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Porn Thread

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 81

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Last Thread: >>2938611
Post your current erotic drawings and paintings here and provide helpful criticism and advice to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, DOWNSIZED TO AROUND 1000 PIXELS WIDE, ROTATED TO THE CORRECT ORIENTATION, and that any unused space is cropped.

Reminder that if you do not want to view this thread, please hide it by pressing the minus button or by right-clicking the thumbnail on the catalog and selecting "hide this thread."
Questions about references for drawing porn will be answered.
oh cmon even the beginners porn thread has a more fappable op pic
lets spend the next 20 posts complaining about op pic /s
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Just did this for an /aco/ request, any advice/critique to improve ?
Hey can I ask you a non-porn related art request?
Why not
Do you mind using the same art style to draw this picture? It would be very much appreciated.
Found the weebs. Ya pissed because yer animus isn't the OP, eh?

Ya wants some...Samikichanz? Honestly, OP pic fits perfectly with the garbage here on /ic/. Garbage porn amateurs hand in hand with OP pic...

Wait a minute. OP's pic ins't half bad, actually. I'm loving that speak chuck on the right. MMmmm. T H I C C in all da right places, amirite?
Yes. Start over again and go back to /aco/ to apologize for this monstrosity. What the hell were you thinking??

Do it again. And for FUCK'S sake, would it kill you to use a GOD DAMN reference picture next time??
Different anon but where exactly is a good place to get reference?
>I don't know how to point out the pic's flaws, just do it again!

Not op but damn, why are half the critiques in /ic just "not gonna make it" and "do it again but better"?
because nobody knows how to give critique

fuck, look at the beginner thread - i know it's just the blind leading the blind but literally every single crit is measurement comments - "this is off, this is a bit off, that is a little incorrect" on each of their "studies" of faces
Because a lot of artists here are good enough to tell when something looks off, but not good enough to know how to fix it. Instead people just resort to vague, useless criticism to make themselves look superior.

That does apply to pictures that try to mimic reality, but stylized doesn't work the same.
I got a couple nitpicks off my head for that cartoon pic:
-the cloth around the legs has no form
-the hair does not follow the hairline
-physics-defying sphere boobs
-the cartoony smile overlaps the cheeks, even cartoons have rules for skulls
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guy who made these drawings here. laughing hard a f.
Doesn't the rib cage seem a bit short?
Dark hair plus dark shorts and dark background is confusing.
And smaller Bokeh lights used more strategically could light up the composition.
Your momma. Just kiddin' kid, it's called the internets! Google what you're looking for and 95% of the time, you'll find a good reference picture of it. The other 5% is jailbait and rekt videos.

A good critique points out the flaws. >And for FUCK'S sake, would it kill you to use a GOD DAMN reference picture next time??
See? Use a reference picture next time. That easy.

Bullshit, why should we good artists spoon feed you newbs every intricate detail on what you have to fix? Where's the fun in that? Wouldn't you rather find out for yourselves and have that, "Ah, faggot anon was right..." moment?

Your ass sounds like a cradled beat nick art student whose education didn't amount to shit, aaaannd now here you are, on fucking 4chan—better still, complaining about how better artists don't spoon feed your Gerber habits...on /ic/.

Get over yourself, kid. Unless you're in you're late 30's to which I reply, get a job and leave the porn to us Super Hornio Bros who know what the fuck we're doing. :)

I'm fucking with you. I can't tell the difference between a dick and an elbow. Weenis throws me off and shit. Go fig.
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I had to significantly downsize the drawing, so it may have lost a bit of quality.

Anyways, here it is. I'm rather new to NSFW art, and I tried to replicate the MLAATR artstyle. I hope I'm at least good with what I do.

I'm trying to improve my anatomical skills, but I'm always told to just look up references. Can someone please give me a bit more advice?
this pic hoes here -> >>2959304
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Jenny how could you ;-;
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Why is it that /ic/ has to conjure up the most god awful unappealing unfappable material?
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I've considered doing her, but I really have no motivation, honestly.
because we're not allowed to post lolis without imminent shitposting so the quality of porn threads takes a dip
Look up Doxy's pussy box tutorial. The vag sits on the bottom plane of the pelvis. The slit is less sharp and on such a young female it should probably be less visible.

With anatomy, it's really hard to judge your skill level on something this stylized, do you keep a sketchbook? The key is to learn the fundamentals first and then apply them to anatomy instead of vice versa.
Only a few attention whores are inspired to post good stuff for /ic/. This place is undeserving and ungrateful so people invest their energy elsewhere where the environment is less toxic.
Yeah, makes sense, I just tried to stylize with only this character specifically. I do read through a lot of Doxy's tutorials actually. Are you suggesting I draw the methods on my own with different perspectives? If so, I could just practice with the sketchbook I have. Again, I'm kinda new to this whole thing, so I was hoping it wasn't totally awful.
I suggest you to leave stylization alone and try to first understand anatomy and perspective.
this whole pic is wrong on so many levels that it hurts.
Will do.
Any specification on what exactly is wrong anon?
especially the face. try too look at rl faces photographed from the side. concentrate on the eye. not sure you'll get what I mean tho.
Oh. If you're talking about her head shape, then yeah, I understand. In the source material, her head has a fucked up shape, but I'll still work on it.

I get what you mean now, I just needed claification. Thanks.
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need help
Sorry I'm late, the other anon wasn't me. There's a lot of opinions on how one should practice, so be cautious and don't get meme'd into wasting your time.

The thing people tend to forget is that anatomy itself is a part of your visual library, not a skill. Learning the fundamentals will enable you to draw form, which can then become an animal, a plant or a muscle.
Don't make the mistake of memorizing muscle names in Latin before you can construct organic and geometric forms, rotate them in your head, slice or combine them and feel the weight and texture curving under your pencil. Trick yourself into thinking they are real and you'll have tricked your audience.

Split your time into two parts, creative work and studies. During studies, pick a book, watch a video lecture, draw along, get your hand and brain moving.
During creative work, draw mlaatr porn, weeb shit, furry dicks, dinosaurs or whatever makes your heart happy. If you leave this out, your creativity and motivation will suffer, turning you into an empty shell like those d/ic/s telling kids not to have fun drawing.

Fundies, creativity - balance it.
Git gud. Feel the form.
I could hardly watch this, literally everything looks like it's spasming! Don't know how to directly help you, but a visit to the animation thread might be useful.
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Thanks, anon!

I'll keep that in mind, I've been working on hands for the past hour or two, so I'll start adding those in to my creative exercise.
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you're doing it wrong.

Animation is about shifting weight and how pieces move in relation to their neighbors, your piece is static while changing some stuff and there is no movement at all. Start by making basic shapes to get the movement down and once you feel satisfied with the movement you can start adding your figures on top of it.

I'm not even an animation fag but I've lurked the animation thread enough to grasp some of the basics and I used to try and animate just like you did with that gif when i really didn't know a thing about animation and ended up with the same result as you.
The scapula is one third the width and one half the height of the ribcage. Do you know what's going on in that area or are you guessing?

With the animation, I have no idea what's going on.
Don't try to reinvent the wheel. Keys, motion curves, timing and spacing, it's all already invented, waiting in youtube videos and artbook threads for you to save time. The principles of animation aren't restrictions, they are tools to guide your way.

Sure thing, Hampton has a really good chapter on hand drawing.
Do you have some traditional sketches, figures or life drawing, something that would show your level more clearly? That Melody fdau is pretty gud, but it doesn't show how confident your lines are etc.
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I'm a pretty lazy left-handed sketcher, so my lines are messy. When I do digitial drawings, I ensure all the lines are clean and thick, but on paper it's a different story.
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Not bad, but practicing hands right now doesn't have a lot of benefit for you.
Hand drawing really challenges your fundamentals. Practicing hand drawing before practicing related fundamentals is like taking tests without preparing for them first. Bad strategy.

Try Keys to drawing, Fun with a pencil, Drawabox, Vandruff's perspective series, Scott Robertson, in this order (easiest to most difficult). No need to read them entirely, just skim through and do the exercises to get the idea of how to approach things.
In the remaining time draw whatever you like.

Pic related is from Dynamic bible (basically drawabox), I do these exercises for about half an hour every day and it's probably the most beneficial exercise I can think of. Quality lines are as essential for your drawing as quality bricks are for a house.
So essentially this helps me in forming sharp / clean lines in drawing and perspective? My hand grip on a pencil is pretty garbage, so I'm wondering if that has anything to do with it?

Thanks! I'll check it out when I finish up my classes and my run.
Muscles adjust to the type of motion you use them for, so yeah. As an artist, you need as much of the technical stuff as possible to be subconscious. The more obstacles you remove this way, the more you can focus on the "art".

These problems range from controlling your pencil when drawing a straight line to problems like freehanding an entire scenery in fish-eye perspective. Study the fundamentals and you'll get there. Draw personal works and have fun so that you have something to say once you master the language of drawing.
Whoops forgot to address your grip -
The overhand grip is good with pencil/brush/marker so you can switch between line and tone simply by tilting your wrist. Try to get used to drawing from your shoulder.

With digital pen it's worthless though, so to practice the tripod grip I recommend using fineliners or rollerball pens in your sketchbooks, they make you commit to your lines.
Thanks again! It'll be a tough habit to break, but it'll ultimately be for the better, honestly.
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There's my issue. Google isn't good for finding poses I can't succinctly describe.
For instance I want a pose like this but 3/4s view from the front at a more leveled angle. I have no idea how to search for that other than "sexy kneeling woman" or a rearrangement of those words and even if anything is similar to what I need there's a likelihood it's not optimal in some form.

I know it's unrealistic to expect some kind of holy grail of stock poses but i guess it doesn't hurt to shop around.
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hi everyone
design doll exists

I won't be as good as a real reference but it can give you ground to stand on.
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That's why the most important aspect of drawing is learning and internalizing perspective.
This way you won't ever need a reference anymore, as you will be able to create any kind of pose from memory.
It took me years of daily work and practice, and I'm still not where I want to be, but I am confident I can draw anything smut related without the need for any kind of pose reference.
Best way to achieve this is practicing construction from life models, but photos are cool too if you don't have other means.

Internalizing perspective is crucial to drawing from imagination.
No amount of visual library can replace that.
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is it easier to ink in a cintiq? im using a bamboo and its so tedious
you have been posting this one image for like a month now. Are you ever going to colour it and shut up?
can anyone tell me what the best site to upload to is? like if i wanted to gather a following and eventually take commissions. or would it be better to start off doing work on a sfw site?
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Honestly, I don't think this is as bad as >>2961571 is letting on. It's pretty decent, but there are definitely things you can improve upon. Also, using reference will help tons. It seems like you're inventing anatomy in some areas.
It's okay to exaggerate, but things become unbelievable when you stray too far from realism/ and abstract anatomy too much.
Our styles are pretty different and I've probably made my fair share of mistakes, but I went ahead and redrew the pose to try to explain how you might improve your drawing.
The first thing I noticed is that her body seems stretched out. There is way too much space between her rib cage and her pelvis in your drawing. You hid quite a lot of her lower anatomy with sheets, too. Try drawing the entire figure without the cloth to get a sense of how it should rest on the body. Right now drapery around her torso doesn't do much to suggest the forms underneath.

Second, I think you need more contrast with your lines. Straights vs. curves will add rhythm to the figure and make it more believable despite being stylized.

I've also highlighted some problem areas:
1. It's almost like you drew two sets of clavicles here. Think of the clavicle and the point towards the center of the chest as a pivot point for the entire arm. The top of the shoulder girdle should be flat. There is no muscle there. (except for the traps)
2.To be honest, the boobs look like balloons tacked on to the chest. There's no gravity to them. Might be better to visualize them as balloons filled with water rather than air.
3.The idea of straights versus curves really comes into play here. It'll help make the leg look less like a noodle. The perspective of both legs isn't quite working either. Feels like Mim's left leg should be facing the camera a little more.
4.The arm is just a rectangle here. Try to add rhythm to the forms. .
Sorry for the long winded post. I hope it helps.
Nice! But where are the dude's hands?
On the ground behind the legs. I thought it was obvious. Does it look weird, or something?
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quality post; people like you are the only thing keeping this board together.

calm down desu. you only have 3 frames so it should be easier to correct.
1) focus on only one frame and get the form to your liking.
2a) if you add more frames, think of them as key poses. you brought the legs together in the animation and changed the expression and angle of the head BUT you didnt move key body parts around.
2b) if you add extra frames do your best to give them some impact.
2c) make the hips move in with, even if a little bit, with the impact
3a) like the other anon rudely pointed out, your lines are all over the place.
3b) lots of anons will flame you for copy pasting between frames, but you have to ignore them. if nothing is changing, there is absolutely no need to redraw it in your sketchy animation phase!
3c) keep the background on 1 layer. any alterations, like dents to the fabric by knee/elbow weight can be added in as a separate layer

4) and remember every failed attempt will teach you so dont be discouraged
So how do you go about doing that?
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heres an attempted fix, though its not flashy nor does it have any inventive keyframes added.
>Best way to achieve this is practicing construction from life models, but photos are cool too if you don't have other means.
This looks way better. Obviously a higher frame rate would make it look more fluid, but even still the way you have her body moving now looks a lot more natural.
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does this look wrong or is it accurate enough to get a pass?
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Drawn with mouse, sry.

Her body is getting squished between his lap and the pressure from his arms on her neck, yet there's very little pinching going on in your drawing.
You should feel that pressure and draw those overlapping forms of her pelvis, chest and the fleshy mushy tissue in between intuitively.
thank you senpai
Nice work anon, but the animation aspect is still very, very poor.
There should always be a delay between what happens in her loins and what happens with her arms/her face, because the wave of motion takes time to travel from his dick all the way to her fingertips.
I'm not even an animator, this is common sense.
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Am I feeling it yet, guys?
holy shit. you out of paper bruh? stop using the backside
What's wrong with making the most out of your materials?
It's a brown wrapping paper, I buy those insanely cheap 50m rolls. I wanted to fix the contrast so I applied some filters that made it look kinda washed out.
Just trying my best to spread a little positivity. Thanks, anon
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Bumping with corrections

I tried
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who was the inspiration? dr who companion?

I understand now. Thank you.
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It was hermione, realised i posted the shitty version.
looks stiff and uncomfortable
looks more like winona ryder
Yes, I will definietly need to work on my gesture. I appeciate the feedback mang.
I hope that it's a good thing even though i wasn't going for that.
is this legal?
Selling prints of pics done by referencing pictures that are copyrighted probably isn't. why would this not be legal?
any advice for drawing lesbians?
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>it may have lost a bit of quality.

It didn't have any to begin with.
Eww what the fuck is this shit? Just give up. God what a fucking abomination that is.
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Draw two girls fucking each other.
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hey anon next time, it helps if you draw a quick rough version of the same pose in side view so you can extrapolate to any angle
aka loomis
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The torso feels a bit to short on this one. Any advice on what i can put in the speach bubble?
who are the best loli artists?
anyone else? range murata is comes to mind as well
i really need to double check my posts before posting
you also have to double check your brain, pedophile.

It is very ugly. They look like trolls.
this is something I drew when I was horny one day and it took me all of 2 minutes
post there (as you already did) and stay there >>2959304
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this level of dunning kruger kek.
>not choking her with the scarf
you had one job
Yeah you are probs really good at art and don't shit on other artist because you are insecure and cope with projection. That always happens.
all you said is pretty much true.
and b4 you ask, nope, not gonna post my work and risk my reputation.
anyway, all art posted in here so far is pretty much shit tier. people with this kind of skill level should stick to the beginner threads.
I know you're shit. I don't even need to ask. You don't want to show your work because of reputation it's because you lack confidence in your own work.
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Twilight Sparkle Cum.jpg
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Just derping around
where are her hands? And if those things attached to her arms are supposed to be hooves, I'd recommend looking up actual hooves. I know the ones in mlp are simplified, but it just doesn't work in your image.
the head looks a little big. what's the point of painting this when it still looks like porn with a head shooped on?
I love that picture
Yeah, its got slight proportional issues. The point was obviously to make harry potter porn. This was only my second attempt, it will get better I hope.
boohoo, you made me cry.
gtfo scrub.
derp your way here >>2959304
Jesus, what's the matter with these people that think they own ic. The least you can do Is to provide constructive criticism with your concieted posts.

You're right. I was conflicted what kind of hooves would look right. Was lazy af lol
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Any critique on this here porn of mine?
The left leg is way smaller then the right one, same thing with the shoulders.
Thank you.
I did notice the one leg being smaller, but decided to keep it because my drawings usually get very symmetric and stiff. Do you think it stands out a lot? Any tips on how i could improve it? I don't think the legs should be completely same width with her pose, right? but i appreciate the crit.
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Asymetry in proportion doesn't necessarily make it dynamic, however asymetry in gesture does. And you are right the leg can have different thickness depending on the point of view. However it doesn't make much sense in your painting

I would recommend you train basic proportions. And keep drawing.
There was a guy who used to post in the porn threads, he drew bara orcs and bara kemono stuff, pretty decent but I lost his tumblr.

If anyone remembers or if you still post on /ic/ blog pls.
Thank you, those are great tips. I'll keep at it.
appreciate the redline.
you'll get taken more seriously if you, as a beginner, post in a thread made for beginners.
now gtfo.

asymmetry is the least of your problems. learn perspective and anatomy first.
and do it with simple objects, not figures and porn. you are just making your life harder because you skip fundamentals.

he does furry. kemono is not the same as furry.
Everyone on here always just says, practice the foundations. That's not very useful. Youre saying i should practice drawing things in perspective and drawing the basic shapes, and this will somehow make me get to know the hip better? Is that it?
That's the vaguest advice ever my dude.
>Youre saying i should practice drawing things in perspective and drawing the basic shapes
>and this will somehow make me get to know the hip better?
>That's the vaguest advice ever my dude
people that are smart enough can understand this concept pretty easily.
I guess you aren't one of them, my dude.
Nah it's not gabe, the anon i was talking about was much more tame.
milk anon chan? the one that was drawing in a very stylized way? big hips with tiny waists?
I think he's posting in the beginner porn thread and in stylization general.
I doubt he made a tumblr already tho.
Maybe i am stupid then.
Can you please be more specific on what i should practice, and maybe even how i should go about it?
you should cite a page number from a book that backs your claim. You wouldnt write a paper, for a college course, without citing where you got the information from.
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Well, you certainly know how to draw one kind of a naughty face and you certainly can draw someone who looks exactly like naughty Sakuya, unf. Just don't give the eyes a rectangular shape, it usually doesn't look good...

Btw, it would look better if the inner arm lock was hers. But I'm not sure it would be anatomical then.
>...and then she farts!
that's probably a fetish
stop over-referencing stuff and learn some proper perspective.
Thank you for a very insightful critique.
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Ok so I've not really done porn stuff before and it's not really my thing but times are tough and I'm thinking about seeing if I can get any money from patreon or somewhere for it.
Think I'd be in for a chance? What do people actually pay for?
People mainly pay for quantity over quality on patreon.
If you can hammer shit out quick, even if it's terrible, you'll get some money. Shiin is a good example.
Also, if you do comics you can get a good amount of money from patreon.
Doing furry / weird fetish shit for patreon is kind of a bad idea. People into furry shit / weird fetishes want porn of their OCs or characters they really like, so that kind of shit is better for just commissions.
it is
what do you mean?
you are welcome, scrub.
>never done porn before
>wants to get money from porn
pick one, retard.
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(f you).png
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Get a life you autistic loser lmao
>get a life
already have it. check.
>you autistic
have a succesful porn patreon

now please show me how butthurt you are.
>bragging on anonymous image board
>being this retarded.
>gets buttblasted mad
>posts sanic pic
>calls someone else an autist
the irony
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You're not kidding anybody fat boy, you're too stupid to have a successful anything.

>I was born doing porn commissions out of the womb, no one's ever started doing anything and been successful at it ever, DURR I'm not a moron at all bluhbluhbluh

Chinless mouth breathing babydick faggot retarded cunt lmao

Humorless fuck, I'm not even the artist and I have no reason to be mad.
not even the same anon kek.
keep being buttblasted, retard.
Ha! it's not even me anon, btfo
Joke's on you, that post wasn't me either!

get owned, fags. LMAO
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and it turns out you're also a pedo. the whole shithead package kek.
My cat's breath smells like cat food.
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Just doing random /aco/ requests.

>but why?
>but why
because you are too bad to make money off your art, I guess.
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By cocomodoro.jpg
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Damn that's sweet. gj.
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look, i did it, i did it ok, for you, i'll shut up now! :)
Hurry up with a blog
you drew a midget with the head and arms of a normal person.
you're going down a bad path, your art is passable but the subject matter is deplorable

you will be the next shadman
This is nice
Are you Chinese?
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By cocomodoro1.jpg
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telling by your sketches you are stagnating af.
show some progress.
either troll, autistic or dunning kruger.
this is so fucking bad kek.
Stop saying dunning kruger

It looks ok to me
could be traced since the line work looks very sloppy but I like it
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The faces look really unsettling, maybe it's the big eyes though...
>giving art away for free
It's those manga eyes.
I'm glad you like it. I didn't trace it, I just usually never do line art, so i need to practice a bit.
don't be salty, scrub.
i really love your work all others are jealous
Based on his skills I guess he doesn't care and does this stuff just on the side. The stagnation is pretty visible.
No, I'm not jelly of him.
It's just samefagging and baiting.
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good weeb symbol drawing, bad everything else.
make a blog already so i dont have to return to this shithole every time
just kys already. wtf.
>be BBC
>suck at perspective and anatomy
>instead of getting better just make the characters look like they suffered spinal injury from a car accident
Brava, you truly don't need references
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Hey BBC!
Did you take life drawing classes, or did you go to an art school?

For sex apeal, your stuff is one of the best around.
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You guys are boring.
Stop samefagging and fix her goddamn shoulders and back.
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If only you had the skill...

...But you're too busy shitposting all day
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why does /ic/ hate bbc? he's not the best but he's leagues above half the shit in this godawful thread
/ic/ has always done this shit.
There's been plenty of good porn artists that got popular that started here over the years.
BBC is still worse than decent /ic/ posters
BBC here. I exactly know how flawed this piece is. It was a quick sketch that is going to be colored and I'm going to fix the bad perspective on the lumbar area before that.
I don't use references not because I think I mastered perspective and anatomy, but because I don't want my stuff to look sterile, which happens to me when I use it. Tough luck I guess.
Just a semester when I was studying industrial design. I'm mostly self taught.
BBC was sucking trany dick and doing commissions looooooooonnnng before shitposting here, get your facts straight, bitch
People hate on BBC because he "made it", and he draws the kind of lewd straight porn most people want to and struggle and fail.

They don't hate JMGN, because hyper gay beast porn is not their thing so it doesn't feel so close to home.
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It shows, dip shit. Grab your self taught bullshit up off the floor and get the fuck out of here. No one asked you to come back and drop your fucking load of polished shit here.
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Shut the fuck up BBC, no one cares.
Oh, you don't need to be mad, guys. If you want I can do redlines for you. Alll you have to do is pledge to the proper tier on my Patreon.
lmao so many salty fuckers
>suck at perspective and anatomy
are you delusional or something? the guy could probably teach art classes.
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Hey guys, I'm a fairly new artist looking to draw my own artwork for an adult game I'm working on. I just bought a tablet, was just wondering if anyone has any tips on how I can start learning to draw this kind of stuff or if there's like an order of things I should do when designing a character that I'm going to need to draw in numerous poses
this one is tippy top banter 10/10
how can you not be jealous? post work.
Are you fucking retarded? This guy has been posting his shit for less than a month, and you think he's stagnating? I'm not sure if you now this but once you're past the beginner and intermediate stages, improvement becomes really slow. Like I can say glen villipu hasn't improved at all in the past decade but that doesn't really mean anything.
lolibro has been around here for much more than a year. all he ever posts are sketches of sameface girls. he's the definition of unfinished art.
lurk moar or stfu.
why is this hilarious
>polished shit
Lmao more like professional illustration

Dont worry anon one day you too will get past the fundy grind
Because this board is somehow the most bitter one out of all of them, maybe because the anons here feel frustrated for being beginners or something, so they have to stalk better artists and shit on them and even go as far as doxing them but without enough spine to actually put enough effort in getting good
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Did some quick sketches before I slept.
It's your own fault for getting doxxed. Don't be a retard next time.
Or, you know, there's a single troll who's responsible for 80% of the shitposting on /ic/.
I'm not the one who got doxxed? And the only thing bbc did to get doxxed was posting on this board while being better than the average retard
I remember this one time someone made a thread about kyle and some dude threatened to dox kyle because he though he was shilling himself on here. Faggots need to get a grip on reality

Well grats to him, he's doing a fantastic job at making the board shittier
stop trying to bait artists into giving you (you)s. you fucking disgusting pieces of scum.
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This is going in a comic so I can be a bit more careless on the anatomy/perspective.
>This is going in a comic so I can be a bit more careless on the anatomy/perspective.
kek, no you can't. no idea where you got this kind of bullshit mentality.
fucking dickbrains.
post your work. oh wait you're a cuck who doesn't draw.
you're moms an dickbrain fgt
keep telling that to yourself and being a bit more careless on the anatomy/perspective, scrubson.

trolling is a art.
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I have no idea what I'm doing, especially with this foreshortening for the hips / stomach.
if this is meant to be a sit up you fucked up badly. even if he's just lounging it looks retarded.

stop looking at "how to draw anime" books.
It's supposed to be a low centered pov shot looking up at him standing, focusing on his bulge while he gets fucked in the ass with his hips pushed forward.
The commissioner specifically wanted this pose even though I told them the pose didn't really make a lot of sense.
My sugestion is to do something diffrent with his arms. Break up that symetry a littls
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I felt like it was really symmetrical too but I couldn't really think of a way to deviate from the request. Centered pov shot is just pretty symmetrical. I was gonna try to break it with the clothes later.
Another part of the request is that their hands were supposed to be holding their face. Originally I used these arms but they said it looked to much like they were trying to rip their head off. I guess I could try using one of each.
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Please help
Dude is getting his fudge packed hard, maybe add something for support
I think you've lashed out at the wrong person there. I'm the original artist btw.
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Help with anatomy and perspective please.
Really nice tip

Still dont know of loomis is a meme is a meme
it's cool as long as you read it.
I think the mental help you need might not be available on ic.
here you'll just get supported for being a pedo.
>End of the world doggy style
Made me smile.
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im not familiar with the character, but unless those outlines around her glutes and her knees are part of the design, i'd erase them.

otherwise it looks pretty good to me. the perspective/anatomy changes i would make are minor. the biggest error i noticed is her breast, but even that is probably not something anyone is going to care about.
Thank you. The knees are part of her design when she has clothes on. The plan was to give her stockings with the same design on them. Those marks are just left over brainstorming of that idea. she will have stockings with those marks or I will remove them. The outlining on her ass are just anatomical outlines for practice that I forgot to remove. It helps me visualize how the body would work in a certain pose. They will be gone in the final version.
I will makes those changes you've mentioned. They are obvious now that you bring it up. Can't wait to get home and fix it. Thanks again.
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could use some fresh eyes on this. feels like her forms aren't as weighty as they should be. is her face alright? does the expression read as someone giggling?
They feel pretty damn weighty to me. Is her face meant to be giggling at a small dick? If so, then it's good. Although if that is indeed the "story" you're going for you might need to convey the dick being tiny a bit better. It being in the foreground that way might be harming this idea since both dicks look to be of equal size despite one clearly being in the foreground. The darker value of being in the foreground helps separate it, but compositionally it also sort of clashes with her leg. I'm not sure how to remedy that or the size issue.
not enough chins
thanks. yeah, she's supposed to be giggling at the dick.

i hadn't considered that the size of the foreground dick wasn't clear. it's supposed to be normal sized. might help if i draw a hand grasping it. or maybe just detailing it a bit would work.

thanks. i'm struggling with her neck in general. adding a bit more mass under her chin might work.
A hand would be good, would give us a good sense of scale.
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Please, there is something that I could improve in this one?
i'd focus on cleaning up the lines. you could thicken up her left (our right) thigh a bit, and the way you cropped the pic right on her tit feels weird, but the biggest issue is the scratchy linework.
hey kyle. fix her right arm and shoulder/deltoid area. the arm is too stiff and it doesn't convey the weight of the body pressing on it. same goes for the shoulders area. I think that's what's off putting.
oh, no wait, you probably aren't kyle. you are just mimicking his style I guess. my bad.
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thanks! something like this? i'm not sure it's quite right, but feels way better than the old pose for the arm.

got a link to a blog for that kyle guy?
Good stuff, and the arm definitely looks better in that second version
Do you have a blog? This is Kyle's since you're interested http://kairunoburogu.tumblr.com/
ah, i recognize that guy's art from these threads. he's pretty amazing. those feet!

thanks for the link. here's my blog: https://basnip.tumblr.com/ unfortunately no bbws on there if that's your thing.
I've seen your stuff before, those Juri+Chun pics are fantastic. I don't think I've ever seen you post here before
thanks! i've posted a few times, but i mostly lurk.
Show me what's about to happen, then show what happens after it happened.

Draw several frames of the guy lurching over getting ready to fuck, the anticipation, dick pulled out. Then draw several frames of the guy balls deep in the ass. Don't even show the middle motion, or the dick halfway in, or maybe one quick frame, you could also smear this frame.
nonstop i compare myself to you after i first saw your pic two years ago and im not even close.
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Where does it go wrong?
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it's a slow process. keep working at it. i do that comparison thing too. it's horribly demotivating.

looks like you're building the figure up with basic forms, which is good, but to me it seems you're not understanding the underlying structure/anatomy. look at pic related; i think you are trying to go from step 1 to step 5 without knowing what goes into the intermediate steps. for future study, if i were you, i'd do a bunch of basic form studies (building up structures with tubes, boxes, etc.) to get a better sense of proportion and perspective, and i'd look at michael hampton's videos/book as a way of learning simplified anatomy.
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what could I do better
that's what I meant, yeah. gives her much more weight. good job.
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Done the first page today. Was going for a kemono look, but turn out not very kemono.
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Been a long minute since Ive been arround. Always looking for critique, think I fixed it up from last time.
Colors are merely a mask
Thank you for the constructive critique and reference pic.
Contact info? Id love to pay for art b
What the fuck is Valerie's problem.
If i have my artist's paypal and make another e-mail for my porn commissions my clients on those are gonna be able to see my real name/original pseudonym right? Do i have to create a sepparate paypal account if i want it to be an alternate? how do I do with the payments?

[email protected]
>posting contact info on 4chan
this is how you know someone is really desperate.
kemonomimi don't have muzzles. the rest is okay.

It's pretty common for people to have dedicated commission accounts and take money in exchange for art.
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hang on lemme think of a caption.png
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idk how to draw nipples lol
it seems your head is pretty small cause the point of my post completely missed it.
don't be this dumb anon. play brain training or something.
>idk how to draw lol
I fixed your post.
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generic af
Are you retarded? Someone is asking for a commission and he would like to take it. What's the problem?
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Abs go over, not under the ribcage. It looks super weird. (pic)

Aside that I have nothing to say, it looks great. Followed instantly.

Not bad, but she kinda looks like a day old corpse, not very appealing. Practice the bean, look at actual people and don't go overboard with exaggeration just yet.

>Not bad, but she kinda looks like a day old corpse, not very appealing. Practice the bean, look at actual people and don't go overboard with exaggeration just yet.

Thanks. You got a redline in you?
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Ask and you shall receive.
I moved the vaginal opening to bottom instead of front plane, shortened the distance between pelvis and ribcage, changing the face (looks like you couldn't decide between profile and 3/4) and some minor hand adjustments.
On the right I tried to vary up the skin tone a bit so that it looks like there's blood under that skin.

I should mention that I'm not a very good artist myself, so don't take me too seriously.
This is so helpful. Thank you very much.
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any pointers on painting skintone? currently trying to learn how to value
please, just use your brain for a second and you'll probably understand.
Can people please stop drawing Wendy.
Please explain, pretend I don't have a brain.
try shading in black and white, then overlay it with color after. I have never done this method but have seen youtubers like sarah teppes do it and it doesn't look bad.

why does this jittery double line style look so appealing despite not being "clean"?
stop copying other artists blindly. learn what perspective and construction are and then build on top of that.
what you created here is so shitty it's hard to watch. the depth of the separate body elements is non existent. her head is placed inside her neck, her arms inside her torso and tummy, her vagina is totally misplaced, etc.
you are the definition of somebody that polishes turds. learn your fundamentals anon.
>Please explain, pretend I don't have a brain.
I don't need to pretend.
you don't want to give ANY kind of contact info to 4chan. even posting your blog or patreon might lead to backlashes from crazy people.
I've seen a lot of artist getting doxxed around here. I know what I'm talking about.
Because you're a bad artist.
That being said, I know what you mean, even if the picture you're referencing isn't an example of it. It's a byproduct of experience and having confident lines.
messy lineart gives a lot of freedom to the viewer. because the lines aren't that defined they leave some space to imagination, so the viewer can interpret shapes in their own way. the brain picks the shape it likes more and thus the final result looks appealing. in this anon's case his lineart is very solid and well controlled, so it doesn't result in chicken scratch and still leads the eye.

that's why sketches from good artists look so appealing most of the time.
Basically what >>2991450 said, but I'll also add my own interpretation:
One line is an idea.
Two lines are a statement.
What do you have against Wendy? She's a cutie.

>I know what I'm talking about.
Yeah, no.
Just because autists on /pol/ spend their time tracking down paedophiles and Shia Labeouf doesn't mean there's someone running around doxxing people whenever a random e-mail address gets mentioned.

I really like the aesthetic, blog please?
kill yourself its decent.

ah, i'll give that a try then

i do it out of habit, it helps keep my lines loose when i sketch

thanks anon; i keep a non-porn blog at http://ottomensch.tumblr.com/, but i might actually make another dedicated to NSFW work
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Beach Party.jpg
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Other picture I've been working on, as always welcome to critique.
blog? very appealing style
looks good all of it some of it could be real museum pieces

DO NOT follow in any of kyle's footsteps (pun) his art is usually traced from references and he still makes a lot of bad anatomy mistakes.

also I think a good 50/50 bbw content on there would really get you the views thicc is in right now so...
Thanks for expanding my inspiration folder.

I don't post outside of /ic/, but that's very flattering, thank you.
what's all the hype with wendy?
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Uh.. is anyone gonna make a new thread? .-.

Wendy's is a restaurant chain with an adorable mascot, recently their official account roasted some faggot on twitter who was talking shit about their food and now everybody's convinced that Wendy is confirmed for a smug loli.
Just google some keywords and you can find the twitter conversation.
if you are a normie or a beginner artist, then I'm sure it looks decent to you, yeah.
sorry, not gonna kill myself, I'm pretty sure my life is more valuable than yours kek.
What do you think dunning kruger means?
i don't know what that means
so just, what level of furry is acceptable here, cause this looks pretty fucking furry
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