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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 383
Thread images: 106

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S L A G S Edition
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gf cara edition1.jpg
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choa way.jpg
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crayon pop
How much would it take?
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BEST edition in a LONG time
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My daily hygiene routine rivals Patrick Bateman's desu
I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.
is this a ky edit
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>I don't shower every day
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gf cara edition3.jpg
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>Like shampoo and bubble bath products, many are marketed directly towards children.
>These often feature scents intended to appeal to children, such as fruit scents, or treats such as cookies or cotton candy.

yfw you realise /brit/ is literally infested with children
Do you have a creepy monologue going on in your head at the same time?
got 100% battery lads
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Now you're speaking my language
>falling for the "no shampoo" meme

jesus christ lads


all 1080p streaming sites with full videos. I can never go back to shit like youjizz or pornhub


fuck off
What do you think they are posting, I bet it's nudes
Is it illegal to steal your neighbor's internet?
i won best hair in high school and rarely shampooed
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kpop desu lads

>replying to a 50 minute old post

kill yourself
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>i care about the showering habits (or lack of) of random mongrels on the internet
Reminder that if you didn't receive at least one bottle of aftershave for Christmas you're a literal child
Where can I meet British slags?
It's unsecure
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Capitalism, as a totality, reduces every subject involved in its production process down into an object of reproduction

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All that time

I wish
I was
a little more delicate
where is her ass haha did somebody take it??? :P
Hi lads, I know a british old man who served in India in WW2, he was in the hangars repairing planes so they could rekt the nips. Now he's enjoying his retirement in comfy Spain. I think I'm lucky to know a person who fought in WW2 desu.
more of the slag someone was posting before with the NHS stickers please
>i won best hair in high school

why do yanks have such stupid competitions no wonder they have so many school shootings

I can justify it by the fact I left to go do shit, and when I hit update it was the next post. I had a good answer that I wanted to share
probably not then, and if they're too stupid to figure out how to put a password on their wifi then i doubt they're smart enough to catch you stealing their wifi.
Advertising is the outcome of a monopoly economy which produces a surplus that it is unable to rationally distribute #ResistCapitalism
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Is he a Sikh? I've heard they're bro tier
t. person who lives on his parents' money and never had to work
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me on the right
Smelly buggers btfo
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tfw no tomboy gf.png
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my gf on the right
When I left school we had these "most likely to ..." Things for each other. I got most likely to be rich and most likely to be a model
its not really a competition.

its just dumb yearbook stuff and they give you a ballot of like funniest person, best couple, most likely to succeed, and stuff like that

it can be pretty banterous when your mates skew the votes and get some beta losers to win things

thats probably what causes the school shootings
He's 100% British, he was born in London, when London was London. He's also a Tottenham fan.
one on the left is better desu
Imagine strapping an oculus rift to your mate that just passed out and having him wakeup on a spaceship or something freaking out.

Would be bants.
It's not that great believe me.
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In what way is this not rape?

my grandad repaired spitfires in india in ww2. dead now, would be about 95 if he was still living
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dick head.gif
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want him to do a da vinci one then
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dat ass.webm
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>slag/kpop edition

Good thread lads
>american """""""""""""""""""""""banter"""""""""""""""""""""""
really wish yanks'd stop using that word desu
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>referred to local CMHT 2 (two) months ago
>heard absolutely nothing since

Not even a letter through the door to say I'm on a waiting list or anything.
what it's not supposed to be great?
>He's also a Tottenham fan.
It still can be if she decides it is later.

she's like the asian hayley williams

left pocket lettuce right pocket lettuce
Imagine if this was a guy losing the game then fucking his gf in the mouth without asking. Feminists would be triggered so hard, but not the other way around
My school did this at the end of 6th form, was bare jokes
I'm not much of a football fan, I support Valencia, but I don't even watch the matches. I also check sometimes how's Tottenham doing and I'm glad when they win because the old man will be happy about it.

will have a real meetup in manc when i win the 60 mil tonight lads, will buy you all a pint
So, she's shit?
you are meant to say 'shit'
I've known plenty. Had families members too. It's nothing special.
The aporia of philosophy is whether to out-Hegel Hegel, or to revert to Kant. Lukács chose the former, and Adorno chose the latter.
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fucking scammed us with soldado
delete this
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to true...to true........when will the madness end
>that header
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bored pepe.jpg
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how rich are you and what modelling agency are you with?
fucking lel
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>really wish yanks would stop using that word desu
yeah, because we live in a patriarchal society.
that comic strip was a way of revolting against the male masterrace.
going to stab you and take all your money if i'm honest with you lad
i want to hear conscious korean hip hop
Both Amelius and Porphyry were very much taken with religious movements, ritual, and oracles of all sorts. Plotinus did not share these interests: Amelius became keen on sacrificial rites and went out doing the rounds of the temples at the New Moon and the religious feasts. He once wanted to take Plotinus with him, but Plotinus said, ‘they [the gods] should come to me, not I to them’. We were not able to understand what he might have meant with such grand words and we did not dare to ask him.
rate my favourite albums
relish is supposed to be ground up pickles but it literally tastes like shit instead of pickles
well because if you're british it's more normal to know people who were in ww2, I guess
well they're 4th or so, right? it's not that bad, I guess. What makes it shit for you?
>but not the other way around

Because the sexes are not equal. Guys are (generally speaking) stronger and more assertive, he could push her off if he wanted to.
>free filesharing sites

>please wait 60s
>thank you for waiting
>please wait another 60s for the captcha
>captcha is incorrect
>please wait 60s.
>while waiting 60s, consider buying a Premium account
>your daily alllowance bandwidth has run out, please wait 60s to close this message
>listing to hip hop

>tfw got the most handsome person in school and the most witty

I'm a literal autist I don't know how
christ your fucking stupid
>All pawns
Bit of a weird game of chess aha
>no thugger
fuck off
Soldado was a fine player until Spurs got a hold of him and Spursed him up.
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>not listening to hip hop

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>rage against the machine


fuck off
speaking of chess

wanna play a game?
They were taking the michael out of you
too not to u gaylord
Literal child
go fucking kill yourself instead of cyberbullying defenseless danes on 4chan spastic.
I start to doubt about your literacy
just acquired it

based uloz
Not him but I'll give you a game lad
Yeah, it's the clubs fault he forgot how to kick a football and kept missing sitters.
Wot do we fink of tutenum
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I am neither. I'm 21 now and I'm on 18k as an apprentice MO
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what did he mean by this?
I like Simon and Garfunkel
I'm rubbish desu
Nah pham, I was friends with everyone and my gf at the time was the hottest girl there. kissed half the girls in my year.
those are from various points in my life 2bh
I'm actually a Dane on hoilday, think you should apologise.
thumbnail looks like a black COCK
not if your chesslad

i dont feel like getting bantered today

ah yes, very impressive
Whoever drew this has no sense of perspective. The board looks like a fucking rectangle.
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>Nigger music
noice pic lad
When it's Spurs, and it happens to every player you buy damn right it is.

*Disclaimer: there are actually a number of teams better than u
Daily reminder that Anglo-saxons used to put their shit and piss in a hole in their back garden

The word 'hygiene' in the first millennium, certainly among the Anglo-Saxons, was an oxymoron.

For instance, people would dig their latrine pits outside the backs of their houses, apparently untroubled by the odour, which would have mingled deliciously with the droppings from their animals and perfumes of similar pungency.

The flies, of course, must have had a field day. A good tramp in the latrines, followed by a stroll across any food they might find lying about in the house, no doubt made their day.

For some reason, the Anglo-Saxon thought it only fair and reasonable that his or her body should play host to any parasite that was anxious for shelter. The whip-worm, despite its name, was relatively inoffensive. The maw-worm, however, was not. It favoured people's liver and lungs, and had the most startling habit of suddenly appearing from the corner of someone's eye.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4310657
>Eat Pray Thug

odd/interesting choice

24 year old depressed female blogger tier
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Not him, but I think I've beat him once
Οι ορυχείο λόγια τώρα

Ego sum et creator
Quia viderunt Pueri igitur hereditate possedit terram meam
Et accipiet mihi benedictionem

Σοφία θα έρθει από τους αkροατές
sorry haha i shouldn't have let my autism get the better of me lmao

did you fly back to the UK in between the time those posts were made
went to a 2nd arsenal game in under a month tonight lads
feelin kinda normie
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Yes, players are never good for Spurs and other clubs do not buy flops.
Trying to download a porn torrent from this Russian website but I'm confused as fuck I have no clue what to fucking do, there's something about trackers and shit

I'm a torrenting noob help
who won
>on hoilday

Are you a mong?
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high test.jpg
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High test, lads
>players are never good for Spurs

Well true.
Fuck off Tory billionaire boy
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Slags confuse me
*picture of a man being sick*
arsenal 3-1




I can't say I related to black music much but I've been getting into it more and more. Inclusion is pretty much symbolic just now
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want her to milk me for hours on end
>you'll never see her bent over in that mini skirt
my dick wants to fight someone
alri God
>middle-aged women trying to pretend they're still teenagers

top jej
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27 and I've never touched a woman lads
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if syphilis were a language
>trying to use epick memes to justify your love of whales
sad desu
Token lesbians on Casualty lads, this time with a kid
literal nonse
ye you
Picked up a takeaway pizza lads should I drive home or have a comfy rainy night drive whilst eating pizza ? Can't decide
sounds like you weren't an autist then

y lie

Anyone know the name of the website where you put your dick length in and it tells you how you compare
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>Riot police have used water cannon to disperse anti-migrant protesters in the German city of Cologne.
>Right-wing groups, headed by the anti-Islam Pegida movement, gathered after reports emerged of a wave of sexual assaults on women on New Year's Eve.
>Pro-migrant activists held a simultaneous counter-demonstration. Earlier, hundreds of women's right activists rallied in the city.

it's a blooming powder keg lads i'm telling you
I don't think there's anything better in life than a big pair of boobs desu. Also dem legs.
you wot
i didnt pay for either match
settled into a nightly routine of listening to bowie and getting moderately pissed
Heems not black.
the biggest most successful piece of capitalist propaganda is that socialism will never work & that our current system is the only option
Can't wait till the racist cunts are thrown in jail
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2 is passable i guess

wasn't that big on the Heems album but Das Racist were the shit
drive and eat m8

save the crusts until they get hard, then carve into offensive weapons
4 is dead cute
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180KB, 975x409px
park up and have an ultra comfy experience mate
>pizza in the passenger seat
>/brit/ on your mobile device
>heater on
Under capitalism you can never be free, you're limited to what your pay-packet, your job and your background allows.

I'm an autist now, never used to be. 4chan made me an autist. Either that or I've always been a high functioning autist.

Being good looking and also being socially awkward is worse than being ugly and socially awkward. When hot girls hit on you and you start to quiver and get nervouse, it's fucking horrible going home thinking "fuck I could have had sex with her" but you end up saying shit like "y-y-you too" when she says you look cute.
do girls deliberately pose like this to make it look like they're prepped to receive you willy from behind
>germany is going to explode again
Right click the page, click 'view page source', then look for the word "magnet" in the source. Copy the magnet link, then google "how to add torrent from magnet link in [your torrent client here]".

>russian download site
Anything other than the magnet link is probably a virus. Even that is probably a virus.
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>implying flaccid means anything
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Pretty much
yeah i probably listen to them more
does when a girl sees it and thinks you have a proper small willy
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their whole presentation is asking for it
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31501 .jpg
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>does when a girl sees it and thinks you have a proper small willy
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ummmmmm??? no? get away from me you fucken creep!
found it la

8gb wew
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if a girl thinks flaccid is linked to erect she's probably dumb as fuck, so I guess I'm dodging a bullet
Thanks lad

According to this I'm in the 96th percentile for penis length. That can't be accurate
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how do i fix myself lads? pls no bully
just gonna pop to the gf shop anyone need anything
first time this has happened to me desu
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le smug man.png
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>be brown
>move to country and rape their women
>nothing happens

>complain about brown people coming to your country and raping your wives and daughters
>get water cannoned
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48KB, 355x584px
cry more
This explains why all you english fruits are smelly as fuck

The word 'hygiene' in the first millennium, certainly among the Anglo-Saxons, was an oxymoron.

For instance, people would dig their latrine pits outside the backs of their houses, apparently untroubled by the odour, which would have mingled deliciously with the droppings from their animals and perfumes of similar pungency.

The flies, of course, must have had a field day. A good tramp in the latrines, followed by a stroll across any food they might find lying about in the house, no doubt made their day.

For some reason, the Anglo-Saxon thought it only fair and reasonable that his or her body should play host to any parasite that was anxious for shelter. The whip-worm, despite its name, was relatively inoffensive. The maw-worm, however, was not. It favoured people's liver and lungs, and had the most startling habit of suddenly appearing from the corner of someone's eye.
>watching the undateables
>guy goes on date in suit and fedora next week

oh my god, /brit/s gonna have a field day with this shit
you're not special, i'm just trying to get people immediately after they post

you were just there when i updated
kevleena is my waifu
thats peak :c
Barr Cream soda, a munchy box, five bars of whispa, a bag of wine gums and a dib dab
excellent edition
I think I want to hang out with you guys for this edition :)
half brother is Korean lads
does this give me a possibility for kgf
4 is def polish.
It is official: #ResistCapitalism is the #1 trending topic in the U.S.
KEEP GOING! Stay louder than the bigots.
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>Barr Cream soda
good lad
You're mum is my fuckfu
someone post more qts with a bit of hair on their stomachs
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That pic turned gay, thanks a lot
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2,8 million migrants predicted for 2016
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how do i fix myself lads?
pls no bully
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Warmer in my car than it is in my house right now.
2bh i would probably fuck left if i was mad drunk
sounds piff
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rate the new specs lads
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Did you watch 'Virgin School'?


26 year old NEET, well he does a paper round iirc, bloke who wants to have sex so goes to the Netherlands to a 'school' that teaches him about women and eventually he has sex.

>tfw 23 this month and virgin
Looking good
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Why do people keep fucking resetting the router when the internet is perfectly fine and never skips a beat?
challenging any of you fucking maggots to 1v1 me bare knuckle tonight

feel like knocking someone the fuck out, which one of you will it be?
it's peng
>start watching
>realise I wouldn't be capable of going on the show
>these freak-show losers being paraded around as the epitome of undesirable are still above me
>turn iPlayer off
your face is literally green
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I will destroy you on fifa family
alri are ronnie
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So turn the heating on
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need a new ip to evade 4ban
Come to Wakefield and i'm game you fat cunt

he has sex with one of the sex teachers, basically a prostitute
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british slags look incredibly strange to the foreign eye
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cold inside
he really was mentally ill, i mean i am too, but at least i realise that I'M the problem, not everyone else. Once you accept this fact, you can be at peace.
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>that graffiti
3 is a peng ting
might wank
sometimes feel like i'm the only actual girl on /brit/
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They look weird to us too, but we still want to shag them
Any of you lads fancy getting thrashed on QuizUp ;)
Remember watching that with some lads on here
lets go you fucking mugs

shut the fuck up you cunts
I'm ready senpai. You and me, gloves off, no-holds-barred, Halo 3 1v1 Guardian MLG settings. Bring it faggot
working class slags

middle class slags

big difference 2bh
and what
there was an american on here last night attention whoring
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how do i become a proper lad lads
come over here i'll deck you
I used to play that but when they changed the menus and made it like Facebook I just couldn't be arsed

Used to be able to just click a topic and play, now you have to fucking fuck around for 10 minutes
wow rude
>i want big juicy fat muslim cock

see also: northern slags and southern slags
Does the one on the right realise the one on the left only hangs out with her to make her look comparatively attractive?
Americans can't be lads, I'm sorry lad.

Not worth travelling to meet you. Can tell by the way you type that I'd put you away easily inside 20 seconds.
*rolls up sleeves*

alri then les have at it
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rule Britannia
watch me whip
now watch me nae nae
That's only because you fucks are still using dial-up, we have actual internet here.
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come at me if you think your hard enuff m8

i'll stuff a grape in your musket you redcoat piece of shite
good ammo for the north vs south housing memes

are extra flags still broken?
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current slags are best slags
Lads did Sara and her commie troupe do their little anti-capitalism Twitter storm yet? Is capitalism dead?
Funny story lads

So there I am having a nice Saturday all to myself and my mate Dean orders a Mighty Meaty from Dominos.

He can't handle one by himself (oo-er) so I kindly offered to take half of the dish for my own helping.

After the meal which we both enjoyed, along with a side order of Potato Wedges, Garlic Bread and Domino's cookies (the cookies were shite) my other mate Taylor comes through the door.

He only went and bought bloody Chinese.

So there I am eating chicken fried rice with curry sauce, along with some prawn crackers and chips in curry sauce, already pretty full from the Mighty Meaty.

After the Chinese was done, Taylor told me to post the story on /brit/ so I did.
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Righty is in charge of their pseudo-lesbian alliance
Southern slags are disgustin. Literally saw about two beautiful girls when I was in London and Cambridge. All pakis too and most of them have breeded with pakis making them look like shitskins.

Infact all English """girls"""" are fucking munters. We need to import Hungarians and Slovaks.
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qt grill.jpg
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wish i had a union jack that big
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need a Vermont gf
Just look like typical north/south slag divide.
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would you live here?
I actually wanted advice from a real Brit, not a filthy Scot
>tfw live here and still can't fug brit slags
Fuck this lads, might just emigrate
>you will never be Persian

feels a bit bad if i'm being honest
there's literally no excuse for going hungry in 2016 in britain, there's so many systems in place
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holy shit lads, my phone is literally always listening to me, and literally records it all. I can hear all the recordings too.

turning that off haha
girl who looks like that in one of my classes
dead cute voice too
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>not liking smoking

gay lads out
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> These are transactions that have been authorised for payment but which haven't yet been taken from your account.

I've got three amazon orders that are not going out and are sitting in pending debit card transactions, any idea why? I have more than enough money for them.
would fully drip cum down their 14 year old throats
>feeling it now Mr Krabs

you a nonce lad?
yer ma has one bigger tattooed to her arse

>not combing any phone for GCHQ backdoors as soon as you turn it on
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>having a daughter in today's society

nope #teamsonsonly
more young slags
I literally can't imagine looking like this. As in holy shit, just imagine how different your life would be if you were an attractive teenage girl. Easy mode doesn't come close.
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>feeling it now Mr. Krabs

well were you feeling it or not
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>14 year old

You wish, nonce
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holy shit that's in Wigan, right near Wigan Wallgate station

source: I live there

You made your Jizya payments this month mate?
Yeah like food banks for a nice bit of dickensianism
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the pain.jpg
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>never been kissed
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why do british slags all have huge foreheads

drop those hydrocephalic twats and get a delicious brown girl for a side piece
>shooped tits
What's a jizya?
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holy fuck i want to bang a fat brit slag so bad.
you guys are lucky lucky people

more HD slags this instant
love the shop in wigan that does food at prices ending in 2 desu
paid yer ma her jizz payments alright
>te ams on sonly
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Fuck - Marry - Kill Sell into slavery
what the fugg, me too

link this page lad

i wanna check mine
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1 4 2
Nobody in this thread has ever kissed a girl m8
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>calling the union flag the union jack

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speak for yourself lad
>tfw gf gives you kisses all around your dick just to tease you before she sucks you off
can i ask why? i personally don't find the appeal myself
fuckin got me love a good dick
kissed yer mas fanny flaps you bender
>killing girl with best legs
>shagging that ugly mess on the left

Fucking bender.
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would do 2 tbqh
>this pedo's gonna get the thread deleted

What happened to the Britboo Italian that posted here?
loving this slag renaissance. haven't seen the likes of it in ages
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If you're not British you don't belong here. Foreign scum OUT
the pics are swapped

LAD post more of her/like this THIS instant
WHO is this I NEED To know


Off you pop.
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who says I'm not british?
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fuck off yank
your flag
>caring about non-Europeans

What sort of cuck made this picture?
More of slags smoking
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I'm posting from iceland yeah... doesn't mean I'm icelandic does it?
>there are brakes on the happening train after all
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But I don't want to leave the slags
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more moRE lad
>try to get in to reading literature
>takes me like a month to get through a book

>get through non-fiction prison stories and other interesting shit in one sitting no problem

is there something wrong with me?
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