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>greatest conquerors the world has ever seen >one died

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>greatest conquerors the world has ever seen
>one died very young from a fever
>other died from a nosebleed
>other died from falling from a horse

Why does history gotta be so anti-climatic?
God disposes of them once they have served their purpose.
Which god?
Ares clearly disposed of Alexander because he was jelly.
God of the Bible. The creator of the universe.

*tips mitre*
Not Catholic.

Try again.
Even worse
at least the dinosaurs went out with a bang.
Protestants and Orthodox Christians use mitres too.
File: Antichrist.jpg (59KB, 500x484px) Image search: [Google]
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Even better you mean.

>Detailed Documentary Exposing Catholic Church (8 hours)

>The Real History of the evil Roman Catholic Church

>The Jesuit Agenda Exposed

>The Real Bible Version Issue

>The Catholic and Islamic Connection
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protestants vs christians.jpg
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This is correct.
not an argument
>greatest conquerors
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the eternal protestant.png
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>USA, only country where protestantism is still relevant
>everyone is circumcised at birth by happy merchants

Fuck off protestcucks.
Where's Napoleon?
Dying on a shitty rock
>Alexander the "great"
>doesn't even make it to top 10 list

Whats so "great" about him? Is it just a pure meme?

>its thousands of years apart
Okay, so Xiognu empire is larger. Han empire is larger.
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The land he conquered was actually important.
Alexander, as well as Temujin and Atilla are usually the ones we remember and not their empires because they were the central figures that lead them, it wasn't a gradual process of many rulers conquering more and more land, they were the sole conquerors

>Makes a thread about literally anything
>Christfags immediately derail it

Every time
You're such a fucking spastic
>>greatest conquerors the world has ever seen

>not including timur

helo reddit
Died of stomach cancer on a shitty island with a climate not fit for any white man, villanized throughout Europe
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More likely a Turk desu, they go full "my ancestor :)" mode with Attila and Genghis.
but Timur was more turk than Genghis
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97KB, 590x655px

> Which god?


Death Is Victor.

> doesn't even make it to top 10 list

Dude, Rome had 8 times the population density of the Mongol Empire lol.

Everything between Poland and China that was north of Persia was basically useless grass and huts.
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