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Feels Let's fuel the one truly worth while chemical imbalance

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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 53

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Let's fuel the one truly worth while chemical imbalance in our brains; depression.
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What is happening there??
I think the dreamy sparks are the result of a blown transformer.
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pixies - Where is my mind?
but this one is a cover
Maxence Cyrin, he does a few covers in piano like kids from M.G.M.T
you guys are really off. maybe try vitamin d. Sage in all fields to you fags.
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how to deal.webm
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its weird but in depression i find comfort. depression is simple unlike happiness. for me happiness is complicated, idk what im suppose to do while happy. Depression though, all i do is feel sorry and sad.
can anyone relate?
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somehow, but it was just emptiness from the beggining to the end, and when I realize that I was kinda paranoid because I'm still young 21. 2 years doing nothing, spending time with myself, talking with my self, ignoring myself. I want to go back to school next year
an amazing KOTH moment.
what webm is this? whats it from?
Can relate. Used to be me, I found out it wasn't happiness I was afraid of, but I was afraid of what was supposed to make me happy. i.e. "normal" social stuff outside my comfort zone. There's things I can do now that are in my comfort bubble that still make me happy. I cook food, build something, do something with my hands. All these things I can do while Im home alone not talking to anyone for a few days.
alan watts
first day on the internet?
It's kinda weird, but I know exactly how you feel, when I was in the military I was diagnosed with depression and they offered me drugs for it, I refused because i felt like I wouldn't be me any more, depression had enveloped my whole life at that point and I became so used to functioning with it at that point that it just became standard operating procedure. It's a simple life, you don't need friends or a social life, you become your own best friend until eventually your brain kills off the rest of your body.
What if I have mania instead?
OP a colon or em dash would have been more appropriate in your subtitle instead of that semi-colon bullshit; fuck you.
god damn roastie reeeeeee..
>There's nothing I desire outside of work and school
you're clearly a cunt, no one values your opinion in the real world so why would you think they value it here?
everyone around me could live their life without me, which scares me into thinking about my overall universal worth. and i cant stop thinking about this like the faggot i am. my brother died a month ago in a car crash with his soon to be wife and i havent gone to work since, like a bigger faggot. any tips on getting over deaths?

Right? Then they say "Oh, Anon, become a barman then, become the best at mixing drinks".

Doesn't really help when you are just two weeks rent away from being homeless.
i would like to help but i don't know how....
I make jokes about it, but people dont want to hear that... so in the end, i just go quiet. and stay quiet.
i came here to fap
not to cry
yet here i am
i am sad bros
OP, full version please?
song name?

i feel bro. every damn time
thx anon
to me 4chan sometimes gives me moments like this, i'm not that sad but i could be better, threads like this makes me think twice over suicide, i want to go back to america, don't want to live her anymore i want to go home
Listen to naive unprepared child by zach farache #np on #SoundCloud
Merry Go ARound - Joe Hisaishi
Always gets me in my feels.

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Great song choice though.
"You're lonely, but you don't pursue companionship.
You're sad, but you don't pursue happiness."
It's not because I won't, it's simply because I can't.
It's sad because it's true. When you're happy you have the risk of getting disappointed, betrayed, and ultimately abandoned. And having the thought of this, as a constantly sad piece of shit that I am, I'd rather stay where I am, not pursuing the happiness I seek.

I think I understand why the human avalanches happen in that Black Friday thing in the USA.

What I can't understand is why the Americans accept to be treated like that by the companies. That kind of avalanches only happen in 3rd world countries and it's for basic needs products like food or medicines, and generally turn out to be riots.

Heck, why Americans don't riot? like "You know, we are here for this stupid promotion to get TVs for $10 dollars but there are only 3 of them, why we don't burn this fucking place that makes fun of us and take everything what we want with us for nothing?"
I hate how they completely ruined the ending in the movie, by making it seem like Gatsby isn't a broken, lonely man.
one of the biggest things that affects me regarding climate change is that it'll be the end of spring and autumn. Everything else is just data and helplessness but knowing that in our lifetimes these beautiful seasons will just get shorter and shorter breaks my fucking heart.
you're not a faggot, your brother and his wife died a month ago. That's real and that's catastrophically big. It's okay and natural to be fucked up by this. A lot of things people say probably does nothing or just makes you feel worse, life feels random and unkind, and encouragement like "you'll get through this" probably sounds like bullshit but you have to hang in there, even if it's for a day at a time. If you can, try to see someone to help you out and that you can talk to.
Death is real and big and vast and one doesn't "get over" it but let it pass and allow yourself to change from it. Please stay safe. You're worth everything.
god i forget how sad this show really is
dude theres credits at the end of the video
Song name??
Depression is a form of addiction.
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I'll bump a few for the vibes sake. Enjoy anons
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I often find comfort in music, the subtle emotions provoked from the flesh when you let down your guard to something that cannot truly wound you. This brings me comfort.
song is called
Хpиcтoc Bocкpece
-Bизaнтийcкий pacпeв
You're legitimately retarded.
No. I suffer from depression in cycles, but definitely no. Being depressed fucking sucks, there's nothing fucking comfortable about it. Stop lying to yourself that there is. There isn't! Fortunately, there are treatments that can help. You're sick. I'm sick. Get professional help. Now. Worked wonders for me!
I keep going as long as the music keeps going, music keeps me together and together we keep going. I'm often humming and singing.
forget the money is easy to say for a tenured professor from a wealthy family..........
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Sometimes I sit at home and drink gin as I listen to music late into the night and early into the day, some mean scream and some rage, I balance myself by listening to music and drinking alone.
>Make America Great Again, faggots
>Do it by first unplugging yourself from this bullshit

tfw you realize that these human stampedes for Black Friday trinkets and shit are what fuels the expatriation of once good, well-paid American jobs overseas. We'll never get them back so long as we continue to allow companies to dick with the things that we value.
Time to put the crack pipe down, son.
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Is everything I do useless? I'm stuck waiting for my metamorphosis, and while I wait I'll give you a song. No better or more worthy cause than giving to strangers.
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I long for your metamorphosis too, yes you, reading this right now. Can't you feel the chrysalis? Can't you feel the confinement in your chest? When you become what are turning into, you'll break through the grey clouds surrounding you and finally feel your extremes. Your grey undefined form stretched into something new, something alone in its shape. I long to meet you when we are more than we are now, more than chemicals and signals across the span of a body and computer. I hope you, you who wait in your chrysalis read this.
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When I cease to post, I will cease existing to you in any meaningful way. So I take my chance and speak with you while I am able. Be careful, there are many who would look on you with malice for your wish to grow, you displace their hold on you as you leave your current mental form. This threatens them, this removal of shackles that are yours and theirs in design. Hold your change to your chest and warn others in subtle ways. I give my time and words to the aether, do with them as you will.
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Move beyond your stasis, move beyond your inertia. You are storing energy for the day when you let the walls around yourself fall away, revealing a mind that is terrifying in its ability to feel and see and perceive and intuit and hate and love and break and create. We are a stepping stone, we are a bridge that must be crossed, we are a rope linking into the dark. I put my hands out to you, do you feel them? Can you feel my strong grip that will not let you fall? Grip tight and collect energy to strengthen yourself.
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just a dream.webm
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My final post.
I wish you all the best, my only gift a final song and a heart that fully believes that you can change for the better. You move to other threads and view things that make you feel a little, feelings too small to distinguish if they're happy or sad. You move on to other activities, sleeping, eating, reading, fucking, wanking, cleaning, and a multitude of various activities that could be listed but won't be. Take away the love and trust of a stranger, even if my words mean nothing to you, take my hand and use it to break through this cocoon. I don't know you and we will never meet, but I feel that we are the same despite every difference between us.
Be strong anon, become a staggering entity for good or evil that I know you can be. Have fun
Based Watts is based.
Damn. Song?
i read you anon, i feel you
>the last scene

fuck. it's a twisted world we live in.
>>11023367 I have truly been in a slump I wont go into detail as I'm sure I could write a small novel on the subject. Point being your posts truly gave me insight into my introspection thank you anon.
sounds like something from lindsey sterling, good electronicaXstrings music can be hard to find
Holy shit is that actually in Adventure time?
I thought this shit was a kids show
But what can one do besides individually not participate? I've never seen the inside of a store during Black Friday, but I can do nothing to convince the herds of fat cunts outside Best Buy to go home.
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Black friday is every day, except focused on a store
If you can stand on 2 feet, walk them to your nearest animal shelter and donate your time caring and helping needy animals.

Serious. If you ain't making any money, then spend it helping loving creatures who have no-one to love them.

It sounds weird, but every day you go there and bring some happiness to an unloved pet, bond with them, care for them, like it or not: you are going to be filled with a warmth that you did not expect.

Do good, allow them to heal you through your care of a vulnerable being.
Get a job that pays well enough to sustain you and a pet, probably a dog because theyre needy as hell and get attached really easily. You'll feel better soon.
Hot damn. That's a great scene.
Downloading Episodes of this show right now, looks fucking amazing
Nathan Drake... That two-bit thief...
Who is this, that so cozy and that beautiful
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Sometimes, the words of a stranger can have more meaning than those of the ones we know most
Thanks anon
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Thanks for your text, Anon.

I think that might be a saprano sax, not a clarinet
anyone know any other songs with as much emotion as this one?

There's a difference between typical depressions, which is normal and happens to everyone, and clinical depression which is not normal and almost always requires medical intervention.

Some people can lifestyled their way through typical depression. A few of them have even temporarily lifestyled themselves though low grade clinical depression. These are the guys that tell you all you need to do is get fit and find new hobbies etc... lifestyle stuff. It's good general advice, don't get me wrong, but if you're really clinically depressed there's only a very small possibility that a lifestyle change will result in long term relief.

Unfortunately the lifestyle coaches often misunderstand clinical depression or deny that it actually exists. So you have to take what they say with a grain of salt.

The bottom line is this: I've been living with clinical depression for 25+ years and no solution has been permanent, but the longest lasting periods of functionality and "normalcy" cam with good head meds AND good lifestyle components.
Some kids show these days hit pretty adult themes. People just pass it off just because animated and quirky. Example would be Ren and Stimpy
Sauce? She has a beautiful voice
Easy google search guys .


Wrong person lol
all i can do is wish to be happy nothing works for me
Is that from Howl's Moving Castle?
>vitamin D goes in all fields
If you like metaphors depression is an old beat-up jacket. It's trash to everyone else, but it still fits and you see no need to throw it away.

I used to have a jacket. I thought of this one day while wearing it and being depressed. I looked at it and thought: this jacket is a part of me.
I.e. my life right now.
Heres my small contribution hope you guys like it

Great song!
you're a good person.
There are so many more weeks left then that, however, to accomplish your dreams...
Always gets me.

Video not allowed in my country
"Clinical" depression should instead be called chronic depression. Or better yet - habitual depression. It is chronic because it has become a mental habit. All people suffer from bits and moments of depression here and there. But when it is experienced repeatedly, in new and different environments, overtime it becomes the mental default state.

External life coaches can sometimes work, but not always. When it works, it is because it helps spark new thinking patters that are reinforced by certain actions, thus eventually becoming a new mental habit - the new default state.

Intelligence is a blessing a curse. Those of us who are intelligent have the ability to imagine deeply... but those images can become locked onto by our mind - regardless of their reflection of actual reality. Habits cannot be broken - only replaced. It takes time but it is achievable.

One thought at a time.

One thought at a time.

One more positive thought... once more...

You can do it.
It's Hitler giving a speech.
Not exactly.

It's a feels natsoc montage of Hitler speeches.
The end is very... sad

Sucks to be in Germany.
It is but without the music.
Eloquently put, have a great day and enjoy tomorrow. You deserve it. We all do.
Happiness always feels illusory to me, any periods of 'happiness' for me seem to just be states of lessened sensitivity - fewer thoughts and worries, a clearer mind - rather than joyous thoughts or a persistent feeling of well-being.
Welcome to the modern world faggot.
Anyone has that one video of a guy who talks about seeing a girl look him in the eyes and he thought she was sad and torn apart, he later realizes she was just probably disgusted by him. I remember something like "Why don't I die in one of those freak accidents?"
this is actually really nice
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this video is ofensive
is it a patriotic song? why do they stand?
They don't know exactly why clinical depression occurs. It's not a chemical imbalance. If it was there would be a medical test to diagnose it. It's not as simple as a habit either. And in fact they aren't even positive why anti depressants help, they just know that they usually do.

The confusion happens because if you bump up some neuro-transmitters and someone starts feeling better then they must have had a deficit of those transmitters, right? Nope. There's actually no proof of that being a 1 to 1 connection, even after 60+ years of research.

You want to find a psychiatrist that agrees with your habit theory and I'll listen, but from what I've heard from mine, your idea is pedestrian bullshit.
Great movie, right?
It's a song about getting sent off to war and dying among strangers. On "The Voice" Ukraine. They stand out of respect for those lost in the fighting.
And by the way it's Inna Ishchenko singing "Plyve Kacha Po Tysyni"
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alan watts - live fully now.webm
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More Alan Watts
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Crystal Castles - Kept
All I can think of is the shit they have to go through, while I have to appreciate them and only ponder in what a useless shit I am. I need to get myself in order.
Fucking gudder punks. So dirty, disgusting, and free...
It IS as simple as a habit. But it's not the thinking that brings the depression, but the subconscious worldview that is formed FROM the mental habits.

We have a front mind (that communicates with thoughts) and a rear mind (that communicates with emotions). The front mind (the frontal cortex) is the newest part of our mind, evolutionarily speaking. The rear is older.

The rear mind doesn't know the difference, however, between thoughts formed in the front mind and real observations. If you think about something scary, you will actually FEEL scared... but it's just a thought. This is why mental thinking habits form chronic feeling behavior. If one perceives so much of life in a negative fashion, the rear mind - that controls feelings - will respond accordingly. It forms a default subconscious world-view of reality.

Your job is to form a subconscious worldview that is positive in nature. To do this, you start changing your thinking habits and... over time... it will change your rear mind's default state.

(There is no consensus on how the mind works. Appealing to authority is useless. It is sometimes more art than science.)
fucking class music lad.
anyone know song?

my dad was murdered by ice T. I hate talking about it on the internet, but i'm drunk. it's the truth. ice T fucked my mother, and i might be his son.
Sounds like they cut out the part where Russian Alik's camp is ovverun, and you hear him screaming for mercy as he is killed.
Seriously haunting shit.
Growing old, man...
Shit like this gets to me.


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Blue Dot.webm
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c u space cowboy

>Heck, why Americans don't riot?

Because if they do, someone else will take advantage of their absence and scoop up all those sweet deals. It's the height of avarice.

It's weird, but I keep going back to that speech at the end of Bad Santa when Willie is about to get killed by Marcus. He looks over at the huge cart of merchandise they've loaded up and with tears in his eyes says something to the effect of "Look at all that shit. Do you really need all that shit?"

Don't get me wrong, I'm like most people and buy unnecessary shit too. But there are times when I look at my life and really wonder if I could give it all up and live out of a backpack, hiking from place to place, and using my savings for experiences instead of things.

Maybe one day....

Take care, my friend. Your existence here is not as fleeting as you think.
dat response time.

Also how come they don't have anything that can contain the fire? If the house next door caught on fire, would they have just been like "that's okay"
Kids shows don't have to be a sequel to Barney
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Rick Garage.webm
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Thank you annon!
The chemical he drunk, is meant to kill off every Rick in any/all universes.
Now realize how deep that is.
I screencap this so I can read it whenever. Thank you anon.
You know what, a psychiatrist is an authority and expert on the subject. You may feel that because you're on the internet and you can name a logical fallacy that it puts you on equal footing with an actual expert, but it does not.

Lemme ask you, what's the basis for your opinion.
Game of 2016
anyone got the version of this where it shows this video of her singing then shows her getting DP'd by two bbc?
fucking hell i want to be an ironic pirate and sing this
If these trees could talk - from roots to needles
Got a link?
Unfortunately not. Saw it in an old war thread.
Thank you for posting what I was thinking.
What he's saying is a good message I guess, but the bullshit inspirational music can't mask how myopic this little spiel is..
Here you go guys.
Looking for the simpsons wave of Homer Dancing to a rapper. I assume it's BIG something. Can't find it anywhere. For tribute, here's some shit- It's all I'm worth anyways.
Thank you anon, its so nice to hear words like that from you anon <3
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To the End.webm
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that was beautiful
Luke Kelly is the based god of Dublin.

For anyone looking for more of this look up;

The Fureys, went to school with Finbar Fureys's son, class lad.
Go back to school and do the 24/7 work thing, you'll thank yourself in 50 years, assuming you'll live that long.
Me? I don't know.. I really don't. I think I just either want to die or see planet, try and discover the why, not the how.
Its better to never meet. Better, and worse.
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Jesus christ, you can see him coming to grips with it as he's on the motorcycle. The way he grabs some sand and lets it slip through his fingers is fucked.

Terminator 3

yeah, I know... It had its moments tho...
Thanks friend
Moments like these can´t really be had on other places except 4chan.
here ya go
shitty video , but tearful song
How is this depressing? It looks cool.
That one bitch was turning white. Soon she gets to enjoy all that white privalege we're supposed to have.
That retard tried to eat raw sausage. Maybe a few tapeworms would do him some good.
That movie sucked. That was the last movie Arnold made before becoming the Governator of caulifornia where he shit the bed.
dont die thread
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shit that hits hard.webm
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>"You know, we are here for this stupid promotion to get TVs for $10 dollars but there are only 3 of them, why we don't burn this fucking place that makes fun of us and take everything what we want with us for nothing?"

Because (non-black) Americans haven't yet reached this nigger-tier reasoning for chimping out
Different girl m8.

Sorry I don't have that webm saved though.
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the good times.webm
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Where are you now?
Where did you find this?
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kentucky allstate.webm
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the sad part is most of the people rushing into clothing stores on black Friday dress like shit
I wasn't planning on crying today.
if that's really your response you should watch the show. you would shit yourself.
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Flaming Moe's.webm
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Sauce? Is there more?
you're thinking of a different girl, and on top of that it wasn't two bbc's it was just a gdp shoot.
what episode is this from?
Season 6, episode 2 "Escape from the citadel"
>That filename
this isn't a YLYL but I laughed.
Donate Plasma, don't give up Anon.
where is this from? is there more?
house fires are a bitch to put out, but yeah I admit that was really shitty response time
this came out of fucking nowhere during the witcher 3

> But there are times when I look at my life and really wonder if I could give it all up and live out of a backpack, hiking from place to place, and using my savings for experiences instead of things.

I never got this thing people say about spending money on experiences. Bitch, experiences are free. What do you want, drugs? Experiences in other countries? They're all the same. Especially if you live in America, I guarantee you can find some part of the country that's so different to what you're used to if you just try.
fucking idiot
Carl Sagan, Pale Blue Dot
Says who?
It was during the Battle of Grozny if it helps. I've looked but cant find much
So....only brown people do manual work?
>implying any kind of stuff made by this poor brown peasants are being sold in 1st world countries
lmaoing at their pitiful lives
Lol, who would just set up a camera to record that?
i shed a tear and i don't even know what she's singing about,this is powerful.
Fuck Islam.
It brings death, hate, and oppression everywhere it goes.
Couldn't stay with the only person I loved (or think I loved) in this life, even if she loves me more than everything. I hate myself, I hate the life she has to live, I hate not being able to change.
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I'm not a nigger outside Africa so I don't need vitamin D supplements, Mr. Jones
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Fuck lads, someone I really loved was murdered a few months ago, and I'm near breaking point
This one is going to PUNCH someone in the feels. Its the most heart breaking scene from Fresh Prince.

Fuck man
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I Went Out Today.webm
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I got you covered friend.
very mount kimbie, or at least what i want them to sound like
oldfag feels only
"I'm waitin' on the good times now"
Thanks so much. Got source?

It was shortly after his wife died.

>kids show

yeah right

Sorry m89, got it off here.
It's raining
You've obviously got some things to come to terms with my friend. That's okay. Eventually you become like one big callus and you accept you'll be dead someday, it's just a matter of being as small an inconvenience to others as possible. You'll see.
Full version?
the side of the neighboring house was melting
le edgey memelord lel xd
well said anon, keep up being a good guy.
like u amirite lol kek XD
Good person. Goddamit we need more good people.
It's some poetry by Henry Rollins.
this might mean something if I know what it was about
Sounds like Ludovico Einaudi Ora
dont know much about what the guy did to warrant the police but i know he dismount his bike due to him fucking up his hand while trying to break a side view mirror off a car on the high way at high speeds. the shock wears off and the pain/realization his life is fucked hits him at once.
fuck you.... shit.....
>guy flees from police on motorcycle
>visibly distressed body language while driving
>tries to take shortcut
>bike is useless in soft sand
>tumbles off bike
>last moments of freedom
>grabs a fistful of earth
>it slides through his fingers
>curls up as his world comes crashing down
here check this out man if you like trad theres a great ol band called sweeneys men, class fuckers.

If anybody wants to know the source:
>The good doctor
Good guy, anon. We will destroy them soon enough.
I love u anon. I also drink alone , u do know it will ruin our lifes. But its not about length but quality
i occasionally have the idea the world would be better without us human on it but this still makes me sad to think of all the lives loss.
humans maybe evil most the time but there are still innocent people out there and there is good things that come from us.

Yo I've been looking for this webm for a while u know the song?
Anon thank you. You made me feel much better. I wont let you words die. Tomorow o will finnaly start my life, as the men i was born to be and want to be. I love u anon congratz you touch mu soul and gave me hope
Can someone tell me what's going on here? It looks like anime irl with the falling white glowy orbs
Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche
Background song is by Ludovico einaudi- divenire
fucking kill yourself already. you're just walking cancer
Godamn the clapping at the end killed the vibe
jesus reading that live
he slammed his ape hands on passing cars mirrors, his hand hurt. thats it
This fucking destroyed me when I watched it with my sister.

Ignore the rest of the ignorant fucks.

I feel the same. I feel bad for our kids more-so to be honest.
I like you. Where are you from? What gave you these insights?
Full vid
Had to find it for myself too

Volunteer firemen my friends. Remember they are at work/home doing something else.
They get the call. Have to drive to the firehouse. Put on their fireman suit. Get in the truck and then drive to the fire.
This takes time sadly. They aren't in the firehouse waiting for a fire like paid firehouses. Oh yea and they get paid nothing for doing this.

Also if it's during 9AM-5AM when most people work. There is a good chance your volunteer fire department won't have enough available firemen. So they turn the call to a neighboring fire department that might be 5+ miles away.

Plus if you do a little research you'll find houses are rarely saved. It's more about saving the neighbors house and surroundings from the fire.

New houses burn super quick as well compared to old construction.
If I understand that we'll all be dead some day then why would I care about being an inconvenience to another person? Fuck them. I'll do what I want. Free will is an illusion anyways, my path is predetermined.
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tyke 1994.webm
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This webm is such bullshit

And how do you expect to shelter, feed, and cloth yourself you utter twat? What is this philosophy for basement dwellers and the landing gentry?
I'm sure we'd all like to lay around in robes and draw and write poetry but Alan watts isn't living in the real world, god he pisses me off.
I wish it could all end like this.
I blame Edward Berneys (who you can learn about in "Century of the Self" on Youtube) for all this. He invented advertising as we know it by applying Freudian theory. Advertising pre 1920 was all very direct and straightforward. "This new model of bed is a great addition to your home. It measures x foot long by x foot across, can hold up to three people on average and is soft enough to let you sink in, but firm enough to stop you from getting stuck!" You know, really utilitarian, no-bullshit.

Then this guy comes along and starts putting suggestive, subconscious imagery into his ads and campaigns, playing on our more primal drives. Now an advertisement for a bed needs to suggest sex and security to you, and if you're unaware of yourself, it buries that image in the back of your mind.

Of course, this only works on a population that is ignorant of how media and advertising works, that is so safe and secure and (hate this word) privileged that they don't need to be worried about practicalities because they're spoiled for choice. It never ceases to astonish me how easy Americans are to manipulate into consumerism. Like, it takes a particular type of ignorance and self-centeredness to be able to sell people such copious amounts of bullshit.
>Alik, from my heart, I wish that you survive this, but you better leave.
I cried
I love you anon, God speed...
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name of song pls?
No no no no not this oh god why it's supposed to be a comedy show
my eyes are sweating
Retard goes to jail, nothing depressing about it
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can't believe people hate koth. it has some amazing moments that no other comedy would get near except maybe simpsons.

damn man... Im literally going to kill myself. This hits too close to home.
he wasn't saying dont work and sit down in the video, he was saying do what you want to do, instead of focusing on getting a mansion or a big pool. i.e if you like animals go work as a vet, and that you shouldn't care if you get paid 30k or 1mill.

but its fine anon, im sure when you come home everyday you have a smile and that you couldn't be more happy with what you have right now.

just do what makes you happy bud, dont try and fill the void with toys or expensive things. just be happy with what there is, and how it is.
going with the fire theme
>background for those who don't know
SCBA packs have an alarm on them that activates when a firefighter is still for too long so we can find him and him out.
the shills are everywhere man
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shit you guys are right, look at the mansion he lived in!
this is the shit
Type 5 construction houses like this burn like matches Fire can grow exponentially very quickly. Plus the best way to protect exposures is to extinguish the house thats burning
greatest cartoon of all time
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gondola sad.webm
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you guys are fucking losers lol and i have actual depression
X+Y or A Brilliant Young mind, it's a movie
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>>cry everytime
this is the songname, thank me later
Thats the first time ive cried in a long time
Jesus lord. I lose it every time I hear that sweet old man talk about the love of his life.
Thank you anon, take care
wtf is this gay shit
rick and morty is cringe as fuck
post pictures my dude
can't thank you enough. Never had the foresight to save it and found I needed it today.
Damn, I remember his beer song.
I just don't understand why Germany should block all these Hitler video.
If it is truth, then there is no reason to hide, the only thing wrong is the some of his actions not his words.
If it is lie, then it would be a great way to show people how a man can manipulate the world by words.
the climates of different regions are chaning dumby. yeah it's real fuckin bad but the reds, yellows, and browns of of the season before a winter arent going to stop existing and the greens of spring wont either. what is this guy said >>11023223
you can thank Yeltsin for those orders.
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