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Thread replies: 410
Thread images: 86

liara edition
rare footage of caralad

We did it, we found something more autistic than anime waifus
fuck off yank
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yanks out
he is such a twat, got punched by some moroccan in amsterdam too
sometimes autists start posting tali haha
Suffering from success, lads
Really want to perform oral sex on Liara before prematurely ejaculating inside her tight alien twat
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what does this sound like to everyone
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well the constant droning SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH sort of overpowers the vocals but idk that might be what u were going for
voice sounds alright bit flat maybe
musically was a bit repetitive ngl being able to discern lyrics would help a lot i think
>caralad is now referring to himself in the third person
bit concerned for you lad
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Really fucking hate yank threads.
going to do a sleep

operation fix sleep for work is so far succesful
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ye fa m
I knew he was a paki
feeling sad lads
welcome to the new thread, or as i call it; your death

nightie night
ach tung!
ze janny vill be furious!
fuck its catchy
post grime lads
trap posters: >>>/cum/
nothing better than having a strong independent woman as a gf desu
>tfw live in welsh nationalist area
>tfw have to speak my rusty welsh that i haven't used in years whenever i talk to the welsh crowd
>tfw i sound like an utter mong whenever i'm trying to converse with a qt who clearly prefers speaking in welsh
night laddo x
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interesting fantasy
ya im trying to get a mate to do an alternative mix, though at the same time it is kinda what im going for cause to my ears i enjoy it but to some others i know they wont
thx, yeah im no professional singer and its just gonna be a bandcamp thing anyway so nothing too serious
fair enough about what u think about the music, each to their own and shit, however im glad you cant discern the lyrics cause they're benis :DDDDD
Are you guys really racist or just joking around for bants?

I'm serious. Unless you guys aren't in which case I'm joking too haha we're so funny lads eh. Absolute madmen
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Mixed European genes and an English accent is the ideal woman
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>welsh nationalist
Why do asari have bellybuttons?
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>he doesn't listen to both
i don't actively hate races if that's what you mean but lol niggers
poydll gwylldyl dy pfed caemorgan as tinfl caerfanon dyfed pontsycyllyte gwydll och ben oban
I legit hate Pakis but most people are fairly sound desu
want her to grow a cock and fill me up while i explode all over my tummy and she calls me a pathetic human 2bh
Unironically hate pakis but don't really care about other races 2bh
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>tfw no Outer Heaven
Never had a bad experience with any non-whites, I'm just worried about them becoming the majority (which they inevitably will).
they still give birth, they just don't require physical insemination to conceive

liara's a shameless humanboo
I legit wouldn't have a problem if Obama pressed a big red button right now that glassed the entire Middle East. Like literally there wouldn't be a single part of me that would be like "oh no memes aside that's a bit fucked" I'd actually be proper chuffed tbf.
doing an involvement
>Welsh Nationalist Area
I really struggle to picture in my head what these sort of places are likes. Is basically all social interaction in Welsh between the local? Is it rather local and poor? Do people live generally typical Welsh/British lives aside from their nationalism and language?
Met a fucking insane paki on the way back on the bus. I thought he'd be normal as he was dressed smart with shirt and tie and looked decent for a paki. He asked if he could sit next to me and I said okay because he looked okay, even though bus wasn't full. A minute later there's a black guy and white girl laughing together at the front and he tells me "they are destroying racial purity, race traitors". I just mumbled yeah I guess. Rest of it was silent and I luckily only had 2 stops left.

Are Paki's normally racist? He looked like an Indian.
>Welsh nationalism

fucking lol. Wales is literally a parasitic glorified English country utterly dependent on hand-outs from daddy England. What a load of fucking shit.
Pakis are cousin marrying, honour killing, child raping fucking scum. I hate all of the inbred fat nosed black eyed cunts. Don't mind other people though desu.
making an arrangement
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I'm very intelligent and it shows in my conversation. I think women are intimidated by my intellect and are afraid to initiate a relationship with me, and I don't care enough for a relationship to personally initiate relationships. I find there's no difference between real women and porn, after all, they have the same level of substance relative to a man of my intellectual stature.
Not even gonna give you the satisfaction of a fedora image
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>want to listen to grime but I'm racist as fuck
>all the white mcs are shite
replying to your post
What Happened


Just realised there are people who are unironically conservative and like grime

absolutely disgusting

getting really sick of middle class whites
my mate is proper racist and wants me to come with him as he puts bacon around the handle on the local mosque, reckon I should? last time someone did it it made the news, don't wanna get fucked for it though.
you will never, ever get hired for a job if you get caught.
>want to listen to Death Grips but I'm racist as fuck
>all the white mcs are shite
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>come on dog!
>*rango beckons to the helpless girl*
>go ahead dog we're swingers
>my gf will fuck anybody
>you have my permission
>just as long as I watch

What do you do??
unironicallya white supremecist
Highly recommend the documentary series "How we got to now with Steve Johnson"
Sounds like a good bit of banter 2bh
I watched part of the sewer episode and then got sidetracked
The Wife's son is staying over
got caught listening to death grips at work once haha

banging away on the keyboard churning out code and the headphones were a little loud and everyone around me was asking what i was listening to

none of them had heard of death grips or they were hiding their power level
one of the main grime posters
fuck the tories 2bh
excellent gimmick
>tfw no mate who does bantery harmless stuff like this
If you didn't pick Miranda you're a homo and traitor to the white race.

I genuinely believe white people are superior
>that jawline
ok good

The thing about it is it's proper protected, all the windows are barred and it has a high fence and floodlights turn on when you're close.

There's also a fuck ton of CCTV, I bet the fucking council could track me all the way back to my house if they wanted to.
Fug, I might replay the mass effect series, can you get all 3 games on steam?
tomorrow should i

>go shops and buy monster munch, doritos & dip, pot noodle, spaghetti bolognese, ketchup & can of monster,


>takeaway - 7 lemon & herb peri peri wings, a chicken burger with hot chilli sauce, onion rings, 2 cans of soft drink and dips

If you get caught you can just say its a prank bro and get off easy famm
sounds like proper bants la, id be up for that if only i had decent mates
>not jack
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>why are you such a prude dog?
>*rango lips his lips lecherously*
>we can share...

What do you do?

number two

onion rings are usually shite from takeaways though.

neither, fatboy.
my mate put on death grips whilst we were banging loads of mdma and coke at an afterparty

preddy good tb h
You shitcunts seen these spooky 2 pound coins yet?
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shagged her on the floor like lure filth in Me2 lmao good times ngl went back to Liarafu in me3 tho
quite a good feeling when out and about knowing that im stronger than every scrote thats passing by
takeaway option
you can get 1 and 2, but none of the DLC is on steam
nah these ones are PENG, better than wetherspoons

im 10 stone tbf and impossible for me to gain weight
>I want millions of Whites and Christians to be nuked for no reason

Fuck off shitskin, disgusting paki cunt
3 is only on origin. 1 and 2 are now a combined €7,50 on steam.

would love to rock your fuckin chin in
got 15 references for my essay so far
I went to school with this weird racist white South African lad. He was mental and quite hench so he could force people to do stuff, anyway, one day he forced me to deliver a note to this tiny, really dark skinned Indian lad a couple of years below (he looked black, he was really dark).

So I delivered it to him without opening it and walked off.

The next day I got collared by the head of year who told me he was contacting my parents and discussing suspending me for racism. I asked him why and he said that I delivered a very offensive, racist letter to another pupil.

Apparently the South African lad had wrote in it "go home porch monkey".

In the end they found out it was the South African lad who made me do it and all that happened was my mum got sent a letter which I intercepted and he made me apologise to the little Indian kid. wew.

thanks for reading
>10 stone
Benders and manlets out
explain to me how this isn't bestiality and how this is now worse than being a horsefucker?
anyway im off to bed now goodnight and fare thee well
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Daily reminder
>I wouldn't mind a few """""""whites""""""" getting killed to literally fix all of the worlds problems

fixed senpai
im in a really lazy mood

can someone tell me this is worth reading


fuck off paki
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intelligent life =/ animal life
>Blue waifu

What are you doing mate.
im 6ft you fagot
fuck off quentin before i go all cipher on your arse nomsayin
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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who are posting from Wessex
How can wyverns even compete against the superior BWD?
Just bought a 3ds from game tbqh
she's basically a humanoid
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Only oldfags will get this
not really it was a bit shite tb h

>im 10 stone tbf and impossible for me to gain weight

some people grow fat internally, which is just as damaging as having it just under the skin; if not more because people attribute skinniness to healthiness which is absolutely false.

do you think her arsehole is a nice deep blue
more like munter
mmmmmmmmm ok how about a dophinfucker or a chimpfucker?
thumbnail looks like an isis flag :o
How would that fix all of the worlds problems? Pakistan, India, Africa, Afghanistan, North Africa, South America, all of these wog shitholes would all still be around

The Middle East is unironically the least of our problems. Anybody who wishes harm on Lebanon, Jordan or Israel is objectively and undeniably a stinky paki rasheed.
good goy
Night mucker x
you can't communicate with them though

almost purple
>not choosing Kaiden
ffs, last day off tomorrow and then back to work, and still no gf

what's the point lads, what am i doing all this for, this life of mediocrity, why
>almost purple

getting a bit hard...
Bizarro Rasheed.
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Do it for anime
>[OFFICIAL] Acceptable females in power ranking:

1. Isabel Hardman
2. Quality slags
3. British celebrities (eg. Nigella, Rachel Riley)
4. Attractive European/American non-celebrities (eg. Voe)
5. Attractive European/American celebrities (eg. Daddario)
6. Random gimmicks (eg. Pointless, politicians)
7. High test
8. Anything else not listed. WHITES ONLY.



All Non-Whites. This includes gooks, pakis and blacks. This also includes mixed race eg. Charli.

Cartoon females.

--- Modifications may be carried out by a majority White, Conservative, heterosexual British male vote in favour ---
i bet she has a lovely dark taint
mate fuckin steamin hahah
want to lick her smelly alien sweat off it
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What about Joost?
>liz not #1
shit list
did you grass on him
I fucking hate anime

nout wrong wtih non-whites desu
>tfw Liara is born in 61 years
wew, we could actually live to see her irl lads
is it okay to use trips here or are you all gonna get autistic over it, everyone has them on mu
not sure why medicine by filthy frank is giving me feels

Reminder that if you find liara attractive you are literally a zoophiliac by definition.

Daisy > your meme waifu > kpop whores > 2D
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want to sex an anime

god doesn't exist because i cant sex yuno so im going to kill myself
of course I fucking did, didn't want to get done for it did I???
There is literally nothing wrong with engaging in sexual relations with non-whites if you don't get them pregnant.
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>Isabel Hardman
So what is everyones new years resolutions lads

Here's mine

>become normal respectable adult
>no drugs except on special occasions
>no smoking
>do more interesting creative things and be less autistic and lame
>finish music album projects even if they sound like shit
>start writing more stories scripts etc
>get gf
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>mfw women look slightly crazy
this shouldn't turn me on
What is wrong with this woman, her face is just nightmarish
shes a mammal lad its proper interracial not this white on black interracial shite
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""she"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" is not real

her face is just so weird

whats the point when extra flags exist
I'm pretty much Larry David 2bh lads
alri nige
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not sure why you'd want to do that, but i want to sex marge simpson is that acceptable

Everytime i see that name im reminded of a some tranny.


just proved that p = np lads
>shes a mammal lad its proper interracial
Right into the gaschambers
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>extra flags
might be some other prick in devon or summit, plus its just banter n that like

ite my son
Quick question, will my ex-gf still-oneitis....?

a) Break up with her Chad bf soon, continue to ride the cock carousel for a few years, and then go back to me when she realises I'm the sound choice from a financial perspective?

b) Continue to go out with Chad, fall in love, get married, and be happy for the rest of her life while I become more miserable?
pakis = no problem??
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>alright lads, come sit next me I'm lonely over here

What do?
are you the haskell nerd writing his compiler
Are you going to be posting anything besides In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
tucking my tshirt into my knickers for a bit of late night kitchen mischief
neither, go for someone else
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>tfw she is crazy
i do yeah
probably go sit next to her
fuck off limey
Trips are better than extra flags as this way I can filter the attention seekers who put no effort in. The only acceptable way to attention seek is to develop a high quality gimmick.
what do you think comes out of her nostrils?
lad that shits bare overrated as fuck anyway, its a 7.2 at best
Motion to include Azealia in the list of acceptable females on the basis of her cuteness, nice bum, feisty personality, good music and anti-slope powers

All those in favour say aye, all those against say nae.

btw, if you take enough drugs it might be possible to have sex with ur animu or marge simpson, or if you lucid dream too
git facked yank dis is anglo larnd
how do you know he's in the navy?
aphrodisiac gas
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Sorry but my heart belongs to Beth
whats your language like?
anywhere i can read about it lad
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My mum shared this on facebook haha

Pretty difficult dilemma lad. I AM an unironic White nationalist and White supremacist. It's not difficult to conclude that Europeans are the most prosperous people on the planet. I also support European imperialism. Fuck Islam.

BUT, I grew up in a nice little Kentish town and went to a grammar school. My best friends in secondary school were black lads from Nigeria. They were all smart, got top grades, and wanted to be doctors. For this reason I have a slightly unconventional view of the IQ of races.

It is inevitable that one day, any White nationalist will have a pleasant interaction with a non-White which will possibly change their attitude. I went on holiday to Switzerland with a few British families, there was this very Westernised Chinese family from Hong Kong who were hilarious and really brightened the moods of everybody. The father looked like Jackie Chan, he was always cracking jokes, top lad. From then on, I stopped thinking that all Chinese people were soulless insects.
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oh sweet jesus
are there more normies posting on /brit/ at this time or is it just me

who here is fucked on drugs wahey
>marge simpson
I'm scared of anything related to simpsons after I saw a really scary video of the simpsons characters getting murdered

I used to be proper good at lucid dreaming actually, been meaning to get back into it but it requires a lot of conscious thought which I'm not too great at.

don't care yank
massive tune
obviously not you fucking dunce because she hasn't been born yet, she's born in 2077.

However we don't make first contact with alien races until 2157 so I suppose we'll never meet her
What will happen then? Too bitter to go for someone else 2bh. I've cut her out of my life and asked her not to contact me again, but I'll inevitably keep thinking about her until it drives me mad and I eventually kill myself.
i want to drink her pee
nos? mate dont get me started haha I'm a mare with that stuff
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of all black women you chose the most anti white one?
am nicely stoned 2bh
wouldn't describe myself as 'fucked on drugs' though lmao
post link to that, is it the bart the general thing?
I guess it's kind of what you'd get if you combined Agda and Clean with the goal of making something that compiles to native code without needing a runtime
me on the left xz
Ya he's all fixed now, doesn't look like a cheap latex Halloween mask or anything
haha sorry nige I meant to respond to the lad above you
kid me too like
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Did you know there is a higher percentage of english speakers in netherlands, norway, sweden and denmark than Canada?

hmmm i see

im a mucker eh? thats what i am is it?

im too tired to take the matter on tonight, but we shall be having words tomorrow

a nice little chat, oh yes, i do think so

Hong Kong and Nigeria are both ex-empire and are heavily influenced by the UK so it's not surprising that their upper class, of which the people you mentioned belong to, act like white people.
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I'm sorry, but if you don't talk to yourself you're nothing but a smelly normie.

I'm too scared to search for it but it's on Youtube. It's to do with Playdough if that helps.
It's literally impossible for non-Whites to be attractive, therefore motion failed.
Practically not Anglo 2bh
pakis are disgusting
lad no worries
Night lads
It's all the Frenchies tbqh, not pakis
you will eventually get over her, trust me mate because it's happened to me before, it'll take a while but it'll happen. for the love of god don't contact her again either, you're doing the right thing - just have to ride the bitterness but if you contact her again it'll just prolong the bad times

just try smashing some randoms if you can
the heart wants what it wants t b h
interesting lad
i'm making my own language too haha
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>get home from work (neets not welcome)
>see this
what do you do
join army
lads what u listening to, got the fuckin pistols on here
lunchbox is such a dad already

What's it like senpai
ah, alright, well I just thought I'd try, thanks for considering my motion.
kinda wish i got baked too but i think i need to not smoke weed ever again cause im 25 now and it's counter-productive
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which ones your mum then
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you clearly havent been to any major city
hardly any better tbph
Gimmick idea: post "Our Nigel" accompanied by an image of Nigel Farage
bongo wanga noonga ningy wooga
you don't have to think all other people are animals/inferiors to want to retain your own culture and home
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our nigel
It's been two and a half years m8 and I've still not had sex with anyone else, beginning to think I might be a virgin again. One-night stands seem pointless, and I've not met anyone I've felt a connection with.
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who /canterbury/ here
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*sweats* it's like if Fear Factory and the Halo soundtrack had a baby

don't tell any girls haha *sweats*

bet ur shitting yourself rn
Why would Shepherd not take more than two squad members with him on some of the more difficult missions lads?

Imagine how much easier his task would be if he brought along Garrus, Tali, Wrex, Liara, Ashley, Kaiden, Jack, Legion, Mordin, etc on every mission? Could have sorted out Sarten and the Reapers in one game probably.
Good gimmick
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Me after i smok the wed
Static, compiled, imperative

Influenced by C in that I want it to be fairly high level but not C#/C++ high. Totally different syntax and hopefully some vaguely interesting features. No plans for anyone to actually use it though, purely a learning experience.

Still working on syntax since I want that to be consistent and logical unlike most C-family languages.
a raid tier lmao
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I was born on the 3rd of January 1998 at 12:30am GMT
Feels good to say that tbqh
me 2bh live in wincheap

>well fuck son im high
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>think I might be a virgin again
>This is what normies actually believe
who is this strapping young fellow?
WAHEY (leaves a trail of white semen across the screen)
shes cute, whats her name?
That sounds like a good learning project, not too much in the way of theory so you're just drilling down techniques

Good luck mate
tell that boy to get a haircut
mate I'll give it a listen like

looks like a fuckin bloke
nah its based off aboriginal dialects noonga (desu) bingo (senpai)
Fuck, has see always had such juice chebs? I hadn't clocked
I literally need Taylor Swift to trample my willy and bollocks in her high heels
filtered btw forgot to tell you just thought id let you know
right lads, oneitis sent me a text today saying "happy new year im about all year lol x" then i just ignored her because she hadnt contacted me in 2 months and id given up on her then she sent the exact same text again a few hours later but with slightly different punctuation so i know it wasnt just a glitch or something sending the same text twice and i just ignored her again lmao lads feels good x
those don't look like supple natural breasts. look like they are pure plastic tbqh
wow so hard
Cheers lad good luck with yours. Did you write your own lexer/parser or use a library? I used C++ but I'm still considering swapping to Haskell since I haven't done much work still on the parser.
>filtering nige
Matched with this absolute angel, think I've fallen in love, what's the best opening line?
took me two years to get over my ex-gf but ive not had sex in 4 years, and i'm starting to feel the same like im a virgin again as well. but dont give up hope!!

one night stands do seem pointless but you can't force it if it happens it happens so don't rule it out. but yeah i know how you feel, ive only really met one girl i thought "hey maybe this is a thing we got going", but she's gone off elsewhere anyway so it dont matter i guess.

but hey plenty of fish in the sea like that dating app haha, but most girls i chat to i never go further with because like you said, no connection.

i don't even know if im fully over my ex but i have no intention of getting back with her or even seeing her at all and im ok with that. but i would like a gf again and some sex so i dont feel like a loser anymore.

at the end of the day at least you had sex and had a gf so it cant be that bad eh :)
has anyone got star citizen here?
he sounds like a turbonormie

post the pic and ill let you know

yeh i bought that 10k ship lol
lad this is the third time i've read this shut up
pobody's nerfect lads

friendly normies are acceptable tbf
should probably hit her up in a few days tbf saying u've been dead busy and then like yeah sure totally cool for hanging out but dont expect anything to happen like but hey might as well give it a chance eh cause itll be a laugh right?
Post pic and we'll let you know
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>when his gf isnt foreign

didnt read lol, but thanks
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Going through wank folder and seeing alot of cara's. ngl think it's time for her to get her own folder :/ ffs barely even like her
>Falling for the biggest game scam to date
pretty arrogant too
you + me + a bottle of wine = a good time
if you catch my drift
whatever comes to your head, if it works it works, if it doesnt it was never meant to be
ye but its funny x

nah fuck her not chasing her any more

you stole that off me you mother fucker!
why can't I get into modern games lads?

got myself a ps3 a while back, but could just not get into the games, even the good ones

I never quite took to the 3D games once they became the norm in the mid 90s. something about them seemed remarkably .. joyless

I loved Sonic, Shinobi, Streets of Rage etc, but obviously I don't expect the gaming industry to regress in any unnatural way
bit bender 2bh
She says in the bio she's bisexual. Would that be a problem down the line?
he seems alright to me but to each his own haha
I've actually not really thought too much about the front end yet, though I'll probably just use a library since Haskell has a lot of good ones to choose from
wow ok harsh, kill urself my man
its cos like 80% of irish people on 4chan, you're a hipster but thats alri dont worry about it
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fallen in love with a prozzy again
still got the same clothes on that i raved in on new years day lmao
How does trudeau justify his cabinet now that its 2016?
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mon negre
who the fuck filters people, literal fuckin losers sat in front of their keyboards chatting wank on 4chan, who even gives a fuck
fair play then fuck her then, might be able to get a fuck but thats about it i reckon tbf
absolute nonce. how?
good lad
you have my respect then, i quite like that chat up line i think im going to keep it for myself iydm (if you dont mind)
Why are the Irish hipsters?
What are the Brits?
it was 2015 at the time

hello jackposter

yeh go for it. enjoy.
had this dream about being with a shy qt girl who was a musician and her family, she kissed me on the cheek and then her dad drove us off a cliff

what does it mean??
>ye but its funny x
we both know that isn't why you're posting it :x
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>who the fuck filters people, literal fuckin losers sat in front of their keyboards chatting wank on 4chan, who even gives a fuck
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morons for the most part
Tripfags are often normies. Better ban them just to be safe
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>A newly-elected Mexican mayor has been shot dead on her second day in office.
>The left-of-centre former federal congresswoman, who was in her early 30s, had promised to try to clean up Temixco, an industrial city where problems associated with drugs and organised crime are rife.
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>/int/ shagaluf trip 2016
who's with me lads
banksy what the fuck are you doing on 4chan lad
see how much more fun /brit/ is when people aren't spamming anime and korean slags?

really loving this thread so far.
How long would a kiwi/aussie have to live in the UK to be considered one of your own?

How long would a brit have to live in aus/nz before he is considered one of your own?
take that back Rasheed sympathiser
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Honestly think Leicester have blown it haha
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Why have the white britons left London?

tbf he has all the hallmarks of lasting less than a week, you can just tell. no personality like lisicki, kentqt and banter.
NZers are Brits mate

Aussies are too, but there's too much sporting banter to be had so we don't acknowledge it often
ludicrous display honestly

sup bru
5 minutes

you tell me
exterminate pakis
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installing windows 10
already fucked her once (thats why she stopped talking to me 2bh, we were chummy but just friends and she didnt really want a relationship) so im not even bothered its not like i came out of it completely dry

yeah im just trying to get over her really and take solace in expressing the fact im actively ignoring her to strangers on an anonymous cantonese prawn fishing board x
Had a dream where I lived in an apartment tower made of stone (not concrete but stones like a castle) and I met this qt girl with dark red hair which would continuously flow on its own

i took her down to the parking garage where there was a small patch of grass with a tree inside
we climbed up the tree and I fucked her hard while she had both legs propped up on two branches wide open.
then I woke up before I came
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Arsenal ftw!
i am saying those tripfriends have a personality if it wasn't clear btw
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kid they'll still get top 4 like
Christ, sounds like a patented explosive compound
self explanatory
Alright lads, gimme a "FONT"

How long would a paki have to live in the UK to be considered one of your own?
good lad
worth it
been nothing but impressed with it so far
I Love Windows 10
Windows 10 is my friend
fuck off autist
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im starting to realize that we shitpost as much as aussies do but only in our own threads
1200 years
>yeah im just trying to get over her really and take solace in expressing the fact im actively ignoring her to strangers on an anonymous cantonese prawn fishing board x
there we go :3
Where do we come in?
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>girl treats me like shit
>decide to stop talking to her
>know it's hurting me more than it's hurting her
I think I just realised I don't want to live very much
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me and the gf cuddling on the sofa
good post x
canadians don't shitpost, they're shit posters hahahaha!

Thanks for your input lads but I'm disappointed in the lack of responses ngl

Had hoped to hear both sides of it
eatin a cadburys selection box, fuck I forgot how fuckin tidy wispas are
Can someone tell me what characteristics make up both normies and autists?

I want to find out if I'm either normie or autist, I feel like I'm in-between
haha waheey
>when a yank chimes in with his opinion
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would you shag a ginger lads? be honest
Innit lad? Everything is better without non-Whites.

It's pretty pathetic how gookpop spammers think they're welcome here. Whenever I see some chinky ugly fucking alien thumbnail picture I just skip over it.
yanks are mostly sound mate

If she was shaved sure but ginger pubes would disgust me
RGO (resource gathering operations) for the first installment of my latest gimmick are going well lads. Shortening the ETA to about a fortnight.
me on the right
yeah theyre meant to be proper kink in bed

also i'm sure that arse can't be real, does that slag have no shame, honestly goddamn.

imagine if ur gf was doing that, you'd be a bit cautious wouldnt you eh

big arse is nice, but girls with muscle is a turn off

they need to be squidgy and comfy.
>russian girls
good taste

they are far superior to gooks

the frequency of qt girls in russia is incredible
why wouldn't i?
>when a pseudo-yank chimes in with his opinion
if you have had sex you are pretty much a normal

what are your circumstances
new bread
gingers are for poofs
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I don't see why the fuck not

Stupid gay fag paki question
thought I might as well use my real name actually
I've had sex with 3 girls, I actually ended up cheating on my gf with the other two girls and I now have not had sex for 4 years :(

I guess this is karma
here you go


I wholeheartedly disagree

Plenty of freaks, retards and autists still get laid

Its more about consistent lifestyle
she used to have literally no arse like Sigourney Weaver in Alien. Cropped out the ugly part of the progression pic lmao
yes you are a normie perhaps turbonormie even
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her arse looks a tad like the rebel symbol from star wars
good post
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Mate even dog shit is better looking than a slope

If the amount of gook spamming is reaching critical levels then the lads ITT tend to lash out and we post European women to neutralise it

well it's a bit of a weird situation m8

imo poms and aussies and kiwis all fit in pretty easily when they visit each other's countries, it's natural as fuck

but because it's new zealand and we're a bunch of isolated and highly insular cunts, they can never be 'one of our own' if they visit here

they're brothers, but if you've ever had an m8 from the uk/australia they'll always be differentiated as 'the pom' or 'the aussie'
Why must normblers take pictures of absolutely anything?
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mates i've cracked it
shitposting is part of great briton DNA
aussies live in a very hostile environment so naturally they'd have to adapt and get stronger at it
plus we sent convicts over there so they probably shitposted by drawing graffiti on walls once or twice
NZ isn't so hostile so that's clearly why they shitpost less

Yeah I totally get that as a visitor, but I mean if I as a brit and lived here for 10 years or something for example.

My brothers been here 7 and even picked up the accent a fair bit. Last time he visited home he said it felt quite alien and people sounded really British to him
what's your favourite bap?
I've lived here just gone 12 years now got my citizenship and all that, don't feel very kiwi desu just less British
it's called a roll you clog wearing cunt

That sounds pretty accurate too in fairness

I mean I know I'll never have been born out here but it already feels more like home to me than fuckin Jersey ever did
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fucking southern wankers
it's a bap
fuck off soft lad
bet you're glad of those webbed feet now you're underwater you dirty inbred northern parasite
It's called a barm, hello?!?
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at least the migrants can't swim and won't come here mohammed

my favourite bap is the paninis they sell at lidl
they make for some pretty top sandwiches
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Your bap's a shit mate
who /tiger roll/
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