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This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 340
Thread images: 125

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Last thread: >>2363650

Post your current drawing here and give constructive critique to others!

Please make sure your posted image is clear, downsized to around 1000 pixels wide, rotated to the correct orientation, and that any unused space is cropped.
If you want critique on a drawing from the previous thread, you can delete it there and repost in this one.

>dA /ic/ group :

>/ic/ Resources/Reference/Downloads/Links:

>General resources :

>fellowBro's books :

>Figure Drawing Tool:

>Photoshop Brushes
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i painted the street my parents live on
I can barely tell what that is except for the road and two trees. The rest is just messy dots and lines. Sorry for being harsh but thats exactly what it is.
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doing some random shat
you know you fucke p when you need black outlines to define things
I hope this is large scale because I am getting some cool vibes from this
that's by design. i freehanded most of it since the underpainting was a dark grey and i couldn't do a pencil drawing on top.

18"x24" it's medium sized. i'd like to do a big landscape outside but i'd need a lot of equipment and somewhere worth spending a lot of time on.
can you show a refernce pic
Anyone have a working download for SAI?
Thumbnail looks awesome
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weekend was very busy with shooting references and being social, so this still isnt done... i know d/ic/ks will shit on it but Im very happy with it so far. the likeness is perfect, 100% my friend and thats my main goal. i know theres still work that needs to get done so please tell me what I need to fix.
It looks a bit cluttered full sized, but the thumb reads pretty good, so you're on to something.
Dunno if it was your intention or not, but it reminds me of a human heart, pretty neat.
Looks good. I'm not sure how precise your picture is, but she comes across as a bit of a charicature. Like as if her nose is too big, or head squeezed too tight on the horizontal plane. I think my only gripe with your picture is the green background. It's a very ugly color and so it really takes away the attention of the person.
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guy, girl or trap?
i agree with this guy
you should've gone with a dark purple-ish blue to contrast the light oranges and yellows in the face and hair. green makes some sense for the crimson color of the coat, but not that green, probably a more yellow-ish green.

if there's still time i'd pick dark blue for the background. also if we could see the ref picture that'd help us pick apart some of where the likeness strays from the model, but i understand if you don't want to post someones picture on 4chan.
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A dyke.
looks like one of em queer women.
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This is really nice. I would fill in the occlusion and cast shadow for the tunnels though, I think that would just tie it together and clean up the hatching there. Just along the left side of each tunnel, a solid black shadow, and maybe a little more indicated rock texture.
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some studies. i need to git gud.
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this is shit feel free to rip me a new one
needs 90 more.
90 more what
90 more loomis
why are you even posting this? what the fuck are we supposed to critique about a doodle you drew in class that probably took you all of 5 minutes?
like jesus kid i know you want attention but this is not the right way of going about it
aw he's got the tumblr flu
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Still trying to draw dreads. These are shaded lightly because the dreads I am drawing will be a bright color.

Good news is that these are reference drawings for a poster that I am making and just finished the background. The foreground character will be finished between the next two weekends.
goddamn lol ur still working on these?
I work 12 hr shifts and really don't have time off to do much. I just got done with the background of the poster, took me three weeks(three days if I had those days to myself).

I drew these at work today not during breaks to play catch-up. I know artist on youtube would do this same job in an hour but I am new to this large scale and spraypaint media.
90 more degrees to the left.
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still life study, tryinh to get better. what else should i do to get better?
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I think I'm done with this one

It seems to me that she need a bit more of hair volume in the back
i like the texture at the top of the hairline and the highlight where his sideburns go back into the pony tail. the earlobe is a little big to me but its nothing that really stands out. nice job!

good job dude, have you thought about going for a more smoother, gradated look? Might suit your brushwork better, just my opinion.
She's gay.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
values and proportions are there but you need to use a harder brush. Work on your edge control
Thanks! Are you sure the shadow would be there though?
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Just started trying to learn how to draw. The book tge mids recommend tells you to draw your hand. i want tips on how to shade.
not enough palm, beginner thread.
Thank you guys, I may try to incorporate your observations by tomorrow.
taking requests :) human and anatomy stuff
The way you have the lighting set up, there should definitely be a cast shadow there. The exact width, angle, and value of it needs your finesse to place it right though. I just made that mock up because I wasn't sure if my written explanation was good enough to give an image of what I meant.
I just hate the fact that I can tell you referenced a photograph
this meme is out of control
It's pretty obvious in this case though, just look at that nose.
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Observational drawing is a key component of learning to draw. It needs to be balanced with doing imaginative drawings and constructed drawings to avoid the person being unable to do anything but copy, but training oneself to reproduce accurately goes really far in terms of draftsmanship. You can tell it was referenced right now and that's okay. As long as this artist puts in their due time with the other two aspects I mentioned, they will become well rounded with enviable skill.
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Does the face look okay at all, or is it completely fucked? I've been looking at it so long I just can't tell anymore.
it's completely fucked go to a figure drawing session you shouldn't be doing anything in color, paint or digital. you can't draw yet how do you expect to paint.
alright comforti-fuck, this is actually pretty cool.
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this is Zukakreon the world eater
hey now, your values are alright and it reads well as a thumb. You really need to practice head construction and rendering though, not to sound like a meme but loomis drawing the head and hands is a good one. Your color choice is good too, do you mind if I do a bit of a paint over to demonstrate what needs fixing with your blending?
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I feel like something in her legs is off.
Redline would be totally appreciated, as i found no decent reference :<
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Thanks guys. Yeah, faces are definitely the thing I struggle with the most. I've done loomis a long time ago, I just don't have enough practice. I seem to be consistently making the same major mistakes, it's just hard to actually spot them.

Worked on this a little more, I think one of the mistakes I always make is having the eyes drift too far apart. Hopefully this looks a bit better?

I know it's still very messy but I'm not really focusing on blending and polishing for this one, just wanna get the face right.
Her boobs are way too high. The clavicle might be a little high too, it's hard to tell. I would like to see more definition there, the clavicle that is. It would also be good if you could put some bend in her torso so the gesture is looser but that would probably be tricky at this stage.
the eyes are better but you elongated her cranium. Try taking a break and come back with fresh eyes or flipping the image

i know you said you didn't want to refine but try to make more deliberate strokes, the messiness is very distracting. Think before you lay down a line n practice line confidence.
Aw bro you are killing me.
Nah the pose stays like that. I do want to fix her anatomy issues tho.
Any comments about them legs?
nice rendering, i think the boobs are okay if she's wearing a corset, if not then yeah way too high
source: i am corset
also her neck/head needs to be a bit higher and the head perspective is off a bit. try find a definite vanishing point and stick to it. and try not to highlight with white right away
They're not really defined enough for me to say. There are some areas that look like potential mistakes to me but I'm not sure if you'll iron that out. The only thing I would suggest you change for sure is the foot on the left. I think it's pointing inward too much, especially since the rest of the leg seems to be in pure profile view, and I think putting the foot in profile too would not only look less awkward but would enhance the gesture.
The boobs are still too high even for a corset. The root of where they part from the chest does not start that close to the clavicle, ever.
Thanks guys! Now I'm frustrated that is too late to change major things like the overall gesture of the pose :/ I'll try to fix everything that you pointed out
hey its never too late, you can use the liquify tool or the lasso tool to copy and move some things around. I often still move stuff even at the very end of a paint. i believe in you
This >>2369481 I was looking at how I might do it and I think if you lasso just below the tops of her shoulders and what looks like the bottom of the clavicle, then move that up and to the right a little, you can solve both the gesture and boob issue.
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O-oh, thanks!
Ill try then!
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Does he look like a chicken or nah? Also is it muddy?
No and yes. Plus there's a total lack of form indication on the head, lower body and legs. Also that hip/butt region makes about zero sense.
they arent bad,they just look a bit lumpy, which is less appealing to me. keep at the hands man.
>chromatic aberration.
why anon?
They are bad. They have less real anatomy than a Hogarth drawing.

fuck off you incompetent cunt
The fact that you think Hogarth knows no anatomy speaks how much you know anatomy.

What a retard
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How can I improve this?
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did an hour self portrait
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I'm relatively inexperienced with painting, I can never seem to get it to look just right.
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I really like that one! I'd love to see you do more landscapes!
You throw it into the trash, read the sticky, get keys to drawing from the book thread, do the exercises in it, draw it again and post it to the beginner thread.
Also re-size your images you dumdum.
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beep boop
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What are you aiming to get from that still life study?
I'm aiming to get feedback.
TAHTS NOICEEEEEE, i like how there are some tiny details that makes things much nicer, want to see it painted, keep up anon.
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Just finished this
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fucking irises
does he look cross eyed?
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Don't do that on line paper, rotate, add a coffee cup, throw some fancy pens and markers on the paper and then post on tumblr.
Just a little bit, just move the iris of the left eye to the left and down a little bit.
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did this, it's not exactly how i wanted it to be, but I think it's fine, any help is aprecciated,
That ear is completely fucked mate, redraw it
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Which one do you guys like the most?
I really likes this. Reminds me of Van Gogh's style.
just wait til my next one
Looking a lot better man!, just avoid the lines you have in the lowermost right one above the fingers, they make the hands look really unappealing, I guess its uncanny valley thing.
yeah, god fucking forbid I want to capture a real persons likeness and not draw neckbeard animu gurls on a tablet. clearly I should ask everyone I want to draw to sit and pose for 8+ hours cause thats super practical.
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Need help, anyone have any decent tuts to painting faces?
it's all blurry dude start with the hard stuff and then soften it in the places that need softening
none desu
you drawing with a mouse?
beginner thread+sticky
finaly you dropped that shitty hatching
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jesus who are you, me? calm down.

pic related took about 3 hours you don't need 2 days to finish a painting just learn to work quicker. you'll never capture likeness well from a photograph cause at some point all you are doing is drawing the photograph wrong.

also you get to talk to the model while you work which is always a plus. on top of that if the model is a girl you find pretty it's nice to just get to study someone when they are right in front of you and really dissect what about them you find so appealing.

inb4 stop posting this painting it's my last time i promise i built up some good will in this draw thread im using it up now
im kinda planning what my next step is because i think i need to start studying differently. the hatching was a good start, but if i try to do it with what i want to work on next i think i'll have a hard time. also i might start using charcoal and white chalk on grey paper i think that'll be more effective.

but if you are the guy i was responding to

>not sorry
Yeah dude, Im sure I could paint something in three hours if I wanted it looking shitty and flat like that. Your impasto is god awful, please learn to use it or better yet do not even attempt to. You have no idea how to render hair, needs much more variation in value and maybe attempting a hint of texture would be nice. Dont be like every other shit portrait painter and treat the clothes as some afterthought that requires no effort. And FFS push the values in the nose it looks terrible
alright. i tried. enjoy your photos, photoman. for someone with such bland work you sure have a lot of opinions on art.

I was planning going from soft to hard?. Is there anything else or a guide to better painting faces?.
Your work isn't any less bland just because you make everything look like it's made of maggots and rice and your copying isn't any more valid than his just because you're not copying photos. You're still just copying images you see. I have way more faith in the other guy because he's actually putting effort into observing and being accurate. He's going to easily outdo you once he gets a little more mileage and learns freehand construction.
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probably won't finish this today either, alright who should be the decapitated bitch ? also that's darius in the back.
make it nidalee and add the bone necklace thing she has
are you saying this because you also work exclusively from photos? because saying "working from life is better" isn't that controversial. i work from photos too sometimes when i'm just experimenting with colors or trying to execute on an idea quickly, but it pales in comparison to what you learn working from life. if i could i'd work from live models all the time, and if that anon honestly thinks "I'm not going to do a painting in 3 hours because it wont look good" then there's no hope for him. it's not about making paintings that look good all the time it's about learning efficiently
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I never work from photos or any reference unless I'm doing a study. I say this because as someone who's done a shit ton of life drawing I can tell you're not using it any more effectively than anyone using a photo because you don't take the time to actually observe and actually draw what you're looking at. For as weak as the structure and anatomy in all your drawings are, you might as well be copying drawings of moe blobs from deviantart. You're not learning efficiently, you're just rushing through sketches without observing, just filling in what you think you know is supposed to be there instead of what's really there and it shows with each subsequent picture you do. That guy is going to learn how to really draw from observation because he's patient. You never will because you think you know better and mistakenly believe that everyone telling you your stuff is wrong is only doing so because they're jealous. Drawing from life is better, but the benefit is lost on you.
Nice colors, saved! His proportions are a bit wonky tho. I know you're going for a stylized look, but did you sketch him out properly before adding the outfit or did you just jump straight in to clothed state? (I suspect the latter)
you remind me of a dude called Badusev on deviantart, but i think he uses a different medium. you should check him out

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Work in progress. How can I improve my style?
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I did but as far as I see it looks fine. Unless I'm overlooking something here.
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no background yet
Looks great so far! You render rock, ice, and feathers the same. Maybe you could do some material studies?
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A little something for fun.
Try blending the shading on the birds a bit more. Birds have feathers, so the shades should be softer and look less "separated".

Maybe that's what you were going for, idk. But I would just try it and see how it looks.
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Just making a headshot for one of my characters.
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study i just finished. went too far on the detail. about 9 hours spent.
post ref
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Messed up the backside's greenhouse a bit.
>Messed up the backside's greenhouse a bit.
english please
Love the wetness around the eyes
The back-bonnet mate! The back-bonnet on the motorized rollingham!
Haha, im dutch and though it was a common english term.

The greenhouse is the roof of the passenger cabin(not sure if its just the roof or the whole cabin actually) .
pretty nice man but lol greenhouse
bro this is borderline trolling, read the sticky for us.
where do you supply your edge?
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you drew that deltoid masterfully anon
Proportions are jacked up but I like the design. It's mainly the closest arm that needs work. I feel like the upper and lower leg proportions don't match in terms of length, but maybe also in size.
How do i get myself to draw everyday?

I love imagery, and i would love to unload all of my ideas on drawings or even paintings but last time i tried i quitted because i don't even know...

Will getting a drawing tablet help me practice everyday? I do spend some time in front of the computer, being bored, but i can never bring myself to draw and i don't know why

Join the draw every day thread.
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I drew this today, working on gesture, suggestions?
Please post it when you're finished. I love that style. The strokes and the colour. Damn
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we were meant to make a thing or two

barelly post stuff on it.

Nice, like the eyes
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Critique please.
its fun for what it is

foreshortening of your extending arms are off in both cases though
quite nice, but the skull is a little too high and you forgot more hair/ears
That's very nice but the horns look like they have been photoshopped in
either you're samefagging super hard or you actually think that's good wich is even worse.
be careful about those storm troopers in the distance, the farther away they get from the vertical horizon line the more of their side and the less off their front we'll be seeing.
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I asked this in beginner thread but it's an almost dead thread and is going to 404 before anyone answers probably, so can you guys help me out?

Guys, I am confused by the loomis Head and Hands book.
First he says that the cross section created on the ball is supposed to be where the eyebrows are located, but now when I started skull part the cross section is exactly in the middle of the eyes.
can someone clear up the confusion for me? Am I missing something?
more than that, even the proportions seem to be off compared to what he said before with the whole divide face into three parts
I understand that in the end all of these are just geometric training tools to make your eye and hand understand the inner workings of the head construction and that those divisions are sort of arbitrary but I fear that my study process might get fucked by this, I sort of want my face and skull structure to go hand it hand
damn son

work larger man. much larger. you are holding yourself back by working on such tiny canvases

cardboard looking storm troopers
a detailed analysis and assessment of something, especially a literary, philosophical, or political theory.
draw some heads till they look right
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Any suggestions?
stop copy-pasting, that's not how perspective works, they look flat because of that
Some of the stuff simply lacks proper volumes and form, the right boot is just outright flat, so are some of the trees and the electric line thingies.

fuck off i don't owe you a detailed anything
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then shut the fuck up and let real artist's play ok faggot.
it's obviously resized. Fucks wrong with your brain...
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C&C welcomed.

I like your form depiction but the poses themselves are super stiff. your slime ogre thing is also creeping me out, man.
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Practicing ice upon recommendation. Very boring to draw
I cant tell where your gestures are starting from, or where the movement is going. Use less lines, and use a single line to define the direction of movement or spine, and build from there.
Current piece. Been working on it a lil while today. Might pass out and work on it more tomorrow.
Yeah. My bad. Forgot about the file size sticky part.
>I like your form depiction but the poses themselves are super stiff. your slime ogre thing is also creeping me out, man.

Thanks. Gotta get more into gesture, thanks for reminding me. I had problems with rendering the skin of the ogre, you imply it reminds you of slime, how so? How can I make it more skin like.
Vilpu, just download vilpu video tutorials on painting
Go to /ic/ sticky and check the painting section there
You can get all the videos and books you need fro kat.cr if you don't have dosh
It might be just that your paper is tilted a bit, but the figure looks like it's about to fall over...and the perspective on high right leg seems to be a bit off.
Looks really neat though, reminds me of Exalted setting for some reason.
Thanks man. I'll work out the bugs and stuff tomorrow. I'm pretty burned out ATM.
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oh, don't mind the slime comment too much. I wasn't thinking too hard when I said it. in retrospect, the color and lips reminds me of the infamous mcdonald's pink sludge fiasco, is all.
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I'm currently practicing s/w shit and freestyled this comfort zone lady.
but either I have to spend another hour on the details or start another one, it's just not really getting to me... maybe I've smeared around too much, in between it looked really messy.

first I wanted to paint this using only some easy-going fancy clean brush strokes but seems it didn't work for me. did I fuck up from the start and should try practicing that style I wanted to get, or just keep what I'm doing anyway?
You can do detail pretty well. But I think you need to practice more on human faces. Her eyes are wonky, and her face looks very flat. I'd say focus 60% on getting the groundwork done right (such as perspective, face parts in the right place, forms corrected) and then 40% on the detail. Keep on practicing anon.

As for your question, if you can fix it to where it looks more natural then go for it. If it's past the point of no return I'd just start over. That's all up to you.
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Ocean Emerald.png
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material study taken a bit further
thank you based anon
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I like this, simple and clear but the big and clunky antenna steals the attention

Also can anyone tell me how do I begin to learn how to paint? No idea where to start.
Home Depot.

But in all honesty, I'm not trying to be mr. EdgyMcTeenager, it's just something I kind of made up as I drew. I don't blame you for thinking that though.
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Here's another one.
real nice job man
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Back with this. Any advice would be really appreciated.
I've just realized how blurry those stars are.
Is it supposed to be a man or a woman? Because right now the features are womanly but the shape of the head is manly as fuck. Also those eyes are twisted upwards a bit.
I swear to god all of you fucking dumb degenerate motherfuckers need to start resizing your images before you post. What the fuck
i think it should be another adc, or maybe even fucking rengar just to show how badass draven really is.
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sssso still working on this from a few threads ago, and the anons who comented on it before will be happy to see that I ignored my original sketch almost completely. Love you guys.

Almost ready to call this finished maybe perhaps... I generaly don't know what I am doing, but I am specially lost on how to render body hair. The guy is supposed to be pretty hairy, but I couldn't even find paintings for reference of what I should be going for.
If you guys could give tips on this as well would be great. Critique away
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but yeah, mecha thing.
Like others say it should be more readable but it is aesthetic so gj on that
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3 days till deadline...

This looks just awful.
is this the dankest dungeon alternative character roster?
Deadline for what anon? Also those colors make the black dude look like an oven mitten.
Besides the abysmal palette choice the guys in the back are deformed
the orange on the arms looks horrendous m8
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any critiques before i start colouring?
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wrestling with this
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don't really know where to go with this
thats fuckin sick man
The thumb juts out too much, is too long, and is on the same spatial plane as the rest of the fingers, making it look more like a 5-fingered symmetrical cartoon hand than a real human hand. I would first suggest getting the shape of the hand right at first (as another poster said, you also need more meat and length on the palms), and then work on shading. It's not worth learning to shade a fake hand, right?
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From the thumbnail I thought you were trying to draw the God Emperor
I guess I'll start colouring. Thanks!
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Do you guys know any artist good at linework?
having trouble what lines to leave in and out

>That ear is completely fucked
is it?

teach me your ways sempai
I love you. I really laughed.

Sorry for the sidetrack, nice work snowsuit anon.
yeah man and post the finished plz
Maybe read some of harold speeds books on painitng or richard schmids alla prima.
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I'm almost done with this, right now I'll be working carefully on the beard and move on to the eyebrows, and polishing in general. Before I'm done with this I need strong critique, so I'd like if you punish me hard with everything that might be wrong in your opinion, please.

[blog]This being my first digital portrait, I've decided I'm probably going to do very few of these a year. It's nice to feel you can replicate reality to some extent and learn a lot of stuff, of which observation, color control and getting confident with tablet+photoshop have been my biggest takeaways. But they take such a long time, with little creative input of my own, I don't get to tweak things and design things that much, it's obviously harder to paint things that are only being referenced from my brain and my own understanding of something I can't see. So yeah, family and friends might praise me, but it doesn't feel as much of an acomplishment from my artsy faggy point of view. And regarding the long time again: I feel that time is the one thing I feel I really need over anything else to make these human photocopying labor look good and accurate, which is why I'm looking for some final critique before. I had similar thoughts about seeing other people drawing portraits but it is only now that I've done it myself that -regardless if I did a good or a bad job with it- I get a somewhat stronger opinion. Anyone else feel the same?[/blog]
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Nice lines.
do you have a blog?
It's very accurate. But his skin is super smooth, almost metal gloss smooth. Add some pores in some of the lighter areas so it'll have the texture of skin and feel more real. As for the hair it looks very well done, but it almost feels like helmet hair, almost statuesque. Let some skin show through some of the hair strands, maybe have a few hairs that stick out on their own.

This is really just nitpicky stuff, but it looks really good. But if you're going for realism like I think you are, I'd give what I pointed out a shot.
Check her chest/rib cage construction and also check the way right leg connects to the body.
I am too lazy to redline but I think it might be a bit off.
Otherwise it's really nice.
That's great advice anon, thanks a lot! funy thing is, I did add some pores in the early stages, which was completely wrong because well it was too early, but you reminded me that now it's the time to actually add them. So I'm definitely doing that, as well as the hair advice.
The perspective of the guys in the back is just fucked man, copying same characters over and over does not generate good results...I mean it's better than the way it was before but it's still somewhat noticable, especially on the heads.
As for the Darth Vader guy...why those colors? They just make no sense together and his arms look like they are covered in pizza crusts or something.
You have the skill not to do that shit, it's visible, so why fuck up so bad when you can do better?
I think that design of arms and lower body might not fit well together
though I can't judge since it's not finished yet
this actually looks really like Darkest dungeon art, actually sometimes better since rendering and volumes seem to be nicer.
Is this just fan art?
The main way you fucked up is the trees, all of the ground and everything is in this 3 point perspective and trees are just outright frontal man, also he seems to have a hunch, not sure if it's intentional or more fucked up perspective.
But other than that it's good, really like the colors and the general feel of the thing.
Work on your perspectives.
would love your feedback
Pretty good, but attention should be paid to the different textures a bit more. Everything feels like clay.
I feel like I could ice skate on his face.
Textuer aside the likeness is incredible.
Find something about it that you find interesting. Surely there's something. Color, forms, edges, etc. If you're not invested in it (and clearly state that you're not), why bother? Also, why would anyone bother critiquing it?

I like crosshatching. Trees on the left look just bad, there's no sense of distance or how they are sticking from the ground. Maybe giving additional information to viewer would help like shadow on the ground. I don't know if it's a problem of lineweight.

Consider though - I'm a noob a lot below your level and might be talking out of my ass.
thanks man, the trees look shitty because i did this plein air and the cave was my focal point. trees were an afterthought and i just wanted to get them over with. differing lineweight is a good way to make this more interesting. thanks for pointing that out.
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I'll see what I can do tomorrow, fuck dude college assignments pissing me off cant focus on art.
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I like these a lot. Gj anons.
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i wont be able to finish it anytime soon, going bed for now.. and gotta play dragon's dogma
and i suck thick hard cock at colouring so don't expect too much lol
most of the time linework looks better for me

I purged my blog not too long ago, so there's nothing for now. but i will be uploading stuff regularly.
>Everything feels like clay.

Elaborate please.
I love the rendering but the birds feel a bit stiff
Her chin is SUPER off-center
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Been a while since I touched this one.
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I like actual art threads are this far down on the board. Rest are just people shitposting constantly.
its not as much a case of interest as it is a case of production cycle. We cant crank art as fast as we can fight each other with word.
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show rest of the body, your body might be fucked
Thanks for the feedback, man. The thing about the trees is I tried to give this a kind of fish eye lens view, and clearly I failed, haha.
The guy is supposed to be hunched over, but I think I know what is weird about it, the big brown hunch is actually a fucked up backpack.

I will work on the trees, and maybe try to make the warping effect bigger and more obvious. Also I will fix the guy's torso and his backpack so it reads better.
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Draven wip.

I don't usually like those cute girls portraits, but this is pretty good, keep it up.
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Someone redlined and explained your mistakes 7 month ago, what the fuck have you been doing all this time.
The composition looks nice so far. The line quality on his lower half could use some work though. Also his right arm doesn't look like it's resting on his leg, Also, what's he looking at and why is only the skull shaded?
I know the body is fucked, it was a free hand with ink so no going back once I realized what I'd done. All feedback is appreciated

Working and school, breh.
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I think its the second time i ever try somethign with scenery
Anybody else think the right one looks like Justin Timberlake?
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Also if you look at the differences I fail to see how you think what some anon said 7 months ago is at all relevant.
Thx, Yeah bottom half isn't done yet, will change the eyes, they were for another pose. And the skull is metal, that's why I drew the highlights and shadowy areas since I won't be shading much. Will see fornthe arm.
Looks really flat.
yes, it's just a fanart. making some mascots for my friends and myself.
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colouring puts me to sleep so this is farthest ill go
Yea, i never get the hang of it, someyimes it look ok and others really flat, i'll try harder next time.
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what makes it flat from my perspective is that you dont consider the planes and volumes of the body, hence you forget to overlap them and showcase the cylindical property for the torso. The most prominent thing you see in my paintover is the obliques and hip bones conection and the curvature of the brah. A bit of reflected shadow from the ground also helps to highlight the form. Another thing that i see in you painting is the inconsistent lighting which is a bit condusing, but you still got a nice aesthetic and render.
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Nope, you haven't improved at all during those 7 months you are repeating all the same mistakes,
Your values and understanding of the planes and edges hasn't improved at all. Only slight differences are in coloring
Dude, you have plateaued for 7. fucking. months.
I really thank your for the paintover, i sometimes focus on rendering and forget about how the body have important shapes.
How can one avoid being palatued?
Admit your mistakes, don't get frustrated, find out your weaknesses and try to fix them, this is exactly why you need critique.
In this case the problem is values and form so you would want to find out about how light works, how edges work, and how planes work.
just find info on the subject and try to learn from it as much as you can so as an example:

Couple books would be
(William Maughan) The Artist's Complete Guide to Drawing the Head,
(Scott Robertson) - How to Render - The Fundamentals of Light, Shadow and Reflectivity
(James Gurney) Color & Light - A Guide for the Realist Painter
All of those can be found in the book thread as PDF's

Also couple internet resources.
Just adding: you don't need to go trough all of that to improve but more you learn, the better.
I also believe that the first step to getting good is admitting that you are a shit artist and your drawing sucks ass.
Why would anyone try hard to get good if the person think he is good.
I personally suggest Sycra, and I know some of /ic/ people hate him to the guts for his style, but he still makes great valid points for artists to change your mind set.
I understand. Thank you for the info.
Scyra doesn't really suck, but the problem is that he himself has plateaued for YEARS now because he caught "muh style" disease.
He can be informative but I wouldn't watch any of his "style" videos.
You should lengthen the leg that's the furthest away a little. He's got kinda short legs in general despite having a seemingly short torso too... and he carries his weight more like a lady, he's very bottom heavy. But I guess those huge shoulder pads evens it out a bit.
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would like help on anotomy and composition
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lighting study
learned a lot i think, perspective is all fucked up I know I just eyeballed it
Everything is rendered very similarly. The materials of what he's wearing aren't very apparent. IE his bracer right now could be wood or leather.
beautiful looking hand, you should keep that.
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alrighty then
Here's what I've been pecking at over the last day or so.
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Just a character I made.
This is the best in thread so im gonna comment fast

- Whole figure is flat (except her skirt area)
- Boob pointing at us should be bigger since it is in first plan
- Boobs are flat and construction lines are wrong on them
- The linework feels forced (like in the knee area, just paint it instead, or suggest it with more subtility) Use simple and confident lines if possible, dont hesitate to zoom if necessary.
Also use color for linework its so much better than black.
- Her panties or boxers looks weird,try tofeel the fabric and folds
- Her face is cold emotionless , is that what you wanted?
- I would definitly remkae the arm/ hand behind to make an even better silouhette and see more clearly that she is carrying another gun
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I would love some constructive criticism on my piece.
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Does it look better now?
and I feel like my colouring process is what ruins the most of it.. like being flat and all.
I usually enjoy doing black and white linework and call it the end, but I've been feeling like I should step up my game and start getting into painting. Any suggestion where I should begin first? I seriously have no idea when people are talking about values and what not, I'm seriously that dumb on this part.
>This is the best in thread
you are either baiting or make claims without taking the time to look at the thread. it's good, but not better than those.


>Haven't improved at all.

Yeah, he keeps fucking the nose and cheeks up, but there's no need to be either this harsh or just dishonest.
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It's a bit shit sorry but I'm looking for critique here

I think the pose and anatomy is great (by my standards) even though I drew from a reference pose, but the lighting is always all over the place, and I abuse the smudge tool too much probably.

In b4 loomis
Please keep this stuff to the porn-thread.
His style videos are the most informative ones, and you'd know that if you didn't judge books by their covers.
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just sharing my last sketch
Sorry, didn't know, I'll repost it there
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sharing a study
Ok he improved his coloring and actually drew ears and neck that's improvement. I will give him that
but the amount of improvement he gained in those 7 months is the amount of improvement you should gain
in 1 or 2 weeks. If you don't see everything else he fucked up maybe you should check out those books and links too.

Thanks for the kek.
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>that tiny as fuck left arm

That's fucking hilarious.

I am open to suggestions.... is there a standard?
(I am relatively new to digital...)
You should be painting big, but when you're showing WIPs, bring it down to like 900 on the largest dimension so people don't have to scroll.
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I tried to fix it, just a little, if both are the same size I'm afraid it could loose perspective, whatever, is just a sketch... even the boobs are exaggerated.
>Thanks for the kek
That's why you're never gonna make it.
I just don't care anymore
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push atmosferic perspective, looks like vader is making those ship fall
you are letting all the blood go to your dick anon, try to redirect it so you can actually measure things properly

same with you
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Literally ruin me
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this is a very rushed "redline".
consider this change.
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Bend over first.
My dick doesnt even get hard anymore cause of constant disappointment.
also consider making the ass a little smaller.

I see, thanks anon
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Literally ruin me pt. 2 I hate this piece passionately
Ctrl Paint & ask yourself questions, dont paint blindly (example why is this area darker all of sudden?) If after that you still run in problems I would suggest to study fundamentals so Vilppu is good for that. In all cases these are just teachers if someone can observe carefully he doesnt need these ressources at all. But that's really really rare, so don't count on it.
Obervation > copy

The first one your posted is indeed the best, it didnt loaded on my screen, but the rest are not better. Anyway this is personnal taste to each his own.
>looks exactly the fucking same
I thought it was Destiny before I saw that logo
thanks for all your feedback, I will try to redraw a better version of it, it's also funny nobody complain about the huge boobs :D
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tried something new for this one. interested to see if i can get similar results when doing this from life and not a photo
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backgrounds too distracting imo.
I think this looks way better, and not just because of the clean up. If you can I think you should put in a handful more soldiers to give it a stronger presence, but the way it was before was so many it was kind of boring. It's not like we haven't seen rows and rows of clone troops or robot troops or any variation. But this makes them more organic and to me that's far more interesting. Good luck with it anon, I'm really enjoying it.
Get a grip
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Could someone help me? I can't figure out how the leg muscles work, I feel like this is kind of how it should be, but there are different contours on the photo.
Not every muscle shows as contours.
it's still a work in progress. i have to do two more paintings on top of it. we chunbum now
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I don't think the cliche easymode fairy is doing the image a lot of good
attack of the concept artists
attack of the concept autists
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ok, so this is after reducing the ass a little, and some other fixes, thank you all for your feedback. ;)
she literally has a sideboob ;)
LOL ....yup
It's pretty cool
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soldat verd2.jpg
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My first drawing in photoshop. It's done with the mouse
Not bad. Now get a tablet and git gud.
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The rendering is good but the poses are really stiff. not sure what top right is doing with his arm there, also that sword is crooked. Left top is the best to me.
whoops switch left and right please I am retarded I can't help it
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more hands from tonight
>not bad
dont fill his head with such lies.
>chicken scratch
>feet hiding
i suggest the beginners thread
also in the future please resize your work to something below 1500 x 1500
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Many thanks for feedback.
new thread?
do it

new thread
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