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ITT: Historical events Hollywood will never bother making

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ITT: Historical events Hollywood will never bother making a movie out of.
25 year rule for fucks sake >>>/pol/
Do you have autism or are you just illiterate?

Read the OP. This isn't a Bosnian war thread, friendo.
Japanese internment camps in America
Michael Bay dont give a fuck
He is making a movie about Benghazi already
Paki - Indian wars
The sack of Rome in 410
The story of Cliven Bundy.
How the eternal Anglo manipulated the world into their plaything, tricking them into thinking the Anglo was "white" and enslaving the Aryan race.
Basically any Eastern European conflict before WW1.

Russo-Turkish wars, Balkan wars against the Ottomans, Russo-Swedish war, Hungarians and Poles battling against Mongols and Ottomans, partitions of Poland, Teutonic Northern crusades, anything involving the Byzantine empire, etc.

It's immensely more awesome than anything that ever happened in Western Europe / the Americas, it's just that Americans can't relate to it so Hollywood gives no fucks.
They've made plenty of movies about this
The Presidency of Ronald Reagan
The War of 1812.
yup, Serbs are always mass murdering orcs and muslims are peaceful dindu
IRL they're both mass murdering orcs.
the rampage of the ww2 german commerce raider atlantis. That shit is the stuff legends are made of.
Nakam's plot to kill a large number of German citizens by poisoning the water supplies of Hamburg, Frankfurt, Munich, and Nuremberg.
Battle of Thermopylae
Japanese history between 1868 and 1968.

I mean, I don't think it would make a good movie because of the outsize scope but a 12-episode miniseries or something could be truly excellent. However, for most of the American public Japanese history can be divided into "Samurai and weird art" "That time we nuked them" and "Panty vending machines, instant noodles and anime" so I can't see a great deal of interest being drummed up.
Behind enemy lines, welcome to sarajevo, and savior are the only ones i can think of. There is In the land of blood and honey but that was heavily one sided.
What's 300?
The Iran-Iraq War
If they made a film about Bill Clinton who would play him?

The Special Relationship had Dennis Quaid play Clinton. It was a pretty good portrayal.
There will never be an epic chronicling the rise of Henry II to power, setting the foundation for modern England, and his tragic betrayal by his family along with his sad, depressing end as he died abandoned by all but Marshal.
I recall that Hollywood has been actively blocking attempts by Danny Glover I think to make a movie about the Haiti Revolution.
This, god damn it. I want to see dune coon trench warfare!
The Courland Pocket from a German POV (that little white landmass in the top right)

The last boats are gone, the Soviets control the seas, The nearest friendly units are back in fucking Germany. Running out of ammunition, All the protagonists can do is hope to survive the last week of the war.
The Holodomor ;_;
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Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck biopic Set between his Africa campaign and ends going back to Africa in order to secure his old soldier's pensions.
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>He is making a movie about Benghazi already
Great, a film about the civil war would be awesom..... oh wait never mind, its just about that embassy attack
Have you ever seen "glory"
Its an alright movie about the first african american troop (45th regiment) during the civil war
Its got morgan freeman
Denzel Washington
Mathew broderick
I remember watching one about that on cable a few years ago.
>implying any movie would dare to depict the germans in the world wars as the good guys

>implying it ever happened, comrade

There was a literary adaption of Half of a Yellow Sun two years ago but apparantly it was pretty bad.
Why? What's the story behind this?
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Fall of Constantinople
Or basically anything related to the Byzantines for that matter.
The Somali Dervish State.

Most people don't even know about it, it was actually able to survive the European scramble of Africa, although most history books only ever mention Ethiopian resistance. They were finally defeated in the 1920s to an british aerial bombardment. The leader become a modern hero for Somalis and become the father of the nation, he was literally a warrior poet. His oral poetry was able to make him gain a legion of followers.
Almost anything to do with the Byzantines, particularly the Fall of Constantinople.
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>ITT: Historical events Hollywood will never bother making a movie out of.

The entire Polish experience in WWII (or in fact anything to do with Poland).

It's 75 years and counting and there still has been a single mainstream movie about Poland in WWII.
Great Siege of Malta

Can't portray anything sympathetic to Christians/anything that might make muslims look bad in Hollywood.
Welcome to Sarajevo felt pretty true to life at times.
The Fours Feathers (1939) was about the Mahdist War.

Yeah, its not like we dont have war movies about Americans being awesome agaisnt some sandniggas!
The tour guides at Gettysburg will tell you that the bayonet stab fest at the end was probably unlikely to have happened in reality.
Under Ten Flags, friend. The Kingmaker Brothers of the mughal empire, the way the younger brother has to step up after Hussain died, beautiful
There's plenty depicted about this period in both anime and Japanese cinema. Look harder.
>Danny Glover

it'd probably be shit
Do want.

>implying any movie would dare to depict the germans in the world wars as the good guys

I'm so tired of this meme.


Enjoy, Naziboo :^)
Ridley Scott has the clout and the skill to get this done. I wouldn't be surprised if it's a pet project he has on the back burner.
>this thread
>mostly WWII shit
WWII buffs are the cockroaches of anywhere history related.
>being ukrainian
Another Ridley Scott dream project
fall of Constantinople ain't so glorious taken into account that Constantinople, thus their de jure 'emperor' invited savage turks and other islamic shit to fight against the orthodox Slavs that were trying to conquer it and claim the throne.

Constantinople in the last days was considered a traitorous entity throughout most of the orthodox world, essentially for inviting ottomans, allowing safe passage, and support into fighting of the Slavs. When the ottomans succeeded they said fuck the byzos and took the capital.
Be honest. If military history had its own board, this place would just be religion threads 24/7.
What the fuck am I reading. Eternal Anglo? The UK?

nigger muslims are never shown positively by hollywood even in kingdom of heaven they were shown as heavily outnumbering the crusaders and winning that way while in history both armies were more or less evenly numbered.
This. Why do you think it hasn't even been touched upon yet? Do you think it will? I'm thinking in the same quality as Kingdom of heaven it could be done very well.
>Why do you think it hasn't even been touched upon yet?


Too much risk involved. Especially with the current big tent culture of remakes and sequels.
Napoleonic Wars
>blacks revolt in Haiti and genocide every single white in the country
>why Hollywood would like to prevent a movie from being made

Gee I wonder anon.
Perfidious Albion.
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The exploits of the SMS Emden in the Indian Ocean, during World War I.

It's an amazing history with tons of personal courage and action events, but there are several problems that make it verboten to Hollywood.

>it's set in a colonial landscape, so there are lots of servile brown people and uncaring white ones
>it makes white people, and to make it worse, Germans, look good and their values of conservatism and diligence desirable
>there are no women, so no love story and "cool girl power" aspect to appease feminists and SJWs

Also, it's kind of surprising that there is not a single movie, from Hollywood or any other place, about the Battle of Lepanto, considering the impact that had in the arts of culture of the time.

But yes, can't make Christians look good either.

The Lion in Winter?
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The bit where the Americans betrayed Asia's First Republic.

Thankfully, with the increasing liberalness of USA, it would be in the future.
Not in CURRENT YEAR anyway. Those are looked on with shame. IIRC there was a recent TV edit of Back to the Future that removed the Libyans making that entire scene a clusterfuck of nonsense.
Are you dense? There's literally dozens of movies and shows about the Napoleonic Wars.
>Also, it's kind of surprising that there is not a single movie, from Hollywood or any other place, about the Battle of Lepanto, considering the impact that had in the arts of culture of the time.

It's a pretty esoteric topic. No one knows anything about The Republic of Venice or how scary The Ottomans actually were.

The battle was also almost entirely fought using slaves, so there's that awkward issue..
>Cucked German buttmad that his pathetic people got their arse kicked in two massive world wars, and are now being invaded by the hordes of the East while the UK sits it out as a proud island nation, with the weight of European civilization resting on its shoulders

Stay buttmad Hans, and don't forget to buy Osmi DLC™ while Ahmed has his way with Heidi. Don't forget to vote for Merkel either!

I'm sort of surprised there hasn't been some interest from Hollywood in the Phillipine Insurrection. Seems like easy Oscar bait/Box Office draw if pulled off well.
Because Danny Glover's a leftist on par with Oliver Stone and has openly endorsed Hugo Chavez.
Literally anything pre-1500 since thats where history ends for them
He's an evangelical. Weird guy.
You clearly haven't seen many movies.
The Irish Rebellion (Not just the Easter Rising but all the catalysts before it) I know there was a film about the Easter Rising (The Wind That Shakes The Barley) but honestly a film about the Revolution as a whole will probably never be made
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The book Farewell to Manzanar was made into a TV movie, if that counts. Not Hollywood, but still.
Well since you got such a big pool to pick from, i'm sure you could find some that concern medieval Europe. After looking some more, you could find some of those who weren't filmed with 10 actors in one studio. After giving it some more time, you could even find some that concern anything else other Scots x English or English x French. And after looking really really really really hard and sacrificing to Satan, you could maybe find like two-three that are somewhat historically accurate.
And why should they? Hollywood is, after all, the *American* movie industry. Hungarians, Poles, Russian, Turks, etc. do make movies about those events. If they aren't as popular internationally, then... tough? I'd personally like to see a larger section of history movies, but you can't fault Hollywood for not making movies that their countrymen and, more importantly, prime consumers, are less likely to relate to or know nothing about the history involved.
>yup, Serbs are always mass murdering orcs and muslims are peaceful dindu
That's basically the truth, though.
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There wouldnt be any movie featuring the Ottomans as it goes against the agenda of it only being European Christians who are the bad guys of history who invaded,colonised and enslaved people just look at assasins creed revelations they had the Ottomans basically as good guys.
>literally start WWI

Didnt they even kill the Whites who supported them plus the mixed race people aswell?
Care to find me an Hollywood movie about it?
All I can think of is two old Soviet movies and a British serie about the least interesting theater of the war
Nah. They let the Polish regiment live and some others for various reasons.

There are still white Haitians living in Haiti to this day.
There was Behind Enemy Lines with Owen Wilson
There's so many, man.

Best ones that immediately come to my mind are...

12 Years A Slave on the Barbary Coast. Hollywood will never make a movie where Europeans are slaves. It goes against the American slavery narrative.

Also: Coup against Mohammed Mossadegh, Iran-Contra, Moro Insurgency, anything about Gunboat Diplomacy, Conquest of Nader Shah, Japanese Empire before WW2
I talked about these in my post, they're not by Hollywood

Naval focused garbage

Pretty sure its a crappy French production with terrible battle scenes, not Hollywood
Armenian Genocide
>Conquest of Nader Shah

This one could be cool, the problem is that Nadir cannot be a good protagonist for most audiences. You would need to make it too historically inaccurate.
Matthew Broderick's acting in that was horrendous
>I want the Napoleonic wars.

>But not that theater. Not that one either. That one doesn't count; it has to be a GOOD movie.

>Wah, why aren't there any films about the Napoleonic wars?!?
>Naval focused garbage

Get outta muh /his/, fagit
But that awful Dracula movie they did recently has the Ottomans as the main villain.
>comparing the triangle trade to captives taken in war

False equivalency ahoy!
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if i recall correctly that was a pretty enjoyable movie... but it had owen wilson... isn't that a contradiction?
Are you dense?
OP talks about Hollywood
None of the few films you listed are Hollywood aside from Masters and Commanders which focus only on naval stuff (a very secondary aspect of Napoleonic Wars)
Pirate raids are not wars.
"Lol. War is for poor people, sweetie."
seing that made me remember of a series that aired probably on history channel about great leaders and they paid some guy with harelip to play napoleon

>link related: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1156449/
it was a nice episode though - the whole show was pretty neat, my favorites being the one about napoleon and another one about hideyoshi and nobunaga
em....they did, it won Best Picture in 2002.
Liberation of kuweires airport
Verdun....kill the surrender monkey meme.
Oy blat, it's like anudda hoholodomor
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when the japanese invaded the aleutian islands during ww2
Mostly because only Poland has a strong martyrdom affinity. Other people don't really want to watch losers in a hopeless struggle no matter how heroic they were.
>the problem is that Nadir cannot be a good protagonist for most audiences
Why not? He'd make a good "started from the bottom" character.
There's a pretty good helf documentary half movie production about Verdun:


It's only in German though
Verdun is a genuine human tragedy.
That one film about Michael Collins was pretty good.

What was it called?
Michael Collins.
From another /his/ thred: the Battle for Castle Itter.
Americans/French VIPs/Austrians/Germans vs. Nazis
over a medieval Austrian castle.

The tagline of Americans in castles is pretty baller on its own.
>There's plenty depicted about this period in both anime and Japanese cinema. Look harder.
Read harder.

>ITT: Historical events Hollywood will never bother making a movie out of.
I think it was a joke, anon
> The Pianist

That’s about Jews.

> Uprising

That’s also about Jews.

> Europa Europa

Yeah, Jews again…
>polish jews aren't poles
get knobbed
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The fall of logicism
>polish jews aren't poles

Jews are always Jews, regardless of where they live even if they've been there for generations.

Those are Jewish rules, not mine.
I would really like them to make more movies set in the early modern era.

I especially love pike-and-shot and line warfare.
but we truly dind du nuffin, Austria was trying to make excuses to go to war with us, buttfucks who killed Franz were mix of kebab, serbs and croats
Hollywood will never make a film that depicts poverty in the US

Thirty Years' War
Hollywood doesn't want to make a big budget movie that has a 1.Majority black cast 2. Historical and 3. co-funded by Hugo Chavez

There's no reason to bring racism, or da joos into it. Such a movie would be an incredibly unsound investment.
was gonna say this
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always thought it would make a cool movie but you can't have germans be good guys in a WW2 flick
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Barbary Wars following Stephen Decatur.

shit it begging for a movie adaptation but the whole event seems to be lost and forgotten by all.

would be a great Master and Commander style movie i think.
>Hollywood will never make a movie where Europeans are slaves.

what about spartacus and gladiator :^)
What's sarcasm
>Never made
>The Last Samurai
Ah this picture. My history teacher told us this was his father, who was a serial killer, and I mean, look at that face. You know he killed at least a dozen people.
Hey, we tried really hard, and the closest we got was Germany, and look how that turned out.

There was a history channel episode about the marines over there and thats about it.

Gotta agree here, Serbian terrorists =/= Serbia. Austria went in and demanded too much from Serbia. I think it was the demand that they control the investigation, or something, that Serbia could not swallow because it would basically mean whoever the Austrians selected to be the fall guy - eg, they would had made a direct jab at the King of Serbia and then with all the legalese of the world drag Serbia to be a vassal state - that no one could legitimately expect them to accept. It was either 'surrender and join now or fight'
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Go away, cunt defender.

Here's the multiculturalist.
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1. No, cunt defender. I am an anti-feminist and I am aware that Islamization is a side effect of giving women too many rights.

2. If you claim that it was 1400 children (aka 12 and below), then prove it.

Prove that they weren't. The burden is on you, idiot anti-feminist, not me.

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>Prove that they weren't.

No, if someone claim that there were 1400 children then they need to prove it.


Oh, now you show your real face, femishit. At least you didn't call women "humans".
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no kikes were killed....so it's completely irrelevant for Jewlywood...
>you can't have germans be good guys in a WW2 flick

Polish Jews don't count as Poles
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> Polish Jews don't count as Poles

They don’t, by their own definition of what is a Jew.

This is the underlying issue Jews and non-Jews have had throughout history; Jews never assimilate no matter how long their ancestors have lived in the host country, they continue to remain a distinct ethnicity and their culture continues to reinforce this view.

If you’ve got a problem with this, I suggest you take it up with the local rabbi.
Yup we did some other awesome shit too
This would be fucking based

Also has Hollywood ever covered the Chechen wars?
I don't get why people use Rotherham to slam the UK's Muslims.

Isn't good that they're integrating into British culture and taking part in British traditions?

Except in the modern day western world.
I bet we'll see a big one within 20 years
>Jews never assimilate no matter how long their ancestors have lived in the host country

Absolute bullshit. Jews were assimilated into pre-Nazi Germany and Austria, and they're certainly assimilated in the US and Canada today.
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> Except in the modern day western world.

Even more so as of 1948, when they got their own country.

> Jews were assimilated into pre-Nazi Germany and Austria, and they're certainly assimilated in the US and Canada today.

Jews are/were always Jews first, back then and today. That’s _their_ rules.
>Jews were assimilated into pre-Nazi Germany and Austria, and they're certainly assimilated in the US and Canada today.
Devout Jews see themselves as foreign elements in society unless they are living in Israel. Obviously things are different for Jews that aren't real Torah thumpers.
They were enslaved by fellow Europeans Hollywood wouldnt make a movie where Europeans are enslaved by non-Europeans as it dosent fit the agenda.
>yugoslav war started in 1991
>it is now 2016
>25 year rule lifted
Haris pls go
Oy vey goy how dare you suggest G-d's chosen people would do something evil like that
Anglo is white anon.
You snow-nigger saxons are literally slavs that migrated too far west.
>Good Guys
>Ok Claus.
That was a decade or more so, when the US was still caught up in neoconservative blood lust.
Now it's the liberals who scream the loudest, and they'd make a twitter storm the moment the project was announced
And who would that serial killer be?
Only the elite can engage in that kind of behavior though, the proles have to be arrested like the rest of us
Bill Cosby
>Defenestration with Wilhelm scream
Yes, why is Western culture so uninterested/ignorant of Byzantine history?
isnt that the only thing troopers can do when storming a fort? no room for much else is there?
Human Waves, holy shit
Why the fuck would you go on \pol\ to discuss anything seriously
The public is ignorant of nearly all history.
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Assassins Creed fucking annoys me. Lore says that it's "Benevolent Dictators vs Compassionate Anarchists" and it's meant to be gray morality. Then in practice they make it Stormtroopers v Ewoks. This, combined with HUGE bias. Ottomans are good guys, Bush was a Templar puppet and Assassins support Biden in what was a rigged election (I'm not joking), Crusaders are basically Hitler, it's so fucking annoying.
There's very little depicting World War Two. Mizuki Shigeru's show as, barefoot gem and grave of the fireflies are the only ones I can think of.
>show as
I meant showa.
this is a picture from world war one. your teacher lies
>Jews are/were always Jews first, back then and today. That’s _their_ rules.
not really. many jews mentioned by that guy wouldn't have identified as jewish first, even if the religious and clerics continue to assert that the rule applies to all jews. the west, whether we like it or not, is a "liberal" society where individuals have the right to associate with whatever they want, rabbis be damned
Shigeru Mizuki also made Onwards Towards Our Noble Deaths, which was semi-autobiographical. I highly recommend it.

Also, the very beginning of The Karate Master/Karate Baka Ichidai takes place in WWII, but that's only to establish the main character as a failed kamikaze pilot (his plane broke down when he was supposed to fly his mission, and then the war ended). The original manga, a biography of Mas Oyama's life, probably has a little more to do with WWII, but it's not in English AFAIK.
>Bush was a Templar puppet
>Assassins support Biden in what was a rigged election

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Why the fuck do we never get dark ages movies, I can't think of one.

And there definitely is a lot to show from the time for entertainment.
The Peloponnesian War. I understand that it's too complicated to make a movie out of, but still, it's one of the most interesting conflicts in world history, especially since it practically marks the downfall of Classical Greek civilisation. Sparta and Athens never became great again after that confrontation.
Except that in the case of the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the Bosnians really didn't do anything wrong, they were the victims of powerhungry Serbs, expansionist Croats, and, in the chaos, their own criminal population taking over the infrastructure.

King Arthur?

The BBC adapted it for radio a few months ago.
The First Crusade.

You could make a good, interesting, even-handed movie about the first crusade that really got into the characters and motivations of those involved. The plot has so many ups and downs it's practically movie material right off the shelf.

But because it ends with the massacre at Jerusalem, anyone making the movie accurately would be accused of either being a terrorist enabler (if they portrayed the massacre) or a revisionist whitewasher (if they left it out or minimized it).
Verdun would glorify Petain though, with the current condition in France, I don't think glorifying a Nazi toadie (who was still a genuine war hero) would be for the best.
The first game wasn't too bad with that... some of the Templars truly had sympathetic motives, despite their acts being less than morally acceptable.
But they did like several movies about it? It's just that they're shite.
>Obviously things are different for Jews that aren't real Torah thumpers.

So... most of them?
>storming a fort
The Bosniaks had the opportunity to divide Bosnia by ethnic lines but they instead opposed any division in order to try and control the entire republic. They withdrew their signature from the initial peace plan and basically provoked armed conflict.
Franco - Prussian War, or just the overall Unification of Germany. Bismarck was like a real-life David Xanatos.
It was shit
It's because it's too awkward for Americans.
25 year rule?
I've seen war of flowers can you explain what that has to do with Germans? Also I would count all quiet on the western front since its WW1>>489028
>The final frontier: Destruction as profit.
>Contractors ran the war for profit.
>Iraq was auctioned off to the highest bidders.
>It is so ordered.

So much for subtlety.
God, reading those other quotes in there, it's like the people who made this game failed to realize work for one of these big, capitalistic corporations that make products that distract the rest of humanity from noticing the truth that they so demonize.

Or maybe they are aware, and know that their target audience will eat this shit up.
nice meme
>you will never be an ottoman shitskin buying naked white 12 year olds from your local slave trader

Why even live?
They were Polish, right?
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Seven Years' War, War of the Austrian Succession, War of the Spanish Succession, anything with Versailles without Marie Antoinette as the main character. Pretty much anything in the glorious 18th Century.
>Jews never assimilate no matter how long their ancestors have lived in the host countr

what about the thousands of German Jews who fought bravely in the First World War for Germany only to be rounded up and sent to camps 30 years later? Were they not German?
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> > Jews are/were always Jews first, back then and today.
> not really.

Yes, really. That’s how they managed to survive as a distinct ethnicity regardless of where they were on the planet, ever since Rome sacked the shit out’a Judea in 70 A.D.
Behind Enemy Lines was centered around the Bosnia Serbia incident
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>Obviously things are different for Jews that aren't real Torah thumpers.

The Mayor of Chicago, former Chief of Staff for President Obama, ex-member of the board of directors of Fannie Mae and former U.S. Congressman, has dual Israeli-American citizenship and during the Gulf War I, he went to Israel to serve in their army...
>The Bosniaks had the opportunity to divide Bosnia by ethnic lines

You can't blame them. Any division the Serbs and Croats would have accepted, would have left Bosnia a tiny non-viable state, sucking the cocks of both the Serbs and Croats.
54th Massachusetts Volunteer Regiment not 45th.
Don't force this "hurr retro not retro" bullcrap here on /his/. /vr/ is bad enough because of this shit.
Did black freedmen who fought under the Stars and Bars consider themselves white?

I'm not the guy you're talking with and I'm not knocking Jews for going to pains to preserve their identity - in fact I quite respect that about them as a people - but by the same token that very quality of being a Jew before you're anything else is responsible for their perennial status as an outgroup and the stereotypes surrounding them.
can't have them stealing the spotlight now, goy
Well theres always Gumbo
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Are there any american movies that deal with or are set in Russia during the Perestroika years and the years after the fall of the Soviet Union?

I know the primary reason modern Russians hate America and liberals in particular is because of the decisions and experiments they took on Russia during the 90's.

of course they're aware, it's textbook corporate attitude
Not strictly historical but I've always dreamed about a movie on Impressionists artist.
You mean Gummo. Gumbo is that stupid shrimp soup in Louisiana.

Also plenty films depict American poverty. This one for example:

You just described contemporary Bosnia. It's a non-functioning, zombie mini-Yugoslavia.
I can picture Malick making this movie.
File: 1385376192279.jpg (52KB, 515x515px) Image search: [Google]
52KB, 515x515px
Basically anything related to Sargon of Akkad and the first Babylonian Empire for obvious reasons.
I didn't know A Beautiful Mind was about poland during wwii?
Schindler's List
File: Warsaw_Uprising_1944.jpg (73KB, 800x583px) Image search: [Google]
73KB, 800x583px
>Schindler's List

Another movie about Jews in WWII.
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