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Thread replies: 344
Thread images: 68

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Vibrant edition
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For him
pakis in
rorkes out
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>the people that complain about house prices and the cost of living are the same people that say #refugeeswelcome
best post itt
Can't remember why I started using /brit/ desu.
Blizzard outside right now, lads
ask it when overwatch will be back thanks
>The same people that accuse all refugees of being rapists are the same people that say #NotAllMen
cannot respect any woman who wears excessive makeup 2bh
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>I have strong political opinions
>the people who use hashtags to express their opinions are the same people who should all spontaneously combust for being twats

Me latest tune lads
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Alain Delon
It is not about accusing everyone, it's about them not being welcome in Europe.
Don't worry sweetheart, we don't even notice you :) x
what a hottie
ugly slag
What was that? Must have been the wind...
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Alex Libby 2bh senpai
Watch Plein Soleil
Remember when we wuz empire lads?
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100% of rapes between strangers in Sweden have been from migrants.
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>i post on 4chan regularly, watch anime and have both a 2D and a celeb waifu, but oh boy have i got some news to tell you about pakis
Reading the Financial Times on the tube to work is the best part of my day lads
Why haven't you taken any migrants into your home?
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more libby 2bh, he's my free pass (not gay tho)
No. We didn't in my lifetime anyway. They didn't even teach it in schools
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daily reminder that joking about being a liberal/fag/cuckold is precursor to becoming one
fuck off diasperg
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>i still unironically save and post pictures of fat men wearing hats on an Eritrean camel trading forum
After all the rapes in Germany, how do you think the host of this feels now?


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>Not Alain Delon
Don't live in Bradford. Which is where they've all been put lmao.
I mean he's hot but Lucky Blue Smith has my heart forever
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>I, unironically, call an anime imageboard something zany, wacky, and quirky such as Eritrean Camel Trading Forum
Overrated, Ryan Taylor is a better model
sorry carrahlad, didnt mean to take a cheapshot with the celeb waifu thing, even you know it's autistic tho
Why are English people so ugly? Pale skin, crooked yellow teeth, all the men are balding
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>the BBC are trying to justify the immigrant rapes

sick of living in this nanny state, why can't our PM be like hungary's "let's build a wall"
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>[Nationality] [niche interest] forum
>"Are you sitting comfortably in your armchair?"
Holy fucking shit that made me mad. Says the guy sitting in his radio seat and lives in a secluded community away from the poor people.
WHEN DID HE GO TO SYRIA? Hypocritical cunt
Why are American people so fat? Man tits, mobility scooters, all the men have diabetes.
Howdy yal
*goes to smile*
*sun reflects on gleaming white teeth setting fire to the ranch again*
God dang it, I bet BARRACK HUSSAIN OBONGO is responsible for this!
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any other male model is povvo tier, my wang has been inside the same vagoo as this guy

i count that as a win
I am not the cara poster
But having Cara as a waifu is autistic because she's fugly.
>Building a wall
>Around an island

This is the level of intellect the reactionary anti-immigrant crowd have, lads.
How are they trying to justify it?
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>Ryan Taylor
oi fuck off ye
wew lads
>says the 2d spacker
*arrests you for being rude on the internet*
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If England gets a national anthem and it's not Land of Hope & Glory I will fucking kick off
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>the BBC are trying to justify the immigrant rapes

Don't think you've fully understood whatever it is you're watching.
>walls are not walls next to water
good one lad

How do t3h refugees make house prices/cost of living rise again???

t. Economics pleb
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2d is not pig disgusting.
3d is.
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>Don't think you've fully understood whatever it is you're watching.
And perhaps you could explain why building a wall around an island is not a good idea?
Not so much the BBC. They are simply reluctantly reporting it.
It's the feminists that are weaving their way around it to blame all white men for it

>the only country in Europe more bald than the U.K is Germany



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Sounds like someone has never completed the great wall wonder on Civ 5 on the archipelago map
>more people coming in than houses being made
>demand outweights supply making price go up
can you even imagine how does it feel to be this good looking? fucking hell, more women ogle him and want his dick in a day than a regular guys will experience in a lifetime. id do anything to look like a male model ugh
>What is basic supply and demand
You know baldness is a sign of being high test right?

We should drop gstq and make it Britain's anthem 2bh
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lucky is objectively more good looking though



my personal man crush has a 8 second record of pulling in town. we went out as a group, he saw someone str8 away, they ran up to him and they got back in the same fucking taxi to go to his
Reportedly, girls were so intimidated by his looks they spaghetti'd whenever he talked to them in school and wouldnt start the conversation first
it's actually not, it's just a sign of hair follicles being sensitive to DHT
MPs are debating it today

BBC = big black cocks

literally their page atm senpai
the man went potty after 9/11

>muh jam
government fills and overpays for cheap housing stock to home brown people
rents go up for everyone else because they can get that much from state

It's not really directly refugees, it's government failure to handle (or even consider) the effects of immigration
I don't think so la
If England gets https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ei78rUSGIQ as a national anthem, I am coming over to live with you.
>Every countries anthem sings about the people, the land, the history
>We are stuck singing about how great a monarch is ruling over us like cucks
>Our anthem will never be Jerusalem as it would be seen as racist and xenophobic
Jerusalem is the greatest anthem in the world. Why won't we adopt it? Imagine it bellowing out of Wembley or Twickenham. Fucking glorious
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>not I vow to thee my country
What happens after you die, guys?
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>Laurie Penny
they're not the lads just a bit thick

>Cop literally called Clarke Steele
>Shoots and kills a 12-year-old kid

How American
>national anthem based in a single, unpopular religion

That's a civil war waiting to happen, one the rabid Christians would lose.
hey guys, English expat living in the U.S here. Naturally as I am an Englishmen over the age of 16 my head is devoid of any hair, I'm 172 cm tall and my penis is 12 cm. Why was I cursed with these pathetic island monkey genes? Which method of suicide is the least painful?
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you are reincarnated
i usually throw my pad at the ground
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God Save The Bloody Queen
>he finally understands a truth every normal person grasps at around puberty, at 74
>united kingdom
>don't sing about the monarch!!
fuck off corbyn
Just come and live here lad, you sound peng ;^)

ERM NO sweetheart, you're a migrant. Even worse maybe an economic migrant.

That's unfortunate but it's not the copper's fault tbf
>yank national bird is a bald eagle

Fucking kek even your wildlife has beta genetics
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>I Vow to Thee My Country
>0 (zero) votes
you are the baldest country in Europe besides Germany, cucks
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fuck off lad, we're england. god save the queen is for the UK. should be land of hope and glory for england t b h. better song and more relevant
Vote for it then you sausage
is laurie penny possibly the worst human to have ever lived

Our new houses look like dog shit though.
Fell asleep during the night writing my 50 word essay, didn't get to finish it

I'm fucked today
lmao no thanks already voted for the superior Land of Hope and Glory
>two polls about picking the national anthem
>Rule Britannia not on either of them
I don't understand this thinking at all

She seems to be equating a vague oppression of women by 'the patriarchy' to mass sexual violence

There is a difference between people calling you names on twitter and physical assault.
*sheds hair*
Walk into the club like whatup I got a big cock
ah I'm just pumped up on some minoxidil I got from the chemist
call me on cell phone
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not to her
yanks out
>national anthem of ENGLAND
>rule Britannia

Fuck off pleb
not particularly against the monarchy, but why the fuck does the song have to be so boring. it has no soul

post actually good national anthems, i'll start:




they all have a (ironically) regal quality that ours just lacks for some reason.
he's already the tallest, what is he doing
>National Anthem of USSR
I see you played Call of Duty 4 as well
fuck off spic
Dear Brits,

I just watched the shittiest movie I've seen in 2 years. It was made in the UK. It was so bad that it wasn't even funny to watch, unlike some bad movies that are so bad that they're good.

Best regards,
Fuck you
we have won the battle, but not the war comrade.
what even happened to him

is he injured or just pep ruined him
What was it called Genghis?
Essex boys 2?
In some weird instinctual fear of being detected as the beta male next to trump, he puffed himself up like a peacock.
on his way to liverpool I heard
i actually started on codwaw, does this feature in 4? i just love them commiefeels tbqh. there's some like propaganda video somewhere of massive machines and real men working the steel works, makes me well up a little bit. will find + post
fuck off spics
check ur sc
If you played the Spetnaz on MP, it played the USSR theme if you won I think.
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>my country is getting buttfucked by muslims
commie music best music


Name bruv
>tfw seeing one of your best friends fall deeper into the SJW religion
>she thinks national anthems are racist
Anyone else have a close friend gradually turn into a SJW? It's heartbreaking.
We can never have a normal conversation about anything. We could talk about fucking crisps and she'd find a way to get triggered and complain about rape and patriarchy and white privilege
>go to game to get a refund
>lad behind the counter is a bit of a nob and won't give me a refund
>start getting made and raise my voice
>the manager walks out of the back and tells me to be quiet before he calls security
>suddenly feel brave and tell him he's a twat
>the manager grips me and lifts me off my feet and throws me into the back
>he doesn't call security and let's me go with a warning after I suck him off a few times

Fuck sake lads. Never buying owt from there again.
WoAH x2
>commie music best music
found it


also some australian lad keeps using a racial slur directed at my presumed nationality - just letting him know i'm seeing the posts and will remain here until janny deems me unfit for purpose

ahh most excellent, would love to play that game again tbqh, i'm stuck with pokemon emulators out here
>no I vow to thee

end yourself enrique
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rape her desu
she gets to play victim with her friends
you get pussy
I was actually just thinking about this earlier listening to LBC

Despite a bloke in Durham getting cleared with rape, a girl rang in and said "We do not know that it wasn't rape, just because she consented" and shit like that, made me wish I had a sjw mate to banter with
Kind of. One of my friends hates
1) America
2) The Romans
3) Any Major European power
Literally says shit like "Ooh Romans were dirty freaks who would've been rekt by the Indians or Chinese!".
>I vow to thee
literally the only choice
You can't banter with an SJW, they see it as non-consensual. Banter is rape, mate.
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You got me.

But they really do know how to get you inspired more than GAWD SAVE OUR QUEEN. Even if I don't understand the lyrics.
literally no one is voting for, asking for, even considering this as an option except for you mate

my ummah dawn has appeared, the national anthem of the islamic state, got more interest than your shitty fucking suggestion of a national anthem (it's not a national anthem if no one knows the tune, then it's just a song about england maybe)
doing a weee
do they post on /his/?
she's clearly pleading for some dick

why don't you literal faggots understand this about women

feminism is a cry for penis
PMQs today?
Girls are notorious idiots when it comes to politics, too much compassion to make sense of anything.
i need that le smug man copypasta and i'm gonna make a really nice one for corbyn where he clicks every link
When is Question Time back on?
No, they browse Tumblr. Not 4chan.
Reminder to never marry.
>expecting women to make sense of anything in the first place

you faggots just don't get it

did your fathers just never teach you what women are
Haven't changed my underwear In about 3 months ha
Gf wants us to go to Cologne, despite all the shit that has just happened, because she was there in like 2005 and liked it

I want to go to Copenhagen

Which is better lads?
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le smug man 2.png
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Reminder that if you one of the many posters who posts links ITT, you should remember that I don't open a single one of them. Youtube, BBC, Vice, DailyMail, vocaroo, anything; I do not click a single one. All that time you spend highlighting the link, copying and pasting it, filling out the CAPTCHA and sitting eagerly waiting for relevant (You)s relating to the content on the other side of the link are completely and utterly wasted on me because I do not, ever, open links ITT.
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oh mate literally end your pathetic life

Jerusalem is SHIT



Does she get his crisps fortune?
all went downhill when he decided to grow that meme beard
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Was he tough enough?
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>Elliot was a normie
fuck off billionaire

pretty jealous of that view though, all I have is fields and trees :(

germany is a meme country



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hell no
I would tbqh with you, although it would have to be very close to central London.
He would have lead a more cohesive party than Jezza, at least.
Might make macaroni n cheese
How is it fair that a woman gets half of a mans money when they divorce? She didn't earn it. It's not hers.
It implies that she is too stupid to be able to support herself. Feminists should be against this.
Can we put aside the rhetoric for one moment please.
Fuck off yank
>tfw finally realized I have a moderate lisp on my S's
just end it lads
every time i hear mySSSelf SSSpeak its almost like a SSSnake
SSSeriously, thiSSS really SSSucks
hate this essex/east-londoner accent
doing a VBP (very big poo)
>girls allowed
Not /brit/'s slogan really is it?
>No My Ummah Dawn has Appeared

Shit poll
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>Iran’s Revolutionary Guards say 10 sailors who were detained on Tuesday have been released after US apologised
going through a divorce at the moment. totally happy to give her half my money tbph, i don't want to think about her struggling financially. going to help her out for as long as she needs it. she's the nicest person i ever met.
Complete bullshit.

Muslim "street preachers" specifically look for Christians to convert, because Islam has much more in common with Christianity than other major religious affiliations.
fuck off yank
why are you getting divorced?
sound of the underground is the english translation

Giving her son any money whilst you're at it?
It's meant to be in Arabic. Nasheeds in anything other than Arabic are haram. You should know this.
lol ethics
don't feel the way i used to. wish i did but she's like a sister these days.
we don't have children but well memed lad


Off you pop.
>tfw spent most of my youth on the net and now have to conciously stop myself from using americanised spellings at complete random
coffee's for closers only
Because when the laws were constructed it was assumed that the man was leaving the woman and not the other way around
Fuck this politics shit
This is more important

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Gentle reminder that if you one of the many posters who posts links ITT, you should remember that I open every single one of them. Youtube, BBC, New Statesman, Guardian, vocaroo, everything; I do not fail to click a single one. All that time you spend highlighting the link, copying and pasting it, filling out the CAPTCHA and sitting patiently waiting for relevant (You)s relating to the content on the other side of the link is completely and entirely appreciated by me because I always, unfailingly, open links ITT.
didn't work out that well 2bh, there was less shit to change than i thought, feels wrong adding new things
ALDI Meisterrasse
you haven't given us any criteria to go on you cretin`
Never met a Spaniard with better than basic English, what is going on here?

Don't fucking start or I'll take you outside and leather you.
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Do love my Waitrose essential Scottish smoked salmon desu
>no meme option
absolute FUCKING waste
Liverpool, Cumbria or Northumbria uni
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desu senpai
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He's a brit abroad with shit opinions who won't fuck off
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what the fuck are they doing
good post
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>meme beard
What do you mean?
explain my shit opinions 2bh (hard mode: don't say anything unsourced)

or block me? very easy to block flags and it's not as if many other spanish flags post here
14 stone in a day
14 stone in ONE DAY
I fucked Holly Willhoughby before she was famous

Thanks, it's OC

I'm not like you reddit grabbers
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What did her hair smell like?
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She used some coconut thing. Dont know what product she used
>Time to sell some crisps waheey!
>aldi/lidl for choccies and gummies
>Sainsburys/Asda/Tesco for weekly shopping
>waitrose for pastries; once in a blue moon cuz its fucking expensive
>marks and spencers once in a blue moon for crisps and other weird store-branded flavours of things you dont really see elsewhere
>>>>>shopping at mumsland
>>>>>shopping at poor-op
how much

getting it up a mountain probably for some hella sick red bull xgames event

Co op has the best meal deals.

it was aloud you utter pleb
>Only go to Waitrose for their wide variety of beers
i'm on 40k a year and i have to use a food bank, it's disgraceful


important poll about my future lads
How is it a meme though?

She's basically saying that all western white men are as bad as muslims for sexual violence, which is a fucking ridiculous and frankly offensive point of view.

Also in 21st century Europe this >muh patriarchy conspiracy argument is beyond paranoid considering how in the modern western world women have more legal rights than men. You won't hear us complain about it though since we actually care about and want to protect our women.

If she wrote this article anywhere in the muslim world she would probably end up getting raped to death by the local police on the orders of the government and she has the fucking nerve to whinge about how she is being 'oppressed' by the evil white man.
£6 but it last me ages. It's almost half a fish.
it's crap
where is the option for i dont give a toss
Unironically almost died today.

>going down a steep bit of road and the back wheels swung out on the gravel
>tried to control it and it skidded straight left
>returned like this a couple of times like a pendulum before straightening out
>came within a few inches of my wheel and probably the car going over into the valley

I could literally be dead right now
not voting
what car lad
Anything can be a meme now if you say it is, don't be so oppressive.
>no option d. kill myself
yo fuk yo lil johnny
hit it niqqah


Gf's sister's piece of shit beatle thing on a road that should only be tackled by 4x4s

It did alright for about 8km then that happened at one of the highest points
>Shopping at Aldi, Lidl and Asda
>Thinking the co-op is for poor people
get a new sheep, sounds like your one is buggered
vw beetle? the new shape ones or old the classic ones lad
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Get out, cuck.

Dawkins is based, most atheists defend Islam and only hate on Christianity.

Dawkins hates Islam and considers himself a cultural Christian.
australias boss senpai dunno why you'd wanna off yaself
>taking feminists seriously
>believing that feminists take themselves seriously

Lmao get it through your fucking pinhead that the same women who go off about evil patriarchies and the demonic cishet white guys are the same exact women who later that very day go on to get completely fucking demolished and dominated through and through by, you guessed it, a cishet white guy.

Feminism is a joke. Not just to men but to women too.
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>Archaeologists say they have uncovered Britain's "Pompeii" after discovering the "best-preserved Bronze Age dwellings ever found" in the country.

What you don't get is this:


Atheists, although I can't stand many of them, are the best defense against Mooslim takeover.

Nissan March apparently
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>Feminism is a joke
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Really miss my dad lads
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average american poster.webm
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irl version of him
feeling utterly awful about the migrant crisis lads. It will never end and whites will just be replaced.
Look, it's sad that someone died. But David Bowie was a homosexual. I have NO sympathy for him
t. Ahmed
No white man ever sexually satisfied a woman in the 21st century.

You're a joke.
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So he attacks Islam and Christianity (wow) but considers himself a """""cultural Christian"""""
hoping for some 2000 year old bantz on the walls
Who's bernie?
was it next to britain's volcano
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>english people saying jan
We're all cultural Christians m8 whether we like it or not.
> t.

what does this mean, I've been seeing this since I started browsing

> inb4 newfag

ye no shit m8, that's why i ask
What's your point? Islam is better than Christianity because some so-called "Christians" convert to Islam?
Cultural Christian as in almost all of our culture was influenced by Christianity
finish for regards
All sex with white men is rape, whether she is satisfied or not is irrelevant and doesn't make it consensual
lurk more
>t. nonce worshipper

bugger off

can you tell me if this made you cry or feel sad thanks
Are you illiterate?

I said if you want to prevent mass conversion to Islam in Europe, atheism has a better chance than Christianity.
A Christian society is the best society the world has ever produced.
Isn't it funny the correlation of how shit the world has become the less prominent Christianity has been in society. Yet people like to BLAME Christianity for the world today.
Bizzaro land
t. and cake
helicopter flying low over the allotments near my house. Strange goings on desu.
fuck off newfag
Nah, too fucking cheesy m8.

Sad things like sad songs need to be subtle otherwise it doesn't work.
pakis are up to something, stay safe x
not him but this actually played at my dad's funeral
don't feel much from it Tbh
greatest trick the devil ever pulled was fooling britannia that politics is about pakis tbqh
the world hasn't become more shit, you're deluded
t. m8

am i doing this right?
But don't most atheists complain that Christians cherry-pick what to follow in the bible. But if you're a """cultural Christian"""" you can cherry pick not to hate gays or not go to Church.
No coffee in the house and i'm trying to pull through to 9pm

luther vandross not really cheesy 2bh

Sometimes I’d listen outside her door
And I’d hear how my mother cried for him
I pray for her even more than me
I pray for her even more than me

"In 2015 a childless woman named Merkel invited all the Arabs of the middle east into Germany so all the other childless women in Germany wouldn't have to ever have children which lead to a demographic replacement of the native population and Germany becoming the first Arab majority European state by 2060. Surprising by 2060 Germany had turned from a nice developed safe country into a backwards shithole like every other Arab country."
I miss Peter Hitchens. We need to bring him back to these threads. Brit has lost its way

this desu. Can't ever remember people getting so wound up about immigrants when times were good.
People will always seek an identity, m8.

Christianity is the best we've got.

I remember when I was an edgy fedora-tipper too, you'll grow out of it, anon.
cannot stop doing disgusting farts
Him lose faith because one of his daughter died naturally in 9 years old, well, but you know because he marry cousin so.
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>reactionary neo-Christians

back to >>>/lit/
Atheists tend not to have children though
We played a Mark Knopfler song on the way in and Status Quo - Rocking all over the world on the way out desu.
Maybe I just find that gospelly sort of music cheesy in general then.
t. someone who knows how to use 't.'
I'd disagree

The weakness of the Church in society allows Islam to get a foothold. The Christians who convert see it as an opportunity to join a faith that actually wants to have an active role in society.
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>Brit went to shit after Hitchens left
The most secular countries in Western Europe has the highest birth rates, m8
>UKASMR will never whisper in my ear and crincle unopened condoms as she pegs me with her microphone
>people realising we tried to fix what wasn't actually broken
>hurrrrr reactionary neo-reactionary

bugger off
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>be religious when I was young, go to church
>get christened
>grow out of it
>angry fedora atheist phase
>mellow out
>dad dies and I started praying every night
>now really fucking confused about religion
https://youtu.be/IsT4vXmHk_E?t=72 me doing the music
It's not a meme beard
They also have the best economies and the most third worlders.
Yeah, because they're full of Muslim migrants
>if I say bugger off I wont be told to fuck off

too bad, FOY
>A Christian society is the best society the world has ever produced.
>t. Christian
>the most third worlders
No, we don't.
i've started going to church again

realised i need an anchor in life
>"the death is not being treated as suspicious"

Why don't they just admit it was suicide?
cause it could also be a stroke or aneurysm lad, were in new thread btw
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last for great north sentinelese proud strong nation
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