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>get your ass kicked by the Nazis >have to leave all your

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>get your ass kicked by the Nazis
>have to leave all your gear while you evacuate your troops with everything that floats
>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
>immediately start blaming the French
>make jokes about how they are cowards for getting defeated by the same enemy that defeated you
>claim an embarrassing defeat was actually a victory
>sit back and let daddy America win the war for you
>still lose your entire empire in the process
>continue to make propaganda about it three quarters of a century later
>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
How many times must this shitty meme be spouted and debunked
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>sit back and let daddy America win the war for you

Americans actually believe this
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Well, the truth is that the French rearguard prevented the Nazis from reaching Brits
But we can't reveal it or it'd shaken the precious surrender meme
obviously, Hitler didn't act on humanitarian concerns, but because he saw Anglo-Saxons as fellow Aryans and wanted a Britain on his side.
Nevertheless, the fact remains that he could have easily massacred British troops but decided not to do so
It's not just the rearguard, they helped for sure, but it was also the simple fact that the armoured formations were overstretched, needed refitting, and needed to wait for infantry formations to catch up if they wanted take on such a large amount of soldiers
>Nevertheless, the fact remains that he could have easily massacred British troops but decided not to do so
Except reality stopped that, and Rundstedt was the first one to bring it up
If he was so concerned about killing his fellow Aryans he should've called off the Luftwaffe also.
Except he did try and massacre them on the beaches and failed.
Dunkirk Mercy is a meme only retards believe.
>>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
Except that's exactly what they did
Ever heard of the Luftwaffe?

>dumb stupid Brits, don't they know that Dunkirk was a defeat? Why do they celebrate it?!
>OMG I fucking love Valley Forge! An heroic army battling for survival against the odds and coming back stronger!!!
Fucking Wehraboos from /pol/ mad about this movie. What the fuck do you want, a safe space? get a life you loser. We won the war.
>implying it's not true
bongoloids, everyone.
His Panzer divisions had overrun their supply line (thank Rommel the Hedgegg), the mercy shit is a fucking meme when he had no problem using stukas to drop bombs on those same "fellow Aryans" he so cherished
Bro. Are you fucking mental? what are you doing on this board when you have no fucking clue abot what went on between hitler and churchill months before any bombing or declaration of war.
Hitler wanted britannia on his side as a naval force while the german force was for the ground operations. He was Dunkirk as the last chance to show any mercy to the brits and show them that he wasnt exactly an enemy. We had common interests, except churchill and his globalist jew buddies didnt like that.
They won the war through defamation propaganda against germans. Nearly all allies ate that up. It was the biggest campaign against acountry in human history.

Read some reports of english diplomats and politicians who visited Germany shortly after Hitler came into power. They fucking loved him and what was happening to Germany.
>Goring says to leave the British to him, the luftwaffe can destroy them from the air
>Hitler agrees
>Luftwaffe fails, BEF escapes

>Goring saying to leave the 6th army to him, the luftwaffe can supply them from the air
>Hitler agrees

Was it, dare I say, autism?
this is some strong bait
Nah an autist would've noticed a pattern by now.

>dropping bombs on people is showing them mercy and that you aren't an enemy
>During the Battle of Dunkirk, many Allied ships were lost to Ju 87 attacks as the British Operation Dynamo sought to evacuate British and French armies from the pocket. The French destroyer Adroit was sunk on 21 May 1940, followed by the paddle steamer Crested Eagle on 28 May. The French Channel-steamer Côte d'Arzur (3,047) followed. The Ju 87s operated to maximum effectiveness when the weather allowed. RAF fighter units were held back and Allied air cover was patchy at best. On 29 May the Royal Navy destroyer H.M.S.Grenade was severely damaged by a JU 87 attack within Dunkirk's harbour, and subsequently sank. The French destroyer Mistral was crippled by bomb damage the same day. Jaguar and Verity were badly damaged while the trawlers Calvi and Polly Johnson (363 and 290 tons) disintegrated under bombardment. The merchant ship Fenella (2,376 tons) was sunk having taken on 600 soldiers. The attacks brought the evacuation to a halt for a time. The rail ships Lorina and Normannia (1,564 and 1,567 tons) were sunk also.[111] By 29 May, the Allies had lost 31 vessels sunk and 11 damaged
Truly an act of mercy
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He also saw the Dutchmen as fellow Aryans

What good did that do for the Netherlands
Hitler jizzed on Rotterdam?
All of this is correct except
>America win the war for you

That would be the Americans.
Britain were fucking useless in WW2.
If you want a laugh search "Dunkirk white" on twitter
Twitter was a mistake
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Maybe it's called Black History month because average black attendance to history class over their lifetime is 1 month
How long have you been waiting to make this joke?
It's awful.
Well I don't shit about Dunkirk besides /pol/ memes so at least link me to something where I can learn what actually happened
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>Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
>be Hitler
>have your army outrun its supply lines
>you and multiple members of high command are concerned about the marshy terrain at dunkirk
>delay attack
>let air force continue going dick-deep into them anyway
>wehraboos to this day continue to use your tactical decision as supreme proof that Hitler was actually a good boy who dindu nuffin and only wanted peace

you know you can still like Hilter and not lie to yourself right
>Meme man becomes chancellor
>Fucks the economy even more than Versailles memes somehow
>gets millions killed in an autistic war about muh race
Liking Hitler is always lying to yourself, unless you hate Germans, then he was the best

you mean whites ingeneral,not just germans.
I'd argue most whites benefited from the death of Hitlers hierarchy meme of Germans (literally a latecomer to the game in 1871)>All others
>ww2 was about race

guess how i figured out you're a retard and probably from tumblr
>Rosenburg says Slavs are Aryans, though less than German
>Hitler says fuck that lol, lets enslave them and take all their food!
Guess how I know you're a faggot revisionist who can't even carry the courage of his convictions?
I am going to see the movie today. You may spoil me if you wish.
hello summerfriend
How was the movie by the way? I'm American by the way. Looked better than Planet of the Apes.
The Panzers didn't stop just because they felt like it. The operational halt which allowed the British to evacuate was seen as necessary.

Remember, nobody expected the invasion of France to move so swiftly. OKW spent most of it screaming at Guderian to stop advancing, because he was outrunning his lines of communication in complete defiance of military sense. The Germans were worried - reasonably so - that they had overextended and were exposing themselves to disaster. They didn't know for certain the French were beaten. There was a genuine risk that advancing to crush the Dunkirk pocket would expose their western flank to a counterattack by the rest of the French Army. The Battle of Arras had shown the British tank force was still intact and a threat which could inflict heavy losses if they went in on an overland attack.
So they decided to try to destroy the trapped units by air attack, conserving their army. This failed. There was no question of mercy.
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Excellent rebuttal
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i don't need to explain to you the geopolitical situation of germany and europe in 1936, go watch a documentary or 2
>So they decided to try to destroy the trapped units by air attack, conserving their army

They simply halted the advance of the land army for a few days so supply lines could reform
Then they went on foward again, and would have reached the Brits before they could evacuate if it wasnt for the French rearguard slowing them down
I get the feeling your idea of WW2 Germany is "The Greatest Story Never Told" and that's it, but please enlighten me to Hitlers gracious treatment of Slavs, Balts, the French, the Dutch, anyone that wasn't a German citizen
Fuck off cancer, and I'm not even the other guy
yeah, of course, i forgot hitler just invaded these parts for fun and just had a personal grudge against these people because they beat him at COD

excellent rebuttal
I just saw this. AMA.
Well I never brought up COD, but Hitler really seems like the sort of guy who would dox you over losing a team deathmatch now that you mention it, autistic fuck that he was
the power got to his head desu
How was it? I am going to see it in IMAX today.
Really good. Lags a little in the middle. Much darker than I expected.
Harry styles was actually based
Essential man-core. Women will never understand it and shouldn't bother watching. For once Nolan made a good film that wasn't filled with memes or reddit. A true 10/10
Is it the definition of insanity?
Wtf... There was a scene where the French had half a dozen Senegalese looking soldiers with them. Guys were dark as night, the hell is this guy going on about?
> Nazis kind enough not to massacre you on the beaches
More like "Goering being an overconfident twat as always and telling Hitler his beloved Luftwaffe could prevent a full-fledged evacuation".

Also, if you ever feel down about the fact that people dramatize it too much, remember that when people were bragging about the "successful" evacuation at Dunkirk, Churchill gave what is personally my favorite quote of his: "Wars aren't won on evacuations"

Uhhh, I suspect the person doing the baiting here is French, rather than American.

However, do you believe the UK and the Commonwealth could have pushed Germany out of Western Europe alone?
Except they didn't. Brits sucked at the actual fighting. Americans won the war.
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lol go fucking read some books adhd boy

>implying it wasn't the French who won the Revolutionary War
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>muh british pride of letting the French defend US, the United States arm us, and the Russians fight for us
Wew laddie
Shoo shoo /pol/ mong.
Churchill had been PM for something like 2 weeks before Dunkirk.
I didn't laugh; I just REEEEEEE'd
ouiaboos are butthurt mostly here but the film is unapologically anglo-centric in its retelling of the dunkirk evacuation.
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