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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 370
Thread images: 86

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Frying tonight edition
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crayon pop
I dislike brits tbhlads
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Go away grandad
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>*me, with head down* heh...Ōkī machigai
>U wot senpai? gimme your fucking wallet bruv *grabs me by the shirt*
>*looks him in the eye* Anata wa kigō o yonde imasen ka? Shōhin no te.
*fucking backflip into the air, at the same time channelling my warrior spirit*
*land with one hand on the ground and feet spread apart, looking directly at him, I charge towards him*
*as he moves to stab me on my approach I disappear and reappear behind him*
*slide a hidden blade from under my sleeve and slice his neck*
>Anata no atama o ushinau koto wa arimasenga, baka o shizumemasu
*walk into the night*
mental lads

got out of the shower as police cars showed up on my street and pulled some junkie out of someones unit, heard yelling and running before hand but that's nothing new so i took no notice until the cops show up

I think I heard them say he was in an altercation with an asian man :^(

and i literally just today made a thread about hating bogans

im not kidding lads, exterminate all the brutes
stop calling me granddad I'm only 22 :(
I like Tammy, she's nice.





you're pretty much in the grave already lad
call the cops you big silly
can't get a job so i'm thinking about about trying to set up a baby clothes business

everyone loves babies so people will throw money away on them

good plan?

just kill him
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oh haha forgot to tell you guys when i met this girl, after a few drinks i asked her how lesbians have sex and she got all offended haha
>you're pretty much in the grave already lad
>not the title of the next Morrisey album
Go away grandad
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Eeeeh? Anime? Isn't that for children anon?
Shit, we were so close to finding out
vicious market mate, lots of mums do this on the side plus charities have the poor sewn up. Nappies and washing powder, if you can get these cheap, council estates will love you and your plain white van.
cant believe that stubborn wench didn't vocaroo my joke tBh. the bants would have been palpable that night for anyone reading along thinking there was some sort of fictional altercation with me as a young teenager/child and my sister's fictional child

yeah she spewed hard she was all like "that's really offensive" haha nah she was a good sport about it but
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i'm not going to try to be all lovey dovey, i'm thinking a more Mike Ashley approach

basically normie memes on baby clothes for very little money
delete this immedaitely
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>it's 2015
>you still don't support ISIS

What's it like being a normie?
Lads I'm proper frustrated cos I had a dream last night that my brother said something very important to me about me and how I act and I realised at that time it was very important and I thought to myself "I will write this down once I wake up" but GUESS WHAT, LADS? I didn't bloody write it down and then I FORGOT the fucking thing he said which was so important! ArggggGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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which internet provider should I get for home use?
do they respect my freedoms, browsing 4chan and torrenting occasionally?
Also I don't need a landline. Can I get just the broadband connection?

fuel or Sky?
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is there a girl in this thrread



check THIS out

*tenses arms*
*blood rushes to the head*
*pass out for 14 hours*
Not the biggest fans of foreigners desu


virgin media
GCHQ pls go
hahaha I get it
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>things ur mummy say when i cum over
are you the one who said u were having a 5 hour siesta and was going to come back and send me nudes
Torrenting only occasionally? Sky.

Torrenting frequently? Virgin + VPN.
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moving to scotland in a week.

really? it's gud? will check it out.
nothing fancy i will get a basic 20mb for now.
Had a mate who sold baby hats on eBay for a while. Broke even then got bored so now he's just got a couple of boxes of baby hats lying around.
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Ed u mad cunt hahahahha *starts shadow boxing* ahaha fukken take that ahahah *head butts the air* nah but
ahah well it will keep me busy
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While there is anime made for children, I myself watch what is known as "Smart Anime". Examples of this genre include Serial Experiments Lain, Neon Genesis Evangelion and K-ON. These series touch on themes such as the prevailence of the internet and global communications in today's society, depression and belonging, the importance of friendship, and are renowned for their ability to stimulate even the most intellectual of minds to provide wholesome entertainment for mature audiences.
>Lisicki (6'3) is the same height as Maisie (5'0)
conducting a wank
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>Brothers gf due to turn up any minute
>Did a very smelly poo in the toilet
>Didn't flush it
>Left the house
oi did u see my play that fucking bint in the other thread right into my hand? *expands hand and u see an image of her and shes all in chains n shit haha fucking yeeeee unt*

oi nah but she didnt vocaroo anything i said cuz if she did i would have loaded up the old 'ashton_kutcher.jpg' and been all like "YOOOO U GOT PUNKED BIATCH!" hahaha :)
It's the best imo, I've been using it for years.

What part of Scotland btw?
fuck imagine the pain of having an autist for a brother
>"Smart Anime"

swallow your tongue
she's a big girl
calling k-on 'smart anime' is just sheer bloody minded cruelty
your brother must have it hard la'
oh my -freaking- god she is clearly wearing high hills you buffoon
me and the mandem

virgin media is expensive tbqh ..

what happens of you heavy torrent on Sky?
aha nah lad i was watching some junkie get roughed up out front of my house lmao #lmao

*keeps my eye on you*
why oh why must i cry i wonder why
the sharia police and behead you
>he has a dog called Pepe

Kev is literally LITERALLY a walking meme
having a go
edinbrah ..
i want my torrents though..
Never got a warning letter for torrenting from Sky
lads i am back t. bucks
just remembered that i left "Singing hymns to myself haha I'm just a just just just so much for the me and I have a good one for you guys are hello my friend to be able the first banister the gerund to joke around with my family and friends are the best way to go back to sleep in my room is so cute when he was the only thing I would have to do with a rolling pin down to the gym and then you can do it against the wall of a sudden you know what you want to see my cunny is a very long time to go back and I love you so much better than that of a sudden it was the best of luck in your eyes are burning up with the new version and I don't have a nice person who can I have a nice day t. Bucks" on my mums ipad clipboard haha hope she doesnt paste anything soon
where are my flags
why has thainonce stopped paying for his handy little website
hahahahaha LET-ER-ALL-EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE only in meme city right haha *puts my right leg wayyyy up on the side of my wall as a nice stretch but also to air out me gooch+shit hole*
no that was me t. bucks nudes depend on you being a nubile brunette girl with a penchant for fannies
>what happens of you heavy torrent on Sky?
Absolutely nothing. Sky is the only big ISP that doesn't throttle or traffic shape in any way or form. They don't give a single, solitary shite how much you illegally download.

The only reason I recommend them behind Virgin for heavy downloads is because their speeds are crap. I pay for their 16Mb package (not Fibre) and get half that due to distance from the exchange.

Whereas people on Virgin Fibre get speeds well in excess of 100Mb down and they get free speed upgrades all the time. They do throttle and shit though (but it's hardly a problem when you go from 100Mb to 70Mb). However they do also send letters and shit when you illegally download stuff.
>air out me gooch+shit hole*

I'm deleting you off facebook never contact me again
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assuming I get a gf, how do I introduce her to this site without her thinking im a school shooter
I wish people would think of all the microbes our immune system mercilessly kills every second of our existence. They're just trying to find a nice little home and what does our body do? Dissolves them. I think it's disgusting, everyone should get AIDS or kill themselves so these brave little microbes can finally find a home.
>two autistics making small talk
O-oh okay anon. Sounds... Nice....
*turns and whispers*
Nasakenai ne---
Is your name Lucifer?
Nothing unless you're very unlucky and torrent something being monitored by one of those legal firms
hahaha is that 2legit2quit or nah?
kek, even Yank presidents are fucking thick. The most intelligent President they've had in the last 25 years is Obama
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>Is your name Lucifer?
>edinbrah ..

My city!

Anyway, it's only £30 a month, not that much. I've never had Sky but I imagine you can torrent as much as you want on it too
I torrent a fair bit with Virgin and haven't received anything so far
thinking of dressing like a skinhead but I don't want people thinking I'm racist
ive got to find a worthy avatar to represent me whilst flags are borked
how about rage faces
Show her /fa/ or /an/
Or maybe just this thread so she can realise it's just bants
Ban her from NSFW boards somehow
NOT A GIRL IN THIS THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 *jumps up from the couch and barks* Grrrrrrrrrrrrr! girlies out!
oh YOU again are you the one who likes my stories

will you send nudes if i dress like a girl
trip so I can filter you
Some /int/ thread on /soc/ lads
She's there
start her out light on the f ucking origami forum
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While there is anime made for children, I myself watch what is known as "Smart Anime". Examples of this genre include Serial Experiments Lain, Neon Genesis Evangelion and K-ON. These series touch on themes such as the prevailence of the internet and global communications in today's society, depression and belonging, the importance of friendship, and are renowned for their ability to stimulate even the most intellectual of minds to provide wholesome entertainment for mature audiences.
and one of the men I saw was dead ri fol latitee o and one of the men I saw was dead so i sent for a hatchet to open his head with a ri fol latitee o
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forgot to greentext shit
post her pics la
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want to go see star wars tonight but daddy wont drive me :((((((((9
>4chan is such a big part or some people's lives they feel like they have to "introduce" their loved ones to it
Wew lad
this cannot be real
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>forgot to greentext shit
imagine being born in this country
Won't dare tell my gf about 4chan desu
Sounds like something Bateman would say before killing someone.
>You'll never fuck up a ham with your best mate Bill Clinton
Why live desu?
luv em fucking luv em tears to my eyes
youve got to go all the way and have a willyectomy to stand a GHOST of a chance!!!!

just say its a sort of free for all forum where you dont need to sign up, like yikyak meets reddit
point her to boards that would interest her
anybody got the kitchen without kev and kev without the kitchen?
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me and the gf lads

Dirty little secret desu. I'm not even a racist in real life but I do like saying 'Paki' on here, don't want people to think I'm in the EDL or something.
>>forgot to greentext shit
Wants to be feared
>I collect pictures of men in hats for the sole purpose of submitting to a fijian paragliding forum
Same lad

My other secret is I had an online fwb before my gf

She will never know
Even if my gf did know about 4chan I wouldn't want her finding /brit/ tbf because if she started posting how she feels about muzzies you'd all call her rorke
alri give us a minute then christ

would make a good sitcom imo

>now Bill we need to have a word about Kosovo
>*crowd laughs and applauds*
*tells her*
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>not even a racist in real life
VERY funny sketch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VKH9ECC_Qa4&index=92&list=PL3vCMBMAqQ_1nDIASD6ZY--_IZvEfa9oQ
think i just offended this girl

whoopsie daisy
I refuse to believe these are real.
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Guys I'm a little concerned. My gf just me this photo a few minutes ago. Do you think I'm getting cucked by tyrone?
it would be much better without a laugh track
Lads, do girls expect you to let them snoop around your phone and all your online accounts when you're going out with them?

If I had a girlfriend and she asked that I would have to refuse because there must be so much horrible, awkward, weird or embarrassing shit in my search history, old emails, in various apps and just various other nooks and crannies of my digital life.
>lad offends me

ok I dont mind

>lad offends girl

i hope you like pain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah, nobody's perfect
Don't want to look it up, but lads, is that Theon Greyjoy in the new Yorkshire Tea advert?
Thing is they don't ask to snoop, they just say "can I borrow your phone?" and if you say no then that's pretty suspicious
Just hide your 4chan files in a hidden drive partition and use a different browser like I do
what did you do
Only obsessive ones do
Dunno lad

My gf literally told me her passwords for all her accounts yesterday
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Wew, if she has a Google account go back and see what she's been searching for.
Not pictured:

>the operation of machines
>the management of sports retail associates at the sports superstore 'JJB'
>literal big guy thread
Only gone and forgotten me bloody image.

There is a single shoe on the floor in the kitchen

It's a woman's shoe


Think I might cum in it lol
Those are big guys...
hahaha absoloute madman
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I just want an Aryan qt to dress in an SS uniform and dom me.

Dont be a fucking idiot, use 2 browsers, one must be your favorite and doesnt need to be in the desktop, the other one is the one tht she will watch you use, gave her the paasword of your professional mail, she doesn't need to know you have a real one. But connect the mail to the phone.so.if.she tries.to get into your.account you will know and say "you violated my confidence". You are a man, just play with her
Mine used to look through my phone, had to put a passcode on it 2bh
fucking freezing over here
Where you at
Me too, refuse to put the heating on tbqh
scottish weather
Based fucking Chile laying down the truth.
extra layers > heating
Love my town lads. It's so pretty, very white and middle class (I mean it doesn't matter necessarily, but... it kind of does in a way doesn't it?), people cycle everywhere and say hello to each other, the old couple who run the newsagents/post office are so nice whenever I go in and they even order copies of Private Eye and the Economist for me and chat about the news with me when I go in.

There's a quaint little church with a primary school attached that's the hub of the village and ensures there's a good mix of ages in the village and is the hub, always running nice little get togethers, meetings, charity drives, etc.

Got a big forest about a 15 minute walk from me that's absolutely beast for cycling and walking the dogs in, a nice little pub that isn't part of some massive chain that sells all these interesting real ales and ciders and stuff and has a real roaring fire.

It's so quiet and peaceful, I'm very thankful I live here and wanted to tell someone. :3
Nice little town you have there... it would be a shame if something... happened to it.
And where would that be lad?
Any pikey neighbourhoods? Every small town has a pikey neighbourhood...

enjoy it while it lasts. lefties will soon destroy it.
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>Love my town lads. It's so pretty, very white and middle class (I mean it doesn't matter necessarily, but... it kind of does in a way doesn't it?), people cycle everywhere and say hello to each other, the old couple who run the newsagents/post office are so nice whenever I go in and they even order copies of Private Eye and the Economist for me and chat about the news with me when I go in.
>There's a quaint little church with a primary school attached that's the hub of the village and ensures there's a good mix of ages in the village and is the hub, always running nice little get togethers, meetings, charity drives, etc.
>Got a big forest about a 15 minute walk from me that's absolutely beast for cycling and walking the dogs in, a nice little pub that isn't part of some massive chain that sells all these interesting real ales and ciders and stuff and has a real roaring fire.
>It's so quiet and peaceful, I'm very thankful I live here and wanted to tell someone. :3
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fucking cold out and in as well
jokes on u ed u mong i didnt even go to bed even when i said i did ha haha haha ha ha ha haha
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>23 and never had a job

Say I got an entry level job like burger flipping at McDonalds or shelf stacking in Tesco, if I worked there for like 2 or 3 years is it conceivable that an employer could one day overlook the 5 years of NEEThood on my CV and let me on the lowest rung of a career ladder somewhere?
I don't understand why people would take a picture of Mona Lisa like that. It will be exactly like 1000's of over pictures taken of it albeit shit quality.
Not that I know of (it's a small village really, not a town) but some literal pikeys did turn up a field last year and we had to put these massive mounds of earth around the field so they couldn't get their caravans over it
Honestly worried about this desu.
fucking normies eh?
happened to me
now I manage a team of 10 people in a shitty hotel in the middle of nowhere
If you had a job like that for a couple of years you could put down that you had another similar job beforehand, very unlikely that they'll actually ask for a reference from it

probably not, but you might get lucky mate
The struggle is real
Sounds comfy
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>trade union research officer
Anyone else unironically prefer instant coffee to filter/cafetiere coffee?

Got a coffee machine and a cafetiere for xmas because I mentioned to me mama once that I drink coffee now, and the coffee is just shit in comparison, even if I'm using more expensive beans. Want to keep using it though so I don't hurt her feelings. Any hipster NEETs able to help me out here?
Yeah definitely, no one really looks that far back except for higher played jobs. Just get any job so you don't look like such a loser/unwilling to work. Much easier to get a job if you already have one and show you can work, turn up on time etc.
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assalamu alaikum /brit/

I drink it to wake myself up, it's the caffeine i want

all tastes like shit, who cares where it comes from?
me, big fan of Dowe Egberts
Yeah, I think instant coffee is nicer than filter coffee because you can make it stronger.

However coffee made in something like a moka pot or an aeropress is much nicer than instant because you can drink it just as strong and it tastes much nicer, especially if you use good fresh coffee.
Do any of you lads have an Odeon Unlimited card? Thinking of getting one desu, seems like a good deal.
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It's alright.

The team is pretty self reliant, all I really do is deal with the big bosses when they come in to keep up appearances
Same here, and that's one of the problems of non-instant coffee, it just seems weak and watery no matter how much ground coffee I use.

Good choice 2bh.

I'll have to do a bit of research on that lad, as I have no idea what either of those things are.
Sometimes i feel like i want a gf but i know deep down inside it won't make me happy

Can't win, just have to keep moving forward
>Douwe Egberts
Carte Noire is the pinnacle of instant coffee.

However I, like >>53278346, have recently switch to Real Coffee™ using an aeropress and it is superior (depending on which ground coffee you buy).
how come
me in the trilby

How is it superior, you get the same kick from both

Do you just prefer the taste?
I used to work in this country gastropub as a waiter, and the job included free accommodation in this renovated barn adjacent to the pub.

This cute twink also used to work there and we used to sleep together quite a bit, keeping each other warm with blowies and kisses and cuddles.

Then I went to uni and my one taste of being a normie was snatched away from me, I dropped out and now I'm a neet. :((
good choice
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Me and my two fuckbuddies
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i'm off to work
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Is this supposed to be a gangster lisicki or a fedora neckbeard lisicki?
>all these twink stories on /brit/ lately


where do you guys live?
How many Prime Ministers have you lads lived under? 4 here, Major - Blair - Brown - Dave.

Anyone born when Maggie was PM?
To be fair I'd just been using the Fairtrade Peruvian/Colombian blends, no idea if that's regarded as a good type of coffee, but it was much better than the ground coffee I've used since (Lyons at the mo).

Can't explain the feeling, it just is

Maybe i haven't found the "right one" but i prefer to just get on with my own shit
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>I used to work in this country gastropub as a waiter, and the job included free accommodation in this renovated barn adjacent to the pub.
>This cute twink also used to work there and we used to sleep together quite a bit, keeping each other warm with blowies and kisses and cuddles.
>Then I went to uni and my one taste of being a normie was snatched away from me, I dropped out and now I'm a neet. :((
>you get the same kick from both
Drinking coffee for me isn't about the caffeine content (though I do enjoy it and what it adds to the taste). If you want caffeine take a caffeine pill.

>Do you just prefer the taste?
Yeah. The taste with real coffees is just more substantial than what you get with instant coffees. There's more to taste. At this risk of sounding like a fedora wanker, there's more 'depth of flavour'.

However if someone can drink a proper coffee and an instant coffee and tell absolutely no difference between them then there's no reason not to continue just drinking instant (since it's easier + cheaper). I do still enjoy instant coffees if they are all that's available, but a real coffee is nicer in my opinion.
This happened in the Lake District, lel.

G-got any links to the others?
I get on with me own shit whilst being in a relationship
There is hope
search the archives for 'year 10'

want to meet up and cuddle?
OK. And yes please. :3
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this is a real logo that the Hillary campaign used
did you guys see the thing where the American boy was done up in makeup like a girl by his parents

Are you serious?
email me x

[email protected]

Yes lad, the Queen held a televised speech about it
which one?
people from the south of england are literally scum
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>you will never have sex

tune :)
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that was a british lad lad

Wouldn't surprise me if she went around wanking people off for votes

id fuck her
t. bucks
/brit/ more like shit lmao!
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oh god what the fuck
good post :)
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preparing for an other exciting friday night lads?
owned by sweden again

keep telling yourself that lad, and you won't
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fucking love this shit
Talking to a German girl. She says #notallrefugees are bad and she would be equally afraid of German men as she would be of a gang of muslim men.
is that a boy
Might do acid tonight

>the state of france right now
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Let's go
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nearly the weekend lads. time to not talk to another human being for a couple of days haha
High on lyrica
o-or d-don't

may she put a stop to this degenerate buffoonery
nigel pls
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i thought it was pretty well made desu
>rendevouz rendevouz rendevouz rendevous
thinking of getting this as a tattoo
thoughts lads?
watch we whip
now watch me nae nae
Tattoos are skin fedoras.
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does doing lots of drugs make you go bald?
in 3 years, people born in 2000 will be posting here, drinking, having s*x and getting jobs
*watches you whip*
*watches you nae nae*
a lot of them already are

like what you see?
bad opinion please offer a new one
>Implying they aren't doing that now
yeah, but it's like a good poo. no matter how good it is it's still poo.
feel a bit naked
probably because i am haha
but also because i am no longer enlightened by my own county
Women's sports are the same concept as the Special Olympics.
some of them deplete your vitamin levels, so without replenishing them you run the risk of the follicles dying early
same goes for teeth and nails
They are though. People get tattoos for the most stupid reasons but ultimately the only reason people get them is because they think that tattoos make them interesting. Having a tattoo is no substitute for having an actual personality.
no, only mkat does
why do all aussies have tattoos

is it because youre all knackers

interesting stuff.
You nae a fine nae my friend.

But tell me.

Can you hit the quam like I can?

*Hits the quam*
a classic sign
>I'm getting a tattoo
>what of?
>I don't know yet
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>"""Sports"""" like snooker and darts
>absolutely no reason why women shouldn't perform at the top level with men
>women consistently get shat on by men
I just like Death in June my man

>that pic

he looks terminally ill desu, almost feel sorry for the bloke
i smoke weed every day and my teeth and nails are fine, i am going grey though.

i can concur. i've got a couple of tats which i liked at the time but now i despise them. going to get them removed asap 2bh.
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who? /banbury/ here.

and chess
You probably eat normally.

People that binge for days or weeks on end don't tend to eat much.

weed is probably the only drug which doesn't completely fuck your body up.
Still bad as it implies expertise on tattoos and their culture on your part, something you seem to be professing, with your comments, that you don't have not having had one or been through the decision to have/not have one. Try again.

they would probably argue that snooker/pool halls are not female friendly environments or some shit kek
>british genetics
put the picture on your fridge for 6 months, if you still want to get the tattoo after then you'll be less likely to regret it haha
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>Women's sports are the same concept as the Special Olympics.
>any opinion on tattoos expressed by a person without a tattoo is invalid

Next you'll be telling him his opinions are invalid because he's a cis white male. Get a grip lad.
haha not bad lad
>bad opinion please offer a new one
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Though his mind is not for rent
Don't put him down as arrogant
His reserve, a quiet defense
Riding out the day's events
The river
just your brain
I've wanted it for quite some time tbqh
good post
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VERY good Farage today

even then it takes a monumental amount to cause any discernible damage. i have a couple of mates who have smoked it every day for over 10 years and i've only just recently noticed a change in their cognitive function - and its minimal at that.

any other drug and you could do the same in a fraction of the time with much smaller quantities.
To be fair smoking every day could be costing me some brain cells, I wasn't planning on doing much with the brainpower I currently have anyway haha.
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>Why yes, m'lady, I do listen to Rush
If someone is half Egyptian is it ok for them to claim they're half black?
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>Phone Farage
Help me fill in my fedora folder, lads!
No, they're closer to arabs than they are to blacks.
no egyptions are more arab than black
alri green voter

Arabs genocided the native Egyptian population centuries ago.
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>Help me fill in my fedora folder, lads!
chinese tonight lads
Just black actually. Egyptians WERE actually black, and anyone who is mixed black usually just identifies as black so yes.
proxys working m8, what you going to do with it?
>Young Arab men are leaving their countries for the West
>Young Arab women left behind

You thinking what I'm thinking?

#LadsOnTour2016 #Shaghdad2016
I was just testing if I'm banned
might do one myself fancy some duck and pancakes
what? egpytians were never black

who the fuck lives in a place where you need to get a train to buy pizza?
its an >american education post
if i make a grindr account do i have to have facebook?

i dont really want to upload pics incase someone recognises me
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poor people
>train to buy pizza
anyway this video would have been complete with
gamble with your life if I don't get two cups stuffed
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*watches you from afar*
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>it implies expertise on tattoos and their culture on your part, something you seem to be professing, with your comments, that you don't have not having had one or been through the decision to have/not have one

come on now, that isn't even close to a fedora.
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Having a Kinder Bueno
sexy jawline
its a mouth fedora tho
How do people, tweens and late-teens with autism / aspergers, still buy and wear fedoras in 2016?

All those losers must be extensive internet users simply by virtue of them being low-status beta or omega males and the pervasiveness of the internet. So you have to assume that they've come across the fedora meme or reddit or some exposure to the fact that fedoras are autistic as fuck. Yet people still buy and wear them, unironically.
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Still pretty euphoric tho
>Cowboy hat

*steals it from you*
What does brit look like? I'm imaginging like half normies, half beta nerds and like 3 or 4 trannies.
That is literally a fedora. The ones you see everyone wearing in uni are trilbies.
We've been over this before lad
Dont nick my fucking kinder bueno
i dont know m8 theyre getting pretty common, saw a woman easily in her 60s doing one today
fedoras are more of a thing people wore 60 years ago matched with clothes they make no sense with
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>mfw my mum bought me a fedora for christmas
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>Having a kinder bueno
dont be disgusting
I have a long, thin face, extremely pale, large ears (though not sticking out), sallow sunken eyes with very dark circles under them, high cheekbones though not male model tier. 6'2", 10stone11 or there abouts.

Rate myself a strong 4/10. Virgin.
Literally fuck off ita.
No, he's actually wearing an outback hat.
*Triple somersaults over you*
"That's mine, you fool..."
*Unsheathe my Osakan steel katana*
*Cleave you into with the wrath of Aji-Suki-Taka-Hi-Kone*
wewlad, just looked through the BNP twitter

against syria airstrikes, want to renationalise the railways and full on 'the bankers the bonuses'

doesnt even make sense you daft medinigger
100% normie uni students including me
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Australian fedora.png
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>outback hat
You mean the Australian fedora? Note the one in the middle.
The EDL is the most coherent anti paki twitter
Mhm. Shut up Rasheed. Go back to your walking black ghosts if you dislike ladyboys so much. But stop trying to impose your problematic backwards ways and/or sexual insecurities on us.
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>I listen to synthwave
who /birmingham/ here?

how do I escape this shithole?
>if youre not a militant progressive youre a militant paki
youre insane lad
They're not really fedoras though, they're usually worn by people on farms so they don't get skin cancer all over their face.
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>Mhm. Shut up Rasheed. Go back to your walking black ghosts if you dislike ladyboys so much. But stop trying to impose your problematic backwards ways and/or sexual insecurities on us
Theres at least 2 who come on here i know about. I live with one.
They are literally fedoras. Again, the "fedoras" you see classy gentlesirs wear are trilbies.
naff off half wit JF
alright lads
>I wear my fedora to not get cancer
>but in fact, I am the cancer
Why is this so fucking good
oh fug, you're right.
wamp wamp

what it do what it do
fuck england





>tfw just ordered £150 worth of Norse Projects stuff

mixed feeling lads, on the one hand I'm excited, on the other it's £150 innit

here, don't mind the place desu and I've travelled quite a bit. Grass is always greener and all that.
Oh for the love of god

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