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/cum/ Canada, United States, Mexico plus Greenland

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 315
Thread images: 60

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Greenland edition
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Reminder to report all communist activity to the local authorities so they can be deported back to russia
>That isberg

my surnames are sefardies

can i be israeli and jew?

It's your thing, he can't force you to do it, but if you have no reason to decline, what's stopping you from doing it? I mean it's a big act of trust.
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>You'll never be a yank
>You'll never go to middle and high school
>You'll never be in a social clique
>You'll never participate in a real hot dog eating contests
>You'll never play catch with the guys until it gets dark
>You then run home and eat a mcdonalds with mom
>You'll never play little league
>You'll never drive a girl up to makeout point
>You'll never go watch the big game with dad and eat nachos
>You'll never experience fraternity life
>You'll never have a clap
>You'll never meet up with the dudes from college at the bar
>You'll never have a weekend in Vegas and hit all the fast food joints and eat until you puke
>You'll never be a yank
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>Greenland added
>Not Iceland
nth for don't bully!
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>Reminder to support all communist activity against the local authorities so they can be deported to the gulag

I'm guessing you found your SO on fetlife?

It probably helps to have such specialized kinks though
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>You'll never play little league
>You'll never be in a social clique
>You'll never play catch with the guys until it gets dark
>You'll never drive a girl up to makeout point
>You'll never go watch the big game with dad and eat nachos
>You'll never meet up with the dudes from college at the bar
>You'll never have a weekend in Vegas and hit all the fast food joints and eat until you puke
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No, I didn't meet her there. Our relationship isn't kink/fetish based in any way.
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no bully clause has expired
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>You'll never have a weekend in Vegas and hit all the fast food joints and eat until you puke

>going to vegas to eat the same fast food you can get at any place in the country

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Guys It's 2016
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No I don't. You fundamentally misunderstand my position. "Supremacy" is a judgement based off of something you value. If I value athleticism, I see Africans as relatively supreme. Economically speaking, whites dominate.

And this is just on a population-level. I'm not removing the ability for an individual black man to be a successful citizen and member of the economy, I've seen it plenty. On an individual basis, your race doesn't define much, from a greater population-perspective, general traits begin to manifest in statistically significant ways.

At any rate, I never demanded on engaging in this argument. The faggot who thinks "lol let's make it all brown for the lulz, fuck white people" pretty clearly has his own brown supremacist agenda of his own.

Of course I can't postulate on the greater impacts of racially dichotomous societies without liberals getting their fee fees hurt because they take everything personally. I don't go to /pol/ because its a bunch of hate and memery, I don't hate, I'm speculating based off of empirical evidence.

incredibly rude

hope you had fun
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Bullying is fun, anon
because i'm autistic and i'm scared. you have to do that stupid fucking dance down the aisle, give a toast, act like a normie all night, chat with bridesmaids i don't even know. fucking hell that dumbshit should have known better than to ask me

no, I havent used it yet, but its now 2016
>get offered a job
>have to end the call short because I was doing something when they called, guy told me to call back
>call him a few minutes later
>call him twice an hour later
>3 hours later, call him twice again
I have now called the guy 5 times. Holy shit.what am I doing
Fuck off cuck

yeah but you could hook up with one of the bridesmaids!
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Did your parents really tried to make you believe in Santa when you were a kid? how common and important is for american parents to do that?
Where i grew up not a single parent did that.
To me christmas has always been a period in time where my parents buy cool gifts to us but we couldn't open them till chrismass morning.
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not for everyone!
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bullying is rude and uncalled for

except against manlets and chicanos

I've done almost all of that except the bar thing. I live in Vegas tho so the last one is all day erry day.

my dad ruined santa for me as soon as he possibly could
>he faggot who thinks "lol let's make it all brown for the lulz, fuck white people" pretty clearly has his own brown supremacist agenda of his own.

It was pretty funny how that faggot immediately went to "ur a dum RACIST and probably hitler, too" after spewing his hatred though.

The disconnect these people have is just mind boggling.
Important /cum/ meta discussion here
I would pretend to believe in Santa to humor them in the hope it would get me more presents but I don't think I ever really believed it
nigger i'm ugly as shit

It happens a lot, I really don't understand that level of thought
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It's okay to bully chicanos, manlets and cute boys.

This. If you're in Vegas you should get a card for all the buffets they offer in the theme restaurants etc. The New York New York even had surprisingly good Pizza, eventhough that's basically fastfood again.


I get your problem. Don't you have common friends that will come to, so you can stick around with them? That toast thing is a little problematic, but is it worth disappointing your friend? I can absolutely understand your worries, but maybe it won't be that bad. I often feel similar, but in the end most of the time I have a good or at least okay time.
Good post
>someone from Nevada is here

Nice. May I ask you some stuff?

It's not fast food, it's the all you can eat buffet at the mandalay bay after you've finished your 100oz margarita with 4 shots of grain alcohol.
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cuteboys do not deserve to be bullied!

just tenderly tied up and stuff :o
Fuck off and go be crossdresser somewhere else Montana
Dang. From the thumbnail I thought he had a huge dong
I believed in Santa until I was like 10 because I'm dumb as shit
I dreamed I was gay but I'm not gay

I have erections with cute girls
>You'll never be a brit
>You'll never have season tickets to your local 3rd tier club as you watch them claw their way up to the Premiership
>You'll never get drunk at a pub with a bunch of fellow supporters
>You'll never loathe the big market clubs while reluctantly following Arsenal or someone during the Champions League
>You'll never feel the high of seeing your club get promoted
>You'll never fuck a plastic slag

At least you have some things, I'd gladly switch lives with you for a little while so you could be a yank and I could be a englishman
they didnt go all out but they tried

go to bed before he comes, leave out some milk and cookies etc

even went to the mall santas when i was really young
When will flags be fixed
Never hopefully
yeah, who knows, i'm probably just acting like a spoiled little kid. wedding's a year from now anyway
kill yourself jorge

Hopefully /int/ still stop being so dominated by generals if people aren't able to essentially tripfag so easily.
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>You'll never be british
>You'll never go to primary and secondary school
>You'll never see qt school girls in outfits as you look dapper in yours
>You'll never participate in real primary school banter
>You'll never play 5 a side with your mates until it gets dark
>You then run home and eat a full roast made from mum
>You'll never play footy with your club and your mates
>You'll never get your first kiss from that qt bird that sits behind you in class
>You'll never go support your local club with your da and watch them win the derby
>You'll never experience freshers week
>You'll never have foreskin
>You'll never take the piss with your mates in a local pub thats been around for longer than America has existed
>You'll never have a lads night out and hit all the clubs and drink until you chunder on the streets
>You'll never be british..

Other boards that don't have any flags are full of generals though so I don't think that matters much.

we reddit now
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>you will never watch your EPL team in their stadium and watch them shit the bed year after year
>you will never fall for a qt brit girl
>you will never live a cozy life on the coast
>you will never meet emma watson
>you will never play cricket with the lads
>t. The only fucking swede in cum who cant stop talking about her cuckolding lifestyle
>extra flags are why generals dominated /int/
How's it feel to be fucking retarded?
My suspicion is that they encourage them because people can more easily establish identities.
You're partially right for once but also see >>53292495
And your suspicion is wrong. Or did you only start coming on 4chan six months ago?

Take your time to think about it then.
Have you thought about talking to your friend? As far as I got it, you'd accept if there was no party etc. I think you should tell him about that and maybe you can find a solution together.
generals were fine before and nobody in /lat/ uses them but its very active
Ten or eleven years?
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Thank you! I'm not going to click, but I've wondered for a bit what the whole

thing was

>mfw I can now come up with empty links and troll anime posters
Yeah, sure. Then where do you get off spouting retarded bullshit like "extra flags caused generals"?
Read what I said again. Then maybe take a literacy test.
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You know what I don't understand is people who have a diaper fetish

fuckin gross mang
>You never will be jew
>You never will be in the israeli army
feels bad
You and me both mang.

being jewish isnt as glorious as people think it is
I dont understand cuckolding either but you seem to be into it
When we're told that sex is wrong, we associate other wrong things with sex.

the poop feels warm and nice, that's why you microwave the diaper. it's safe, that's what's so sexy about it.
You could convert, change your name to something sephardic.

can you at least learn what cuckolding is, you autistic man who probably never showers
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just dont reply to it
shoo shoo pamperchu

don't you have some chemotherapy sessions to attend to
My surnames are sephardic but my mother is not jew
Can i join in the israeli army if i dont know a shit of Hebrew?
Can i have a jewish wife if i'm a convert?
We should just make American General because I really don't like Canadians.


those chinamen only care about weed and getting cucked
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>have dream in which I'm getting beat up by a girl
>wake up with my pants drenched in semen
What's with all the femdom fetishists on 4chan anyway?
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>mfw price per barrel of oil is under $35
>petroleum majors in my uni on suicide watch
>RIP my city

seek professional help, lad
She lets other men and women fuck her wife
I don't like femdom as in getting chained and ball busted I just like a woman I can banter with and have sex afterwards
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What's with all the 27 year-old poorfag neets on 4chan anyway?
Good night. Have a good time.
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girls are mean
Same. Lately I've wanted to snuggle up in blankets and lay on my back across a qts lap while having her play with my dick desu
I feel like you're trying to imply that's me, but the age is wrong and neet isn't really an apt way to describe someone who's had a work permit for a week only.

And apparently who will beat the shit out of you.
see ya hans
Has anyone ever watched Bones?

Emily Deschanel is a terrible actor
Hey! I'm only 24.
They tried for a bit. Up until I was 5 we'd make cookies and leave them out. Then we just kind of knew it was our parents leaving the gifts and my brother and I were indifferent.

Believing in Santa seems to actually be really important over here. Almost every kid I grew up with believed in Santa at some point.
Why do have to be such a fag lmao
It amuses me in a strange way.
Well memed, lad

It's a sign, anon
She's actually 28 I believe
t. Have a spreadsheet of female /cum/ posters
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So, who's all getting laid tonight?!?!

cricket is like a comfier form of baseball

I want to at least try it
>t. Have a spreadsheet of female /cum/ posters
Can I see my entry?

Not me. Who working tonight?
Why do Americans like Light Beer?
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Whoa now, slow down UTV

I thought you would have learned your lesson already
because fuck it, that's why
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ah, UTV

what a time to be alive
Gonna get smashed and play skyrim

Better than sex tbqh... no need to worry about anyone else.

Sex is overrated, it's nice if you love the girl, but in the end I'd much rather sit around and play video games then jerk off to porn. I have to love someone a lot to actually want to have sex with them
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nigga i'm badass
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Need to update
I'm gonna watch speedruns and pout about Earthsiege 2 crashing too much.

Maybe I'll try to play it more tomorrow.
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you actually have this
Is your dad?
You don't need Hebrew to join the IDF. You'll want to learn it eventually, but if you know some English you'll fit in with americans.
You can. They don't proselytize, but they accept converts.

Quality of living in Israel is really shit. There's Israelis moving back to Europe based on their grandparents citizenship.
Release it all utv style

What do you have on Jalisco?
Post moar
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Why hasn't anyone started a petition to make circumcision of minors illegal?
Gave me chuckles.
It's not finished
who else do you have
>RIP my country

We're like really fucked. Really.
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>YFFW the UTV stalker was le autist man all along

cant be, LMM is too stupid to understand sports
A lot
So you only have one entry?
Do you have any of the girls in California
post them
Protip: my IP is dynamic and that wasn't a znc.

I don't have a ZNC currently because I don't have a VPS
was the general argument, ''it's a literal mutilation against the individual''?
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I can't believe it's THE CURRENT YEAR and people still think sucking dick is gay
A squirrel is having some sort of stroke on my porch
>requiring intelligence
You move the ball from one end of the field to the other
None from there
Not done
Not much use either way
It's not if you're a woman

You don't have the right to decide if your child should lose his foreskin, only the child can make that decision. If the child wants it done, let him, but you can't decide for him.
Nevermind it got mauled by a cat or something and is bleeding out on my porch
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Wew thank god
Carry on
pratar du svenska eller nej?
because of fucking kellog and his everlasting empire
It's only not gay if it's a feminine penis
aa, men inte helt perfekt
what if you met a girl who was literally 10/10 qt and she had a perfect 7 inch dick. You're telling me you wouldn't suck it?
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Idk what to do with it

It's still barely alive and kicking around


too big, not feminine
I want cornflakes now and I have no milk :(
>7 inch dick
Sorry mate, I'm gonna have to decline
7" is hardly big
now i wonder what kind of child would say yes to that
What do you think of The Femanon Collector

ja, jag också favä. Jag går fram och tillbaka varje år
literally who
Welp put it in a garbage bad and hit it with a shovel

the average dick size is like 6" or something, so yes 7" is big. Even moreso if it's girthy
This guy... just posted all the info he has on Sweden femanon

In California they've tried to make it a proposition to ban it, outside of medical needs, or religious choices.
That's including Asians and whites who drag it down quite a lot
she's Canadian
kill yourself already bk
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I really dont like killing animals
Someone hold me
shouldve just left it alone anon

let nature run its course
Went to the shitter and there was no TP. Fml

Holding it in feels kinda good tho haha
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I like hunting
what the fk did you do
you don't deserve posting under that flag
It was right outside my window twitching and gasping for air. Would have taken many painful hours for him to die
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Not surprised at all

It happens in board cultures. There's a Russian on krautchan that still has an absurd amount of screenshots of me from when i used to frequent a kc tinychat 5 years ago. If you act obnoxious to get attention then you will, won't always be the good kind though.
animals kill other animals for food
if you just kill it and let it there it's a waste then you should feel bad

Eat the squirrel.
Did you shot a BBA?
Terrible thread you should all kill yourselves
aw ;-;

at least you had the decency to put it out of its misery
Nej tack.
Cum on it. Post pics
back to /brit/ cunt
are you really so bored you have to shit up both /cum/ AND /brit/? I mean I know Iceland is a boring place to live but c'mon m8

I cum on cat he hiss at penis
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Wish I had a gun so I could have made it quick and be less involved
Stop including us in this general
Literally who?
Greenland more like Groinland
greenland is rightful /cum/ clay
Terrible island you should all kill yourselves
1 (800) 273-8255
Why havent you suicided yourself to death yet?
if you qualify for a passport
they pay for your flight, teach you the language and give you a bunch of other benefits
>tfw my cousin is married to an Israeli
do I qualify
just let this general die already
im trying
Jag var inte ber du

Thanks for the bump
hate British posters tb honest. By far the worst on /int/
>not saging every post
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Welp I'm done with 4chan. Have good lives everyone

They tend to be very boring. I don't see how people stand /brit/ it's so stupid


either way, posting in this thread keeps it alive, so thanks for that.
It's okay, you don't need to request me.
/brit/ is a great place. if any brit posts on /cum/ it's because they're outcasts from /brit/ which means you're a really big shitposter.
we can't even post in /Brit/ because they either ignore us or respond with "fuck off Yank". Tremendous butt hurt tbqh. Even with all our problems we're still a better country than them top kek
/brit/ is probably the 2nd worst general right after /lat/
I post in /brit/ daily they don't do this shit. And if they do its just banter that you can't comprehend
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>ignore us

well at least they're doing something right
>my cousin is married to an Israeli
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Don't forget to show your patriotism!
Jajaja chicano se te rieron en la cara y estas llorando
who cares about brit it's a bunch of delusional trash

did you guys know there is a 99.26% correlation between per capita margarine consumption and divorce rates in maine?
all nations belong to the workers
Greenland's the one we offered $100,000,000 to Denmark in 1946 to be sold to the United States, not you!
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Get in here!
Get in here!
bought and xbox one controller
i own no xbox one
See you tomorrow.

don't tell me what to do

Nothing makes me happy anymore, I don't know what to do.

You can hook it up to your computer though
Haven't been this hungover since I was 12

Bam me again janny cunt

my mom once bought a cd-rom game for me at a kiosk in a mall and then went to a computer store and asked for the computer that went with it
scream about muslims, go join a trump rally. find joy in anger
how sad that reads
Could only be sadder if I was mexican to be quite honest with you
See you tomorrow
Explain yourselves sub-human cucks
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So I got banned from my main board and I'm lurking around 4chan. what is this general about?
Why can't you speak English?
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anime mostly

>best football
>implying italy wasnt a JOKE in WWII
>implying famous italian musicians exist out of centuries old classical composers
gay erping
Homosexuals and anime

Not even joking
autism and homosexuality in North America

plus anime

thats only HALF of the general
Shit flinging
See our /qa/ thread
Discussion of North American language, culture and current events.

well you guys must be huge faggots to stay here then

pce niggas
Anime, neurosis, gay erp, and calling me a cuck.
Could only be a bigger faggot if you can't evade a ban
>hot dog eating contests
>makeount point
Is this some kind of movie

remember that time Canada lost the JHWC?
I'm wearing black panties, thigh highs, and a t-shirt
Put on some pants you dirtbag
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Post picture is the only response I can think of to this.
Sounds like a good time
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Well thats great. Thanks for the info

Holy shit why are word of the days so useless?

nothing beats that feeling of a soiled diaper fresh out the microwave, so warm and stinky. it makes me feel safe when I put on it on. Sooooooo sexual.

inb4 trap
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>his neighbourhood doesn't have regular iceberg sightings

The band. We're all vehement atmo sludge enthusiasts
>a relatively mild mental illness that is not caused by organic disease, involving symptoms of stress (depression, anxiety, obsessive behaviour, hypochondria) but not a radical loss of touch with reality.

No shit.

>wanting to live in a frozen hellhole

no thank you
"Learn how to cuck"
I know what it is, but what are you talking about?
Pa ke quieres saber eso jaja

There are several extremely neurotic posters.
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The guy who spergs out at you is the only one I can think of
Hello lads
I know of a couple others.

They aren't obnoxious though. Just a little messed up.
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Greenland mentioned

because I'm curious
The neurosis is all part of the charm here :3

where were you when based Cal ROASTED melon man
Why do these threads exclude the rest of NA?



Everyone leave a comment the Canadians are trying to rebel
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Just got back from late Ukrainian christmas with the famalam

>tfw my grandpa still has pic related as a haircut
Surprised he isn't bald or balding that much, nigga is 89
Because we don't want them to be even worse
no im the nc beaner

What are you smoking? North America are only three countries.
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What is it like here?
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I am from nc too
Nice place, full of chilangos though.
Oh lawd Canada trying to secede from the Union again?
>there are people in this thread who don't keep their bathroom snack drawer well stocked
What are you doing here?
File: gripen hi.jpg (33KB, 427x387px)
gripen hi.jpg
33KB, 427x387px
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23KB, 250x250px

>keeping food in a steam room
>keeping food in the same room where you poop
A (you) for you
File: amerilards.jpg (1MB, 1250x833px)
1MB, 1250x833px
I fucking hate Amerifats

Pic very fucking related
Hi swedish how are you
Come home, nordic man.

Hey. I'm just lurking a few generals outside /SvT/ out of curiosity.
Tjenare, Vad görs?
>stealing jokes from the Australians

>keeping food in the same room where you poop
that's the point, to snack while im pooping
>steam room
i keep packaged snacks in there, so theyre unaffected

Is that canada or the usa? Same thing basically.
>not just eating your own shit

>you'll never bant with the lads
way too white for canadian universities
>i wasn't born here.
I am home unfortunately

It's Missouri

what a shithole
New thread
someone make an actual new /cum/
Kill yourself. >>53297558 is already on a roll. /cum/ is dead. DEAD.
Everyone is already in /anglo/, lad.
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