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Which country makes the best pizza?

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Which country makes the best pizza?
We also probably make the worst pizza as well.
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Italy, obviously.

No you don't, your pizza is uniformly shit.
>countries make pizza
anon, i'm buzzing with autism
M8 all you did was try pizza hut

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Ameriga # 1
Was in France in May for VE day and had some French Pizza in Arromanches
>Thin crust, Ham and this weird almost dairy sauce on it
>2/10 do not recommend

I also had crepes there, 10/10 would recommend.
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The cunt that invented shoarma/doner pizza.
The United States of America

Specifically, New York
America and there isn't even a close second.
italy no memes

american pizza is a whole other dish but it's an inferior dish
You mean Chicago
We do, no question. Which region has the best pizza is debatable.
deep dish is barely food, let alone pizza
American pizza is shit, no offence, even the most expensive ones are a fucking joke. Italy have the best pizza, and I also like Argentinian pizzas.
Italy, only they make true pizza
t. some broke ass flyover fag who has never once been to Italy.

Italian pizza is fucking terrible.
It's Hawaiian
New Jersey is the best country at making pizza. Thread over....
The fact that even Shitalians agree we have the better pizza speaks volumes
tomato soup in a bread bowl is not pizza

How can an entire country be completely and utterly deluded?

Seriously. Think about it.

It's one thing to say that your country is the best. I think everybody thinks that their country is the best.

But for Americans to say that they are the best at something that DOESN'T EVEN COME FROM THEIR COUNTRY is beyond comedy.

It would be like France saying they're the best country at making Bratwurst.

This is why everybody on the internet hates Americans, and why you guys should just fucking stop, because you are literally embarrassing yourselves.
>tomato soup in a bread bowl
Why did you have to say this anon, why?
t. the midwest
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feeling inferior?
Actually your post was an embarrassment, sperging out like that, you're a horrible representation of English people
ahaha This mad because we have the best Pizza
Italy, but Turkish pizza isn't bad too
I went to Italy once, best food you could possibly imagine
Thank you
Kinda like how Brits made soccer or football but it's dominated by other countries

Just because it originated some where doesn't give it a free pass to be the best forever and ever
t. Abdul al-DiGiannantonio
So Germany can't claim that they are the best at footy right now because the game wasn't made in their country?
Nigger have you ever even had Italian pizza? The fucking French and Austrians are better at it.

Someone who thinks Italy is anywhere even approaching good when it comes to pizza has either never been there or is being an intentionally hipster homosexual.

Italian pizza is lazy dogshit, deal with it.
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We had a large Italian immigration who, like other immigrant groups, brought their own cuisine and improved upon them here

Thats why we make almost every nations' own cuisine better than they do
We still kinda suck at French food desu.

Got our wine game strong but the food not so much.
I kinda agree with him
It'll never be as good as Italys, but it isn't bad at all
So the US can't claim to be the best country in the world at basketball? Cool
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Best pizza
that was one the nations I was thinking of when I put almost desu
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The best pizza I ever ate was from a small pizza place run by a Paki family desu
but we invented basketball
Italian pizza is shit, and you're retarded for thinking otherwise
You have clearly never even had Italian pizza. It's garbage.
our pizza is pretty gud
Wasn't basketball invented by some Canadian guy?
Dr. James Naismith
In Massachusetts at a YMCA
Turks make good pizza
Nope, a Canadian did
He was in Massachusetts at a YMCA

thats American
Using a fruit basket and a soccer ball
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Italian is probably more authentic in terms of what pizza is, and probably uses actual natural ingredients instead of cheese made from infants foreskin and plastic or stuff like that.
American pizza might taste better to those who are used to eat American """""food""""" in general.

Have you not noticed that the majority of non-Americans in this thread have said that Italy makes the best pizza? Look, I'll show you:


And, importantly, NONE of the non-Americans in this thread say America makes the best pizza.

If you don't think Italy makes the best pizza you've clearly never had it, because it's the best damn fucking pizza on the planet - in fact it's really the only real pizza on the planet because they are the ones who invented it.

But as ever Americans are deluded, ignorant, dumb, and most importantly uncultured.
Glad you admit you make shit pizza, that's commendable.
>he has never been to italy
Look at the poor person and laugh.
They know we're the best but they're too proud to admit it
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Yes, shit according to the worldwide well known american's fine """""palate""""" for """"quality"""" food. So everything's good.
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thank you for existing britbro, but it's useless to argue with americans, they are like pidgeons playing chess, no matter how clever your moves are they will always make the pieces fall and shit on the table while strutting around pretending to have won
Obsessed :^)
You and the Brit have something in common:
You lose wars to your colonies :^)
Why do we have so many more three star Michelin restaurants if Italy knows food? Seems counter intuitive.
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A l'aise, Blaise
And I bet those restaurants cook American food right? :^)
Like, Gordon Ramsay is Scottish that means he cooks exclusively Scottish food right?
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I've been to Italy and can pretty much confirm that Italy makes the best pizza, no country comes close, but if there was a second place for the best pizza it'd be Argentina, Buenos Aires to be more specific.
I've had some great pizzas at Italian restaurants in Mexico, while I'm not sure how "authentic" they were at least one was a restaurant owned by Italians

I also had deep dish pizza in Texas, it was decent but a completely different dish compared to Italian pizza
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All food on earth is just American food that hasn't been fixed yet.

I bet over half of those chefs are foreign, or cook foreign cuisines

I'm guessing they don't give out Michelin stars for cooking burgers t.b.h.
>they are like pidgeons playing chess, no matter how clever your moves are they will always make the pieces fall and shit on the table while strutting around pretending to have won
Your analogy is basically perfect.
>being a dumbass

Yeah, but then a lot of Brits would turn around and, without any irony, claim the UK is more important than France and Germany, will be a world power 20 years from now and think that leaving the EU is a good move.

Not even baiting.
US population: 318 million
3 Michelin starred restaurants: 13

Italy: 60 million

3 michelin starred restaurants: 8
The US is 5 times as big as Italy but only has 50% more 3 Michelin starred restaurants than them (and actually ahs fewer 2 and 1 starred restaurants)

That's why I said:
>It's one thing to say that your country is the best. I think everybody thinks that their country is the best.
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Food charts are all bullshit.

It's impossible to call a dish or cuisine from someone or some country the best, because different people have different tastes.

Pretty subjective m8
Yeah, but I'm pointing out it's a bit hypocritical go rag on Americans for being deluded when the English are just as deluded.

They don't even have the excuse of sheer bloody ignorance that the Americans have.
Our country is not even 300 years old, give it some time.
Dulche de leche tastes like vomit.
But I think even we acknowledge that Italians make the best pizza, much like other nations in this thread have
>muh per capita
>But I think even we acknowledge that Italians make the best pizza, much like other nations in this thread have

Perhaps, but then some of us turn around and deny stuff that's just as indisputable as the fact Italians make the best pizzas.

I mean come on, you've never encountered "BRITAIN STRONK" before?
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I hate dulce de leche. It gets all sticky and gooey on your palate and feels gross. Besides I haven't had any sweets for almost two years now.
There is nothing idisuputable about Italian pizza other than it sucks dick and it flat out lazy. France makes infinitely better pizza than the Italians do.
Except that you subjectively believe Italian pizza is the best based purely on disdain for us, while our pizza is objectively the best in the world
One of the worst pizzas I've ever had was in France.

And I've had pizza in Rome, Sorrento, Venice, Pisa and Milan.
No you haven't.
I've had some frozen chicago style pizzas, they were pretty shite.

As for actual American pizza, I really don't see how it could be any different to the stuff I can get from dominos or a carry out over here.
Yes I have.

Lake Garda as well.
Oh, and Florence.
>Frozen deep dish

Jesus and you call US idiots, where were you in the US? even in my city which isn't known for having a ton of Italian immigration we've had a lot of carpetbagging northern Italians bring their recipes down here and they BTFO Domino's Pizza Hut Pap Squat easily
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Liar or worst tast on the planet. Not sure which but it hardly matters.
You are missing where u can find the best pizza in the word...Naples.
Wrong, best pizza in the world is in New Haven CT
Wrong, best pizza in the world is the one my mum makes
Okay, my country has had a lot of Italian immigration too.

Hell, my own great grandfather ran an Italian cafe on Dundee's Reform Street, and I have link to the Jannetta's of St Andrews and the Visocchi's of Brought Ferry.

So again, I ask you, how can your pizza be that different to the stuff I can get here? Or, if it's being cooked by actual Italians in America, how it can be any different to that which the actual Italians make?

I haven't been to the South since I was about 10, and my parents didn't want to go to Naples because of the Mafia. Same reason I've never gone to Sicily.

>here you can spot the american in his natural habit, the internet
>his natural routine consists of casually spreading his asscheeks on the monitor of a peculiar tool named the "computer" to spread his views on korean woodcarving boards
>after he has finished his business the american will look with pride at his massive turd and give a bite to his cheese pizza, crying with joy at how great his pizza is compared to the rest of the world, while sipping a diet coke, to stay healthy
Your mum's pizza is as shit as her fanny m8

Probably better recipes, also better prep and ingredients, and yes it is being cooked by Italians
>So again, I ask you, how can your pizza be that different to the stuff I can get here?
This right here is why the British empire no longer exists. The British simply cannot comprehened the concept of transcending above mere greatness.
>Probably better recipes

>better prep
Again, how?


Using American produce? I doubt it.
This is exactly what I expected from aboity blasted Brit, you're hatred of us is quite comical
I have been to both Italy and America, and what he has said is 100% true.
There is no way you can compare a sloppy slice of American pie to the masterpiece that is Italian pizza.
Even the cheap street venders on Venice selling for 2 euros a slice beat the nicer pizza in America by a long shot
This is honestly the closest I've come to ripping my dick off and throwing it into space. Comparing Italian pizza to American pizza is like comparing a brand new Ferrari to a rusty pickup truck where the windows have been smashed, the tires have been replaced with cinderblocks and the engine has been stolen.
If you honestly think that American pizza is better, then I hope you and your entire family die of cancer, you obese uncultured retarded inbred burger fucking slumdog cunts
>western european produce
Your soil is literally so shitty the vast majority of you have spent the last 2000 years trying not to starve before you reached 30.
The irony being that of the two of us I am the only one who has actually lived in Italy, much less visited.

Funny that.
I mean I heard about this one guy I queens who had a pizza oven built in Italy and flown over.

He knocked out an entire wall of his shop to get it in.

Why would he spend so much money and so much effort to copy the Italians if their pizzas weren't better?
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>Pizza thread
>Keep scrolling down for pics of pizza
>Faggots just arguing. not posting pizza pics

fuck off plebs
>Expecting anything good on /int/
Your soil is so shitty you're literally running out of water trying to keep it irrigated.

To say nothing of the quality of your """"cheese"""".
Just because you live somewhere, doesn't mean you appreciate the culture
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>california is the entire US
Fraid not
Maybe because Queens is full of obese muh heritage guidos?
Good pizza isn't country or region specific you fucking retards

Stop treating it like it's haute cuisine
Oh Jesus, I am now extremely hungry
If I have enough money, I'm going to buy a pizza oven and see if I can even come close to replicating a true Italian pizza
Probably not, but I can try
Wow man just wow.

Now i'm fucking hungry.
>he thinks it's just California

Mate, it's most of the great plains. Do you not know about this?

So, completely average """"""""""italian""""""""" Americans?
>Do you not know about this?
There's nothing to know because what you said is false.
Your first statement is (kinda) right

The second one is true to some point, but even Burgers can be haute cuisine so..
Pathetic echochamber faggots really
yeah i regret posting that, getting hungry at 4:21 in the morning isn't the most fun
american posters are just a guy saying something arrogant and 20 other americans just echoing him
I can assure you that the world's best pizza comes from Sticky Beaks Pizza at Longford, Tasmania (Australia).
Still worth it
Thanks Italymate
Sounds exactly like Italian posters 2bh senpai
Thats why they call it common sense, its fucking COMMON
One thing you Ameritards cease to comprehend
Look, mate, there's this massive underground reservoir underneath pretty much everything between the Rockies and the Mississippi that irrigates pretty much all of the agricultural land there. It's drying up.

Look it up.
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a pleasure
>common sense

About as much common sense as dropping a hair dryer in a full bath
Sweden, we completely lack any kind of shame when it comes to food, so we dare go where others do not. My favourite is with pineapple, banana, curry powder, gorgonzola, peanuts, ham, and shrimp.
> tfw we invented Indian cuisine

I'm glad we got to acknowledge these truths friends.
Good thing the water cycle still exists.
This level of dipshittery has been going on for too long
It's half 3 in the morning, I'm going to bed, anyone want to deal with him, go ahead. I just can't take him and not have a stroke, knowing that some stupid neckbeard stuffing microwaveable pizza rolls down his gullet has no taste in real food yet seems to think he belongs on the judging booth of Masterchef
>about 27% of the irrigated land in the United States overlies the aquifer, which yields about 30% of the ground water used for irrigation in the United States. Since 1950, agricultural irrigation has reduced the saturated volume of the aquifer by an estimated 9%. Depletion is accelerating, with 2% lost between 2001 and 2009 alone. Once depleted, the aquifer will take over 6,000 years to replenish naturally through rainfall.
>over 6,000 years to replenish naturally through rainfall.
i-is that you Gordon?
Then go to sleep bitch, its real nigga hours anyways
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Trust me I love pizza and i've had them all. The best pizza i've had was from a spot in Rome this summer, it lived up to its expectations.
So in other words I won't have to start worrying for 300 years at least, good to know.
I like how you conveniently left out the part where conservation measures are in place and being participated in and that the biggest impact was to Northern Texas which really doesn't supply much at all, in other words, take your bullshit tidbit you found in the Daily Mail and shove it up your Limey asshole
>talking about food
fuck off and go eat your fish head pie you smelly pakis
Not unless the US population increases, which it will.

Still, that's a massive chore, and still prove my point about you having shitty, dry land and horrible cheese.

Not to mention olive oil. You know most olive oil in the US is actually rancid, and that you guys actually think that's how it's supposed to taste, right?
The actual question is
Which part of America makes the best pizza?
>you have shitty dry land

No shit, its called the southwest, all the land North in the High Plains isn't

>olive oil

Are you Tunisian per chance?
New York
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>Order pizza
>it's new york style
>There's barely any sauce

>“A large percentage of Americans are happy with defective oils because that’s all they know,” said David Neuman, president of olive oil company Lucini, which works with small regional farmers in Tuscany.

>“America’s a dumping ground for leftover oil,” said Nicholas Coleman, an olive oil expert and chief oleologist at Eataly in Manhattan’s Flatiron District.

>“Case in point: Hershey chocolate! At the time Hershey’s milk chocolate was first made the process of adding milk to the cocoa solids wasn’t perfected so the milk became a bit rancid. Not dangerously so, no one became ill eating it, but it had a bit of a ‘baby spit up’ taste, as some have called it. With time, the process was perfected, but when Hershey changed the formula for the correction, consumers balked. They preferred the original flavor!”

Americans just can't into having a decent palate I guess.

It's almost a shame, you all get so fat and it's not even on good food.
>I get this mad on a Chinese dragon figure trading post
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>he thinks we take him and his Olive oil """"""""research""""""" seriously
>dry land
>but also have the single largest fresh water system on the entire planet
Seems legit
But which part?
>he thinks I care if he enjoys rancid olive oil
You know how you have to built windmills to pump water ou of that system to irrigate the fields?

The fact that that's necessary, that's why your ground is dry.
>USA has good pizza
When will this meme end

Seriously after Italy only São Paulo and Buenos Aires compete for good pizza.
Oh you care alright, you care enough to pasta half of the article and provide a link
The best pizza I've ever had was at some border town in Mexico. I don't know if it's just me, but spicy pizza is god-tier.
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>he thinks copy pasting a few paragraphs requires a substantial amount of effort
>it's probably because he's so fat
A PBS documentary on the Dust Bowl, actually.
the USA

I don't think pizza has a very high ceiling in terms of taste though, it's easy to make a tasty pizza

the rest is kind of subjective in terms of what kinds of toppings you prefer
Or maybe it's an innovative solution to powering a well while profiting off selling green energy back into the power grid.

Once again Yuropoos confirm their socialist mindsets have left them permanently unable to conceptualize innovation in a dynamic 21st century economy.

t. country with worst food on the planet

you breakfast looks like an aborted fetus
>French Pizza is a thing apparently

what the FUCK am I reading
No, because those windmills have been around before electricity.
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>he has to resort to insults and smug anime faces

>the Dust Bowl

That was 80 years ago you nonce
Yeah, but I've travelled.

Spain, France, Italy, Turkey, US, Canada, South Africa.

Best pizza is from Italy. Best ribs I've had were in South Africa. Best ice cream was from Luca's in Edinburgh.
>engineering is scary and bad
Maybe if Yuros had been smart enough to invent them you would have figured out not to starve every other decade before the Marshall Plan.
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There's a Mexican guy who owns a pizza place near my house, by far the best pizza I've ever tasted.
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>That was 80 years ago you nonce

Yeah, and at the end of it they had a segment about how there could be another one.

>unable to even understand the linear passage of time
>Best ice cream was from Luca's in Edinburgh.

Idk where the fuck you've been in Italy but you've missed something
>a country with 11 total trees and dozens of historical famines trying to lecture Americans on proper conservation
Cannot be fabricated
Nah, can't beat a Scottish tablet cone.

As for where I've been in Italy; Rome, Venice, Florence, Sorrento, Pisa, Lake Garda, Lake Como, Milan, San Gimignano
>a country with 11 total trees and dozens of historical famines
>unable to understand basic geography or even numeracy
So the whole argument about pizza has been you sperging on about your subjective opinion? Kek
how is yours objective?
Your largeat fucking forest in your entire fucking country is like 40 sq kms and is somehow so famous in your wasteland of a country it appeared multiple times in the conclusion of Harry Potter. Which is sad on multiple levels as Harry Potter is probably the most relevant thing your country has contributed in generations.

Don't speak about conservation as if it's anything your British mind can even fully conceptualize.
How is it not?
American pizza
because it's based on your tastes
Just like his was yes?
it's baiting and you know it

for the love of God this is all subjective, on the other hand you are wrong
And how am I wrong if he isn't?
Im sorry but america stole the pizza culture fro lm your cunt
socrates please
I like chicago pizza even though I never had pizza in chicago.

I've never been to italy so i dont know how authentic pizza is like.

i've had this brazilian pizza before and it was good, they gave us all kinds of pizza to try.

UK pizza was..... ok.
Why won't you answer the question?
New york style

Sauce fucking sucks, give me more cheese and load it with meats
i will when you will stop going full socrates on me
And how am I doing that?
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Can some Italians post pizza they think is a good representation of Italian pizza? Most of the time it's just flat crust with a cough of cheese.

My favourite pizza is American Chicago style, I'm all about that deep dish and thick crust
Never been to Italy but almost every person I know that has always says the pizza is disappointing and taste terrible

Also NY style > Chicago
and best place for pizza in the US is the state of NJ

this one>>53111837
>A country with no history lectures another country about historical famines
>said country is also a colony
>Muh vanilla margherita

Rome has the best pizza in Italy. I also like American Chicago style. New York style is shit.
Not a fan of those kind of pizzas desu
naples and ischia has the best pizza

t. roman
Deep dish isn't pizza. Chicago "pizza" is a travesty.
Just preferences I guess. I like Roman style.

We even won world championship
It is pizza though, and it's delicious
This desu.

Though I must ask, have you tried the real deal, or something purporting to be Chicago-style?
>a country that doesn't have the money to pay debts lectures ANYONE
Such a fucking boring, square thing to get riled up about. Go back to the travel channel.
Lmao youre so upset you turned to lewd vulgarities as an attempt at an insult.
>weak banter m80
Get madder--your tears are so delicious
pizza is pizza. choose your fav toppings and its good.
Colorado. Any other answer is just wrong.
>Have you not noticed that the majority of non-Americans in this thread have said that Italy makes the best pizza?

>Able to afford a trip to America to actually try American pizza

nice try

Italy, easy.

American pizza is nice in the same way that any 'takeout' pizza you could get in any country is always nice.

But it's not on the same level.
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What always baffles me is that people in the US ACTUALLY buy pizza from big corporate chains like Dominos, Papa Johns and so on. Shits disgusting yo
only people who live out where local places wont deliver do that

every single person I know prefers to order from their local place. but sometimes you're drunk at 2 am and the only option becomes dominos
New Jersey
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