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Have you ever watched a show that takes place in pre-bathroom

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Have you ever watched a show that takes place in pre-bathroom era and wondered how bad people must have smelled ?
Like, they didn't have access to toothpaste nor deodorant.
Imagine trying to perform cunnilingus to a girl from those times.
People smelled fine. Modern plumbing fixtures diminish the time spent on hygiene and support the infrastructure for a larger population rather than make people cleaner.
>pre-bathroom era
No such thing. Without-Bathroom cultures makes more sense

Anyway, body odours are full of pheromones which invoke things in humans but are now mostly dead.
satantango by bela tarr has a nice ass/vagina wipe scene

do check it out if you have the chance, hungary's finest
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>eating pussy at all whatsoever
>t. Roman virgin
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You gotta ask permission to the bull someday bro.
Japanese called Europeans "the barbarian people from the south"(because the boats always came from the south), due to people didn't take bath, while in Japan it was already standard to bath once per day.
it's fun
if you don't like it you're probably gay
not him but i'm gay and ate pussy a couple times because it seemed like a good idea but can verify, gay men do not like eating pussy.
Europeans actually started bathing less in the modern era because "modern medicine" told them it was unhealthy.
people may not have bathed often but it was still regular enough, and washing with clothes was common
also you'd be surprised how effective chew sticks and even water can be for good dental hygiene
I stop bathing for a couple of days and I start smelling rancid.
Specially down there.
Also, chew sticks don't prevent your mouth from smelling like shit.
people would also have used herbs and spices for that. it's mentioned in the canterbury tales
>modern science
Please tell me more about this quackery, or what the rationale was.
Basically, it opens your pores for disease to come inside your body, and pussifies your immune system.
That was mostly the logic of it.
A lot of people itt are forgetting that pre-modern diets were far, far less sugar and protein heavy.

Most people ate a heavy amount of grains supplemented by veggies and what little meat they could find. Most sugar came from rare fruit intake.

Proteins and Sugars make humans smell much worse after internal processing than starches. Their teeth would generally have been in better condition too, meaning that brushing was far less important.

On top of all that, alcohol had both lower sugar content and lower purity levels than today, as it was generally intended to allow storage of liquids rather than for people to get drunk on.

All this means that pre-modern humans wouldn't smell like roses or anything, but they wouldn't smell as bad as a modern person with poor hygiene does.
People bathed regularly. You would wash and scrub yourself all over at least once a day with water, sometimes soap or various precursors to soap, and if you were wealthy enough you used scents. People as a whole did not bother with full immersion baths regularly because they were time consuming and labor intensive for most of human history, so it was usually the rich who bothered with those.
>you would wash and scrub yourself all over at least once a day

In winter?
In places where it's always very cold or in droughts ?
Obviously if your ass didn't have access to water, you wouldn't be bathing with it, now would you?

I'm talking overall/in general.
Why did you avoid the other questions?
Are you hiding something?
>Typically, peasants in this time period and era used bread as a staple for their diet.
>Even when there wasn't bread?

This is what you sound like.
wat, I asked more questions and you chose to focus on the drought thing like a retard.
Calm down son.
How you can spot the christian?
-because of their bad odor.

t.Ancient south american aboriginal joke.

How is one able to bathe on a boat?

Are you saying that carbohydrates are not sugars?
>Dirt is a barrier to the contagion theory
YOu and OP need to do pic related. It's called household plumbing.
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Well yeah, the Finns and the Russians were noted by westerners to be extremely clean exactly because they spent all their times in saunas/ baths
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hes right though. Think about it a little bit. There are people today that dont have immediate access to water. How do you think they get by as far as bathes go?
They did have really shitty toothpaste made from flour and water during the times during "the Witch" like your picture is. I believe they wore layers to cover any smell too if you were a peasant and didn't bath often.
My main question was about winter which he avoided.
The drought question was a bonus to add to the number of people who didn't bathe,and you're right they don't.
This movie was fucked
Some astronomical number, like two-thirds, of India's modern 1.2billion population, do not use indoor plumbing. They have an organized way of pooing in fields. That's just how they live, with the poo fields.
fucked good or fucked bad?
>That's just how they live, with the poo fields.
Not to mention the
No shit they didn't bathe they were on boats. How the fuck do you bathe on a boat? Have you ever tried washing something with salt water? Spoiler: it doesn't fucking work.
Whenever they could, sailors collected rainwater for bathing.

You get off the boat and pay 10000 yen to use the public termal waters.
How did they drink water on boats?
Thats retarded you would save the rain water for drinking. Because if there is no rain for a while and you run out of drinking water you are fucked.
>Drinking untreated rainwater
With limited supplies of water and the possibility of travel being left need than planned, it's better not to wash yourself in case you run out
Why do you think people wouldn't bathe in winter? Are you retarded?
Because heating your home is expensive and you don't sweat as much.

Bathing in winter was like asking to get sick
Via water barrels. They also brought grog for that purpose. Drinking water had to be carefully rationed for long journeys.
>Bathing in winter was like asking to get sick

Not the typical daily bathing that people did for most of human history in their homes, aka sponge baths.

Public bathhouses would have been heated in the winter, and in some time periods winter was considered an important time for regular bathing because of the increased liikelihood of getting sick, since dirt/grime were associated with catching illnesses.
> sponge baths.
Sponge where expensive for anyone not living on the coast, they probably didn't even know what it was. People probably went to the river to wash themselves when they did so.

>Public bathhouses would have been heated in the winter
This would only concern people living in cities which is a very small minority

>in some time periods winter was considered an important time for regular bathing because of the increased liikelihood of getting sick, since dirt/grime were associated with catching illnesses.
Really? That's interesting, got any source on that.
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>i'm gay
What's wrong with that? Like water is only bad if it's stagnant. If water was in a stream and was moving and you are in the mountains you can drink the water safely most likely.
He'd probably a clueless American who can't trust something that isn't labeled.

>some nigger shits in the stream and throws his garbage in it
>kilometers downstream you enjoy a refreshing slurp of stream water
Thats why I said if you are at the mountains where the streams begin. A nigger might shit downstream but that won't affect the water you drink.
>Sponge where expensive for anyone not living on the coast, they probably didn't even know what it was.

Oh, I mean sponge bath as the catch-call term for washing yourself with a sponge, washcloth, rag, etc, using a basin or bowl or container of water rather than immersing yourself in a big tub of water, not sponge bath using a literal sponge. Pic related, washing the ol' hoo ha.

>This would only concern people living in cities which is a very small minority

Then they'd be bathing at home.

>Really? That's interesting, got any source on that.

The only one I know that is online is the Secreta Secretorum: http://www.colourcountry.net/secretum/node54.html I think a few other 'chapters' discussing bathing as well. But, winter bathing being important/recommended depends on the time period, country, and culture.

what if you're the nigger?
Thomasin was qt though
its the animal shit and dead things that will get you. I've drank water out of clean looking stream and it wasn't bad, but tasted like algae. I wouldn't recommend it.
That's a nice peasant girl in her private dirty-snatchy-wipe-and-washy anon.
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I do what I can
>Then they'd be bathing at home
How can someone be this deluded? We're not talking about nobility but average people.

Also even nobility didn't wash themselves. French nobility stopped doing it once they got hands on perfume
All girls need to do to clean their vaginas is rinse with water. So I'm sure they were good.
Only French. Not everyone.
Not that anon, but sugars are carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are not necessarily sugars.
People in the Stone Age would rub themselves in their own feces. This helped them to escape enemies and predators.
>How can someone be this deluded? We're not talking about nobility but average people.

Average people bathed. Average people usually had a simple wooden washtub (shared by everyone, water included, not used as often because it was labor and time intensive) and they used basins/bins/bowls/containers for washing themselves with rags and clothes on a regular basis.

>French nobility stopped doing it once they got hands on perfume

Myth, like most assertions about French hygiene standards.
Christ youre a massive faggot. Have you ever had a cold shower before? Bathing in cold water doesnt make you sick if you dry yourself afterwards
No anon thats not all they need to do

My water heater stopped working a few times, but I still took showers.
And did you die afterwards?

Nice, just like the village peasants in the 1500's.
Their water heater would break constantly but they still took showers in the winter.
Yes it is. Well and changing your under garments. Putting soap or any other shit in your vagina is a great way to cause a yeast infection. Also I would know.
What's wrong with just them rinsing with water? Like what more do you need? I mean soap would be nice but it's not a necessity. Besides the vagina is suppose to be self cleaning. Or thats what I heard.
Wait I thought under wear and panties and such weren't invented in these times? So they don't need to replace those since they are going commando.
a qt peasant girl would at worst smell like soil and plants, licking her pussy would be like licking a vegetable you just pulled out of your veggie patch
What did they use to wipe ass?
that's indians
And they smell awful
I once had a friend who claimed her pussy smelled like cucumbers and rain water. I always wanted to try it, but veggie patch pussy sound pretty good too
>Because heating your home is expensive
and you have to do that did you bathe or not so what's your point?
>Bathing in winter was like asking to get sick
just what the fuck are you talking about?
you can literally wash yourself by rubbing your body with handful of fucking snow without dying you faggot
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>without dying

You've been strawmaning this argument for a few posts now.
You can stop anytime buddy.
well it doesn't make you ill either like you claimed.
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Well I'm gay, and I wonder if homosexual partners back then did such things as rimming or face-sitting.
they spent a lot of time hanging from trees
When I shit off the cliff in my backyard, I wipe my ass with dead leaves, or grass.
Summertime is bad because the hot weather makes the whole outside smell like shit all day long. So, I shit outside in colder months.
Yes, and lesbian do not like choking on dick.

On tonight's History Channel Document we'll be discussing the intricacies of whether or not wanking to traps is queer

They were regarded with similar disdain by the Chinese who were not only appalled by their lack of hygiene but also by the fact they ate without utensils
From my experience in the army I can say that if everyone smells like shit nobody will notice it. Could go week without showering during exercises and youd only realise that all the people and equipment smell like death after you showered.
When you dont eat like shit ypu dont really smell that bad.

Washing with water will clean you decently.

Deodorant is not needed actually.
>lesbian do not like choking on dick.
Some of them do.
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>Bathing in winter was like asking to get sick
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can confirm although I believe the females who were with us in the field during basic (NZ Army), had to use deodorant for whatever reason
>bad things

Wew, lads!
Actually bathing too much via basic soaps pretty much ruins the skins natural pH, thus increasing the chance of infenctions, which were crucial in that era and in many cases could've proven fatal.
So it wasn't that bullshit.
you're a pussy virgin faggot

>be me, 20yo, have 18yo gf
>we go hiking and camping
>no shower or bathroom available for a week
>walking and sweating all day
>fucked like rabbits
>still ate that pussy like it was chocolate pie
Good times brah
Easily the most evil character
The Early Spanish explorers in America ran out continually and had to risk life and limb to get to shore while being showered by arrows.
>regularly drinking own day-old jizz
>from walking petri dish
>quite proud

k, I mean, if that's how you feel about things, brah.
>On top of all that, alcohol had both lower sugar content and lower purity levels than today, as it was generally intended to allow storage of liquids rather than for people to get drunk on.

Are you special or something? You both display an amazing lack of knowledge of alcohol in human history - and alcohol generally.

>Alcohol had lower sugar content

Alcohol is made from fermentable sugars. If you cut fermentation, pasteurize or just drink it before it is done, you get sugar in your drink . You know what most medieval beer was? Half-fermented, yeasty wort by modern standars.

>lower purity levels
What does this mean, in your mind? Because it literally means nothing in alcohol and brewing terms. Unless you mean it was not distilled for a long time?
lmao look at the guy on the right legs

all the blood is gone from them
Fucking savage
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