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Its time

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Thread replies: 260
Thread images: 64

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Its time bois.

C91 scans!

What do you want scanned from here in priority!
Gantz please!
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These ones look great.
Regardless, thanks for sharing bro
yea do gantz and then oda non and then whatever the hell is the last one on the lower right.
Persona doujin, please.
Thanks for sharing, man.
You think you could scan the one by Udon-Ya?
is that flieger i spotted? please scan that one anon!
Raita is what I always look forward to most.
You wouldn't happen to have the new sahara wataru would you?
Yeah, that or the one on the bottom next to the right corner one. I always forget that artist's name.
In the Type G Fate doujin, is Vivio in it? My pick is TypeG's fate and Maidoll's Gantz doujin.
I suppose you didn't pick Xration's?
1. Raita
2. Udon-ya
3. Don't care about the rest.
Type-G and you can burn the rest for all I care (well, I do have a soft spot for Oda Non though. Maybe Jin too. Probably Maidoll, Raita, Udon-Ya, Loflat and Komori Kei aswell).

Scrap that, most of these are great. But definitely the Fate one first!
1. Flieger
2. Jin (Persona)
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I have seen multiple posts of loot but I have yet to see one xration WTF?
Can't wait to translate it. Anyone wants to edit it. I need hentaiverse credits so bad.
Udon-ya up now (in chinese)
bottom left pls, that looks like Ishigaki Takashi Fate NTR stuff
Ishigaki Takashi Mesu Kagura Fate Hen 4 on the Bottom Left Please.
I thought about new years resolutions and how I should take my life to better places and a better direction.
Then I realized I will never visit comiket.

Flieger - please and thank you!
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My dick is ready for Type-G.
Raita and the Fate one ;)
MTSP anon-sama!!

Thanks for sharing, OP.
the NTR / mindbreak ones would be much appreciated *coughgantz*cpoughmtsp*
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O lawwwwd new Oda Non PLS
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>Type-G Fate on the panda
It is time.
Doujin of C91 for me. Vivio stole the show even more so that Type-G didn't draw her as a flat chest loli.
what size cup? a ? better not be more than b anon.
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Wasn't expecting Vivio, but it sure made my dick happy.

I guess the next one will be the last, hopefully with Nanoha in there.
Treasure trove we have, but no Xration :/
Jesus nigga that's some god-tier taste
Second from left in second row and second from right and third from right in the third row would be amazing. I'm sure a lot of us would be grateful.
Curious on what the average price for each of these was? $10-$15?
Idaho non please
Gantz, and Oda Non plz
If art is as good as the cover, first at the top left please.
R a i t a
This. fpbp
Please for the love of christ scan the Persona harem one
Oda Non is a priority.
Gantz and Oda Non go go go
P5 Harem please
Most of the big names came out already. Only the p5 and a few others like Mstp and Xration as I can see are missing.
Persona 5, the one in bottom center

> no xration

no thanks
idk whats going on but I have yet to see an xration in anyones loot pics. did everyone just see it and think its the same one as last time?
Type G
Oda Non
Don't even bother with xration, he fucked up the story in the most possible boring and disappointing way.
Throwing in a vote for the Shokugeki doujin by LOFLAT. ^^
Udon-ya please!
This. The MTSP P5 one please!
already done
MTSP would be awsome

Someone bought this right? R-right?
Yeah lots of people bought it.
>P5 doujin
Oh shit I wasn't aware that coming
Please scan that one.
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sorry if i'm hijacking this thread but does anyone know if anyone has scanned or can scan guglielmo's latest?
I hope someone got Orutoros C91 work.
I wish for it to eventually get scanned aswell. Although it is kind of a bummer that it's non-h. But then again I would check out anything with his name on it either way.
Still waiting for Fei's Gantz BADLY.
Didn't even know about that Persona 5 one. MUH DICK
Did you find any Kimi No Na Wa stuffs anon?

I've been craving for them TakixMitsuha vanillas
same T B H
I hope both of the Macross Delta doujins get scanned, they both look amazing and so far the Delta doujins are either shit or unscanned
Please tell me someone picked this up
I'm hoping someone got this
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Do you mean one of them by INAZUMA, I hope so to.
Ero-Sennin bought it but he's been scanning literally everything else he bought before it.

The other one's by Service Heaven and looks amazing as well (also has no purple pilot background character as focus).
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Please scan this fucker already someone.
My need is great.
Been spamming refresh for 3 days looking for Ishimura newest work.

Someone hear our prayers, surprised the Americans didn't scan it yet. They love anal stuff
Protip for people using exhentai, allow Chinese translations on your filters if you have them blocked. Sometimes those are the only versions of a doujins that ever shows up.
So, any more pics from Xration Onigashima ??? I dont care about the quality
Wtf is this
How many men has mai doll fucked?
Anyone pick up the new Bosshi doujin?
Oh shit I had one new one, didn't save it tho lol, the longer hair sister was getting mish.
Sequel to these

He also did these
linkkk ???

So Fei is actually a woman?
Shokugeki doujin by Loflat
Scan please
Japan auction lol, it's gone now, but there's constant auction going on.
Apparently she plays a lot of PSO2 and overwatch.

Aak the guy for Xration if you guys really want it, less we'll wait another 2 weeks fore someone puts a 50+ page up.
Huh well then good to know.
Hey OP, have you picked up any doujin by noripachi, particularly the Girls und panzer + Alola Nudist Beach Club one?
I'm talking about this
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Please don't take forever to get scanned
>witch bitch vol 3 out
>more lucy
>actually something new in the volume
>its yukino with same body/almost same face

how disappointing.
Fuck I know he wont do erza but i was hoping for mirajane

shiwasu no okinas's work please!
is this scanned yet?
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Took a break yesterday. Staying out all night and scanning all day for two days in a row burned me out.

Please upload Serena doujins from pokemon
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Well we have all been there, walking in on your sister rubbing one out

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You gloriuos fucking bastard.
You're really saving the best
for last, huh?
I'm praying with you
fukkk wheres the scans!!!
scans for Udon-Ya are already out, both japanese and chinese versions.
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We must not give up hope, our prayers will be answered.

Explosions/Megumin plssss
I hope someone does D:
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Does anybody have this one by gummy1024/gummyrise?
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Where do people store all this shit when they're done with them?

Also who would buy xration's latest doujin and not scan it? For what purpose?
I remove the pages and store them in tissue boxes. I use the covers to decorate/reskin said tissue boxes.
Waiting for this one too, love Guglielmo stuff. His work from last comiket is one of my all time fav.
1 down from far left. 1 right.
is that takurou?
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what is the CXX for?
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anyone happen to have this and can scan it?
i have new appreciation for those scans now, thanks anon kun
i need that mogudan doujin, i need my drug!
Are the links to the scans broken? I cant access the site :/
Not broken. You need to step up your game.
Oh wow Flieger released soon new stuff. Can't wait till it's scanned so I can fap angrily.
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>4 days into 2017
>Nobody uploaded Mogudan's new doujin yet

This lack of respect is comparable to the highest kind of treason towards humanity and everything sacred

> 4 days (5 in Japan) since C91 ended
> still no scanned xration

at this point I'm just assuming people are dumb enough to believe he released the same shit as in c90 and that's the reason nobody bought it since the covers are very similar
People got it, only the whites haven't prob because ofwhat you said, I've seen it everywhere, but they're strict on sharing it, that's why the only way it's going to get scan for people to have for free, is if someone from outside of Asia or China actually scans it after getting paid, or a white actually brought something for all to have. Which in this case it's unlikely, since none of the white brother seem to have bought it, and the japs were petty savage about it, so if you want detail, like the japs said, buy that shit yourself and support the damn artist.

>buy that shit yourself

I would have bought 10 copies already if it sold at my local store, mate. Unfortunately Japan is 12 hours away and no Visa because lol thirdworld.
>That xratio
Finally, whoever this belongs too I hope you scan it and upload it.
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It belongs to 抱き枕帝国 it his shitty blog and he's completely unresponsive.
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can't wait for more Arakure netorare
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I suppose no one picked up Zunta's Granblue douijin, right?
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Finally placed my commissioners and mine order to Toranoana. Wonder how long will it take for them to prep the order.
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Post list please I'm begging you.

I need to calm down knowing at least one person out there bought xration's onigashima with the intent to upload it.
I did not get paid to pick it up :/ If I wasnt strapped for cash I would have bought a personal copy. I was hoping someone else would deliver this time around.
>that Takao and Atago one
Do want! Any idea if is already uploaded?

I can only hope those get scanned.
Stop posting this furfag

That image with the xration doujin is from an outside website: some Japanese nobody's blog and he has absolutely no intent to upload it anywhere.

What position in queue?

fucking retard

People act like going to japan and then going to comiket is similar to walking to the bookstore. By the time you get to comiket you are going to be broke.
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Are regular fucking reaction images not allowed on /h/ or something mods?
What the fuck
What is the one to the left on the center?
I managed to get a few books from DLsite but I can't share them if I don't know how to rip the images can someone help
Did you download their offline viewer? If so, get viewerrip.
they are not, only anime ones are
So far, I've had a Rene Descartes "the dick", a Spoungebob "I need it", and pic relatrd deleted on me. Odd

If it's not hentai related it doesn't belong on this board, period.
really no one picked up naruho-dou?
Sanbun Kyoden?
His work from C90 still hasn't been scanlated so don't even think about this one.
oh. waiting so impatiently for GAMEZ:0

It's 70 glorious pages of pig-mating exhibitionism.
no one got it and won't be online until fall 2018
He put out this picture on twitter.

Rough Translation

>Name: Honoka
>Gender: Female
>Birthday: 10/13/??
>Height: 140cm
>Weight: 34kg
>B/W/H: 69/52/70
>PK Level: Excellent (92)
>Fertilization Rate: Excellent (98)
>Sex Drive: Lecherous [淫乱] (97)
>Birthing Ability: -
She grew 2cm, gained 2kg, and her bust grew 1cm. Also the sex drive info is new.

>Name: Anthony
>Gender: Male
>Birthday: 12/28/24
>Height: 212cm
>Weight: 487kg
>Penis Length: 42cm (erect)
>Cross-breeding Potential: Good (89)
>Fertilization Rate: Excellent (100)
>Sex Drive: Off the charts
>Seminal Volume: 6L
Oddly his birth year changed, it was XX20 in the original.

>Name: Kazane
>Gender: Female
>Birthday: 11/24/??
>Height: 147cm
>Weight: 46kg
>B/W/H: 90/55/82
>PK Level: Excellent (89)
>Fertilization Rate: Excellent (95)
>Sex Drive: Strong [強] (91)
>Birthing Ability: -
New girl.

>Name: Brandon
>Gender: Male
>Birthday: 03/15/25
>Height: 204cm
>Weight: 469kg
>Penis Length: 41cm (erect)
>Cross-breeding Potential: Good (87)
>Fertilization Rate: Excellent (98)
>Sex Drive: Off the charts
>Seminal Volume: 7L
New pig.
Kancolle and Yamato, please!
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Anyone got scans for this?
Shokugeki Loflat doujin please!
Woooooooo it's fucking here niggers
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>eight days into 2017
>Mogudan still not scanned
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>no pig birthing

It was still pretty enjoyable though, especially the facial expressions
Can someone please upload (C91) [50on! (Aiue Oka)] Saimin Seishidou 2 Kurashiki Reina no Baai

I have been waiting for this eagerly!
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Does anybody have this one by tanabe

It's already on panda but thanks I guess
of course not, noone else has no taste
She also apparently visits the PSO2 /vg/ thread quite often.
is there a [Maidoll] GAMEZ:O ?
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it is a crime that no one has mentioned the fire emblem hentai involving Lyn
i say everything from c91 that u can get your hands on
It's a crime no one has mentioned this in two days.
I just finished scanning it.
Did anyone pick up this P4 gender bent work?
Weird question here:
How often do h-artist attend Comiket themselves?
99.9% of the booths are manned by the artist, they're mostly amateurs with no staff after all
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Does anybody have a scan for this one?
The answer to this question is indeterminate.
What do you mean "indeterminate"?
Well, I don't know. A lot of them earn decent amounts trough enty and are published on top of that too. I thought they might afford to hire someone for 6 days/year due to stigma and all that.

But it's cool to know that you can see them in real life.
I'm planning to travel to japan next holiday. How fucking weird would it be if I went to comiket and brought some gifts to the ones that inspire me the most?
Learn to quote. Also, it means the answer to the questions cannot be determined, because nobody knows what 6 billion people do or do not have.
Gifts are weird in japan in general and full of strange rituals (much like everything there). Accepting a gift means accepting an obligation to reciprocate. So presenting a gift to someone who's unprepared is really awkward, they might feel like they have to gift you a doujin or something in return. So make sure to present it more as "unexpected payment" rather than a gift.

Either way you'd definitely be memorable, it's not really something that's done at comiket.
The bulma one, was it scanned already?
Are you perhaps scanning mentioned work at a later date?
tfw still waiting on scans of Kaitsushins new doujins
But these are aweful
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Did anyone get a copy of pic related?
[spoiler]debating ordering online but holy fuck its pricey[/spoiler]
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Just scanned this.
First time ever, should be done cleaning and cropping by today.
It's okay to save the colour pages as jpgs and the black/white as pngs, right?
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Nobody got this yet? Need it to complete DPC's Grassen's War series.
Please critique me on my scans and what should be done better.
Oh christ this is way worse than I was expecting.
Why didn't I notice how badly this is warped when I looked at the files on my PC?
Also, does it matter what you use to rotate the image: free transform or image-> rotate image?
I should've checked better, now I'm a goddamn embarassment.
The bmp's look fine too, guess I fucked up while editing and saving them into pngs.
If you feel like it. You could mail me at kalevalascans(a)gmail.com and tell me how you processed the entire thing and maybe I can give some pointers.
The reason is simpler than I expected.
I forgot to switch the mode from indexed to grayscale.
Reuploaded now.
Nope. Not on sadpanda at least.
I KNOW somebody out there has to have the new shindol book, right?
yeah lots of people do
Not really a scan, but did as109 release something new for C91?
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And that's my second scan, do enjoy.
I'm surprised, Shindol's doujins are always damn fast to be scanned at every comiket. I wonder what has changed.
We live in the worst timeline desu.
Odds are they're waiting for the patreon english version like the last couple...unfortunatly lately everything he releases there, heads over the fakku now...
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what you get ?
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I tried to get stuff that'd never get uploaded/scanned or released online, but a lot of authors started releasing online consistently. Don't know why I got terazip/hinaprin since they were guaranteed though.

I got 3 pictures total, but I probably won't upload the 3rd unless you guys really want to see my shit taste.

Also no scanner/hairdrier so no chance of scans in the near future.
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Guess my shit taste and if you still want it I'll upload.
Can you scan that persona 5 doujin called The Queen something? That cover looks awesome!
>Also no scanner/hairdrier so no chance of scans in the near future.

Maybe phone pictures?
So, still no uploads yet from the work by Creayus for those Code Geass parodies huh?
Hey, sorry, it's a noob question, but what is CXX? Like, C91? C84? Etc?
lurk more.

I'll give you a clue though, there's a wiki link in this thread that should make it very clear.
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No scanned yet, fuck this life
All dem demon girls/succubus in the middle row look nice. If you could upload them would be great
You love demon girls
Can you upload the Splatoon one?
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I just wonder when the complete version of this already gotta scaned.

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Can someone please upload (C91) [50on! (Aiue Oka)] Saimin Seishidou 2 Kurashiki Reina no Baai

I've been waiting for this for sometime.
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Anyone get this one yet?
Was this released at C91 or what?
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Was this C91?
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>(C91) [Yokoshimanchi.(Ash Yokoshima)] 3ANGELS SHORT Full Blossom #02

when ??
Doujinshi not released on web to buy:
>artist: Suzune Rai
>artist: Shimanto Youta
Yeah. I will scan the whole thing though I can't get any break at the moment.
You are a Gentleman and a Scholar.
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Anybody got this yet? Or was this not in C91?
It was. Lots of people got it.
Scans when? Want to check it out. As well as any other Velvet doujins that were out in C91.
as soon as you pay someone to destroy their copy for a decent scan
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Damn it, Ash Yokoshima is one of my all time favorites and the dark skinned girl there is brilliant. That doujin just wasn't available to buy anywhere for a while after C91 (and the author sure as hell didn't bother advertising when it was finally available to buy) so the chances of it getting scanned now are slim since it seems to be almost sold out.
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anyone got any scanning tips? I have a printer/scanner but I can't get a full page unless I bend the shit out of the doujin which I rather not do.
If you aren't willing to tear the book apart then you either need to get good at cleaning to edit out the bends, or just be ok with sub par scans. Also if you want to scan regularly get a dedicated scanner. The level of quality is noticeable and trust me the better quality raws you scan will save you time when you have to clean them. If you do get a dedicated scanner I would recommend a sheetfed scanner. Scanning pages take more time than you think, you have no idea how much faster you can work when you can scan a whole book in less than 5 minutes. Also again with a sheetfed scanner you will have to tear apart your books
I usually scan color pages in 600 DPI and grayscale pages in 300 DPI or higher depending on what the commissioner wants. Be sure to disable descreening and any additional options your scanning software might offer.

As for the bending issue. You can only go full force or like >>4541016 commented, be good at cleaning out the bends
Thanks for the advice. Cleaning out bends looks pretty difficult but I'll try that first. I'll probably go for a sheetfed scanner in the future if I can't do it. I don't know how easy it is to tear down full pages without royally fucking it up though.
What scanner do you use?
Be sure to do some research beforehand about the sheetfed scanner options as some of them tend to leave these patterns all over the place.
>tfw kuro no mikis magisa doujin will never be uploaded

I second that request.
Looks like its already in shop pages to buy the entire shit.
No one interested in buy it and scan it?
Anything important we're still waiting for?
Has anyone got there hands on this one ?

I'm willing to pay someone to release it to everyone else since i been waiting for it for awhile now.
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why is the file 404? can someone repost the c91 list
Serves me right for not buying anything from the artist this time around :(
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>still no TSF Monogatari Append 4.0
Fuck this gay earth, next time I will buy them
Thread posts: 260
Thread images: 64

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