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FAKKU Free Weekend

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 503
Thread images: 39

File: fakkuweekend.jpg (97KB, 955x298px) Image search: [Google]
97KB, 955x298px
This just popped up.

Anyone know how to rip albums off their site?
This is too much for one weekend
I haven't gotten around to writing a scraper but firefox lets you easily save tainted canvas images without much hassle.
I can't even right click on anything below the menu bar.
If I check for "media on site" or the sites source code I can't find any links to pictures either.

Then again, I am really not that good with that kinda stuff and am obviously missing something here.
Fakku uses some contrived methods to prevent scraping.

First, any images that make it to the browser are scrambled. They force you to run the 3k minified javascript called ghostslide in order to unscramble them. Ghostslide puts the images into a tainted canvas element so browsers like chrome complain about CORS.

To easily save an image:
Use Firefox
about:config -> dom.event.contextmenu.enabled (To enable your rightclick)
Go to a gallery
Go to a page
Run this snippet:
(this will remove the navigation but the mouse buttons and arrow keys will still work)
Right click -> Save as now works.

This is obviously horrible for any sort of mass scripting but I just wanted to use it for a few select galleries (henreader, gommenasai, etc...)
You do know this has all already been done, right? If you aren't going to do it perfectly well, there isn't really any point to do so. It's mostly all available anyway.
I understand, but I've had fun messing with canvas elements and ghostslide.
It'll probably all be fixed soon anyway.
What will be fixed soon? They'll obfuscate their security even more? That's fine. As long as they're in the business of serving images there will always be a way to scrape those images.
A fakku dev said it would be fixed.

>there will always be a way to scrape those images.
Probably mostly from screencapping.
>A fakku dev said it would be fixed.
Can you give me details or a link to where they said it?
<+Daiz> I guess I should get around to seeing about plugging that firefox hole at some point
<+Daiz> it's been on my radar for a good while but it's a pretty niche thing

Not the guy you're replying to and yes you're right as long as they are in business of serving images there will be ways of scrapping those that don't involve screencaping
Okay, question. Was this a bait thread and did I fall for it?
What do you mean?
Daiz said he will plug the hole that lets firefox users get images from tainted canvas.
OP creates thread
You post
This thread is linked on IRC
Daiz reads the thread and responds on IRC
You are informed of this.

By IRC you mean the sadpanda channel where most of the ops will outright kick/ban, if anyone touches Daiz? lol
How's Slovakia?

[19:56] <Daiz> >>4311884 << looks like vito's posting on 4chan again

Not really hard to figure out the IRC circlejerk.

<Yosh> he is a funny slovakian

Hi Yosh.
Hi Vito, if you are commenting about irc posts, why don't you come back? I believe you also talked about how you hated how irc leaks into posts.
Don't forget, he's a hypocrite. He supports DIGITAL MANGA
It's a masterpiece.
There won't be any more.
>Yosh being clueless as usual
Not going to details but Chrome's developer tools can really make the impossible, possible.
I'm having a hard time looking at the content even without downloading anything.
doesnt seem to work anymore. Also tried using jdownloader and got nothing
I only managed to retrieve the thumbnails
Hey, can you get to work on the gomennasai in Exe? I'll gib you some btc.
>called ghostslide
those meme loving fucks would, wouldn't they?
where is any of that available?
I only knew of Tsumino, but they stopped a few months back and nyaa only has really old stuff
File: gameover.png (451KB, 1818x564px) Image search: [Google]
451KB, 1818x564px
So uh, it probably *wont* be possible to cleanly plug this security hole, pic related.
Dump the buffer lol.
Right now it runs like shit but I've not tried to optimise it yet.
what are you talking about, nyaa has everything up to early June and all the books
Yeah, until they ban you for doing so like they have for other rippers.
You don't deserve anything, not that you arecompetent enough to even search on nyaa, which has up to #600 and all the books.
There is already a python script that automatically downloads, organizes, and uploads stuff to a certain place. Then there are other automated tools. The more people doing so, the merrier.
>posting this publicly with fakku actively monitoring the thread
There was a program publicly available that did this, except automated, but fakku sent them a cease and desist and generally had them completely taken down. If they hadn't, probably would have threatened legal action.
HDoujin Downloader right?
So many veiled threats in this thread, dang.
Anyway if you're looking to reproduce the steps:

Approach 1 (Ezpz):
Copy canvas image data via Firefox inspector, decode from Base64 string in Clipboard, save to bitmap.

Approach 2 (Canvas debugger):
Inject JS that triggers on HTMLCanvasElement.prototype.getContext and triggers window.requestAnimationFrame, alternatively just hit that button manually for max stealth.
After a while the animation buffer spits out the complete canvas for uhh... debugging purposes :D.

First solution is allegedly the one getting patched, second one can't (theoretically) get patched as long as they're using a canvas element (Or ff introduces some brand new security features).

As for C&D, knee-jerk much? I'm doing this purely out of curiosity, I've got no interest in your content.

I'm very interested in seeing how this was automated outside of:
A javascript engine executing the same script but without the artificial protections enforced by browser.
Some inside knowledge of how each obfuscated image maps to it's correct equivalent.

Though you could probably throw a neural network at enough images until it figured out how to unscramble itself haha.
Are you autistic? No one is threatening you at all


Why so nasty anon?
How desperate are they to protect porn? It's rather pathetic, in my opinion.
Not very desperate at all? No DRM for anything you buy and minimal protection for subscription chapters.
This whole thread is proof the word Fakku needs a site wide filter and attempting to post it multiple times leads to a 1 day ban.
was that 2 page or so gomennasai spread ever ripped?
email me.
So, there is no way to rip Ulrich's work?
>using fakku
>any year
did you even read the thread? there are multiple ways.
What I'm doing is Screencapping on my phone and cropping it
you're only getting reduced resolution that way though
If I'm viewing just on my phone (IE too lazy to go to my comp) it's perfect

I think he's asking for an easier (read: sane) way to rip content.
As of yet, doesn't appear to be.
I'd put time towards creating a proper solution for this, but it'd take longer than the "free weekend" offers.
You can probably get the content in the usual places I guess, I'm not particularly aware of how available Fakku's siterips are, I imagine they're regularly removed?

Without coding you could probably rig some gross AHK script to automate the image data url approach. (Or Sikuli, if that's even developed any more)

Ideally canvas elements would have some immutable method to save content out, but for some reason prototypes are still a thing instead of hiding functionality via encapsulation.
>aware of how available Fakku's siterips are
the torrents have stayed up so far and have been updated every month or two
>They're giving free subscription for a week to find all the security holes while anons are contributing in helping them find the holes

Congratulation guys.
>under the ruse of anime expo celebration/promotion
>sacrificing current content to protect future content
>some other anon will find another way in at most a month or so anyway

I get the feeling a viscous cycle/arms race is already in motion
>viscous cycle
an arms race in molasses would be rather fun to watch
Fakku should know that they can't completely stop their content being shared by pirates but they shouldn't make it easy but make it harder.
File: testmyshitup.png (771KB, 1360x1920px) Image search: [Google]
771KB, 1360x1920px
I found a way that's a bit similar to Approach 1, but doesn't use any of the Base64 stuff. It's not perfect though, but I can about a page every 2-3 seconds.
Maybe I could find a whitespace trimmer or something, for the empty space at the bottom.
>discussing this here
>not expecting the mods to give your IP address to fakku so they can ban you before you do it anything
that white space is actually a missing part of the image though
File: testmyshitupv2.png (786KB, 1360x1920px) Image search: [Google]
786KB, 1360x1920px
If they actually want to do that, they can go ahead, but thanks for the heads up.

ah, I redid it a bit differently. Now I'm not actually getting the whitespace, so that's no longer an issue. I'll probably just do this for the ones I want from fakku, starting from what they've released since the last torrent.
are you retarded?
its fucking free
The first hit always is...
2-3 seconds is great, my approaches were in the order of 15+/per
Sucks that it's not automated, for some reason browsers appear to sanctify the contents of a canvas. You'd think something as raw as a graphics buffer would be available to dump in memory.
At that, you probably could write something in C++ to probe memory for the canvas, that'd be super fast, undetectable and perfect resolution (though they do downsample to 1360x1920 unfortunately).
If it's free, why does it still not let you read anything without logging in as a subscriber?
Because that would be pointless. They obviously want you to continue the sub after today, and setting up an account is the first hurdle out of the way. It would also lessen the server load a bit, since not literally everyone is checking it out.
>though they do downsample to 1360x1920 unfortunately
1360x1920 is the full res for the magazine chapters.
I'm so used to scans being a way higher resolution, is this normal for digital?
For online reading, yes. I only found one panda gallery with larger resolution, and most were downsized to <x1900, so they are around the same size in the best case. The files themselves are anywhere between sub 1400 and up to over 3000 (usually raws), with the majority of English releases being around x1800-2200. Anything Fakku sells can be downloaded in x2600 and x3200 resolution, so they really beat out scans pretty much across the board when you look at the actual facts.

And if we're talking about digital stuff sold by other sites, the standard is way lower, typically x1000-1500.
File: lysbf.png (1MB, 2560x1248px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 2560x1248px
Left is a screenshot from my ipad, and right is from the torrent. Both are at full scale. Since I don't see any difference in quality I'm going to proceed to rip it this way.
>both are full scale
Your image should be 2720x3840 if that were the case. I don't think you know what you are doing.
>Left is a screenshot from my ipad

>proceed to rip it this way.
There's a lot of stuff already ripped not in the torrent.
>Don't forget, he's a hypocrite. He supports DIGITAL MANGA

That's something Jacob came up with on IRC all huffing and puffing with his bruised ego and paranoid delusions, the only one dumb enough to buy it is probably Calope. But sure, with FAKKU's marketing track record, it's obviously all true, cause Jacob never rearranges facts to his own narrative.
Resolution of the torrents are in 1360x1920, which is the same as the ipad screenshot. That's fine enough for me to archive the works I like.
Vito was a corporate shill all along
Check the dates on those tweets.
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>That's something Jacob came up with on IRC

Yeah, I'm sure you were retweeting promotional tweets from Project-H way back in 2013 as a preemptive retaliation for FAKKU's future actions too, amirite?

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65KB, 520x414px
All of a sudden, one person on that list of three people made themselves not appear in RT listings. Gee, I sure wonder who that could be!
>being this autist
you are becoming what you hate so much
Whoops, looks like he didn't actually do this as a response to the post - it just shows you this if the user in question has you blocked. Oh well, my bad.

Still, it doesn't change the fact that his support for DMI/Project-H certainly wasn't "made up by Jacob".
You absolute madman. Vito really was a shill all along.
There's tons more evidence than that.
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727KB, 1033x727px
save and spread this image
on a serious note, when we are getting more gomennasai?
He has left wani, so there won't be any from Fakku. In the near term, whenever Yosh does it. Other than that, hope people pay to do it for you, because you certainly aren't going to be commissioning anyone.
What is Yosh's e-mail I will commission.
Ask on irc #sadpanda
Just my luck to learn about this 4 minutes before it's over.
I don't understand the hate with FAKKU. You do get what you pay for. Translators also need money to live especially since what they are translating are considered taboo in society. For example, I don't think anyone would dare put "Hentai Manga Translator" on their CV unless they are applying for Fakku. I know if I put that in my CV, it will be thrown in the bin.
>expecting logic, rationality, sense, reason, or sensibility
You clearly either have forgotten or never knew where you are.
Comes down to a few common themes:

1. They think Fakku is trying to kill scanlation/panda/piracy in one way or another. Main theory is that Wani's DMCA came as a result of their deal with Fakku, and not the other way around.

2. Old grudges. Some people don't like Jacob personally, and some don't like what the site used to be before the publishing deal.

3. Hypocrisy is a popular argument, and one of the few that has any real validity. It used to be a scanlator site, and they kept the pirated content on the site for the first ~1½ year.

4. Misinformation, usually by treating speculations about the first point above as a fact, or due to ignorance, like still thinking they don't have loli or remove/censor anything they don't like.

5. People don't want to pay for porn, or anything for that matter.

The DMCA notices being connected to the Wani deal may as well be a point of fact. It's too coincidental otherwise. What's more important is to consider whether or not Jacob knew DMCAs would be sent out because of the deal. He denied it IIRC, but again there's that trust issue.

With that being said it's also worth pointing out that aside from the fact that content was taken down, it remains an issue that they still do not offer all of the content that was taken down. So even if I did want to support them, the content isn't all there which is very frustrating.
The DMCAs being connected to the Wani deal are 100% fact. The point of contention is the order. Fakku contends that DMCAs led to the deal. Conspiracy theorists contend that the deal led to the DMCAs.
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The Wani takedowns did come first, and there's proof of it - picture related. FAKKU being on the receiving end of them was what got the two in touch to begin with, and the deal came about as a result of that.

If less than two tweets a month in average to someone who's friendly to interact with is schilling, then you certainly have some odd standards. That said I probably retweeted more license and release announcements from other publishers, but go figure how that works.


Yes, it's all a grand conspiracy hiding in plain sight among those publicly accessible tweets.
>It's too coincidental otherwise.
Not when you actually consider the two scenarios. Wani isn't the first publisher to send out takedowns. On the other hand it's unheard of for a scanlation site to try to strike a deal with a major publishing company. Neither side has solid evidence (Daiz's post could just be part of Fakku's evil plan, and your side has nothing concrete) but both are possibilities.

>it remains an issue that they still do not offer all of the content that was taken down
I agree that this is an issue, but you can only blame Fakku for it if they're the ones responsible for the takedowns. Regardless we're now better off than ever before when it comes to English hentai. Just look at ExE. In a months time we've gotten 4 translated chapter (1 by cgrascal, so I don't even know if you want to count that one) from a magazine filled with super popular artists, and it was ripped a few days after release instead of the typical 1-2 months wait for a good scan. During that time we got 3 full magazines from Fakku, which will be ripped eventually if you don't want to pay.

And that's completely ignoring the difference in quality.
>On the other hand it's unheard of for a scanlation site to try to strike a deal with a major publishing company.

Well, pretty much the same kind of thing happened with Crunchyroll in the past, so it's not completely unheard of. And CR going legit has been an unquestionably large improvement from their pirate days, even with all the gripes I have about their service to this day.
Yes fakku did nothing wrong, keep giving them your shekels.
Where do i read free hentai as opposed to fakku faggotry
Too many to name. Off the top of my head are exhentai, nhentai, hentai.xxx, hitomi.la, + a shit ton more. Anyone else can add in if they want.
Also Tsumino. Probably one of my favorite ones.
Don't both, it's shit and run by a malware operator.

Keeping the pirated content was part of the problem, but also how Jacob marketed it, as he always wrote it in a way, that heavily implied the authors were OK with it, just not which authors exactly.

The other thing is his sudden change of heart, talking to us how we should support the authors, which felt completely insincere, as it coincided with him having profiting from it.

And it's not like there aren't other things you could do, like be a resource for new releases and content, but what people care about is free porn and that's what drives the most traffic to a site. And if you don't even need do any work and just rehost fan translation, than it's a double win.

Chances are, if someone with less of an ego handled this instead of Jacob, it could have gone a lot better.
You're on to something there. Getting serious Phil Fish vibes here.
Some people are just not good with public relations, whether that's explaining oneself or just interfacing in general.
>tsumino . com
>nhentai . net
>hentaibox . net
>g.e-hentai . org
also rip Pururin, used to be my favourite
as mentionned >>4313948
forgot that one, i don't use it much but's pretty good
Seriously, no one is arguing with you on that. A lot of people who have met him say he's a nice guy, but no doubt he has handled the PR poorly.

I'm willing to look past that though due to the dozens of people actually translating the books and the hundreds of artists who aren't Jacob. I don't think it's fair to shun an entire market just because of one bad spokesperson.
I think you're wrong. I think you're putting blame on him because you have no one else to blame. You need to find an excuse not to support Fakku so you can continue to pirate and "not liking him" is the only reason you have left.

If you have followed him you would know he has been honest about everything. Everything he has said has been the truth to the point where he has been saying TOO MUCH. He's gotten himself in trouble for being too open about things.


And then he does shit like the above. That's fucking TOSHIO MAEDA.

You're hypocrites. Plain and simple. There is absolutely no reason to dislike Fakku or Jacob. You say he has an ego problem? Show me. You can't. You can only show me posts of him telling you to support the artist or the industry and you try to twist it to make it a bad thing.

Face it. There is no reason left to dislike Fakku and that's what really bothers you.
I'm the anon above you. You're 100% right that a lot sees him as the perfect scapegoat, and are simply looking for a reason to justify their piracy. Most of the other criticism has been proven wrong by this point (they'll never do loli, non-vanilla, doujins, magazines, magazines on time, they'll censor content, the quality is going to be shit, and so on) and "Jacob is a bad person" is one of the main arguments nowadays.

You take it to the other extreme though. There are things he has said that aren't true. On multiple occasions has he promised that their goal is to bring back all the content legally, or that they're going to translate Wani's entire backlog. This is literally impossible, and I mean that in the actual sense of the word. You can say "it's the long term goal," but there's just too much content to realistically ever translate. Here's one source:

There's also the deal with NTR2, where their lawyers told them not to release it. Perfectly reasonable, but that doesn't change the fact that he went back on his words. He's said they'll look into alternative ways to publish is (probably digital only) but who know when and if that's happening.

Looking at something as a completely black and white issue is never the answer. There are a lot of good things about Fakku, but there are also bad things, many of which can't be proven in my opinion, which is why I have no problem supporting them.
Many, many assumptions.
I do not consume content available on Fakku, nor do I look for it elsewhere.
I also have no intention to do either because I'm not a fan of how the business was established and how it is currently run.
It's a lowest common denominator front-end to Japan that profits off of the hard work of the content creators while the upper echelon shake hands with publishers and you praise them as martyrs.
They could give X% cut or the whole lot, doesn't matter. It's not about how *fair* it is, or how much the original artist makes. It's about an unnecessary middleman.
Jacob and friends don't bring much to the table, they're glorified scanlators. To say that this is a fault is not fair, but for this reason I have no interest in the brand or content.
>Jacob and friends don't bring much to the table, they're glorified scanlators.
Try looking up any "English" release that comes directly from the creator. It makes the absolute worst of scanlators look amazing. Japanese artists don't know how to use English and they don't know how to typeset horizontal text, which is why a localizer is extremely necessary.

Artists do art, editors edit, publishers publish, retailers retail, localizers localize. Everyone does what they're good at, which is a whole lot more efficient than the artist trying to it all by themselves. You clearly also have no experience with scanlation if you don't think it's hard work, and Fakku is putting in more effort than most competitors (scanlators or legit companies), for instance by doing sound effects and using handwritten text.

These English releases didn't exist before Fakku, so you have to be delusional to think they're unnecessary. And please don't bring up scanlation, because your whole argument is that this isn't fair to artists.
And let's not forget that you do need some sort of non-Japanese middleman to get uncensored releases reliably, because the Japanese artists aren't going to do that when self-publishing on Patreon or Enty.
As someone who doesn't care about translated and uncensored materials, is there anything that could interests me on Fakku?

It's not like I am planning to use this site, but I am interested to know that if I am missing out on anything but I doubt it.
I didn't say scanlation isn't difficult, I specifically said that Fakku as an entity is simply glorifying the process.
Anyone can crack open Photoshop and do the same.You can say that SFX and English text is an arcane art beyond the scope of mortals, but you've honestly got no idea whether or not I've got experience in the matter, more assumptions.
I've been involved in translation and editing before, I know how tricky it is.
As for Fakku, their jobs are made considerably easier by collaborating with the artists, source files can be shared as well as skipping out on decensoring due to the above, if anything this is objectively less work, given that according to you they also delegate tasks to other people.
If your point is that they're putting in effort,well of course they are? This is a business, if they weren't trying it'd be obvious in their output. I'm just saying they're not required.
Anyone can write "kya!", "ahn~" "kimochiiii", it's not something that requires this level of corporate structure.

>These English releases didn't exist before Fakku, so you have to be delusional to think they're unnecessary.

Well I suppose obtaining the Japanese version is totally unacceptable? You're response to this discussion is that I must be ignorant to the source material?

Not necessary, plenty of people are happy to decensor works for cash incentive. They also buy hard copies and scan at an insane resolution, both of which Fakku forgoes.
ie: belldandy100
File: 1459690549084.png (3MB, 1880x920px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1880x920px
>plenty of people are happy to decensor works for cash incentive.

We were talking about legit releases which support the authors - fan decensoring obviously doesn't fall under that.

And even then there's obviously a difference between the original uncensored art from the author and fan decensored art.

>They also buy hard copies and scan at an insane resolution, both of which Fakku forgoes.

Forgoes what exactly? FAKKU doesn't need to "scan at an insane resolution" because we get the actual digital source files to work with, and censoring is just a layer that can be turned off to get the original uncensored art. This is obviously way better than any kind of scans, and only really available through legit means (since pirates obviously couldn't get their hands on internal company files like this).
Post your work then.
So why does the name Fakku still appear in various scanlator URLs?
> plenty of people are happy to decensor works for cash incentive.
Yes, yes, they do. That's a good example since Fakku offered belldandy100 a cash incentive to decensor and redraw for them and proceeded to do so.
Because Fakku hosts them on a subdomain. Is that not obvious?
Your argument sounds like there shouldn't be any non-Japanese manga or anime publishers in general, or that anyone ought to change the source material in any way aside from its creator.
>Anyone can crack open Photoshop and do the same
It isn't true that they can and most certainly isn't true that they would.

>Anyone can write "kya!", "ahn~" "kimochiiii",
Why would they be writing that? Do kisama put arbitrary nihongo instead of a proper English translation because it's your ikigai? Doing so won't make you a nakama of the nihonjin. You won't be sugoi in any way.
>(since pirates obviously couldn't get their hands on internal company files like this).
That sounds like a challenge.
>I didn't say scanlation isn't difficult
You said they are profiting off of the hard work of the artists. Do you think the artists do any extra work for these English releases? I bet Fakku just hand it off at the end to get an okay from the artist. Everyone involved is doing their part, so it's very naive to think that only the artist deserve any money.

>Well I suppose obtaining the Japanese version is totally unacceptable?
This is always the last resort from your side. I don't understand how someone can read "these ENGLISH releases didn't exist before" and try to retort with "the Japanese did." I've refrained from name-calling, but this argument is retarded. It's like me saying "you need gas/electricity to drive a car," and your response is "no, I ride a bicycle." Stop bringing up completely irrelevant points.

>They also buy hard copies and scan at an insane resolution, both of which Fakku forgoes.
That would make for a decent point if Fakku didn't offer their stuff in better resolution than the majority of scans you find online: >>4312850
Fan decensoring, under the implication that the volume has been purchased with that intent, does still count as a sale. Further sales are not contributing, this is always true.
However, the responsibility to contribute towards the author lies solely with each reader, the fan work still has considerable merit.

Scanning at high res applies to physical volumes, I prefer it personally. This will vary from person to person, feel free to disagree.
As opposed to uncensored art... true, it won't match the artist's intention, but that's not hugely important. Authenticity isn't a priority.

No chance, last thing I need is this drama being persistent.

And you too are correct about it being a good example, it proves how little need there is for Fakku if all they're doing is outsourcing. The skills involved aren't beyond everyday manipulations.

Poor phrasing, sorry. Derivative works have plenty merit.

You've singlehandedly disregarded all scanlations, colorizations, translations, decensorings etc.

You misunderstand. Translation requires just as much editing skill as the original art to make things not look like shit. After all, most of it involves providing placeholders for the text, which in itself requires a good deal of redrawing.

As for obtaining the Japanese version. Again, let me reiterate because you've glossed over my point: I don't consume the content from Fakku, nor do I care to. I'm happy enough with the source material and don't much care about the benefits that Fakku brings.

To clarify another point, because you all seem to be taking my opinion as opposition:
Fakku does a lot of beneficial things, I just don't care enough about those benefits to see the value.
This is a personal viewpoint, it is not the gospel truth.
Perhaps the antagonistic vibes came from my calling them martyrs...
You lot are up here on this hill defending them, seems pretty appropriate that yourselves see this as some noble act.

I meant why as in why is a supposedly legit company still doing that. Shouldn't they remove any and all connections to piracy?
>Perhaps the antagonistic vibes came from my calling them martyrs...
No, I'm pretty sure it came from you saying they're "unnecessary middlemen" who are "not required" when you're not even on the same subject as the rest of the thread. Everyone here is obviously talking about the localization work that Fakku does, since they're a localizer. Do you need a localizer if you want to read the censored Japanese original? No, of course you don't. Do you if you want to read it uncensored and in English? Of course you do. Your points are irrelevant to the discussion.

>Scanning at high res applies to physical volumes, I prefer it personally.
When you talk about high resolution and say you prefer faulty scans compared to pristine source files at an even higher resolution, it kinda makes it sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.

>it won't match the artist's intention, but that's not hugely important.
Classic "it's porn so who cares" coming from someone who in the previous sentence complained that the same porn isn't up to his standards. You don't care what it looks like as long as the resolution is high enough, huh?

>it proves how little need there is for Fakku if all they're doing is outsourcing.
Great leap from "they outsourced this one thing once" to "outsourcing is all they do." There's no reason for them to have an in-house decensorer when they get 99.9% of the works uncensored, so it's only natural to outsource that task when it comes up.
>Everyone here is obviously talking about the localization work that Fakku does
I'm glad you speak for everyone.
>Anyone know how to rip albums off their site?

>When you talk about high resolution and say you prefer faulty scans compared to pristine source files at an even higher resolution, it kinda makes it sound like you have no idea what you're talking about.
Book vs. kindle, but sure I guess I can't have preferences either.
I prefer the appearance of physical volumes, scans replicate that. Sure, digital looks perfect but you'd get the same effect by putting a scan through a cleaning filter, moot point.

>Classic "it's porn so who cares" coming from someone who in the previous sentence complained that the same porn isn't up to his standards. You don't care what it looks like as long as the resolution is high enough, huh?
The artistic nuance is normally negligible, there's a finite number of ways to draw a dick.

>Great leap from "they outsourced this one thing once" to "outsourcing is all they do." There's no reason for them to have an in-house decensorer when they get 99.9% of the works uncensored, so it's only natural to outsource that task when it comes up.
My original point was that decensorers already exist and that Fakku isn't necessary (ie: aren't the only true source), could have toned down my negativity, my bad.

Fakku isn't necessary. They're not crucial, they don't do anything particularly special. That's my opinion, and I believe by drawing parallels with fan efforts I've provided sufficient backing for this perspective.
If you feel that they are essential, that we must depend on them and nurture their business... well that's on you.
They are middlemen asking for cash for a line of work previously undertaken for free in the grayest of legality. You can see why this is not revolutionary.

It's like the Danny Choo of porn, reinforcing his own relevance through incessant self promotion.
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>Scanning at high res applies to physical volumes, I prefer it personally.

You're scanning a physical volume into a digital copy. The process is basically digital master -> physical release -> scanned digital release. FAKKU can take it one step further and go straight from digital master to digital release, and the results are much cleaner and truer to the source than any scan could. Just look at the comparison in >>4314583.

And are you saying that x3200 wouldn't be "high resolution"? Most raw scans you get tend to be around x3000 and JPGs to boot (all the images in the x3200 FAKKU releases are PNGs, I had to convert this one to JPG because the PNG would be too big to post).
The previous statements were based off of the content ripped over the free weekend which was served at a resolution of:

As per:

Consider that point otherwise invalidated by this new information.
The images in the online reader are indeed 1360x1920, and it is currently the maximum resolution for magazines as they're only readable through the subscription.

Books and anything else that can be bought has x2600 and x3200 as download options to go with the online reading.
>They are middlemen asking for cash for a line of work previously undertaken for free in the grayest of legality.
Not really, the majority of hentai work is based on commissions. People get paid for doing it. Free work is the minority. If you had said scanlations of "regular" manga, then sure.
and others

Pretty good troll. You are certainly putting in the effort.
Grey legality as in involves piracy, my bad again, not my first miscommunication.
Whether a scanlation is free or paid for, it results in unauthorized redistribution.
This wasn't a point for or against either side, just an observation.
>The artistic nuance is normally negligible, there's a finite number of ways to draw a dick.
There's applicable to anything then. Artist nuance is negligible for everything.

>necessary, necessary, necessary, necessary
Japanese publishers aren't necessary. They're middlemen. The author should self-publish (doujinshi) everything, whether by going to a printer personally or doing so digitally. Though, the printer may also not be necessary. One should have their own printing press. This is the logical extension of your argument.
>Artist nuance is negligible for everything.
Dicks are dicks.

>One should have their own printing press. This is the logical extension of your argument.
>you have to be delusional to think they're unnecessary

Such cherry picking.
As long as whatever it is gives the artists more money, who cares?
>inb4 the only acceptable model is sending money to the artist directly if you feel the need and downloading it for free regardless.
You didn't answer before that though.
I could have went further and said that a person should build their own printing press rather than buy one.

What about publishers in general?
You've focussed on one word instead of attempting to understand the point I was making.
Allow me to provide a comparison:

You want a sandwich.
Without Fakku you can get a sandwich.
The sandwich has bread, lettuce, chicken and a strange condiment you're not quite able to put your finger on.
This sandwich is free.
Also, the sandwich is magical, it can be duplicated instead of consumed such that everybody can enjoy it.

Fakku comes along and offers a sandwich service and chooses to ask the other sandwich service to leave.
Fakku's sandwich uses ketchup, a familiar condiment, and adds a layer of cheese.
Fakku asks for cash for this sandwich.

The addition of cheese and ketchup instead of the strange condiment does not make their service a necessary one. I can happily enjoy the other sandwich.
Their service offers no additional convenience or enjoyment, purely my opinion.

If I want English content, I can get it.
If I want translated or uncensored content, I can get it.
Your comparisons for convenience don't stack up, it's easier for me to use other sources but I imagine this is another personal preference.
At any rate, this is not a valid comparison (convenience vs. features).

I've heard enough to have doubts about Jacob's public nice guy persona. I'm not shunning an entire market but I'm not buying Wani published material, thankfully there are plenty of publishers and more than enough material to throw money at.
Person 1: Here are my personal views and I only care about how I feel about stuff. Argue me about it.
Person 2: [argument]
Person 1: That doesn't matter to me personally.
Person 3: [argument]
Person 1: I am right because I am right because my personal facts are the only valid answer to myself.
Person 4: [argument]
Person 1: I miscommunicated but I'm entirely right because my mistakes are truths are disguise.
Person 5: [argument]
Person 1: My personal preference invalidates anything you might have to say because I am only concerned with what I believe

why does anyone bother?
> (You)
>This sandwich is free.
It's only free because someone else already paid for the sandwich for you and pays rent for the sandwich stand for you.

>Their service offers no additional convenience or enjoyment, purely my opinion.
Yes, and you are trying to argue that your opinion ought to be seen as valid and shared by everyone else. Otherwise, I don't see why'd you'd trying to explain yourself or care at all. I expect you answer, "I am only responding because I am replied to, nothing more."

>At any rate, this is not a valid comparison (convenience vs. features).
So it's came that your personal convenience is the only criterion that matters. Good to know.
> So it's came that your personal convenience is the only criterion that matters. Good to know.

Uhhhh, yes? Do you operate according to what is inconvenient and troublesome?
Fakku is unnecessary (to me) because of these reasons (opinions).
I speak for myself only, apparently everyone else tries to speak for all.

Well that's the problem isn't it, so many different people makes for one fucked up dialogue.
>Do you operate according to what is inconvenient and troublesome?
Considering that I'm bothering to converse with you, apparently so.

Well, you're right. We can also blame Wani for making a deal with him, but unfortunately we'll never know what motivated them to do so.

You're implying the Kickstarter is some sort of charity, it's not. What it is, is a glorified prepaid preordering system that also usually gives you a marketing boost and minimizes your financial risks. That's about it.

Jacob isn't honest at all. I can point you to an interview where he claims FAKKU doesn't care about piracy at all, yet we all know they're fiercely protective of their content and from what I've heard go to great lengths to take it down.

He claims FAKKU simulpublishes magazines, yet we all know that's a load of crap. He maybe releases a chapter close to the Japanese release date, but then takes them a month to churn out the rest of it. Officially because people want something new every day, but it's obvious it'd be a logistical nightmare to actually simulpublish a whole issue, especially getting enough staff, who would likely have to be freelancers.

As for the ego problem, if you don't see it, I really can't help you with that. And I've already told you, it's not the support the industry claims, it's the timing that's utter rubbish. He had years to promote that message, yet it's only now that's become the main marketing point.
The work Fakku does costs money, I imagine the delays are in part influenced by the popularity response of the initial preview.
If they get over X hits they'll churn out the rest.


I imagine the problem is that magazines concentrate a huge amount of work in a small amount of time, so you'd get a lot of staff with nothing to do until another magazine is out, but this way they can uniformly distribute the workload across the entire month.

While in a sense there's nothing wrong with that, it isn't simulpublishing.
>fiercely protective of their content

FAKKU just manually sends takedowns if its comes across unauthorized distribution of its content. In the big picture this is very little in terms of anti-piracy efforts, considering that many companies hire other companies to automatically scrape the internet in order to automatically send takedowns. FAKKU also isn't negative toward scanlators. On the whole, it's a much more "progressive" view on piracy than you'd get out of almost any other company.

>He maybe releases a chapter close to the Japanese release date

Usually the first two chapters of a magazine come out on the exact same day the magazine hits stores in Japan, so it's not just "close" but it is on the exact same day.

And yes, it would be very hard to do the whole magazine at once. We get the material in advance, but not that much in advance, so it would require a huge amount of staff (probably at least around 10x that FAKKU has now) to pull it off, which just isn't realistic right now nor will it be anytime soon. But I'd say it works out because having new content every day is more valuable than "true" simulpublishing (because really, in a subscription service it'd be pretty silly to dump 20 chapters in a single a day and then have nothing new come out for a week or two).

Ultimately I agree though that taking the word literally FAKKU isn't "simulpublishing" the magazines outside of a few chapters. And while anime streaming companies still call their stuff "simulcasts" even if they come out days after airing, I think FAKKU would be totally fine just calling it "publishing", because ultimately I don't see there being that much value in aligning with the Japanese street date for all the content. It's much more important to simply get the whole thing done before the next issue comes out and to have new content every day.
New content every day argument makes the assumption that readers like every single chapter. A reader may luck out and his favorite author ends up getting translated last, yet with a complete magazine, he can check the ToC and simply flip to his favorite authors or just browse the magazine in general as they please. With the current model subscribers don't have that choice.
>FAKKU just manually sends takedowns if its comes across unauthorized distribution of its content
To clarify, this does include people who remove the English text, translate it, and then typeset the translated text.

>In the big picture this is very little in terms of anti-piracy efforts
To explain more, the majority of Fakku's anti-piracy is having google search results removed.

>Usually the first two chapters of a magazine come out on the exact same day the magazine hits stores in Japan
Not generally true of the number, and they usually aren't "chapters" but rather a few colored pages or similar.

Daiz, it's not a good idea to copypaste what Jacob types out and present it as your own. That's only going to hurt you and everyone else you are involved with.

>having new content every day is more valuable than "true" simulpublishing
More valuable to whom? Certainly not the consumer. Yes, it provides a constant drip, but that's only an illusion and and manipulation of behavior. I could write a lot about this, but it's not worth the effort.

>It's much more important to simply get the whole thing done before the next issue comes out
It seems Fakku is currently failing at this quite a lot. Maybe eventually they won't.
What's your point? It's still a million times better than waiting for random scanlations. Especially when half the scanlations that come out in english are kancolle/touhou

>It seems Fakku is currently failing at this quite a lot. Maybe eventually they won't.
The majority of the last 6 months of magazines have been released 100%. Possibly all of them. You have no idea what you're talking about
>The majority of the last 6 months of magazines have been released 100%.
Read the qualifications again
>whole thing done before the next issue comes out
It wasn't whether they are 100% done, but when they are 100% finished.
All of your posts in this thread have been absolutely retarded. Are you the sandwich guy? Cause that was the dumbest shit I've heard in my life.
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>Not generally true of the number

Well, it can vary, but usually there is at least one on the JP release date, even if it is a 4-8 page color chapter.

>More valuable to whom? Certainly not the consumer.

Why would it not be valuable to consumer, especially as the amount of magazines (and thus the amount of daily content) increases? That aligns with how a whole lot of people use these kind of sites.

>It seems Fakku is currently failing at this quite a lot.

No? Right now pretty much all issues finish releasing around the time the next issue comes out. There can be some slight overlap at the edges but saying the statement wouldn't apply because of that would be just silly.

There still is a backlog from earlier days when there was some staff issues, but it's been getting smaller and will disappear eventually.
>around the time
I'm not intentionally being unfair, I'm simply going by what you stated. If you want to change it to "around" rather than "before", that's acceptable, but it isn't the same.

> wouldn't apply because of that would be just silly.
It hasn't been the case for the vast majority of magazine issues. Yes, if you say, "In the last couple months we have been getting the issues completely finished around the time the next issue is released." That would be acceptable.

> will disappear eventually.
I guess we will see how many more months, perhaps a year, it will take to do so. That also assumes there aren't any other problems or intentional delays.

>Why would it not be valuable to consumer, especially as the amount of magazines (and thus the amount of daily content) increases? That aligns with how a whole lot of people use these kind of sites.
Again, I entirely agree that's how it's used. I don't agree that it increases value for the consumer.
30 days releases in 1 day vs 1 release each day of the month. Clearly the former is a better value for the consumer as they have have the choice of 30 new in one day as opposed to not having a choice.
This is entirely a theoretical situation though not representative of reality though.
Personally, I don't think the average consumer cares in the slightest which magazine it comes from or when it was released. You could probably stop announcing everything about the magazines and stop providing any information and simply have random chapters from random magazines released every day and most people wouldn't care.
That same person would probably much rather have the drip, especially for subscription, because it FEELS like more.
Again, this is only theoretical and academic because the reality is that you can only practically provide a few a day, and even that is pushing it, especially if something goes wrong, there needs to be a buffer. Don't argue it's a better "value" though. It's simply a better user experience for a certain type of user. That that type of user is the majority of Fakku subscribers is good for you. At least, that's how it comes across to me based on Jacob's statements.

To state otherwise, is to say for example, Netflix releasing an entire season at once isn't a better value releasing them once per week. Again, that's not practical for you, and wouldn't be a better experience for your userbase, but it's still not a better value.
In other words, yes, it's better for customer satisfaction, and that leads to greater retention of subscriptions.
>If you want to change it to "around" rather than "before", that's acceptable, but it isn't the same.

True enough. I guess it would be more accurate to say that the issues are finished internally in time to start working on the next ones so that the backlog isn't getting any larger at this point. But as far as the actual releases to public are concerned, the release scheduling does obviously have an effect on this.

Based on some quick checking on the recent issues that have been completed, it can take up to a week or two after the next issue comes out in Japan for the last chapter of the previous issue to be released (but it can also come out before the next issue too), based on some quick checking on recent issues. The average was around 4-5 days, barring any specific circumstances (like how we waited to put up a particular Key magazine chapter from one issue to coincide with the pre-order for Key's book going up).

>You could probably stop announcing everything about the magazines

This has already started happening - we don't announce new issue releases on the front page or the forums anymore, the chapters just start appearing. Issues only get preview threads and a cover post in the "magazine covers" thread at this point. We probably won't get rid of the magazine metadata itself, but the idea is indeed to make it matter less, as this:

>simply have random chapters from random magazines released every day

Is pretty much how it works already.

>the reality is that you can only practically provide a few a day

That number is intended to go up with time as more magazines and more staff is added, as those two factors are really the key things when it comes to releasing new stuff every single day.
and so Daiz proclaims into the void, in a random thread on a dead board, of messages brimming with salient information, to be seen by no one.
The eternal struggle continues on, truly Daiz is Sisyphus.

Great posts. I too prefer to skip the middlemen, and I do support artists if I like the scans enough.

I've worked in scanlation too. I 100% agree in not glorifying the middlemen. The only message we should be glorifying, is if you really like manga then "Learn Japanese." Then you won't be stuck with shitty localizers, or Fakku who obviously only went legit to make money. Moreover, I don't like glorifying Fakku over the real translators they hire who have been doing it for years.
When the fuck is his cancer going to finally take Daiz away?
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Fuck you. You're everything that's wrong with this community.You're a fucking hypocrite and again you're just looking for an excuse to be a pirate and continue being a pirate. That's fine, but at least have the balls to be honest about it. Fakku is doing fucking incredible things. They have published more hentai artists than any other company. They have employed more professional scanlators than any other company and you know what? Those scanlators are fucking happy. Everyone in my scanlation group is working harder than ever in hopes to get hired by Fakku. They raised the bar with their releases. Nothing a scanlator can do can ever compare to their quality. And that's a good thing.

In summary, fuck you. You are a waste of space and a disgusting bottom feeder. You are not a real scanlator or you wouldn't make such retarded, autistic posts.

I am going to anime expo this weekend I am going to meet two of my favorite artists in person saitom and napata. Thats thanks to Fakku.
<@fappu> Fakku will never finish their backlog
<@fappu> they just have no intention of doing it
<@fappu> normies don't even know about it
<@fappu> and every time one of their editors or whoever have free time they have him do something else that can be sold by itself like doujinshi
<@Yosh> ofc they never will
<@Yosh> because if they got more staff jacob would have too few shekels :^)
<@fappu> The only way you would ever get them to actually work on those issues is making threads on the forums every single day
<@fappu> but they'll probably just delete it and remove your forum access
<@fappu> You can release doujinshi and claim you don't have time to work on past issues
<@fappu> that's just bull
<@fappu> you're prioritizing things that bring you more money
>Five days of Fakku Subscription have been added to your account.
>Bait the post
This is bad really bad...trolls are better then this.
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I'm telling it like it is. The person I was replying to needs to be called out for being a liar and a dumbass.
oy vey
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You're further proving my point. The only ground you have to stand on is hurr durr he's a jew.
>You are not a real scanlator or you wouldn't make such retarded, autistic posts.
Scanlators generally are very dramatic to the point of retardation, and qualify for what 4chan would label as "autistic" though. Case in point, this guy >>4315049
Id honestly not pay jewcob for porn. Id buy em directly from the creators but usa is dicks when it comes to hentai. Also shill harder plz jewcob
You're embarrassing yourself and everybody else that supports fakku.
Posts like yours make contrarians cocks harder and turn the usual denizens of 4chan against you
If you actually like fakku and you're not just a terrible troll. Please stop.
Don't feed the trolls but i agree.
>fappu got another free book for this post
nah son
I paid for every single one of them, because they are fucking worth it.

except those shitty yuri doujinshi, that technically are not from fakku
The doxy ones or the precure ones?
'cause the later are technically Fakku AFAIK.
Yuri-ism isn't Fakku.
Phoenix Syndicate isn't Fakku.
The hosted subdomains aren't Fakku.
Cure Assort was not TLd or edited by Fakku.
They're from yurism, they're just selling it on fakku.
Fakku is basically the Amazon of Hentai allowing Third-Party Sellers to sell stuff on their site.
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No. You're wrong. The problem is people like those I was replying to. It's the most selfish, idiotic, and downright insulting shit I've read on here.

I know you've been following all this too. I'll be speaking up every time I see someone like that. The truth and evidence hasn't been working, it's time to call these people what they really are. Fucking trolls. I've watched Fakku improve the industry, improve scanlation, and improve the relationship foreigners have with these artists. It's at the point now where other publishers are copying the paperback quality of Fakku releases. They have literally elevated the entire industry.

I won't let posts like that go unchallenged and you shouldn't either.
>basically the Amazon of Hentai
can you be more of a shill?
So far they worked with two scanlation teams, and one of them was already pretty close to fakku to begin with.
dlsite is the amazon of hentai
>thinking fappu is your ally
You are going to be in a for a nasty surprise.
You are a cancer to the community you are supposedly trying to defend.
pls kill yourself
You are a cancer to the communities you are have any involvement with.
wew lads
I'm waiting for someone to drop the Godwin at this point.
that was a nice no u
But let try to explain this again to you. Just in the unlikely scenario that you're not just a troll.

Your posts push people away from giving fakku a chance. Nobody likes self righteousness bullshit and 4chan is no exception to this rule.
Your posts generate the Vitos we have in this community.
Fakku product is good and it speaks for itself. People reading that even if they're evil pirates are more likely to decide to buy it themselves than reading the rants of retard like you on 4chan.
Again pls kill yourself fampai
True but it's also necessary to call out people when they lie. Each and every time.

That's the bigger thing here. You can't let people just go spread bullshit around as truth.
>Nobody likes self righteousness bullshit
That's exactly what you've posted.
I guess at least you know that no one like you.
>You can't let people just go spread bullshit around as truth.
I will try harder to stop you from spreading yours.

Fuck it, I'll take the bait. One of the issues with FAKKU is that from years of content, only a select few people actually profit from it.

The reason FAKKU enjoys popularity is because it hosted free porn for years, Jacob just happened to build a brand around it. The only reason he was able to do that is because
a) people drew porn
b) people scanned porn
c) people translated porn (and edited)
and the last two points have mostly been done for free or sponsored by third parties.

Any author not published by Wani but was hosted by FAKKU isn't get shit out of this deal, in fact their work was used for well over a year to prop the site up, while taking down Wani's content, which ironically, Wani could have given them permission to host.

Every person, either scanner or translator that's not getting work at FAKKU, in a sense got used as free labor to build the business. So they got shafted as well, though some are likely not to care about it. Also a company poaching scanslators can be debated just how positive it is for a community as a whole.
why? because you think reading one of your self righteous rants is better for the company image than reading another autistic conspiracy theorist retard?
It wasn't the conspiracy theories that kept me from getting on the fakku train from the very beginning it was cunts like you.

>calling out self righteousness is self righteousness
nice meme
That's just a figment of your imagination.

I think one Daiz per thread is enough, thank you very much.

And even that is creepy as hell, imagine casually talking bad about a car manufacturer on a forum and a company rep always showing up "correcting" you.
No one lied though, you just blew up at some guy expressing his preferences.
Daiz doesn't posts self righteous rants. He actually corrects people.
It's still annoying for the reason you just said but he's not on the level of this guy.
>Defending Daiz
Now who you truly are has been revealed for all to see.
Some peoples should realize 4chan is called the Internet Hate Machine for a reason.
I've always defended Daiz when I think he's right and called him out when I think he's wrong.

The only difference is between buying into the PR, but both types of opinions are forged by Jacob himself. Personally I think FAKKU has decent offerings, which sadly makes it all that more frustrating, that Jacob's ego will never let him take the backseat, unless he gets hit by a car and thrown on it through the windshield.

I'm not comfortable spending money at a company that made some questionable choices and tried defending them in a very sleazy way. I can just import a tankoubon from an author I like that's not published by Wani.
Oh boy Vito has arrived in the thread again. They you go using Jacob as an excuse not to support Fakku.
Vito would never be this reasonable. And you should stop shilling
>tfw when it's actually you posting everything but someone else is used as a scapegoat, Vito, in this case

It's the best feeling ever.
right = agrees with me
wrong = disagrees with me
I wouldn't be too proud. Vito is regarded as the village idiot around these parts.
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I think you give the jew a bit too much credit.
Jews have better gold drops, not mind control.
I think you confuse him for a nigger.
VIllage idioT Obviously
First of all I said 'when I think he's right' so yes, when his opinion is similar to mine I defend his opinion. When I believe he is wrong I argue with him.
How exactly do you operate? Do you argue with people even if you share their beliefs?
Further proving everything that is wrong with the posters here.
if you don't like 4chan's environment you could always leave
>community figment of imagination.
I'm afraid he's right >>4315104 There's never been a unified community in the truest sense.
>Do you argue with people even if you share their beliefs?
I argue regardless of anything else. There is nothing but the 1v1 of one argument vs another. It makes me feel like a real lawyer. Facts and evidence are irrelevant. All that matters is winning the case.
So yes, whether I share their beliefs doesn't matter at all.
>Facts and evidence are irrelevant. All that matters is winning the case
Our justice system at work folks. You let this happen. You all should be murdered in your beds and started over. I hope and pray i get my chance to end you. Don't worry you will pay in the end anyways.
Yeah I don't like this mindset too, but don't go around threatening peoples, it makes you sound as immature.
Thats the anti fakku camp in a nutshell. No matter how many times they are proven wrong it wont matter. They'll continue acting like fools.
Hi Vito
Let's make sexy time.
I'm not so fan of yaoi, so no thank you.
(screams eternally!!!)

you da mvp
If you aren't fiercely protecting your content, what's the point in actively trying to hinder people from saving images from your reader? You are never going to stop rips.
Who is this "vito" supposed to be?
The opposite of Jacob.

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>Also a company poaching scanslators can be debated just how positive it is for a community as a whole.
>one release (noise, ponsuke, or that other one artist) every three weeks
>lol overwatch
So I've ignored Fakku for +4 months cause I found much better sites, what the heck happened!? Subscriptions? Members only??

I rarely post, probably a variety of anti-FAKKU posts get attributed to me.


For people like you, everything will be an excuse, for me it's a reason, one which I explained several times.
This is the VITO.
There's a difference between being fiercely protective and doing the bare minimum. The magazines are supposed to only be read online, so the people bitching about resolution or that they can't right click are mostly pirates. They have no reason to pander to pirates, and if the have the opportunity to fuck with them, they'll probably take it.

Now, let's not forget that not that long ago FAKKU were pirates and ones that made a profit out of it.
>made a profit out of it

Only as much as e-hentai or many other sites did (and still do), by having advertisements next to free scanlations.
They acknowledge that all the time and they have no animosity toward scanlators, so I don't think we need to be reminded. All I'm saying is they have no reason to change something just to make their content easier to pirate.

None of the other websites as far as I can tell have been running around US conventions promoting themselves like Jacob did by building the FAKKU brand. Or ran a legit publishing business alongside it.


Why would they needlessly antagonize their recruitment pool of translators and editors?
It's probably also due to the owners not wanting their real identities to be known.
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The problem with Jacob is that he tries to sugarcoat everything and bullshit his way out.


>Piracy will always exist and we aren't concerning ourselves with trying to fight it

>I alluded to this above, but we aren't really concerned about piracy.

We all know this a load of crap at least to some extent (Wani conspiracy theories aside). You can downplay it, but they do make an effort to discourage people from piracy by giving the appearance they actively hunt it down.

>We didn't start this because we wanted to be pirates, we started because there was no other way to be a fan.

This is complete bullshit. You can always run a news site, inform people of new releases, what's popular and educate people how to import from Japan with least overhead cost.


>“When I made Fakku, piracy was not my goal. From the start I hoped to eventually work with publishers and artists in Japan and to show them that there were fans in the United States willing to support them,”

I can't begin to start addressing this, lol.
My vision of piracy is that it aims to fill the gaps between Japan and the western world, thus providing a service we don't or can't have from our own publishers.
I would say it shouldn't be used to make it free to read manga, but my personal rules include that you should only buy if you like it.

But in any case, piracy is in no way supposed to munch legit publishers in the first place, and I've always felt scanlation of an already licensed work was not ethical when it provided a full series.

Also drama between scanlators have shown me that some peoples were in for the recognition, that's a pretty shitty turn.

so yeah, piracy is not good nor bad, but it's a service we should use with a bit of ethic in mind.

Do support the releases you like if you deem it worth it, you are right to not be paying for something you'll end up not enjoying.

That's my view on it at least.

>We all know this a load of crap at least to some extent (Wani conspiracy theories aside). You can downplay it, but they do make an effort to discourage people from piracy by giving the appearance they actively hunt it down.
They did let Emergence get fully scanlated, despite them possibly licensing it. Then again, they chose not to publish it on their site and to redirect it to ShindoL's patreon (officially for peoples to support the author directly, but I'd say it's because they didn't want a bunch of pussies having their jimmies rustled).
That's just a mention on my part.

In the end I do believe Fakku and 4chan should do their thing far away from each other.
>I can't begin to start addressing this, lol.
Is it because you have no idea what he's talking about?
>Eventually I want to start translating the more popular manga titles, I want to talk with Japanese publishers and get them to ship us the actual manga and sell it on the site.
That's from two months after the site was created. No doubt he sugarcoats it, but he's had this in mind from the start.

I think Fakku has the same idea about piracy, or more specifically scanlation. In the case of ShindoL, no one would've scanlated it if Fakku had it on their site. There's also the latest Meme50 book where they contacted the scanlation group and said they were going to publish it. The group did it anyway and Fakku didn't take any actions against them for it. Now that they've picked up Shitsurakuten, they've filled that gap and eliminated the need for scanlators to work on Meme's stuff. They have a really laid back approach to piracy.
>Now that they've picked up Shitsurakuten, they've filled that gap and eliminated the need for scanlators to work on Meme's stuff.

Sadly the gap persists and I would love for scanlators to try and fill the gaps Fakku hasn't been able to fix yet.
Be wary of Wani, that's all.


Sorry I don't track every move Jacob has made for the past decade, that post is... naive would be about the kindest word I could find for it.

Hosting their pirated work is a poor way to try and start building a business relationship with someone. That post sounds like someone wanted to have the cake and eat it too.
Walked in the woods, found a dollar! Dollar, dollar, dollar! Found a dollar in the woods!
That specific gap (Meme50's works) has been filled, and scanlators are free to work on whatever they want. The point is Fakku won't stop them, but it's not their fault that things aren't being scanlated. What you're forgetting is that scanlators have never done more than a few chapters from any given magazine, and this is not because they're scared of Wani.

Out of the first 6 issues of Hotmilk from 2016, 7 chapters have been translated out of ~90. By comparison, Fakku does almost three times that number every single month from each of the three magazines they currently publish.

People were making a huge deal out of ExE and how everyone is now free to scanlate these artists, but so far we've gotten 4 translated chapters out of 23. At this rate you can expect maybe 50 chapters from that magazine in an entire year, which again is less than what Fakku translates every single month.

No matter how you look at it, Fakku has been hugely beneficial when it comes to English hentai.
I can only agree.
>no reason to change something just to make their content easier to pirate.
Of course changing something to make it easier to pirate it is stupid. But that wasn't the point at all.
The point is that they are always trying to think of ways to obstruct normal browser behavior so that they are able to change things to make it harder to pirate it.
This is no pandering to pirates or doing the bare minimum but rather taking accessibility and, in the end, people's freedom.
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What's with this fucking thread and these fucking literally whos demanding to be special snowflakes with trips.

Ignore fakku and move on. All the sane people stopped using it ages ago.
Well, they are getting paid after all.
>The point is that they are always trying to think of ways to obstruct normal browser behavior so that they are able to change things to make it harder to pirate it.
That's a bit of an exaggeration. The reader has been this way since the start almost a year ago, and I don't think any other anti-piracy features have been added since.

You're also assuming it was done do prevent ripping. Daiz said he modeled it after CDisplay, so it's possible right click was disabled simply to let you use it for navigation.

So are a lot of scanlators, and they're happy to take your money if you want something done. It's going to cost you a hell lot more though than anything you get from Fakku though.
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Fuck off Fakku shills and Fakku apologists.

/h/ has plenty of reasons to hate you, but the real reason should be fucking obvious.

Your site is fucking shit.

It is about as stable as the USD on black friday,
Its download system has always been fucking garbage,
Its staff are a bunch of faggots
And to top it all off, whenever the site breaks (which is egregiously fucking often) you get that obnoxious "u mad" 404 screen

It was shit when it was free.
Its still shit now.
It will always be shit, because the shit stains that run it are completely incapable of taking criticism in any form, and are too busy circle jerking each other and thinking they are the saviors of hentai localization.

You'd think that now they're trying to charge for their service they'd get their shit together and fix their shit-show of a website, but nope. It's as bad as it's ever been, and that's the real worst part.

I pirated the 5 Fakku releases I cared about, which after reading them are totally not worth the money they're trying to charge for them.

I will continue to pirate Fakku releases, and seed the shit out of them entirely out of spite.

Fuck off, you annoying cunts.
>You're also assuming it was done do prevent ripping.
The reader undefines several methods of the canvas and the canvas' contexts. There is no reason to do that other than trying to obstruct ways to save images.

> The reader has been this way since the start almost a year ago
No, for example I don't think these undefinitions were there from the start.
I initially posted posted about this because of >>4311845 which proofs that they are constantly working on breaking browser behavior.
>So are a lot of scanlators, and they're happy to take your money if you want something done. It's going to cost you a hell lot more though than anything you get from Fakku though.
Stop shilling you fucker, what I'm saying is that the argument "there's more content now!" is fucking retarded because it's their goddamn job and they have to keep at it. That's why 5am was happy to finally find a job instead of working at a gas station. It's a safe income. Most scanlators also do have jobs and take translating/editing as a hobby or a small way of income.
> thinking they are the saviors of hentai localization.

Oh my dear anon, please. Jews only save themselves.

>No matter how you look at it, Fakku has been hugely beneficial when it comes to English hentai.

You're making the assumption that everyone shares your priorities and values. Yours is essentially the number of releases per month above all else.
Fakku shill identified. You can get a chapter of nearly anything translated for 20-30 dollars. For a five chapter tanko that's no more than 150 dollars.

You probably won't be commissioning every chapter, but by translating one chapter you help the community. Your fellow pirates might help, and they might edit for free, and in this way an entire tank can be translated in good quality for a fifth or an eighth of the cost Fakku charges. It is wrong to say buying a manga from fakku for 8 dollars in a walled-off ecosystem is cheaper than commissioning a manga now and then, adding it to the pool, and in exchange reading hundreds of free translations. Pirate communities are far friendlier than the holier-than-thou fakku snobs too.
What kind of math is that. Yes, typically a chapter will cost you $20-30. A "five chapter tanko" is only half a tank, but you're also right that a full translation of a tank will cost $300-400 to get commissioned.

But I don't understand how you can come to the conclusion that you can get an entire tank translated for a a fifth or an eight of the cost of a Fakku tank. You can hardly get a single page translated for $1-2, much less 200-230.

I assume you're taking that commission money and dividing it across all the other scanlations out there, but in that case you can get a similar return value from a subscription.
Fakku now has 3 hentai magazines they translate to English daily and some OC from some major artists as well for a subscription fee. This part of the site is tedious to rip.

Fakku also translates and sells digital and physical tankobons. These are easy to get since they just give out a digital version anyway. Lots of good Bocchi.

Oh and I guess everything is uncensored as well.
The tanks on torrent are a better quality and uncensored. Better than 99% of what is on sadpanda.
What matters is you were wrong in your assumption. Whether or not you think Jacob was naive doesn't matter, from the start he wanted to work with japanese artists and publishers and he achieved it. That's commendable.
You make some damn good points. I hadn't thought about it like that.
Your autism level are off the charts. Don't bother posting in this thread again, the adults are talking.
>Fakku shill identified. You can get a chapter of nearly anything translated for 20-30 dollars. For a five chapter tanko that's no more than 150 dollars.
That's exactly why I pay for my fakku subscription. 1000+ pages a month for $13. It's a fucking deal for a man that faps as much as I do
No thanks i'll take panda and save money faggot LOL
except when they translate stuff that doesn't get me off.

I hope to see some up on nhentai or the panda soon.
>their stuff doesn't get me off
>I hope I see it on other sites
top kek
Literally no one cares about this but you. It's funny how people who are contributing to the hentai scene a lot such as scanlation groups has not complained about this. If they have then please point me to the sources and I will retake what I have said.

You focus on the wrong doings but you don't realize that Fakku is literally the only place that did the most for the hentai industry while being great.
You mean Jacob running around the US convention selling h manga directly from Japan to make it easier for people to support Japanese artists?
A few people claiming to be from scanlation groups or have contributed are complaining but they don't want to link their work or group name as verification.
The problem is it's hard to take an anonymous claim seriously. What we do know is that a lot of the bigger scanlators either work for, have their site hosted by, or have in some other way shown support for Fakku like Yuri-ism using the for distribution. There's always exceptions, but it's pretty clear that scanlators on the whole don't hate Fakku.

You're constantly running damage control, trying to spin things in a way that make it appear as if there are no negative aspects to FAKKU and how they function, or have in the past. And if you can't dismiss them, you simply call it "focusing on the wrong things".

The fact is though, FAKKU is where it is know, because it relied on unpaid labor for years and not paying any royalties to the artists, not to mention distributing their work without permission. And at the end of the day, only a few are now profiting from this.

Are you seriously trying to spin Jacob going around US cons building up the FAKKU brand that peddled pirated works into some sort of charity work by him selling books for profit at cons?
>You focus on the wrong doings but you don't realize that Fakku is literally the only place that did the most for the hentai industry while being great.
You can't be this retarded
I don't think there's much wrong with how Fakku is functioning right now. Their past, that's a different issue, and it's something they themselves acknowledge constantly. Doesn't make it right, but they're not trying to deny that this was built on piracy.

Compared to CR who are now openly anti fansubs, Fakku says things like this:
>We will continue supporting scanlators in every way possible. I believe that when a legal alternative does not exist, scanlation is necessary to fill in the void and show the publishers/artists that there is demand for their work outside of Japan.

It's dirty, but it's proven to be one of the best ways to kickstart a market. CR and Fakku both started out using piracy, showed that there exists a demand, and then transitioned into successful businesses. If you want an example of companies that tried starting out from scratch, take a look at Project-H or 2D-Market and see how great they're doing.
Makes me think why no one is shitting on CR when those guys are worse.

I guess peoples tend to think with their dick more than their brain.
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It depends on the size of the tank, multiply by the page numbers I used. My math should be solid because I've commissioned, and done work on commission, (and I never want to be part of Fakku.)

And no matter how you slice it, it will cost less because Fakku, his team, and the Japanese publisher aren't all demanding profit at the same time. EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR you put into commissioning goes a new translation - once you hit 20-35 dollars for a chapter, it's translated and done! Its a one off deal and giving 50 dollars won't make more be translated.

By contrast if Fakku has 20 or 500 sales for a manga, it won't make a difference because the cost has already been met at the minimum level. With commissioning very little can be wasted on profit margins, or so that Jewcob can fly around the country shilling at cons, and praising himself for being Jesus.
>Compared to CR who are now openly anti fansubs, Fakku says things like this:
>>We will continue supporting scanlators in every way possible. I believe that when a legal alternative does not exist, scanlation is necessary to fill in the void and show the publishers/artists that there is demand for their work outside of Japan.
that was in the past when they were hosting illegal content while selling products legally, as an excuse to keep them and to not have their fanbase go, and that's something only Jacob said to please the mass (he has expressed his disgust with other agregator sites, specially sadpanda no matter how much he denies it now). The rest of the team think they're holy ground.
Ok people, I don't care if you shill or hate FAKKU but there's one thing I'll ask for all of you fuckers: Citation needed.
If you don't care finding proofs of anything you claim you might as well shut up and let this fucking thread die.
Let me explain that anon's math and reasoning for you.

>$400 total
>$400 by 1 person or 10 people
>That's like $40 per person
>Once you reach that amount, no one has to pay anything ever again for it

>10,000 digital purchases
>$10 per person
>It never ends, people have to keep paying regardless.

$100,000 is 250 times more for Fakku than it would have cost to commission it.
Something like that I assume.
To continue on their argument, they are arguing that the overall money spent on Fakku would be much better if everyone spent that money to people who do commissions rather than to Fakku, because that way more would be done, better people would get the money, and people would have the choice of what they wanted to be translated, translated.

Keep in mind that I'm not personally advocating for this, or I'm not making a comment on whether it's a good idea or true, I'm just explaining what they seem to be failing to explain well.
>thinking citations, proof, or evidence will matter in the slightest to people arguing in this thread

>let this fucking thread die.
The quickest way for the thread to die at this point would be 20 more posts after this one, since the bump limit is 300 on /h/.
How many chapters has Fakku done?
~1,000 chapters, including the book chapters and other Japanese stuff they've worked on. (actual number is ~974)

Over what time?
Technically since the first book was released in 11/06/14, but the majority has been done since 09/17/15 when the subscription launched.

How much would that have cost for it all to be commissioned?
Ignoring various factors such as consistency of quality, price variations, time differences, and tons of other stuff, let's assume a flat $1.50 per chapter. Then let's assume an average page count of 20 pages per chapter.
1,000*20 = 20,000 pages. 20,000*$1.50 = $35,000.
If one single person had done everything Fakku had done, that's how much they would have made. Certainly seems like a lot of work for that much money. Being a commissioned scanlator certainly doesn't pay well relative to the amount of work required.

Probably most of people who have spent money on Fakku stuff would never commission anyone.

What is economic proposition for the subscription?
Let's round it up to 700 chapters (currently ~681).
700*20 pages = 14,000 pages. $12.95 = less than a 1/10 of a penny per page.
That comes with all sorts of restrictions though.
How about per month?
Let's say they have 2 per day, or 60 releases. Since there are going to be color shorts and illustrations, let's lower the average and say 800 pages per month. That's 13 pages per average. 800 pages for $12.95 is less than 2 cents per page.

Fakku is cheaper at the individual level, though has problems with selection and is rental/subscription meaning it isn't yours, unless it's a book.

Commission: Other people are paying, it doesn't matter.
Fakku: Other people are paying, it doesn't matter.

There's a lot more to say, but I suppose that's enough.

source: personal research, will be provided upon request.

Commissioning is cheaper is cheaper at the aggregate, though has problems with consistency, quality, legitimacy, and convenience.
messed various stuff up and made a copypaste tranposition error, since the fakku TL;DR should be at the very bottom, but it doesn't really matter.
By that logic, if Fakku made a million dollars, that would be be enough to comission literally 1,000s of complete tankoubons to be translated!

Well, that's next to impossible, since FAKKU is a business and they'll never reveal their personal finances and the way contracts are set up, they can' t (and likely may not want to) reveal actual amount the artists get in the end, I doubt Wani wants that either, since their editors and the company likely gets a cut as well.

Nor are we ever likely to know what was Wani's endgame when they set out to send those mass C&Ds and why they went into business with FAKKU. Whatever plans they had, it was likely favorable for them.
It was in the past but hasn't changed. If you have proof that says otherwise, please show it.

And aggregator sites are not the same as scanlators. It doesn't matter if it's panda, fakku, doujin-moe, hentai rules, other than the scale, they're all practically the same. The majority of what they do is gather the works of others, which is why they're called aggregators. Scanlators are the ones that actually create the content that goes up on those sites, and Fakku hasn't said or done anything against those that I'm aware of.

It's hard to give sources then people are talking out of their asses. Fakku trying to kill hentai is nothing but an unproven conspiracy theory, and the proof they do have only work when they spin it out of context like this >>4316294
Everyone knows they DMCA their own releases, and posting it is clearly against the rules since a mod deleted it.

By the way, source for my quote was already posted here: >>4314545
We don't know the actual figures in the Japanese market either. All we really know is that artists are commissioned and get a lump sum for each magazine chapter, and then they get royalties for tanks sales. I think 3 or so sources have said it's 10% (around 1 dollar).

What we can do is look at reality, like how Napata and Saitom are in the US right now. If they got pennies out of each sale, there's no incentive for them to fly out to what is really nothing but a big promotion event for Fakku.
Project-H has artists as well at Anime Expo.
So does Sekai Project.
So do others.
Digital manga is garbage though. But Sekai Project is just like Fakku, they started via fan translations.
>Thread says Fakku free weekend
>Haters keep replying and the thread keeps getting bumped.
>Fakku gets free advertisement.

Good job guys.
It worked too. I saw this thread, read a bunch on fakku, and signed up for a subscription when it ended.
Your statement works as both pro and anti fakku.
Thanks for subsidizing my pirating for me.
No problem. I have a job and Im happy to support services that I like and piracy is a-okay with me
>have a job
NEET life or no life.
This whole shit is fucking retarded, you should all kill your-fucking-selves

FAKKU and Sekai Project aren't the same at all.


The reality is that a lot of con guests are sponsored to attend by companies attending to promote themselves. So, a big promotion event for FAKKU is exactly what it is.

As for Japanese companies, it's the same everywhere, some authors disclose their royalties, some don't. The case with FAKKU is that a huge part of their marketing is "supporting the authors" and when you push it that hard, people start to ask how much the authors are getting.
The amount of Jewcob shills on this thread is out of control, abandon thread.
>It was in the past but hasn't changed. If you have proof that says otherwise, please show it.
His hatred for the panda? Yeah it hasn't changed, there's no way someone can deny that. Not even Jacob himself no matter how much he claims to be a fan or praises tenboro even after provokingly told him to not upload his books.
And then come the people at his team or rabid followers who are ready to throw the "yur a pirate" card whenever doesn't want to support them, even his editing team once opened a thread showing how much pirates hurt the artists.

Agregator sites do matter, though, specially when it comes to panda, since 99% of scanlators use it a default source for grabbing or releasing their stuff even until today. You can't compare it to other sites no matter how hard you try. And Jacob has clearly implied back that it's a place of bad people, and that you shouldn't support them.
>"supporting the authors"
Not to mention the whole "supporting the authors" only works in the very loong term, since it was proven with the Sayori issue that they only contact the editors, and if they're lucky they contact with the artists themselves. Most of them aren't even aware of Fakku unless they are directly told about it.

why the hell does he hate sadpanda?
In a thread on /d/ literally a week ago Jacob praised the panda yet gain. You are wrong again.
Again you are wrong, Jacob met Sayori in Japan and is with her right now at Anime Expo.
He doesnt that anon is lying
It was all bullshit
He has a past with sadpanda and it shows in old posts, most of them are on archives and his own forums
I know this is just shitty bait, but he went to Sayori AFTER the incident, and he's not bringing her, stop saying shit.
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>His hatred for the panda?
No, I said aggregator sites aren't relevant here. They hardly produce anything themselves and just grab stuff from others. Show me how anything that implies that they are no longer supportive of scanlators (you seem to not get this, so again, panda is not a scanlator).

>even after provokingly told him to not upload his books.
You mean this mail where he's politely telling them to make Fakku DNP, and Tenboro replies with basically saying anon is his personal army? I wonder who is provoking who here.

>even his editing team once opened a thread showing how much pirates hurt the artists.
I'm sure you can link me to where this happened. And even if it did, there might be valid points in that thread. I'm sure the the kind who has convinced themselves that your piracy doesn't hurt anyone, except when it's from Fakku and you think you downloading their books is devastating.

>And Jacob has clearly implied back that it's a place of bad people, and that you shouldn't support them.
Again, I'm sure this is something he has actually said somewhere in any way.

>Agregator sites do matter
True, but who cares. I know you have nothing, but at least try to stay on topic.

Without a doubt there's jealousy at play, but he's also said it's because they had hentai key on their site in some way. I don't know much about it, but I think it's one of those doujin-moe tier shit sites where you pay a membership for pirated content.
>just grab stuff from others
sadpanda is THE place 99% of scanlators use to release their shit
>Show me how anything that implies that they are no longer supportive of scanlators (you seem to not get this, so again, panda is not a scanlator).
I didn't say anything about not supporting scanlators, just that it was an excuse to keep illegal content, on par with keeping fans on Fakku. His disgust with other sites is another issue.
>You mean this mail where he's politely telling them to make Fakku DNP, and Tenboro replies with basically saying anon is his personal army? I wonder who is provoking who here.
That's edited you asshole. the whole mail looks agressive from both sides. And that was later escalate into /a/ when he himself started posting with and without trip, if you weren't there when it happened then I'm not going to show some newfag "proof", it's all in the archives.
>I'm sure you can link me to where this happened.
Yes and it was deleted because other users called him out on his faggotry
>Again, I'm sure this is something he has actually said somewhere in any way.
Yes he did, on /a/ and his books forum, mind you, when it wasn't available to everyone yet
>True, but who cares. I know you have nothing, but at least try to stay on topic.
>lol who cares
what topic? I'm not the guy you were responding earlier
>but he's also said it's because they had hentai key on their site in some way. I don't know much about it, but I think it's one of those doujin-moe tier shit sites where you pay a membership for pirated content.
yeah it's a feature that noone has fucking used in almost a decade. People use the free galleries but Jacon still insists that panda is a hentai-key based website

Seriously? I thought by now people realized that Jacob's public persona isn't 100% honest.
>He has a past with sadpanda and it shows in old posts, most of them are on archives and his own forums

You keep saying this but constantly fail to elaborate when asked to. When you're making claims, you're supposed to back them up with proof, not just make vague remarks about how "the truth is out there" when anyone asks for details.
Shut your fucking mouth, noone is talking with you, you bald piece of shit
>Let me bring up something irrelevant.
>It's photoshopped! I have proof but I'm not going to show you.
>I have proof but I'm not going to show you.
>I have proof but I'm not going to show you.
>Let me bring up something irrelevant.
Good thing this thread is dying when this is all you have left. At least you proved something by showing how empty your arguments are.
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>Shut your fucking mouth

Hey, I'm not the one making wild claims while providing nothing to back them up. With that in mind, maybe you should consider your own advice? You know how it goes, put up or shut up and all that.

There's more than one reputable person that claims Jacob hates sadpanda and why would that even be surprising given his general attitude?

Talk to the right people and you hear more than one story that suggest he's not the super friendly guy he tries to portray himself on public forums.

Nobody likes a company that tries to police the internet, which is exactly what you're doing on 4chan.
>There's more than one reputable person that claims Jacob hates sadpanda

You samefagging != more than one person
Your anonymous posting with no proof of anything != reputable
Has anyone here tried using Selenium with PhantomJS?
Your faulty logic won't work on me.
Shut the fuck up.
>I can't back up my claims so I'll just throw a tantrum
Why the fuck would I go all the way to look all over desustorage/cuckchan to search for Jacob posts just to prove one idiot wrong? You'll just keep repeating it doesn't matter. The proof is/was there in /a/ threads, if you haven't been to those then it's not worth talking to you because you'll blindy shield yourself. I'm not as much as an autist like Daiz or some other retards to screencap shit for future "discussions". It's not something you can "back up" because those are things that he said by himself on /a/ and other places, what I'm saying are just conclusions I got from those posts

I don't have to answer anything to that bald faggot, he'll just keep repeating the same sentences all over again like he does on /a/, and he's also getting paid by Jacob so that alone makes him unbiased, so shut the fuck up
>just to prove one idiot wrong?
Because you've been arguing the same thing for over a year now. Having the proof handy to instantly shut up the people you're arguing against would be helpful, wouldn't it?
>I'm not as much as an autist like Daiz or some other retards to screencap shit for future "discussions".
But you are enough of an autist to continue getting yourself into the same argument over and over and over. You only make it harder on yourself by not being prepared.
>Because you've been arguing the same thing for over a year now. Having the proof handy to instantly shut up the people you're arguing against would be helpful, wouldn't it?
Have you been tracking my posts to claim I have been doing so for over a year? Do you have proof that I've been doing so?
>But you are enough of an autist to continue getting yourself into the same argument over and over and over. You only make it harder on yourself by not being prepared.
It's a fact that was demonstrated on old threads, I'm not your goddamn ass-fucker who handles everything to you, if you haven't been to those threads then you're a lost case who thinks that everything Jacob says is true.
I choose to believe that there's only one person on this earth stupid enough to continually argue over something so pointless as "Jacob hates the panda!" If there is more than one and the person doing so in panda threads wasn't you, I apologize.
If you want to rally people to your cause, or inform people, you should back up your facts. If you don't want to do those things, what are you even so passionate for in the first place? Just want to air out your frustrations?
>Have you been tracking my posts to claim I have been doing so for over a year?

You're pretty easy to recognize from your posting style, you know. I'm too lazy to check the archives for a proper approximation but you most certainly have been pretty long at this and I don't recall ever seeing you provide basically any kind of real evidence for your claims, it's always just the same kind of vague handwavy "the truth is out there" shit.
Fakku is basically DRM implemented in HTML and JavaScript. It's an attempt to take away control of your own browser away from you. It violates every sane principle of internet architecture and web design by making the viewing of content dependent on an implementation of JavaScript, which is supposed to be used *only* to add functionality on top of content. The web is not designed to do what Fakku is trying to do with it, and that's probably why the site breaks so damn often.
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>only one person is able to hate something!
>You're pretty easy to recognize from your posting style, you know. I'm too lazy to check the archives for a proper approximation but you most certainly have been pretty long at this and I don't recall ever seeing you provide basically any kind of real evidence for your claims, it's always just the same kind of vague handwavy "the truth is out there" shit.
You know what's funny? It's just the exact feeling I have with you and the other idiot. Just because the proof is out there and I'm too lazy to look it up for you doesn't mean it's not there. And you know pretty well because you've been to every thrread Jacob has posted as well
I've been around for years before the Wani thing even happened. I was in those threads, and I remember things differently. It's your word against mine, and you're the one making accusations that he's constantly spouting his hatred for panda, so it would be nice if you had anything at all to back that up other than "I saw it this one time, swear to God."

The thing is you're not a unique case in any way. People have made the same arguments over and over and over for the last 2 years, but they never have any concrete evidence to point at. It's always "go look at the archives." I know he's said some stupid shit, but I really wonder why it is that no one can ever point me to one post where he says he hates panda, even though he apparently says it all the time and it's all over the archives.

By the way, this was the last post I made in this thread: >>4316470
>And you know pretty well

Yeah, I know that Jacob doesn't hate the panda. And that you don't actually have any proof to show the opposite, which is why you never manage to post any.
I remember him saying something about hating hentaikey sites, and he hates that panda uses/requires a virtual currency, but I also remember him saying he likes and uses panda.
>constantly spouting
You think he'd be openly spouting such things on every thread? Are you fucking stupid? He has implied those things within long posts, easily to miss. There was also this three-part post where he openly claimed he hates e-hentai because it's a hentai key site, and that you should all support him and not the panda
yeah he also called hentaiverse and the currency for downloading shit, albeit indirectly (shitty web-based rpg)
And we know you're getting paid so your words mean shit
Because you think your words have any value either? Anon pls
I trust a rabid anon more than a self-centered bald fag who gets paid
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I know you're Jacob or Daiz samefagging again for damage control, but here is some evidence of your faggotry, which was screen capped the second all of your shill posts were deleted, as confirmed by the Kino mod. The evidence won't ever go away, and /a/ remembers.
>He's still bringing up irrelevant "evidence"
Are you actually for real? Literally everyone knows about that. I never said he's never done anything wrong. In fact I even said the exact opposite in my last post. I don't understand how someone can be this dumb. Is it just desperation?

Anon: He hates panda.
Me: Proof?
Anon: Check the archives.
Me: Okay, thought so.
You: Here's a screencap of him samefagging!

Either you're just fuming with rage and can't think straight, or you think all those deleted posts were him shit talking panda. If so it would be better if you had a screencap of the posts instead of the ban.
How do you know he's not ALSO a self-centered bald fag who gets paid?
Well I am not the one you were asking for evidence of that, but I do remember him badmouthing panda on some forum posts on his site two years ago. He edited posts so I am not sure if they are there still, and I don't really care. The consensus is that fakku/jewcpb/dais are not credible, and those who oppose the company's practices have regularly provided more evidence than Fakku has been able to counter with their own "evidence." For what it is worth, can testify that the accusations against him are true, and he did vehemently discourage people from going to the panda, which was full of pirates. I remember he tried to do the whole guilt trip, where if you aren't helping him you are a good for nothing pirate.
>talk about evidence.
>doesn't provide any.
Fuck I feel like talking to fucking SJWs
See Daiz's post, he himself sumarizes the "evidence" card
It's not that there isn't evidence, but you can't expect someone to screencap a post from two years ago, which has most probably been edited (like Jacob did with his announcment of removal of illegal content). It's not something you keep track, but remember. Again, if you haven't been to those threads you need to fuck off and shut up
so in short you got nothing.
Whatever Jacob wants you to think
I don't need him, I only need to look at the debate and your pitiful attempt to justify your position.
You are talking out of your ass, admit it.
Jewcob's PR has gotten better since he changed his tone and started raging without his trip. I suppose he uses multiple IPs in case he ever gets banned again, and to make it harder for mods to ban him for shilling for fakku, flaming every single other person in a thread, or samefagging. But that doesn't change the fact that his reputation was ruined, we will remember it, and we all know that a man's character does not easily or quickly change. I suggest that Fakku stick to his own site bevause no one who was on the porn boards at 4chan when he went legit will ever forget the months of intrusive shilling and flaming.
I keep fucking telling you guys to keep Fakku and 4chan away from each other but no one listens.
How about if you also agree to keep exhentai away, then we'll have a deal.
I don't know, anons might be sad to have their Panda husbando away from them.
>That's edited you asshole
Further proving how much of an idiot you are. That email was posted by Maximum_Joe, an e-hentai mod. It was not photoshopped by anyone.

Stop posting in this thread. Stop posting about Fakku. Stop posting on 4chan in general.
You have it backwards. At this point it's just anti fakku posters flailing around like idiots with nothing valid to say getting proven wrong again and again. I feel bad for them, all they do is obsess over Jacob and Fakku.
>anons can't spread their seekrit klub faggotry on 4chan anymore
>forced to actually give names as sources instead of barelinks
I'm grinning in anticipation
>instead of barelinks
You know there's a 4chan add on we use that will show the names rather than the link, right? It won't change anything.
There's more in the e-mail you fucking assfuck
Jacob being polite, my ass
provide E-mail then.

Haven't we hit bump limit yet?
You said it was photoshopped and its not. Give it up you autistic fuck
Why should I be forced to use an add-on to fix someone else's faggotry?
I'd be laughing my sides out if SadPanda becomes legit.

Pretty much a ton of valid things that are bad about FAKKU get said but the shill brigade always downplays it.
Sorry for not listening and believing.
>Haven't we hit bump limit yet?
Yes, as stated earlier in the thread by me, the bump limit is 300. We are well over that.
It's easier to open a link then search a name and then have to do a lot more.
>Pretty much a ton of valid things that are bad about FAKKU get said
>get said
Fakku did a ton of good things for the hentai scene before going legit, but we all know they've revolutionized everything we knew about hentai in these last two years. You want proof? It's not my job to educate retards on facts that literally everyone knows.

This is your side for 350+ posts.
Agreed. I'm jealous of everyone who gets to meet saitom and napata this weekend thanks to fakku
Agreed. I'm jealous of everyone who gets to meet Erect Sawaru, Hamo, and Takumi Sano this weekend thanks to Project-H.

Let's see, majority of what FAKKU did was already done by Crunchyroll, like going legit from a piracy website, hiring from the scanslator and fansubbing translator pool and of course simulpublishing manga. High res DRM free downloads, comics on Comixology. Nothing what FAKKU did was new, simply existing concepts applied to hentai, heck even manga kickstarters are old news by now.

Hentai scene would have existed with or without FAKKU, the only real thing that separated them from anyone else was that Jacob toured cons and built a brand around his scanslation aggregator. Or right, can't forget selling overpriced imported doujinshi at cons.

But good job drinking the FAKKU kool-aid.
I'll fucking love Project H if they pick up Pandra but knowing their digital copies are shit and their physical copies are butchered to shit. I don't know how I would feel if they're behind it but man, I would love to meet Erect Sawaru. He's my favorite artist.
>Erect Sawaru
I've read Oppai Infinity but didn't like it much, would I like his other books?
Yes. Pandra is specially amazing and it really shows how talented he is.
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Supporting that honeypot? No thanks. Image related, it's same company as Project-H.
Digital manga = Project-H
>random anons shouldn't be taken at their word about Fakku
>but they should be taken at their word about Project-H
Just a fun bit of double standards.
This. Wasn't he selling 4-5 dollar doujins for about 20 dollars, even though they're as thin as a manilla folder and he was obviously shipping them in bulk from Japan via media mail at no more than a couple bucks per volume? He profitted off of acme ridden newfags who just got a new credit card, and likely discovered hentai at the con.
This was proven to be fact shortly after. Interesting you replied so quickly, are you the project-h employee who's been doing all the shilling lately? I thought you got banned

no double standard from me, at least, I'll defend project-h and fakku against unfounded claims if need be.

at least it's an incentive to look elsewhere to import, at least in my case, I've always prefered mandarake.
I'd also add Jlist is kinda guilty of that too.
>proven to be fact
You might want to do some research on what "fact" is.
Why are you defending them, vito? DMI/PH is a garbage company, bottom of the barrel. If you have standards you would have moved on by now. How much do they pay you?
That guy is legit, the Twitter user who posted that. If he said his credit card was hacked because of that company it most likely was.
>recent release
>one chapter removed
I thought we had already hit the rock bottom of stupidity, but I guess I should thank this clueless moron for proving my point.

When you throw out baseless claims, people are going to challenge you on them. Doesn't matter what side you're on. You only look like a bigger idiot when you throw a fit after others ask you to prove your point. If you have nothing that backs up your accusations, you'll get called out on your bullshit.

In case the anon who replied still hasn't figured it out, I wasn't sincere in what I wrote. I was making a point about how that guy kept saying shit and expecting everyone to just take his words for it. If he says Fakku is shit without proof, all I have to do is say they're great to refute his argument.
You can ignore that anon. It's a troll named vito who lives his entire life angrily posting about Fakku and Daiz. He is a proven shill for fakku's only competitor the the company that changes character ages and removes chapters located >>4316694

apparently they also had all the credit card info of their customers stolen and didn't tell anyone >>4316681
Yeah, there are parts of the post that are indeed fact. It doesn't make the whole thing fact. It's a claim from a disgruntled ex-employee. You just jump on it because it fits your narrative.
What's not fact? Everything in the post has been backed up by secondary unrelated sources, including the credit card fraud.
>What's not fact?
Digital Manga removes chapters from manga - fact
that they deem controversial - claim
2nd point is fact
3rd point is a claim
4th point is a claim
5th point is a claim
6th point is fact

And no, two(?) people saying something doesn't make it fact.

Though you also might want to mention that at least one ex DMI employee (don't know his name, a furry), now works at FAKKU.


ptjtsubasa has a history of his own, though wouldn't be surprised if it were true.
That's Kisuka. Yes, there are other ex-DMI employees at FAKKU!.

You got the first post right, but the second one isn't me.


Again, you got it wrong. Even in #sadpanda I hear people get paranoid over what posts are mine. Some are trolling with FAKKU shill posts, I guess someone decided to add to the symphony by writing Project-H propaganda.


Proven shill how exactly? My tweets are public, I've retweeted plenty of other US manga publishers or mentioned their licenses, way more than for Project-H and especially since Jacob went full on paranoid, I took care not to even mention them around here, those few times I post. But I've apparently become a meme, so anything not praising FAKKU is me.

At this point some people here are more paranoid than claim I am.
>I've apparently become a meme
Calm your ego.
Vito confirmed to be more of a meme than Yosh.

Stop attributing ever post that shits on FAKKU to me then. I probably miss most threads unless someone explicitly tells me about them, which is rare, or I stumble on them, which is ever rarer.
Pretty much anyone who is anyone on e-hentai has a bone to pick with Fakku. Jacob's attempt to win them over with sweet talk, after screwing them over, was totally ineffectual a year ago:


A funny part was when he suggested that e-hentai's admin should sell out and make a deal with the publishers the way he did.
Daiz has always been a fag, though.
Fuck off shills
None of the other hentai website had a fucking store on their site to sell content they didn't own. eg. mega milk t-shirts.
memes are public domain
No one but giant attention whores is going to attach their complaints to their names.
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Porn sure is serious business.
It's a multi-billion dollar industry, last I checked.
Look if you don't support the artists you've been jacking off to for the last 10 years they're going to starve!
It's always the clang of companies trying to kill fansubbing or scanlation but it's always bullshit.

Hey Daiz. Show me a single piece of paper that shows the artists get a single cent of gross revenue sharing. A single cent. I'll fucking wait.
That doesn't change the fact fakku was profiting off of stealing other peoples work. He went far and above profiting from ads. I seriously doubt he was just barely scraping through and that he was than likely raking those shekels in.
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Is it free this weekend time to wank till my balls dry out
fakku doesn't play directly to the authors from what I know
That's literally a fucking t-shirt from a hentai that isn't copyrighted at all. It only has one text which is mega milk and that's the only thing on the t-shirt. No other design on it besides looking like a thousand normal t-shirts out there without the text.

It's literally like saying everyone who sell cosplay outfits are horrible people and that we should all talk about how it's wrong of them. Hell, fucking all those popular Japanese artists who make doujins are making money off of the original creator's work. Should we be bitching about them too? You're fucking retarded. If it's a huge problem then they would've taken off already.
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Wrong. Sensualaoi made fun of you in her hentai credit page as soon as you sold out. Remember that the next time you say no scanlators spoke against you.
Literally who? Thats a fucking nobody
Thats a photograph of Jacob.

That is not really what I wanted and it doesn't even seem to have much to do with what I was talking about with the previous anon. It is literally the girl being somewhat angry that Wani removed the galleries and she expected Jacob to do something in return unreasonably.

What I wanted was a scanlation group or someone who contributed in the scanlation scene to just straight out write a whole message about how they disagree with how Fakku built their business to prove me wrong about them caring.

Also, nice random assumption you made there. Are you this close minded to think there is only a small minority of people who support Fakku when that's clearly not the case.
Oh-ho, moving the goal posts now are we? You said to provide only one example and I gave it. You can't go rewrite what you asked for.

You're not a noob right? Then you have a pand account and can read this thread that you ignored.

A good number of the posters in that thread are editors and translators who upload to e-hentai, and they had little good to say about Fakku when he tried to convince them to leave e-hentai.

This fucking anon was talking about how bad Fakku built their business >>4315104

and I asked him if he could give me sources where scanlation groups or people who contributed in the hentai scene complained specially about that to show that they care and this is my post right here. >>4315104

You then fucking give me this picture >>4316831
which has nothing to do with what I want nor with what is being said. It's just a female translator being sarcastic with little as possible of details of what happened. You're fucking retarded.
She also criticised Fakku in that thread. I can only lead you to the water you stupid mare, but I can't make you drink.
No, what you are looking for is some group getting up and publically whoring for attention. Scanlation groups have voiced complaints against jacob and fakku since the beginning, but they are smart enough not to attach their name to their posts. You are just trying to avoid the point anon initially made by asking for almost impossible to obtain evidence. And as clear there, anyone who does do it won't be who you are asking for.

Only scanlators looking for attention would rant with their names. Every single one of them does it anonymously instead. Trying to dodge the point by asking for people who contribute to complain is retarded and pathetic.
I don't get this chick. She should be happy that hentai is being localized and uncensored. That is the whole point of scanlations after all. It is to make things readable and available to your own language and own people and this finally happened legally. Why would your years of scanlation be wasted when the goal has been reached by being heard by Japanese companies to bring content outside of Japan and have it available to them? We only resort to scanlation because it's not availabe to us. Why should she expect a higher reward than that?
What? Is the kind of attention to get people to be educated about Fakku's so-called bullshit and bringing attention to their bullshit if they really cared, bad and hard? Quit making excuses. People just barely fucking care. If it's such a huge deal then it'll be something you can find many complaints of from many known scanlators.
>why are people upset a dirtbag cunt lying scum is trying to jew a community for its worth and backstab everything all so he can get a pretty penny
You can't seriously think jacob actually cares about the community? He sure as fucking doesn't and its evident from his posting history. He's a fucking businessfag, he doesn't care, he just wants money and it was always his goal. No one is upset porn is up for money, people are upset about who is in control.
I don't know her mind, but I imagine it's for the same reasons you get a lot of flak in these threads.
Working with publishers that are taking down manga that won't be translated
Killing scanlation communities
Being Jewish
Stop being stupid. First you went from quote me scanlators bitching to scanlators educating consumers. Are you fucking retarded? Yes most people care. People cared about the stupid site and jew long before the deal. Fakku and jacob has a history and people have hated both for a fucking long time for very valid reasons and he has only made them worse as time went on. Why the fuck is it the scanlators job to educate the public? Yes, it IS attention whoring for scanlators to make those stupid rants. It doesn't matter what they are about or how right they are, everytime a scanlator and the like does that shit they become the weeks laughing stock for shitposting. You could be the best scanlator ever and if they made stupid rants when the fakku shit came about, they would be ridulced and be made the laughing stock of the week while everyone was pissed off at jacob at the same time.

Stop grasping for straws with your 'see no one cares because scanlators arent complaining with their names attached!!!'. It holds no weight at all. Of course they didn't, why would they want needless drama from all sides? Are you new? Why would they want to deal with jacob harassing them? They did complain, right here on /a/ with their name not attached, just like everyone else did.
Sigh... When you make claims you should fucking be able to give the specific proof and make it easy by providing all necessary proof with your claim to prove things. No one shouldn't have to go in a thread that is 9 pages long and find those specific proof that disapproves what they said. Why are anti-fakkus always like this? They always get the Fakku supporters to find the proof themself.

I mean, if you're too fucking lazy to gather the proof to prove what you said then don't say it.
Sigh... When you make claims you should fucking be able to give the specific proof and make it easy by providing all necessary proof with your claim to prove things. No one shouldn't have to go in a thread that is 9 pages long and find those specific proof that disapproves what they said. Why are fakkufags always like this? They always get the people with brains to find the proof themself.

I mean, if you're too fucking lazy to gather the proof to prove what you said then don't say it.
Cas it's not my problem that you're a stubborn mule? I provided evidence and you can't wash it off. That whole thread of contributors to the hentai world hate fakku, and told him to his face.
>people will still think 4chan mods dont allow shills for monetary compensation in 2016
Also fuck off Daiz you Jew kike, you ruined fansubs and panda now go back into your hole and stay there.
You literally are parting of shilling when you're bumping a thread that says "Fakku Free Weekend"

Eh, no matter what, pirates will always exist. I ain't paying money to so I can wank for x amount of time
Further proving how you have no idea how the scanlation community works, you assume Sensualaoi has a valid opinion (they don't).

>linking a thread jacob made from two years ago

You have nothing.
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I dare you to refute the math from the other thread that says you're cost roughly 25 times more than commissioning did, and are reducing the amount of new translations by soaking up money that would have gone to commissioning.
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there are all kinds of retards in this world
What kind of top level autism is this? In the fakku scenario the circle made money where with scanlation they made nothing. Fakku = better
The thread is about to die. It was fun Daiz/Fakku, and I look forward to continuing talking to you shills in the next thread. But please, next time prepare good rebuttals.
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Save it for the next thread guys. The next time you start shilling I want an answer to the big question.
>The thread is about to die.
/h/ is a slow board. It's going to take days for it to be bumped off. This isn't /a/.
Fakku has released more content in the past year than the majority of scanlation groups combined.

Face it, you're wrong. Fakku is a good thing for us, Fakku is a good thing for the artists, and Fakku is a good thing for piracy.

Now that's just a lie. Don't worry though, an extra day of browsing on fu has been desposited to your account.
Fakku releases over 600 chapters of content in the past year. Show me any two english scanlation groups that when combined, released more than that.

You can't because I'm right.
>Fakku has released more content in the past year than the majority of scanlation groups combined.
Don't make this large of a claim if you don't provide stats for it, anon. Because it is more than likely wrong.

Fakku hasn't done anything new or amazing that wasn't already being done. All they did was poach a bunch of people who were already doing high quality work, they still do the same amount of quality and gave them better scans. That is it. They haven't devolved any relations with the japs, only with wani. Their claim that they talk to the artists was debunked just the other month and we don't know the percentages the artists get. No, big names saying they happy doesn't count. They aren't the small guys, of course the big guys are going to get a larger sum and get treated better. It isn't good for piracy because its hard to rip and the scanlation community does seem to have died down a little bit since the fakku shit, just the same as what happened when cr happened.

Fakk hasn't actually done anything new or amazing. The exact same thing as always is going on, its just that a certain few groups have better scans and their attentions are directed to a certain set of works. The amount of works hasn't increased that much, the quality of the works hasn't drastically changed, the community has only degraded and fakku sure as fucking hell hasn't done anything for the artists or create any relationship of notability with the japs. What did happen was that a bunch of work that would of gotten translated anyway, at the same quality is now behind a paywall. They are still on par with fucking scanlators, great work that requires money you have there. Jacob on the other hand does love to stroke his ego and treat himself like some god and saviour. His dumbass forumfags are just the same. Jacob was always a dirtbagfag and he still is.

The only good thing to come out of this so far is that 5a.m. got a job.
So I'm hearing a rumor that Jacob got banned for shilling
Jacob gets banned literally all the time. Check the archives of his trip. A good portion of his posts are deleted by mods.
Fakku will have 1,000 total chapters, magazine + book, probably around mid july.
They release three monthly magazines uncensored in English.

That is one of many things Fakku does that has never been done before.
Probably will be almost 1,000 magazine chapters in a year once it's September, a year since the subscription began.
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The panda has 38,660 english translations on it since 2007. This is not including removed content and expunged content. This is about at least 4,000 things translated every year. 1k is a fucking piss in the ocean nor is it anything amazing. In-fact, it is pathetic for a paid company.
That's not a good comparison.
A better comparison would be only doing it for manga.
Also it's only 3 translators and some editors.
It's not really a good comparison in general.
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oh god.

this post.
this fucking post.

kill yourself please
>artists cg
>game cg
Are you fucking stupid? Did you graduate high school?
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They all matter, dumbass. They are all translated works. Does this suit you better?
You do realize that English translations existed before 2007 right? You have no idea how many English translations are on there from say 2000-2006, though really, there are translations from the 90's, but they weren't uploaded until then on there.
No. You're still posting shit info to make your argument look better.

Sure, comparing commissions and FAKKU is silly, since artists getting compensated is good, however I don't think it's completely fair to consider the latter morally superior, given how we got there.

FAKKU got built on free labor and anyone that wants to benefit from it, is forced to continue to work with them. Best scanslators can hope is get a job there, that's their entire reward for it. And artists on whose work FAKKU built themselves up, if they don't work with Wani or want to publish their work there, they get nothing out of it. It's a system that only benefits people, if they continue working for it, it's not like they got shares or became equal partners, it's still Jacob's.

Not to mention that extra year that FAKKU hosted scanslations, despite already having a deal with Wani. Why didn't they work out an arrangement with Wani, where FAKKU continues to host Wani's material, after all it's their artists who will be benefiting from the new arrangement? Instead artists and material from other publishers was used to prop up the business, an action, that they tried to justify as essential for staying alive. (unless I got it wrong and that actually happened)
No, doujinshi still are apart of the argument. How is it not? We were talking about how much gets translated. That just simply means that people prefer doujinshi over published h-manga. How could you even try to say the shit isn't apart of this? It is translated works as well done by scanlators, fucktard.
Stop with the wall of text posts vito. Fakku contributed a ton to the community including running its own scanlation team.

Jacob has publicly acknowledged many times the history of Fakku and how he is now trying to do the right thing. You've read his posts so that isn't a valid complaint.

This weekend they are announcing whatever new publishers they are working with I can assure you. So your "wani only" argument won't hold up anymore.

You've been changing your complaints constantly over the past two years as Jacob and Fakku have proven you wrong time and time again. I don't know what they did to you to get you to constantly shitpost about them, but it's time to stop. They are doing a good thing for the artists, the publishers, the community, and even the pirates.
It's like comparing the amount of products made by a car making company that only makes cars, to a company that makes cars and boats. It makes no fucking sense.

You're just inflating your numbers to try to make it look good. Plus you're not even accounting for the fact that at least half of the english releases from scanlation groups are complete garbage, machine translated, rewrites, chinese to english, etc etc.
>Stop with the wall of text posts vito. Fakku contributed a ton to the community including running its own scanlation team.

So, explain what exactly FAKKU contributed aside from hosting some teams.
>anyone that doesn't like jewkku is le Vito meme

You're such a good goy. Is this what happens when you justofy your subscription?
Fakku doesn't really do doujinshi.
I guess if you want compare them to all there is, that's fine. The only practical and valid comparison is how much is gained from fakku versus how much is lost. So really, the only good comparison would be how much wani was translated before vs how much wani is translated by fakku now.
>This weekend they are announcing whatever new publishers they are working with I can assure you. So your "wani only" argument won't hold up anymore.

You sure seem to be in favor monopolies.
That is actually vito though. Stop posting in this thread you're autstic.
I sure am. The e-hentai monopoly has worked wonders.
>can't coherently form sentences
>autism meme

Trying to look cool in front of your """friends"""?
>You sure seem to be in favor monopolies.
You sure seem to be in favor of not speaking proper English.
>Fakku contributed a ton to the community including running its own scanlation team.
Fakku before its deal was ALWAYS a site literally at the bottom of the barrel. It was viewed as nothing more than shithole with pure vanillafags with a lack of any cotent. The only thing they 'contributed' was letting people host blogs on their domain, something they could of done anywhere else.

Jacob throwing around hollow words about his past means nothing as well. Do you listen to politicians when they say shit as well? They fucking mean nothing without action and his past deeds define who he is and his attitude to everything. A person doesn't change overnight. He can say sorry and that 'we will improve' but it is hollow pr words. Words are meaningless, his actions have only ever showed the opposite of his words.
Don't bully the poor slovakian.
>Fakku doesn't really do doujinshi.
How does that matter at all? We aren't comparing published manga, we are comparing translated manga. Dojinshi IS manga that just isn't published. The doujinshi do matter.
Uhh what? Are you that new? Fakku did run it's own scanlation team for many many years. You can see some of their old releases on nhentai.

They even ran a hentai fansub team for a long tiem

>Dojinshi IS manga
Please stop. You are making yourself look more and more stupid.
>Dojinshi IS manga that just isn't published.
>Please stop. You are making yourself look more and more stupid.
How? Explain to me how doujinshi isn't manga?
Yes, and I'm telling you that, that is a comparison that doesn't really matter except for you to make a point of proving whatever you want to prove.
And the comparison does matter because it was a raw comparison of how many works get translated a year. How the fuck does doujinshi not fit in with that? Explain to me in detail how doujinshi have nothing to do with manga and the comparison? Doujinshi is just fucking unpublished manga.
Vito, I know you are reading these.
Just stop.
Doujinshi is self-published manga. Not unpublished.
Same thing really anon.
>Doujinshi is just fucking unpublished manga
Holy shit you are a fucking idiot

You might as well add translated anime and television shows to your comparison if you're going to act this retarded.
>comparison between fakku and scanlators amount of translated works into english
>but apparently self-published works dont count because of no reason other than the fact they dont help me look better
I think you might be the retard here. I'm yet to hear a reason why self-published manga have nothing to do with the comparison of translated manga. Just because fakku doesn't host doujinshi it doesn't mean it has nothing to do with the comparison. IT IS MANGA, afterall. Actually, no, that's wrong. Fakku DOES HAVE doujinshi on it.
/h/ and its use of the word doujinshi...
Give it up. You have proven how stupid you are and now that you are backed into a corner and your theory makes Fakku LOOK GOOD you have nothing left. Move on and leave this thread.

It's sad really.
And yet, you have yet to say anything that says I'm wrong other than going 'yor wrong because i said you are because ur comparison doesnt suit my needs'. I guess I forgot I'm on /h/.
>I guess I forgot I'm on /h/.
Wrong, you forgot you were talking to humans.
Multiple people in this thread have called you out for being an idiot.
Multiple people in this thread have called me out for being an idiot without saying any reason why for something that can be fucking googled and proved I'm right. I'll even go for the low hanging fruit.
>Dōjinshi (同人誌?, often transliterated as doujinshi) is the Japanese term for self-published works, usually magazines, manga or novels. Dōjinshi are often the work of amateurs, though some professional artists participate as a way to publish material outside the regular industry. Dōjinshi are part of a wider category of dōjin including art collections, anime, hentai and games. Groups of dōjinshi artists refer to themselves as a sākuru (サークル?, circle). A number of such groups actually consist of a single artist: they are sometimes called kojin sākuru (個人サークル?, personal circles).

So tell me, how does the doujinshi uploaded on the panda somehow have nothing to do with a comparison between manga translated by scanlators vs fakku? Again, I shouldn't be surprised as I'm on /h/.
They're saying that Fakku does not do doujinshi. It's like comparing two movie streaming platforms and including the games that one of them also offers.

I know they actually have doujinshi, but they released the first one less than a month ago, so it's not really fair to include that when looking at the big picture.

Technically all the western artists work might probably fall under the doujinshi category though.
Guess that depends. If they're paid to release their stuff through Fakku (a publisher) it's not self published and therefore not doujinshi.
>They're saying that Fakku does not do doujinshi
And that doesn't matter. The comparison was about manga being translated by two parties. You can't just remove doujinshi from it because fakku doesn't publish it. It is still manga and for scanlators and consumers here, there is no difference between h-manga and the doujinshi in the gran scheme of things. The comparison was of translated works, not published translated works. Of course there will be fucking less published works, there is much less and not really as popular for translations. A good portion of the people who read h-manga do it to read characters they like getting fucked. Its unfair to not add doujinshi to the comparison. It's just something someone wants done because it makes fakku look bad.
It isn't about fairness. It's simply a pointless comparison. All that matters is how much was gained vs lost due to Fakku.

You know, at least I can acknowledge some of FAKKU's good points, mainly their decent product offerings, while making complaints about their dishonest marketing and morally questionable business decisions.

Jacob had years to do the right thing, funny how he chose to do it, when it made financial sense for him. I think most people would call that changing the business model, though again you're treating all of Jacob's statements as sincere and not PR.

Even with new publishers you just proved my point. To benefit from FAKKU's leveraging free work all these years, you have to work with them, if you don't, you get nothing. It's not really a system that encourages competition and it will probably be hard for anyone new to enter the market and be competitive. Already, if you want to got the FAKKU road to glory route, Wani material is no longer available, if they lock down other publishers, you really think, they'd just stand by and watch?

I've been changing my complaints all the time? Man, it's not my fault you're a mental dyslexic that reads Anonymous as Vito the second you detect any sort of FAKKU criticism, valid or not. Yet funny enough, you're the one trying to put a spin on things, portraying every single thing FAKKU does as positive.
Whatever you say Vito.
He probably just got banned for shilling on an >>>/a/143522763
All the crossed out posts are probably him again.

Yes, 三日月ネコ made the same point when asked if he would translate doujinshi into English and make money, or accept that his work would be work pirated. He thought it sounded like blackmail. I think he had heard about practices like that from sites like Fakku.
>it will probably be hard for anyone new to enter the market and be competitive.
Fakku WAS the new guy on the market two years ago and crushed everyone else. The reason it's hard to be competitive is because everyone else is doing such a poor job, but that's on them to improve.

Do you have any sort of understanding of concepts like a brand for example? FAKKU was not new, when it entered the publishing business, it was a well established name people associated with hentai at that point. It already had a userbase coming for free porn, which meant free advertising for their publishing business until they started their subscription service.
To address some stuff that has come up while I was sleeping:

For doujinshi, FAKKU takes a 30% cut and the artist/author(s) get a 70% cut. Saying that this "costs more" for the fans than commissioning scanlations is pretty asinine considering that it "costs more" because you're actually supporting the author whereas with the scanlation they'd get absolutely nothing.

On the matter of output, FAKKU is certainly not doing more than English scanlators on the whole. If you search for "english translated" on panda with manga and doujinshi enabled, you can count that there's about 12-13 new releases on average per day. FAKKU's output in comparison is around 2.5 chapters a day, so it's about a 5x difference between the two.

Of course, this does include all scanlations, including shit like CGRascal and other garbage, so if you consider the quality of the releases as well, the difference gets somewhat smaller. And FAKKU is obviously more productive than any single scanlation group or two, since this is comparing to the output of all English hentai manga scanlators (that post / get posted to panda, anyway). And provided that FAKKU continues to be successful, the output is only going to get bigger.

Please stop advertising.
>after failing to shill on /a/, this is what they resort to

Cool story bro
Now tell us all which mods are in your pocket since we all know they allowed you to shill on /a/ half a year ago and previously.
>being on 4chan at AX
these parts = irc chan monitor party
please blow brains out
>these parts.
The only people who know about vito is that dumbass cancerous irc circlejerk.
>only people who know about vito
>132K tweets
>multiple websites
Anon, the only time I EVER hear vito being brought up is when the fucking sad panda irc is in the thread. No one fucking cared or even knew who he actually was until the irc decided to be irc and go autismo on stupid shit. Even then, no one but the stupid irc gives two shits.
>I'm too lazy to check the archives

The point you were trying to make was literally a criticism of anon being too lazy to check the archives.
And don't you ever forget it.
Bumping? You must be confused.
Get a life Daiz. You're at a fucking con and shilling your ass off in two places at once.
ruh roh emanga/project h websites are down again is down
and nothing of value was lost.
We'd all be better served if Fakku did everything.
>We'd all be better served if Fakku did everything.
No way in hell would that be.
See it that way, is it worth ripping shit quality digital when you can rip top quality instead?
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