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I've always wanted to "be a creative" I have always

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I've always wanted to "be a creative" I have always been mediocre at best, cringe at worst. I'm not looking for "how to improve", but rather I want to know about you.

Answer all or none. I care, but I know your time is valuable. So, if a question interests you, please answer it. If it doesn't feel free to ignore it.

>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
>How do you self motivate?
>What do you do after you self motivate?
>Do you want to "make it"?
>What does "making it" mean to you?
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
>10 years?
>20 years?
>2 years?
>What is your worst quality?
>What is your best quality?

Before you guys ask yes I have read the sticky. I know it comes down to "practice practice practice", but "how to improve" is not what I'm asking. Wanted to "heed the rules" so feel free to critique my OP image that took 10000 hours in photoshop, but know that is not what I'm after.
Yes. Like two months now.

Like 8 months.

Different times calls for different motives.

Whatever I want to do.


Implanting my vision onto a canvas.

Best it's ever been. None. Some, Nope.

/ic/ all day every day and draw.

Yeah, get old and your body doesn't want to do anything.

It makes me want to live.

You were right. You wanted this.


Never giving up.

Thanks Anon, Appreciate the reply, saging out of courtesy.
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>How do you self motivate?
A desire to organize tools and convey thoughts without the use of words, or without relying on one language.
>What do you do after you self motivate?
I arrange my implements on a desk like a flower arrangement surrounding my sketchbook.
>Do you want to "make it"?
You mean money? No. But I would like to aim for a 2,000 calorie diet.
>What does "making it" mean to you?
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Collect reference and plan ahead. Draw.
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
Now that I'm older I can draw things that would have bored me before. A Prang Outlining pencil helps a great deal, as does the pen case. Being male, I tend to focus on female 'types'. I read battle-based manga, but prefer more domestic comics. I probably miss out on constructing more compelling characters because my aesthetic needs are still very centered around what's kawaii or popular.
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
It sure does! ;/
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Buy an A4 Peter Pauper sketchbook. Get a wooden pen case. It's always the small stuff.

>What is your worst quality?
Willingness to read dry books over and over. A Mongolian sense of time, which is to say none at all. Disinterest in my immediate environment or in chores.
>What is your best quality?
Tremendous visual retention and synthesis.
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Why do you want to know all these things OP?

>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
Nope. Never felt confident enough.
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
I clean toilets.
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
I'm not sure, at least 5 years. I just lurk though.
>How do you self motivate?
I put myself in isolation from entertainment until I explode from boredom.
>What do you do after you self motivate?
Often just lower my standards for entertainment and do something else instead of my goal.
>Do you want to "make it"?
No, I know I can't make it.
>What does "making it" mean to you?
Actually making commissions that I also enjoy doing, while also pulling in a small profit.
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
I try avoid all because I don't want to dissapoint people.
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Sleep, work, youtube, reddit, /ic/ + other boards. All I do all day is read and save "reference pics".
Repeat this loop for years.
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
I'm male, I tend to draw exclusively females.
I'm not sure about the other things causing a major effect.
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
I put it off so much that it's become a happy dream to chase. I've disassociated hard work from it so now I see it as a "..one day/year/decade i'll do that" thing.
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Kill yourself, or join an actual class to get some schedule/motivation for learning art.
>10 years?
>20 years?
>2 years?
>What is your worst quality?
>What is your best quality?
I take some delight in grinding boring tasks, as long as I feel some progression.
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>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
I used to because I was a dumb teenager.
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
total neet lifestyle right now
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
2 yrs, not active
>How do you self motivate?
I got tired of seeing amazing art and not being able to make any myself
>What do you do after you self motivate?
hate myself and get all depressed for not being able to do it. Then practice
>Do you want to "make it"?
don't know what make it means anymore. I no longer want to be a pro artist. I would just really like to make art.
>What does "making it" mean to you?
I don't know. I used to think it was breaking into the industry as a concept artist or illustrator or w/e.
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
distanced friends. My family is actually great right now. Partner was over like a year ago.
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
okay I'm not a total neet. I go to school part time for a comp sci education, but I'm not really taking it srs.
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
age does because I'm starting to feel like I am losing time.
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
I don't know. I'm in like an existential crisis place right now. being able to draw would give me a worthwhile creative outlet while I think about life some more.
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
I'd tell myself to just practice. Forget the mental noise and just do it.
>10 years?
Wake up. You lack a great deal of self-awareness and you're being a shithead. You're so lucky you don't even know it.
>20 years?
You're in for a wild ride. Have fun.
>2 years?
It gets a lot better
>What is your worst quality?
overly neurotic
>What is your best quality?
seriousness about life's meaning and all that
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>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
I think I'm on my third year here
>How do you self motivate?
I look at the work of great artists and I'm filled with this autistic, overly-romantic desire to be able to do something as great
>What do you do after you self motivate?
If I have a sketchbook or paper handy, I just start drawing. I might do some studies, some loomis, or imagination.
>Do you want to "make it"?
Yes, very badly
>What does "making it" mean to you?
Becoming an exceptional painter by my own standards
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
I have a small group of friends I meet with every now and then
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
On a day when I have class, I will draw on the bus there, draw while waiting for the class to start, draw while I'm supposed to be taking notes, draw on the bus back. Once I get back home, I'll procrastinate on school work by playing and training my puppy.
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect (sic) how you draw? If so How so?
I started drawing pretty young, about 11 years old. I struggled with a lot of immaturity issues that held me back a few years. I was pretty asexual then and uninterested in drawing people, so I drew animals, especially dogs. I also felt really weird about drawing naked people and seeing photos of naked people. Since then, I've gained an appreciation for the human form.
I'm an asian female, but I don't really think it shows in my art. I guess I'm trying to be as un-weeby as possible?
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
I feel like it has made me more of a loner
>What is your worst quality?
Stubbornness, afraid to be wrong
>What is your best quality?
Willingness to help others
>Why do you want to know all these things OP?

I'm curious about people
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>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
op is a fag
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
op is a fag
>How do you self motivate?
op is a fag
>What do you do after you self motivate?
op is a fag
>Do you want to "make it"?
op is a fag
>What does "making it" mean to you?
op is a fag
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
op is fag
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
op is a fag
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
op is a fag
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
op is a fag
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
op is a fag
>10 years?
op is a fag
>20 years?
op is a fag
>2 years?
op is a fag
>What is your worst quality?
op is a fag
>What is your best quality?
op is a fag

obligatory is a fag, and youre a fucking gay for legitimately answering these questions
>>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
Sure but only gained the title recently compared to how long i've been interested in art/practising
>>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
Uni student
>>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
Two years, maybe.
>>How do you self motivate?
Picture myself in 3 years, where i'd want to be at that points and what i have to put in now to get there.
>>What do you do after you self motivate?
Everythings a process but i'm glad at this point that what i want to get better at has become habitual to some extent.
>>Do you want to "make it"?
It would be nice
>>What does "making it" mean to you?
Being satisfied with my skill level, and then continuing to improve
>>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
I'm surprised i have any friends being a social retard and INFJ. Love my family too. no gf but it rarely bothers me.
>>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Same shit different day. I aim to read, meditate, draw, practice languages and do some university work on a daily basis but one usually manages to slip through the gaps.
>>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
Don't think so.
>>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
When i left highschool (UK, so age 16) entering college i was completely idle, most of my time went to playing Dota which was a pretty morbid lifestyle. At 18 I started to occupy myself with a shit tonne of hobbies, keeps me trucking.
>>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Read a book, nigga.
>>10 years?
You're alright kid.
>>20 years?
Nice diaper faggot
>>2 years?
Keep it up lad
>>What is your worst quality?
>>What is your best quality?
People have said that it's modesty and staying out of/resolving drama so i'll take their word for it.

This was interesting to answer.


on off for a year; I got stuck in the constant studying meme, i ended up not touching a pencil for about 2 months. when i started drawing again i learned to balance studies with drawing what i want and saw a dramatic increase in skill.

Tell myself to stop being a bitch and procrastinating, you won't reach your dreams from the couch. i rarely look at a screen of any sort, so when i am i know i'm avoiding doing something.

do some warm ups, an hour (minimum) of studies varying from perspective, intersections and anatomy. When i'm done with those i get started on whatever i want, so much as it's pen to paper.


Independent graphic novel. I want to re invigorate the comic scene, hard as that may be.

No real friends, never met father, my family is filled with junkies. Mum and her husband are successful and supportive, step bro is a good mate. My gf of 4 years is amazing and supportive.

>wake up, drink way too much coffee, eat too little of a breakfast, see girlfriend off to work.
>Pick out a vinyl from the collection to throw on while i do some art studies
>Realise i havn't eaten enough and eat more
>Draw whatever i like for an hour
>Work out in the home gym or school gym if it's a thursday
>Read till 2-3 when gf comes home then go eat a late lunch with her.
>Do Medical studies for school while gf prep/cooks dinner.
>Eat&chat then free time with gf.

probably, but not consciously.

it's my major goal, but no.

You're doing good, don't slip.

Cunt you're fucked pull your shit together. Stop staring at a fucking screen your entire life, go out side, read a book and learn a fucking hobby.

Don't go to the cabin with him...

you're slipping.

quick to anger and self loathing, hyper sexual, cocky and competitive.

..well i'm a 2 meter tall blonde haired blue eyed babe, so genetics? Also competitive, cocky and entirely focused on not becoming cattle like the rest of the phone droning idiots everywhere.

I'm a wee bit fucked.
No because I think the term "artist" is way too broad and calling yourself it causes people to assume a lot of shit about you.


Since 2013 casually, 2015 onward it's one of the only things I use 4chan for

I've been struggling to do so for the past 2 and a bit years when I wanted to "get serious" about art. Only this year have I been consistent, setting the bare minimum goal of 2 hours a day.
I guess I've kind of established in my head that if I fail that goal on any day, I'm never going to make it. So far it's worked but I often start too late and can't draw for long or I only draw for the bare minimum just to get it out of the way. I think once I've done this long enough it will become more of a habit and won't feel forced so I can work on using that time more effectively or just drawing a lot more in general.
That answer was way too long... oh well.

Not sure how to answer this. I draw?

Yes. It's all I've got to live for #edgy

To be able to live off my art in some way while leaving time for other hobbies or personal projects

I live with my parents and have grown distant from all my friends from school. I have no social life, nor do I desire one (diagnosed schizoid)

I wake up past noon, play vidya or watch anime for a lot of the day, maybe some menial internet browsing and I usually don't start drawing until late at night
Repeat ad infinitum

Probably, I wouldn't know how though

I've become even more of a social recluse and I have extremely high standards regarding everything (not just art)

Draw more

Draw more




Persistent (seriously I wonder how the fuck I haven't given up on art)
>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
Might be underage, but I do some freelance work
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
8 months?
>How do you self motivate?
Sheer willpower and a huge ego
>What do you do after you self motivate?
>Do you want to "make it"?
>What does "making it" mean to you?
Doesn't it mean the same to everyone? Making a living from my art.
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
Decent enough, small group of close friends, nice family, except my mom is a cunt
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Wake up (9 am), cereals, K-On (9:30), Draw until (1 pm), lunch, draw until (9 pm), bath, vidya, animu, lunch somewhere in there, (12:00 - 12:30) sleep.
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
I'm young, I might be hurting my wrist/back on the long run, can't be arsed for now, I'm sure the other characteristics have influenced my life and in some way, and that probably affects art.
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
Flipped it on it's head, but it's kinda alright for now
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Shit, you're like 12? Don't even start Highschool and just fucking draw, and I would show to myself the sticky and a bunch of resources
>10 years?
I don't think I had the cognitive ability to understand the concept of "career" but I would have told him to keep playing Warcraft 3 and Runescape, until he is 12, then do point above
>20 years?
I wasn't alive
>2 years?
Same as 5 ago, start now.
>What is your worst quality?
Art wise, I refuse to read books
Personally, probably my ego.
>What is your best quality?
Competitive as fuck
>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
yeah, for about a year.
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
a little more than 2 years.
>How do you self motivate?
I search for a new song that motivates me.
>What do you do after you self motivate?
I draw while I listen to that song on repeat, I usually stop drawing once I get tired of the song.
>Do you want to "make it"?
>What does "making it" mean to you?
make something that delivers a meaningful message and emotion with skill.
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
no friends, family relationships is in rapid decline
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
go to uni, draw on break time, get back home, draw, procrastinate on studying, draw some more, sleep
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
I draw men more often than females because I am one myself.
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
not much.
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
stop making up excuses.
>10 years?
appreciate what you have.
>20 years?
crawl back to extinction.
>2 years?
stop procrastinating and making up excuses.
>What is your worst quality?
procrastinating, lack of time management and self-discipline.
>What is your best quality?
I don't complain.
>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
Yes. At least 15 years. Not necessarily good art, but I still make art..
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
Graphic Designer.
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
Since 2014.
>How do you self motivate?
By not having anything else to do, really.
>What do you do after you self motivate?
>Do you want to "make it"?
>What does "making it" mean to you?
Sustaining my life style by doing my art.
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
Slow. A few friends, some family, no partner.
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
>>wake up, work, go home, draw, sleep
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
Basically I exchange binge watching shit and playing video games too much with studying.
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Stop wasting money, draw more.
>10 years?
Save money, draw more.
>20 years?
Stop playing video games, study and draw more.
>2 years?
Stop wasting money, draw more. Anti depressants won't help you.
>What is your worst quality?
Too close minded.
>What is your best quality?
>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?


>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle

Student. Coasting on savings from a mix of casual summer jobs, research jobs plus scholarships for further research at the moment. I graduate soon and then I need to get serious again.

>How long have you been coming to /ic/?

A little over two years, since I started drawing.

>How do you self motivate?

Usually set myself small goals. I keep track of how long I spend on things (digitally I use RescueTime, traditionally I just turn on my phone's stopwatch) and try to beat my earlier bests, though I usually make do with about 30 hours a month since I'm a filthy casual. I try to get it done right after I wake up because that's when I've got the most motivation.

>What do you do after you self motivate?

Draw? Or do you mean after drawing? Shitpost on /ic/ / work on research projects / youtube / vidya. Sometimes I fail to self motivate of course, or need to self motivate to get other shit done, which means skip/replace step 1.

>Do you want to "make it"?

Not professionally, but I want to reach my goals. And if professional work becomes an option by chance, maybe I'll take it.

>What does "making it" mean to you?

To me right now, it means having the proficiency to draw what I want to draw, and do it in a way I'm consistently satisfied with. Perhaps also being able to make cash on commissions if money gets tight.

too lazy to do the rest.

>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
No, never liked the idea of calling myself one
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
Growing weed and translation work
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
1 year
>How do you self motivate?
Stimulants, anxiety, self hatred, exercise, healthy diet and just plain enjoying the process of learning
>What do you do after you self motivate?
Draw, shitpost and masturbate, in that order.
>Do you want to "make it"?
Depends on what that means, I'd like to get good enough to partake in a community and participate in some sort of project. Maybe even run my own website with a Patreon.
>What does "making it" mean to you?
Having fun with, making beautiful pony porn.
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
No, completely zero. Not even a waifu.
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Wake up hearing and seeing shit crawling up the walls, snap out of it and get breakfast, lift, take care of the plants, draw, shitpost and masturbate, in that order.
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
I am a male, I like drawing typical male cool stuff, and pony porn
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
Very, it's the only productive shit I do and most of the money I am saving is to further invest in it.
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Grind fundamentals, right now you piece of shit.
>10 years?
Piano lessons and drawing, right now fagget
>20 years?
uuuugh baaa baah waah
>2 years?
Don't do Salvia Divinorum
>What is your worst quality?
Want to be left alone undisturbed most of the time, which means very shitty social circle or contacts. Not very organized either, my room is very messy.
>What is your best quality?
I am adaptable, and don't easily give up on my goals even if I am lazy as shit
yes for 1 year
Database management
by remembering that I hate computers
yes of course
selling my paintings/teaching/remembered as an artist
few friends, a gf
work, exercise, draw, fuck gf repeat
I don't know I have no experience to compare it to...
gives it a purpose
Quit the motorcyle club before you get into real trouble and DRAW
good your are drawing everyday now don't be scared of paint!
dark past
thanks that was fun
>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
for about a year

>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
VFX artists, working on medium to low budget tv shows and movies

>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
about a year

>How do you self motivate?
Visualize where I want to be and compare that to where I am now.

>What do you do after you self motivate?

>Do you want to "make it"?

>What does "making it" mean to you?
Being able to make a middle-class living from fulfilling my own creative vision instead of someone else. Also not being forced to live in a large city just to make money.

>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
Kinda shit.

>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Spend most of the day at work, and evenings drawing. Weekends I draw as well as do leisurely stuff

>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
Not as far as I know.

>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
Being motivated keeps me happy

>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Start drawing now, don't waste money on college, play less video games, do something about your social ineptitude.

>10 years?
Same as above. Also make more friends in school, and start setting long term goals. Your parents and teachers have no fucking clue what's best for you. You keep to yourself and play video games because it's easy and being more outgoing and social is hard, good things never come easy. Also, fuck your atheism bullshit, and you will never learn about how the world works from the fucking Young Turks you dumb ass.

>2 years?
Start drawing and visit /ic/, play less videogames.

>What is your worst quality?
I'm pretty anti-social

>What is your best quality?
I'm pretty open minded and willing to learn.
>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
I've been calling myself an artist since 2012, which is when I started taking my drawings way more seriously. Even so I only do it in professional environments.
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
Currently trying to find a job.
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
Only a couple of months, really.
>How do you self motivate?
The idea of a future when I can sustain myself through my art is very inspirational
>What do you do after you self motivate?
Either start drawing or look at speedpaints to see what new tecniques I can try out.
>Do you want to "make it"?
Definitely, however hard it may be.
>What does "making it" mean to you?
Living comfortably through art, and having people who enjoy said art. Hopefully this could lead to a feeling of completion or happiness.
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
I've had a boyfriend for almost 5 years, and have a few friends. Family is supportive of my lifestyle and goal, mostly my grandma.
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Sleep, eat, draw, watch some shows. Sometimes even go out and do stuff. Just normal things
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
I'm a gay man. I think it's only affected my lacking ability at drawing women/woman-like features, which can get very annoying.
I also have ehler-danlos, along with carpal tunnel syndrome and a bad posture, which sometimes make art a pain to pursue.
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Probably not much, just that it's better to not stick too much to fanart.
>2 years?
"Please develope your characters, for the love of God".
>What is your worst quality?
I suck at anything that involves teamwork.
>What is your best quality?
I can learn new things quickly, and do many things in one day as long as I don't turn up the computer.

>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?

I draw, that makes me an artist. It doesn't necessarily make me a good artist, and certainly not a professional one, but regardless, an artist I be. If you're asking, like, would I put "artist" on my business cards if I had them, I don't really know, maybe. It's about the only marketable skill I have besides not being a drug addict.

>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)

A month ago I would've said unloading trucks. Currently, tax returns and the generosity of others.

>How long have you been coming to /ic/?

It's one of those boards that I come to in phases. Last time I tried to get serious about art was about a year ago, and that was when I started seriously checking it out, so about that long I guess.

>How do you self motivate?

I just think drawing is fun. As for study and practice, I prefer to learn by doing, going back to do studies and exercises when I'm presented with something I want to do (or do better) but don't know how. I really should do studies more regularly though.

>Do you want to "make it"?

I don't know. I'm still pretty young. I don't know if making my hobby a career will kill it for me. I hope not, because being a storyboarder or professional cartoonist seems really fun.

>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?

I have a loving (and thankfully very understanding) family, a small circle of close friends that I talk to regularly, but currently no romantic interests. A bad experience some months ago has made me want to spend some time alone for a while :(

>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?

At least I have something to tell people when they ask what I'm doing with my life.

>What is your worst quality?

Waaaayyyy too many interests. Art is a big part of my life, but there are lots of other parts, some of which are quite big themselves.

>What is your best quality?

People often say I'm kind and a good listener.
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>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
4 years seriously....but time...i say less then 2 years experience. cant say im an artist though....
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
walfare and living off my grandmother pention...very low point, even family thinks so. but fuck em
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
since late 2014
l>How do you self motivate?
look at other peoples stuff watch art videos and look at patreons to keep me motivated. or start doodling till i get in zone
>What do you do after you self motivate?
start drawing and watch movies or videos on other monitor
Do you want to "make it"?
would like to before my grandmother passes away :(. but yes some time before i die.
>What does "making it" mean to you?
decent enough income for rent food and side cash to save
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
stay at home everyday no friends no girlfriend "they will be a big distraction". brothers and sisters draw but lazy as fuck and only in it for praise.
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
get up watch vids and movies, shower, coffee,draw/scribble for 2 to 6 hours look on ic for a bit day to day
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
cant really say. im just lazy, and slow and get Impatient with a piece and repeat. turning 22 in march, male
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
enjoy it and hate it....but its only thing i know so meh
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
learn the box and stop drinking so much
>What is your worst quality?
bad drawing habits
>What is your best quality?
sticking with this hobby and to keep doing it
>>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
yes since last year when i started really hard core drawing every day as much as possible
>>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle) part time shit job
>>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
since about 10 months ago or something
>>How do you self motivate?
by looking at other artists and thinking i can do that if i just keep going.
>>What do you do after you self motivate?
>>Do you want to "make it"?
>>What does "making it" mean to you?
making at least a some what sustainable amount of money from drawing or comics
>>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
its pretty good , no problems there, no gf but i think having a gf is a waste of time at the moment with all the get gud im trying to do.,
>>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
work 7 days in a row at shit job come home draw, have 7 days offf shit job to draw the whole time .
>>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so? i dont think so, well maybe im a man so i like to draw more women because it keeps drawing interesting to me. while learning
>>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
i certainly draw a lot.
>>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
you need to draw more.
>>10 years?
you need to start drawing again. and practice right
>>20 years?
start drawing.
>>2 years? start drawing more
>>What is your worst quality?
as an artist? patience. i like to draw fast but sometimes it ends up looking messy or off. trying to slow down now in the construction phases and line art.
>>What is your best quality?
thats up to the viewer i suppose. imo i like my shading.
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>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
Have never called or considered myself one. Been trying for 2 years though.
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
I'm a full time student on full scholarship. I make 1.75k a month post tax passively from renting.
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
1 yr.
>How do you self motivate?
I don't. I only draw like once or twice a month, and there needs to be a big motivator like a holiday because I only really draw now to make gift cards and stuff like valentine's cards.
>What do you do after you self motivate?
Play mobage.
>Do you want to "make it"?
If that just means get to level where I'm happy, yes. If it means make money doing just art? Hell no.
>What does "making it" mean to you?
Making cute animu fanart.
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
Close circle of friends who I keep in contact with regularly. Known all of them for 6+ years and we go out, hang out, gifts for Christmas, etc.
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Wake up, get ready for school, go to school, come back, and play games. If a holiday is coming up, start drawing up a card. Very rarely, fire up SAI and doodle, but it never gets finished and gathers dust.
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
I'm a straight Korean male, so I guess that helps me enjoy cute animu girls and animals?
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
Makes me miserable. Just adds another thing to my life I'm not satisfied with.
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
Don't get in that fucking car with Dom's acquaintance on the weekend before memorial day you retard. She can't drive for shit and you're going to get brain damaged and be forced to settle for being an RN instead of a cardiologist.
>What is your worst quality?
>What is your best quality?
*Very* self-accountable.
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>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
I'm a waitress at a cute cafe but I hate people so long work weeks really wear on me.

>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
A year now

>How do you self motivate?

>Do you want to "make it"?

>What does "making it" mean to you?
Affording rent in or near a metropolis by using passive income from published works, online stores, ad money, and active income from a part time job and patreon.

>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
I'm lonely when my fiancee is away. Lonely without my friends. I don't speak with family.

>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
Work, stress on days off, refuse to relax because i wasted my days off stressing, go back into work and continue to build on existing stress- repeat until mental breakdown :^)

>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
0 appeal in drawing the gay. Being a womam gets me donations on my art streams sometimes.

>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
It's made me tired, but at the same time it's all that keeps me going.

>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
>10 years?
>20 years?
>2 years?
Get your shit. Put it together. GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER.

>What is your worst quality?
I'm competitive

>What is your best quality?
I'm.. competitive :'^)
>Do you call yourself an artist? For how long?
absolutely, ever since i talk to randoms at parties
>What is your "day job"? (AKA: how do you sustain your lifestyle)
im a receptionist and also i go to a school to get a diploma so that they can give me citizenship
>How long have you been coming to /ic/?
>How do you self motivate?
long story
>What do you do after you self motivate?
>Do you want to "make it"?
>What does "making it" mean to you?
>How is your social life? Friends? Family? Partner?
great except no partner
>Describe a day/week/month in the life of you
i wake up at 6 and go to work then i go back from work and draw then i workout then i do a face mask or some similar shit and go to bed
>Does any part of your demographic qualities (age, gender, sexuality, etc) effect how you draw? If so How so?
real trick question
>How does wanting to be "good at art" effect your life overall?
i draw
>If you could go back in time 5 years, what would you say to yourself?
>10 years?
>20 years?
>2 years?
>What is your worst quality?
stressed out bitch
>What is your best quality?
Thread posts: 26
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