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when the dude get raped

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Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 36

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when the dude get raped
men don't get raped.
Thats funny
That's my fetish !
men don't get raped by a girl putting her vag around his dick
I have nothing to contribute but I'll be back waiting for news
But a man can rape another man

Mine too.

It's really hard to find though... even on the deep web.
The Fuck they don't
Please tell me one reason why that is not possible
If he doesn't want it around his dick it's rape.
Is that Idubbbz getting raped?
She could restrain him and dose him with bull viagra like in A Serbian Film.

Or just fuck him with a strap-on.

As long as the man doesn't want it to be happening it's rape.
Not a real rape, but juste when the girl totally dominate the man, and he dont want
so uh no more like this? its kinda hot
but he got hard, which means he wanted it, so it's not rape.
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So if a chick gets wet it isn't rape?
LUL so I guess by that logic if the woman gets wet when you rape her it isn't rape cause she wanted it. Oh wait she does. Nice fucking logic retard

Everything they told me about prison was a lie?

nigger logic

dudes get hard for tons of reasons only one of which is the desire to fuck

you're a fucking assclown
yes, a man can be raped

if a woman has sex with a drunk man thats rape in a lot of countries, because drunk people CANNOT give consent

"but the man gets hard"

sexual arousal IS NOT consent
>makes a thread
>only post 1 webm

Go suck a cock
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More of this, sauce, name, anything really.

If that passionate thing is what male rape looks like, sign me in.
Came to the thread for only porn. Only found autism.
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Really? Lelu Love, kinda in your fucking face while watching the video. Asshat.
What is this even called?
At first I thought it was reverse rape, but that just sounds like consensual sex desu.
I was obviously saying the name of that specific video....
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Post rest. Love this movie.
Can`t, that is just what i scouranged.
how do people fall for this obvious b8
that has never happened in the history of the human race and will never happen.
Is that idubbz?
Technically it's rape, but like you're a pussy bitch if you call it that.

Basically my girlfriend was riding me and I told her to get off and she said no and just kept riding me, I told her i didn't want to cum yet but she just kept going until I came.

Like it's rape in the book, but I'm not a faggot who's gonna go out and say he got raped.
You're a whore, you aren't qualified to speak for other men
Why do the reverse rape threads always turn into a debate? Shut the fuck up and fap you faggots!
I got legitimately raped by a girl once in high school, I was drunk at a party and these fucking dykes took me into a room, held me down while the foulest girl I have ever come in contact with (literally smelt like rotting cheese and was overweight) sucked on my flaccid wiener for about 10 minutes with my mouth gagged, and now im gay
A woman tried to rape me a few years ago. She got out a knife and told me she'd cut my dick off if I didn't fuck her.
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It's SFM but it's all I got saved right now.
gun to the face, and then force fed viagra
thought exact the same thing
lmao can't unsee
The movie's called Thursday if anyone cared.
So you're saying if the ugliest fucking female landwhale on Earth pinned you down, force fed you Viagra, and then proceeded to fuck the shit out of you, that wouldn't be rape?
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tell that to Fleece Johnson
According to most of European law and Canadian law, that's correct. If the person forced to have sex is has a penis, then the act cannot be classified as rape. Sexual assault, sure. But not rape. And if she sues for child support for the rape-baby, the man must pay. Because the child is genetically his. Welcome to the modern Western World.
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To clarify, much of rape law involves language about penetration in the definition of rape. It's not some misandry nonsense, it's just a consequence of how poor the legal definition of rape is.
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>According to most of European law and Canadian law, that's correct
Wrong. If she stick a penis in a man's ass that without consent that is legally rape in Canada.
True but the legal definition of rape is that a penis must be made to penetrate so a woman can't rape a man with the things god gave her.
If "she" has a penis to stick in the man's ass, then "she's" a "he" and there is still a penis-owner involved. Do you understand the issue here?

Let me make sure it's clear: if you have a penis, you are automagically the loser in the courtroom. If you have a vagina, you cannot be convicted of rape.

There. A lesson in civics. From the 12th century. You're welcome.

But any man that claims rape by a woman traumatic is a huge puss, plain and simple. Or looking for attention.

"Oh no this chick I didn't want to fuck fucked me.."

Boo hoo be a fucking man, you're a disgrace.
I'm a niggerfaggot!
I'm pretty sure I was date raped in college. I went out with a chick once or twice but just wasn't feeling her. Nice enough girl, just a little annoying. Hot in a Gianna Michaels kind of way. Not the pretty of faces and a hint of chub but thick ass and with monster tits.
Turns out she was WAY into me and was telling everyone how much she liked me. We fool around a few times, but I stop short of full sex since we had so many mutual friends and I didn't want to deal with the drama of fucking her and jetting. I ended up moving about an two hours away shortly after and didn't see her again for awhile.
So I come back to town a few weekends later to party with my old roommates. So who just happens to show up unannounced? Chick I dated. My roommates G/F was friends with her and tipped her off, I found out later. And she's looking smoking. Lost some weight while I was away, toned up and was wearing this tight little black dress that hugged her just right.
So a group of us go out to the bar/club down the street and all get smashed. One of those college nights where it's $1 well mixed drink special and everyone in the krewe just gets shitty. Chicks are crying in the parking lot for no good reason, my buddy puked on my shoes as we were both pissing at the urinal trough, you know the type of night. Anyway we're all stumbling back home and that's when Black Dress starts to coral me. Hand around my waste, tells me my old roommate and his girlfriend need to be alone to "work things out" and I need to come "crash on her couch." I'm fucking hammered and can barely talk and walk, so I'm just like "Nah," since that was about as many syllables as I could manage at that time.
By the time we get back to apartment the group had fractured. Everyone was either puking, pissing, crying, trying to get someone to stop crying, or fighting with their significant other.
I stumlbe up to my buddy's apartment and knocked on the door. No answer. I knock some more.
OH OF COURSE. How silly of lawmakers to be so cavalier about their language. Of course they don't intend to throw one sex under the bus. The laws surrounding rape are most certainly not crafted by adults with education surrounding the formation and application of laws and justice. They just accidentally made the definition such that it pretty much only presumes the guilt of one sex and removes the agency of the other.

I understand, these things just happen. An accident. Of course.
"Oh no this dude I didn't want to fuck fucked me..."

Boo hoo be a grown woman. You're a disgrace.

You're lucky this isn't an Islamic country.
But any woman that claims rape by a man traumatic is a huge puss, plain and simple. Or looking for attention.

"Oh no this guy I didn't want to fuck fucked me.."

Boo hoo be a fucking woman, you're a disgrace.
Not every double standard can be boiled down to being a pussy when you're a man, and women can overpower men, especially when they're very heavy and can't be pushed off. Being overpowered and helpless can traumatize you alone, bar the rape

I hope you're trolling nigga

Love that show.
Fucking god damn it
I hate you
The girls is Haruki Sato, but I don't know the name of the video.
this thread is the best thread
Second this
Ooooh. Sorry. The answer you were looking for was "vagina". You said "flaccid wiener", implying "penis". That means you get the consolation prize of public ridicule for being "a fucking pussy". No one will believe your story and there are ZERO government funded shelters or rehabilitation programs for you, as a man. You just have to get over your experience the old-fashioned way: alcohol and posting on anonymous message boards. Enjoying your fucking life.

-- I'm legit upset to hear your story. There is no justice. Only by annoying 4chan/gif posters can I hope there will be justice brought to our bleak little ball of rock.
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Femdom at gunpoint GOLDEN.webm
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Holy fuck, what is this movie?
Speaking of which, I've got a few SFM with a similar concept
Srs. men get raped. I have fappin to do.
I'm trying not to be a dick and knock too loud since my buddy had just moved there, but I'm panicked because I'm obliterated and I've got no where else to go. I end up just slumping down and putting my head on my knees trying to figure shit out. You know when you're drunk and you're just trying to take deep breathes and focus your thoughts but everything in your head is just a cloudy mess? I don't know how long I sat there but I end up feeling someone grab my shoulders. Through the haze I see it's Black Dress and she's trying to help me up. I stumble and fall a few times, but eventually I stand and she guides me down a flight of stairs and into her apartment. From there, I honest to God don't remember much, but a few flashes here and there of her on top of me. I might have been kissing her and participating, but I really can't be sure. I don't guess she'd just ride me while I was passed out cold, but all I know was I woke up the next morning still on my back with all my clothes on except my pants were pulled down and tangled around my feet. I shit you not, my shoes (still with remnants of puke on them) were still on my feet. She didn't even have the decency to cover me with a blanket. She also didn't use a condom.
Now was that rape? I don't know. All I know is that if I (a man) had done that to her (a woman) many people would say yes. I also found out later that my friend's girlfriend purposefully didn't answer the door so that I would have to go home with Black Dress. She thought we'd be "cute together."
Whatever. When we woke up I figured "what's done is done" and spent the next morning rawdogging her in every position I could think of. I guess maybe that's the difference between men and women.
And of course, when I told her later that I thought we should just be friends, she pretended to be cool about it then shit talked me to all of our mutual acquaintances. Whatever. In the end, don't care, rawdogged a chick for a few hours who now hates me.
God damn that bitch makes me wet.
Oh fucking hell dude I'm legitimately pissed for you rn
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2 girl femdom thrust.webm
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Harley femdom GOLDEN.webm
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Army buddy of mine who was in my unit admitted to me a landwhale raped him when he was blacked out from drinking too much. He didn't want a landwhale to fuck him while he was unconscious, its rape.

That's pretty fucked man...I'm sorry that happened.

i need the sauce of this...now
Implying that men and women are the same
Boo fucking hoo a fat girl tried to sick your dick
Someone get Harley a bicycle pump her right buttcheek deflated again
Implying a double standard is OK in law. Because "equality".
1) when a judge decides that someone has to pay child support, the only person whose interests concerns them is the child
2) I'd bet that if he can prove that the kid was born as a result of a rape (or sexual assault, you're right on that part) at the hands of the mother, he can get custody of the kid. I know that he probably didn't want the kid in the first place, and it's not a perfect solution, but the kid is hardly to blame either
HAAAAAA. That fuckin Stare! oh em gee
Nice story.
>what's done is done

Haha, yeah that pretty much sums up the difference between male or female rape. It's still rape though and no different if the roles were reversed.

ugh my dick is soft after this shit

Sauce plz
>a woman can get an abortion if she wants to without the mans consent
>the man has to pay child support even if he didn't want the sex or to have the kid because "muh kids"
>in some places in Europe, it's even illegal to get a paternity test done

You support this.
I think youre gay, bro...
There's a clip I've been looking for for a long time, a girl with lip piercings and tattoos fucks a guy who is tied to a chair who says he doesn't want to because he has a wife?
feminist detected

the irony
Sorry 'bout that, amigo.
There it is.

This right here exactly where problems lie for men. We are so conditioned from so young to be tough, to not feel anything or at least pretend not to, and to "be a fucking man."

Dickhead, you can't even see how psychologically conditioned your statement shows the world you are. Shit swill like you're posting is exactly the reason why legitimate cries for help from men are ignored.

It's not a problem till it's your problem, I guess.

Enjoy your myopic worldview, and thanks for doing your part to keep men from advancing themselves.
wow a p250 whiteout, nice skin
>no gunshot at the end
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I'm a virgin.webm
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literally what OP asked
What are you fucking gay?
Was the guy William H Macy from Shameless
The woman is the one who'll have to carry the baby or not, so yes, she gets to make that decision.
If you don't want to pay child support you can petition the judge to be awarded custody of the kid. Child support isn't the judge's way to punish the father or reward the mother, but simply to make sure the kid will be provided for (remember that the kid didn't ask for any of this either).
I don't know about "some places in Europe", but in France you can contest being the father, in which case the judge will order a DNA test.

Yeah, I support that.
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Keeps Riding After He Cums.webm
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Getting drunk is a choice though. You choose to have impaired judgement. I'll never understand drunk consent laws. I know you have to be a scumbag to take advantage of a drunk girl, but should it be illegal? Only to the same degree that farting in an elevator should be illegal. I'm not talking about straight up rape or fucking someone who's passed out btw. Just the impaired judgement bs.
is there more to this scene?
The guys name is sikke van der veer. He has a lot of similar videos
did someone stab his balls?
i kept being distracted by the fact that his balls look like a donut

>what is a vasectomy?
Not true. It is just a physical response to external stimuli. But rape is mental and emotional.
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Ayy I made this webm.
men get raped more than women
Thought that was a sword at first and it was some strange medieval roleplay. Disappointed.
Yep. Nope. Nobody does.
This is from the TV show The Leftovers this is one of the early episode in Season two. Great fucking show btw.
You just know that at some point the guy end up on top and the girl starts squeaking like a submissive bitch all of a sudden.
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Thank you sir
I can't talk for the entire world, but in the UK men cannot be raped by women. The act of rape requires a penis.
An incision made at the back of the scrotum closer to the anus to sever the vas deferens, usually leaving a very miniscule scar, not a puncture wound directly in the middle by a pencil
doesnt that apply only when he nuted buts she wants more and keeps going?
It's called rape
see i agreed until my friend got black out drunk and a chick rode him, next she come back with a pregnancy scare, yeah i'd call that shit rape
>Stealing a Grandmasters Wizardry away.webm
Why do you all think it would be hot chicken that will rape you?.....or if that person would be a girl lol hahaha this is Damm funny
tfw guys caring that people say men cant get raped
oh wah someone said something on the internet
literally impossible
She slips you viagra and bounces up and down on your cock as you lie there drugged. Or maybe she just violates your ass with a strap-on.
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Asian Fuck Toy Slave.webm
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>implying I don't want that
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This one doesn't really qualify, but I'll put it out there anyway
did Vinesauce voice this wtf
Sauce on this broseph?
wow...... that..... wow....
Unfortunately I can't help. Reposted these from a previous thread.
The way she's acting with that playful personality made me cum
That's not why she came to Rapture.
My favorite of this fetish. Full clip is on one of the bigger free video sites, I don't recall which. Original filename.

I don't know where you jokers got your law degrees, but there's no such thing as rape in Canada; sexual assault replaced it for the exact reason that people were focused on penetration this way.
You're all idiots for falling for whats obviously a troll.
No one comes to 4chan to educate themselves about what rape is either. Double fail

i got rape once. by my own ex girlfriend. we were wakeup early on sunday morning when she notice i got hard on morning wood. we did a few times, i cum twice and so her multiple times. she arent usually like sex but that morning she said she really feeling weirdly horny i said im tired and hungry. suddenly she start charging and said well i had to wait and she push me on my back and just ride me. i swear i barely able to take a breath and my heart is pumping like crazy. im not a fit men as i was born with asthma. she rape me like for three hours. i swear my dick and lungs hurt for few day. weeks after we broke of.
thats not rape you fickign idiot
holy shit this is hilarious

>don't do it
I hate it when men thinks their humor is superior also men dont get raped thats bs.
WSS 200
Why is it bs?
I have been waiting years for this thread...
Rawdogged a rapist who now hates you. FTFY. Interesting story.
Just push her off nu male faggot.
this. I always thought /b/ was the most newfaggy board. Now I realize its /gif/
I think I was borderline raped once by an ex-girlfriend. Obviously everybody on this thread will make their own judgment. I wasn't left crying in the bathroom but I've never forgotten the incident and that was probably 20 years ago now (was 18). Story was I was sick as fuck. Had a horrible respiratory infection. All I wanted to do was just lie there, as just about any kind of exertion would make me choke. She wants to fuck. I ask her if we can do it later because I just need to rest, but she's insistent. Takes out my dick and strokes it. It gets hard because its got a mind of its own. I didn't really "struggle" per say, because I didn't want to be rude and physically weak from fatigue. I just repeatedly asked her to stop. She didn't. Just kind of had this deadpan look on her face, like she wasn't really even enjoying it either--just like doing it because she was hellbent on the mission. This went on while I lied there. I didn't really participate actively at all. She rode me until one or both of us came, which threw me into a coughing fit for what seemed like ages, though was probably some minutes. It was definitely not a enjoyable experience. After my fit died down I felt emotionally hurt and somewhat betrayed. I guess I let it go because we dated for a while after that, but I never forgot. Certainly not the same thing as getting tied up with duck tape and sodomized with bat, but I'm pretty sure if I'd done that to her and she wanted to call it rape, a court would have agreed.
Define 'nu-male'.
Sounds like something a rapist would say..
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feminine male with beta male characteristics
I know how you feel, the last time I had the flu I felt like I wanted to die
this is fucked up
lol, why am I laughing so hard at this gif?
That's like saying woman can't be raped because they get wet from the rape, it's your bodies reaction you idiot

I love when my wife does this. It doesn't hurt me.
Clearly someone doesn't pay alimony.

Government rapes every month on behalf of my ex
Any good place to get it?
I can't stop laughing, I'm glad I finished before I opened this fucking video

thank you very much sir!
Kys is cringy as fuck preteen faggot
Kys cringe >= yolo cringe
>Kys is a word fedora
only a faggot with no real input would drop "newfag" into the conversation
Anyone have one of the videos of men being pegged after losing a wrestling match?
Fun fact:
Kys = Kiss in Danish
Hey Brock how is Dayton treating you?
Lotta people failing basic comprehension of what rape is ITT. If two people have sex when one person wasn't consenting to it, that's rape. And rape IRL and rape as a sex fantasy are two very different things.

For a hot example of the latter, google "no time wasted kana yume", first scene's the hottest live action example I know.
Nice story, bro. I agree with the conclusion.
Russell! Fucken legend!
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this is hot as fuck, bitch is thirsty, i like that.
I was technically raped as I was too drunk to give consent. Literally drunk enough to puke everywhere and blackout.

Girl told me in the morning she rode me whilst I was passed out.

I stayed and fucked her some more.
shit dude, what's the source of that? I tried all of the reverse image search options, doesn't give me anything
>that poster in the background


Song name please?
shit, I knew Mario looked familiar, but Carla looked skinnier in the vid than she did in the last few months before they broke up
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Dear God by Avenged Sevenfold
The bit in the video is the outro, starts at 4:20
Thank you.
bretty good tbqh
Avenged Sevenfold - Dear God

Is there more?
It says the source with huge fucking letters on the webm. Do a bit of leg work ffs
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7 Clips in total.
The definition of rape is historical. And it did apply only to women.

Today, in many states, there is no crime of rape anymore. The crime is subsumed by "sexual assault" or "aggravated sexual assault" or whatever.
The gender inequality in that is that the woman can decided not be burdened by the child at all. In your "solution", the men is responsible no matter what.

The gender equitable solution is to allow a man to deny paternity and future support before the child is born.
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Did they ever figure out why people disappeared? basically all I wanted to know, not willing to watch a fucking HBO series to find out
See shit like this where youre being "raped" makes no sense. Just bite the goddamned dick off
So just shoot her asleep with morphine and give her an abortion. If she raped the man, it's her fault right?
>this is how men are raped
didn't wanna talk to communist
According to feminists if he says stop at any point during sex and she doesn't. It's rape.
Lotta words in here. Thread is fail.
passed out drunk at party, sex initiated while unconscious, no consent.
I'm pretty certain I was raped when I was about 12 by my sister's 15ish year old friend. She got me to drink half a bottle of nyquil telling me I'd have crazy dreams, nothing seemed off until I woke up the next day with my dick out and a whole bunch of crusty stains on me.
At the time I didn't really know about rape so I thought it was a wet dream or just peeling skin, but looking back on it now she was devious af and I was basically her toy.
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What a dream
>can't be bothered to type out kill yourself
Kill yourself
you should be butchered for this belief.
Looks pretty good to me
Funny story how my friend for raped by a gypsy women

>Him staying in Germany working at hostile.
>Made a group of friends they were drinking right outside of the hostile he worked at one night
>girl in group gets way to drunk
>they call taxi to take her home
>cab cone right back chick threw up in it
>my friends says okay okay my room it's right there she can stay with me
>friends takes shower women offs naked in his bed
>women starts begging him to fuck her
>my friend protests
>your drunk you won't remember. You might say i raped you. It's not right
>women continues to beg
>women takes his penis out of his underware and puts his flaccid cock into her pussy
>my friend finally concedes
>after hr fucks her laying there the women whispers
>I raped you, you didn't want it but I raped you.
That's messed up.
In this thread
>man-baby virgins who will become rapists and cry in court because they don't understand consent.
>actual children who will Brock Turner but get sentenced to 10 years in prison and cry in court because they don't understand consent.
I'm sorry, I just can't get hard when a woman has a weapon and pretends that she'll do shit with it. I'm too accustomed to the fact I can beat the shit out of a woman if need be. Only way this would be hot is if the guy had his hands handcuffed or something.
I now understand why islam is so popular now
The conception Jeremy Corbyn
i cared, thank
Nope, being raped it's just about sonebody that forces you against your will to fuck, so it doesn't requieres dick
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>idubbz getting dominated
>implying i dont know the webm is not rape

After she got done fucking him and those guys came in, I thought "oh fuck, is it their turn now? This shit is DARK!!"
Being quite honest... In the case of man, none of those were "rape" videos. All of those girls are really fuckable. In my vision a man can only be "raped" by ugly stinky disgusting woman.
I was in Mexico and met this chick on Tinder. We had a lot of drinks the night before the rape.
Thing is I was sleeping all fucked up and I don't know how I noticed her riding my dick and kissing me. I swear I was sleeping when she started having fun with me.
In the US, rape legally means forcibly inserting a penis in to a vagina. Inserting anything in ass is sodomy, of course. Forcibly inserting a baseball bat in to a vagina isn't rape.
source for the love of god
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wet dream.gif
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>you want to fuck this

Good god, man.
bitch is so ugly, no wonder it was down while she was naked in front of him
Is there a source for this?
>fat women being able to rape anyone

Child support doesn't give a flying fuck about gender inequality, only about the child. And if the father gets custody of the kid, he can get child support from the mother if she earns money.
I don't see how being a rapist justifies forcibly getting an abortion, anymore than it could justify getting your balls cut off. You should petition for more money to be put into research on a male contraception method instead, because that would solve the problem of men getting unwanted children through rape or their so tricking them and not put the whole burden of contraception on the woman in the couple.
A woman can decide not to pay child support by having an abortion. That's the difference.
>tfw you will never get a blow job from anubis
love this movie
source please
It is unfair to the child, that is the issue.

If a woman is raped by a man and gets pregnant she can give up the child after she gives birth and NEVER have to pay anything into it after she gives it up. Men should be able to do the same.

Would you really tell a woman in the 17th century who got raped and pregnant that the issue is not that she was raped and burdened with a pregnancy, but that we should focus on creating good contraception so when she is raped again she won't get pregnant from it ? Men have contraception,condoms, and when we aren't raped most of us are smart enough to wear them when necessary,
Esmeralda's got no fucking chill
That's a dude, my dude.
are you retarded?
found it after 1 minute
Yeah, that's about how long I'd last inside Liv Tyler too....
i'm a 28yo male virgin, never even kissed a woman. at this point, i know the only way I would actually have sex is if a woman rapes me. i cannot touch a woman. i would never thrust my penis inside someone... that's why I never even went to a hooker. it's like... as soon as she started her business, she would be raping me. I cannot actively do it...

Yeah. I was a pretty good-looking dude in college. Had an aura of innocence/boy-ish charm (or something) that was like honey for the semi-crazy hyper-sexual girls (you know the type).

Your story could've been mine - spot on with the conspiring friend, too.

Sometimes I miss those days!
>what are prisons
Child support isn't the issue.
>i'm a 28yo male virgin, never even kissed a woman. at this point, i know the only way I would actually have sex is if a woman rapes me. i cannot touch a woman. i would never thrust my penis inside someone... that's why I never even went to a hooker. it's like... as soon as she started her business, she would be raping me. I cannot actively do it...
Good. Natural selection will cull your shit genes from the herd.
Not even close. Need to be wiped out on Es and K in Laurent Garniers hotel room with his angry ex.
the guy looks like a kid
and my vid is here, somewhere
>college, work weekends, tired as fuck, have to be up at 7am, don't go out barhopping with roommate
>he comes home after bar, with his hot cousin and her 5/10 chubby friend named Kat
>Kat has chatted me up before, but I have zero interest, no physical attraction whatsover
>she comes upstairs to my bedroom, says she's way too drunk to drive, can't crash on couch because they are watching a movie and waiting for pizza downstairs.
>I'm trying to figure out how to tell her to fuck off, but gently, but she just strips down to her underwear and climbs into bed. She says "don't look so concerned, I just want to sleep"
>fine. whatever. I also just want to fucking sleep.
>casually, she glides over and has her giant, warm, pillowy tits pressed against my back. I can smell her shampoo or something, and she smells fucking delicious. But there is no way. No way on Earth I would ever. I want the roommate's hot cousin, and I'm not going to blow a chance at her for 5/10 Kat.
>what is that shampoo? is that fucking mango/pinapple/coconut/passion fruit something-or-other? Goddamn it, try to go back to sleep
>her hand casually brushes across the front of my underwear and that goddamn traitorous cock of mine just jumps to life. She starts slowly and lazily jerking me off through my underwear.
>most women have ZERO handjob skills, but she's just relaxed and easy-going and I'm remembering awkward teen fumblings over-the-underwear, and I think to myself "fuck, I think I could cum right about now", and that wouldn't be so bad, just a quick handy and back to sleep, no big deal
>she purrs in my ear "see, that doesn't feel so bad, does it? You don't want me to stop, do you?"
>well I didn't want any of this, but I'm pretty close now, seems a shame to quit, I'm trying to sort out my thoughts when smoothly she dips beneath the covers, pulls my cock out and has it in her warm, wet mouth before I can really object.
Thursdays. Great film.
I'm listening...
>again, she is so good with her mouth, I can't even believe it, she's taking her time, and she just gets me
>I'm kind of getting close to cumming again, and she lifts her head and again says "See, that's not so bad, is it? You don't want me to stop, do you?"
>I'm thinking "well, Christ, you can't actually stop now, I'm fucking so close" but at the same time, I regret that I've now crossed a line that probably excludes ever banging the hot cousin, and I'm rolling all of this hesitation around in my head
>suddenly her panties are off, and she's sitting on my cock, and her pussy is so hot and wet it just glides all the way down my shaft in one stroke, and I can't even believe I'm bare-backing a chick that I would have bet money one day prior that I could not have achieved erection for
>she rides me like a champ, good rhythm, good stroke, nice hip action, she's just gliding on that cock, and I'm thinking "wow, she's fucking triple-threat all-star, I can't even believe it."
>she hangs her giant tits over my face and I take one of those big cookies in my mouth and it stiffens up instantly, hard like a pencil eraser.
>she smells so good, bodyspray, and shampoo and pussy, and I'm just fucking dizzy with lust somehow
>she's not really riding shaft now, so much as just grinding her clit into me with this circular rotation, and it's nuts because its so fucking hot, she's obviously close to coming, and she's so into it, and the pressure is awesome, and suddenly she make this wimper and dives forward and bites my neck near my collarbone so fucking hard, I wonder if I'm going to bleed, but now I'm cumming and cumming, and I don't know if she's on the pill or what, and now I've probably impregnated this woman I know nothing about and don't really want to be seen in public with.
>she sighs and rolls off of me and goes to sleep.
>I lay there thinking "Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, what the fuck have I just done."
>fall asleep, thoroughly fucked in every sense
Hmm. 5/7, then?
>wake up
>Kat is gone
>go to kitchen
>walk across the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
was raeped
>wake up, she's gone
>I can still smell all of the awesomeness of the night before, but now my big brain has regained control from little brain
>shake my head in disbelief, how could I ever have been so stupid
>how did I let that happen?
>completely blown shot at hot cousin
>don't want to date Kat
>feel kind of used and confused
>no way anybody is going to feel sorry for me, so I get up, go to work and get over it.
File: 100percetawesome.gif (2MB, 250x187px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 250x187px
>everyone distracted by pain / not apin
>No-one sees he has tiny doughnut instead of balls?
Until a call to pay alimony comes.

>starts as rape.

>he wakes up.

>adjusts his position for her easier riding

>begins thrusting into her

Yep. He consented half way through. no longer rape.

It would be rape if he was all "bitch get off me" and threw her off and ran away.
>100percetawesome.gif XD

Kill yourself.
Who are you quoting?
now i dont have to waste a minute.
would be a glock whiteout but whatever.
>being raped
>bite dick
>get beat to death/shot/stabbed instead of taking dick and living

good plan dude
what movie was this? If I remember correctly she was going to kill the dude in the chair as soon as he came.
Saddest quints ever.
>hey... this is pretty goood..
I was legit raped by a big fat maori girl at University.
I was drunk and in bed with the world spinning around me and just trying not to spew, and next thing I know she was on me and grinding me. Don't know if I was inside her or not, but she was pushing on my chest and I couldn't fucking breath, I was at the drunk stage where once you lay down you have no strength or energy to move again. I really thought I was going to die because I couldn't push her hands off my chest to take a breath.
She came and then just fucked off with me gasping for air.
Shit times
It's the same actor that gets repetedly raped in MIDD-931? (btw, I found that movie here and I loved it, hot but cringy, like all porn should be)

I actually have been raped by a woman. I felt like the post unmanly guy in the world and I felt so fucking disgusted by myself. I swear I hope nothing like this happen to anybody else
Something wrong with Lelu? I've liked what I've seen but for all I know she could be absolutely unlikable like Jynx Maze
Someone got a name ?
this reverse rape is doing it for me


Her name is Brandon Areana

When i see this i get really glad to have my gf treat me like the girl in the first vid, sometimes i come more than two times because shes just shouting at me, sooo hot fuck
Do you think lawmakers make the best laws without a single flaw? No they are fucking autistic children who have a seat in power. besides that, a ton of laws in america are old as fuck, like back when women were your punching bag and niggers cleaned up after your shits
Anyone got source ?
Live Tyler has gotten fat.
did he dieded
I'm gonna quote the post I was replying to :

"The gender equitable solution is to allow a man to deny paternity and future support before the child is born."

So yeah, it's a part of the issue.
Well yeah, and she has to go through with the pregnancy when she wants the kid. So it's unfair. Deal with it, maybe? That's not really relevant to the rape part, since your partner could easily trick you into impregnating her too.

A woman doesn't need to have been raped to give up the child and all rights and responsibilities toward it, because this wasn't created to get women off the hook. It was done so that babies wouldn't get abandoned to die. So one more instance where the well-being of the child is paramount.

Besides I never said that a man getting raped wasn't an issue worth discussing, just that the kid didn't ask to be born in those circumstances either, so the kid doesn't have to be denied support from its father because of the way of his birth. The mother still deserves time though, which I think wouldn't be compatible with raising a child, much less sueing for child support.
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