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This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 343
Thread images: 92

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>i don't make the new thread at 300 posts edition
doing a poo
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kpop desu lads
get him janny
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lads is kev secretly kevin barry?
>as he WALKed (presumably slowly) to death (death by slow walking) that morning
>he proudly held his head up high
it fits perfectly
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corr blimey

have you lads seen the graphics on this new battlefield game?
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crayon pop
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anyway fuck off muh ira yank
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Me on the right.
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started seeing this girl but she kind of scares me.
she's much more experienced sexually than me and likes it really rough. I don't mind a bit of slapping, choking and hair pulling, but she always asks me to do it harder. feels a bit uncomfortable, she's only small and I'm 6ft 3" and pretty well built.

idk what to do, I like her a lot, don't want to hurt her. also, don't want her to get fed up with me not satisfying her.
Since when was /brit/ filled with a bunch of English chavs?
maisie williams has very small nostrils for such a large snoz
and very wrinkled eyes that don't hide under make up
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>i believe in magical board fairies who can make content disappear if it is in line with their vague rules
gummi is best crayon pop desu
shut up cocksucker
Going to Wales next weekend lads, might seem like a silly question but will I need my passport?
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doing a depression
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>i'm from the united states of america
oi m8 ill hook u in de gabr u tek dat bak lad i sware 2 me mum
Daddy issues girl, they're great for the first year.
In the meantime give it to her good you fucking beta cuck. It's not like you're gonna marry her anyway.
haha good one
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11 days
Yes you will. If you don't already have your visa documents don't bother going, you'll just be detained and returned.
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>immigrants arent real
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>that much for what will probably be an awful port
Waiting for quite a while before I go for it tbqh
bit of a nut job
doing a skelly mode again haha

gone back to eating like shit again waheyyy
played it on PS3 it's fucking shit mate
thats just your opinion man
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>Why yes, m'lady, I am indeed looking forward to the release of this, shall we say, "Role Playing Game"!
wrap up and come back to me when you've moved out of your council estate
of course idiot, the people's republic of cymru will send you to the saxonholding center if you dont have your papers ready
r u chatin shit
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>i play computer games
think my internet is being throttled lads
that lass off scs advert really knows how to show her tits off

would give her one
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took off our hats our gloves
to lean on
wouldn't be good enough
to meme on

your mum throttled my internet last night faggot
Please stop making threads, I have you filtered and miss them.
In physical pain from depression
hope it has the original title theme

Soyul, then Gummi tbqh
Yeah she's fine
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>oh, didn't i mention? i live in the UK but not in england
>filtering a flag

cringeworthy pathetic shit desu. definition of not being able to handle the banter
cant find anywhere in the north that doesnt look grim on street view
dont do that then
Unironically doing a poo lads hahhaha
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>i dont fedora post
yeah lad
you need it for pointing out to welsh people that they aren't represented in the coat of arms and laughing in their faces
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hat trick.gif
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>I don't play computer games
instasync when

>poo peeland
>chavs literately crawling out of the woodwork

Mabye you should go fuck off and listen to your ''grime''
Incredibly stupid yank as usual. I'll let you figure out why.

video games are for kids
Is there anything more cringe worthy than the first couple of days after you return to work from the holidays?

you have to give hugs to everyone, and pretend you like them and ask them 'how was your holidays?' ugh
Nah just poo this time m8
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>i identify vaguely as british rather than my actual ethnicity
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>closer to 2050 than to 2000
what does JOY mean
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Yeah, Undateables
jog on yank
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>I misuse memes
>I'm so desperate for attention I use a name even though I know half the people on /brit/ are gonna filter me
it means "jerk off, yank"

jerk off is the most offensive insult in the north american vocabulary
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i literally use a name because fuck it why not ini
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>video games are for kids
>I am much more mature
>I shit post on /brit/ while drinking alone and watching football
I bought Hershey's milk chocolate while passing through Heathrow. Did I do good or should I have bought something else?
Me irl on Channel 4 right now lads.
>tfw no sperg South African bf

Kill yourself
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>rumours than Diane Abbot could be made shadow foreign secretary
drinking alone and watching football is literally the manliest thing you can do

posting on /brit/ is bent as fuck though I agree
>in the UK
>buy yank cuckolate instead of based cadburys
sweden everyone
theyre murican
>Exam tomorrow
>Sat here watching Undateables
Fuck sake.
Might join a depression forum for some support and reassurance
>drinking alone and watching football is literally the manliest thing you can do

t. fat middle-aged bitter socially inept loser who lives of microwaved "meals"
Hershey's uses literal vomit in their chocolate.
>I filter flags
Only gay boys get depressed lad just end it already haha.
playing football is manlier 2bh

t. someone who plays football at a decent level for a hobby
Karen and Mugi fuck pakis
You know Hershey's literally adds fake vomit to its products to give it taste? Not even memeing look it up
its without a doubt the worst chocolate bar
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this is excellent news, if a literal 1/10 like her can suck her way to the top then there may be a career for me in politics after all
Surely nose reconstruction and lip reconstruction is easy done?
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>Video Games

haha, literal manchildren. I prefer a nice copy of the Financial Times whilst sipping on a glass of the finest cognac. I bet you fat nerds drink soda and play WoW lmao
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>Literal ghoul on Undateables
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s-sorry I should have asked here before going there
pic realted

literally FOY
delete this now
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how'd you guess?
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Which one lads?
>this meme again
Both are fedora as fuck
le insert fedora pic with greentext here xDDDD
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wish people would fuck off using old pictures on dating sites
>fit 20 year old with long blonde hair
>yes I'll have me a bit of that
>turn up and it's a 30 year old fat slag with an asda hair dye that has been half washed out
Gagging for a (you) tonight lads.
give me the guardian article showing that the majority of muslims in european countries are extremists
she's a black woman though
are you?
They add butanoic acid, one of the main things in the smell of vomit
>tfw no ghoul gf
I don't speak Ikea you cunt
you can't wash hair dye out but just grow it out
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>>yes I'll have me a bit of that
Kill yourself
well I'm not black ha
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#relatable peep for all you 4chanzerz
Why haven't you subscribed yet?
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leftists want this extinct
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The only thing worse than fedoraposting is fedora-baitposting.

Stop this now.
Good, it's fucking horrifying
looks like a female bendydick cucumbersnatch
print obviously

>paying for pixels
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>mum starts dating after dad dies
>gets sister to lightly photoshop some of her fat out (she's not fat just chub)
>tell her it's wrong and that she shouldn't lie to blokes like that
>finds a nice bloke, goes out with him for a few years, such a sound guy
>dumps him for seemingly no reason
>starts going out on more dates from sites like PoF
>most recent one guy bought her 1 drink and then left
>assume because she doesn't look like her photos
>cried a bit about it
>came to me for support
>told her she shouldn't have lied
>she's now quit

She's my mum and I love her but got no time for her cunt tactics Tbh
Why doesn't she just get her nose and lips fixed?
Hope the South African lad gets a gf d e s u
Hopping on board lads.
An old Glaswegian man I worked with died last night. Most of the other people I work with are arseholes, but he was always smiley, always happy, didn't let people put him or his friends down.

I'm half a bottle of scotch in atm and I feel like absolute shit but I can't cry and it's making me feel terrible.

I can't stop thinking about the timeswhen we were bantering (like top lads) he would look me in the eyes and say that he wished we'd been friends when he was in his 20s.

Sad desu.
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>you will never forcefully fuck moira in the bum
>I'm a "Christian" "deist"
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>Hopping on board lads.
Jesus Christ - the biggest conman in history. His cunning is worthy of worship alone.
I thought this meme died...
>liking things
>doing things
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Post her pics lad. I might give her a go ;)
>posts attractive ginger females

yeah that's not exactly hard, try posting an attractive ginger male.
gimmicks never die
They just get rarer
>there are things which aren't memes
nice meme
possibly interesting game here lads
might check it out and report back

how did he die?
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>She's my mum and I love her but got no time for her cunt tactics Tbh
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>Jesus Christ - the biggest conman in history. His cunning is worthy of worship alone.
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Does anyone just use google street view as a poor man's version of a holiday? I do
rate my waifu lads

ps she's on the left
have a lie down
virus do not click
>and this is my stepdad
Heart attack.

His wife found him in his garage. He died alone. He was probably scared, in pain.
You're promoting your game aren't you
>gimmicks never die
>They just get rarer
what's more prestigious? getting a (you) or getting your comment fedora posted without a (You)
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smug as a slug.png
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liking this image and the accompanying file name, I'll be taking it, thanks.
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31501 .jpg
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>what's more prestigious? getting a (you) or getting your comment fedora posted without a (You)
>Twitching assburger has had a girlfriend and you haven't
Proof that it's all about looks.

who the fuck is Victoria Derbyshire and why am I supposed to give a shit?
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Pretty depressed, lads.
Might go see a doctor or something.
Is anyone else her /fatwithabigdick/?

I'm a tad over 8 inches bone-pressed with some nice girth
no I was looking for a cold war game
I know that Paradox one sort of died in utero though I played the beta of it a bit it was pretty broken
why don't more geniosi make fedora pics with the blue speechbubble that blends in with the background?
used to play that
Fuck man that's sad
I have trouble crying as well. My dad offed himself 5 years ago and I just suppressed it for so long now I feel nothing towards it
some hack "news presenter"
>look at meee i'm so out of the loop and don't care about people with cancer look how carefree and thoughtless i ammm :)))
I'm skinny with a six pack and a 6.5 inch knob
erm because not everyone uses the shit blue eye strain background??
big image
>He was probably scared, in pain.
wew its weird how similar Scots are to Canadians
I'm skiny fat with a 5 by 3 inch knob
been working out lately and going on runs twice daily. look and feel a lot better, only problem is a lot of my clothes don't fit any more.
sad :c
bLoOdY bRiTiSh BuLlDoZeRs .. !
fedora without the (You) desu
never had one and i'm itching for one, but only if i get one naturally, forced ones on this comment won't work desu
your eyes are weak then arent they
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>The word meme was coined by Richard Dawkins in his 1976 book The Selfish Gene, as an attempt to explain the way cultural information spreads; Internet memes are a subset of this general meme concept specific to the culture and environment of the Internet.

Thank you based Richard Dawkins for bringing us memes
cold temperatures make people more civilised
iktf, except the bit about clothes not fitting since I've not been a fat bastard
put my willy in a lady today lads
>what is Russia
fEldEd sWiNe
I'm sorry man that must have been shit. Did you find when you were out in public you were starting to get angry because people around you are laughing and smiling and you're dying inside? Can't work out how I feel really. Hoping drink will help.
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>Proof that it's all about looks.
How much currency did you exchange for her goods and services?
Russia is too civilized to the point of crippling depressive degeneration.
>what is sabotage by the american jew

skip halfway through the video
>having a not pathetic cock makes you a normie
love my multicultural capital <3
This guy is an absolute chad :(
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Just listened to this whole EP again, truly a masterpiece *tips*
you willy is smaller than 5 inches??

prove it Lol
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Why does britain make good music?
Is the weather in Australia really so hot?
It's summer there,isn't it?
What is the function of a Pub?
>all those turks
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>why yes, m'lady, I live in the United Kingdom
costs about £600 including fuel and dinner.
took her out shopping and got some thank you sex in return
My large penis is my only saving grace
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YOU, yes YOU, can live among this for the LOW LOW PRICE of only £2000/month.

bretty nice waifu you got there lad
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The Undateables is triggering my anxiety.
So which one of you is James?
shoulda got a prozzer m9
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1. because our island is so depressing we have to turn to either drugs or art to get by
2. yes its mental
3. in australia yes
4. have a few drinks with the lads; sometimes to have a nice pub lunch
Great thread here

the dismal weather and sarcastic attitude to life makes people look for distractions.
>le eggy fedora post

how small is your willy
looks comfy as fuck
It's not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.
It's making me want to go on a date with an autistic girl
Make me.

/brit/ is the normie general, go to /r9k/ if you want incel memes
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just needed a (You), how do you feel, rapscallion?
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Also,who is this lad?
And if I visit the UK,will the average brit give me funny looks because of my accent?
^ Spake that truth brethrin
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just noticed the comments lmao
my gf basically is a prossie
she's way out of my league, only reason she's with me is because I've got a pretty well paid job and my own house.
I'm 31 and she's 19
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i must be loyle to my capo
I guess so. I don't like a big fuss being made over me. The worst part was when everyone went back to their normal lives about 2 weeks after it happened. People were always at the house to pay their respects or whatever but it obviously stopped after a while. I think I was just so jealous that I became angry and hateful towards people. I kept it to myself though. It didn't help that it happened right around the time of my GCSEs so I didn't have time to grieve
he shagged a girl for a good 2 hours
FONT (Fuck off Neet Trash)
ur the oldest person i ever met here
I thought I was daed but I managed to get the drip on him

It's twat you fucking yank

Ship shape and Bristol fashioned captain. Thought I had a cough so went to the GPs but he said I was just a throaty lad.
How's life in hambullet land?
That's Alex Gordon Jahans, a bit of a celebrity around here.
not true, I know a 42 year old bloke who posts here
doing a go
Hate Undateables episodes where the only thing that's wrong with them is that they're ugly. Should be for spergs and other mentalists only.
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really makes you think
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This one's for you.
Shit mon.

How long has it been now? Do you still think about it?
fucked that up didn't you dolmio nigger

what the actual fuck is this?
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>really makes you think
Got shot twice, below average.

Did see a pissed lad get nicked the other night.
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Did I give you permission to use -- no, misuse my gimmick, filthy yank insect?
ngl it was pretty good
good read
is this from a film
>girl has no nose or lips
>This guy's worried she won't like his glasses
got a 70% chance to get shot if you go outside in america
that's well below average Tbh
what a mong
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i would kill a man for her
Does the rubgy bloke count? His tourettes isn't even that bad.
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How about this.
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let go.jpg
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Poor girl
good post but he royally fucked that one up didnt he
Ah the fucking line again.

I give up lads.

cant be fucked to read. just give me the gist of it son.
I want to scoop her titties out of that """dress""" and play patty cake on them
laughed when blackbeard started singing
what a random song to sing
Yeah, he's an absolute turbo normie, had those two GILFs dripping ffs, he's literally not undateable
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>Degenerate sunburnt tourist cesspit, Islamic shitpot, and Marbella
what are you doing you fucking plonker
>He thinks trade didn't exist until the EU came along
James is my hero.

>book about Stalin as a present
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really now.jpg
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He hung himself (I think, I never wanted to find out from my mum but it's probably what happened because he did it in the woods and I saw his body, head was still intact so it wasn't a gun) in October 2010 so just over 5 years now
Honestly I don't think about it, and I hate myself for it
I've forgotten what he looked and sounded like, which kills me because it's my belief that he did what he did ultimately out of love for us (long story involving debts and loan sharks and shit)
>Hey girl, I want to be in a relationship with you
>Here's a book about Stalin

>That myspace angle used in her profile picture compared to her actual moonface
Equally brilliant.
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>what are you doing you fucking plonker
>he thinks the UK has a stronger bargaining position outside the EU
looks like mad max
>Israel not listed
we had empire to trade with back then
it will though
the UK has a trade deficit with the EU
>giving her a suitable gift
>muslims arent supposed to get rules from anything but the quran
>when the quran talks about "hijabs" its mostly talking about curtains and drapes and that
>the practice of veiling the face comes from jewish arabian tribes and its entirely traditional rather than religious
>all all*h says is that women should cover their bosom and dress conservatively for prayers
>Makes a joke
>she just stares him down
>Panics and gives her Stalin
>she loves it
What the fuck is this?
Congratulations, you've won the Most Ill-Informed Comment of the Night Award
>>Israel not listed
That was blind luck desu
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On this day in 106 BC Marcus Tullius Cicero was born

>A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within.
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Who /tsu/ here?
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He made her laugh as well, fucking normie scum
>taking a shit
>squatting on the toilet
>thought I locked the door
>dad walked in on me
do you know these people are you just saying hi to random strangers
submitted to me_irl for a million upboats xD
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>say goodbye to someone
>walk the same way
She is also a sperg.
Eso es lo que quiero yo, todos los brazucos sois afeminados así que seguro que me prefiere a mi
>they fell for the yank speak meme

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i think i knew that already 2bh.

still retarded whether it comes from a god's mouth or a camel fucker's.
happy birthday cissy
TIL no gf




looks like a richer more successful version of dormers
>"oh haha are you going this way too?"
>keep on walking until you actually split up then say goodbye
its not hard you autistic melt
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breathes deeply.png
352KB, 566x810px
File: TSUUUUU.png (301KB, 323x394px) Image search: [Google]
301KB, 323x394px
Cex thread when

New Thread
/r/unitedkingdom btfo
File: ok.jpg (18KB, 595x635px) Image search: [Google]
18KB, 595x635px
gg well played
For some reason this often posted image doesn't yield any result on reverse image search
What gives?
Someone just loosened the wheel bolts

How are people this fucking dumb?
what did she do to that epiphone
Last for America.
Thread posts: 343
Thread images: 92

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