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Last one died, here we go again. Yet another Youtuber / Celeb

This is a red board which means that it's strictly for adults (Not Safe For Work content only). If you see any illegal content, please report it.

Thread replies: 316
Thread images: 61

File: Barbara_1.webm (4MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1920x1080px
Last one died, here we go again.

Yet another Youtuber / Celeb fake webm thread.

Previous thread - >>10551610

Thank you based anon who creates these, any chance of more Barbara?
anything mirandasings?
File: MEW on a date with Annie.webm (3MB, 1400x1080px) Image search: [Google]
MEW on a date with Annie.webm
3MB, 1400x1080px
got some of MEW?
Saw a lot of Hila from h3h3 productions, calling on the legend himself to bless this thread.

no, never will be.
yo let's get that smarmy faggot critiquing fakes in a thousand word essays up in here again
We need one of Brittney Smith, Roman Atwood's girlfriend.

no we don't.
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4MB, 1280x720px
do some new ones that aren't her
Please, more Elizabeth Olsen
Thanks for the Elyse.
How about Lauren Southern and Jaclynn Glenn from Youtube plenty of vids for material.

Would be interested in Alexa Bliss and Sasha Banks from WWE as well.

Thanks these are great

Came here to repeat the Lauren Southern suggestion.

We get it, you want Lauren Southern, stop posting multiple comments about it.
laci green pls

I'm a different dude from the other dude. I'm the dude who first suggested Lauren Southern on the other thread.
File: barbara_3.webm (4MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1920x1080px

Oh shit more Barb, nice work man.
I am all for fakes of the rooster teeth girls. Barbara and Elyse especially.

Some Kara and young lindsey would be cool though
File: dunkelfake.webm (3MB, 564x318px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 564x318px

Thanks for reposting the one bad webm of her.
then post some better ones, nigger

also nice dubs
How do I turn off the giant head cheat code?

By making them yourself.
File: barbara_4.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
trying to find a good handjob one.
Top notch stuff
She talks so often about fucking, dicks and vaginas you could probably dub these as well and really send the uncanny valley up to 11
They could probably shop a clip of her talking about dicks/sex. She's probably done it so many times there's a viable headshot
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4MB, 1920x1080px
File: Elyse7.webm (2MB, 1080x674px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1080x674px
if you guys find it ill try it.
There are these Q&As of her doing questions about sex and she moves her head around and the camera moves and stuff, so I don't think they'd yield a steady shot. Otherwise they'd be goldmines
i need a good handjob webm thread. any suggestions? some with high quality webms so i can work with them.
Saw this in an earlier thread, don't know how difficult it'd be, but might be a nice challenge: Do a Dodger vlog or part of a Dodger vlog, and make it look like she's giving a handjob the entire time while talking. Could loop the handjob over the video til it cums.
its not difficult its just a vlog video is way too long for me to sit there n make sure it looks right, but most importantly the video would be too large in file size.
>a vlog video is way too long for me to sit there n make sure it looks right
That's why I added part of a vlog. Though for size you could upload it elsewhere, but I can understand you not wanting to do that due to tedium
File: elyse_10.webm (4MB, 1920x1591px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1920x1591px
this one is one i never uploaded. the body type didnt match and i didnt know what to do to the background. but whatever. anyways im off dudes peace!

Any chance you could upload everything youve made into a zip or torrent or some shit?
Don't die on me

Christ the bigger tit Elyse is fantastic. Bless you based anon
jesus my nuts exploded. too good.
Good lord anon. PLEASE for our sake make another Emma Watson one with some tig ol' bitties
can you do one of Comicbookgirl19? her vids are perfect, they are all of her speaking into the camera. good quality too.

Thanks, I actually prefer her on smaller petite girls.
Hmm she is cute. I dig punk rock chicks. Weird name though, I'll see what I can do.
How about Rachel Riley.
who is she?
Mary Elizabeth Winstead
Seen as I laughed my ass off as soon as I saw the thread, that webm is definitely not the "one" bad webm of her. These are all fucking atrocious, lmfao
File: LaurenS_01.webm (878KB, 720x426px) Image search: [Google]
878KB, 720x426px
> Not the same anon

Still fairly new at this.. I gave up trying to make this one look better.

As a side note: It's fucking tedious trying to find vids with relevant audio with a stable head.
File: Dodger Body_1.webm (504KB, 720x540px) Image search: [Google]
Dodger Body_1.webm
504KB, 720x540px

What does the original scene say?

I appreciate your efforts anon :)
Hey that's pretty good! U would just need to mess with the levels on the main clip to make the skin brighter n match the top "head" skin.
POV sites work best
I'll keep this in mind, thanks.
More Barb or Daddario please
sabrina banks. best body in porn
Who is that?
This is another level of pathetic.
Yet, you're here.
Brooke "Dodger" Leigh Lawson AKA PressHeartToContinue
Fuck off, Lawrence.
More elyse then kek
Can someone do Mo Vlogs' sister?
Any chance of any Emma Stone?

What's the source of the Elyse head?
its from The Know. she hosted alongside the Jenkins girl.
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4MB, 1920x1080px
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4MB, 1920x1080px
Wow that one is really fucking good.
>Is there an archive of these anywhere
>Is there any Alison Brie or Scarlett Johansson?
File: scarlett_1.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
1. Not as far as I know.
2. There's one SJ
>Jaclynn Glenn
that would be nice
Thanks man!
Yo can you make more of SJ?

Most of these are pretty shit, but I gotta say this Scarlett one aint bad. Aint bad at all.
I agree Anon! At least her head is in proportion to her body!
I'm not the creator, I've just been in all the threads.
File: comicbookgirl19_3.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
one more Comicbookgirl19

some pics of her here,

Do this one with Elyse please
File: scarjo_2.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
Ever so slightly mad.
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last Scarlett Johansson.

Any possibility of ScarJo without short hair?
if you can find a good hd clip of her with long hair and link it here i can try.

Her as Black Widow -

Interview with Letterman - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6Rhh6G8WFM

Preferably with the Black Widow hair, and she doesn't move as much and the camera is more focused on her, so it *should* be easier.
That first clip seems like pretty good material for this stuff. People making requests should take note and cut out some of the leg-work for this anon.
can you make some of Gal Gadot (wonder woman)?

seeing her fucking a black man or something with a foreskin would be so damn hot

she is jewish like Hila

I'd try to make my own, and I have After Effects installed, but so far my progress is garbage and I don't know how to create these and make them look like not complete garbage.

OP, are you JBrook from famousboard that did the composite series with naked news footage?

Did Jbrook delete his comments? I remember when he was doing them and now I can't find his comments or videos.
File: elyse_14.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
elyse willems

Thank you for doing these. Seriously.
anyone got some of Frivvi's nudes, they were on here a while ago
Yeah, the Elyse ones are fantastic.
Kek. I love that the Lauren Southern beggers immediately stopped after I posted her getting blacked.

The ones I do are just for practice and funzies, but if I ever get around to making more of her it will be a bit better, hopefully.
File: emma_stone_1.webm (542KB, 960x540px) Image search: [Google]
542KB, 960x540px
What software do you use to create these?

Nice blending the hair on that one. Good work.
Well... I'll take it. Thanks. The hair is weird though. Also, could you swap out the head for her with long hair?
Black widow Scarlett is the best.
He's said after effects several times already
File: emma_stone_2.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
more Emma Stone.

Considering everything is anon, I wasn't sure if he was the one posting or some other jabroni.

what the fuck i can only get so erect.
Anyone have any tutorials on how to blend the head and neck in after effects?

This is straight up amazing.
Dayum, that's a gud one.

I didn't stop asking for Lauren because you Blacked her, I stopped because you filled the request and asking for more would be rude.
So polite. I'll try to make another later for you.
these are fucking incredible, what a time to be alive guys
File: dodger bj.gif (4MB, 350x233px) Image search: [Google]
dodger bj.gif
4MB, 350x233px

Politeness is rare on 4chan isn't it? If it makes it easier for you don't worry about finding a clip with the right sound, just one where she looks hot.
use a mask around the head. make sure the mask goes around the head but make it overlap the neck only. then in the mask settings theres a feather setting, just pump those numbers up.
Yeah these Elyse are the best, thank you.
>Last one died
Imma call the cops.
These are great! Can you remove the shit logs next try? Thanks!
I need to see more Elyce ones
any chance of getting an elyse one with sound?
Requesting Zoella and Kate Witcher (Piddleass) please
Damn. It's already on /r/CelebFakes.
Moar Elizabeth Olsen!
holy shit, you got more?
Not real
File: Lauren_S_2.webm (577KB, 680x572px) Image search: [Google]
577KB, 680x572px
Kinda rushed, but here is another one.

Had to give up on a hardcore scene I was trying to make work because it just looked like trash. I think I just need to find easier bodies to work with.
Jaclynn just got new tits

The skintones match up way better than the previous one you did, well done I like it. Also the (broadly) related audio in this one and others is weirdly tying into to my freeuse fetish.
Thanks Lauren is so hot, hope you get chance to do one you are happy with.
dude! this one looks really good!
i was looking at her vids but man she is not good looking, kinda looks like a dude. if my dick aint feeling it i dont think i can do it lol. idk she needs to be cute i guess. but ill see what i can do.
Thats ok how you feel about becky lynch from wwe?

no one cares for WWE creatures. stop requesting them please.
I would second this request
File: emma_stone_3_unfinished_2.webm (3MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1920x1080px
heres another emma stone. i really wanted to use that body but it would too much work to make it perfect.
Are you celebkafe from tumblr?
he is not. you can tell by the quality.
Just trying to guess I asked if he was jbrook and he didn't respond.
im curious, cuz people ask this alot. but what does it matter? who cares who he is? just curious
I just want to follow what OP makes.
File: emma_stone_4_unfinished_2.webm (2MB, 852x480px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 852x480px
heres another emma weird one. oh well.
Any chance of Emma Watson or Alexandra Daddario?
There is emma in this thread,
File: emma_stone_5_1.webm (787KB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
787KB, 1920x1080px
real, just not dodger
Donny, youre out of your element...
File: emma_stone_6.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
There needs to be more Elyse, More source material, more variations, more, more, more.
It died for a reason. Bury it.
please, anyone, make some moldylocks content for the lulz
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4MB, 700x298px

if you want some of it, just say so. Don't ask someone to make some just "for the lulz", we all know you want some of it.
this one is blowing on on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/CelebFakes/comments/6b9osl/emma_stone/

you should post some of on reddit too.
ivanka trump desu
How about some POV content?
Somebody pls make/post some of Mortem3r
Also requesting more Elyse. I swear she gets hotter every video.

fuck off with requesting that alien creature.
Holy shit yes. We need her.

If only to trigger arin.
For the love of god please do Lia Marie Johnson

See -

Anon's stuff is getting reposted to Reddit (Not a bad thing), but also getting stolen and claimed as original content by some Tumblr fake artists including MockCelebs.

At the very least you should create a watermark or some shit if you don't want people to claim your stuff as your own.
This is fucking amazing. Thanks, anon.
File: hila_klein.gif (4MB, 480x270px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 480x270px
Reposting the Hilas i saved
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372KB, 508x646px
Also looking for the guy who made these, you are amazing
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375KB, 700x700px
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1MB, 640x640px
File: hila5.webm (521KB, 640x788px) Image search: [Google]
521KB, 640x788px
Wrong webm, sorry
And I'm done
Then delete it.
Nobody here can have such a bad taste, come on now.
>People think this is good when there's obvious lighting issues.
That's fucking horrible.
Yeah OP. You gotta add a watermark to your new ones. It's too late for the old ones, but not yet for any more you're gonna make.
More Elyse
File: 1423987574348.webm (505KB, 454x720px) Image search: [Google]
505KB, 454x720px
Is this the technology to bring back hannah Minx and better than before?
I'd recommend an attempt at Taylor Swift
yeah hes been putting up gifs of the stuff. i might collect everything i made and put it in a zip file. they will be the original MOV files so they wont be compressed, i will then watermark those. not sure if im gonna make anymore though. so just in case guys save these webms.
where is this from
Any Meg Turney?
Rookie error detected.
How hard can it be to drag the brightness slider down on the head layer?
I forgot to turn flux off in the middle the night, which messed with how I color corrected it, but also I uploaded the wrong version - hence the progress filename.

Admittedly I am a rookie tho. 1 week in messing with after effects. I'll try harder next senpai, thx for the critique.
I mean, she probably has plenty of vlogs you can take her head and put on a pair of big udders
Its weird, the Barb ones I can watch possibly fap to, but the Elyse ones I look at and think "No, not Elyse, leave her alone".

Whoa, nice work dude! Can we get more CBG19 please?
i kinda think shes hot now that ive actually seen her vids. i might make some more.

question for the anons in this thread:

is there an anonymous place i can upload a zip or rar file? im gonna upload everything i made up for you guys to download. but i want to be anonymous of course. any options?
Zippyshare is straight forward

and more Elyse please.
File: uh.gif (478KB, 500x229px) Image search: [Google]
478KB, 500x229px
You're right, Anon, I do

Good inspiration for a hate-fuck would be great, pls

If you don't want to deal with bullshit "non-premium " upload / download speeds, you could create a throwaway google account and just upload everything to Google Drive and share the folder.

I've done it multiple times, and it goes off without a hitch every single time.
amazing thanks to original sound+video together

how about leaving the sound of the porn as well?

Another upside of google drive is that you can have a folder and share the link, and add more stuff over time and the original sharing link would still work.

Google drive is good to use if you plan on creating more, that way people can bookmark the drive link and check back periodically to see if anything has been added. I can make a step-by-step picture guild if needed.
File: Dooger.webm (502KB, 640x510px) Image search: [Google]
502KB, 640x510px

So these ones were my meager contributions to these threads, but I'm curious if anyone other that the main guy was making these?

If not, I'm even more impressed that he was able to work fast enough to take requests, and keep these threads alive for so long by himself.

Good idea on the watermark tip as well.This pic-related Dodger one I did even made it on some kind of celebrity fake paysite that I won't advertise, lol.
seconding Meg and /r/ing Jessica Nigri
ive been doing this for years. and by this i mean motion graphics. its easy once you know all the tools. but dude you are getting better, keep at it!
for the love of god do randtaylor69
Well, my hats off to you sir.

I'll keep at it. Thx for the pervy new hobby, ha.
When you gonna upload everything ?
working on it. i need a name. something to watermark them with. any suggestions? seems fitting to ask you guys since i made them for /gif/. i cant come up with anything. im too picky.
One with Selena Gomez would be amazing

Honestly the best solution would be to create a Tumblr with a unique name, and then just watermark that name on the webms.
May I suggest 4nonimator?
or just 4nimator? (4 is an A, as in animator)
Goodjob on this !
stop it, my dick can only get so hard
File: maisie_re_edited_handjob.webm (1013KB, 328x240px) Image search: [Google]
1013KB, 328x240px
The imp!

She is so fucking ugly
I knew the second somebody requested this one of you cuckold faggots would make something like this
>cuckold faggots
Not sure you know what these words mean
He does, he's using "cuck" because he's connecting interacial porn to cuck porn via the idea of "you like big dominant black guys fucking your woman" which is a stretch, but it's not totally invalid.
And he's either using "faggot" because he thinks watching men (that are obviously not you) have sex is gay, or he's using it as a generic insult, which is common.

If you squint really hard, it almost looks right.
File: 2m7evrt.gif (860KB, 320x180px) Image search: [Google]
860KB, 320x180px
Assuming the thread isn't dead, I'd love some Commander Holly and TamashiiHiroka! Not together, just some of each. I'm sure you could find a bunch of shots of both of their faces as they're often talking to a camera.
That black hair though.
How? I wanna try and make some, what software are you using?
All the shit uploaded to Google drive or another site when????
We just need more long hair Scarlett Johansson. Blonde or red it doesn't matter at all.
by RandomAnon (tumblr)
I would donate my left nut to the internet to have these made of Abigail Breslin (busty/chubby), Chloë Grace Moretz (flat chested), and/or Kristen Stewart (shemale)
Me too that's why it's hot
Using scenes from her Logan review would be nice.
Cannot wait for the link of all your uploads. More Elyse would be nice as well.
I NEED one with Marzia
File: Marzia1.webm (4MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
4MB, 1280x720px
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4MB, 1280x720px
Here you go
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4MB, 852x480px
File: Marzia4.webm (3MB, 826x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 826x720px
Last one
is that Pewdiepie's girlfriend?
Yep. Cutiepiemarzia.
go to bed, pewds.
Thanks man. I look forward to seeing them! One request though: more vaginal vids of CBG19. I'm just not a fan of anal, myself :)
Keep up the good work, dude!
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1MB, 910x730px
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472KB, 1080x606px
can someone please do Anna Akana and Perri Nemiroff?
love it
a fake of her would be awesome
File: Elyse.webm (1MB, 800x424px) Image search: [Google]
1MB, 800x424px
Always more elyse pls
Your all fucked in the head
none of these even look real which is why its creepy
their only youtubers god your all cucks
Jessica Chobot PLS!
sauce on this?
Can you keep it tight? B cups, tight pale bod?
jesus christ man I love how your mind works - it's like you're a fucking 3 star michelin chef combining heady spices and foods that nobody else has thought of!

im wokring on compiling all the elyse clips into a zip file. it will contain 3 new elyse clips. just gotta watermark them now. after that ill compile another one. maybe dodger.
Nice thanks anon
Just keep making more Emma Watson. She's a goddess and the shits cash.
File: Nancy 19 (Fake MS).webm (1MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
Nancy 19 (Fake MS).webm
1MB, 1280x720px
I need with her !
that would be a good one.
Y'all niggas begging for shit better start posting clean, direct headshots that fake makers can use.

Interviews or other shit that focuses on the celeb wanted are needed. You fucks need to be putting some legwork if you want me to use my time making some of these.

Is this interview still enough to do one for Kaya Scodelario?

Hey I'm MockCelebs just so you guys know I wasnt claiming this stuff as my own that's why I didnt put my watermark on them but because I didnt know the source of whoever made these I couldn't credit them.

If you do end up making a name/tumblr page for yourself I'll credit you or straight up just stop posting them my bad for coming across like I was claiming them as mine.
I think a good idea would be to specify the images aren't yours, or possibly source 4chan until you know of a proper source.
Video where she's solely talking to the camera in focused HD. I'm sure there's some good shots in there.
Can you make one with this?

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3MB, 480x270px
>no one has done one of
Wow, I don't even care about Miley but that looks like it was made to abused.
It's green-screened and everything.

Pity Miley decided that she didn't like being sexualised despite posting her tits and ass everywhere. Now we'll never see her butthole.

Trust me, we're gonna see her butthole before it's all over.

Not a doubt in my mind.
Would be sexier without the crazy eyes.

Nah, she's suddenly grossed out by people perving on her even though that's exactly what she's been looking for. I guess she wants an image change.

Notice it's been a while since lewd photos?
We need MOAR
Wreck-it Ralph
so much this
I can't fap to these, I find them hilarious as fuck
Dropbox / 4shared / Google drive link when?
original vid?
We need more CBG19

Looking forward to more Elyse.
here is the elyse set, with 3 new ones. which set do you want next guys? also, these are free for anyone and everyone. please post them here. https://anonfile.com/BaifH6bbb7/elyse_non.zip
Comicbookgirl19 would be nice.
I gotta have a good Miley Cyrus since I saw >>10624797
File: Miley Cryrus - 1.webm (2MB, 1060x720px) Image search: [Google]
Miley Cryrus - 1.webm
2MB, 1060x720px
I'm this dude: >>10605800

Here is what I made over some coffee this morning. That one definitely has some potential..
GwenGwiz ASMR, Taylor Darling ASMR, and ASMR shitposter

Barbara or Dodger.
I second the Dodger ones.

Nice work!
File: hannah_minx.webm (2MB, 1920x1080px) Image search: [Google]
2MB, 1920x1080px
Please do Hannah Minx. Any of her youtube videos would make a good source.

What's wrong with you?

The least you could do is post the high quality version webm's instead of the shit-tier .gif version.
Can someone share the new ones please? The elyse new ones
A blowjob one would be great anon

Just download the zip file, it's like 60mb
thirding or fourthing, whatever it is at this point, some more Dodger.
That is the funniest thing I've ever seen. She probably does that face in real life when she's fuckin
File: elyse_17.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
3MB, 1280x720px
heres 1 of them my nigga, theres a hj thats the shit
We need more Elyse
>fapping to kikes
like the moniker "NON". very simple
Thread posts: 316
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