfied w/ that ill borrow me m8s cricket paddle & see if that gets u the fok out o' newcastle ya daft kunt. if ye had seen this bloody fokin mess commin ye might a' kept ya gabber from runnin. but it seems yea stupid lil twat, innit? ima ****e fury & ull drown in it m8. ur ina proper mess knob.

Blackburn or Preston? :r)
wirral mate, between wales and liverpool. talk about a rock and a hard place eh
isn't wirral one of the places with the biggest amount of viking dna on the isles
i hear ya m8, everything between leeds and birmingham should be nuked :r)
tried to do it without laughing bruv
yeah man, loads of places that end in "by". big viking thing apparently. frankby, irby, greasby, pensby, proper vikings round here lad
r8 my bong
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hueaeuoheuhaoe fucking hell that's glorious

seppos innit
fooking london poofter innit lad

A Nigerian on 4chan? I guess you don't have to worry about getting ebola, since a 4channer is always too autistic to ever leave his home.
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Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, or Fulani?
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You crafty turks
try guess this
Sorry I'm not really a weeb, I've probably watched like 10 series.

>tfw no deep voice
babs, what did you do to Nigel?

I hope his anus is safe...
so... this is what BBC sounds like.. woah
>tfw no hot italian stallion bf

Me and Nigel broke up, we're not in a relationship anymore. I'm with Ireland now.
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You're missing one of the few actually worth watching brah
No you're fucking not.
for fucks sake, I leave for 16 months and everything changes :r)

sshhh, dont fite it.. just... just let it happen...
which song is that?
> no one actually posting texts to say
10 January at 14:23 ·
To the two girls who thought it was a good idea to put superglue on a toilet in MacDonald's and as a result of severe physical & mental injuries to a four year old child!
Your about to be named and shamed..
Nothing but pathetic little girls!!!
You asked for it, here's a beautiful text from one of Dilma's many inspiring speeches:

Se hoje é o Dia das Crianças, ontem eu disse que criança… o dia da criança é dia da mãe, do pai e das professoras, mas também é o dia dos animais. Sempre que você olha uma criança, há sempre uma figura oculta, que é um cachorro atrás, o que é algo muito importante.
Knock yourself out

Exsistat igitur ex hac ipsa familia aliquis ac potissimum Caecus ille; minimum enim dolorem capiet qui istam non videbit. Qui profecto, si exstiterit, sic aget ac sic loquetur: “Mulier, quid tibi cum Caelio, quid cum homine adulescentulo, quid cum alieno? Cur aut tam familiaris fuisti ut aurum commodares, aut tam inimica ut venenum timeres? Non patrem tuum videras, non patruum, non avum, non proavum, non abavum, non atavum audieras consules fuisse; non denique modo te Q. Metelli matrionium tenuisse sciebas, clarissimi ac fortissimi viri patriaeque amantissimi, qui simul ac pedem limine extulerat, omnis prope civis virtute, gloria, dignitate superabat? Cum ex amplissimo genere in familiam clarissimam nupsisses, cur tibi Caelius tam coniunctus fuit? cognatus, adfinis, viri tui familiaris? Nihil eorum.
You sound like a 15 year old Bane.
am I a small guy?
I want to hear someone try to pronounce this Shanghainese sentence:



Oh yeah, I remember you. Whatcha been up to? Wanna poker with me, Ireland, and Pierre?
for me
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The Emperor: Come, boy, see for yourself. From here, you will witness the final destruction of the Alliance and the end of your insignificant rebellion.
[Luke's eyes go to his lightsabre]
The Emperor: You want this, don't you? The hate is swelling in you now. Take your Jedi weapon. Use it. I am unarmed. Strike me down with it. Give in to your anger. With each passing moment you make yourself more my servant.
Luke: No.
The Emperor: It is unavoidable. It is your destiny. You, like your father, are now mine.

The Emperor: [to Luke] Good! Use your aggressive feelings, boy. Let the hate flow through you!

The Emperor: If you will not be turned, you will be destroyed!
[shoots Luke with Force lightning]
The Emperor: Young fool... Only now, at the end, do you understand...
[the Emperor shoots at Luke with more Force lighting]
The Emperor: Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.
[shoots Luke with another burst of Force lighting]
The Emperor: Now, you will pay the price for your lack of vision!
[shoots more Force lighting]
nothing much, just ITing away...

>Wanna poker with me, Ireland, and Pierre?
Not right now, after 5 beers, 0.5L of wine and 5 hours of a vocaroo thread I don't think I have the bluff capabilities :r)
Post hungarian desu desu
Egy mágustól lestem, festem a testem!
Nyerő az erő, míg az ész felemelő!
Agyam alatt az alap izmom, ha dagad...
Abból fakad minden baj, ha egyszer elapad!
Apropó! Én nem vagyok naplopó!
Tele a markom! Tartom a kardom!
Ha jó, ha nem, ha muszáj:
Hívjatok úgy: Szomorú szamuráj!
>after 5 beers, 0.5L of wine

dude that's literally the perfect thing for the poker room. we all try to get drunk, it makes it more fun.
The weird way you spoke in the end reminds me of a high uruguayan who read a text i posted some time ago. I don't know why but i find it so funny when spanish speakers speak like that
the non-fun thing is, I'm out of alcohol, so it's either a kebab or the bed in about 15 min

I'll stop by for a poker session some other time, sooner than in 16 month, I promise
R8 old Hungarian

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They're not mutually intelligible but how does Mandarin sound to Shanghainese and vice versa?
bretty good

:D alright man. hopefully we'll do it earlier tomorrow, and maybe more people will be there like Errol Finn and Nigel, so if you're not doing anything you should stop by.
Not bad. A few things to remember: 看看 in Shanghainese is pronounced more like "ku ku" instead of "kan kan", and 我 isn't pronounced wo, but ngu.

You can hear some similarities in pronunciation. Unfortunately, some young people in Shanghai can't speak Shanghainese well or at all due to the government's push of Mandarin, but in recent times there has been an improving effort to change that.

If a Mandarin speaker lives in Shanghai for a while and listens to Shanghainese conversations, they'll probably be able to understand the gist of conversations after a while.
yeah, I was trying mandarin, didn't realize you said shanghainese
if you dont how to roll the r, how do you pronounce roll or rabbit for example?
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Wait what, that is how spanish speakers imitate brazilians? hueheuhauoehaouehoaue not bat at all Tbh, though that is how people from São Paulo speak
What is this, r9k?
Like http://static.sfdict.com/staticrep/dictaudio/R00/R0002900.mp3
You're never supposed to roll it in English
Social interaction for autists, the anatheme to r9k
i see...
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I was trying to speak with a brazilian accent, that's how you sound to me
How do I make my voice more masculine?
r8 please
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Nice. Are you Shanghainese?
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Lel i know, i'm not saying that's a bad impression, it's just that i never heard a foreigner doing a brazilian accent
Nah. Just put it on google translate and read your post about how Shanghainese pronounce it differently. Also, there's tons of Chinese where I live.
Ah, ok. Was wondering if you were a heritage speaker or something.

You used the Mandarin pronunciations, but still, not bad.
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It is now that a faggot like you are here.
Thanks m8. I just put it on Google translate on "Chinese". I would research the differences and try to pronounce it in Shanghainese if I didn't have to go somewhere in 10 minutes.

why are you in france again?

He left the UK to be with even more arrogant people.
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and how did you like it?
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> Me and Nigel broke up

Oh thank god, his warped mind has deemed it time to stalk someone else.


Goodluck, I mean it
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Why do you hurt me, Nigel? ;_;
give me something to say also where is Minnesota girl

For the same reason every Brit would try and hurt an American, I'm jealous of your teeth.


Give me your best Brit accent, proper authentic like.

Use >>53648132
Bonsoir les gars


That gave me feels, I should really call my family
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>For the same reason every Brit would try and hurt an American, I'm jealous of your teeth.
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me gusta mucho muchacho
please say this with your thickest brazilian accent possible:
Falar com ele é fácil, quero ver meu ovo. Deus Disse: faça por onde que eu te ajudarei, estão vamo fazeno, vamo pulano, dancinha da bundinha até o chão
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Somebody give me an English text to read.
I tried
He was my friend, faithful and just to me:
But Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
He hath brought many captives home to Rome
Whose ransoms did the general coffers fill:
Did this in Caesar seem ambitious?
When that the poor have cried, Caesar hath wept:
Ambition should be made of sterner stuff:
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And Brutus is an honourable man.
You all did see that on the Lupercal
I thrice presented him a kingly crown,
Which he did thrice refuse: was this ambition?
Yet Brutus says he was ambitious;
And, sure, he is an honourable man.
I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke,
But here I am to speak what I do know.


Me and Pierre have been chatting it up by ourselves for the past hour. Good times.

I'll join later perhaps
>I'll join later perhaps
>3 in the morning

huehuahueaheueah that's great
Disregard the shitty Brit accent. Reading Shakespeare like an American is just weird to me.

I'm slightly drunk so reading was hard, stuttered a couple of times

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Got what an absolutely grating voice that woman has.

I average 3 hours at night but have a little nap in the mid afternoon if needed. I've never been an 8 hour guy, unless I'm hungover.7

Seriously though, could you listen to her voice for a couple of hours on the radio? Are most voices that grating?

I don't listen to radio here it is fucking horrible. I only listened to Opie and Anthony/Ron and Fez until they both went under.
Did they get together again or the old podcasts?
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Which do you mean? Opie and Jim are still going but it sucks, Anthony cumia has in own show but it sucks.

Ron and Fez is done and Ron's doing his own show with Centaur Hicks and his daughter, it's not bad but I don't like it.

Either way I only listen to the older shit for both.
why are you still alive?
Who can pronounce this:
Ty che mraz' blyad kak chort suka a? Pitushyna obossanaya
Yeah I meant O&A. Didn't expect Anthony's podcast to disappoint me that much, love that guy. Maybe he only shines when he's with that other tool
I can pronounce it, but not correctly

No, he just needs a good 2nd mic. Whenever nick dipaolo or jimmy was on they are a good listen.

Go listen to Nopie shows, they are still good.
that was pretty good actually

What do you mean?
No idea what the cadence would be like. http://vocaroo.com/i/s0qLTXTFZy7h
I thought you got beheaded in your disgusting France many months ago
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I see you're still pissed because i never took up your invitation for a beer
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back from the bar, just threw up all over my bathroom and carpet. Mission accomplished.

That's very extroverted for a Finn.
>We're your friends
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