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I think we can all agree that decolonization of Africa had to

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I think we can all agree that decolonization of Africa had to happen, but the way it was carried out was disastrous. Nations pulling out of areas they had dominated for a century over night was not the way to go, the question is, how could the decolonization been handled better?
A slower transition of power
But thats actually pretty hard to do especially when race and class is involved.
Just literally follow the Rhodesia model until the blacks have enough schools and hospitals to function.
Rhodesia turned out to be he biggest shithole in Africa. Why the fuck would you follow that model?
How important was race in the African colonies? I mean you read heart of darkness and you figure it factors in greatly but that was one place at one time. What about other regions? Other colonizers? Were blacks regarded as inferior unilaterally?
I'll take Communist intervention and withdrawal of S. African support for 500 Alex.
>I think we can all agree that decolonization of Africa had to happen
why tho
Had Bishop Muzorewa been given a chance it would have been one of thr best.
>Had to happen
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from what i know most nations fucked up badly because they wanted to get rid of the problem as soon as possible

my country for example (portugal), gave away their remaining colonies pretty much overnight and the result was niggerwarlords killing any black stupid enough to either pick the wrong side or not picking a side at all.
in angola for example, once the civil war ended a president was "elected" and he stayed in office until a few days ago for a period of almost 30 years.

needless to say he followed the same route as all the other niggerlords all over africa and decided to exploit their fellow citizens for self-interest while delivering nothing - unlike the portuguese that exploited them too but at least had the decency to give some crumbles every now and then
>my country for example (portugal), gave away their remaining colonies pretty much overnight
Serious question, how are you this fucking retarded?
serious question, why are you accessing a board about debates if you're unable to have a civil debate?

consider going back to /v/, /pol/, /b/ or wherever the fuck you crawled from
Lad, Portugal did the furthest thing from leave overnight, you're thinking of the British. Portugal had wars in every colony to hold on to them forever, the very idea they abandoned them overnight is like saying air is liquid.
no, it didn't.
you're talking about salazar's period - in which he declared war on every colony wanting independence and i'm talking about the 1974 revolution, which happened to stop the colonial wars and it did - overnight.

>link related: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_Colonial_War#Carnation_Revolution_.281974.29
the revolution happened in april's 25th and in the next day a decree was sign ceasing any hostilities with any colony in portuguese power and calling back all the troops
Oh. I apologize, I don't know much about Portuguese history and misspoke.
Communists plz go.

In other words, not the Rhodesia model.

Doubtful. The history of "good guys" who get power with no base of popularity usually have to be extraordinarily shitty to remain in power, like Milton Obote.

Absolutely impossible to maintain. European powers tried to hold on as long as possible. In the mid-50s, the British were still talking about, and planning for, a white ruled Kenya into the 2050s, and hoping to turn it into an Australia. By the 1960s they were gone.

As it turned out, colonial rule in Africa was a flash in the pan moment made possible only by Africas isolation and Europe's sudden technological increase in the 19th century. With that gone, ruling Africa was above all militarily unsustainable.
it's ok... no one cares about portugal anyway
The internal settlement was literally Ian Smith's masterplan but sped up to appease (((the west))).
The problem is that the two went hand in hand. Portugal fought until the very last minute to hold onto the colonies, until it collapsed their own government and they were no longer in a position to influence affairs in their colonies at all, so they just left.

Don't forget Guinea-Bissau.

>Cheers lads, we've finally ridden ourselves of our colonial overlords after a very bloody war
>What should we do now?
>Execute everyone that supported the colonial regime, then military coups and civil war lmao
if Sankara was immortal.
portugal was pretty much always undermanned, underpowered and most of the soldiers didn't give a fuck about their colonies
so you had conflicts ending up before even starting like in india (goa to be more specific) in which salazar gave the order to fight to the last men but once the indian airforce started doing recon flights over their fort, they decided their shitty springfields and wwI weaponry couldn't do anything against heavy artillery, planes and tons of native troops so decided to go against their leader's orders and surrender

this didn't happen in africa because they were lots of portuguese living there (not just high class but also middle class) and for once the portuguese were no longer the underdogs - even if the soviets were arming the blacks to fight them through the usual proxy wars...

so i'm guessing the whole war was always very poorly managed and planned. and portugal simply lacked the resources to fight a attrition war for too long
we humans have been doing this since we exist:
>fight among ourselves for land
>outsider comes and tries to conquer all the land
>join forces to fight this common external foe
>split forces and go back fight each other
Peaceful handover did not go well in Haiti, Rhodesia is a failure, South Africa is propped up by the few whites left...

Are you sure there was a better way than just getting the fuck out ASAP?
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>>my country for example (portugal), gave away their remaining colonies pretty much overnight

You might be the most retarded fuck on this sight, Portugal is famous because they were the one power that refused to let go. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portuguese_Colonial_War
Everything that happened in history had to happen, but les blacks would have been better off under the white man. Once you've been PIEd you can't go back.
> think we can all agree that decolonization of Africa had to happen
>but the way it was carried out was disastrous
>how could the decolonization been handled better?
Let the nations of Africa define their borders themselves
That might be better long term but would result in enormous war right off the start
>but would result in enormous war right off the start
Maybe, but there were (and still are) wars in Africa after decolonization so conflict would break out either way

In fairness he already answered that and explained the point he was making. See >>2319243
France is refusing to let go as we speak
>Were blacks regarded as inferior unilaterally?

Very very much so in law, society, culture you name it. there are places that had a bullshit assimilation model but it never works because end the end that monkey will end up being a monkey in a suit.

>Just literally follow the Rhodesia model until the blacks have enough schools and hospitals to function.

That model failed. If you can indefinitely delay progress to reaching that point no stop and deny the blacks everything because whites have control OVER EVERYTHING since they have complete control of the various institutes like education to be able to qualify for enfranchisement.
>my country for example (portugal), gave away their remaining colonies pretty much overnight

You know that statement alone doesn't really you know give much info about >>2319243. Next time dump all your info in one post instead of making it disjointed and accidentally painting yourself as an idiot.
Follow the American, Canadian, and Australian model. Kill most of the natives and have settlers repopulate it. I know this sounds like an edgelord argument but they couldn't have done it in the 1900s, but maybe in the 1800s
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Whites are gone and now Africa is a shithole again except niggers are now using AK-47s instead of spears and stones.

Really makes you think.
Who cares they are fucking niggers anyway the only way it could reasonably work is if the colonists genocided 95% of the native population so the countries average IQ is around 100.
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but muh Humanitarianism tho.
muh we're all equal.
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