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Did Hitler really want to exterminate the Slavs?

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Hitler hated slavs more than he hated jews
He said so several times so yes, I think it's safe to assume that he did.

Well, let me backtrack. He wanted to kill a large number of them and enslave the rest.

Which is why he lost the war.
Hitler wanted to wage war against every "race". That's sort of Hitler and Nazism's whole thing.

He was heavily influenced by people like Hans F.K. Gunther and thought that races were people who had a common geist/spirit/soul. The "East Baltic" race was believed to be corrupted by the Mongol/Jewish spirit, so it wasn't really Aryan/European.

It's pretty fucking stupid, and his master race got literally raped the fuck up by the Slavs so it should be a good lesson in going to war because you believe some retarded quasi-religious nonsense.
>I believe Allied propaganda
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>I believe /pol/
He wanted people to do it for him, namely agents of the German state and other NSDAP controlled state formations. In general, though, Europeans were more enthusiastic about killing people perceived to be Jewish than Slavs, even though more Slavs died than Jewish people.
The better question is who doesn't want to exterminate all slavs?

I mean spare Djokovic but the rest can honestly fuck right off.

>killing off all those Czech and Ukraine qt3.14s

Literally gay tho
>not a single thing about Slavs in the Nuremberg laws (only about Jews and Gypsies) since they were considered artverwandten Blut by the Ahnenpass and could be classified as Aryans
>allied with Slovakia from day 1 of the war
>allied with Croatia and Bulgaria soon after that
>all the Slavic Axis members treated just like another ally
>numerous high ranked Germans with Slavic ethnic origins (Globocnik, von Manstein, Skorzeny, Kaminski, von Schirach), never encountered a single problem
>2 (TWO) Waffen SS divisions populated specifically with Slavs, numerous other Slavs
>"Der Untermensch" pamhlet that often gets mentioned explicitly mentions Croatians and Bulgarians as an example of Aryan folk
>GP Ost which was supposed to "exterminate Slavs" according to Allies completely sparing the Slavic Croatian, Bulgarian and Slovak populations

All you got is that one Hitler's quote ("Slavs are born slaves") from the Table Talk which was probably doctored by Martin Borrmann anyway. There's simply no evidence for this shit, but it was needed as a justification propaganda to keep the Slavic countries under Soviet yoke after WW2.
>allied with Slovakia from day 1 of the war
puppet state

>allied with Croatia and Bulgaria
puppet state(cro) and "not real slavs, just adopted slavic language"

>"Der Untermensch" pamhlet that often gets mentioned explicitly mentions Croatians and Bulgarians as an example of Aryan folk
>GP Ost which was supposed to "exterminate Slavs" according to Allies completely sparing the Slavic Croatian, Bulgarian and Slovak populations
see above

>but it was needed as a justification propaganda to keep the Slavic countries under Soviet yoke after WW2.
Mhm, the 12 million strong armed force wasn't what kept them under the Soviet yoke, it was "propaganda"
Soviets never pushed for the nationalistic agenda, not early on anyway.

>cleanse russians
>cleanse Serbs
>cleanse montenegrins
>cleanse bosniaks
>cleanse polaks
>cleanse Czechs

B-but Hitler loved the slavs guiz!!!!
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Hitler's Table Talk 1941-1944: Secret Conversations H. R. Trevor-Roper,Gerhard L. Weinberg

I'll get you more
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>puppet state
How does that disprove anything I said? Vichy France or Quisling's Norway were puppet states as well.

>The Germans are not human beings. From now on the word German means to use the most terrible oath. From now on the word German strikes us to the quick. We shall not speak any more. We shall not get excited. We shall kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day ... If you cannot kill your German with a bullet, kill him with your bayonet. If there is calm on your part of the front, or if you are waiting for the fighting, kill a German in the meantime. If you leave a German alive, the German will hang a Russian and rape a Russian woman. If you kill one German, kill another -- there is nothing more amusing for us than a heap of German corpses. Do not count days, do not count kilometers. Count only the number of Germans killed by you. Kill the German -- that is your grandmother's request. Kill the German -- that is your child's prayer. Kill the German -- that is your motherland's loud request. Do not miss. Do not let through. Kill."

t. Ilya Ehrenburg, Soviet propagandist. Published in 1944.

Hitler's Table Talk was explicitly mentioned in my previous post, it was composed by Borrmann who was notoriously anti-Slavic and wasn't published until Hitler was long dead.
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Oh, so that is why Stalin killed all the ethnic Germans in Eastern Europe in 45 and then destroyed Vienna and replaced the native population of East Germany with good slavs right? Get rekt.

>How does that disprove anything I said? Vichy France or Quisling's Norway were puppet states as well.
Were slavs aryan, or at the very least latin? No? Then they were fucked.
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>How does that disprove anything I said?
They did not consider them Slavs.

>Hitler's Table Talk was explicitly mentioned in my previous post, it was composed by Borrmann who was notoriously anti-Slavic and wasn't published until Hitler was long dead.
hitler dindu nuffin t'was all bormann and two other persons who forged hitlers words...?
He didn't want to exterminate every single Slav. Part of the population would be assimilated, part would be enslaved and part would be murdered. The Germans stole Slavic children to raise them as Germans and many never came back and never knew they weren't actually born Germans.

Hitler apologists can go fuck themselves. The Germans started deporting people from my country (Slovenia) to Serbia, initially just teachers and priests and later others as well. The deportations had to stop though, due to partisan actions. Their plan was to depopulate Carniola and Lower Styria and settle Germans there. Of the remaining Slovenes, part would be resettled to the north and assimilated and the rest would become a minority in their land.
And just to remember, we were supposed to be better off than most Slavs.
>Were slavs aryan
According to official German documents, they indeed were. Ahnenpass SPECIFICALLY mentions Czechs and Poles as an example of Aryans.

>"wherever they might live in the world" Aryans were "e.g. an Englishman or a Swede, a Frenchman or a Czech, a Pole or an Italian".
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I don't know why I'm even debating you. You have your own warped fucked up retarded mindset and nothing short of a full frontal lobotomy will change it. Fuck off.
>stop mentioning evidence I disagree with REEEEEEEEEE YOU ARE STOOPID

Get fucked.
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>According to official German documents, they indeed were. Ahnenpass SPECIFICALLY mentions Czechs and Poles as an example of Aryans.
Uh, no, it means that Czech citizens could be Aryans, not that Czechs as a ethnolinguistic group are Aryans.
>replaced the native population of East Germany with good slavs right?
Do you even know what happened to Königsberg, Narva, Posen, Danzig, etc? How can you willingly be this ignorant? How many Germans do you think live in East Prussia nowadays?
>not that Czechs as a ethnolinguistic group
Well it says Czech and not "German living in Bohemia".
weren't those places within the newly established borders of poland, meaning they have nothing to do with the fate of germans in eastern germany
Just out of curiosity, which country do you hail from?

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Shit get.
Yes, it says Czechs because Czechs could be Aryans - if and only if they had "German blood". Which, again, does not make the entirety of the largely Slavic people Aryan...
>fabrications of nazi apologists
/pol/, not even once
(also there were some three millions of Czechs as in Czechoslovak citizens who were in fact ethnic German)
Especially not those unclean vermin at Lidice and Lezaky,
Kill off all the men
Save women and use them as our slaves
"Eastern Germany" used to stretch all the way to Memel and Königsberg, those areas did indeed undergo a mass replacement of native populations.

The US. How is this relevant, did you hope to strike me with ad hominem?

Lidice was a war crime for sure, but it wasn't "an ethnic cleansing of the Slavs." It was a revenge for assassinating the Reichsprotektor, similar thing happen in Kalavryta in Greece.
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No, there weren't, the Sudetenland were incorporated into the 3rd Reich in 1938.

Didn't stop Germany from taking over the rest of Czech lands (so-called protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia) which had something like 5% German population.
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>not wooing and then marrying a qt Slav girl

Why was the NSDAP so scummy /his/?
polish people arent even slavic.
Those people wouldn't be referred to as "Czechs" in German documents, dumb fuck.
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This is what Hitler wanted to do with Slavs:
>ad hominem

Oh, no. I would have bet it was the US, most of you Angry Chaplin fanboys hail from there. Anyway, suck a dick, whatever. You shame your grandparents memory, if they fought in the war
>no Croats
>no Slovaks
>no Bulgarians
slav girls are literally trash tier
qt on the outside, money grabbing whores on the inside, like all western women
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Only since 1943, when all went to shit and Germans needed all possible help - they tried to make more people join ROA.
First, I'm not even a nazi. Second, I'm not calling you a "Stalin fanboy" or something just because you happen to disagree with me.
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I know this is supposed to be the autism site, where fat neckbearded virgins gather and hate wymyn but GOD DAMNED, I'd bet not even crack whores would suck you off for food coupons if they haven't eaten in 3 days.
Those nations had only insignificant territory compared to what would be colonised by Germany

They were faithful puppets until 1944
>NSDAP apologist
>not a Nazi

What? How does that even work?
Then what the fuck are you doing here?
Fuck off back to reddit or wherever you came from
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>published in 1944
Ha-ha. Actually it was published in 1942.
They were indeed Aryans from the start.

The nazis didn't use the term Aryan as a synonym of "German" like it's commonly believed, but as a term for non-Jewish native European peoples. Which includes Slavs or Italians.
>qt on the outside, money grabbing whores on the inside, like all women

>t. pure 1/88 German mustardrace
In 1943 all slavs but poles were considered aryans. Then why would germans kill so many civilians and think of an Ost- plan?
>correcting misconceptions resulting from 70 years of propaganda makes me a nazi

You really contribute a lot of valuable input to this thread.
>I will marry this girl from a poor country just because of her looks because I am ugly boring twat wwo cannot get a woman to fuck him without paying her
>W-why didn't she love me for who I am? A pure Germanic woman would have never left me!
>Generalplan Ost

croatia, bulgaria are to the south
You are just digging yourself deeper and deeper aren't you? Post again only when you struck oil or dinosaur bones.
>spouting unfounded revisionist bullshit
>correcting misconceptions
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The GP Ost also mentions Estonians and Lithuanians who aren't Slavic in any way yet spares countries that are demonstrably Slavic, so calling it a "genocide of the Slavs" is quite a bit of stretch. Not to mention the supposed documents were reconstructed from scratch by Allied lawyers and relied on the grand total of one testimony. There was a lot of similar horseshit at the Nuremberg Trials, Soviets trying to pin the Katyn massacre on the Germans, for one.

But all in all, we can observe that the common denominator of the populations Germans committed atrocities against was just one: they were the enemy.
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who wouldn't?
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>they were the enemy

Every place they conquered was considered the enemy. So... kill everyone, I guess?
How were Estonians, Lithuanians or Ukrainians the enemy?

Hitler applied the most brutal colonial policies against other Europeans
Nuremberg laws were passed in 1935 and they said nothing about the Slavs.
>So... kill everyone, I guess?

Considering how badly the Germans goofed by mistreating populations that were original happy to be freed from Stalin that statement might be truer than you might think.
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You may say he was gonna King Leopold the entire planet.
>How were Estonians, Lithuanians or Ukrainians the enemy?

Ukrainians were completely fine when Germans arrived and the atrocities in Ukraine only started after massive Soviet partisan operations in the area. So yeah, enemy.
>all slavs but poles were considered aryans
>the slavs furthest from subhuman central Asia are somehow the least Aryan

Russian ultranationalist detected
>wanting to almost completely wipe out the poles
>letting half of the russian population alive
for what purpose? what have the poles ever did to him?
they're good at fighting and very brave people
That document is an Allied forgery.
There were plans for complete colonisation of the whole Poland. Russia is just too big
You just answered your own question.
Probably payback for stealing Prussian clay.
>Ukrainians were completely fine when Germans arrived
Nice meme, just because some western Ukrainians welcomed the Germans at first it does not mean they were "completely fine" with it.

> the atrocities in Ukraine only started after massive Soviet partisan operations
Other way around, soviet (composed of Ukrainians) partisan operations were a result of German atrocities.
As pointed out: >>270156

The general idea for Russia was to run it Indian-style, where a majority Russian/Slav population would be ruled over by a German elite and killing was mostly the subjugate and reduce the population to a controllable size.

Poland on the other hand was sitting on Rightful German Clay™ and they wanted to be 100% Germany.
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>hating the NSDAP = I MUST BE A LEFTY

Not everything is black and white fag. Except your mom's sex life.
>Generalplan Ost is a forgery!
>Protocols of the Elders of Sion are genuine
It would be interesting to study what's happening in the head of a /pol/ack
Name a single Soviet population that was "mistreated" before partisan operation commenced. Belarus was hit the hardest and not coincidentally, the highest amount of partisan activity happened in Belarus.

We did the same in Vietnam where entire civilian villages got wiped the fuck out because they were suspected of aiding the enemy insurgency. It's unfortunate and it is indeed a war crime, but it doesn't mean we were out there to "exterminate the Vietnamese race."
Americans weren't planning to colonise Vietnam though
>Protocols of the Elders of Sion are genuine
Holy strawman Batman.
>No, there weren't, the Sudetenland were incorporated into the 3rd Reich in 1938.
The A-pass was issues for years before the annexation of Sudetenland.
It's literally in Mein Kampf. He said he wanted to use British India as a model for a German Russia.
>Nice meme, just because some western Ukrainians welcomed the Germans at first it does not mean they were "completely fine" with it.
Read the German accounts of how people treated them in Ukraine.

Oh wait no I forgot, German accounts must be 100% propaganda while Soviet accounts are the only credible source.

>soviet (composed of Ukrainians) partisan operations were a result of German atrocities

Well memed.
poles are majority nordic dna. culturally slavic, but around only 40% slavic dna.
>kill a large number of them and enslave the rest
>implying this happened in British India
And culturally?
So what gives? You're saying Germans wanted to depopulate an area because the locals stood in the way of colonization and not because they were Slavs.

How come Hitler's Slavic allies were completely unharmed?
>implying this happened in British India
>implying it didn't
can you read?
>How come Hitler's Slavic allies were completely unharmed?

Kind of answered you own question there senpai. Keep in mind this is the same guy that preached Nordic racial superiority in one hand and allying with a bunch of 5'3 Asiatics on the other.
Brits were actually the ones who banned Slavery in India.

>all Slavs are subhumans who need to be enslaved or exterminated because of their race
>if you ally with me, you're completely fine

Those two statements do not compute.
It wasn't a happy, peaceful place either though. Crushing rebellions and rebel states could get quite brutal.
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>Read the German accounts of how people treated them in Ukraine.
Talk about meme's, read >>270172 again you dumb retard.

Germans treated the local populations worse than Stalin, this is why you had upwards of 100 thousand partisans operating in Ukraine by 1943

Pic related, you meme loving fuck

A History of Ukraine: The Land and Its Peoples
>Did Hitler really want to exterminate the Slavs?
All Slavs? No.
Lots of Slavs? Yes.
Exterminate most of them? No.
Use as slave labor? Yes.
>crushing rebellions
Like what they were supposed to do, pull down their pants and take it without resisting? You're honestly equating defense with racial exterminations and enslavement.
This might be baseless speculation on my part, but I always got the impression that Hitler wasn't as obsessed with hating Slavs the same way he hated Judes and Gypies, he just considered them "in the way" of Germany expansion and wanted to justify why Germans should step over them.
Like I said, it all comes down to "being an enemy" rather than some racial nonsense.

Hitler bitched about the Czechs in Mein Kampf because he witnessed them cheer for Russia during WW1 even though they were Austro-Hungarian citizens.

On the other hand he was completely alright with the Slovaks and dished out lots of praise for them since they were 100% aligned with German interests.

This is completely different from his attitude towards Jews which was nothing but virulent, obsessive hatred. So a post like this >>269786
is obvious bullshit.
It's more like

>slavs are subhumans who need to be ebslaved or exterminated because of their race
>if you ally with me, we'll come up with a theory on how you're not REALLY a slav but rather a germanic/turkoman/wendisch/etc.
>slavs are subhumans who need to be ebslaved or exterminated because of their race
Considering this was never an official policy and is mostly derived from some Table Talk horseshit, I think my statement is more accurate.
>sources which I dislike are horse shit
>ignore the millions of slavic slave labourers in Germany pls
>Table Talk
>On the other hand he was completely alright with the Slovaks and dished out lots of praise for them since they were 100% aligned with German interests
He didn't say anything at all abot Slovaks, because with the population of 2 million and mountainous territory with a lack of resources they were completely insignificant
t. Slovak
>not one public statement condemning the Slavs or any official racial policy on the matter
>the chief racial scientists of Germany (Gunther and Rosenberg) never racially condeming Slavs
>numerous Slavic allies and Germans of Slavic extraction in the high nazi brass

>People may be heard speaking of a 'Germanic,' a 'Latin,' and a 'Slav' race; but it is at onceseen that in those lands where Germanic, Romance, or Slav tongues are spoken there isthe same bewildering variety in the outward appearance of their peoples, and never anysuch uniformity as suggests a
>We see, therefore, that the human groups in question -- the 'Germans,' the 'Latins,' and the'Slavs' -- form a linguistical, not a racial combination.

This is a straight quote from the book of Hans F. K. Günther, if you even know who he was.
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No one cares faggot. You completely disregard everything anybody else says, while continuing to make your own points, then get butthurt that what you say is ignored. Fuck off.
>faggot, butthurt, fuck off

You're the master debater I see.
>numerous Slavic allies and Germans of Slavic extraction in the high nazi brass
Already provided sources on how they were not REAL Slavs according to the nazis.
Yeah well according to Günther, there isn't even such a thing as a Slav race.
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So much stormnigger butthurt in this thread.
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Money, money, money...
>Zo Slovenska nechcem ani piaď zeme. Tu sa musia Slováci uplatňovať a rozvíjať po svojom: národne, kultúrne a hospodársky. Ručím za plnú samostatnosť a garantujem hranice Slovenska. Historické hranice Slovenska sú a zostanú navždy nezmeniteľné. Nad Slovenskom držím ochrannú ruku a nikto na svete nesmie kradmou rukou siahnuť na územie Slovenska, na Slovenský štát, kde Slováci budú žiť plným svojským životom.
>Slobodu a nezávislosť Slovenska ochraňuje sila 200 nemeckých divízií. Naším jediným cieľom je vidieť túto krajinu (Slovensko) a jej národ zdravý a silný a dať mu nezávislosť, autonómiu a štátnu suverenitu.

I don't speak Slovak but google gave me these quotes and translated it sounds like nothing but positive things.
From which book is this?
This book doesn't give any credibility without proper citation
more like: qt on the outside, emotionally unstable nut on the inside

Hitler wasn't even racist, you see, there were a bunch of black people who he put to die in battle for Germany, so he clearly accepted them.

>invade a country
>place yourself as leader
>the people want their country back
>they start an uprising
>you brutally murder them

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>Hitler wasn' racist
>not knowing the right of conquest
Go young fortenbross of Norway and take the polaks lands
>Might makes right
>except when ubermenschen are targeted
>than aggressors are savages
>Literally had the most racially diverse army of WWII

Less racist than the American's with their token black cannon fodder brigades.
He made that army out of desperation, not for some noble cause
When did I say such thing?
By "wasn't racist" he means free of racial hatred I guess.
Even when he took different ethnicities in his army, he always made sure to put some pseudoscientific reason to prove that they were semy aryan or some shit.
I mean you have to be retard to even discuss this
>he always made sure to put some pseudoscientific reason to prove that they were semy aryan or some shit.
Aryanism is a meme, and proofs?
170,000 half jews and jews were in the army
That's not true, firstly the number is inflated and secondly nearly all Jews were removed from the army.
>What is Generalplan Ost?

There was 5-6 million men who would serve in the German Wehrmacht. 170,000 could not even be considered statistically significant to any degree.

And the shit source you are quoting from is half and quarter jews.
The Slavs were Aryan according to Nuremberg laws. A German could freely marry a Slav and not be subject to any penalties. The debate should end right at this point. There was no need for some half-assed pseudoscientific justification if they were considered Aryan at the first place.

I actually think it was the other way around, Russians were labeled "Asiatic savages" because they were enemies. Gunther wrote entire books about how the Slavic Russians were originally of Nordic stock but got eventually overwhelmed by Mongoloid and Fennic blood, similar with the Poles and the supposed intermingling with the Jews (Poland used to be a safe haven for Jews for centuries and housed the biggest Jewish population in Europe).

so tldr

Your position - Slavs were considered subhuman, and allied ones made into non-Slavs by propaganda

Correct version - Slavs were considered Aryan, and the non-allied ones made into Asiatic by propaganda

>I didn't read the thread
>Implying the British didn't act as a stable 3rd party between the bazillion Rajs

Reminder that there were 100k Brits for 300 million Indians. Not exactly the kind of manpower that allows you to conduct mass genocide and violent repression.

Thats why they had allied tribes and mercenaries with them, busting out the pith helms only when necessary.
>that's not true
Yes it is.
B-b-but the evil Brits! What do you mean it was Indians killing Indians???
>a country
Which country? Sovereign India wasn't even a concept until the 20th century.

In fact they colonized a ten gajillion microcountries and somehow kept them from genociding each other like they've been doing for centuries.
They are like "villeros" in Argentina.
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>Hitler wasn't even racist
>Literally had the most racially diverse army of WWII

the Red and the British armies would like a word with you
I think the part that said "bunch of black people who he put to die in battle for Germany, so he clearly accepted them" is an indicator he's taking the piss m8s.
Some would be exterminated, some would be relocated, some enslaved.
Of course it would depend on post-war conditions. Situation forced Nazis to use some Slavs (though Croats and Bulgarians were seen as more non-Slavic), and later as war went bad that only grew.
But I laugh how /pol/ retards want to use this as a proof that Nazis didn't want that.
Bro, more Slavs died from Nazis than Jews. Germans were agressors many times in past too.
Outside of some loonies and fringe groups, to an average Slav Nazis are literally pure evil.
Who the fuck are you trying to convince? Do you think we're retarded?
>to an average Slav Nazis are literally pure evil
Depends on the nation.
No, he did not go to war with every race, he actually explicitly said that especially in regards to the Japanese and the Anglo-Saxons.
a black Olympic runner actually said that Hitler shook his hand and talked to him after he won but when he got home FDR didn't even mention him.
That's Jesse Owens you philistine.
>brits banned slavery in India
>literally allowed slavery to continue
>actually started indentured labor when it became tenable.
fuck off anglo shit
>t. churchill
also all famines in british India are a lie and everything was alright in the raj.
Any quotes on this matter? I'm curious how he could justify africans in his army.
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