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Chinese driving

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Thread replies: 313
Thread images: 31

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Chinese driving
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First one was the bike's fault. Second hit was just a panic swirl
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That was unexpected
lol the drive waited until the car started bumping up and over limbs #brutal
src: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDZP08LZlKM
This is what happens when the government suppresses the whole population. They have so much pent up rage that they lash out at the smallest mishaps.
Chinnese are not humans
was that mountain lion?!
park even says
> "yo... don't get out of the car... especially don't turn you back on the kill cats"

apparently they got into an argument
> mfw i left my mixtape in the car but my idiota gf is getting pwned by a tiger
Nah, it was a capibara.
Why do shoes always fly off during vehicle accidents? Do these people not tie their laces correctly?
Why would you get out of the car in a tiger enclosure? Even if the person in the car is pissing you off its still better than being eaten.
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>Passat CC

He doesn't seem to be that much suppressed
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What's wrong with me? I don't really feel anything when Chinese get hurt in these videos. are they so dehumanized in my mind?
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Smeared on the pavement.webm
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I doubt I was that fucking stupid when young

Fucking deserved it
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Are chinese even people?
Haha, silly. You need a soul to be human.
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rip bikefag.webm
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Some final destination shit.
Holy fucking shit, street pole fucking rekt the bike guy at 0:08.

The rest of it was like a fucking michael bay escape scene

Don't know if it's legit but I heard in China they have a bullet fee where the government will send the family a bill if they had to execute someone
It's not just in your mind.
Dude I think he might have been cut in half
Moar please

She probably smelled like fish.
THEY ARE LIKE lemmings

Give them, you kill a Chinese and three or more come on the way
ok what the fuck
what actually is wrong with them

it's apparently part of chinese culture that you should "hit to kill" because it's easier to argue in court that it was intentional homicide presumably because there isn't a living witness. I don't understand these webms tho, it's almost like they have a fear of using their brakes.

>These drivers are willing to kill not only because it is cheaper, but also because they expect to escape murder charges. In the days before video cameras became widespread, it was rare to have evidence that a driver hit the victim twice. Even in today’s age of cellphone cameras, drivers seem confident that they can either bribe local officials or hire a lawyer to evade murder charges.

what a shitty society.
That complete right turn into the water at 038secs out of nowhere..........
they are fucking insects, man
For no reason at all the truck explodes
God damn mainland chinese are such savages. hong kongers must feel like they're surrounded by hell.
Look how easily a tiger could drag a human. Love this.
Jesus Christ chinks are not people. To be that butt blasted that you ran over two people then get out of your car to beat them.
That fucking file name. Christ I almost pissed myself.
And people think the Chinese army could win wars because of their population. These people have no compassion. Their own soldiers would just kill each other and not care. Morale would be shit.
intentional suicide you mean... holy shit though. didn't realize many of these could be on purpose
from now on that lion shall be named Darwin
He just murdered that dude eith a knife lol
carrying propane tanks maybe?
Jesus christ. What is fucking wrong with the Chinese? Do they not even give a fuck about their own countrymen?
in China if you hit someone you kill them...otherwise you will have to pay disability pension for the rest of the other persons life. malaysia also has same rule, but theyare not as ruthless aschinese.
in China if you hit someone you kill them...otherwise you will have to pay disability pension for the rest of the other persons life. malaysia also has same rule, but theyare not as ruthless aschinese.
that article was as usual by a clueless american...they mainly kill to avoid paying alimony for the person hit for the rest of their life. ...also chinese have no ethics or morals.
In the US you have to pay for the person too. But thats what fucking insurance and bankruptcy is for. This is just government sanctioned manslaughter.
Fucking hell, what's wrong with that country.

Fuck TYT. Get this shit outta here.

Doesn't look like lashing out to me. Driving pretty slow.
Do they give licenses out or can anyone drive?
lol triggered

How can you be that unaware of your surroundings? You get out of your car in a tiger park and don't even bother to make sure there are no giant tigers RIGHT FUCKING THERE?!
Are you serious? He was going way too fast.
That's Korea, not China.

ah, feels like I'm in london
Damn, the muslims should consider hiring some chinese motherfuckers.
chinks are fucking stupid worthless wastes of oxygen and earth's resources, that's the story for all of these.
chinese are truly worlds worst scum
He was, but the biker was also in the wrong lane
>>> let me come to a complete stop once im directly over all three kids
why are they allowed to drive
Normally I would be pissed at how stupid these chinks are and how they should never be allowed anywhere near a vehicle but luckily they are overpopulated so i cant even be that mad. Atleast they're only killing eachother
fuck off roach
Fucking chinks have no souls, how the fuck are there a billion of them?
Holy kek lol. I've seen like 5x as many kills in this thread alone than the sand niggers have managed all over the world.
>China level
>Fear Factory Zero Signal start playing
can someone please dub in the Back To The Future theme?

Mainland chinks are fucking barbarians. Too many famines, not enough nutrients for a growing brain.
Mainland chinks have no regard for human life.
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This is what happens when your retirement is based on how many children you have.

Quantity vs quality.
Life is cheap.
no, Communism and people like Mao made china forcefully forget all morals and principles
I was rooting for the cyclist and then he just got fucking obliterated
This looks too clean to be China. But the drivers are definitely bad enough to be chinks
the fuck is wrong with those kids just sitting in a parking lot.
>chinese driving
I'm confused, what car was the big cat driving?
what a shit hole
If you ever find yourself on fire I hope you remember this pro tip...while screaming "put me out" Take all of your cloths off lay on the ground keeping your face down so you can breath. and pray someone puts you out... running around is what "burns" up the little time you have from hurt to crispy.
nuke these subhumans already
a jaguar ofc
I think he's better off killing a person than paying for insurance in China..
>USA is a course for war with China
I really hope we put their failed society in its place once and for all.
Poor bloke was smashed with enough force I'm sure he popped up in Miami set on fire then run over...but did he die?


Light pole hit his right handle bar if you look close you can see the man and his bike being drug to safety in front of the semi.. he lived with minor wounds. people in the car and on the mo ped.. ded
no it's what happens when chinese driving test standards are so low that they basically never teach their population to drive safely
I think ISIS is killing the wrong county..
Look at the containers of liquid that spill all over the road. Most likely gas.
>millions to take care of the person for the rest of their life if they live
>couple thousand to pay for their funeral

This is why they always try to finish the job. Most of these people get away with it.
Thanks for the tip, always heard stop, drop and roll was the go-to when on fire though.
Stupid driver put reverse gear on highway.
Normally it's happening when the driver miss out the exit, or he wanted to pick up some guy along by the highway. Yes, in some place of china people wait by the side of highway so the citybus could pick them up.
This is a murder actually but a traffic accident.
china is basically the easiest country in the world to get a license
chineses are a filthy shitty civilization
gasoline doesn't explode like a bomb, it just makes a lot of fire

movies are fake, dumbass
I feel something else is going on here... jealousy maybe?
>Its a lion! Get in the car!
0:20 How is he still walking??
Women: will always pick the WORST time to have a fight
not China, I can see the Indian letters
If you anit White you anit Right is what Im taking away from this thread. So you have some vids of folks driving like shit, that proves nothing. Bunch of raciest scum in here.
Is like saying all americans are serial killers considering how many they had in history, right?
It's called the Arabic script and the Uyghurs in northwestern China use it.
>the fucking spare tire in the back

top fucking kek
Nuclear blast scene from T2
Pretty sure the dude wouldve been executed when/if caught
not necessarily bad driving, just natural selection running at max
The fuckin wipers sent my sides into orbit hahaha
Not really. The knife attacks in China were pretty much exactly that. They were so common psychologists had to come in and see why Chinese people were so fucked up and it was pretty much feeling helpless at a domineering regime.

The car thing is just 0 safety standards + laws that encourage you to kill people (if you injure them you have to pay their bills, if they are dead you dont),
omg. gas, idiot. Like the shit your head is filled with.
not petrol
People think North Korea is the problem or Saudi Arabia. China is literally breeding sociopaths with their laws.
Yeah, no. There's actually something fucky going on in China. It's not genetic, it's political.

For instance, did you know that work related deaths in America average about 1000 a year? In China, that number is 60,000. Do you get that? That's fucking INSANE. Their government promotes growth at all cost without any concern for the people. That's why buildings blow the fuck up there or collapse or people constantly die like that.

There are even articles written by Chinese journalists about how the country has created a generation with no empathy or respect for anyone but themselves.

It isn't a race thing. It's about a country super fucked in the head.

The sad thing is, that lion was probably turned into Kung Pow Kitten because of this.
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What a hothead
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She thought feminism would protect her.
I heard that there was some kind of argument during a family's trip to the wildlife park. the mother of the husband seen in >>11026442
got killed by another tiger when they went after the wife
I hope they realiased the gravity of the situation.
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indoor parking.webm
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Can anyone translate what that girl was saying?

Korean here.

What the fuk shit why my car like this this is crazy fukkkk

shes in panic obv, seems like one of Hyundai's sudden acceleration thing, pretty famous in Korea.
Im positive it's something like:
"Hit the fucking brakes you dumb whore, I swear, I will ping-pong your ching-chong so hard on the next party meeting your ding-dong will ling-long!"
I'm so paranoid now I was expecting another accident after 20 seconds.
>seems like one of Hyundai's sudden acceleration thing, pretty famous in Korea.

I have a Hyundai.
Should I be worried?

Also doesn't breaking help?
My Hyindai is made in Turkey, should I be worried?
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my turn to drive.webm
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I think this one is from Japan but whatever
>Even the Allah Ackbars comment on how barbaric The Chinese are.

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This entire thread can be explained when you understand the Chinese:

Thanks to Communism, there exists a generation of old people who are completely self-entitled yet without wealth. They see the generation after them succeeding and thriving, and feel cheated. So they'll resort to literally any scheme to get money. This includes walking in front of cars to scam insurance.
Because the laws protect the pedestrian in this case, this has caused a majority of the population to become wary of them, as well as engage in a "If you hit them, kill them." realization.
Recently China has enacted Good Samaritan Laws that protect them if they try to help the injured, however the legal system favors the scammers who claim "He hurt me and is responsible for my pain after that random car hit me." So still when you see someone on the street get hurt, people will just walk past them just because they're afraid of getting sued for helping. They're not heartless, just scared out of their mind due to shitty laws.
Finally, if you're Chinese and you own a car, it's not merely a means to commute like it is for the Western world. It's literally a status symbol. A Chinese person owning and driving a car suddenly makes them feel like they're an emperor of the universe. This causes them to treat everyone else, pedestrians and especially bike drivers, like they're absolutely nothing. If that same Chinese car driver wants to unexpectedly merge in to oncoming traffic, then fuck everyone else because they should move out of their way! That's their literal mentality, and it results in this shit right here.

The only other thing is getting a drivers license is super easy (unless you're a foreigner, in which case getting ANYTHING is a hassle). So there's no training at all. Just people doing stupid shit in their own self interests.

I reckon you should be fine, if you're not a filthy automatic scrub.
>if you're not a filthy automatic scrub.

I'm not sure, actually.

It's a full electric and it has no gears.

If you have hyundai outside of Korea, worry not, because car parts they use for exported goods are actually more durable and worth the money you pay for it... Im no car expert, but in case your car starts to accel and brake doesnt work, immediately put your gear to Neutral, i heard that prevents your car going rampage, not sure if it actually works tho.

everyone in Korea knows how Hyundai rip off their own people to make profit by selling them cheap cars with a price higher than the state side, oh of course people sue them when this happens, but most of time Hyundai wins with their high end lawyers saying it was driver's fault not maintaining the car in regular basis. I

Full electric? Oh, son. I'm so sorry.

If you're competent at wiring, I'd suggest putting an emergency stop button in the console somewhere. Make sure you find out what models are at fault, though. I've never seen electrical runaway like that before, though,
Stop it with the fucking wipers!
I don't think they have a word/concept for that in chinese.
the driver doesn't even tap the brakes

it seems like that happens in most of these videos...are they just stupid or is everyone texting and driving?

I wonder if "Neutral" actually works an an emergency cut-off to the engine.

I don't know what else it does (if anything).
There is no clutch and no gears, the wheels are permanently physically linked to the engine's rotor.

I'm not sure. My guess is, when you lift off the throttle, it will act like an alternator and put power back into the battery.

It'd be damn foolish of them to not have an emergency cut off, though. I mean, fuck, this is something we figured out back when steam was the primary form of motive traction.
I'm HOPING that hitting the brake pedal also cuts off the engine.

Tomorrow I'll test what happens when I press both pedals at once.
we just watched it happen almost exactly like movies portray. you may be right but you picked a bad webm to defend your point.
this nigga in the truck didn't even hit the breaks
there's always at least one of you "I need to be right" faggots in every thread, looks like we hit the jackpot and got two here today.
fuck Chinese people
I can already see the logic

>West prospers and everyone has a car
>Many more chinese than westerners
>If everyone had a car we would be the most prosperous country
>hand them out like candy
Put car in neutral, hit the brakes, put handbrake on.
kekimus maximus
reminds me of the opening scene from one of the Naked Guns
the driver literally said " killing her is cheaper than paying the hospital bill ". With no shame of course.

sudden acceleration, but with more terrorism and dictatorial control. you is fucked.
Man if you got propellant on you, stop drop and roll will do shit
>hey let's sit in the parking lot and trade pokemon cards
>great idea chang!
I thought asians were supposed to be smart
this. all this
>Indian letters
that's arabic you retarded fat mcmerrican

Communism's goal was to breed care-bears full of peace, love, and equality, by becoming complete sociopaths though, they open their souls towards capitalism. It's been proven that the rich, the most capitalist members of society, are usually sociopaths. So bless the chinese and their sociopathic behaviour.

>Good samaritan
>Gonna save somebodies life
>Gets rammed by a truck

The laws of the universe everybody, exactly why you don't help people 99% of the time.
Isn't shit like this because if you stop to help someone in china, they can sue you and you'll have to pay for their care maybe their whole life
People who use phones to film monitors need to be taken out and shot... totesrs
The woman was driving, but was such a good driver she managed to get mauled by a Lion.

He must have had a heart attack or something. It's just so random and nothing else is influencing him.
Wtf do they drive with closed eyes what the fuck
Probably would show up on w/e company security programs that he plugged in a USB stick or burned a CD of the video. Honestly taking a cell phone video of it was probably safer for him to do if he wanted to share it
the filename holy fuck
>eyes closed
why did the idle guy next to driver do nothing ? hes reaction time seemed like he was ready to die anyways lol
Hear that? That's the sound of a man not giving a fuck about jack shit.
How the fuck do you score so many hit points and not even make a single vocal sound!?!?

I spent a year in Beijing. What I found is that most Chinese lack the hours of driving that is usually built up by a "Western" driver. Also they seem to lack the basic common understanding of the inherent physics of handling a vehicle at speed. Concepts of braking before you hit a corner and stuff like that.

The average soccer mom who drives about during the day has a ton more hours up behind the wheel (and skills) than your average inner city chow.
This is why china is out competing us in the global market. All of the stupid people over there are still dying. In a couple more generations there will only be geniuses living there.
they pretty much drive the same, doesn't really matter.
holy shit did he just get disemboweled? what's that hot stuff on the right of him after he gets run over?
If they were real geniuses they wouldn't choose to be living in china
Look at the bright side, getting hit by a truck has a 99% chance of getting you isekai'd
The car number plate style...this is not happened in China
the weight of the train caused his internals to shoot out of his anus

he would have lost face if he reacted
ban these assault hammers, why can chinese people just carry around a hammer in their car? wow what a shitty nation, i bet he ordered that assault hardware tool and or stick from the internet w/o a background check or anything
Am I the only laughing for watching the videos?

I'm also curious, is serial killing legal in China, and if not, do law peoples even care about such things?
Was that car driven by teenagers?
Crashing this bus.
With no survivors
I remember this. It was an elderly man who apprantly had no idea what had happen. He got away with it because he's old. In China the elderly get respected.
Turning off the car would also suffice
It is in Taiwan
Disconnect the motor and short the wires, from the motor, not the battery as I hope you'd understand. The motor will then act as an generator and motor at the same time and slow itself down.
Still a territory of China.
Wow these guys really can't drive
deja vu

i just been in this place before
the slanty eyes dont help either right?
You're still that stupid now so I'm betting you were then too
When I was 6-7 years old a car ran over my foot and didnt hurt me in the slightest.
Its all about the angle , that kid got lucky and it ran over his arm and leg while they were flat on the floor.

You can blind fold them with a piece of fucking dental floss, you don't hand them the keys to a fucking car!

But seriously folks, with over a billion people if this kind of shit wasn't happening over there we'd be up to our fucking eggrolls in moon faced chinks, with their bad teeth, bad breath, shitty nasaly language and the WORST manners of all the nationalities.

Yeah fuck them all.
On the other hand, China's road fatality rate is only slightly below world average, and right below Russia actually. Just saying.
usa gun bearer rekt
Literally what

Some of these look like accidents but some of them look so deliberate like what
its because for every one of these fuckers killed, 7 are born, so statistically they have a lower death rate than birth rate :)
Use the fucking brakes jesus christ
filename killed me
Mao did a great job of culling out the sensibility of China's people
I've read some article saying if you accidentally hit someone in china, you better finish them off. Otherwise you would pay huge compensate for any lifetime injury

No you're not alone. Mainlanders are just filthy animal and they don't any sympathy for others at all
the smart ones are the ones who move out of Asia
chinese are not fucking humans and should not be allowed outside their own borders....same as other wild fucking animals.
Fuck, I laughed at the red one spinning
You ever tried getting hit by a car? It's a lot of fucking force.
He's still moving at the end thank god
Yes, as has been mentioned many times in this thread. But of course you'll keep getting twice as many comments claiming chinks have no souls.
i'd like to argue against this as i love chinese literature
but i literally can't
what you said is undeniable
wasn't this the movie daylight?
What the fuck is going on in half these webms.

I mean I get the "it's cheaper if you kill the person you hit instead of injuring" part, but in half of these there was no reason for there to be a hit in the first place unless the driver was completely fucking blind.

I mean look at >>11026409. He had all the time in the world to slow down. Or >>11030519. Is the cyclist literally blind? None of these make any damn sense.
When I see, multiple times, how Russian drivers try to take a left from the far right lane without looking, it screams "drunk driver" to me
Yeah, I got into a head-on collision only doing around 35 mph and it was crazy enough for me
Now I get why chinks love those Transformers and Fast and the Furious flicks so much, they are an accurate representaiton of life in China.
Sadly it's not limited to china either, it's not a matter of where you are from, it's a matter of values, chinese value status and material things over life....THIS is why i fucking despise them.....i used to think in different ways until i moved to Vancouver..and this city has made me hate them....:(
that is a goddamn terminator.
arent those trucks supposed to make that special sound when going reverse?
it's china, they don't give a fuck. what's a life or two when you got rice to deliver.
this women actually survived with heavy injuries and another women who got out of the car (cant see in this webm) got killed
Anyone else loves these threads? I hate gore but these chinese car incidents are so godamn funny i can't avoid laughing. Seriously look at this >>11030856. These people don't care if they die, they like to kill and be kill
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>elderly man who apprantly had no idea what had happen
How can an old fuck be this absent minded when his car collided with three heavy objects?
Yeah a lot of those make me laugh even though it kinda makes me feel bad too.
But shit like >>11030640 is just too ridiculous to not be funny.
oh shit, great track to listen to while watching the webms

"One order general tsos chicken, two order house special noodres, derivery 10 seconds!"
I'm still confused though, I know that some of these are actual accidents, but probably over half the videos in this are done on purpose.
Aren't they gonna be arrested or they can just go out on a killing spree?
Gas is what petrol is called in English-speaking North America.
>containers of liquid
>not petrol
>gas, idiot.
Fuck, now I'm imagining a city of fifty million Chinese isekai heroes in a world that ran out of powerups, monsters, and love-interest girls decades ago.
Try again.
Look up Chinese elderly population.
I keked at some of this shit
And how the fuck did that guy get ran over by a bus, both axles, then just jump up like that?! IT'S GORJIRA!!!!!!!!
The kids go and steal the wallets and belongings from the dead. They laugh when they get out of the car and are excitedly happy about nailing two people.
almost exactly in how comical it happened too.
>Big elaborate anti government explanation
No anon.
Maybe they are just bug men who's majority dont have feelings like the rest of us?
this video is clearly being played backwards.
im fucking dying lmfao
Yeah, these are totally all accidents.
Also, how does the law being a certain way make their actions any less inhumane?
what's right with them?
I wish this had that stock sound of bowling pins falling
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I tried.
I laughed


The story was some senile old man in taiwan had no clue what was going on, as the wipers indicate he thought it was just rain/debris

>tfw so old and decrepit that your mind and eyes go
>the road is nothing but basic blurs you recognize and roads and objects large enough to be cars
>you don't even really know where you're going, your brain just follows the map it's made from muscle memory over the years
Laughed my ass of to mcmerrican. To fucking funny
they have no souls because they wrote those laws, do nothing to protest those laws, and then drive over the same car victim again because they can't be assed to even swerve
just fuck off to /pol/
lol anon, chinese aren't human
are you really this fucking dumb?
i can't say for sure that this isn't chinese, but that text at the bottom is hanguel, not chinese
those rates are per capita, not per driver or per car. and besides a stabbing death isn't a road fatality.

You seem to be under the impression that

1) Chinese vehicles are equipped with brakes.
2) And that the Chinese would bother using brakes even if their vehicles were equipped with them.

Literal insect-people
Great argument braindead chink. You aren't human
I spent a few months further to the south and can confirm this through my own observations. They are very poor at judging the speed of other car or moped drivers. I have seen a few bumps with my own eyes, these are all avoidable if you think ahead and make good decisions and don't break the rules. One thing I have noticed, people don't pick the correct lanes for turning left or right on a multilane road and want to turn left from the outer most lane, bumping into drivers in the inner lanes who just want to continue driving straight ahead.
There are a lot of videos like this, moped drivers are literally vermin, they never follow the rules, criss-cross form one lane to the other, ignore others as much as they can.
That happens a lot in China.
Yup, Taiwan....
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In China, cyclists and motorcycle drivers will purposefully crash into you for insurance money, since it doesn't matter if they hit you or you hit them. If you own a car, you are literally a moving target. My friend is in China right now and he explains that insurance always pays out to cyclists. That country runs on fraud, old people will pretend to seek help and then frame you for a crime. The justice system is compassionate towards the elderly, so people always need a camera or several witnesses just not to get scammed. Place is fucked.
>The average soccer mom who drives about during the day has a ton more hours up behind the wheel (and skills) than your average inner city chow.
I'm now imagining soccer moms showing up to street race in China in their minivans and just fucking schooling the locals.
Yeah, this is endemic in 3rd world countries. Here in my country it's common for people to wait by the side of the road so buses can stop and pick them up.

I guess that despiste being an economic powerhouse, the chinese still behave like moronic third world country citizens.

That's what you get when you invest all your money in cheap labor and zero education or common sense.
There's a law in China where if you help someone, you're legally obligated to pay for their medical bills. Oh, and it's apparently easier to pay a little fine for killing someone than it is to pay for their medical expenses after you cripple them, that's why they keep driving after hitting someone.

What a shitty place.
kek at the camera displaying 5km/h while the bus goes downhill
why the hell was there fire?
How come the baby's head didn't get squashed?

It's raining pedestrians.
>That happens a lot in China.
It's crazy. I took Chinese martial arts in one of the few places in U.S. and had considered them to, at the very least, be a very spatially aware society, but I remembered that the one, Doc Fai Wong, who had taught my then teacher escaped that place and, if my memory is correct, mentioned to my teacher that the Chinese government was even sabotaging Tai Chi's effectiveness as an actual martial art (by inserting "half-steps" that ruin your balance. How sad..
this. it's natural selection at its finest. the dumb and unaware deserve to die
Absolutely lost.
Taps into the waggon and spontaneously combusts for no reason.
man i thought my country is the worst till i came across this thread
did he died?
fuck you for my chink eyes and inability to drive, DIE
hope this chink was lynched
>It's not THIS subhuman lettering, it's THAT subhuman lettering
*angry insect buzzing*
So we can watch people get brutally murdered, but no underage girls? C'mon, 4chan. C'mon, 'murica
I think in China it's very easy to get a car/bike without a proper licence so most of the people in these videos are retards who can't drive.
I'm doing this and fucking dying.
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chinese bowling.webm
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