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Thread replies: 377
Thread images: 115

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scots out edition
not cara
Whiteness is not just about skin colour. It's about who is privileged by white/western society and who is shunned. Syrians are not white.
I'm sorry, but what is actually wrong with having a homogenous society? Like, if you actually think about it, what makes it so bad and what exactly is so "vibrant" about multiculturalism? What does it really matter how many different races there are in your society. You'll never meet them or interact with them. Who gives a fuck?
business idea: instead of shagging birds just move your hand up and downards on your willy in the same sort of motion a girl would with her fanny

can't believe i never thought of this before
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How can people be this delusional
that's the worst music ive ever heard
subhuman slavs aren't white
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>subhuman slavs aren't white
t. Scum
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Maisie Williams
i'm so tired of "swag"...swag is really killing lots of people, making lots and lots of people globally experience ongoing instability.
Is Rowan Arkinson really a brit?

He looks like his mother was a goblin.
>some people on here sit around mocking the political opinions of an 18 year old girl as if they'd ever make sense

are you also literal children yourselves or just have nothing better to do?
CONSWAGULATIONS. You a swag bitch who I'd 100% whip with. Send this to your top ten baddest bitches to let them know they're trill as hell. If you don't send this on within 5 hours your $wag game will suffer for the next 10 years
I really don't give a fuck about whether David Bowie is dead or not. He is just some white celebrity who once announced support for Fascism. When authorities seized Nazi memorabilia from him in 1976, they should have just shot him.
cold out
Stop children-shaming you utter complete pillock capitalist scum white imperialist nationalist fascist oppressor
he literally had a black wife
>cousin lives in Ilkley
>its white as fuck
>everyone is good looking
>no fatties
>qt town
>actual countryside in the surrounding area
>food is excellent
>beautiful pubs
>wasn't attacked by chavs or Muslims
>people owned guns and were generally right wing

I believed the memes, I'm sorry.

he's just ugly but his dark features indicate his ancestry is native briton, as in the people before celts and saxons.
'Atlantids' from Spain and south-west France migrated up into the islands. Also explains why a lot of Irish have dark hair and skin (no, the few spanish sailors from the armada didn't cause that)
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If Rotherham did nothing but make people tut for 2 weeks, then cologne will do nothing for the brexit
He does it for free?
Colonel, what's a 4chan janitor doing here?
so that explains orlando bloom
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>this 19th century nonsense
Ricky Gervais has a 2:1 honours degree in philosophy from University College London, which makes all American degrees look like soggy toast. Listen, and learn.
>tfw /pol/ memeing about 'trans-niggers' has become real

that board needs to be shut down, it's got too much power
according to wiki his mother is Indian so i don't think so.
How to fix regional flag??????
Reminder that the left genuinely detest you, your family and everyone you love


>tfw mine is a bit bigger
wew lad, don't let londoners see this post

no, this was confirmed in a recent study mate. the victorians were clearly on to something.
The globalists want everyone to be the same
Is Idris Elba Anglo?
oh give it a rest
Is it possible to use WhatsApp as a group messenger with strangers or is that just not on socially-speaking lads
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here's a tip lads: if you need to get something done, make a to-do list - it's surprisingly motivating
We need to break the link between refugee status and being able to live in a rich western country. Surely the UK and France own some islands somewhere where we could send all refugee claimants so they could have refuge until they get sent home? Just because your country is shit doesn't mean you should get to live in a good country.
>Nazi's cant appreciate POC
Fuck off, Jesse Owens got to ride the bus in the same seats as White people in Germany
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>Scots out
Getting out of bed
106 men have run 100m in under 10 seconds

1 is of north african descent
1 is a white european
1 is chinese
1 is mixed white/abo australia
102 are black

But remember, race is skin deep.
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good post
i might actually do this
What if I need motivation to make a to-do list?
all me
Yo barbarians
When people do things like psychology or philosophy at uni, what kind of career are they aiming for? Do they all end up as teacher? Where the fuck does a Fine Art degree get you?
Gotta love how Commies always overlook the Khmer Rogue, Holodomor and Great Leap foward.
Make "make a to-do list" #1 on your to-do list

good one
type that in your gay scottish language haha

>wat tae fack n owzstralyn awt

haha fucking hell
Commies should really stop using twitter since twitter promotes capitalism
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chatting w/ the oneitis
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>Khmer Rogue, Holodomor and Great Leap foward.
All full of capitalist exploiters and fascists. No loss there.
>"It's not wrong, we're just using tools available to spread our ideals"
>libertarians make a government petition
But Libertarians believe in some form of government lad
Getting a philosophy degree nulls any worth graduating from UCL has
My mates who did philosophy are now a digital marketer, a publisher, an international charity worker, and a team manager in a startup respectively. Then again, they all had at least 2:1s from a top 10 uni, which is more important than subject.
>tfw you suddenly feel happy, content, and in awe of the wondrousness of God's creation
I know that. That's what 'communists' posted on twitter though, they ridiculed a libertarian petition in their little circle and then all went later on to say 'nuh uh we can use phones and social media and stuff! it's allowed!' without realised how hypocritical they were
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then there is no hope for you
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you both sound like a pair of melts
Tipping Point is shit. I prefer 1000 Heartbeats.
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>Have girls who confessed their attraction to me whilst I had a gf
>Me and the gf split ways
>Said girls are no longer attracted to me
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sort of screwed yourself there
when i see my naked body at the mirror i get an erection... why?
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what does fucking a woman feel like
i dont know
someday i will lose my virginity with a hooker
>It's about time England was able to celebrate being English at sporting events,
That's racist 2bh
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native women, but they will crack down on right wingers that are pissed off.
>German police said Tuesday they have arrested 211 far-right extremists who went on a rampage on the sidelines of a xenophobic rally in Leipzig, setting cars on fire and smashing windows.
>Germany has been outraged by a rash of crime targeting women at New Year's festivities in Cologne in the west that has been blamed on migrants.
>In return, left-wing radicals vandalised a bus that had been chartered by the hooligans, police said.
No word if any left wing activists were arrested.
>Germany has recorded a sharp jump in crime attributed to the far-right in tandem with the surge in asylum seeker arrivals which reached 1.1 million last year.
>Police said groups linked to Cologne's extremist hooligan scene had used social media to organise gatherings in the inner city Sunday evening, and launched a spate of attacks against Pakistani, Syrian and African men.
>"We are the people", "Resistance!" and "Deport them!", chanted the followers of LEGIDA, the local chapter of xenophobic group Pegida, the "Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of the Occident".
>"Then these Muslim refugees started their wholesale terror attack against German women, against blonde, white women," she said to loud boos from the crowd.
>One sign mocked Merkel's "We can do it" motto on the refugee influx, saying "You can't even secure a train station".
>that lot will do anything to avoid working until retirement
Is that sentence awkwardly stated or it's about my retarded english skills?
read the talmud
wouldn't mind i vow to thee as the anthem
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>be at the pub with my friends last night
>talking about where we want to live in the future
>typical lefty nonsense "oh i wanna live in london cos it's so diverse and multicultural"
>explain how i want to live in an >99% white upper class village
>they start attacking me, think i hate all immigrants etc
>now ostracized

normie logic, not even once.
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>"You can't even secure a train station".

like a soggy flesh nozzle
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Innocent smoothies half off at Waitrose lads. I know they aren't actually healthy but they taste good desu
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>he can't joke with his m8s about some areas of London might as well be Islamabad
>all normies are lefties
Fuck off twat

Most people are so brainwashed that they don't even realise they're perpetuating a hard left agenda

Normies do not "think". They let social conventions and media think for them.
pls no trany :((
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that time of day AGAIN when the old computer goes a comfy snug orange tint


I sucked it lad, it was BIG and veiny
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Poleaboo got a 38 on his driving mock again

his mum brought him a plate of onion rings and cheese pasties to the computer
Lads I just want that feeling where you get under that quilt on a freezing cold day
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>Potterlad on Undateables
Saw a girl like this the other day but she was a womanlet so I didn't bother
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Just happened to me, I actually prefer the orange tint
>when you browse in the morning and it turns into that harsh blue colour
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Is she actually a tranny or???
fedoras are against homosexuality?
>doesn't believe in GOD

british men are so masculine.
Waiting in the airport for my flight to liverpool, going to the arsenal game later
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Clever image
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>Clever image
>believes in G*d
Rasheed believes in G*d, they just call him Allah
>Live in Wales
>Automatic Labour seats
>Labour could literally sit in their underwear watching Jeremy Kyle all day instead of canvassing because they know Wales vote labour
>I vote UKIP in the General Election
>Bunch of labour people walking door to door
>Open the door, they ask for my name and ask who I voted for
>Slight smirk on his arrogant pedophile Marxist face
>he writes something down next to my name

Did I get put on a list, lads?
S-see you there.
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>>Clever image

you're going in the gulag when Sara becomes PM
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>>>Clever image

I have to go to lecture now
Let's hope they go bananas for us!
He put Rorke next to your name and had a laugh with all the qts, such as Sara and Aisha, on twitter later that day
might be going for a drink with a (female) friend later
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Labour strongholds are losing slowly lad
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>I answer the door for cold callers
greggs gave me a free slice of chocolate cake with my purchase

memes for this feel?
Yes. They will have sent someone out during the night with a list of all right wing voters and they'll have made a mark on the street in front of your house with UV ink.

Once Corbyn comes to power he'll then know which houses to send assassination squads to in the Great Cleansing.
spoiler that shit
Wuu2 lads?
>he gets free chocolate
did you get called racist
In hindsight, doing all those drugs was a poor choice
don't understand it 2bh
maybe because they're closing soon and have to get rid
They're not allowed to do that
Drinking some coffee whilst debating what game to play
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>tfw you accidently turn fl.ux off and the screen burns your eyes
What are the options?
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you started the thread wars didn't you?
That lot would normally be replaced by they. It's unusual, but still grammatically correct.
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hey lads, vaginas are uglies?

i see a lot of them in videos and are uglies

and im not even gay

reading a book about china-us relations
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>dad walks in
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Doesn't he sound british?
>and then there were two
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EU Tax Dollars at work folks
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is it possible to write music despite knowing fuck all about it haha (LMAO)

never even touched a guitar wahey
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>tfw physical cosmology exam friday morning

don't know anything lads

cumonprintedpics, love that place
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Wish I was a waterhead so I could go on the Undateables and get a gf.
watching Orphan Black on netflix lads

>This has happened to me too!!!!! And I'm 15 in one of the pictures it's absolutely sick! And the things that the profiles are saying are disgusting. This needs to be shut down!!!
how do people get fat/ripped in prison? don't they get fed shit?
oneitis just posted a 9gag link on facebook
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>god isnt real
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Would you a night elf?
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>g*d isnt real
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>oneitis just posted a 9gag link on facebook
From watching Orange is the New Black it seems you can buy junk food from a little prison shop if you want it. Brenny probably does that.
Don't know about fat but they get ripped because there's little else to do but lift
I thought they got fed a really nutritious meal that will let you function as well as humanly possible due to laws about human rights or something
Boarding my flight lads, next time I post in this will be under a Union Jack.
>oneitis linked me to a post on tumblr
>over 12k followers on Instagram
>running out of ideas on what to post
I'm going to lose my e-celeb fame soon :(
yeah but unless you're eating at a surplus you won't be putting on mass

people get steroids, heroin and other stuff in prison all the time

dale cregan got hold of a phone and he's in solitary 23hrs a day
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He eats his own cum
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>he will never get back in time for wrestlemania
Unironically yes
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>That's right, I have a "oneitis"

In reality you already are.
Finished watching Up lads.

After the feely bit at the start the rest was just a boring generic Disney film with one more feely bit.
Why are you flying la? Can't you just drive across the border?
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important man.jpg
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Told you, the rest of the movie is shit. Opening emotional scene is stellar and the rest is standard disney flick
>I don't believe in G-d
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they're out to get (You)
Mixed opinions desu
Another one
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>Guy with a literal pig nose gets a date with a qt
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>non Scottish people who use the word 'lad'
I find pig noses cute 2bh
Fuck the British monarchy and the queen
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>are you just gonna sit there anon?

The comments on IRA songs are gold haha
>Non-english people who speak English
>Swedes who think they know what they're talking about
Fuck Britannia and all that flag stands for!! rape, murder,child abusers and greedy sick bastards!! Hail Hail

*unzips dick*
Uuhhh sorry haha
*begins shaking violently in pure anxious autism*
I g-gotta go
is her knickers the same pattern as her skirt or is it attached to the skirt?
It probably varies from state to state. I once read a thing where this guy said everyone in prison was fat because they are fed shit and not allowed exercise equipment since its a possible weapon.
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Just asked out the oneitis and she said we could do something next week.
bit haram that
Those aren't her knicks you knob haha
>I come from The Netherlands but my place is Ireland, I want to live there as I am aduld and fight in the IRA because Ireland is an republic and whole the island must be that!!!
>next week
My condolences
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Had a weird dream where the world was ending and I was set up to see a dominatrix but I pussied out.
>I'm ashamed to be English
>I pay £30,000 for a piece of paper that says i can do thing

She'll have had 50 chad cocks in her mouth by then.
to the jjb manager:

bad bad bait
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Fuck Taigs
woah i thought it was just my town that despised eastern europeans
holy shit, they knew how to make some bombs... isis should take notes.
>/brit/ gets more lively
Runts just got out of school I see
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posting a good image
Come out you black and tans,
Come out and fight me like a man,
Show your wife how you won medals down in Flanders;
Tell her how the IRA made you run like hell away,
From the green and lovely lanes of Killeshandra.
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I hope she's not just saying that and will say she's busy last minute or pretend I didnt try contacting her.
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did you just wake up la? siesta?
I think it's called a skort.
If it was up to me, I would have gone with shirt.
when in rome, get pissed with the boys
Hate when girls do that
Makes me want to assault them
time takes a cigarette
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Aussies, can I claim this back?
what region are you?
Type it exactly as it appears on this page


without the .png file extension

here's one of the girls crying about "perverts" on the facebook thread
>Isle of Anglesey
Bullshit do you live there
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alri lads
make like a tree and jog on
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the gf and I

all brits take a listen
Ah yes very impressive
fuck off
Rydw i'n byw yn Rhosneigr
Crayon pop was a mistake
-Chrome entertainment
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Bless you
>He's actually Welsh
My condolences

>These meals cost £1(one) each

wew lad
>I put lewd pictures of myself on the internet and then I found out people were actually LOOKING at them
>tfw tried trinusvr with my google cardboard knock off
>tfw fill sick within a minute

don't think vr is for me

great song
>loving thatcher
>being irish

just get the fuck out
babby's first wolfe tones song
Same, tried the oculus dev kit at an electronics expo like a year back. Made me motion sick as FUCK
I unironically want to visit thailand (and probably some other SEA countries), seems like an interesting place to visit.
listen to the song you mong
>he doesn't love thatcher
Good thing it'll take another 10 years before it's any decent, they'll probably have cured motion sickness by then haha
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Janny should ban all the extra flags benders
doing a very late reply
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idris ebla hehe
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>"Hey anon you live near me why don't you come with me and my mate on a car pool instead of the bus?"
>Oh cool okay guess this will be cheaper and faster
>He drives like a fucking maniac

Oh God I'm going to end up dead or paralysed.
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How can I achieve this look?
Janny should ban all /sp/ migrators
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>Oh you go the same way as me? want a lift?
>Doesn't check either way turning in to a t-junction
>doing 40 on icey roads
>le thatcher oppressed the poor irish people :'(
the funny thing is she was very pro peace process and was hated by unionists for this, but taigs are still butthurt because she wouldn't cozy up with terrorists and wasn't phased when wee bobby didn't eat his din dins
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How can I achieve this gaze from a woman?
Janny should rename /brit/ to /shit/ lol
Do people not realise they drive like retards?
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Call the police on him before you get in the car
Sorry m8 I choose life.


Just be yourself.
>handegg reaction image
goooooood thread
bad timing
I hope janny bans your thread for lying to me, scum.
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Fuck off nerd

>Not liking based handegg
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laughing whore.webm
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They will get another referendum and vote yes.
Why are we even talking abouy this?
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Took the lava lamp halfway up my bp this time lads
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london is full for fucks sake

have you seen how much construction there is near battersea? i don't want to live in a london that contains 10, 11, 12 million people
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me and the gf
anyone have the gif or video of those lads jumping up and down the hallway at what looked like a university campus or hotel?
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>""""""based"""""" handegg
gee sure bill i love me 30 second plays in between 10 minutes of replays and 30 minutes of adverts yeeeeehaw
Why tf not. What difference does it make to you if there's more people?
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might start a posting terrible grime songs in other generals gimmick
>90 minutes of Manlet benders running around
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love this but can't relate to it because never had a gf haha
Poleaboo doesn't understand why people keep grassing him up
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ordinary yorkshire lad.jpg
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British Imperial War March.webm
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this one lad?
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literal yank detected
f u c k o f f
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britain yes.jpg
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"white" people

living in overcrowded places is bad for your health. more congestion, more pollution, more JFs.
haha, best gif ever made. cheers
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most watched sport in the world = entertaining
poor froglets tbqh, sad
fun fact: this was made at 4am in halls the night before a big exam
Difference is pakis "rape" teenagers, not babies, you sick cunt

You would suck ronaldo off given the chance

I would and I'm not even gay
Dunno about your place but theres no more people living in my house
ah yes most impressive
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>7 (You)s
Cheers lad
who /skelly mode/ here?

Genually like this lads
you used to say 38 38
nowadays youre about 38 38

sometimes people leave their house to go to other places within the city

if that travel takes you longer because 1 million brown people live between you and your destination your quality of life has been reduced
>236k dislikes
what? why?
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#crip #Gangsta #meme #pepe.jpg
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I got cr'nack, yeah, I got cr'nack
Got that cr'nack, yeah, I got cr'nack
Started from the trap, now I rap
No matter where I'm at, I got crack
Miley hate train
whys bradley walsh always making fun of paki rape
He's laughing at the ordinary Yorkshire lads not the paki rape
stupid fucking video probably

the tune is actually not bad if she'd shut the fucked talking
not bad Tbf lads

because she's a talentless cunt?
spoiler this hog
back from work AGAIN lads
Just ate so many grapes and now my tongue is really dry lads
t. racist
choon waheyy
>why yes, I am a wagecuck

minus the talking

cunt? almost definitely
talentless? i think not
what actions do you orchestrate at the workplace?

go huff some petrol
French Jews asked to hide their identity 'until better days'

>The head of Marseille's Israelite Consistory is urging Jewish men to forego wearing skullcaps (kippot) after a particularly vicious anti-Semitic attack on a school teacher, saying the measure was needed to protect Jewish lives.

>Zvi Ammar, the head of Marseille's Israelite Consistory, told the AFP, "Life is more sacred than anything else. We are now forced to hide a little bit.”

>Ammar added that even contemplating the move made him "sick to his stomach." The request to refrain from wearing skullcaps comes one day after a 15-year-old Kurdish teen wielding a machete attacked a 35-year-old Marseille teacher

I operate a keyboard and a mouse
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>tfw pay day soon

Then why does the one have millions of likes?

can't sing
can't act
even her nude photos were unarousing

would be flipping burgers and sucking off truck drivers in kentucky if she didn't have a famous dad
got given some very nice christmas cake today and a bottle of wine last week

What did uni give you? A bill?
damn, fleetwood mac is one of my fav bands I think she might sound better than the original
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>62% of Germans now say the number of asylum seekers is too high, up from 53% in November – driven mainly by the hardening attitudes of women

lol when proles are happy with the crumbs that capitalism throws them
>white man telling black man what to do
the oppression is real
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OK hater
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The fire rises desu
you inspired me x




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>The request to refrain from wearing skullcaps comes one day after a 15-year-old Kurdish teen wielding a machete attacked a 35-year-old Marseille teacher
"b-b-but i thought kurds were bro tier"
t. commie
what did we click on today?
The refresh button


t. prole
If millions of Sihks moved to Europe we would barely even know they were here. Why are Muslims hell bent on making everything shit wherever they go?
That's just false.
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