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/cum/ Canada US Mexico

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 312
Thread images: 96

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This pepe made me kek edition
1st for Canada
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2nd for Canada
He has given up worldly pursuits and is now concentrating on spiritual and intellectual goals
RIP /cum/
nth for thirstposting
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Sissy americans
should I watch koyaanisqatsi or inside out tonight?
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Ruined already
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Where does tugging on his little weenie fall on the spirtual and intellectual spectrum
support yout national communist party and participate in its local chapters
>he has accepted he physically cannot get laid
inside out is a cute movie
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> Canadians
watch k-on
this pepe made me kek haha
Only if you get high though.
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gas yourself you filthy fucking commie

all you commie bastards shouldve put in work camps making american flags and m-17's to send to our boys in the nam
this thread badly needs to cut off fucking mexicans, they're absolute shithouses and never have anything interesting to stay

canadians are boring as fuck with no culture whatsoever but at least they aren't noticeably shit

anime also needs to go
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> mexicans
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>getting your dick bit off by killer geese
Am I an alcoholic if I drink every day but only get truly drunk once every month or so?
i love how inventive you are
too bad the US cant win a war against communists

I heard its really good, but Koya....'s supposed to be really good too


will never happen
nth for don't bully!
3-3, Scarlett versus MarineLord for the point.

Pls no France winnings.
Tell OHMSS to come back please
I miss him
>being a slave to carnal desires
He's above that now
fuck off tripfag
no, you fucking sissy

sup /cum/ brothers
>drpk still exsists
>claiming victory
Why do you drink? If it's an urge and habit then it is most likely Alcoholism. Also those carbs are probably reading havoc on your body
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some random chick I barely met on NYE added me on facebook and tagged me in some dumb meme about boobs.

what do
fuck off gimmick thief



>drk doesnt have 100% control
>south korea is a democracy

sounds like a victory to me
meme on her boobs
There are so many options

Don't join Trotskyists or Maoists tbqh they're all SJWs more interested in Intersectionality than Dialects or the working class
tag her in a meme about dicks
Not much

ask to see her boobs
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>talking about yourself in the third person
How do you say "pokey bum wank" in American English?
I refer to people who arent me in the third person. Lrn2Commnunicate
Commies of /cum/ unite

Fucking ruined like a third of academics, Sociology, Psych, and whatever the fuck good Gender Studies may have done before are long gone.
Senpai. A French Canadian girl in my class asked me about anime. She heard me talk to this edgy guy about how Sword art online was shit. She asked me what all the phrases meant and then she said she wanted to talk again tomorrow
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Hey, lads. is it true, that all cum girls use drugs? How many of them do this? What do they use?
>brit in /cum/

cringe, fuck off back to your containment thread you utter melt
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pokey bum wank? did you mean happy touching friction?
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is this what snapchat is for or something



I feel like this is not good advice
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That's a tallshaft party with a ringading submarine there partner.
This doesn't add up
>Hey, lads. is it true, that all cum girls use drugs?
No, most girls I know are disgusted by drugs, my gf did drugs once with her whorish friend, but is normally disgusted by any drug
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Begone Satan, I renounce thee wholly.
excuse me i always give good advice

all of them
Idk he's pretty cute

you told me to hire an assassin to kill my roommate
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God damn liberals/libertarians, get out of my /cum/
All of them every day.

I'm using drugs right now.
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Found the Swecuck
tinychat when
He said girls not hambeasts
perfectly sound advice
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post pics then
reminder that despite having a NEETsexual general name, /cum/ is an anti-NEET community

pinko scum like you are why we have to keep supporting red welfare states

just move to siberia already and get the fuck out of my country
What make are American police cars generally?
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Family photos and monument posing should warrant a somber facial expression.

Dodge in my area
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Valium and vodka?

>bourbon and a toke'o'bud on this end
cunts, the lot of ya

good idea, make one
dodge chargers today but the CrownVic is iconic
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>the swarm of fake trips are back
Caffeine :P
fuck off right wing cunt go suck off trump you grade A bellend
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Nah he gave them to me in confidence

I wouldn't break that just to prove a point on a Taiwanese wrestling forum
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>excuse me i always give good advice

I don't believe that~

the only way I can hire an assassin is by booting up tor, and then I'll be on the FBI's watchlist
Bit of variety then.

>but the CrownVic is iconic

Who's that made by?
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Tbqh, I never mess with it. I don't drink coffee or sodas.

I find it unhealthy.

>rip bong
>hold hit in
>shoot whiskey

Yeah, fuck caffeine lolol

haha u legend
I like this country though, our politics is fucked up, but all the countries in the world have fucked up politics. I'd rather create a better more fair america

Also the rich are more welfare based, they value from everyone to give themselves excessive value.

Paying someone Jack shit an hour when they make significantly more money for you is more societal welfare than taking money from the government... unless a millionaire is the only employee at his company and does all the work on his own then he's exploiting someone's value and surviving off the welfare of his workers

We've seen his pics, he's not cute, and if he were he'd have that gf he so desperately wanted, and not be shitposting every single day.
Then it didn't happen

You know the law

>pics or it didn't happen
Dodge Charger master race
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That feel when too beta to get a qt latina gf, let alone any gf
fuckin rollin a fat j

The cops here also use chargers
good job
>implying you're not already on it by being on 4chan
gonna get bare stoned mate, you smoke the kush ting too brother?
>implying 4chan isnt normie central
No, smoking is for degenerates 2bh.
It has an intimidating look desu
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>We've seen his pics

ok, sure, but tor is like lvl 2 serveilance
It sucks, they ruined American leftism for at least a generation, made every leftist girl I may be interested in into a polysexual fem genderfluid womxn. And Made it so every bit of the humanities and social sciences outside of history (which is unaffected by shit like that at least at my uni) and most philosophy is shit in this country and the butt of jokes.

Really? Never seen his actual pics here.
I personally find him attractive.
There's lots of decent looking shy guys that are single and plenty of ugly mugs with boisterous personalities that do well with women so I don't think that's really relevant.

Sorry bruh not posting but you obviously don't have to believer.
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i am indeed a degenerate

but im high too so its cool
oh fuck off you fuckin goody two shoes lot do my bloody head in, fuck and enjoy life bruv like kick back and chill init

maaaaate good lad, sound
Those shoes ruin it for me... jogging shoes are so unsexy... put her in heels or even sandals and she'd look so much hotter

I'd still fuck her brains out and be her loyal bf if my current gf and I split up (wouldn't leave my gf for her, but she'd be a great rebound)
Have you come back?
im calling you imam
SJWs are the left wing version of psycho rightwing-gun nuts.

They're here to stay, they'll form enclaves and special interest groups and always lurk around.

But people are starting to wake up to how ridiculous this shit is getting.

Do you guys ever stop talking about yourselves? I mean, can you ever hold a conversation that doesn't revolve around your clique? It sure doesn't seem like it.
>being this much of a faglord
Is this the tripfag general?
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got some nice outdoor haze grown in the ozarks

quite tasty, reminiscent of fruity pebbles and a skunks ass
lol I know right
I've made plenty of other conversation. You just choose to focus on that one cause you're literally OBSESSED
haha theres a fair few to be honest, it looks pretty shit but im steamin and bare stoned like so fuck it hahaha
mate sound
could you explain this pepe to me?
you feeling alright?
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>trips of threes

oh man

ima take three hits right fast

What is your favorite game on steam /cum/?
I dont have steam
yeah mate top
The Orange properties are the last of the 2nd side of the board. Monopoly professional Monopoly players consider them the best on the board. According to analysis, the Oranges rank 2nd out of 10 in visitation frequency (50% chance of being hit per trip around the board!) and 1st in payoff percentage.
Good lad

probably dark souls I or euro truck
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What's your favorite video game in general then?
>euro truck
Top autism lad
Nice to hear.
thats very interesting, Does anyone here have any personal experience with this though?
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Works for me quite well. The orange properties are they key to any win in monopoly
probably halo 2 back in the day. Dont play them much anymore. A little bit of battlefront here and there.
do you have steam?
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There he goes again. Truly a madman
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I do in fact
when was the last time you played?
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Probably a few months ago. Monopoly is all about luck and getting the orange properties. If you don't get them then no amount of skill will save you. I just have bad rolls
whats your favorite game on there then?
What a fantastic general
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I just bingewatched broadchurch on Netflix. I have Netflix and prime. What's a decent show I can get in to?

Or what's your favorite show(s) on Netflix?
Well I mean cheating could always get you a win I imagine. Especially cheating multiple times.
>Mexico white
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I'm an honest man
So you are above cheating in monopoly?

I wonder if everyone else here is as well>>53014434
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watch danger 5

shits so fucking cash
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It is tempting though
dont post this frog again
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Sounds good m80 thanks
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sorry ivan
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What should I fap to?
cum lol
your mom

the thinking man's fetish
Should read the bible instead
top tier fetish

Get a good thumping instead
Where is everyone?
your gf
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In their cuteboys thread jerking off to anime pics and ugly dicks
Are we ever going to get Tbh and Senpai back?
Straight shota
I hope not. Pretty disappointed Hiro unfiltered cuck

DESU is the only one I care about
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>this thread
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I've read that one a long time ago
pretty good as I recall
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Good taste, anon.
Finding good BL is difficult desu
trots are the worst, theyre just 4th internationalists because "hurr stalin is an ebul"
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hmmm saturday night...what to do what to do
Masturbate with a fish desu senpai
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Does this grown ass man think going around flipping the camera off is some sort of epic prank? What a fucking faggot.
think I'm gonna volunteer at my local animal shelter to be desu
He just comes off as an edgy prick

that's a hobbit
this is the first weekend in a while i haven't had plans. boring af

do it. i volunteered at a cat shelter for a while and it was comfy
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>this is the first weekend in a while i haven't had plans
>this is the first weekend in a while i haven't had plans. boring af

yeah, generally I do something on at least one weekend evening. Dunno what to do tonight though hmmm
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apparently everyone decided to go to gym for saturday night here

its usually just a few other white people and the local arab immigrant population
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new years resolutionists prolly
>current year
>not a normie

i've been binge watching anime. :T hunter x hunter

new year resolutioners
i l i t e r a l l y haven't left my room other than to pee and poop in 3 days
prob for their ephemeral New Years resolutions
everyone bailed because the tripautists are spamming
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Pretty much this >>53016038
Wait a week or two and it'll be business as usual.

>i've been binge watching anime. :T hunter x hunter

I just finished futurama again. I love that show.


yeah, I've got a 24hr gym so it's easy to avoid the crush
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desu desu
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I mostly use the pool, but right now it's way too crowded for my tastes.

it's awful
Reminder to report Tripfriend and Hot, as they are LMM and CIA respectively; both of which are banned

yeah crowded pools are no fun. I hate that, especially sharing lanes ugh
24hr gyms are based. i wish mine had more lifting equipment though
>black "people"
Do you still check your email?

t. stalker
Hi, it's been a while 2bh. Just replied
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>tell newish guy to make shrimp alfredo
>10 minutes later waitress comes back about alfredo not having shrimp

I swear I almost would work better without anyone else

That's pretty much all mine is, lifting machines and free weights.

I can't do too much though cause my achilles tendon is still recovering from being ruptured last summer ;s
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i read that as "jewish" guy to make shrimp alfredo

and i thought you meant he didnt make it because jews don't fuck with no shellfish


i need to drink more
about too masturbate
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Be patient, anon. Everyone makes mistakes.
Good to know lad
shut up idiot
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at least now that school's starting I go back to like 2 shifts a week so I don't need to put up with this
Do one
do one what? you've been poisoned by both of the pther retards

are you still able to hold convos?
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Do one is a perfectly correct phrase, your English is just wank
You sound like a bitter ex gf
alex turner is hot>>53017021
answer my question ??????

and shut up idiot im bot able to quote you my iphone screen is blocking your teply qhatever
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Back from Saskatchewan buds, was bretty good. Nice to have a white christmas for once.

Hope you all had a good Christmas and shit as well desu.
You're chatting utter bollocks mate, pipe down
Welcome back, nice picture 2bh lad
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winning strategy+wojak-1.png
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You seem upset
welcome back~
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Where is everyone
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>so I don't need to put up with this

Sounds like you're not having a good time.
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Learn English
been pretty stressed desu
Seems fun
Euro here ama
mine is mostly cardio :'( at least they have a pool and steam room
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Do you have family there or something? Doesn't seem like the ideal vacation spot
Why are we so superior to Americans?
ama gonna tell ya to leave this thread bud
we just are, but Brits are just barely better than Americans. Most Anglos are the same. America is better than UK though
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good to be back; not looking forward to classes starting again tho mind you

thanks senpai

shoo shoo smelly man, shoo shoo

that I do. Honestly I think it's a great vacation spot desu. It's incredibly quiet and relaxing out on the farm, and the snow makes it comfy
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>Brits are just barely better than Americans
>America is better than UK though
lick youre but

urs too

u too
>Mexican """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""banter""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Me neither lad
Have you been around cartel cause it sounds like you lost your head
juaajuajuaa bai

chino gai
I give great back rubs, guys.
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These threads still suck

Burn the weebs
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Maybe your skill translates well to another stiff place I've got?
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what about butt rubs?
These threads need to be put out their misery 2bh
>these threads are so bad they shouldn't exist

Or you could simply, I dunno, STOP COMING and they would no longer exist to you. wewewewewew
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Tell your mom to stop coming
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Part of me still loves /cum/ and wants to see it return to it's old self, so I can never truly leave.

It's like watching post-2000 Simpsons
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I am having a stroke at this very moment

I am dead fucking serious

I would go get a phone, but i'm having a stroke and can't move my legs

This will be the last thing I will ever type in my life

goodbye /cum/

Cardio's alright, still keeps you in shape.

Sounds like a girl gym though
>being cucked enough to watch american shows
i remember last time you posted this verbatim

nice to see you
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>I dont support my local mom n pop pizzeria
>implying the time when you got here /cum/ was good enough to call it the "old cum"
i support ur mum with my "pop" lmao

It's the same as it's always been, you're just buttbuddies now with some dumb nerds is all
Don't forget to write!
excellent post
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shockedbear 2.jpg
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ya but ur pop supports my mom

who supports me

>were stepbrothers
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>not calling your best friend daddy in a teasing manner
Classic meme 2bh

>being cucked enough that the most successful music artist in your nation's history is British

Been here since early last summer, I know that's not mega old but it's old enough that I was there in the golden era of NAD creepshotting, Turklad, pre-Joto dictatorship, etc
shut up you fucking cunt
wat gaem shud i play
New thread when?

maybe if you and your friends stopped trying to shit up the threads all the time, they wouldn't be such shit. Just a thought.

Also, you were better when you were always crying lmao
i fucking sprained my shoulder my sleeping in a weird position

Fuck me
I'm not part of that shit, in fact I openly remind people to report their shitty fake trips. I do go in the irc but I'm not friends with them

>always crying
What are you on about mate
i sprained ur mums shoulder sleeping in a weird position... because we were having sex..... beforehand...

t. chicano

We have these and the classic Ford models
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are u trolling me
Announcing reports is a bannable offense
Just a friendly reminder
This meme
I'm not announcing or suggesting reports on my behalf. I'm just reminding people they are ban evaders and to make the moderators' jobs easier by not letting them continue to break rules
ur so full of shit abbo
File: wet.jpg (49KB, 473x706px) Image search: [Google]
49KB, 473x706px
Who do you think I am? I'm 100% European heritage
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94KB, 350x265px
>the golden era of /cum/

migrate at 310 my friends
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29KB, 477x477px
Nick (BK, NotADrunk, LeMonopolyMan) and CIA
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26KB, 800x600px
I'm not familiar with any of those people
Wait, are you memeing?
File: B_arRgkU8AAc62S.jpg_large.jpg (48KB, 592x824px) Image search: [Google]
48KB, 592x824px
Never heard of these
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