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Any apocalyptic events, or actual apocalypses, that have happened

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Any apocalyptic events, or actual apocalypses, that have happened before in the past but still fly underneath the radar of pop culture and history?
any battle that has happened at Meggido
Younger drays.
Mass mega fauna extinction, gigantic flood caused by melted glacials wiping clean North America and cause increase of sea levels that cover gigantic areas of fertile coasts. Probably caused by impact and probably crushing humans preflood civilizations with little survivors. Leaving some hard to date remains like megalithic ruins, submerged cities and strange artefacts.
The Injuns of Central America were mass raped by Spaniards so quickly that almost everybody is mestizo after such a short timeframe
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the toad says enough.jpg
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>has the end of the world happened and the rest of the world just not noticed
Accurately sums up how I feel about the 2016 election.

peep this. Historians and archaeologists still aren't sure what caused it. I myself find the psychological theory put forward by Julian Jaynes really interesting.
Was just about to post this
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It's difficult for us modern people accustomed to modern hygiene and medical standards to fathom the horrors of a pestilence, to imagine everyone we ever knew perishing from the same ailment without the foggiest idea as to what caused it.

It would have been the closest thing to a real life zombie apocalypse: society breaking down as entire cities fall victim to the plague and even the countryside is beset with death and suffering, while human activity more often than not serves to make things even more horrible than they already were. Everyone is literally convinced that it is the end of the world. Even royalty and the wealthiest aristocrats were not safe, and the years proceeding a pestilence are invariably wracked by war and strife.

The Antonine Plague, for example, took place during the reign of Marcus Aurelius, what many consider to be the high-mark of Roman society. From that point on it was civil war and naked despotism.

The Justinian plague took place right when the Byzantine Empire was on the verge of reconquering Europe....

Europe prior to the black death was a peaceful, prosperous place. Centuries of nearly continuous warfare came after.

There's a reason early Christians considered pestilence to be one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse.
>psychological theory put forward by Julian Jaynes really interesting.
alright, I'll bite. what's that?

As far as I can tell the Bronze Age collapse was simply the large scale bankruptcy of the hegemons who had monopolized the Bronze trade due to the introduction of iron and the economy that had built up around them, with barbarians at the gate staging a hostile take-over and burning down the remains.
There was more to bronze age collapse than just the damn bronze. There was likely some kind of cataclismic event (probably a series of volcanic eruptions) that caused a massive crop failure and it forced big hordes of people to move and find greener pastures, which caused wars and destructions.
Iron is harder than bronze but that's about it, as a tool making material it's inferior unless refined into steel. Its introduction wouldn't have collapsed anything
was about to post this too

>Leaving some hard to date remains like megalithic ruins, submerged cities and strange artefacts.
Sounds interesting. Care to post some pictures anon ?
Toba eruption
>Europe prior to the black death was a peaceful, prosperous place.

Who the fuck actually believes this?
>The Sea People
>Fall of the Minoan civilisation

Also people tend to oversimplify the utter destruction to the native civilisations caused by the conquest of the America's
Bicameralism. Theory is, due to the collapse it forced evolution to speed up in order to react to the crisis, hence the vanishing of gods. Not that I believe in it myself, but it's interesting
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It hasn't actually stayed under the radar, but Tunguska event. It's sheer dumb luck that it happened in the middle of nowhere and impacted nothing of note for overwhelming majority of people.
what are you talking about? i've never heard of a massive flood wiping north america clean. the younger dryas was a global cooling event when glaciers started to advance again. there were no cities prior to the younger dryas, just settlements - cities came AFTER the dawn of agriculture, which, while it had some on again/off again experiments prior to the holocene, finally successfully happened AFTER the younger dryas (see tell abu hurayra) in response to the climate changes. and megalithic cultures happened during Old Europe, which didnt start until like 6000 BC. what are you talking about?

anyway, the 4.2 kiloyear event was an absolute disaster, a sudden aridification that caued the collapse of the Old Kingdom of Egypt and the Akkadian Empire and the barbarian Gutians overran Mesopotamia and screwed up all the irrigation systems with their lack of knowledge and mismanagement
holy fuck, that could have been quite a disaster

Obvious nonsense. How does this "theory" explain the simultaneous collapse of bicameralism not only in the West, but everywhere on Earth? Even the most primitive hunter-gatherer tribes in the Amazon have "unified" minds.
>It's sheer dumb luck

To be fair it's pretty unlikely to have hit anything of value, 70% of the surface is water and a lot of the rest is uninhabitable mountains, deserts and taigia.

Iron came after the collapse and was developed in Europe, not the in the civilised near east.
explain metalworking in India then

First, explain what possible relevance that has?
Everyone was unthinking animals only going through the motions of civilization and no one was actually conscious/sentient/sapient/whatever-you-get-the-point. Writing, art, architecture, building, roads, economics, agriculture, all of it was done by """""people""""" who were just humans going on instinct. Religion is an after effect of this as the "will of the gods" was just """""people"""" following their dumb animal mechanical instincts, only now everyone can think so we falsely assume our ancestors were actually thinking about religion and philosophy and the like when in fact they were literally not thinking at all.

The exception is a handful of great men who COULD think. These great men abused the idiocy of the rest of """"society"""" to gain power and wage war and become kings and the like.
>sea peoples
pretty much meme peoples
What? Is this some bait? What are your sources , if not

Not that faggot but that's a fair description of the "theory" of bicameralism. It's one of those "so obviously stupid I can't tell if it's serious or a joke" "ideas" that /x/ builds it's identity around.
Thanks mate

Also: holy shit! It's one step closer to the reptilian iluminati jews
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