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>Spartan girls were also encouraged to help the males by humiliating

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>Spartan girls were also encouraged to help the males by humiliating them in public and criticizing their exercising
I really hate betas like you.

>Laconica brevitas

get it?
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>spartan qts will never verbally abuse you for not squatting lower
>defeated an an army of faggots
>not beta
>throwing deformed babies off cliffs
>amoral pagans

*tips fedora*
i never said they were alpha they just arent beta either they were extremely autistic people
All autists are beta by default

>ch-change scaaaares me!
>I-I hate eye contact
no way dude isis is composed primarily of autists and they fall outside the alpha beta dichotomy
ISIS is rather alpha

They send autists & retards on suicide missions to get rid of them
taking advantage of retarded people isnt alpha but it is autistic
Spartan females also publicly trained in athletics and combat like the men, naked of course.
Also there was an accepted kind of cuckolding in Sparta. A married woman would often choose a man with better genetics than her husband to impregnate her, with her husband's blessing.
Wasn't there also a tradition of women having to put as much effort into preventing a man from having sex with her on their wedding night?
Spartans are kind of the shit tier of ancient greece.
this tbph
Even Athenians like Plato admitted Spartans were superior. And they proved it by wrecking the shit out of Athens.
Didnt wreck the shit out of them longterm.
Also being a good society is not about how much you can fuck other societies up.
It kind of is. And Sparta was definitely a more healthy society than Athens for Spartan men (and especially for Spartan women).
Kind of. But trading also is. Or art. Or science. Or whatever else you choose it to be.

I really prefer the athens way of treating women over this gender bs sparta pulled off.
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>You will never wrestle with your hairy Greek battle goddess wife before having rough sex
>Even Athenians like Plato admitted Spartans were superior. And they proved it by wrecking the shit out of Athens.

They had a REPUTATION for being badass ascetics, but history shows it was undeserved. They accomplished basically nothing besides "muh warrior culture," and even their record in war was not that great. The Athenians were comparable even though they treated their army like intramural sports.
Trading, art, and science doesn't help out survival, when it ultimately develops a shelted society which feminizes and emasculates men by making them more and more obsolete.

There is wisdom in minimalistic living.
>But history shows it was undeserved.


Dont just pull it out of your ass, give me a citation.
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>"Good men nowhere, but good boys at Sparta."-Diogenes

What did he mean by this?
He meant he likes the shota dick
I liked how the spartans showed their wisdom when a bunch of faggots stretched thin and rekt their shit.
Spartans were basically manchildren.
How did a bunch of faggots stretch thin?
So being a manchild is a good thing?


A citation for what? All Spartan history?
Why not?
Why cant a male be a man in action but a child at heart?
Because children are irrational entitled creatures.
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Who isnt, when you dig deep enough?

It literally is

What other metic is there?

oh this society has higher GDP- oh wait no its been destroyed by the low GDP society
>Not Jung

At least get better taste in people full of shit.
>Sparta is actually the Kink.com Armory in City Version.
>full of shit
Freud was "debunked" only to have his nephew prove him right through marketing.
That's why ancient tribal societies are the best.
I don't recall where I read or heard about this, but there was reportedly a ritual in Spartan hospitality where the hostess would perform a sort of dance where their calves would touch their butts a lot, making their skirts ride up their thighs. Spartan women were required to exercise, and so the teasing reveal of their bronzed and toned thighs would have flustered visitors from foreign and more chaste parts.
have an upvote.
It was a bice way of saying "manlets, will they ever learn?"
>all autists are beta by default
B-but what about Nikola Tesla, anon?
Never even touched a girl. Beta as fuck
Nothing's changed. I don't know how many times over the years a female coworker has chastised a male coworker because he wasn't in shape.
Plato acts anti-Athenian a lot of the times in his dialogues for contrarian or ironic purposes. He linkens Darius as great as Solon and Lycurgus in governing and lawmaking, but then says in another dialogue that Solon and Pericles must be shit because there's a bunch of unlawful and unruley dumbasses still around in Athens and their entire job was to prevent that from happening. He liked the Spartans for their highly regulated lives, their collective hive-mind for the security of the State, and their discipline; but at the end of the day, those were just characteristics that he felt would be great if Athens also took up.
It kind of is alpha desu like when a bully picks on a weak kid you know it's fucked but it's still alpha
nigga look like an albino chimp
only betas think being alpha is picking on a weak kid.
Is this true?
Training with high T femmes after rubbing each other in oil.
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no, they can be gamma or omega too
Plato is genuinely anti-Athenian in a lot of ways however. The death of Socrates and whatnot.
Someone made this.

What's more, someone expected others to not only follow this but use this chart as a guide for life.
But that's what your president does to you and he's alpha as fuck.
>Even Athenians like Plato admitted Spartans were superior

90% of the surviving Athenian sources are from anti-democratic oligarchs who saw Sparta as the perfect state, instead of the dysfunctional entity it actually was. They believed all the lies that the Spartan Mirage put out and swallowed them whole.

>And they proved it by wrecking the shit out of Athens.

They won purely because of Persia throwing mountains of cash at them.
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I wouldn't be surprised if the creator of that "chart" identifies himself as an "alpha" but believes he is misunderstood by society for his alphaness and currently in temporary unfortunate circumstances that prevent him from reaching his "alpha" potential
Expecting Spartans to be Christians saints c. 300 BCE.

Stay retarded
>guide for life

Lol, it's more for identification, why would you assume it's a guide?
that's what cuckolding has always been, especially now, whiteboi
Go live wisely somewhere, then come back after a year and tell us of your adventures
Anybody who categorizes people that hard suffers from autism.
>The British officer John Masters recorded in his autobiography that Afghan women in the North-West Frontier Province of British India during the Second Anglo-Afghan War would castrate non-Muslim soldiers who were captured, like British and Sikhs.[15][16] They also used an execution method involving urine; Pathan women urinated into prisoner's mouths.[17] Captured British soldiers were spread out and fastened with restraints to the ground, then a stick, or a piece of wood was used to keep their mouth open to prevent swallowing. Pathan women then squatted and urinated directly into the mouth of the man until he drowned in the urine, taking turns one at a time.
Awful people. I laugh whenever I see a picture of clusterbomb aftereffects.
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What's awful about killing the attackers in an creative way? It's their fault for invading Afghanistan
Yeah fuck the British.
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>women then squatted and urinated directly into the mouth

some guys like this

So...the British, a nation who's Empire was founded on lies and deceit, said this.

They always said shit like this to legitimize colonialism. And the British population are so sheep like that they believe anything. Look how they just voted to leave the EU and ruin their economy because of the recent pro-war in the middle east propaganda.

I can't wait until N Ireland and Scotland leave, and the Wales and England go to civil war.
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