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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 350
Thread images: 70

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milf edition
lads, post more milfs
a car
>You'll never be british
>You'll never go to primary and secondary school
>You'll never see qt school girls in outfits as you look dapper in yours
>You'll never participate in real primary school banter
>You'll never play 5 a side with your mates until it gets dark
>You then run home and eat a full roast made from mum
>You'll never play footy with your club and your mates
>You'll never get your first kiss from that qt bird that sits behind you in class
>You'll never go support your local club with your da and watch them win the derby
>You'll never experience freshers week
>You'll never have foreskin
>You'll never take the piss with your mates in a local pub thats been around for longer than America has existed
>You'll never have a lads night out and hit all the clubs and drink until you chunder on the streets
>You'll never be british..
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kpop desu lads
Genuinely can't remember.

I really dislike babies desu, and children in general.
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Why are you posting this?
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>mfw I won the lottery of life and was born British
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just met a nice south african
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babies=boring and awkward
toddler=tiring but really fun
children=literal shits
moar liek POZ
I've never done most of those things, tbqh lad
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>he doesn't believe in the magic of the cup
/brit/ more like shit lmao!
I dunno about that, a lot of toddlers are fucking brats.
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She's growing on me tbf, good play Kyaryspammers
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english people have 3 stages of school

We should tell them to fuck off, the yank bastards
who else hasn't joined tinder because they're scared about no matches?


im scared to put my face online

the lisicki thing confirmed all my fears
Why do normies play music so fucking loudly? Are they deaf or are they completely oblivious to the fact that other people exist around them?
>primary school banter

Most of the banter is in secondary school m8
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very rude posts
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wew lads
>everyone talking about football at work
>joke about how little I know about it
>just watch match of the day mate
Should I take notes when watching it?
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was this the real putin or a body double?
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>you will never have a qt sociopath gf
I don't have a smartphone and don't have the bollocks to meet up with girls for a shag desu. Also a virgin.
>pictured left with her mother
Wait, which one is the daughter???
Cmon bb dont be scared
>tfw live in a city so backwards barely anyone uses tinder
Just say: The problem with Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in.
bit depressed today

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Matches really don't mean that much at all lad. Anyway tinder a shit desu. Most girls on there just use it as an ego booster.
Spare a (You)?
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Would you suck a girls dick?
You'll get the hang of it pretty quick, I've only been following football since the world cup and I already know more than the season ticket holders at work from watching MotD
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Good lad.
Browse /sp/ for a while, keep track of the premier league table, learn all the big players, watch MotD and you'll be one of them in no time.
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Every face they pull is incredible

i swear one of them was revealed as working at a KFC, he was fat, and had been done for cp recently
yes, post more.
good edition
> tfw Did 6 of those last night
Thanks lads. I'll do my best.
MILF stripes out
Requesting a pic of Kev's face
What I've done today:

Practiced guitar
Practiced Spanish

Gone Insane.Getting cabin fever.
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Done literally all these things and still absolutely despise myself tbqh
lost interest in football after doing that fuckton of acid last year
Never knew acid could have healing properties
these are the good kind of Yanks
the sort of Yanks we want
tips fedora
heads and volleys > 5 a side
im a girl with a dick dating another girl with a dick. so yes
He won't be able to banter at work anymore though haha
>there are people who actually think Benteke will one day "fulfill his potential" and won't be Carroll 2.0
cum in my bp
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If I got something like pic related, do you reckon I could watch movies on it? Put my phone in and just play from there. No point buying a big screen, I'm always alone.
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Fuck living in Newcastle tbqh, everyone looks at you funny when you say "middle school".

here's an illustration of the brain damage caused by psychedelics

but then
Woops wrong thread.
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>tfw if i ordered 6 cheeseburgers the staff wouldn't even say anything because i'm tall and /fit/

is this fat discrimination lark real lads? really makes you think
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>lost interest in football after doing that fuckton of acid last year
she looks like a fat Milo Yiannapolus
Would cum raw, balls deep in 3.
its real but fuckem desu
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>yes I keep up to date with the happenings of the football world
One touch one bounce > Red Arse > schoolyard free for all > heads and volleys >>>>>> losing the ball >>>>>>>> 5 a side
If you're in a nightclub and have been for over an hour does a bouncer have a right to search you/not let you leave when you say you don't want to be searched
too many crazy people on the internet 2bh
>you'll never play bulldog with the lads and have it turn into a fight where you sock that cheeky cunt you don't like right in the gobber

you picked all the shit ones yank
ever play foul football?
just done a vocaroo to reinforce my title as the greatest /brit/ rapper ever
haha looking forward to spending the next six hours at my computer
who else?
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Staff died [Heroism -60].webm
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im still new to being a britophile
i'd probably join in with the staff desu
she actually pulls that off really well tb~h
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>match with a couple of girls today on tinder
>massive confidence boost
>check their profiles beyond the first picture
>they're munters

I can't really take anyone seriously

I just see them as jumped up apes with minds full of poisonous cultural programming, minds filled with total shit.
serves them right for being fat 2bh lad
he can't legally keep you there

kid's dishing out banter from day
In primary school all the time but it got a bit rough by secondary
got thrown out of a club once for being too fucked up on ket and mdma

fuckers just threw me out the front door and I was not in the right mind. Almost froze to death on the sidewalk
What is he trying to find in her pocket I don't even know if there's usually a pocket there what the fuck

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>tfw skinny rake

reminds me of this
You should take more responsibility.
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>You'll never be a yank
>You'll never go to middle and high school
>You'll never be in a social clique
>You'll never participate in a real hot dog eating contests
>You'll never play catch with the guys until it gets dark
>You then run home and eat a mcdonalds with mom
>You'll never play little league
>You'll never drive a girl up to makeout point
>You'll never go watch the big game with dad and eat nachos
>You'll never experience fraternity life
>You'll never have a clap
>You'll never meet up with the dudes from college at the bar
>You'll never have a weekend in Vegas and hit all the fast food joints and eat until you puke
>You'll never be a yank
it happened to a mate the other night
Sides best.
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stop fishing for fedoras

They call it elementary don't they?

There were social cliques ish at my school. Sporty people were the popular ones, then there was most people in the middle, then the ones at the bottom.

Guess where I was :^)

Losers get bummed?
did he have drugs?

asking for a friend
help theres heroin in this hash
Jesus Christ gas yourself.
1-5 elementary
6-8 middle
9-12 highschool
Most of those things happen in Britain. The ones that don't, sound boring
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nah it was a quiet one at somewhere shit before we go back to uni
makes no economical sense lad why would they cut dirt cheap hash with gear?
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is extra flags broken for anyone else?
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i just dont know anymore lads
im gonna od

they did it anyway
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>trying to do a wank to UK porn
>end up in fits of laughter

Fuck sake lads, our entire existence is just a meme
World domination. No other answer makes sense.
post link
How do you heroin is in it? did you get it from amsterdam?
I'm talking about your final 1-2 years being a separate place. mental.
wank to good uk porn lad, not the shitty stuff.

[spoiler]Although they banned the best stuff and the few good places are now tame as fuck[/spoiler]
Just put your county in your post

t. North Yorks

it's not that good
It's weird isn't it? It's too real.

It's like when you hear a British character on a yank TV programme and it brings you back to reality.
the most based yorks

t. east yorks
Reminder there's a /brit/ stream going on



Funny thing;
When I decide to choke the chicken, it usually takes a video of 2 lesbians, dressed in latex, kissing and scissoring just to give me a hard on.
But if I see a 6/10 in Asda wearing a leather skirt and heels, suddenly I can't think straight.

What's up with that?
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Getting sick of this lads desu
normal 2bh

I got hard when a friend asked me to hold her hand
you need to get laid before you shoot up a londis
read a different paper.
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Shelly Asquith needs to be gangraped by syrian refugees, might fuck some sense into her the stupid cunt
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Shrek lads
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Don't have her arse I'm afraid
Can't she be arrested for advocating breaking the law.

>student politics
If I ignored links from the Daily Mail would this bullshit miraculously stop?
Same thing here. I genuinely don't get a bonk-on watching normal porno, but as soon characters in my annie-mays do something romantic, like talk about marriage, I pitch a tent

yes, only literal retards take anything published by daily mail seriously.
I get hard if a 3/10 lass sits next to me on the bus and to wank to extremely kinky lesbian porn
Wreck it Ralph is so fucking wank
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>size doesn't matter, anon. Just learn to use your fingers and tounge.
>fapping to lesbo porn
You think she will be?

Why does it matter where it was published? Safe space nonsense, Islamic apologism and suppression of free expression is happening right now in UK universities, does the fact that the mail is one of the outlets reporting on it make in untrue?
t. ahmed
Virgins haha
Do women give a shit what men think of one another? I personally don't care what women think of other women. ie if one woman talks shit about another, but I hold what men say about other men with more weight.
No, but it doesn't matter, there is nothing you can do about it. Not one thing you can do will have any effect, so leave it. The DM writes to incite, its how it makes money and this only adds fuel to the fire of your ire, hence you got so angry you posted it about it on the internet. You could have been looking at boobs, hilarious cats or reading a good book.
He's right ya know.
I've fapped to hairy australian lesbian porn a few times tbqh
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>Do women give a shit what men think of one another? I personally don't care what women think of other women. ie if one woman talks shit about another, but I hold what men say about other men with more weight.
>choke the chicken
>pitch a tent
now this is why I go to /brit/
But then how will we ever get the pakis out?
loving the new yeezy
women don't really even give a shit about what other women think of each other, it's just an excuse to gossip as they need something to do when they're not putting on makeup or taking selfies
Just ordered a really cheap VR headset lads. I'm gonna put my phone in it and watch films because I'm always alone anyway haha don't need a TV
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>so I asked him what university he goes too
>and he said he was an apprentice!
biting earflips and all that makes the girls go crazy tbqh
t. completely average peni
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You've just entered the list of trips I hate
getting a chinky
remember when gerrard slipped?
>fapping to porn with a dick in
do we have jannys name?
You never will.
sorry not sorry
Eating some toast.

t. toast wanker
i self-insert as the penis
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>mfw apprentice
>mfw go to uni as part of apprenticeship
>mfw all expenses paid
>mfw still earn a salary
>mfw got a well paid job lined up when I finish
in the library rn lads haaha someone walk around the library with their left hand in the air so I know people in the same library as me go on /brit/
Mama mia
Same here lad, literally living the high life
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bad lad
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>cleaning toilets for minimum wage
>well paid

ok f︂︂a︂m
Good patter
what uni you at bruv?
No thats what you'll be doing with your degree as no one wants to hire a wanker with no experience beyond working behind a bar.
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>tfw never went to uni
>knew a good lad, got me an IT job
>solid bants just north of 6 figs salary
>not "more like shittany LOL"
doxable info
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FUCK my worst nightmare came true, was just asked to be a fucking groomsman. seriously debating on texting him no thanks
ask her about her hand position for mega banter, she'll love it.
My history dissertation is purely focused on the imperialist history of the Labour Party & Attlee's anti-communism, hope the marker loves it
no meat, good lad
>JF fry up practice.jpg
i might know you haha

are you a tranny
Sara supports are nige

Let me read it m8, used to study that
IT best sector tbqh, everythings so specialised you can walk in off the street with GCSE's and get a job if you have any experience with whatever languages and systems they want.
communists hate the EU
you lads watched this week? couldnt stay up for it last night so just did haha
that paki lad with his university talk was a right laugh
"i dont know what that means so answer this"
nah lad, theres plenty of higher apprentices in britain. I wouldn't mind having a vagina though haha.
the far left hate the eu, tony benn and corbyn wanted out forever. Tony Benn literally used to be mates with Enoch Powell
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you were right

dull slag
its a bit weird desu

he wasn't a tranny and first and he seemed alright

then I had to go in for a one day course, saw someone who was in my last course and he told me that he was now a she

mind blowing
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Just got back from work

Put a Fray Bentos in the oven

Fray Bentos >>>>>> Pukka pie



At least she laughed
My fb feed is full of lefties screaming about how ever the EU is for enabling neo-fuedalist blairite anarchy-capitlism or whatever.
fuck off
Kill yourself ya little shit
shit follow up lad, you need to do better
What tin opener you got?
cue one word replies
might huff some gas
>nigger music
i think not
Eating a lettuce now
might do the same
what one did you get?
you in cali?

just walk outside haha
how would've you replied m8?
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This one
end yourself
don't know, i'm shit at tinder too tbqh
Let me tell you, the EU is toxic to workers and is an absolute barrier to socialism. It's neoliberal to the core and cannot change

seriously you can trip hard from huffing petrol, underrated drug tbqh
Looks alri
"SEGURO 360 degree Viewing Immersive Virtual Reality 3D VR Glasses Google Cardboard 3D Video Games Glasses VR Headset Compatible with 3.5-6.0 inches Android & Apple Smartphones for 3D Movies and Games" on Amazon

It's £20, there are cheaper ones with more reviews but the padding looks nice on this and you can adjust distance and stuff

Also looks like it won't let light in the sides or anything
Thanks I made the burgers myself


That game is too hard
And anything you do looks amazing to non IT people, piece of piss desu
Fucking artificial difficulty
Micro transactions as well
Pillowy mounds of mashed potatoes

triggered lads?
Alright Rasheed rather listen to you paki music eh?
>admitting to being a nigger through projection
>Loose Women
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i'm still having a go at it tbf

the game ain't over till i get unmatched
no, but i can tell you are.
nice lad
He went to my school, didn't have none of that stuff wrong with him back then.
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for fuck's sake lad
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Not him but mudslimes and wogs listen to nigger music
That whole instasync is filled with blacks and lowerclass
the faggot who made this pic wrote the name backwards

what a retard
Too cheesy m8

You need to humblebrag, not joke about yourself
what's rasheed doing in prague?
Literally Rorkesheed
Fuck off moslem scum
lost my mojo
i don't know, why don't you ask him

Top bants lad
Go fucking stay in your instasyc you cretin
lads is Valkyrie chronicles any good

Don't usually play weeb games but I got gifted it
learn to spell you wasteman
just found a mojo lads, guess i'll keep it
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Educate yourself Moslem

Moslem is the derogatory term, Moslems especially hate it.
nah tom cruise is terrible in it. not worth it desu
learn your place rafidah
If you mean valkyria chronicles its a pretty good tactics game if you don't look up scout rushes and the plot is good until the magic blue women turn up
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He looks as normie as they come
it's derogatory for the speaker, because it shows his lack of education
she looks like a man, forget about her
>Moslems especially hate it.

The Al Qaeda literally uses 'Moslem' to refer to the followers of Islam
>if i hold up this terrorist sympathising remark i might get some SJW pussy!
t. Raghead
its very common among the far right in the uk even normies would have heard the term
now naff off JF
my place is in your mom's bed
I take it we're all watching Amy on channel 4 right now yes?
>watching television
alri time traveller
Flatmate has a gf who leaves her hair every where, just found a hair of hers in my tea s m d h
good job missing the point laddo

> Eddie McGuire, a powerful Australian sporting figure and television personality known for his controversial off-hand comments, has been criticised for describing a state MP as a 'soccer loving Turkish-born Mussie'

>Moslems especially hate it.
>responds with an insult

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Ya gotta admit he was pretty fucking cute 2bh. I would have shagged him.
nah listenin on the radio ma set up in the livin room
>doesn't know about different spellings of a word
>get's called out

>y-you just missed the p-point

Kill yourself slavic scum
it's only an insult if you take it like one

muhammad didn't have any formal education either

There, saved you the trouble.
it doesnt show unintelligent from the speaker when both understand the intent
its called context
now naff right off JF
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scrans arrived lads
rent controls are a really poor way of making housing affordable

t. leftist
Sand niggers out
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>tfw the labour party is unelectable
>tfw students and their ilk don't vote anyway
>tfw at least 5 more conservative years
>>get's called out
who's get?
i think rasheed spaffed on your dindins mate
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>look at me guys I just read economics 101!!
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>that feeling when you do not have a girlfriend

Thanks based corbyn
top post
>no niggers
>has branded skin
god amy winehouse was vile
horrible accent, jew, looked like shit before was a druggie
good post :)
That's it

I'm coming to slap your shit
>at least 5 more
haha more like 10 lad, corbyns legacy is going to last a while

>voice of a literal angel
i'm coming on your mum's fanny
Britain is finished. The Tories and their retarded Austerity measures are only gonna increase this national debt we have. Australia, get ready. I'm comin in!


whats up with the left bumming off corbyn? whats so amazing about some half wit who sat on the back benches for decades?
I feel bad for laughing

On Backpage literally 90% of white hookers will specify either "no blacks" or something slightly more PC (e.g., "no thugs"). That girl looks like an ex-coalburner who had some bad experiences.
jews are sexy af
back to instasync nigger
I say 5 years cause Corbyn could be booted out and Labour could get its shit together. unlikely, but still.

>Australia, get ready. I'm comin in!
The grass is always greener right?
oh Rashiq you're one of those black islamic extremists
My style is hard like strong lumber
Cute chicks get the dick, ugly bitches get the wrong number, desu
what kind of logic led you to that non-sequitur conclusion?

We tried to spend our way our for years and it failed, austerity may work it may not but atleast were trying something instead of the same failed shit
>Labour could get its shit together
Not with momentum and the students locking everything down
Feels good man
Even Kenya is starting to look like a more appealing place to live than Britain right now.

>A-at least we're trying something!
Wow that's pathetic. David Cameron has been doing this for over 5 years now and it's done nothing but increase the national debt, how the fuck is "well at least it's something" a valid argument?
ah its a jf with an opinion thread
>Even Kenya is starting to look like a more appealing place to live than Britain right now.

Have you ever been to Kenya?
If you seriously believe this you're either ignorant, an idiot, or both. Lack of infrastructure is a major issue in Kenya, massive taxes for nothing, racial profiling by the police and locals, corruption, the list goes on.

>it's done nothing but increase the national debt

You have no idea how the economy works
File: B68hgjqIUAA5sQH.jpg (27KB, 587x378px) Image search: [Google]
27KB, 587x378px
>people born in 2000 are now legal
I'm out.
don't even feel like getting drunk
>I'm out.
A non argument deserves a non reply in return, you were never in.
>just keep spending and spending on stuff that doesn't boost the economy, that's sure to work!

what, you think labour are any better? you don't get to pick and choose the policies for the party you want to vote for lad, that's not how it works. you vote for the lesser evil, or throw your vote away voting for a lesser party, which will indirectly benefit one of the major parties anyway.

>thinking australia is any better

not worth it lad, unless you're going over to work in mining you're going to be poorer than the average bogan and it will make you miserable.
>not worth it lad, unless you're going over to work in mining you're going to be poorer than the average bogan and it will make you miserable.

Not to mention that once their coal industry tanks, and it will, things will head downhill, just look at Canada
golden age of being a tory
are we allowed to have easter this year? also when is this ramadam thing
fuckin yo wuddap fuckin cracka ass bitches
2-2 niggas
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