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>http://www.thelocal.de/20160104/re fugees-blamed-for-mas

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Thread replies: 340
Thread images: 35

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>Refugees mass sexually assault women in German city
>"We have to understand that the way our women dress while out partying is not the norm where these immigrants are coming from," says Jürgen Asch, Minister of Incoming Visitors for the area. "These women have to take some responsibility for how these men react."
germans are sleeping, try again later
The Jews were right. Gas the Germans.
>"We have to understand that the way our women dress while out partying is not the norm where these immigrants are coming from," says Jürgen Asch, Minister of Incoming Visitors for the area. "These women have to take some responsibility for how these men react."
What a fucking faggot.
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Nice /pol/ clickbait article you fucking faggot
lol. no one rapes german "women". they are slightly better than goats.
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The men were too busy pretending to be animals to save their women

>true story
>Hurr clickbait go back to /pol/
Cuck pls

it's the Japan of the West

>it's all our fault
>they are slightly better than goats
So how many have you raped then?
>true story
>nothing more then speculations
Fuck off retard
could've just asked and the women would probably have said yes

Japan didn't accept millions of refugees and their nationalism is still strong
or went to a red light district
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SURe because "refugees welcome s2" and they are so caring, and loving, and need protection and dindu nuffin

FUCK OFF, KEK, you deserve the shit that's coming
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whoa dude calm down
what's your plan to stop refugee waves mr. Hue?
keep in mind the closest greek island is only 4 km away from turkey; and turkey doesn't give them "refugee" status.
You fucking monkey we are talking about the article which states that it is mere speculation but massive faggots like you fall for this clickbait shit for "le ebin banter against germans lol xD". Atleast use confirmed shit
It was in the Washington post you defeatist, spineless self hating faggot. Stop letting your women get raped in the middle of celebrations you fuck up
Give me the link faggot
Your Minister of "Incoming Visitors" said >>53113427. Even if the rape didn't happen you're still cucked beyond repair.

Wake the fuck up you indoctrinated sorry excuse for a man
>"We have to understand that the way our women dress while out partying is not the norm where these immigrants are coming from," says Jürgen Asch, Minister of Incoming Visitors for the area. "These women have to take some responsibility for how these men react."

Nice fake quote lad, although I'm sure it's only a matter of time before it's real
Syrians raping Turks whats the issue here really
we don't have a ministry of incoming visitors and that mr asch doesn't exist.

>this guy's a faggot for saying that when araps rape
>/pol/ says the same thing whenever any woman complains about rape and it's ok

oooooooohhhh lawd i hate this board
who cares? I don't. These women need to mind their new environment or face the consequences.
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Germans, please do the right thing. The spirit of Willy calls for you
Victim blaming in order to defend rapists. What next.
>no source
Into the thrash it goes
Of course you hate this board with ad hoc reasoning to justify the hate
Based hat.
What do you want us to do?
>the Washington Post isn't a source

Holy shit tour country is fucked
Unrelated host

It's a fucking turk or a cuckold, please disregard him.
Do you know what a source is?
Become like you were about 116 years ago and inspire the rest of the world to follow
The question is why would someone rape in a country with regulated prostitution though.
So the world can team up and destroy us again?
It would have to be

>Aninformation sourceis a source ofinformationfor somebody, i.e. anything that might inform a person about something or provide knowledge about it.

Do you?

Because Muslims are backwards retarded apes
I Indian can I join in da rape 2?
It's about asserting dominance, not having sex.

When Germany is ashes, you have my permission to poo
What do you mean exactly?

A police station confirming these rapes is not enough for you, you unbelievable sack of trash?

What's more, the incident being literally hidden for 4 DAYS is not telling?

Fuck you, vermin. Mama Merkel was giving her tolerance speeches literally at the same time German girls were getting raped and its all because of BITCHBOYS/COCKROACHES like you.
India likea rape bery much, v vant white German possy2
No! WWI was fucking awful for humanity as a whole. We just need the Empire back to fix everything.
Fuck off, Schluchtenscheißer. Noone here is doing anything all you do is circlejerking about some newsarticle everyday and living in your mothers basement

Why are immigrants even given internet access lmao. I'd send you all to the gulags to make free chairs or something.

Admit it, you aren't German.
Calm your asses, the government knows about this problem and has already taken steps to find a solution.

1. President Gauck will publically apologize for German war crimes
2. The state will give up to 5 Billion Euros to fund Anti-Rightwing-Initiatives and to spread Anti-Nazi awareness
3. 20 new submarines will be delivered to Israel ASAP

We can do it! t. Mutti
>i would
>i would
>i would

The only thing you do is warming up some hotpockets loser

Watch your mouth, subhuman. I WOULD break your manlet ass in two if I ever saw you, no stress.
Tough guy over here,huh? The only shit you can break are some doritos brought to you by your over-working and dissapointed mother you faggot

I'm gonna play a game here. It's called Nigger or Jew.

Round1: You're a Jew.

Am I right?
It's not unfounded speculation, in Oslo for example they found that literally all the sexual assault type rapes were committed by people of non-european heritage.
They're only say it's 'speculation' because until they have people convicted das racist
>im gonna play a game here
Im pretty sure play enough games per day you fucking NEET

Jew confirmed. End yourself, you silly manlet virgin.
>projecting this hard
österreich confirmed for being BTFO
I could beat up all of you in this thread but you don't have honor so it's not worth it. I could if I wanted to, though.
>>"We have to understand that the way our women dress while out partying is not the norm where these immigrants are coming from," says Jürgen Asch, Minister of Incoming Visitors for the area. "These women have to take some responsibility for how these men react."

That's pretty much like saying "she was asking for it". How is this okay when it's refugees?
Shut the fuck up you stupid Turk

> be sad and angry jew-virgin
> get mad when people don't agree with your idiotic jew views
> bring up "projecting"

Come on little man, it's OBVIOUS you don't work and now that you've managed to find a cuckshed for the first time in your life you think you're some kind of hero, bahahahaha.

Get the fuck going, sadcase.

A fucking jew living on state money calling people NEETs, TOP FUCKING KEK.

I bet you don't even have a car.
I believe that. A Finnish friend went to Helsinki (a 4 hours ride geez) to celebrate NYE, and she kept being harassed by dirty refugees, eventually she started crying and they just laughed at her.

Fucking assholes.
>calls him out on his subhuman behaviour
Literally ahmed behaviour. But thats propably what you are, right ahmed?
Because it's a fake quote
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>The matriarchy is a failure

this is why DADS protect the family you idiots

the charity of women gets them into trouble
Obviously honor killings.

SJW's will murder the rape victims for being racist agitators.
I don't see you refuting to being called a Jew senpai
I would think they're more likely to implode considering they have two minorities to defend against each other, that or a paradox loop

What in the fuck did you call out exactly?

I called you a retard (with good reason, you're screaming for "proofs" when the police are literally calling the event unprecedented)

What you did after that was literally shit yourself and this thread up with LITERAL projection.

>implying he would accept it
>implying he wouldnt continue tinfoiling
Nah, Muslim rights always supersede everything else. The Swedish gay parade in a Muslim neighborhood proved this.
That you are a worthless NEET living in his mothers basement playing vidya all day long and browsing /int/ and /pol/ to circlejerk about some newsarticle and doing nothing more than that. The fact that you called me a jew after that just proves my point.

Which uni do you edit newspaper articles for, Shlohmo?

I would like to send them a strongly worded letter about one uppity kike.
It's fuckign infuriating, Muslim the exact opposet to EVRYTHING the liberals stand for, they're sexist, sexuallly repressed. support hatred of non muslims, hate gays and value the group over the individual but they get fucking defended to no end. Every Muslim country from Turkey to Indonesia is a shithole in every country in the west the Muslims are rapist, honour killing fucking savages from the Pakistanis in the UK tot he Moroccans in Netherlands but they never get called on it. It's like I'm living in a madhouse.

> get called a jew
> WAAAAH YOU MUST BE A NEET!!! (p-please stop calling me that, or I'm gonna call you a NEET again)

That's because the #1 goal of progressives is to stick it to anything right wing, white men dislike

Muslims are the biggest target of white male ire and therefore libs/progressives will defend them to the bitter end
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Argument invalid!

The other party in question is the sacred cow of the West: Muslims.
but we like it that way
>implying you would ever leave your basement or do something else than circlejerking on /int/

It's not "his" women. The "guy" is an immigrant and a pretty good candidate for a deportation.

My bet is on some Kike/Sandnigger mix. Maybe even a repressed Russian Jew that ran away from Russia, who knows.
>flemish and german part of belgium are full of furfags
>walloons still have no internet access
lol no he is a serb. but serbs are half turk so you are sort of right.
>get called a NEET
> WAAAAH YOU MUST BE A JEW!!! (p-please stop calling me that, or I'm gonna call you a jew again)
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>Germany will collapse in your lifetime
You get what you deserve
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You're blowing the kike's cover, Ozgur.


> backpedaling
>implying your reply was worth a serious answer
>bitter end
When will Muslims start killing gays and people who oppose them?
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when will your ass heal, mehmetovic?
>Muslim attacks every few months in France
>"Germany will collapse a-any day now!"


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> implying you're not an anal-pained Jew who deserves to get deported back to Russia and sent to to the gulag.
>he said few weeks after muslims casually killed over 100 of his countrymen

That's what I mean

at some point there will be enough Muslims where they get rowdy and liberals won't be able to stand together anymore
t. Pole on his way to the harbour to start his new future cleaning toilets in Birmingham
I can't make myself feel bad for Germans either.
t. Last hope of german nation, failed before it even started
Let me guess every muslim terrorist attack was secretely planned by mossad right ahmed ;)?
t. Proud Hussar who don't need no Westerners, except to win his wars and build his roads

Germans literally don't give a fuck about you. Congratulations on falling far the tricks of the Globalist Jew though, don't know how a New Year's article on rape being hidden for 4 days didn't tip you off, but ok.


Alright Shlohmo, it's getting sad at this point. Hang yourself and spare the German government deportation costs please.
Germans and the German "nation" is an embarrassment to civilized people the world over
Anyone seen the vid of the square in Köln? Fantastic image of that magnificent cathedral with a large gathering of subhumans walking in front of it. Nice contrast.
When are you gonna get your shit together, Germany? This filth could be dealt with so easily...
Anyone wanna start a happening with this? Make a bunch of "feminist" fake facebooks and get leftists anti Muslim by accusing them of being victim blaming sexists?
I don't see the Dutch doing anything about the state of their nation.
Yeah whatever ahmed dont you have a goat to fuck or something you subhuman filth?
What do you want us to do?
t. Master Race that cannot into diplomacy and grand strategy and keeps losing every war
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Said the chimp from a country that was shitting itself from early 00s EU/Russia alliance prospects and literally ripped its asshole open trying to infiltrate Europe with SJW agents.

Well memed, m'virgin. Stay salty about your 50% white country, friend. We actually have people here that know this shit is wrong.
>using unjust methods
As expected from a kike
Start learning Polish
>women have to take responsibility for how the migrants will act
feminists LOOK
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Ich denke du bist misinformiert.

Great blonde leader related. Would that even be possible in cükmany?
t. country that acted tough und bullied smaller nations, then got rekt in 2 weeks
Wilders is just a Zionist stooge. Guys like him are part of the problem.
He is half-indonesian and dyes his hair to hide his heritage faggot
You have to be a Muslim, there's no way Germans are this cucked. If this same story happened here there would literally be revenge killings and burning of Muslim neighborhoods. Keep burying your head in the sand you retarded coward.
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>mfw i reverse searched that image i had saved and got this website
>it's swedish
t. Country that acted tough und bullied small nations, then got absolutely obliterated
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>thread literally filled by highly triggered /pol/acks circlejerking about stuff they have no power on
>''but hurrr I don't even go on /pol/ lmao''
Why don't you stay on your /b/ tier shithole or even shit up /his/ instead of /int/?
To be a great, powerful nation once again, one that doesn't put up with muslim shit.
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>It's a "let's blame america for our problems" episode

> t. Chang Micropenis

>french send their carrier to drop a few bombs on muslims in response
>germans send their teenage daughters to a train station to comfort poor new germans
Nice meme.
Nice conjecture.
Well, you heard about Nemtsov, right? A man who was in politics, then kinda quit but kept some public activity in the internets. He posted in FB about "Muslim Inquisition" after Charlie Herbdo, called Islam "a thing from the Middle Ages" and called for struggle for a secular state. Then he got shot. Only hitmen (Chechens) were captured, the real customer is still unknown. And it will stay like that.
How should we archive that?
Does anyone have any pics from the attack?

Also, can someone tranq this spastic Austrian lmao
yeah, I know we're talking about Poland the whole time
>getting triggered by an article that accurately reflects the problems with mass migration
>resort to ad hominem attacks on a boogeyman you've constructed in your head

The mind of modern day liberal ladies and gentlemen.
I wanna live off German tax payers' money.
Howe can I proceed?

Nobody's blaming the WHOLE America with all you tubs of lard in it, don't worry.

People blame the Globalist Jew that runs America with NO OPPOSITION, because you people are just disgusting little cucks. (Original Cucks too)


> French causing the crisis in the first place, after Qaddafi warned Europe about the migrants, but Sarkozy went forward anyways, because he (US Jewry puppet) has fired every single French general that opposed US foreign policy.
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Excellent rebutal.

What are you on about? I'm saying this does not belong here. Your post is proving my point, retard.
Muslims are apes and you can't spell rape without ape.


Holy shit you're just as retarded, not everything is about Jews you giant flaming faggot. We fucking hate Muslims and aren't cucked faggots like you who allow our women to get raped.
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I see you still try old tricks, Adolf
But it's not going to work

Nemtsov got also did PERSONAL attacks on Kadyrov, why not mention that?
Wonder what would happen if someone had solid proof (hidden cameras, audio tapes and stuff) of that Chechen fucks involvement in it.

t. Chang MICROpenis

(what's up, why are you not liking my /int/ responses, Chang?)
>literally using /pol/-memes and spouting /pol/ opinions
>"lel what /pol/ lol"

Back to >>>/pol/
What the hell is wrong with Germans? Why are they such spineless cowards now?
Fuck off and go watch your women get raped some more in your useless disgrace of a dead nation.
Some footage at the bottom of this article lads

Just Americans Plans in action. Hooten Plan, Kaufmann Plan, same old American social engineering.
>german detroyer
Polish competence everyone
I suggest reading this while listening to this
>"I'm saying this does not belong here"

>being a faggot who thinks he can say what is and isnt allowed

go back to reddit. Anything country related goes on /int/ so deal with it.

>/pol/ memes

posting a news article is now a /pol/ meme? ok ahmed
O skurwysyn
I have been posting threads about germany destroyer of europe for days, but nobody noticed
Atleast i wont falseflag and shill to achieve my goalsyou filthy excuse for a human
Put them all in extermination camps, throw them in the sea, shave their hairy backs and tape them to the Recihstag, idk m8, options a plenty.
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>not falsefalgging
>cuck cuck cuck cuck
>muh uprising muh HAPPENING

Sure there isnt /pol/-shit here you fucking /pol/tard
Yeah fuck off. Sure I blame my govt 100% for distabilizing the Middle East but that gives you NO excuse to be such a spineless faggot and let your country fall apart. Nobody is doing anything. You are lost, a broken nation. Thousands of years of preserving Europe and your faggot generation is too scared to act and save it because they will get called a "racist". Newsflash, Islam aint a godamn race. Its an ideology, and its the complete opposite of Western ideology and DOESNT belong here.
>put them into camps
>oy vey, ze evil Germans are back, start the bombers
>le Dutch master plan
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Dude go outside or something thats autistic as fuck that wont happen. The real life isnt /intpol/ our memes dont apply to that. Give me a realistic solution

Jew shill detected.

Why are you hiding on /int, Shlohmo? Did the /pol/acks fuck you up THAT bad?
Yeah, that was before Hebdo. Kadyrov also said attackers dindu nuffin.

Man, they have some human righs movement in Chechnya and Kadyrov personally hunt these people then take them to his office. After "a talk" they are effectively silenced. Happened with one girl recently. He even threatens Chechens who oppose him in the fucking Instagram comments: "Yo, give me your number" and shit like that. Keeps repeating that Allah is higher than human law for him. Give a Muslim a position in Europe and wait until there are enough of them, you gonna get people like this there too.
Yes and we are discussing how german culture is pathetic.

Stay mad redditor.

more like

>"wahh talking about an article that reflects badly on the refugees which is making me butthurt why cant I ban this thread :((((("
It's your fucking fault America is so large in the first place. If you didn't blitzkrieg your neighbors like the spastic warmonger you are, we wouldn't have to dick around with Europe in the first place. Instead, we were drawn in, stayed out of necessity to prevent Soviet domination, and are now operating under the neo-con principle that Russia is still bad and must be countered in the middle east, with this mass migration being a side effect.

Maybe the Germans should have thought first before fucking up their neighbors
>defending /pol/tards

> being a jew
>ahmed getting scared people are getting tired of his kind shitting up their countries

kek glorious
>You are lost, a broken nation
Yeah, because we have been blessed by social engineering thanks to our liberators for 60 years. I realize that the average American doesn't have much knowledge considering your government interferes with the internal affairs of pretty much every single country in the world but if you actually experience it you would know.

I realize the official American view is basically "Oh you Jerries, this time we've liberated you but you better be democratic from now on" "Yes Mr American Boss, thank you for everything and goodbye!" "Off I go to liberate more countries!" It's not the truth though.
>dont even say anything about the article itself only how the comments are polluted with /pol/-circlejerking
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Yes, good
What I mean is that do you think Putin would prosecute his favorite baby if there was irrefutable proof against him? Or is he really above the law?
>Women don't ask for rape because of the way they dress!
>unless there are brown people around!

Enough with your kike-tactics, scum.

This even was HIDDEN from the public for 4 days.

That's all there is to say.

Now please go and die in a fire, Seth Shekelstein.
That's exactly what has happened throughout the entirety of human existence. Just cos you fuckos still have a bit of a War trauma and still feel apologetic, does not mean that things can't change.
Yeah man that autistic Blitzkrieg, like when half of the world declared war on us because we dared to have a normal run of the mill border war with Poland and then we had the audacity to actually attack those countries that declared war on us! Luckily the Americans took on onto themselves to prevent Soviet domination by basically giving them enough money and supplies to last for 80 years and half of Europe as well. Those evil Soviets, if only the American declaration of war wasn't lost on the way to Moscow when they invaded Poland and had a nice shooting competition at Katyn.
At the end of the day you are the one getting butthurt about the opinions of others and trying to shut down the conversation with name calling. That alone makes you the most pathetic of losers. This strategy might work on reddit but not here :^)
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>Yes and we are discussing how german culture is pathetic.
I only see the OP post with a german flag, the rest is pure circlejerking, pure feeding off links of rapes and ''da meegrants r bad''.
>telling him to fuck off to /pol/ to practice his "muh joos" circlejerk there like every other muslim
>yo ahmed lol
The tattered flag of Germany coupled with the ridiculous news link shows the OP's low opinion of Germany as a country. Stay mad.
What would your ancestors say, Germans? That they once fought and died for their nation, just to be betrayed in the future by their own sons and daughters which they fought for the future of, but they took it for granted... Threw it away and simply gave up their country to foreigners, and let their women be raped. What would your grandpa or your great grandpa think of you? Do you really think they would be proud of your generation?
>only Jews make fake profiles on Facebook, no other people on 4chan have ever done such a thing for the purpose of trolling

I'm not a fucking politician dumb fuck, I don't give a fuck what happens to your shit eating cuck country and it isn't "my goal"
Literally kills yourself you single iq digit faggot
>implying your /pol/-bullshit even counts as an opinion

True conservatives would spit in your face filthy /pol/tard. The fact that you implied im from reddit just proves my point>>53116134
Our ancestors obviously didn't give a fuck considering they surrendered to American and therefore gave up all hope of ever being souvereign again.
He's above the law because papa Putin protects and lets him do things to people who trigger him. They declared some man as a person who ordered the murder but he is nowhere to be found. Hitmen jailed, case closed.
>the guy who originally told people he disagreed with to go back to /pol/ is himself getting butthurt at being told to go back to reddit
>he even already had an image saved for this exact situation showing this probably isnt the first time this has happened

HAHA you cant make this shit up. Liberals are TRULY brain dead and cannot for the life of them spot their own biases and hypocrisy.
This thread is hilarious

truly where the gathering of international cultures find common ground: making fun of the cuckhold of the day
This is so fucking wrong. A woman can be dressed as a whore but its not their fault. Are Germans new cucking race?
Literally all your posts have had Jew or kike on them and your talking to an obvious none Jew. Being an obsessive poltard retard isn't gonna make Europe less cucked. At least be able to make a decent post that doesn't just make you look retarded.
>yo i was just trolling guise i was just pretending to be retardet lol xDDD
Yeh nah fuck off kike
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I got a Jackson on this pussy kraut faggot being antifa
Stop blaming America for your problems. All the German population must do is rise up and fight against the oncoming horde of migrants and kick Merkel out by force. Instead, you sit back on some japanese meme board and let your women be raped. You, and your ENTIRE generation is truly pathetic, and you have lost my sympathy.


PS: Jews ARE trying to ruin Europe for profit, what's wrong with people being aware of that?
The Polish abuse of Germans in the Danzig forced your hand, I get it, but MAYBE there was another solution then attacking the country. "Border war" my ass, you didn't go in with the intention of protecting Germans, it was a full scale assault.

We gave the weapons to the Russians to hold you at bay. We learned from World War 1 how bad things could get, we didn't want to get involved, so we handed Russians weapons. Fucking sue us warmonger. Maybe you shouldn't have broken your treaty with Stalin.

ALL of this, giving Russians weapons, """liberating you""", etc. none of it was for your own good. It was to stop you from repeatedly starting world wars. The shitty history books in schools try to spin it, but here it is plain and simple: we were tired of you waging war and we stopped you from doing it.
you tellem Canada
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Clearly a bunch of machete wielding redguard climbed to the top of the pole to tear apart the German flag mate.

And you call me mad? I'm pointing the righteous fact that this thread doesn't belong on /int/.

To be fair if one who dares going on /pol/ and say ''I'm not far right nor conservative'' gets ebin buzzwords thrown at him by cop loving statis basement dwellers.
But they are cowards and tards by still censoring their porn. At least there is uncensored pirn, but censored is still the biggest market share
Propably the majority of all people involved in war didnt fought voluntary
>zealously defending migrants while being anti Semitic

man its so easy to spot the muslim shitskins on here
>polish abuse
top kek, Poles were the ones opressed in Danzig, Germans controlled city authorities and parliament
If Germans were opressed, then by germans themselves
>stop making fun of me ;(
Fuck off kike you are part of the problem dont even try to sympathize only because we both hate muslims
/pol/ is honestly the most sane board that's on here (apart from the strayans and "earth is flat" threads). Wonderful collection of erudite people. Even the shitskins are somewhat tolerable on /pol/.
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>there is just one german here
Germans always blame others for their problems
That is why islamization of germany is an improvement
Censored porn became a thing because of US occupation
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>foreign crocodile tears for Germany

Germany has been a cuck nation since 45, you're just mad it's not YOUR cuck nation anymore. I wish Hitler had released all poison gas reserves in 45 and made the entire place uninhabitable for a few hundred years. I hope we become a stronghold of the IS and start relentless terror campaigns against Europe and the US until those fat niggers finally snap and put us out of our misery.
Why dont you go back then?
They could have ran. But they didn't. They fought for Germany, and cared what was behind them. If only they could see the future, and foresaw how much of a faggot their sons become. Maybe they would have fought a little bit harder to ensure this didn't happen.
So do I
>Germans always blame others for their problems

Unlike Polacks, who only blame Germans for their problems. And Russians, and Jews and Lithuanians and ....
>implying we wont conquer these queers
Brudi bitte
Oh... well that's news to me
>trolling leftists is retarded and kike behavior
>being leftist is kike behavior

Ok enjoy the death of your nation cucktard

Because that's retarded shit that only an idiot would believe. Israel hates Muslims, we are right wing, all the none cucked euro countries have been hiring us to build them walls to keep Muslims out like we have, and our politicians have been openly speaking against open borders. How is it possibly to Jews benefit to fill all the most powerful countries with our enemies and increase anti Israel/Jew sentiment? Besides have to self awareness to know posting kike in every post isn't gonna offend the Jews on 4chan who see it a billion times a day, isn't gonna make leftists fags switch to your side and just makes you look retarded.
We don't blame lithuanians
this is a fun topic
rather edgy
why dont you and your family go back to whatever muslim shithole you crawled out of?
Their lords told them to fight otherwise they would face heavy consequences. They had no choice. And most of the time we fought amongst each other so we didnt just fight FOR germany more like against it
Poles were only a minority in Danzig who had immigrated recently. It's like Mexicans trying to stirr up shit in some Texan city and call for Mexico to annex it, then when the US act it's considered an act of international aggression.
How are you still alive with your obvious mental disabilities? Go ahead make fun of Jews all you want, sorry logical posts of how that won't make your country a less cuck pile of shit go over your head.

> "Israel" hates muslims

You dumb fuck, there's a BIIIG difference between what brainwashed Israeli citizens think and what THE ETERNAL GLOBALIST JEW thinks.

Whilst you might face actual danger, the ZIONIST JEWS running the show from America don't give a fuck about that, and would probably false-flag your little village if that meant more shekels.
>who had immigrated recently
Poles FOUNDED Gdańsk you lying german
>still defending /pol/
>on /int/
I dont said anything about refugees i want them to leave too but i also want you faggots to go back to your containment board
>leftist paper actually reports this
>still don't believe the "rightist" claim

You're killing us all Hans

How about you leave Germany? I think that would make everyone happy.
>but MAYBE there was another solution then attacking the country.
Hitler tried to come to terms with Poland peacefully several times. He even offered Poland to join the anti-comintern pact. Poland had a guarantee of British and French help in case there was war, they assumed that they would easily crush Germany and gain German territory and therefore refused all offers of peaceful compromise. When war came and their allies didn't attack Germany, they were fucked. Poland was a military dicatorship before WW1 and had border conflicts and wars with all of their neighbours (invading Czechia alongside Germany in 38, for example, forcing Lithuania to give up territory under threat of invasion etc).
So you're just a troll.
>le trolling is cool guise and soo productive and manly
Nah i just hate faggots like you
Hitler never tried to come to terms
Hitler never presented an offer without territorial demands
God why did I even try to logic with a retard like you.

>muh Zionist
>it's the Jews! Well not those Jews but the Jews!

There's precisely who hates Muslims and leftists you idiot. You calling anyone brainwashed is hilarious. Turn of the tinfoil YouTube videos and at least learn what the buzzwords you post mean.

PS: all the leftist Jews you're referring to actually hate Zionism and are anti Israel.
What, fight and die or, don't fight and die? Wow! What vastly different consequences! You seriously underestimate how much people cared for their countries back then. How about you go get a spine and kick the bastards out of YOUR country, YOUR GRANDFATHERS COUNTRY, GERMANY IS YOURS!! Not some bastard migrants! Do not let yourself fall this easy. FIGHT BACK AGAINST INVADERS.

Oh my god will you fuck off with WW2?

You can spam reasons all you want, but at the end of the day, the Eternal Anglo stood on the side and waited for Germany and Russia to exhaust/murder each other and war-profiteered of the whole thing.

Obviously the solution to that is ALLYING with Russia in [current year], which in case you haven't noticed, the Jews have been trying to prevent VERY hard.
Danzig was some backwards shithole before the Hanseatic league took over. Poles who lived there then assimilated into the German merchant master race and only much much later did lower class Polacks come to clean toilets in the city, quickly claiming they were the ones who had built it up all along.
Yeah whatever that austrian is right just fuck off already your kind isnt welcome here

Oh yeah, I know all about the leftist Jews. The biggest thing about them, is that they're about as relevant as my farts.
Because you are a faggot and you hate yourself. No one said trolling is manly or productive dumb fuck, it's like you want to prove Germans are absolutely retarded. Now I'm kinda happy your daughter will get raped by Muhammad.
Germany is a colony, you dumbshit. The Germany you talk about doesn't exist anymore, nor can it exist in the modern world.
Why don't you leave the jew alone you little twats? At least his country knows how to deal with muslims.
You should stop romanticizing history lad
>against refugees
>hurr durr why wont you leave
Fuck off leftshit


(come on Shlohmo, you've been shilling against the OP for the whole thread)
Good old Dutch "leave the joos alone!" then sell their adresses to the SS later on, keep it up friends.
Fuck off shlomo and stop sending muslims here
>took over
Hansa never "took over"
It got rich thanks to Polish export of wheat to west

When Germans took over, city's status began to decline as main Baltic city
Germans actively tried to prevent Gdańsk from gaining importance in many ways , butchering it's citizens in 1309 etc.

our citizens maintained it's ethnicity they never "assimilated" because they were dominant group

That is, until germans took over and city began to decline
>your kind is welcomed here

Please I wouldn't step foot in your degenerate cuck shit fetish having cowardly country filled with dumb faggots like you and their Muslim friends.

>Jews control the world!
>but their as relevant as my fart

Intelligent stuff m8, you've convinced me. Renouncing my Judaism now!
Are you fucking kidding me? What do we have without history? Our entire world revolves around history. How about you get off Muslim dick and do whats right?
>unironically supporting his claim
Leftist kike/muslim detected
>eternal anglo
but we lost everything thanks to the world wars
at least specify america ffs
Sure, Polish history expert

The Hanseatic league got rich by selling master class Polish wheat to the West,sure thing, and afterwards they expanded and started exporting Polish intellectuals, who had already built Jerusalem and Atlantis and the world's largest statue of the Pope, to the rest of the world.
>kikeish reading comprehension

Seems like the history isn't quite clear here... I thought Hitler attacked Poland because the German people thought ethnic Germans were being oppressed in Polish territories. Hitler didn't want to look weak, so he attacked. Is that true??

> talk about globalism and how the Jews are behind it
> shlohmo runs in and shouts how HE'S against muslims
> tell him to shut the fuck up, because your average israeli is fucking irrelevant

Please get bombed tomorrow.

Your country is experiencing terminal muslim cancer and all you do is get worked up by der ewige jude. Whatever.
Thanks ally, have a shekel. The truth of their failure just hurts their wittle feelings so they have to make up versions that shift the blame.

>two anti Semites calling each other Jews repeatedly

You can't make this shit up, no wonder your countries are falling. While Muslims fuck your shit up you probably call each other Jews. Meanwhile real Jews are all leaving because shit eaters were bad enough but now you have mudshits too.
No you are just twisting history in a way to support your world view
Typical german strategy, distort the facts by ridiculing them
You guys should watch Trumps rallies, he BTFO of Merkel at every one


Newfriend, may I ask you to leave?
That's what he claimed was the reason for attack
He attacked because he had huge ambitions
He didn't really care about German people and racial purity that much, he bent racial standards and his ideology when he suited him
>real jews are leaving
Thank god one problem less

>m-muh anti-semitism waaaaah ;(
when it* suited him
Thanks, noted.
Hitler wanted to revert the treaty of Versailles, ergo he wanted back German territories from before the war that were now part of Poland. Whether or not Germans were mistreated wasn't that important ultimately but the fact that Poland occupied what he considered to be integral German lands (Hitler's entire campaign for years had been "I'll revert the Versailles treaty", so he couldn't just ignore that issue)
Poland refused to give up any land because their state had just been created and they didn't want to seem weak, also lots of former German territory was highly developed and they needed access to the Sea. What is true is that Hitler was willing to compensate the Poles for their losses and to allow them free access to certain German harbours. He also offered an alliance, to attack the Soviets together. Most likely the Poles would have received former Soviet territories in case of victory. As I explained before, they refused. Of course Poles will say they dindu nuffin and were a peaceful little country without an army that was abandoned by the evil Westerners.
You can't even get your story right. First you said Jews are doing this, I show you how the place with most Jews hates what's happening in Europe, so you switch to Zionist Jews (which are the same Jews I was talking about), then you say leftists Jews are irrelevant when they're the ones doing the damage and are anti Zionist, when called out on that retardation suddenly switch back to Israel is leftist and irrelevant. Make up your mind and post sense making stuff moron, Jesus how brain dead can someone be. Besides Israel is more relevant then your "country". If the couple hundred Jews in your "country" can control the majority that much then you're a subhuman unworthy of your land, because guess what? If the majority of Europeans weren't cucked retards now then no matter what Jews did you wouldn't be in this position. So either fuck off and fess up your failures and shortcomings or at least get which Jews are doing this right.
We all deserve this. We all let it happen.

> check flag
> see paragraph
> don't bother reading
Victim blaming is never justified. This Jürgen is just hates Germany and wants it to be genocided by foreigners.
You people are such losers. No one is crying about anti semtism but rather your lack of brain cells in both being anti semetic and calling each other Jews. If that alone doesn't prove your retardation then nothing will. Enjoy Jews leaving and I'll enjoy the death of your nations while mine surpasses you in every category.
Its all retardet kike bullshit anyway
Of course, with your intellect reading that much is pretty hard.
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>I'll enjoy the death of your nations
There it is, the mask has finally slipped, once again the Jew reveals his true form.
>no one is crying about anti semitism
You just called me anti semite you cuck
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> mfw immune to Jew trickery
Jews jews jews jews.
Nobody will ever trust you because you set yourself apart and think yourselves the master race and others are just filthy goyim, and that is the end of discussion.
This is a very interesting niche in history unexplored by American schools. I'll have to read more into this sometime.

Good night lads. Sorry the US is now the centerpiece of the dementedly-liberal western cultural-economic-military sphere... but I guess we all just gotta work with the world we were born with.

you two should get a room btw that would be hot t b h baka desu senpai

> cries about anti-semitism 10 times in one thread
> no-one is crying about anti-semitism

These fucking Jews, LMAO.
We maybe even would consider it, but after Czechoslovakia nobody believed Hitler will honour agreement. He was known for breaking promises and after german victory, there would be no pressure on him to keep the deal
>implying a kike can intellectually chalenge anyone
Topkek chaim

Third time's the charm, f.a.m. ;)
Hitler was also known for being very generous to those that had aided him though. Horthy was very lavishly rewarded with the defacto reversion of Trianon and Antonescu was rewarded as well, and he kept around retards like Göring and Mussolini and bailed them out for years because he owed them. That was a very observable character trait of his.
Ikr these fucking retards the middle east suits them well literally the same shit like their neighbours
If it's filled with people like you nothing of value will be lost, you literally have zero reason or logic.

You two are anti Semites and it doesn't bother me or effect me in any way. at least have the balls (yeah ik asking Germans to have balls is a lot) to admit you are. pretty funny how you go so out of your way to attack a Jew who was on your side and then are surprised Jews go against you. Probably because the retarded shit you post.

Ashkenazi Jews have higher intelligence then any Germanic people, your posts alone prove their lack of brains.

Throw the Jew down the well...
>i-m not bothered at all
>still replies to prove me to convince me how jews are so good and clever
Suuuuuure thing lad just stop it m8 the im pretty sure the JIDF doesnt reward you for overtime
He already planned war with Japan
Should we expect same generosity?
And what if person in charge would change?
Would his successor be so generous too?
So my country can be free...
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>this butthurt german turkroach
Havent stopped laughing desu

You must grab him by his horns...
Then we have a big party
that article is complete fanfiction bullshit
We're better and more clever then you and your ratarded friend here who were calling each other kikes only a few minutes ago that's for sure. If we weren't better then you, you wouldn't be here crying like the little bitch you are about how we have the power to apparently bring down nations with no fault of the native people there who are so masterace that we can easily control them.

Best summary of this thread
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>watching this based israeli
You dont achieve it by being clever. You are like a virus or bacteria they are dumb and unsentient beings but still cause damage to sentient beings because it us written so in their DNA. You jews are nothing more then a parasite on the human race trying to bring us down for your own advantage.
you should bond over misuse of the word "then"
Kill yourself Mehmet !
If that's true you're still inferior because a "virus" can take you down. Probably why you're so mad. Now go look up every Jewish invention and stop using it to avoid catching the virus. Luckily a gun isn't one so you can still kill yourself :)
>implying i care about the angloscum language
Real cucks here i see
can you two just fuck already like god damn I can see your erections rising from Berlin and Tel Aviv
>a literal middle-easterner is still replying to me
>not butthurt or bothered at all
>nowhere in the article does it mention that quote
>fake job no one by that name
/pol/ pls go
So you must be standing directly next to him to see his micropenis
Germans fought until the end.
Sure I'd be happy to treat his butthole like a refugee treats his mothers.

And yet I bet I'm whiter then you turkshit rape baby
We blame you, though ;^)
fackin twelve year olds the lot of ya
They'll be kicked out by the end of the decade in vast numbers
mark my words
>a fucking desert rat thinks he is whiter than me
>he still replies
>the man who's countries women are picking Arabs over them wants to talk about dick size

Hans plz, you can't even please your women. And with your neo nazi autism I doubt you'll even get the chance to try.
>he would be happy to
Lol gay AND jewish. Might aswell end it m8
>he still replies

Same with you genius.

>middle eastern

Born in Europe and blonde haired and blue eyed. Things that will be eliminated from Germany's future.
Nobody says that on /pol/, except for a few extremely edgy r9k retards. What people on /pol/ say is that if you dress like a skank and go out and get trashed around a bunch of horny scumbags, you're probably going to get raped and nobody should feel bad for you. They don't say that the horny scumbags are gud byz who din du nuffin. They're still scumbags who should rot in prison for rape.
okay ill get back to you in ten years
but it's 2016
wasn't the case for your pakins/indians
wasn't the case for our north africans

you're deluded, theyre here to stay unfortunately.
Merkel did a huge fucking mistake that nothing can repair

Nope, just banter. Unlike Germany's love for black penises and shit. Unlike you I've had sex with real women, like the ones you dream about down in your mothers basement as you masterbate to your hitler posters wondering "why won't those girls look at me :( I bet the Jews made me a fat loser"
>gets rekt in Europe because people were sick of his subhumanry
>flees to the next desert to fight with sandcoons for all eternity

>implying im not just enjoying your butt hurt and your fruitless atempt to convince me how great jews are
>he still replies
>wants to fuck another man
>i-its just banter haha im not gay lol
Wew lad
>these women have to take some responsibility for how these men react

This is why I'm so glad I live in a country with men that are civilized enough to not rape me for showing some leg.
okay ill get back to you in 3 years and 360 days
Show a bit of tit please? Dont you chicks all have rape fantasies anyway?
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>nothing can't repair
don't forget ISIS is at like 500 km from your appartment. lol
Tits or gtfo
if used now, yes.

but germans don't even have guns
and their protests are going nowhere.
t. scat capital of Europe
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Fun fact. European comission wants to ban all semi-autos. The time to fight is now
unless the rapist is muslim
They have finally come full circle lads

All germans saying this would be fake should shut the fuck up. It's true, there are also videos on youtube.
The police says there were between 50-500 north african people.

That said I don't feel sorry for these women, they had it coming. Shouldn't have voted the pro refugee parties and gave their ass to them in the first place.
t. Kölner



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