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/balt/ + /ausnz/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 398
Thread images: 114

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forbidden love edition
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Replaying Hadaka Shitsuji, lads.
I don't know what that is.
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wow thats really gay to be honest
How are we all today lads?
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Shaved off my beard lads. Already regret it a bit desu.
If you don't like the look just remember, It'll grow back.
how is it
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I go away for a few months and I see we have an /aus/ general all the time now. Although it's combined with /balt/....

How did this happen?
Just googled it
>comedy rape
Hadaka Shitsuji ("Naked Butler") is visual novel that centers around Maeda Tomoaki, a poor college student who gets fired from his restaurant job after punching a customer who was harassing his coworker. After failing several job interviews, he searches through his accumulated mail to find a flyer that pays 30,000 yen daily for a month. After thinking it sounds suspicious, he decides to visit the address listed on the flyer. Arriving at the gates of Kamishiro Estate, Tomoaki is greeted by Sakuma Kyouichi, a butler that works and lives at the estate.

Thus, life at the mansion begins. Tomoaki’s job as a master is to give orders to the butlers. Preparing meals, washing laundry, tidying up, anything that he can think of to let the butlers fulfill their purpose. Tomoaki is also free to go to university and his own apartment.
As the terms are too good to be true, Tomoaki is wary that it might be a scheme or conspiracy. He wants to test it by seeing how far the butlers would go to obey his orders. “Bark three times like a dog” , “Help me do my report (homework)”, “Wear a panty thong”, “Lick my boot”, etc.

The butlers would obey him, no matter how absurd or unreasonable the orders are.
Soon, Tomoaki’s sleeping sadistic side awakens…

It's quite good.
Timesharing basically.
Baltics and Oceanians, being forum concious, understand that flooding /int/ with generals is damaging to the shitposting ecosystem, so we created a single general instead of us each having our own.

Also /balt/ got really slow and we needed new blood after finns migrated to /mammi/
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More like after finns migrated to your mammi.
wait a minute that sounds rather homoerotic

Well I always opposed the making of /ausnz/ generals regularly because there are already enough fucking generals.

Good to know we are quality posters after all.
Yes, but I would need to start from scratch again and it will look like shit for the first few months.
Also I can't twirl my moustache any more.
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Rude but fair lad.
You say it like it was an organized decision. The Australian that was posting in /balt/ just made a /balt/ + /anzac/. People enjoyed it and it stuck.
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It's 5 am I really should get to sleep.
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Because I reverse searched the entire image.
Can /balt/ guess my accent?

belfast accent
it's 3.15am, time for bed

goodnight cunts
night bro
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Ebening, lads :DDDDD
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Hope my coffee arrives today. Haven't had any for weeks.
Aren't you sleepy, emu? :3
Yeah I'm having some trouble getting to sleep tho
Cant you just buy coffee in the shop?
Not as good. Cheaper, yes, but not as good.
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There's something inside you
It's hard to explain
They're talking about you boy
But you're still the same
What coffee are you getting, lad?
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could I pass as a local?
Peru Ceja de Selva and Sumatran Mandheling Select. Each $35 a kilo. A bloke roasts them out in Geelong and I don't live far.
dududuun dududuun dududuun dududuun dududuun
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you look Latvian as fuck
Still keeping mine desu. Also you reminded me that I had a bad dream the other night in which I shaved off my beard. It was a truly terrifying dream.
i-is that a good thing?
This >>53086429
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>still no anime about punching people, making them into door
Feels bad man.
what do you think?
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Best Latvia is best Baltic so yes.
>Best Latvia
I didn't mean to add that best at the beginning
t. skumjs zēns
I don't know never been to latvia or any baltic state.
dont really find a look alike when I google latvian men tough.
(A clearing in a forest, somewhere in the Frankish Empire. The year is 775)
(A Visigoth ahistorically strums a guitar in the background, the notes providing a soft accompaniment to the tender scene unfolding)

"Konstantinos, why are you crying?"
"I'm sorry, Karl, but...it's the Pope. I just wish he'd get off my back about the whole iconoclasm thing. It's not like any of the icons are his, anyway."
"It is a grave theological issue, though, Konstantinos. For if we are not to venerate the blessed Christ and the saints by depicting them, then how can we honour their beauty and wonder?"
"I don't need to defile their beauty by depicting them, Karl, because to me...to me, you embody all the beauty in the world."
"But Konstantinos, that's plainly heretical. If somewhat flattering."
"I don't care if it's heretical, Karl. Your love means more to me than even the mysteries of sacred theology."
"Oh, Konstantinos, I can't bear it any more. I love you. I need you. Please, if you cannot reconcile yourself to the Pope, then at least mend the schism in my heart!"

(The two most powerful men in Christendom collapse to the ground, embracing one another passionately)
(Event 30101 fires for Basileus Konstantinos V of the Roman Empire; he picks option A)
shitty squat m8
I don't even recognize myself in the mirror.
Look really awkward too, but that's probably because I'm not used to it yet.
wtf this isn't fanfiction.net
sorry it was for the company photograph and I had to take the photo, normaly I squat with flat feet
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I know that feel.
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Skumjais zēns tiek banots katru dienu par izvairīšanos no bana, tāpēc man par viņu jārunā trešajā personā. Nezinu kur viņš palicis, godīgi sakot.
Cerams, ka drīz viņam noņems banu. Nepatīk tas, ka nevar nofiltrēt.
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>nefiltrēt anonīmos postotājus.
>got Lithuanian neighbours
>atleast its not niggs
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trys milijonai.webm
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it's not?
lmao lads
Sorry to hear that, I'm happy myself that the lowlifes fled the country
I have Swedish neighbours at my summerhouse in Oesselia/Saaremaa, nice people
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Yes, hello?
>That moment of hope I had

You lil faggot cuck.
i'm cucking ur mum atm tho haahahaha
i'm cucking your dad atm hehehehehehe
me belarusian

lol what the fuck even do you have to do in common with those new hollander anglos
just join v4 and rus imhotep
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>just join v4/rus
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>polish poster enters the thread
>you can turn Skyrim into a better porn game than 99% of porn games that are available
I should probably try this later
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What's wrong, too poor for them?
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All that jell
>that reaction picture
Hello, Reddit!
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>/g/ right now
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's all right senpai, just be careful when you cross the border north
fuck you
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WTF Latvia, I feel offended
Who is that man?
There were raids to Estonia to bring slaves back
you are literally like niggers desu
mean while in todays society, you are literally nigger-tier https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Uzu58N-Sso
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wait what? these are lithuanians in the video?
have always thought they were russians.
Is that how Lithuanians really look like? Cant believe...
Im 25% lithuanian and THANK GOD i look nothing like them
what the fuck is he trying to convey with that expression?
Your mum
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Coming from you
Who is Drake?
>Who is Drake?
what did he mean by this?
>>Who is Drake?
>what did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
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Today i got mistaken for a russian again. No i do not understand you're Slavic gibberish, i do not celebrate Christmas in January, why the fuck are you asking me in english whether i speak estonian ff just presume i speak it, the country has only one national language. This happens all the fucking time. Almost like being Estonian is unusual.
Once again we Estonians are forced to share our country with others, people that do not care about our country, our language, our culture. I wish the ruskies would leave yet this seems impossible, we should be content in sharing, in integrating them, fuck that i say. Fuck the russians and fuck anyone in estonia that lives here yet does not speak the language.
more like /cancer/ general
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well i met 2 lithuanians on the ship and they didnt believe i was 25% lithuanian, they told me i dont look very lithuanian.
To be desu, being an Estonian in Tallinn is kind of unusual.
lol, it literally has never happened to me and i live in Tallinn
feels good man
THE ship?
Dude, its the ship, dont talk about it, keep it secret man...
Maybe in Lasnamäe, but Tallinn is not like Riga where russians are the majority(lmao get cucked. latvians)
on the cruise ship to Stockholm xd
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fucks sake.png
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literally front page of delfi
Good luck not winning the lottery ticket .
There's almost as many Russians as Estonians there, though. Not to mention that it seems as though there are more Russians, due to them being very active and loud. I'm probably moving to Tallinn in a few months, how many Russians are there is Kalamaja?
i suspect i kinda look like a russian, though i don't wear a tracksuit. I live In Tallinn though not in Lasnamäe. All im saying that the russians (and possibly the finns that think speaking really slowly finnish will result me understanding you) should learn to speak estonian and they should fucking presume the other guy is speaking it as his mother-tongue.
I do not say this often, but: cringe.
I have the most generic ugly peasant face desu, wide and with a big nose.
ah? Tallinn has 36% russian population, 56% estonians, 3% ukranians and 1% belarussians.
That's 56% Estonians and 44% of slavs and other weirdos, which leaves us with a gap of about 10%, which isn't that much.
>1% belarussians
I bet they are trying their best to be as estonian as possible.
dude shut the fuck up, the rest are latvians, finns, germans, americans and all kinds of european foreigners
having 16% gap is huge enough, just because you live in some poor shithole what is infested by russians doesnt mean there is as many russians as estonians in tallinn
dont even know why they call you belarussians, its not like belarussians even speak belarussian
should i upgrade to windows 10
i personally can't wait for the windows 11

waiting for the windows 11, folks
We are meme nation.
Which makes us very easy to adapt to other countries culture. We are best migrants.
>having licensed OS
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Sure, keep telling yourself that. Don't forget basically all the Estonian darkies also live in Tallinn.
upgrade to OS X instead
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the lithuanian maneuver.png
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Sure, why not kill yourself while you're at it?
literally nothing wrong with "estonian darkies".
I know one (he's in the Eesti Tippmodell show" and hes bro-tier and all around really cool guy
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Have you played No, thank you!!! yet?
How much hours of sleep do need to feel refreshed? How much do you get on average?
Thought estoniano and Finnish were sister languages
About 5-6 hours on workdays, 8+ on holidays.
Check em Janny.
they are, that doesnt mean we can understand everything they say, we understand like 35% of each others language without actually learning the other language
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Poor form.
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forgot the pic
You ain't seen shit.
How it's even pronounced
Nah, it looked a bit too bara for me if I remember correctly. Haven't been playing anything recently desu, I've got Lamento and Jooubachi no Oubou in my backlog currently though.

10-12 hours.
9-14 on weekends, 3-7 on week days.

amm its pronounced like öö :DDDDDDDD
cant really explain how to pronounce the word if you dont know how to pronounce the letter Ö
Literal shit tier languages xDDD kakas :-DDDD
Damn Hungarian really is an ebin language. Thought your linguistic relations were kinda like pt-es, but it seems to be more like pt-fr. This "speak slower and they'll understand" meme is common sense here towards Spanish, that's why I asked, it still shouldn't be that hard to you guys make yourself es understood I guess
>still not being a Christian
nah, we can understand them enough, usually the finnish tourists who come here wont even speak english once, just finnish and they get by, because our languages are so similar
fakk u
>still not being an agnostic atheist

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All Mighty Psychick Cross.gif
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Just leaving this here.
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*tips fedorae
sad panda
>soome """"""""""keel""""""""""
your language is literally an dialect of estonian since proto-finnic was developted in estonia
Leave it to the atheists to post a non-ironic fedora image in response to a maymay
Hahaha,so true
Latvia is actually the most powerful of Baltic counres, our economic, cultural and military is so powerful
Please stop posting.
Thee One True Topy Tribe

btw watched that vhs series the image is from
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when will Latvia and Estonia unite again?
t. Ivan Barbovich
We have more tanks than you all combined.
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What why?
Soon, I wager my friend
Latvians can kill bears with their bare hands, thanks are meme weapons
Finnish is closer to Proto-Finnic than Estonian so no.
and how many are actually in working order?
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Since when Belaruse is a baltic country?
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so more than 3?
Latvia will conquer Poland, don't worry Lithuanian
yeah yeah keep telling yourself that Pekka
Latvians can kill tanks with their bare hands, bears are meme animals.
t. google translate
Oh god, using these shitty memes, you fucking degenarate, please kill yourself.
please provide a rough approximation of what it says so we can cringe at it together
who would want to learn lithuanian

Oh god, using these shitty kills, you fucking meme, please degenerate yourself.
Well atleast niggers and mudslimes dont want to learn it.USA is already 50% nigger..
the pic says
Estonians have never invaded foreign countries
Estonians have never wanted foreign lands
Estonians have never forced their religion on anothers
Estonians will never give away their country

If you ever come to our homeland to fight with us, then our boys already know what to do, because ESTONIANS havent fought the price of FREEDOM
But thanks is forbidden weapon. It's too inhuman.
Approximately 20. Government shows them parades occasionally.
Stop me
We even have rockets
Belaruse stronk
>his fucking stance
Sgt. Shitposter is disappointed
we invaded Latvia
havent forgotten the price of FREEDOM**********
The archaic language meme. They are not thinking of it as an economic opportunity but rather the exotic aspects.
when did that happen? :DDDD
although we almost had a war with them because of border disputes
i really really like those mittens
Landeswehr war.
Latvians were so incompetent they let the germans take over. Would not have been the first time. Naturally we were forced to bail them out.
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golden tip.jpg
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afafwert24yit2y789ry9[efuh7d-79pvcasdg-v97dsgyv7=92fk f=9q2eft

kill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill me kill mekill
So sad, if Landeswehr wouldnt be so bad we would be living in a United Baltic Duchy/Balti Hertsogiriik/Vereinigtes Baltisches Herzogtum/ Apvienotā Baltijas hercogiste with our latvian brothers and we would had probably never had to suffer the soviet union and we would have a cool flag :(
desu I didn't like their rock period
I don't like rock in general

However the group is mighty diverse in genres so I found very many good things in it.


I think their best album is At Stockholm from 94.
huj v palto
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it's a horrible feel, to be honest, lad
Existence itself is a great suffering, but it is only aggravated by this general and rampant anti-intellectualism running about.
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>cool flag
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>To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.
For me it is all very nice.
Liberate yourself from the control.
sieg heil
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this is the end
can't even trust latvians, estonians to not change their colors
I meant to meme, but you gave me some feels.

Survival is the lowest expression of will to power though, everything ought to strive for something more than mere, bland existence.
holy shit implying i understand that sub-human language.
well why don't you fucking translate it you fucking retard
im using mozilla and going to google translate and copying the whole text takes too long time :(
don't use shitzilla then
dont worry lithuania, after latvia and estonia have been united once again we will give you an option to join with us :)
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Join the dark side
Hello what is going on here :DDDDD?
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memes and serious discussion
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if languge is bad den why do bilion peopul spek it
its not bad, it just sounds so ugly, literally mordor language
because a billion people a shit
if shid is bad den y do bilion of fly eat id xd
Only Lithuanians and Latvians are true balts, learn your fucking facts.
Is there a smug Kranklis or do I have to make one myself?
i used to use google chrome but for some reason i cant post on 4chan using google chrome
there is but make one anyways
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God I hate when Russians bring up Vanga and spout retarded shit like
>Vanga said Russia will save the world :-DDD
Please post it.
I don't have it
Are you trying to one up sgt. Shitposter?
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What happens here?
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Estonians are more finnish than baltic.
we just dont know
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howdy m8.jpg
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Who is paying you?
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shit desu
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oppressing russians
please leave
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nah they're just aesti/ests who got finnised

they're white just like hungarians, don't worry
nice meme
you are balto-finnic
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ubdaded :DDDD
I'm not trying to one up sgt. Shitposter, I AM one up sgt. Shitposter.
Needs to be more smug. As if he had just posted a bait picture calling lithuanians russians.
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Fighting with each other meanwhile the rest europe is getting cucked by mudslims we should kick they ass in Vienna again..
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Bro, you cant fight the facts..
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Sorry I believe my copy of this particular chart has more truth to it. Where did you even get this?
So that means we're superior to other baltics.
Man, do you think i want to be a fucking mongoloid? of course no, but we cant deny the facts
I got a bug in Crusader kings were gay sex actually produced an heir.
>Super WEIRD
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Don't fall for the meme, it's a trap. Estonians are no more superior than others. Shake away these devilish separatist thoughts.
As sgt. Shitposter, am i supposed to salute you or someshit?
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thats a long known fact
>"The Estonians are the élite of the Baltic peoples. Then come the Lithuanians, and lastly the Latvians. Stalin used Latvians for the executions which the Russians found disgusting. They're the same people who used to have the job of executioners in the old empire of the Tsars."
- hitler 1941
i thought prussian was german or some shit
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Well, you would be if your country wasnt ravaged the most by russians and mongoloids
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I thought this fake quote was from Himmler

Are you trying to trick other Estonians?
>"I fucked your mother"
-Everyone, addressing you
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The chart actually means Old Prussians.

They and the lands were conquered by Teuton crusaders who then simply named themselves after the earlier inhabitants. Many Old Prussians fleeing Christian persecutions fled to Lithuania Major where they assimilated with other population.

The Prussians you probably know most likely have balto-german ancestry.
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tanel laanmäe.jpg
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tfw you will never be estonian übermench
What is your ethnic and cultural background?
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Well fuck
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you will never be superior Lithuanian
>implying we will still exist in 50 years
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Stop watching cuck porn staring Jamal and his shower cock.
>implying we are ever gonna let those niggers out of Vao village
How many independent states that have existed for more than hundred years have Estonians created? That's right, Lithuanians are the master race amongst Balts.
i heard that when using the language of prussians, it was best to swing your arms counterclockwise and tilt your head. they would determine new insight from your moves.
Lithuanians are obviously the best of all Baltic people. No, fuck your "Livonian state". The only real country among the Baltic nations is LIETUVA

>patrician tongue - check (Latvians with their shitty stress rules and quazi Russian vocabulary do not qualify)
>All the most important Poles = Lithuanians - check
>great duchy - check
>repelled the Russian for centuries - check
>did not get massively colonize by Russians - check
>great coat of arms - check
>Mindaugas - check
>Palemonids - check
>Vytautas - check
>kranklys - check
>ruled the Slavs - check
mate i see niggers around mustamäe practically every day
they are students, after they have recieved their education they usually fuck off to Sweden
Swedish love nigger cock
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say like 4 working at prisma once

>mfw they had a literal 10/10 maybe 20 year old qt with them
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Base Crotia strikes again

Here have flags, don't know how you receive the flag of USA but anyways
>people enjoyed it
Kā var atrašanās vienā sarakstē ar lielākajiem shitposteriem būt izbaudāma?
I get slightly triggered when the U.S is #1 in things....
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Thanks, lads.
>tfw reminded if what could have been of Prūsa
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choon lad
Should I move to Estonia?
If you're a Russian you absolutely should. They have a big and lively community that seeks out Russians from around the world. The Narva community is especially warm-welcoming.
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No, you should move to Australia or New Zealand
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Guys why so many americans talking about moving out of US if Donald Trump gets elected? I think that they are all mexicans or south americans so they will get kicked out anyways why waste your own money moving out?..
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Estonia HIV.jpg
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They also give you free AIDS
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I like your OC, lad. I encourage you to make more.
Because he a dumb shit that is already ruining America's image.
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I need prompts t.bh f.am

t. will make ebin /balt+ausnz/ for fun and e-penis expansion
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Look everyone its that one mexican that lives here..
>not listening to cloud rap
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kranklis approves.jpg
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Excellent, goes to my /balt/ folder
Don't need lessons mate
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Actually, that was a bad post.jpg
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>/balt/ folder
>not /balt+ausnz/ folder
Half of this is not even true...
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I have two separate folders desu
for pre-merge and post-merge maymays
feeling sad t.bh lads
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It's actually named /kranklis/

I successfully baited you
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>not having a separate folder for kranklis pictures
actually everything there is true
Le memememeememememees guys, get it, its memeemememeees
- Estonia
Memmeka Meeme memm
>1 lad in Hīu
How did he get it?
>2 chaps in Lēne
Did one of them infect the other? You'd have to be pretty mad that you have sex with the only person in county who has HIV.
I think the guy in Hiiumaa went for a trip to Narva in his youth and got a gift from the locals, The 2 in Läänemaa were obviously Russian brothers trying to get away from the aids infected shithole they were born in.
Guguys guys mememememeeeeemeeemes get it greaaat memememeemememees so funny laughing hardest my stomach I'll from all mememe!eeeeemeemeeeemeememes
I know everything about anime, no seriously, I mean there is not one thing I don't know about it, the animation, the characters, the types and language. I can't even begin to tell you how many people I have pwned in my 10 years on anime forums but let me tell you it's a lot, a hell of a lot. For all intensive purposes I should just hold back some of this mountain of knowledge I possess, my mind is just a powerhouse of anime facts and figures, but what can I say I like to educate my fellow anime fans, surely you've all seen me relentlessly push anime on other forums for years now and seen my superior knowledge of the animation and seen my sharp wit and clever use of smug anime girls at play. Surely you have seen me post picture after picture of anime girls and facts that prove how GOAT Strike witches, GuP and Kancolle and myself are, an it's all been for you fellow brothers, I know you all respect me an have huge amounts of admiration for me and my posting abilities, as a great man once said, I'm responsible for 90% of anime posts on most forums, well I said it but you know it's true anyway. I'd just like you also to know I'd appreciate it if you asked my permission when starting a thread about anime, animation, or any cartoon really, to be safe just run everything though me as I am the man around here, Please could you also tell all the new users that I am the example they must live up to an to follow my lead of informative and interesting anime posting skills, well I'm off to play some Kantai Collection
mehmet my son I'll from all the mememeeeemememeemmememeememeees
Man, wtf. Are you autistic or something?You make me cringe..
>not modding oblivion into the anime hell all the mods make it into
smdh desu senpai
hey son got any fresh memes
hahahahahahaha mehmet ill from mememememeemees get it real funny memememe make mehmet my son ill from memememe hahahahahahahaha
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Who is you witch waifu? Mine is Erica.
hot off the OC presses lads, please rate
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Feels good.png
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Just got my coffee lads.
Why would a Lithuanian have that swishy swoshy ceiling thing?
haha it was just a prank lol
you totally fell for it
doesn't every house have them?

how do you stay cool in summer?
We open windows.
uh lads...
Never seen it here desu.

By eating saldejums, going for a swim, staying in the shadow or even going to the basement.
what did he mean by this?
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don't give me that shit you fuggheads I know your summers feel unbearably hot due to the humidity making the heat 10 times worse
see >>53101511 and >>53101520
>what did he mean by this?

what did he mean by this? is this a meem?
Tbh you seem like just another foreigner trying to stir shit in /balt/ + /ausnz/. Leave.
Most of us just get drunk and drown in small ponds and lakes.
i dont know anyone here in Estonia who would have that thing on the ceiling and its not unbearably hot here in the summers :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
more like rains everyday and on the midsummer day it starts snowing
You're the lad who havent had coffee for week? congrats
yes, we even have a song about summer snow
What happened to that Aussie lad who wanted to snog that sheila on the new years? I think she was leaving the country or something.
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Pic related is literally from the June of 2014.
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Yes. It's pretty good, just brewed it now.
not yet
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>terrible leftist newspapers forced on a pink frog
Pretty good m8.
New bread, lads
haha fucking looser
Lmao ahahaha he fail guys he fail.
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screencapped hahaha
newfag :DDDD
Good Job Janis hahaha
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s-stop bullying me, it was a typo
>i-i was only p-pretending
yea right dork
Cyber bullying? Shiet nigga, just turn off the computer smdh lmao
screencapped for future cringe threads
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C-can I at l-least check these?
will post this on reddit :D
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Sry m8, things are not going your way.
LOL u missed a may-may arrow x-DD
posting it on r/4chan :P
What are your opinions on beans, lads?
long thread tb h
Thread posts: 398
Thread images: 114

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