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the >Holy >Roman >Empire was still more powerful than

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the >Holy >Roman >Empire was still more powerful than the Ottoman ''''Empire''''
makes you think
>The Turks reached Vienna twice and the second time, HRE needed bailing out.
>Constantinople is untouched by HRE
>the second time
in the first too
I hate roaches just as much as the next guy but this post is really fucking retarded.
>meanwhile ottoman hungary, ruthenia, morea and azov are lost
The ottofails were a second rate empire.
Their only military victories were against a bunch of petty Balkan kingdoms and the corpse of Byzantium.
When they started fighting against actual empires they just got btfo over and over.
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>this is what a wh*Te subhuman believes
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>u-u just fought against b-balkanites kid

why are wh*Tes so subhuman?
We literally buried your ancestors alive. Both in Anatolia (crusaders) and Europe.
>lost their big guns on the way there because of serbian "roads"
>thousands of people died on the way because of serbian "bridges"

Serbia won that war for Austria by being absolute dogshit.
So many dead, wounded, lost or deserted due to Serbian mud and poverty, and all the siege artillery was left in the mud.
Meh, maybe for a span of a hundred years.
After that, you were so shit at fighting even the Italians could beat you. Meanwhile, Russia and Austria easily relieved you of your mediocre conquests in the Balkans and Ukraine. Thousands of roaches scattered from Crimea and Ukraine. The fact that the war that finally buried the stinking corpse of the Ottofail empire (that by all means would've been curbstomped into non-existence during the Crimean war had the West not intervened on your behalf, after a great deal of concessions (Cyprus) and brown-nosing, as is natural for Turks) was one of the better wars, since you managed to hold your ground in Gallipoli (while getting slaughtered by the tens of thousands in the Caucasus and Mesopotamia, but whatever) speaks volumes.
Destroyed him.
I mean how cucked you must be to be defeated by shitalians?!
Oh yeah, pic related is th Turkish surrender of Rhodes to Italy.
There were plenty of powerful Emperors.

Frederick Barbarossa was much more powerful than any European monarch.
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>After that, you were so shit at fighting even the Italians could beat you
wh*Te dog, don't make me behead you. your race is really inferior.
Italians fucked up at Libya in that war and they bombed random turkish islands and blocked gallipoli, since russia used the straits to trade, they forced us to sign peace treaty.

Also keep that in mind that we are literally sitting on European lands, we butchered your ancestors and claimed this land as ours. We made your women and men our slaves. Please come back when you take both Anatolia and Istanbul from us and deport us back to Turkmenistan or Khorasan.

Pic related is the unedited version of battle of tobruk.
Best part is how easy a job the Italians had of it.
The same country that sent hundreds of thousands to die needlessly at the Isonzo, laid down a K/D ratio of 10 to 1 against the Turks on their own territory.
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>Best part is how easy a job the Italians had of it.
why do wh*Te dogs always lie?
is it because you're racially inferior? is it because your inbred subhuman genes?
tell me, wh*Te dog. i really want to know why you're so fucking retarded.
Lol, butthurt.
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was this an answer?
I want to know why you're so inferior to other races. I've talked with PoC and they were not as retarded as white """"people"""
tell me why you're so retarded, justin. is it inbreeding?
So, Ottomans lost due to being awful administrators that cared only about personal wealth instead of improving lands they governed?
actually we lost that war because of incompetent rapebaby commanders Kara Mustapha and Ibrahim of Budin.
They were Albanian, so whiter than us, hence more retarded and incapable.
>so butthurt he posts a war they lost
>3,000 dead eye ties vs 20,000 squished T*rks
remember, this is Italy were talking about here. Probably some of the worst fighters in history.
>4.000 to 8.000 Turkish soldiers actually were in Libya
tell me Justin, why are you wh*Tes so inbred?
The Italians crushed Turkey.
Italy struggled to subdue a Medieval-tier country (Albania) in the twentieth century.
What does that say about the Ottofails?
You'd have to be retarded to deny this.
So Turks are shit commanders?
Woah, the awe inspiring might of the roach warrior...
Justin, Justin
stop being wh*Te, try to think like a human being.
>So Turks are shit commanders?
If we were, then how come you lost your precious christian lands to us?
>A third of the ottoman army died because of reprisals and executions
local irregulars dumbass.
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>If we were, then how come you lost your precious christian lands to us?
Really made me think...
Because entire point of existence of turkish """state""" is to hold off russia from straits for sakes of interests of eternal Anglo and eternal Baguette
Yeah, that's not fair to the Balkanshits.
Even they managed to get a few good beat-downs in before you collapsed for good.
Loving this t*rk butthurt.
>tell me Justin, why are you wh*Tes so inbred?
I don't know, you're the expert.
Holy fuck
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>studied by: wh*Te wh*tesson
more like this picture.
you wh*Tes are inferior and i'm going to teach you this.
You should stick to fucking your sister, banter doesn't suit you.
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oh boy
you really think whites are masterrace don't you?
good thing is your race is dying out in 50 years so my sons and grandsons won't have to read your bullshit on imageboards or on the internet.
i meant wh*Tes
i'm apologize for associating that beautiful color with that cancerous race.
i apologize*
>so butthurt he can't even spell properly
>you really think whites are masterrace don't you?
I never said that.
Talk about an inferiority complex, you sure you're not false flagging to make T*rks look even stupider?
>I n-never said that.
nice reading comprehension, wh*Te dog
Point out where I (or anyone, really) said that.
Confirmed genuine inferiority complex, and not larping troll.
I said "you really think whites are masterrace don't you? " not "did you just say wh*Tes are masterrace"?
and it's very clear that you european, or american wh*Te subhumans really love to overvalue yourselves and your pathetic race.
>inferiority complex
towards wh*Tes? not really.
i just hate your race like millions of people in the world.
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>make a thread about bashing Turks
>Get rekt
>"you have inferiority complex"
is it inbreeding or are whites inherently retarded? :DD
>the turks fight the entirety of east europe and spain
>be suprised the turks lost
>country so cucked that its ran by Georgian.
>Turk pretending he has literally anything in common with actual Turkic people

You're just an islamified Anatolian Mehmet.
>and it's very clear that you european, or american wh*Te subhumans really love to overvalue yourselves and your pathetic race.
What have the Turks achieved?
>i just hate your race like millions of people in the world
Then you hate yourself, moron.
You GREEK'D yourselves centuries ago, you're literally indistinguishable from a Greek or Italian.
Like someone else said
Europeans aren't the inbred ones.
>T*rkish """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""banter""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
Just like you yourselves, inferior in every way.
>gets rekt
Lol, don't delude yourself, Mehmet.
Is that so rapebaby? Is that what your underage friends here told you?
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I like btfoing inbred wh*Tes.
Whenever they say something, i refute it so easily that they can do nothing but autistic screeching.
It must be their inferior genetics that makes them posses low iq.
>You GREEK'D yourselves centuries ago, you're literally indistinguishable from a Greek or Italian.

A Persian is also indistinguisahble from a Greek or Italian. But that does not mean they're Greek or Italian

Also Greeks or Italians are not white, but Greeks are honorary white for being as subhuman and retarded as them.
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>turns out turkey is the most inbred country in Europe
>'l-l-low IQ'
>asides from fucking Albania, turkey is the lowest IQ in Europe
For anyone wondering, this is what projection actually looks like.
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Kurds (your indo european brothers) bringing down our overall iq does not mean i'm not smarter than any white subhuman here.
know your place.
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>thinks he's btfoing anyone
>every response is a shitty insult
>still hasn't responded to any of these
Wow, Mehmet, you're totally not embarressing yourself right now. Keep it up.
Kurds are outbreeding Turks.
It'll be funny when they take over, they won't even have to try and become independent, they can just vote to change turkeys name to Kurdistan and off they go.
ok, t*rks are subhumans, I get it, but...
wtf albania?
do i actually even have to respond those?
we are literally sitting on christian lands (anatolia and thrace). Middle East is independent and i see no christian countries in middle east. even though they used to be christian before.
you first, as an inbred white, tried to accuse us of fighting only against balkanrapebabies, then it turned out to be wrong. then you said "h-hey ur hittite" and i refuted that easily too.
it must be hard for you, your kind used to talk to brainless nationalists or mankurt cucks. then you face me and you're helpless now.
Unlike whites, we are not sissy. We can genocide or deport kurds.
Half of them already support Erdogan so it wont be a problem.
Arabs were responsible for making the middle east muslim tho not turks
youre trying to insult us by taking credit for other people's work

Good grief, looks like the sick man of Europe has spluttered back to life
ITT: Turkroach subhuman reaffirms public perception of roach retardation
ITT: wh*Te subhumans getting humiliated
calling me "roach" won't make you any less inferior to me.
Whatever you say, roachie. Shouldn't you be off throwing acid in your wife's face or cutting off your daughter's clit?
nah, instead, i'm going to humiliate you even more and make you assblasted even more.
also how does it feel to know that your race is literally dying out and muslims are beheading/running over your subhuman kind and you can do nothing about it? Why are you wh*Tes so sissies? Too afraid to take action?
Reminder female circumcisition is an african practice and tradition not a muslim one
Nah it's a Shafi'i practice too. Shafi'i muslims practice female circumcision too. But we're Hanafi so we don't do that.
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Keep thumping your chest, Mehmet. Your failed empire and the lower quality of life in Roachland is testament enough to your inferiority.
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>Keep thumping your ches-
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>Austria-Hungary BTFO and chopped up.
>Turkshits give the finger to allies and get what's left of their country back.

Austrians are Italian Tier.
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Remember when poorjewgirl kicked the turks out of the Indian spice trade....?

Good times
Loving this cockroach butthurt, never seen them get more btfo than ITT.
>that one sperg who stayed up all night embarressing himself
>Austrians are Italian tier
>both beat the shit out of the ottofails
>he thinks he's making anyone but himself assblasted by insisting on digging himself deeper
We're all laughing at you Mehmet.
>Kicked out of the Indian Spice Trade.
Didn;t know Portugal took over Egypt.
By circumventing Africa and making the Silk Road obsolete
>By circumventing Africa and making the Silk Road obsolete

You do know the Spice route has many stops all the way to Africa yeah?

Not to mention Portucucks was kicked out of the Spice Route anyway by China and the Dutch.
>Literally being handed Macao as a goodboy prize for not being piratical scum.

You guys are always a second fiddle to Spain. Remember that.
>literally only winning four battles out of dozens
>losing against goat farmers armed with pitch forks
Nice internet faglord.
The Silk Road and Red Sea trade routes basically vanished once the Indian route was discovered.
Are you honestly going to pretend the overland spice trade was relevant at all to Ottoman economy after the 15th century came to a close.
>you guys
I'm not Portuguese.
>The Silk Road and Red Sea trade routes basically vanished once the Indian route was discovered.
Lol it has been a thing for centuries m8.

It arguably went into overdrive when the Silk Road shat up thanks to Steppenigger shenanigans in the 1000s-1600s, particularly when China started trading in it more in the 1400s.
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