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What historical misconceptions drive you mad?

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What historical misconceptions drive you mad?
Egyptians were white
Jesus existed
Fascism doesn't work.
Nazis were bad guys.
That the allies fought against racism in world war 2 and that the communists were among the first to fight against the Nazi invaders.
Nazis were good guys.

>the middles ages was dirty
>Napoleon was the bad guy
>religion was anti-learning
>knights could barely move in plate
>Arabs invented medicine
>the renaissance was peaceful
>Che was liberal
>Le "bad guys won"
this senpai
Stalin was a bad guy
>Victors write the history
>White people is and has always been better than other races
"white" is a social construct. This is evident in the fact that eqyptians would officially be considered white on the US census.
>the Versailles treaty was unfair
You dont need that chin strap when you go to war.

>The Prince was written as satire.
Capitalism works
Says the anon who uses the ultimate cap tech

It's pretty lazy and disingenuous to say that computers or the internet are particularly capitalistic inventions, or to state that the usage of them invalidates the criticism of the system that they supposedly, but not really, were made within.
ARPANET was built by the American military and its technology was expanded by American universities

Columbus discovered that the world was round.
How are they not capitalist mil/uni?
>State and public non profit institutions
Capitalism isn't really a requirement for a military or universities, and both existed before it. Thus it is a bit weird to say that things developed by them are the "ultimate cap tech".
Have you not seen the ads?
That modern Persians share little to no genetic or cultural link with Ancient Persians.

I also get annoyed when I see Greeks get trolled by others about this too. Modern Greeks do share strong genetic and culture link with their Ancient past, same as Persians.
>Capitalism isn't really a requirement for a military or universities
Agreed. But the ones you mentioned most definately are capitalist

Yes I have. I don't really think the ads are the most desirable or necessary part of the world wide web, or what it was developed for in the statist corporatist world that spawned it.
>muh arpa muh military
This is a shitty argument and here's why: first of all the connection between the ARPAnet and the internet as we know it is tenuous at best, a pop-science level of understanding. Second, even if the internet had been developed by the DIA in order to co-ordinate nuclear weapons systems (which is not really true anyway), that doesn't mean that the popular internet that gets marketed to people with home computers somehow ISN'T related to capitalism. The internet as we know it today only exists because of personal computers.
>Galileo was burned at the stake by the Inquisition because he said the world is round

>Napoleon was a manlet

>The Soviets liberated Eastern Europe
Non-profit does not negate the capitalist nature of the organizations or the society they are in.
Nazi state is a good proof for me.
>le everyone drank beer 24/7

Guess what?

People boiled their water back then too

They didn't know how or why it worked, but it did

The Mongols believed they were appeasing evil water spirits by boiling it

The thing is that pro (free-market) capitalists often like to criticize the state involvement in the economic life, and call such involvement "corporatist" instead of capitalist. Most of the better things made in the capitalist societies of the 20th century have been due to heavy government and (military industrial) involvement - something that 'libertarians' supposedly oppose. The fact is that R&D is expensive and risky, which is why private corporations do not engage in it on a large scale. The risks are thus socialized while the profits are largely privatized.
Scotland is celtic
The whole "water was too dirty to drink" thing always miffs me.
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Alright I'll bite, what are the Scottish anon?
>any European "discovered" the Americas

To use this as an example

>history has "good guys" and "bad guys"
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Literally this
Catholics burned witches, medieval catholics especially
Burgundy was more than a bunch of rascal fucks.
Ze Germans were THIS close to completing a nuclear device
religious peoples interpretations of the bible, or any religious text whatsoever
>"The middle east has been constantly at war for thousands of years"
>"Jihad means blowing yourself up"
>"Shia and Sunni hate each other"
>"Western intervention in the Middle East is a good thing"

Pretty much everything Westerners believe about the Middle East
Kinda related: Germany would have won the war if Hitler only listened to his generals

>>"Shia and Sunni hate each other"

Do they not? I mean, they have a long conflict of bloody conflict, right?
sup Iranian guy
Corporatism has elements of capitalism within, AnCaps admit this. AnCaps, however, believe that corporatism is holding back what could be a much more positive and productive version of capitalism.

The commie LARPer posting "#resistcapitalism" on Instagram with his/her Iphone is using a product of capitalism within corporatism. Imagine what kind of device he/she could post foolish tweets with if capitalism wasn't plagued by corporatism? This is what AnCaps believe.

>conflict of bloody conflict

Wew. History of bloody conflict, obviously.
Corporatism is the inevitable result of Capitalism
Winning? No. But I think they would have lasted longer and performed better strategically. Specially on the eastern front.
that's what i was trying to put in words, thanks anon

Yeah and I'm pretty sure that commies believe that ancaps could post their shitty anarachyball memes on better devices if communism. Which is sort of the point, something being made and used within a system is a shit argument in favor of a system.
Most of the weird stories you can read about Roman emperors are false. In many cases they were made up by political rivals to give a bad reputation of them.
>Romans vomited during feasts to keep eating
>The Library of Alexandria was destroyed by muslims (no record of this until hundreds of years later)
>Everyone lived to 30 and just dropped dead from existing
>Elaborate medieval torture devices
>Chastity belts were a thing
>Pilgrims wore all black and buckles
>Accused Salem witches were burned to death
>George Washington had wooden teeth
>Benjamin Franklin proposed the turkey to be the national bird
>Napoleon was short
>Santa Claus's modern image was invented by Coca Cola
>Mussolini made the trains run on time
>There was a panic over the War of the Worlds broadcast
>Poles charged german tanks on horseback
>Albert Einstein had poor grades
>Kitty Genovese was completely ignored during her violent, public murder because of the "bystander effect"
>Ben Franklin invented daylight savings time
>women have contributed little to society because they were oppressed

In reality its because women are generally content to be a part of the group instead of fighting for a leaders role
>Thinking there would be no progress on consumer goods under capitalism

Do you think the overpaid executives and stockholders at apple are the ones in the R&D Department? Are they on the assembly line? Do the guys in the R&D department even fathom becoming millionaires by collectively designing a phone

Spoiler: Tim Cook just gives speeches and pushes money around. And any idea he has come up with has probably been laughed at by the people actually developing the projects

But how are you supposed to fight for a leaders role if you're not even educated properly.

How do you explain the rise in woman leaders coinciding with the rise in women being educated?
I dont know anon, Seneca himself states the practice of vomiting to eat more, even tho that was probably only confined to the high aristocracy who could afford a laviish living.
That the mongols left Hungary because Ögedei died. This is probably the biggest misconception that I even see academics perpetrate

Why DID they leave then? The only reason I've seen told is that they do it because muh vote conference.
>Romans vomited during feasts to keep eating
my latin teacher told me this
was annoying desu

They found out that Hungarians were their long lost mongol brothers.
There is only one primary source that states (the chronicle of Giovanni da Pian del Carpine) that the mongols left because the Khan died. The same chronicle also claims that the Khan had been killed by God to save Europe. Actual Mongol records disagree with this: a high minister and historian of the Mongol Ilkhanate, Rashid Al-Din claims that the Mongols started leaving Europe before they knew of Ögedei's death.

The more reasonable explanation for the Mongol withdrawal is that they became bogged down in expensive sieges, they had lost a lot of men, their European line was spreading thin and the Cumans were rebelling couple all this with the fact that the plunder from Europe wasn't all that satisfying or plentiful why wouldn't they leave?

People also need to remember that while yes, Mohi was a terrible defeat for the Hungarians it wasn't a cakewalk for the mongolians either.

Seems plausible to me, thanks for the explanation anon.
Soldiers aren't evil. They are just doing their job and protecting their country.

The SS on the other hand...

>muh clean wehrmacht
Oh and I forgot that: For Carpinis account to be correct, the Mongol messenger(s) would have had to reach Europe in 3 months in winter from Mongolia
this is a pretty good list
I know no one on 4chan thinks the crusades were unjustified because of the dues vult meme, but normies are still quick to point out that the crusades were totally unwarranted and that the Muslims literally did nothing wrong.
This always bugged me too. I mean, the Crusades weren't really that different from any other wars fought in the period. It was a bloody period with a lot of wars and fighting, why focus on the Crusades so much?
>Napoleon was the bad guy

Depends on perspective really. The French might look up to him now but the Brits would revile him. Picking 'good' and bad' guys in history is stupid anyway.

>Arabs invented medicine

Never have I heard this. However they certainly contributed to various areas of medicine such as optics and developed crude chemical formulations and medicines which were useful though.

>the renaissance was peaceful

I've never heard this from anyone either.

I'm ignorant on the subject. I just kinda assumed they were some mix of people since they are usually bronze looking.

I don't know what to believe on Egyptians
I have to justify muh jihad somehow.
Yes thinking history in terms of good and bad is retarded, and yet it is what people do everyday. Expecially with napoleon, after his death english press wouldnt stop influencing the public opinion about how a scrouge for europe he had been, to the point that he was the "literally hitler" before hitler came around.
So it's not a misconception, more like the intended product of a political agenda pursued trough press.
>middles ages was dirty
What are aquaducts and sewers?

Things the ancient Romans built and the medieval europeans didnt

All u need is sauna
Which is why capitalism should be a temporary, transitional system rather than a permanent one.

Shit's kind of getting past its use-by date right now.
nah, beer consumption was high, especially in cities. beer also had some nutrition/calories so it was also drunken for that reason
>brits' whole "we stood alone against the Nazis" thing

p.s. I'm brit, before I get any nationalist chimp fellow countrymen calling me a frog or whatever.

p.p.s. I generally like the uk, but there's a hell of a lot of historical revisionism in our school system.
not him but an amalgam of celts (picts and later irish settlers), norse and angles in the lowlands (in addition to substantial african colonisation as shown by extensive archaological evidence) much like england. maybe more celtic and a bit of norse in the highlands
>brits' whole "our king got deposed and subsequently some random dutch stadtholder invaded and became king of the uk which is pretty fucking embarrassing but we'll still call it the Glorious Revolution" thing
>brits' whole "the language of the english courts and aristocracy for over 400 years wasn't french, it was '''''anglo-norman''''' " thing
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>every American Indian civilization was really just white people, asian people, aliens, Atlantians, or all of the above
>Solutrean """threory"""
>immigration and multiculturalism destroyed Rome
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>>immigration and multiculturalism destroyed Rome
>the event that killed WRE is literally called the Migration Period

fuck you :)
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Yeah the centuries of civil unrest, wars, coups, corruption, hyper-inflation, weakening army and over-reliance on mercenaries, and over-extension had nothing to do with it.

Plus the Goths and other tribes marching their armies over the borders and declaring new kingdoms is exactly the same as modern immigration.
when people believe causes to be effects and effects to be causes
>massive Teutonic army attacks Rome in the 1st century BC
>Roman legions break them and send them running home with their tails between their legs
>bunch of refugees show up in the 5th century running away from the Huns
>Rome is totally unable to push them back

Immigration and multiculturalism were symptoms, not causes.
That every conquest meant all women were systematically raped and they all gave birth and the gene pool was thus forever tainted by the conquerors.
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It's not rocket science man, one needs but to look at a map, and remember the fact that the Nile flows from the South to the North.
Thanks for clarification, I knew about the Norse but can I get a source on the Africans, all google gives me is European Colonization of Africa and WE WUZ.
Wasn't there also massive crop failure, famine, and disease outbreaks as well?
The supposed 30,000 dissappeared in Argentina.
Yes. Basically Rome was the former heavyweight champion who was now an old, sickly man dying of ten different diseases. Then the Germans come along and suckerpunch the old man, killing him, and they jump up and down shouting that they killed the heavyweight champ all on their own and that they're #1 now.

>multiculturalism were symptoms
Rome had been multicultural the first day they conquered all of Italia.
Generally the popular historical view of the 70s in the UK.

It was a half day strike in Liverpool. Its amazing how this meme still carries on to this day.
The big thing is that the population kept shrinking because of high taxes.

Normally a population would rebound from a plague, but there was no way to shrink the military without ending up dead, so the cost of the still gigantic military would fall on a much smaller tax base, which prevented the population from rebounding.

>Rome had been multicultural the first day they conquered all of Italia.

Since before that really. Remember their founding myth as to how they had no women and had to go rape the Sabines and then wound up essentially joining up the communities? And that before that, they were an aggregate band of adventurers held together by strong leadership and (relatively) easy to grab land? They were multicultural from day 1.
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Jews were slaves in Egypt.-
They were mixed but not white, not until later
this. absolutely annoying to hear shit like this
>"Shia and Sunni hate each other"
This has been true since the death of Muhammad, though.
>They are just doing their job and protecting their country
And only happen to rape and murder non-combatants in the process
>muh baby eating granny torching wehrmacht
>If I reply to myself with a compliment, it adds weight to my arguments and and no one will ever know
People back then were stupid and we would have made smarter choices, if we were in their position.
Correlation does not imply causation.
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modern artists/post modern artists weren't skilled enough to paint traditional so they came up with simpler pieces.
>True communism has never been tried
>The Catholic Church started western civilization (though Rodney Stark is the only one who really says this)
>The idea that "early Christianity" was more or less united, with very little theological/political infighting, before 1054
>Christianity made Rome weak and pacifist
>Guerrilla tactics win wars
>Hitler was an idiot (as in your average shitposter believing he could've handled WWII better)
>The fascists were highly efficient, organized, and pragmatic
>The reformation ruined everything
>The French Revolution ruined everything
>Napoleon was an "enlightened" monarch who furthered equality in Europe
>Buddhism is the most realistic religion of all time
>WWI was useless, and the entente powers were just as evil as the central were
>Britain, historically, has caused more evil in the world than good
>America and Britain have caused all the problems in the Middle East
>America invaded Iraq either for oil, or for Bush to win a 2nd term
>The crusades were unjustified and prematurely ended the Islamic golden age
>Julian was a good Roman emperor
>Katana will always beat longsword
>The Islamic world dwarfed Europe in military and economic might before the 15th century
>Gore would've may a great president
>Jesus wanted Christianity to be a thing

Stop making these arguments.
The blame for the Napoleonic Wars (resulting in the deaths of millions)rests far more squarely on France then the blame of WW1 rests on Germany, and the Treaty of Paris in 1815 was a slap on the wrist compared to Versailles
>Britain, historically, has caused more evil in the world than good
Spotted the brainwashed anglo
Also, >he thinks history can be measured in "good" and "bad" objectively and without victor's bias or hindsight bias.
>He believes in the relative morality, and "if the victors write history, nothing they say can possibly be true" memes
>Balkan wars were fought because of innate and perennial ethnic hatred
>The Austro-Hungarian empire was doomed to collapse
>Ancient Greeks = Modern Greece
>Migrations (Anglosaxons, Vandals, Huns etc.) cause massive changes in ethnicity and population makeup
>nations are perennial
>seeing ethnicity and nationality in different periods as more or less the same thing
Calling the Jhidas evil is the same as calling the crusades evil, it's just a different historical era
The reason i hate the Crusades is because they killed a lot of Christians and failed, so overglorfied
>The Crusades weren't caused by previous Muslim wars and came out of nowhere
>Hitler was democratically elected
>le fucking epic State Capitalism meme
>USSR would have been better had Lenin lived
Oh fuck. I also forgot
>Beethoven was deaf his whole life and composed everything deaf
He only became deaf in his old age and only composed the 9th when deaf.
I'm friend with Shiites, and they absolutely hate Sunnis.
>It's a 10 year cartoon watcher episode

I'm not a moral relativist

Morals don't exist objectively and it's equally absurd to judge things within their own frameworks

Still, people are free to live according to their own delusions

There's nothing objectively wrong with you sacrificing children to the blood god, and nothing wrong with me killing you to prevent it.
damnatio memoriae
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>>The Catholic Church started western civilization (though Rodney Stark is the only one who really says this)
>I'm not a moral relativist
>Morals don't exist objectively
>>"Western intervention in the Middle East is a good thing"
It is
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Caesar was le first emperor of rome
Top tier cringe
>Beethoven was deaf his whole life and composed everything deaf
Who said this?
>global warming is real and mainly affected by humans
>The Roman empire fell because of X, and only X which just so happens to back up whatever political argument I'm trying to make
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Keep cringing Abdullah.

Normies who only know Beethoven was deaf and assume it was some romantic life long struggle. I'm talking more about normie misconceptions than people on /his/.
Amen to that
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>Jesus wanted Christianity to be a thing
Except He did, which is why the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church which He founded still exists today after two millennia. Have you ever read the Holy Bible? Stop making this preposterous meme claim.

Read Exodus 3:13-15 and John 8:52-59.

>He said to them, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. I told you that you would die in your sins, for unless you believe that I am He you will die in your sins.”
John 8:23-24

>There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; the very words I have spoken will condemn them at the last day. For I did not speak on my own, but the Father who sent me commanded me to say all that I have spoken.
John 12:48-49

>Jesus said to him, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. From now on you do know Him and have seen Him."
John 14:6-7


>"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven."
Matthew 16:18-19

>And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
Matthew 28:18-20
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What don't you understand?
Adding onto this…
>The Romans were fond of absorbing other people's and immigrants into their culture, therefore Europe should allow unrestricted migration from MENA countries
what positive outcome did it have
It made a bunch of corporations even richer, so it was good for them
That you'd go to excessive lengths to refute my exaggerated claim that only 1 person beliefs this absurdity, by showing me at least 3 people believe this absurdity
You got to live in the west, Mehmet :)
That no one is to blame for the first World War, the fault clearly lays on the Austrians for their desire to expand into Serbia despite the Russians warning them that they would have to jump in if they attacked it, and on the Germans for actually supporting Austrian stupidity.
I live in Serbia which is part of the crisis as we can't house the immigrants.
So tell me, what positive outcome did it have for the common people

>Africans were stone-age.

>Africans could not farm

>Africans did not use gunpowder

I'm talking about sub-Saharan Africans, of course.

Funny neither of them are Jesus
Well with so many new Muslims around, at least your women will have someone to do while the men are off shelling Sarajevo :)
>Caesar was the first emperor
>The roman elite spoke greek among themselves
>The sound "vvvv" didn't exist in latin until the Middle Ages so Caesar said "weni widi wiki"
>Romans and greeks were okay with homosexuality
>The average ancient roman and greek was more intelligent than the average person today
>The average medieval person was less intelligent than the average person today
>The Mediterranean world was just Rome and Greece, not also North Africa, Turkey and the Levant
>Everyone lived a good life in the classical world
>Everyone suddenly lived a shitty life in the so-called "Dark" Ages which followed in which people died in their 40s
>Jesus Christ never existed
>The persecution of Christians is a myth
>Islam wasn't spread by the sword
>The crusades were racist
>Hitler was a good Catholic boy
>The Catholic Church was pro-Hitler
>The French revolution was a good thing
>Galileo was burned alive for not believing the Earth was flat
>All Christians believed the Earth was flat
>The library of Alexandria was destroyed by Christians
>Hypatia was an atheist
>Most greeks and romans didn't really believe in their gods and they were atheists
>Ancient marble sculptures weren't painted
>>The sound "vvvv" didn't exist in latin until the Middle Ages so Caesar said "weni widi wiki"

Kaizer did say wenny widdy weechee

>>Islam wasn't spread by the sword


>>Galileo was burned alive for not believing the Earth was flat

Okay, this is bullshit. He was burned alive for publicly disagreeing with the Pope, the matter of their disagreement was absolutely not relevant. He wasn't killed because he said the Earth wasn't flat, he was killed because the leader of the Catholics hated him.
>The Union fought the Civil War primarily to end slavery because they believed slavery was morally wrong

>Sherman's march was justified/actually had an impact

I'm generally pro-Union, but these misconceptions always drive me crazy. People who no nothing or very little about the war always latch on to the inane idea that the North was fighting primarily to free the slaves for moral, and not economic reasons.

Fewer than 20% of people in the North were abolitionists, and only about a quarter of abolitionists were radical enough to want to end slavery for moral reasons.

The hard truth is that most Northerners who wanted an end to slavery either supported an economic system based wholly on free-labor or were extremely racist and disliked the Southern planters for under-cutting the profits of the white working man.

And on the Sherman thing, his march was unnecessarily brutal, completely uncalled for (in the few limited instances of Southern soldiers gone North, they treated the Northern civilians with complete respect and reverence), and most of all, unbefitting of a civilized Western army fighting against fellow Whites.

Sherman's march also contributed very little to actually ending the South. Grant's 40 days did more to use up Southern man-power and Georgia was actively withholding their supplies and men from the Confederate government anyways. Sherman's men burned and looted the homes of Civilians who not even supporting the Confederacy by this point.

His march through South Carolina was more important and actually had results, but it was still unnecessary by that point.

Sherman was fucking criminal.
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Americans and most of the world have a misconception that South Korea was always richer than North Korea. South Korea's GDP was lower than all sub-Saharan countries until the 1970's, and countries like Nigeria gave us food charities the 1960's because many people were starving to death.

South Koreans used to defect to the north due to crippling poverty until the 1970's, so the border patrol situation was quite the opposite back then (South Korean soldiers had to look out for people running away to the north at the border).

As a Korean, this common misconception kinda "drives me mad" (as OP says) because it discounts how much work and effort we put into becoming a world-class G20 economy. Plus another misconception by foreigners is that we were always a happy democracy since the Korean war. We had multiple dictatorships and thousands of students and activists died to create a real democracy.

Anyways, our dictators were pretty based and were responsible for the economical explosion so I don't mind too much.

How did this argument even come about in the first place?
Galileo wasn't burned on stake.He died in home captivity.

To add to this list:

>Lead in wine caused the collapse of Rome
>Okay, this is bullshit. He was burned alive for publicly disagreeing with the Pope, the matter of their disagreement was absolutely not relevant. He wasn't killed because he said the Earth wasn't flat, he was killed because the leader of the Catholics hated him.
>>The Union fought the Civil War primarily to end slavery because they believed slavery was morally wrong

The South fought the civil war to keep their slaves.

The North fought the civil war to keep their Union.

I stand corrected. He died at home, in captivity, because he publicly disagreed with the Pope.
>Kaizer did say wenny widdy weechee
Caesar ("Chezar") never said it, he simply wrote it down in a letter to his friend Amantius ("Amantsioos") and if he were to say it, it would've sounded: "venee veedee veechee", now "venni, vidi, vinsi" in italian and pronounced as it is written.
>He was burned alive
He was not.
>Sherman was fucking criminal.

Targeting civilians or civilian property during a war makes you criminal?
>women were considered to be lower than dirt throughout history
>Hitler wanted to kill everyone who wasn't Aryan
>Democracy is the best political system
>people in the Middle Ages knew nothing about medicine

>Caesar ("Chezar") never said it, he simply wrote it down in a letter to his friend Amantius ("Amantsioos") and if he were to say it, it would've sounded: "venee veedee veechee", now "venni, vidi, vinsi" in italian and pronounced as it is written.

This is just wrong. They had 'wuh' sounds, the pronunciation of what he wrote was 'weny, widy, weechee'.

By 'ch' you'd betted not mean 'cheese', they pronounced it with a hard k. Italian lost this sound.


Except Indonesia. And East Africa. And West Africa. And China.

Which places adopted Christianity only after being conquered by Christians? All of southern Africa, all of the Americas.

Are you implying Islam was particularly spread by the sword, compared to other major religions?

>He was not.

Correct. The reason for his captivity was a public disagreement with the Pope. It's not that the Pope gave a shit about whether the Earth was round, it was that he gave a shit about having real world power over people, so punished Galileo for dissing him.
>Northerners wanted to go to war and fuck up the South

By Northerners I mean the people, not the government, which obviously wanted to do it. There was a ton of criticism towards Lincoln and his government for attacking the Confederates and what not. A congressman was outright deported at one point.
>Caesar ("Chezar") never said it, he simply wrote it down in a letter to his friend Amantius ("Amantsioos") and if he were to say it, it would've sounded: "venee veedee veechee", now "venni, vidi, vinsi" in italian and pronounced as it is written.
Where on earth did you get this nonsense?
>By 'ch' you'd betted not mean 'cheese', they pronounced it with a hard k. Italian lost this sound.
This is a myth and the hard k still exists in italian when the C is followed by an H. You literally don't know what you're talking about. Also, the romans spoke vulgar latin.

Muhammad was a warlord, Jesus Christ was not. The Gospel was never preached by sword wielding monks. Kingdoms and Empires whose rulers were Christian means nothing.

>punished Galileo for dissing him
>Muhammad was a warlord, Jesus Christ was not. The Gospel was never preached by sword wielding monks. Kingdoms and Empires whose rulers were Christian means nothing.

Jesus had no effect on the world during his life, nobody even wrote about him.

All of the Americas and all of Southern Africa was converted after conquest.

>>punished Galileo for dissing him

Find me an army that didn't
>Jesus had no effect on the world during his life, nobody even wrote about him.
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That's an over-simplification of a massively complicated issue.

Fewer than 10% of Confederate fighting men owned or had owned a slave prior or during the war. They sure as hell did not fight because they wanted to protect slavery. The racial caste system of the South on a meta level maybe, but slavery itself was a non-issue for most Confederates soldiers.

And many in the North could care less about Union. Immediately after Sumter the general attitude in the North was "good riddance," and "let em' go!" The Northern GOVERNMENT definitely fought mainly to preserve the Union though.

There were many political, historical, cultural, economic, and incidental, factors that contributed toward the outbreak of war. It's dumb to try and sum it up as "muh slavery" or "muh Union."

I agree in partiality with your statement though, it's the best way to introduce the Non-initiated to each sides overall goals in the fighting.

I use it as a figure of speech. Sherman did not break any actual written law, but I dislike him on a personal level and I believe he was a horrible human being with very little empathy and fewer morals.

His actions are a stain on the Governments legacy.

You are probably thinking of Vallandighm, who was running for the Gubernatorial seat of Ohio. He was actually deported to Confederate lines before the race began and conducted his campaign from Canada. He lost by more than 80% too.

I think you overestimate the Strength of the Democratic party during the war.

The majority of Northerners across the board were either Moderate Republicans or War-Democrats who had no problem with the war, the Peace-Democrats and Radical Republicans were both minorities however.

The Radical Republicans were just much, much more enthusiastic and active than the Peace-Democrats.

I think the average Northerner passingly agreed with the war, but more for patriotic reasons than because they personally hated the South.
>Jesus had no effect on the world during his life, nobody even wrote about him
Complete non-sequitur, doesn't answer his point at all.
>Fewer than 10% of Confederate fighting men owned or had owned a slave prior or during the war
Which isn't relevant because many of them still supported the system, and none of them were the ones who decided to start the war. It was the upper class, the mainly slave owning class, who initiated the war.
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>Immediately after Sumter the general attitude in the North was "good riddance," and "let em' go!"

Sorry, that should read "immediately BEFORE Sumter."

The Shelling of Sumter made Northern opinion do a literal 180.
yeah be he's saying that theres those folks who are like THEY NE'ER DRANK WABER BC IT WAS DIRY SO THEY WUZ DRUNK ALL THE TIME :D ;D
Technically they are.

Who wrote about him before 33 AD?

>I use it as a figure of speech. Sherman did not break any actual written law, but I dislike him on a personal level and I believe he was a horrible human being with very little empathy and fewer morals.
>His actions are a stain on the Governments legacy.

Agents of the government targeting civilians or civilian property is a stain on a governments legacy?
>Immediately after Sumter the general attitude in the North was "good riddance," and "let em' go!" The Northern GOVERNMENT definitely fought mainly to preserve the Union though.

If only they had fucking listened we would be free from the South's retardation.
>Complete non-sequitur, doesn't answer his point at all.

His first point was that Islam is spread by the sword; I answered by listing the places where it was not.

His second point was that Mohammed took action during his own life to spread Islam, and this was violent; while Jesus did nothing of the sort. He's right, but not completely right; Jesus did nothing of any sort in his life. Followers of Jesus created Christianity.

Anons implied point is that anywhere that was conquered by Christians couldn't have been conquered by true Christians. I don't even.
>Sultanates and Empires whose rulers were Muslim means nothing.
But you're ignoring his second point
>The Gospel was never preached by sword wielding monks
Which is true. The apostles all preached peacefully, compared to the islamic conquests
but it was
>what is the new world
>what is lithuania
so what should be the permanent economic system, then? A government-controlled market?
Not even ancap but that a bit of a meme. When they complain about corporatism or w/e its like when socialist complain that they want a high min-wage. They just want a more idealistic version of what they believe in.
It would be retarded to believe otherwise, miscegenation was incredibly rare unless forced by rape enabled by conquest. People generally kept their genes untainted for the last 100000 of years, and they still do today, even with all the possibilities
Thats entirely untrue. Populations bled into each wherever they came into contact
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>knights could barely move in plate armor
>France has never won a war
>WW1 consisted of sitting in a trench for months at a time and waiting to get blown up
>Napoleon was evil
>In WW1 generals would design absurdly colorful uniform for their personal units to compete with other generals
>It's stupid that soldiers in the 19th century wore coloured uniform if all they're going to do is kill people
>A Cossack were a type of Polish and Russian soldier
>The last cavalry charge in history occurred in 1939 when Poles charged German tanks
Keep in mind I heard all of this from somebody who teaches history
When was the actual last military cav charge?
>Che was a liberal
This rustles my jimmies so much, the guy was a blood thirsty sociopath.
The Italians did one in 1945. Not sure if there were any after.
There was a camel cavalry charge against a mob of demonstrators during the Egyptian revolution in 2011.
Riots in general are basically premodern warfare.

You had clankers forming up shield walls during the whole thing in Ukraine
Do you not know where He preached and for how long?
Gonna need an example that actually worked. Maybe Franco's Spain, but that shit ended once he died so I wouldn't count that
That the Spanish conquered the Aztecs with 500 men and a few cannons without mentioning their metric fuckton or native allies or the incredibly huge blow that was smallpox.
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>The Gospel was never preached by sword wielding monks.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
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Your assertion that Non-slave owning Confederates supported slavery is disingenuous. They were not angry enough to fight and die in a war they knew they had little chance of winning because they supported the slavery system.

For the average Confederate it was as simple as their people and lands being under attack by a foreign invasion.

All that being said, if we were comparing the stated goals of the Union and Confederate governments, then you are technically correct. The Union government officially prosecuted the war for Union, and the Confederacy officially stated it's intentions as being to preserve slavery.

But the actual people in each nation had very different and altogether more complicated reasons for fighting eachother.

Slavery had very little to do with why the average Civil War grunt was fighting.

>Agents of the government targeting civilians or civilian property is a stain on a governments legacy?
That is literally a repetition of my point.

The way in which a Governments representatives conduct their affairs reflects on the Government they serve. If they go around looting, burning homes, and generally harming civilians, that reflects poorly on the government said agents represent.

Doubly so in the Union's case, as they claimed the South had never left the Union, and thus Union generals like Sherman were literally making war on their own fellow Citizens.

Utterly detestable.

This is why I personally dislike over-Federalization of the US. The States were supposed to be Semi-independent so that no one would tread on others toes too much.

But everyone has to force their political ideology and views on everyone else.
>>The sound "vvvv" didn't exist in latin until the Middle Ages so Caesar said "weni widi wiki"

V is pronounced as W in classical latin. It is absolutely autistic to deny that.

>>Islam wasn't spread by the sword

Not at the start, the usage of violence by the rashidun caliphate was mainly geared toward remediating economic issues (which had come about on account of the fact that formerly rival tribes in Muhammad's ummah were now no longer raiding each other).

>>Romans and greeks were okay with homosexuality

Define 'homosexuality'.

>>The roman elite spoke greek among themselves



>>The average medieval person was less intelligent than the average person today

That is locational, the average feudal goy would definitely be much less intelligent than the average rural westerner today.

>>The crusades were racist

They obviously weren't racist, they were highly ineffective and caused more harm than good, tho.
Did someone say knights moving in plate armor?
>average feudal goy would definitely be much less intelligent
Less educated, not less intelligent necessarily
Your post only superficially touches upon the culture and context of the south at the time.
I'll condense it:
The south was a largely agrarian community. Only a small aristocratic land owning class possessed the large expansive plantations that you see in the movies. This wealth and grandeur projected a sense of 'success'. To the average confederate farmer that didn't own slaves (or not many), the dream of owning more slaves and living the affluent plantation life one day came to be the 'American dream' of sorts.

Can you make a suit of plate armor that say most guns other than high powered rifles can't shoot through?

Say you roll up to "the hood" in plate armor with 5 of your fellow knights. Could you win against 3 Jamals and two Tyrones if they had regular guns? Granted they could just run away and you'd never catch up. But what if you had them cornered.

Who wins?
Every one of my Sergeant Majors agrees!
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Which is why my earlier post points out that most poor Confederates DID support the racial caste system of the South. In a meta sense they supported the planters with the hope of one day becoming planters and slave owners themselves.

But if you asked the average Confederate private, "Why are you fighting?"

He's not going to say "I'm fighting to preserve the system of Agrarian slave labor so that I too may one day own slaves and a plantation."

He's going to say "I'm fighting because the Yankee's are down here."

Your post conveniently forgets that large portions of the South were NOT slave plantation economies. Virginia, Confederate Tennessee, Most of North Carolina and Northern Georgia, Texas, Arkansas, Confederate Missouri, Confederate Kentucky, and Florida, all had proportionally very few slaves in their overall populations and these areas flourished on private agriculture and light skilled industry rather than on slave labor.

Don't confuse the Deep South Cotton states with the Upper South and Trans-Mississippi. The South was not a single unified economy or culture just like the North was not one economic or cultural conglomerate.
>preaching the Gospel
You might wanna study history before shitposting, kiddo.
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>he doesn't know that the romans spoke vulgar latin
America blown the fuck out.
Autosomal DNA plots would beg to differ.
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>Says there are no examples of forced Christianization
>Is provided with an example
>meme response
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is it bad that I normally look like napoleon in this pic?
1920-33 Italy
this chart is some cringey as shit
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>the crusades were forced Christianization
Keep memeing habibi.
fo shizzle dizzle
>muh cultural marxism
an internet meme that will never cease to exist
>The Finn's didn't manufactor the Hwanan Horse Plague
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I'm talking about the Baltic Crusade not the Crusades for the Holy Land you fucking autist, what part of Teutonic Knights riding through snow says "Jerusalem" to you?
>The Hwans didn't really have Jedi Knights

I fucking hate this meme
>the French Revolution was a bad thing
*tips euphoria*
Jews don't steal and don't hate every ethnicity other than themselves.
>nonwhites accomplished anything meaningful ever
Chubek go blast up yourself
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>The "Fall of Rome" was quick
>Romans fell because of lead poisoning
>Greeks/Romans were white
>Ptolemaic egypt was unstable
>Arabs have contributed nothing to western society
>Egyptians were white/back
God I love this bait image
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>the antediluvian Lemurian civilization was less advanced than Ancient Atlantis
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>moderate islam
pick one
Must the graph be posted for the thousandth time?
"Moderate" Islam is technically heresy since it doesn't follow the Qu'ran.
> kitty genovese
Sounds cute tbhonest
So it works for a decade
I think the Shia/Sunni hate thing is meant to be an extension of the 'endless war' angle that gets pushed concerning the Middle East, meaning the problem is that these two things are the result of modern issues being projected back in time in order to normalize the current shitstorm.
America was discovered
Do you have any suggestions for reading on this subject?

the misoconception that historically gays have ever been anything other than a cancer to society
There is no such thing as race.
Your a racist for even acknowledging that this is an important topic of discussion
the idea that martin luther king jr was not a sex crazed adulterer and communist
the holocaust happened on the huge scale that its often claimed to have happened
Of course, Jews did face persecution under the nazi's but 6 million just isn't possible, not even close.
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Is that so?
did you even read the whole comment, or is holocaust one of your trigger words?

>six million just isn't possible

Did you read the evidence I provided? Or does counter evidence to bullshit conspiracy trigger you?
Ignoramus tier
>confusing Mongols with Huns
>confusing Greeks with Romans
>confusing China with Japan

Mistakes made by people who actually do know something about history that I see often mostly have to do with medieval warfare, like they got everything from video games and TV.
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this meme again
I agree with the 6 million, but from what I can see, the gas chamber at Auschwitz is probably the least efficient method of killing humanly possible

Seems doeable for a mongol, tho. Its a 6 Day drive with plenty of rest.
"I agree with the 6 million, but from what I can see, the gas chamber at Auschwitz is probably the least efficient method of killing humanly possible"
This isn't a topic to joke about you fucking asshole

>True communism has never been tried
This is true, tho. Communism is the end goal and nobody had ever reached beyond the supposed transitional period. Not even Soviets claimed to be communist.
Samurai were swordsmen (only)
The Vikings were barbarians
Columbus was the first European to find the Americas
Spears were for the poor soldiers
Plate armour is cumbersome
The Byzantines were not Roman
Pre-Rifle guns were not reliable
Crossbows take a minute to reload (I've heard this way too many times)
Chariots were only used for sport (not in battle)
Florida was settled by the USA
The Jesuits only operated in Asia/only in North America
Plate Armour was used by the Vikings
Cannons were only used against infantry
A navy didn't matter
Zostroastrianism did not exist/ The Persians were always muslim

Hitler was democratically elected.
What makes you think otherwise?

The Nazi part received some 30% of the vote. Together with the conservatives he formed a coalition with himself as Reich Chancellor.

Everything is a topic to joke about actually. That's part of how humans cope with the insane shit humans do.

Tragedy and comedy have a strong link.
Is this some sort of post irony that I'm missing
You two autismos do realize that a historical Jesus ACTUALLY existed, right?
Why did this get deleted?
If you objectively study the primary sources you can only conclude that he did not exist for there are no primary sources, at all.
What was it?
given that it was deleted, i'd probably face a harsher punishment to recited it.
But communism wasn't and hasn't been tried. Stalin wasn't a communist.
I think giving a description cant hurt you.
Theres another misconception that kills me.

>Communism or Marxism can be tried

Marx never offered communism as an alternative. He predicted that it would be the natural successor born from the eventual failures of capitalism to sustain itself. It's not something that's just tried. Trying to force communism before post scarcity inherently changes the outcomes Marx predicted and thus alters it altogether.
hitler was appointed, not elected
That capitalism is right...That communism and socialism are the devil..
>the Crusades were bad because... reasons!

>the Crusades were good because Christians were fighting back against Islamic expansion in Europe, and that's why they went to Palestine, Egypt, Tunis, Constantinople...
You'd discover that most scholars and historians disagree with you. Even Josephus attests him
>Even Josephus attests him
That's like saying an article in Times Magazine in 1996 proves that Stalin was a real historical figure.
Josephus was born in Jerusalem in 37 AD. His father would have been a contemporary of Jesus and he would have likely told his son stories about him, not to mention all the other citizens of Jerusalem
Watch Patterns of Evidence
>people missing
>dont know who and how many
>random estimate of 30k
>recreate missing people
>reaches 10k
>no1 can name a new missing person
>still say its 30k
years pass and all proof is dead. Even if there was 30k no1 actually cares since no1 knows u
some pretty general ones
>The French surrender all the time and are bad at war
>The Mongols were unstoppable perfect warriors who would control everything if they had wanted to.
>Afrocentrists claiming Egyptians were black, and poltards claiming they were white
>Native Americans were perfect utopian societies that were brutally murdered without provocation by vicious colonists
>Pre modern africa was all mud huts and hunter gatherers
>African societies werent complicit with europeans in the slave trade
>white people invented slavery and only blacks have been enslaved
>Persia was the bad guy in the Persian Wars
>America is what gave the allies victory in both world wars
>Napoleon was a bad guy
>Russia is undefeatable
>Ronald Reagan was a good president
>Che Guevara is a symbol of liberty
>Reggae music is good
thanks for the (You), but I am just another person that agrees
>The sound "vvvv" didn't exist in latin until the Middle Ages so Caesar said "weni widi wiki"
This is true though
>Cannons were only used against infantry
What retard ever said this?
>wenny widdy weechee
>His father would have been a contemporary of Jesus and he would have likely told his son stories about him, not to mention all the other citizens of Jerusalem
This disqualifies him as a primary source.

Any more bed time stories?
that Katana were even close to being as useful as europesn swords at the time
Look man, you can believe what you want but I'm telling you that Josephus was an expert on Jewish history at that time whose father was a priest- the fact that he thought Jesus important enough to merit a mention shows you that a Jesus person existed. Do you think the apostles just invented a whole figure out from nothing?

And btw, just know that most historians disagree with you
>ninjas didn't use guns cause they were loud and ninjas were super sneaky
First. I’m only claiming Josephus is not a primary source. He may be right but he’s only repeating what other people told him

Second. If Jesus was indeed such an important person why did he only get a passing mention. There is all of what, 25 words on him and Christianity?

>Do you think the apostles just invented a whole figure out from nothing?
Short answer: Yes.
New sects and cults were popping up all over the place, all the time. Many cult leaders claimed to be the Messiah or the Christ. And these groups would benefit from the more elaborate claims and accounts they could call their own. What we see as one person and what is depicted in the bible is a concoction and amalgamation of the stories and teachings of several of these cults, combined with many pagan influences and some mandatory Old Testament promises that needed to be fulfilled.

Thinking this can all be related back to one single, real, individual Jesus is religion, not history.
Not him, but look into the North Hollywood Shootout. I know, 25-year rule and all that, but it's one main reasons for the continued militarization of police forces (along with the late 80's and the 1990's in general).
white people achieved a more advanced civilization because of higher intelligence instead of whites having higher intelligence because we have lived in and breed in an advanced civilization for much longer than for example niggers
all of this.
>implying they don't
>. If Jesus was indeed such an important person why did he only get a passing mention. There is all of what, 25 words on him and Christianity?
He only became important after Christianity became the official religion of the Empire. When Josephus was writing they were pretty small.

>Thinking this can all be related back to one single, real, individual Jesus is religion, not history
Just because the apostles *may* have hyperbolized him does not mean there wasn't an actual Jesus that lived in that period. It's not like they gathered together, made up an entire book then went to the corners of the world to preach for no reason at all
OP asked for misconceptions, anon
Migration in this sense is not the same as immigration
>It's not like they gathered together, made up an entire book then went to the corners of the world to preach for no reason at all
My point is that the central figure and the most important themes were, indeed, just made up. Everything else was added later by people who took to those stories

Try to see the parallels with modern times.
Today we also see cults and sects popping up. And while most remain small and on the fringe, some become quite large and sometimes they become “regular” religions (Mormons, Scientology). Despite the fact that anyone can see that they are just made up by people. Even when those people publicly admit that they are just making shit up to make money!

Beside all that, whether Jesus was an actual historical figure or not. There are simply no credible primary sources to support that notion. Believe what you will, but stop saying it is actual history.
America did give the allies victory in WWII. This is indisputable.

>inb4 Soviet Union
Over half of all Soviet fuel and ammo were either made in the U.S. or made with U.S. materials.
>>Ancient Greeks = Modern Greece
>>Migrations (Anglosaxons, Vandals, Huns etc.) cause massive changes in ethnicity and population makeup
you're contradicting yourself there
Why was Kitty Genovese's murder ignored then ?
I mean, is there a word for relatively discovering something?

>hey wanna hit up this burger joint I found
>you didn't fucking find it pleb it's been there for years
>elected as president
>chancellor appoints his successor
>hitler gets both positions
How was he not elected you retard, that's how the shitty republic forced on Germany by the treaty of versailles worked
>The blame for the Napoleonic Wars (resulting in the deaths of millions)rests far more squarely on France

Wars ignited by the coalition powers: First coalition, Second Coalition, Third Coalition, Fourth Coalition, Fifth coalition, Sixth Coalition, Seventh coalition.

Wars ignited by France: Russian campaign.

But feel free to see in France the ultimate bogeyman I suppose.

>peace of Paris was a slap on the wrist
The coalition powers knew how little justified they were in warring against France, and weren't particularly hurried to impose harsh sanctions on France which they thought would be too unfair. Besides, they had legally fought against the French Republic, then Consulate, not against France. It wasn't valid for them to have all France suffer.

>my feet hurt
>this hat is comically large
>look at this fucking goober kid next to me, I dont even know the blacks behind us
>I wish I was burning Atlanta
>Guerilla tactics win wars
Kek, I bet you think we won in Nam you fucking faggot
Excellent filename
>brits' whole "we stood alone against the Nazis" thing
Except no one believes this. Never have I heard this belief expressed by a n y o n e. Sure, the British effort against the nazis might be emphasised in education because everyone learns the most about what their country did, but everyone knows it was a combined effort
Even in conquest populations didn't really change as much as people seem to think they did.
>the guy was a blood thirsty sociopath.
gotta love liberals and their re-definitions. it's ironic to read this in the history board..
go read the history of latin america and you'll understand his actions
The Romans didn't have soap and medieval Europe did.
>siege chinese city for 40 years straight
>got bogged down by expensive sieges

Only people that focused on them historically were Europeans. No one in the Muslim world gave a shit.
>Florida was settled by the USA
isn't "florida" a spanish(-only) word? also, "california".
>Over half of all Soviet fuel and ammo were either made in the U.S. or made with U.S. materials.
that's like saying all contemporary wars are won with the help of the chinese because they make the electronic components, or something
they must have gained something from that siege making it worth the expense, whereas besieging a castle that exists solely to fuck with you is often not worth the expense
The Holy Roman Empire wasn't holy, Roman, or an empire.
Massacring every man, woman, and child in a surrendered city isn't bad

Even the Ottomons weren't that cruel
Yes. Fuel, ammo, and food, the very bare necessities of war, are the exact same as irrelevant chink shit. Either way, brotip: The Chinese don't make military electronics for anyone except the Chinese.

The Muslims fucked with them.
At some point you have to put your foot down and say
"we'll make sure they never do that again."
That it is unreachable doesn't mean nobody ever tried to reach it
It's not unreachable (theoretically), the conditions haven't been met to reach it. Communism wasn't a suggested alternative to capitalism, it was a prediction of the end state of capitalism.

Communism isn't something you just try not is it something that can really come about until post scarcity is reached.

The communism of the 20th century were fans of Marx reading his works and using some of it to create their own systems like Stalinism, Maoism, etc.
wow, this really unsettles me
Are, you dindu.
Hakim bey gas written extensively on this. Also take your casual racism back to containment board
Then who would you say? Sulla? Scipio? Tarquinius Superbus?
Augustus was the first official emperor of Rome.

For as much power as he consolidated, Caesar was still just a dictator. It was Augustus who actually established the position of emperor.
The rest of Machiaveli's work are a lot more humanist, and The Prince compliments the Medici, who were the enemies of Machiaveli's home city
You really ought to speak more carefully.
The statement "Caesar was the first emperor of Rome" is a true statement. For he was Augustus(Octavian) Caesar, the adopted son of Julius Caesar.
Citation needed
It had been very dry in Hungary during the Mongol invasion and they bailed out when it got really fucking wet.
>Russia is undefeatable
It may not be undefeatable, but it sure is near unconquerable
>>America and Britain have caused all the problems in the Middle East
They did together with Russia.
>Everyone lived to 30 and just dropped dead from existing
This triggers the anon
>implying WE WUZ is exclusive to blacks

Also I'm still not finding shit on these colonies which sucks because it actually sounds really interesting.
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>central figure and the most important themes were, indeed, just made up
Nope, the Gospels are ancient biography and the Apostles didn't get bludgeoned to death, burned alive, beheaded, tortured and crucified for fun, same as the early Christians.

Christ truly rose from the dead and it's interesting how even the anti-Christian people at the time didn't even deny His miracles, they just called Him a wizard.

>Everything else was added later by people who took to those stories
Everything else what? What was added? Do you even know what writings make up New Testament? You sound like a Mohammedan with that "everything was le corrupted xDD'' nonsense, see pic related and stop vomiting that idiotic meme.
the New Testament*
I haven't heard anyone claim that the Great Library was burned down by muslims.
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