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ITT: we post pics like pic related

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ITT: we post pics like pic related
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Butthurt incoming in 3, 2, 1....
Can anyone make one of these for monarchism?

What is with communists and these moronic abbreviations? I think even Orwell addressed it at some point.
What makes them moronic?
The fact they're abbreviations. Can't you just call it a "Communist party" or "Socialist freedom fighters" or something instead of CMHR-SCKMDCK?
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It's time to stop posting
He has to think for more than two seconds
>The fact they're abbreviations.
Honest question: Are you autistic?
Top kek, commies confirmed for autists.
was meant for >>864588
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>french resistance
>overthrowing petain
Hitler never called himself a fascist. Literally only his detractors ever called him that.
We often use other names in conversation.
Acronyms are mostly for flags and graffiti.
No, anon, it's definitely you. The good news is there are people that can help you.
I think he was talking about the Free French.

Still, not nearly enough burgers in that picture.
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>People in this thread getting butt-hurt about how communists names their organisations
pretty good, but Chavez is a bad example. The only reason people protested against it was because it didn't work in the first place.

It was just an excuse to increase government control and cover up corruption.
>implying Allende would have done a better job than Pinochet
Pinochet was the reason why Chile didn't fall into the mess that became of Latin America's economy in the 1980's. If Allende was still around during the collapse, it would have been even worse than you could imagine.
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>implying Allende would have done a better job than Pinochet
Assuming that there are no foreign backed coups to disrupt the nation, there's no reason to assume that couldn't be the case, if only because it's impossible to know. On the other hand, we know that Chile was shit under Pinochet socially and economically.
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All feddie propaganda. Leave your soul binded by gravity faggot.
>the eternal revolutionary's excuse
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>Hitler never called himself a fascist

This is correct. He only employed fascist principles, associated with fascists, and used fascist tactics in winning the hearts of the masses.

Clearly nothing to do with fascism.
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Quite right my fellow Spacenoid.
>"hey Anon 2, I'm going to make pudding, I've never done it before but we'll see how it goe--"
>Anon 2 proceeds to throw every ingredient in the trash and sets the trash on fire
>Hitler what are you doing?

He would never say something like that, that's the point.
Fuck off feddie scum
Don't forget People's Front of Judea.
>im a true scottsman because i said so
>it doesnt matter if i dont have any scottish ancestry
>it doesnt matter if i dont live in scottland
>im a transcott and theres nothing you can do about it
>not wanting to evolve
Might as well go back to your cave, feddie
Orwell made a point about shortening names, but not as acronyms, most parties outside the US are some sort of acronym. Orwell meant the shortening of phrases to make them an easy shorthand, like communist international becoming comintern or agitational propaghanda becoming agitprop.
Could you define "no true scotsman" for us? And, of course, define scotsman.
soviet neetbux (as a rule they gave the most cash, it's one of the major factors that lead to their collapse) + support for innovative economic initiatives, like cybersyne.
Cmon it coulda been cool
>no true scotsman
This is a paradox because anyone that calls themselves a Scotsman is a Scotsman.

not gonna bait me bruv
A Czech musician made a song about this, highligting how many things were turned into abbreviations by the commies.

>all these butthurt zeeks
Requesting one for republicanism too desu.
>Basically anyone capable of holding a gun
every time
I thought it was the Judean People's Front?
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may the earthsphere be forever unified brother!
>probably newtype
Should be oldtype
>implying earthnoids holding back humanity are innocent
Hitler was a socialist.
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>pee es you ev
>kay ay ef
>cee en tee-eff ay wai
>es kee jay
>em dee pee
>kay es cee
>kay pee er pee
>wai pee gee

>implying these doesn't pronounce badass as fuck
He was. Only instead of targeting every capitalist, he believed the Jewish international ones were to blame.
>allowed private property
>allowed german capitalists to do business
>allowed foreign capital to do business

But for the retarded american, any system with social safety nets is izlamicgommanizm.
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Contolism/newtypism is sort of milleniarism isn't it?
>believe in teleological history
>those who live on earth polluting the world
>mankind need to get out of earth to have salvation
>a new 'kingdom of God' will come, with the Newtype to lead humanity
Them wiping half of humanity is not surprising.
Actually, I take that back. He wasn't but Ernst Rohm definitely was atleast, which led to him getting killed.

Tito died before Reagan came into office. Why did no one notice that?
Presumably, the graphic's saying the Reagan administration helped put an end to the socialist system Tito founded, which outlived him.
His legacy was fucked by Reagan
After his death the interim government actually was doing a pretty good job until the US under Reagan decided it was a good time to fuck yugoslavia and fund retards like milosevic in order to shatter it with old Balkan shit.

i love that i'm not the only one that does this

It's still a little far-stretched, considering Reagan mostly focused on the USSR and its E-EU satellites, not the independent Yugoslavia. Putting "Croat Nationalists" or "Slovene Nationalists" there would be more appropriate.
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The nationalistic forces that were a proximate cause for Yugoslavia's shitshow mostly came about because of economic considerations though. Hence you might put the blame on broader forces that led to those economic troubles.

I agree, though, that naming Reagan is not very accurate, especially given his policy toward Yugoslavia (pic related).
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Outside of one-word parties and popular shorts of them("Reps", "Tories", "Liberals"), when you're referring to let's say NSDAP, it's heavier to use abbreviation than full name, especially in German or Nordic languages where they can contain very long and awkward words(see Swedish Moderates - Moderata samlingspartiet, no wonder that they'd rather call them "M").

That radical left wing parties have stupid, long names is another matter and addressed by Orwell as well in some essay where he recalls and anecdote about communist agitator telling a boy that he absolutely can't be a boy scout because it's nationalistic, pro-monarchy etc. etc.(instead of starting own, communist boy's scout organisation of sorts).
brainfart - easier*
CNT/FAI was actually btfo by communists

if these docs are true, why the fuck did the US dismantle yugoslavia in the 90s then?
None of those are really capitalist though. Restricting free movement of labour and goods, insecure property rights, arbitrary and excessive taxation etc. None of those were really that capitalist.
Č isn't pronounced as cee
Note the first paragraph specifically says to support Yugo because it's "an important obstacle to Soviet expansion and hegemonism" and a reminder of "the advantages of independence from Moscow". Once the Soviets fell apart, suddenly so did the US's concern for Yugoslavia. All just realpolitik.
The problem I always have with people that argue against communism is they cite USSR and Hitler(???) as Communism or even Socialism gone wrong. USSR was "Socialist" Dictatorship. Why, when there's so clearly The Great Famine as perfect examples of communism going terribly terribly wrong?
Cipriano Mera was CNT-FAI and he staged a successful coup against the communists at the end of the war.
More like russian cosmism.
So what you're saying is that your specific, perfect, entirely infallible brand of capitalism has never been tried?
>implying rothbard brand lolbertarianism is the only form of capitalism
muhhh NAP, muh NAP muhfugga
I don't even remember when I made this, only that I only ever posted it once, brings tears to my eyes to see it still alive today
This, a lot of it was taken directly from Cosmism's philosophers.
>innocents in the second part are missing their right hands

It's the little things
nah nigga
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Does someone have the Islamic one?
It was made by a marxist.

According to marxists, if you're

>not a socialist

this automatically makes you a fascist.
I'm offended by this, pol pot literally did nothing wrong.







>killing-off 1/4th of your country's population
>nothing wrong
>not believing in a farming utopia, based on a belief of marxism and nationalism
>not wanting to restore your country to it's former glory
>not believing in the culling of the weak so your nation can become stronger because of it

ISHYGDDT, it's like you don't want your country to succeed.
>Culling of the weak
>Target intellectuals
that was really retarded of him
how would he executed his mechanized farming commune without the little number of intellectuals Kampuchea had
>not realizing that you need strong people to farm
>not a pencil pusher behind a desk

I bet you probably own a poodle or a cat.
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There is literally nothing wrong with dropping colonies if it makes them win the war and improve humanity in long term.
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They didn't do nothing.
Considering all the colonies offed themselves by TurnA and humanity reverted to 19th century level development I'd say they didn't succeed.
>Zeon Deikun is a cosmic Lenin
>Degwin Zabi is a cosmic Stalin
>Jimba Ral - Trotsky in exile.
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You mean this one?
Could I see some sources for that? Genuinely curious. I was under the impression that Yugoslavia was on borrowed time as soon as Tito died, and that its splintering was a result of the republics vying for control and Serbia wanting to maintain its dominance.
Yes thanks
No problem. Kinda wish there were more of these though.
Tbh for Salih It'd be more accurate to put "Erdogan/Isis"
Yeah, it's definitely a thing. Communists generally like initials, while far-right groups prefer Fedora names that sound badass.

Both are autistic in their own way.
He still orders his army to shell YPG positions, killing them as well as civilians and destroying a lot of infrastructure, he had them set up sniper towers who shoot at anyone who gets near the border, but only where Kurds control the border.
So he's way more hostile to Syrian Kurds than Assad is.
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>As if EF was ever taken down by the likes of your.
>Despite taking early beatings, EF always gets it's shit together half way through and beats the shit of any of you ungrateful spacenoids
>Only EF can take down EF through corruption

Didn't expected /m/ here of all the places.Feels good man.
apart from Chavez and Tito ,can;t recognize others.
Any kind anon tell me their names?
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Nigger, their names are on the fucking picture.
kim is too generic name
>Shah is CIA and not SAVAK

Literally third result in google with Kaf kim.
>Class collaboration

>the international bourgeoisie
>being AGAINST Hitler

Shinmin seems like a meme, like Shin Chaeho was apparently an anarchist according to Wikipedia and he was a nazi-tier racist. I've heard tones of people saying that the Shinmin autonomous thing was nationalist and not really anarchist at all.
The CIA did take part in it.
Makhno was just stealing shit from the working class.
It was the Earth government you can see how its clearly their fault in F91 and Victory.
>The person saying this will then unironically defend state ownership of the means of production
the working class don't own the means of production in capitalist society, there's nothing hypocritical about this position at all.

stealing from the rich to give to the poor is good, stealing from the poor to make yourself rich is bad.

(n.b. as you can probably tell by the fact i called it 'stealing from the rich', i'm not a commie, i'm just explaining why the commie position is logically consistent if not necessarily good.)
But the working class didn't own the means of production in the USSR, Makhno wanted the workers to own the means of production immediately and Lenin and Trotsky didn't.
>Swedish Moderates - Moderata samlingspartiet
Their official name is Nya Moderaterna
Everyone, including themselves, calls them Moderaterna.
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