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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 367
Thread images: 66

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>>>/his/ edition

Let us discuss why the Middle-east is so violent in a civilised manner without spouting memes and buzwords.

As we know the pre-islamic era of the middle-east was a culture that thrived in science, language, music and art. They spearheaded a lot of the modern inventions today and are responsible for them. Without their contributions to science we would be a bit far behind in techonology.

Is Islam to blame? For example Iran pre-islam was one of the best places to live.

Islam breeds sexually frustrated men who in turn direct this anger towards the outside world.

The whole "44 virgins when I go to heaven" thing is an example of this brainwashing that causes this sexually frustrated men who are chastised in their teens and binded by a archaic doctrine that promotes unstable conditions.


Some good starting points there
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Literally what benefit is there from qBit/Deluge over uTorrent 2.2.1
erm let us not
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>>>>/his/ edition

>Let us discuss why the Middle-east is so violent in a civilised manner without spouting memes and buzwords.

>As we know the pre-islamic era of the middle-east was a culture that thrived in science, language, music and art. They spearheaded a lot of the modern inventions today and are responsible for them. Without their contributions to science we would be a bit far behind in techonology.

>Is Islam to blame? For example Iran pre-islam was one of the best places to live.

>Islam breeds sexually frustrated men who in turn direct this anger towards the outside world.

>The whole "44 virgins when I go to heaven" thing is an example of this brainwashing that causes this sexually frustrated men who are chastised in their teens and binded by a archaic doctrine that promotes unstable conditions.


>Some good starting points there
Great song ngl


Wish I had some opiates knocking about haha
Horrible edition

Thanks for the torrent recommendations lads
My feet hurt and I'm going to pass out on my couch.

old utorrent has security holes all over, at least qbit is being updated. Also it's open source.
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going out soon lads hope I don't get beat up like last time

wish me luck xxx
I don't know but if you figure it out let me know. I'm in the same spot and don't want to buy a copy
>friend got a date out of tinder

sh-should i download it again lads? last time i got like 7 matches in a couple of days, didn't talk to any of them and just deleted the app. but i'm fucking sick of being lonely

any of you lads have any experience with tinder?
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thinking about archetypes of the unconscious jungian matrix
>As we know the pre-islamic era of the middle-east was a culture that thrived in science, language, music and art. They spearheaded a lot of the modern inventions today and are responsible for them. Without their contributions to science we would be a bit far behind in techonology.

none of that was down to Islam though. mudslimes just conquered those areas and incorporated Greek and Persian knowledge.
it still gets updated

Did you walk 500 miles?
absolutely shite edition

genuinely cringed when i saw it
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kpop desu lads
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Vermont slags

>first time ever trying anal play
>put fingers in butt
>slightly uncomfortable at first
>get used to the feeling, starts feeling good
>slowly bring my fingers in and out and begin speeding up
>biggest boner in my life happening in front without even touching it
>literally gushing precum by the bucket
>this continues for a while
>touch my dick and stroke it maybe 20 times
>immediately orgasm harder than I ever have before
>load is huge and the orgasm seems to last ages
>also the first time I've cummed without copious amounts of porn in years

Holy fucking shit, I've never felt this good before.
Delete system32 m(4*2)
>base life on book that tells you to kill everyone who thinks differently
>act surprised when regions full of these people are shit
that's why the middle east and every other paki infested place is poo
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>tfw i am sexually frustrated but know there's no afterlife and no virgins waiting for me
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No, I just got pissed
I didnt' say that was down to Islam you fuckwit I said PRE-ISLAM

Iranians aren't Arabs. Never have been and never will be. They are as white as us.
qbit has inbuilt search for trackers
Nice meme :^]]]]]]]]
ew slags shouldn't exist on this side of the pond.


fuck off yank
good lad
Thanks pal, but in all serious install gentoo ;^)
>As we know the pre-islamic era of the middle-east was a culture that thrived in science, language, music and art.

This is pro-Islamic propaganda designed to create sympathy for Moslems. Moslems invented nothing for themselves, but stole it from surrounding civilisations.
Come on guys
put in your disc and do startup repair
Fuck off Rorke.
sm︂︂h t︂︂bh f︂︂am
sm︂︂h t︂︂bh f︂︂am
sm︂︂h t︂︂bh f︂︂am
sm︂︂h t︂︂bh f︂︂am
Went to Vermont once, good ice cream
Serious wanderlust rn lads
want a girl to use my face as a chair
i'm always the one to be the man if there's women around

i enjoy showing off like that
I am literally never going to be able to quit taking drugs
Janny! Janny come quickly!
Do you know about the trick to reset the 30 day trial? Done that yet?
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As I was a-shitposting on the british 4chan general
I made us a new thread, hoping for some meme potential
We had some epic banter but the janny couldnt stand this
One thought went through his mind and that was to delet this

microwave goes dinga linga ling
hot pockets are ready
hot pockets are ready
and he does it for free

he counted out his wages and it amounted to zero
hiroshimoot recruited him to be a 4chan hero
but then the autistic bumplimit rules were violated
apart from his mother he's completely isolated

microwave goes dinga linga ling
hot pockets are ready
hot pockets are ready
and he does it for free

some take delight in fedoras and kevposting
others take delight in australians a-roasting
but janny takes delight in wankin to chinese cartoons
and ruining entire boards from the mornings to afternoon

microwave goes dinga linga ling
hot pockets are ready
hot pockets are ready
and he does it for free
literally a buzzfeed-tier phrase.

what do you take la? I do a bit of coke quite and speed infrequently but do drink too much. Not a problem drinker but I think it would be physically and mentally good for me to stop drinking for a few months and see what happens.
After 3 months it runs out
Then explain why christianity brought civilisation to the world? the european world was shit tier before it.

Tthe Christian Church has always brought about social services like schooling and medical care; inspiration for art, culture and philosophy; and has always been an influential player in politics and religion. It inspired western values.

The Gregorian Calendar has been adopted internationally as the civil calendar; it's christian. More proof that christianity has shaped our world.

Church scholars preserved literacy in Western Europe following the Fall of Rome. The cathedrals of that age remain among the most iconic feats of architecture produced by Western civilization. Many of Europe's universities were also founded by the church at that time. Many historians state that universities and cathedral schools were a continuation of the interest in learning promoted by monasteries. The university is generally regarded as an institution that has its origin in the Medieval Christian setting. Renaissance masterpieces produced by Catholic artists like Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael . Similarly, Christian sacred music by composers like Pachelbel, Vivaldi, Bach, Handel, Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert and Verdi is among the most admired classical music in the Western canon.
Christianity played a role in ending practices such as human sacrifice, slavery,[5] infanticide and polygamy. Christianity in general affected the status of women by condemning infanticide , divorce, incest, polygamy, birth control, abortion.
if i go to bed now is anyone going to come with me
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post some fat slags lads

Christianity had a reform. Islam has not.
I looked at her insta/vsco and Vermont looks fucking amazing

She has such a calm, tranquil, perfect dream life
I don't know lad. I might just move my files to my external and do a fresh install lmao
Anyone here named 'Joe' or 'Joseph'?
it's open-source, which means anyone can check and help with the software so it's not fishy or anything. It's more customizable, and more often updated.

The company behind uTorrent made their client closed-source and introduced ads on it, which is never a good thing. Besides, it's outdated as fuck and full of security holes.

But if you're happy with it, then fine.
looks like they're going bald lel
>buzzfeed-tier phrase.
lol suck my fucking nob fedora man
Should I watch The Killer or The Last Tycoon?
here why
I will, but only if you're willing to fuck me up the bum

>girls in socks

Except the Iranians who those advances came from were never arabs, weren't muslims at the time.

So tell me how is it pro-islamic propaganda? I am saying how wonderful Iran was before Islam you cunt.

Islam has the mentality that they don't need reformation. It is a very archaic doctrine.
Hey. Somebody noticed our state.
Listening to some christian deep house lads. It's spiritually nourishing, you should give it a go.


Terrence is an OG 2bqh.
Here's a you for effort

Anyone here named 'Pete' or 'Peter'?
r8 my musical tastes
>cat comes over and starts purring at me
>start petting her
>lies on her back
>suddenly tried to grab and eat my hand

can't deal with this lads
certainly couldn't point to it on a map. could literally be anywhere in burgerland
>Except the Iranians who those advances came from were never arabs, weren't muslims at the time.

This sentence makes no sense at all.
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When I was a kid, Joe was my fiction name
i thought that was a given

i'd slip my willy in as we were spooning, you'd know it was coming but still be surprised
>having a pleb name
Need to shoot semen out me bellend quick like
My name is Cuban Pete.
thanks lad
im not sure if its ebin or cringey personally
>inbred shit

got any deep house that isn't lad shite?
Is /brit/ watching the anime of the season?
Explain yourselves cucks
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yeah looks like Europe half the time. Would probs move there tbqh
weird, my best m8 is called joe and he has a brother called peter
why are jfs so obsessed with us lads
>terrence parker
>lad house

you need an education my friend.
when she rolls over like that she's presenting herself for bellyrubs and wants to play with you
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>i'm not seán

listen to the whole thing without skipping before passing judgement

Drink every day. I remember I took a week off booze in 2014, apart from that I don't remember any days off at all since around 2007. Repeated benzo addiction and withdrawal for 2 years, hammered dihydro/codeine for over 5 years, took more than 70 tabs of acid last year. I can't really snort that much anymore because my sinuses are so fucked up but I still do too much ket and coke..
Duno 2bh.
Would say jealousy but im not sure what they could be jealous of.

maybe they think we give good bants in return?
or maybe they just want to practice their English?
Wrong link

Anyone here named 'Mo' or 'Muhammad'?
sorry about posting a lot of nonce shit in the instasync last night lads

woke up and felt bad about it
dont worry lad i know
What are you lads drinking? Disaronno here
Feels good mane.
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the reason women especially SJW types obsess over cats and "funny" pictures of them on tumblr and twitter is because women and cats share an immense narcissism and disregard for anyone else
/shit/ more like /brit/ lmao!
wew that's pretty heavy man. How do you feel about it?

A friend of mine is going down this route 2bh, bit worried. Takes a lot of coke, benzos and painkillers. How would you go about having a word with him?
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its what comes with being the most powerful nation in the world
yeah and i did, had been playing with her for 30 minutes prior to that then she went away and came back so figured she was done

really annoys me when im trying to work on something and she sits on my desk and bites at my hand
Soft power is psuedo-science
Because brits are autistic af and we have good times talking about it on chatzy in an italian group...like a circus, and also >>53345417 we practice our English
sambooky man
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>What are you lads drinking? Disaronno here

You had a shit childhood if this song doesn't give you nostalgia lads
It's because they both emit that pheremone that controls humans.
how's your saturday been lads?
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Where do the Virgins that Muzzies are promised in Jannah come from? no woman in this day and age is a virgin. Also what happens to to paki women when they go to Jannah? are they raped like in real life? do Moslems fuck up Jannah like they do with Earth?

not the best place to aske these questions but still, pls answer lads
we built this city is genuinely the best song out there
have you seen the fucking /ita/ thread?

way more autistic then this
Anchor steam beer. P. good, think I'll call it quits after this though, been going since about 3pm.

Canada, Australia and Switzerland are literally literal who's in terms of cultural influence.

Truly a meme index.

they're special angel women whose hymens regrow no joke
Ask your local iman
nah that's a little piece of heaven by avenged sevenfold 2bh
nah domestic cats are just basically attention seeking manchildren who treat their owner as their parent but obviously have communication issues
theyre solitary and self sufficient and humans are pack animals so we're fundamentally incompatible to an extent

they see you working on something and get jealous because youre not paying attention to them
thats why they tend to sit on keyboards and that, to force you to love them
pretty good

>Tfw no car, no house
>tfw no girl would ever date me
drinking some dark captain morgan here
>tfw car and soon buying a house
>still no gf
Just got given some land lads, haha!
good lad
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>nah that's a little piece of heaven by avenged sevenfold 2bh

There's little you can really do. He surely knows the damage he's doing but is too fucked up or set in his ways to change. I started off this way by self medicating my anxiety, anxiety is worse than ever now, vicious circle that won't end until I'm dead.
>nah domestic cats are just basically attention seeking manchildren who treat their owner as their parent but obviously have communication issues
>theyre solitary and self sufficient and humans are pack animals so we're fundamentally incompatible to an extent
lad according to the song, if you have a car and a house you have a gf
morning men
I want normingtons out

look at this bellend
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Not pseudo, but I agree, hardly exact.
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Why hasn't she texted me all day lads? Surely she's just dying to chat.
watching b0aty, lads
your mum is a pack animal 2bh
It's pretty much the same people memeing over and over, we like to shitpost a lot.
If you think /ita/ is how Italians behave you are just delusional now please post something salty here >>53345132
need pictures

want to get beaten up and raped by 3 cute girls
good lad

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love chain smoking ladds
90s NY House is too fucking based



She's probably servicing Jamals 14 inch pecker.
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im white ama
get your willy out for the lasses
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There's a depressing cunt in the mirror again lads
*exposes penis*

well ladies, who's first to take on my snake?
I enjoy a cigarette socially when smashed or wired but smoking in general is pretty horrible and just stupid 2bh.

Kick the habit my friend.
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>I'm not religious but I'm very spiritual
>I went to India to """"find myself""""
>I don't believe in God but I do pray a lot
>I'm a Buddhist

>canadian visits usa for the first time
Hips hurt after fingering myself lads
more like a worm LOL
top fuckin kek
thankfully don't know anyone like this, but I'm sure they're out there.
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good banter from the darkies
hahah, yeah, good joke girls!! haha!
>I went to India to """"find myself""""

hear this so much, what do they find?
cause i'm lonely and i'm tired i'm missing you again oh no....
>I'm not religious but I'm very spiritual
I'd like to hear somebody explain what the FUCK this actually means
*pretends to retch*
california can have that one
>tfw I am sexually frustrated, know there is an afterlife, but not the Islamic one and I'm going to Hell anyway
>>I went to India to """"find myself""""
t. Dizzy Steinway
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>I enjoy a cigarette socially when smashed or wired but smoking in general is pretty horrible and just stupid 2bh.
People shitting on the streets and literally raining poo
It means she will cheat on you.
hipsters are pioneers and most of them reside on 4chan.
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not into nigger "humour" myself tbqh but this was funny ngl senpaitachi
really wish I have a loving gf one day
VERY impotent poll (V.I.P.)

You wanna get up off your arse and get yourself a job Dizzy or whatever your name isn't
tbf the ME is not really all that violent ftmp

I mean compare it to mexico/south and central america/south africa

violence tends to flare up in the ME but the actual crime rates are generally not that awful in general ... whereas its just an everyday thing the other regions

I like buddhist aesthetics, the statues, murals, the incense, etc
Can't wait until the race war so I can commit a couple of war crimes before an international coalition puts a bullet in my deserving head tee bee haitch
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>I like buddhist aesthetics, the statues, murals, the incense, etc
nujabes' only good song
>not doing your bjork gf regularly already

ISHYDDT (bring this back in 2016, lad. Support my patreon account if you want to see more classic memes)
Another good song desu senpai

squeezing about one smooth and silent fart every hour or so out of my anus to escape between my arsebuttocks
>the ME is not really all that violent

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don't understand why people praise the hack
How cone you can name your kid Joe but not Adolf?
Why were the early 00s so comfortable?
i will not go to sleep unless this post gets 3 (You)'s
this is ever middle aged woman who buys her housewares in tk maxx
when you read of the babylon civilization (iran, iraq, kuwait 2000 years ago) it's regarded as a place of unparalleled beauty, ingenuity and technology.

when you read of iraq now...

what went wrong over those 4000 years?
who is this

early 00s were horrible
like really cheap and shite everything plastic
crime, not war
robbery and gang violence and that
Absolute banger of a choon lads

Islam. Think you probably knew that already
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White oppression.
war is crime you melt

western imperialism
>Greater """""""""Manchester"""""""""""

I'm from bolton you retards, it's lancashire, """"""""""""""manchester""""""""""""" is a shithole
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Not gonna lie lads, in rolling balls.

Railed a line if Molly and popped a capsule.

Fucking feeling like superman.
Islam and British/French colonisation mixed with American interventionism means it won't be normal till 2030
think you meant iraq 2000 b.c
thinking about firebombing the nearby refugee camp lads
unironically colonialism and the shit job of drawing borders
then letting dictators come to power, then removing them causing power vacuums and letting terrorists come to power
islam didnt exactly help but it wasnt the primary cause, just the vehicle

Yes but what caused Islam to thrive if they were already quite intellectual, surely eing that smart they would realise it's not good for them.

inb4 they were stupid
I loike Lady Brown too, and his Samurai Champloo tracks are great. Mystline is relaxing.
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>I'm from bolton you retards
imagine living for 4000 years...
>she actually believes this

and still being a virgin
I think they just got conquered.
Hatsooney meeku
jamesons and a couple of nytol here. makes me super sleepy
Kentucky is a state
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>international law
>an actual thing
I'm a big fan of Bonobo, Tycho, Gorillaz and Nujabes.
are u stringing me for (you)s or do u genuinely believe this before i go any further
i dare you to prove her wrong

shit on my waifu again and I'll end you
good lad
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Are twitter communists the new thing?

I know one in real life, cringy and embarrassing as fuck
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wonder what he'd think of modern iraq
i want to hurl a brick to her head and rape her
socialism works in conjunction with nationalism desu

literally "I'm too scared to have an opinion about music": the genre
slagposting rate has gone right down

shaking my head

I would never have even been aware of them without some sad-case spamming that mentally ill scotch-cuck girl.
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low quality pepe.jpg
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no please, I refuse
>not just abbreviating it to 'baka'

shaking my head
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Judging by her Skin condition I'm guessing she has never stepped foot outside West Europe. Stupid cunt. Waste of breath. On the cross.
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both t b h

international law is a paper shield, doesn't mean shit in the real world

look it this way. international law in the system, war is by definition outside the system. the two cannot possibly relate
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Any lads here watching The Expanse?

I quite like it. Seems like a realistic imagining of space travel and colonisation. How fucking difficult and time consuming it would really be is shown nicely 2bh.

imagine being a cosmic immortal who lives anywhere in the universe it wants, travels as fast as it wants and never dies
literally won the lottery lads lmao
2 numbers
won a free lucky dip
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sad times

disagree but not giving you any further satisfaction
2 weeks to find a gf lads think i can do it?
got really itchy skin lads

>yfw we KANGZ now
No it isn't, countries declare war through the law.

You literally do not know what a crime is.
need a cry
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>I'm into indie music
He's right 2bh, international law is a meme. If ever a nation's interest conflicts with international 'law', the former will take priority. It's only enforceable if the country in question is very weak.
imagine being able to create the being of your most desire in an instant, like with a split second you could create a harem of a billion qts who exist only to serve and pleasure you
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what is /brit/?
I'm an 18 year old """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""communist"""""""""""""""""""""""""""" who works at tesco part-time while I study """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""graphic design""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
didnt think so either haha x
done a few tonight. i'm a big girly fairy t b h
more like wat is ur mum lmao rekt agen
reply to me if i would reply to you
straight to the point, I like it
me on the right
where do you work part-time at
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you wouldn't
can't work out where right hand slag's left hand has gone t b h
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ngl pretty proud of that slag edition posted earlier haha x
*air horns*
God her face is fucking horrid

so much uglier on video
>that fat as fuck autistic runt gets more action than me

*pisses and shits myself*
haha bbbllwwwbwweeerbblleee. mama mama haha gaga goo ga goo *shits everywhere*
remember the Canterbury

>that fat mess has had sex and i haven't
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Don't know if trolling or genuinely stupid
nah not every day m8
always stick to around 50% of days
don't be a druggie
is this what the average scottish woman looks like?

also, more photos of sara
Sara is a history and politics student though
the fat cunt doesn't even look like he's enjoying it. that's literally the best fuck he'll ever have and he doesn't even like it. shaking my head to be honest family
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fuck off you muzzie cunt
soviet union was shit

parents can confirm
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If you're interested if this was a cuck-fest from Quentin "black dick" Tarantino here's how it played out:

>Huge HUGE use of the word "Nigger", every other sentence had nigger in.

>Samuel L Jackson calls everyone a "cracker" or "honkey"

>The two confederate soldiers in the movie are shown to be pathetic racists

>Samuel L Jackson says "The only way black people are safe is if white people are disarmed"

>Also says the south fought for slavery

>after the infamous dick sucking scene Quentin does some narration, he decided he needed to say "Black dicks in white mouths" while talking about the scenario

>Confederate soldiers mocked throughout by Samuel.

Apart from this, it was a good movie.
Trolling 2bh
hello mr subhuman genetics
this girl is so dum
alhambra isn't in the ME you stupid fat twat
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Would you date her?
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This bird legit never leaves her house lol bit like us haha
>they built building like this thousands of years ago with bare hands
builders these days can barely construct a wall
distorted by american propaganda
Fuck no

She looks as ugly as Maisie, don't even know how that's fucking possible.
She should appreciate the beauty of ISIS propaganda tb h
currently 2 weeks into giving up after 15 years of smoking it erryday. life is pretty shit now t b h
>guy posts long soppy 4chan post
>several replies of "oww the feels"
would love to see her cunt ngl wonder how pale it is then maybe idk
ask her if she can read it
>distorted by american propaganda
no they were literally soviet you fucking idiot

your sara slag is literally one of the ugliest things I have ever come across in my life
taking one lucky lad to bed with me tonight
it says 3nenwnn bpar xehwnh lad are you thick?
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Apparently this is her makeup-less face.
You're getting completely trolled
im out
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little pakistan

She's deluded, egotistical and exhibits clear signs of narcissistic personality disorder.

>comment is free
>comments disabled

Didn't it bomb at the box office
>pubes in the mouth
horrible t b h

would legit strangle her to death and dump her in the clyde
she looks quite nice if a bit vampiric desu id gf her if she wasnt so deranged

explain this post.
>russians weren't the principle targets of american propaganda to topple the soviet regime

retard confirmed
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i decline your proposal utterly
>Is Islam to blame?

>The whole "44 virgins
Im pretty sure thats a myth
Though everyone buys it because its literally not far off from actually teachings, and all people of european heritage have an innate understanding of islam due to the epigenetic memories pass down of fighting a slow defeat for literal centuries.

The reason islam is to blame is herdsmen. You need agraculture to be civilized, and basically, due to the different levels of 'people' under islam, the remaining farmers and engineers and generally useful people who knew how to do more than jihad and raise goats got shoved out since if they wanted to feed your crops to their goats, you had no right to protest.

Essentially islam was only prosperous when it got new slaves, and then slowly used them all up with their savagery, and then tried to go find more. Eventually it stopped working and it almost died out until saudi arabia got oil money and started funding the resurgence.

Basically classical civilization, the direct and continued legacy of the greeks, thrived right up untill islam showed up and replaced it with semi nomadic herdsmen.
ever got a pube stuck in your teeth?
was just scrolling through a porn site and found a video of my sister who i haven't spoken to in 4 years
fucking weird man
still cummed over it though because i already had a boner
don't feel normal now
god bless america literally a thousand times better than that soviet shithole
good fucking riddance

I literally do not care about what you copy and paste from that slags twitter feed
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>was just scrolling through a porn site and found a video of my sister who i haven't spoken to in 4 years
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was just scrolling through a porn site and found a video of my sister who i haven't spoken to in 4 years
fucking weird man
still cummed over it though because i already had a boner
don't feel normal now
the mongols did their part in the fall of the muslim world. Genghis utterly fucked them up.
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the babylonian civilization collapsed due to religion, the roman empire collapsed due to religion.
Lawro said penis on tv
even the FT does this on contentious articles (i.e. where race or immigrants is relevant), it's ridiculous.

yeah that's right, I read the FT. Gonne get head-hunted by Rothschilds soon ngl.
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i hope you feel ashamed

on what grounds
i dont take up much space

eharmony are a bunch of cheeky fucking cunts. Quote a monthly price, and then charge you for the full term at once.. Thanks for the £190 charge dickheads! They don't say they'll be charging £190 until after you've paid. Scum.

On top of that, it's full of old people who want babies. Lmao. The guy on here earlier was right.
you're heavy brainwashed.

Just read that reaction back to yourself

where can I find this video so I can spit on it?
all great empires fade away eventually
all grounds
lads is the janny still technically a NEET
but i have the high ground
crywanking myself to sleep lads. night night
>paying for online services


(janny is about tho)
met a 45 year old twink on okcupid who says he wants to power fuck me. meeting him in an hour. any advice?
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You underestimate my power [leaps forward to attack Obi-Wan]
remember to do a poo before you go
What the fuck is wrong with her skin
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