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>Solve a problem in a programming language(s) of your choice
>Solve a solved a problem in a different programming language
>Improve an already posted solution in the same programming language
>Discuss posted solutions
>General programming language flame wars

I'll start: https://github.com/MariusMacijauskas/deadline

I will post the solutions here anyway, for convenience.
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77KB, 1200x1276px
// Print how much ahead/ago the deadline is

#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>

struct tm DEADLINE = {
.tm_year = 2017 - 1900,
.tm_mon = 7 - 1,
.tm_mday = 16,
.tm_hour = 23,
.tm_min = 59,
.tm_sec = 59,
.tm_isdst = -1

static int makeStr(char *buff, size_t buffSize, long n, const char *name) {
const char *fStr;
if (n > 1) fStr = "%ld %ss, ";
else if (n == 1) fStr = "%ld %s, ";
else fStr = "";
return snprintf(buff, buffSize, fStr, n, name);

int main(void) {
time_t now = time(NULL), deadline = mktime(&DEADLINE);
if (now == (time_t)(-1) || deadline == (time_t)(-1)) return EXIT_FAILURE;

double diff = difftime(deadline, now);
if (diff >= LONG_MAX || diff <= LONG_MIN) return EXIT_FAILURE;
long sec = diff;

const char *postfix;
if (sec > 0) {
postfix = " ahead.";
} else if (sec == 0) {
postfix = "Now.";
} else {
postfix = " ago.";
sec = -sec;

long days = sec / 86400;
sec %= 86400;
long hours = sec / 3600;
sec %= 3600;
long min = sec / 60;
sec %= 60;

char bigbuff[256] = {0}, tinybuff[32];
const long counts[] = {days, hours, min, sec};
const char *names[] = {"day", "hour", "minute", "second"};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
if (makeStr(tinybuff, sizeof(tinybuff), counts[i], names[i]) < 0) {
strcat(bigbuff, tinybuff);

char *lastComma = strrchr(bigbuff, ',');
if (lastComma != NULL) *lastComma = '\0';

strcat(bigbuff, postfix);

if (puts(bigbuff) == EOF) return EXIT_FAILURE;
File: lua.png (72KB, 1200x1200px) Image search: [Google]
72KB, 1200x1200px
#!/usr/bin/env lua5.3

-- Print how much ahead/ago the deadline is

local DEADLINE = os.time{year=2017, month=7, day=16, hour=23, min=59, sec=59}

-- Convert os.difftime output into a more human-friendly string representation
local function difftimeStr(sec)
assert(math.tointeger(sec) ~= nil, "arg for difftimeStr must be an int")

local postfix = ""
if sec > 0 then
postfix = " ahead."
elseif sec == 0 then
postfix = "Now."
postfix = " ago."
sec = -sec

local days = sec // 86400
sec = sec - days * 86400
local hours = sec // 3600
sec = sec - hours * 3600
local min = sec // 60
sec = sec - min * 60

local function s(value, unit)
if value > 1 then
return ("%d %ss, "):format(value, unit)
elseif value == 1 then
return ("%d %s, "):format(value, unit)
return ""

local S = s(days,"day")..s(hours,"hour")..s(min,"minute")..s(sec,"second")

return S:sub(0, S:len() - 2)..postfix

print(difftimeStr(os.difftime(DEADLINE, os.time())))
File: python.png (8KB, 512x512px) Image search: [Google]
8KB, 512x512px
#!/usr/bin/env python3

from time import time, mktime

DEADLINE = mktime((2017, 7, 16, 23, 59, 59, -1, -1, -1))

# Convert second difference into a more human-friendly string representation
def difftimeStr(sec):
sec = int(sec)

postfix = ""
if sec > 0:
postfix = " ahead."
elif sec == 0:
postfix = "Now."
postfix = " ago."
sec = -sec

days = sec // 86400
sec %= 86400
hours = sec // 3600
sec %= 3600
min = sec // 60
sec %= 60

def s(value, unit):
if value > 1:
return "{} {}s, ".format(value, unit)
elif value == 1:
return "{} {}, ".format(value, unit)
return ""

S = s(days, "day") + s(hours, "hour") + s(min, "minute") + s(sec, "second")

return S[:-2] + postfix

print(difftimeStr(DEADLINE - time()))
I like this thread, OP. Keep this up
Sooo... When is the deadline?
1 day, 15 hours, 17 minutes, 10 seconds ago.
No, where did you get the arbitrary deadline?
It's in the source. You configure according to your own personal needs.
I was going to give a Haskell solution but the Time libraries are absolute trash.
Not sure what you actually mean but
import std.stdio, std.datetime, std.conv;

void main()
immutable DEADLINE = DateTime(2017, 7, 16, 23, 59, 59).to!SysTime;
immutable now = Clock.currTime;

writefln("%s %s.", (DEADLINE - now).abs, now > DEADLINE ? "ago" : "ahead");
What does Haskell excel at? Give me a simple example I could implement in languages I know.
I should've use all capital `NOW` instead of "now". My bad.

Any ways. D Masterrace!
I am looking at Nim's times library. To be honest, I can't find peace in any other language anymore after getting D-pilled
This is very nice.

I'm currently trying to figure out how to make it identical, that is:

>Remove milliseconds and microseconds
>Remove " and"
>Print "Now." if times (rounded to seconds) are equal.

I'll post when I get any progress.
Hopefully, I got this right:

module Main where

import Data.List

import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar

deadline :: UTCTime
deadline = UTCTime { utctDay = fromGregorian 2017 7 16
, utctDayTime = from24Hour 23 59 59

from24Hour :: Num a => a -> a -> a -> a
from24Hour h m s = 60*(60*h + m) + s

splitTime :: Integer -> (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer)
splitTime t = (d, h, m, s)
(m', s) = t `divMod` 60
(h', m) = m' `divMod` 60
(d , h) = h' `divMod` 24

showUnit :: Integer -> String -> String
showUnit 0 _ = ""
showUnit 1 u = "1 " ++ u
showUnit x u = show x ++ " " ++ u ++ "s"

showTime :: (Integer, Integer, Integer, Integer) -> String
showTime (d, h, m, s) = intercalate ", " $ filter (not . null) $
map (uncurry showUnit) [ (d, "day")
, (h, "hour")
, (m, "minute")
, (s, "second")

showDeadlineDiff :: Integer -> String
showDeadlineDiff t = let t' = splitTime $ abs t in
case compare t 0 of
LT -> showTime t' ++ " ago."
EQ -> "Now."
GT -> showTime t' ++ " ahead."

main :: IO ()
main = do
now <- getCurrentTime
putStrLn $ showDeadlineDiff $ round $ diffUTCTime deadline now

Disregard >>61436772

Again, this is a very bad hack but here goes
import std.stdio, std.datetime, std.conv, std.algorithm;

void main()
immutable DEADLINE = DateTime(2017, 7, 16, 23, 59, 59).to!SysTime;
immutable NOW = Clock.currTime;
//for some reason calling until here will print the
//full type. I am looking into this.

if (NOW > DEADLINE) writeln(INTERVAL.until("secs"), "seconds ago.");
else if (NOW < DEADLINE) writeln(INTERVAL.until("secs"), "seconds ahead.");
else writeln("Now.");
Guile Scheme

(import (ice-9 receive) (srfi srfi-19))

(define *units* '((86400 "day") (3600 "hour") (60 "minute") (1 "second")))
(define *deadline* (date->time-utc (make-date 0 59 59 23 16 7 2017 0)))

(define* (print-seconds secs #:optional (units *units*))
(if (> secs 0)
(receive (val rem)
(euclidean/ secs (caar units))
(if (> val 0)
(format #t (if (> val 1) "~A ~As " "~A ~A ") val (cadar units)))
(print-seconds rem (cdr units)))))

(define (print-time-diff x y)
(let ((diff (time-second (time-difference x y))))
(print-seconds (abs diff))
(display (cond ((> diff 0) "ahead.") ((< diff 0) "ago.") (else "Now.")))))

(print-time-diff *deadline* (current-time time-utc))
Why are you guys making it so hard on yourself? lol
A challenge is no fun it it's not a challenge.
Okay I got it now, immutable makes popFront impossible so it can't iterate over the range. The solution was
1. Either make it an array by force with .array()
2. Or, make it mutable. So the obvious solution is
import std.stdio, std.datetime, std.conv, std.algorithm;

void main()
immutable DEADLINE = DateTime(2017, 7, 16, 23, 59, 59).to!SysTime;
immutable NOW = Clock.currTime;

if (NOW > DEADLINE) writeln(INTERVAL, "seconds ago.");
else if (NOW < DEADLINE) writeln(INTERVAL, "seconds ahead.");
else writeln("Now.");
Might do this when I get home from work.

(It compiles, save for the UDIVS division instruction, so let's pretend it works)

;Hexadecimal time is made of 0x0000HMMS, where H goes from 0 to 0xF (16) hours,
;MM goes from 0 to 0xFF (256) minutes, and S goes from 0 to 0xF (16) seconds

BASETIME EQU 0x00008000 ; current time right before starting code in hex = 12:00 PM
DEADLINE EQU 0x0000C800 ; deadline time in hex = 9:30 PM
DELAY EQU 0x00E4E1BF ; delay time in clock cycles for one hexadecimal second
; using the wait loop defined below on an FRDM KL25z128 board (.625 decimal seconds)

EXPORT asm_main

LDR r1,=BASETIME ; Register that contains current time
LDR r3,=0 ; Register that contains the time until deadline / after deadline


BL wait

ADDS r1, 1 ; Add a hexadecimal second

SUBS r3, r2, r1 ; Get the remaining time before the deadline
BL read

CMP r1, r2 ; See if it's the current time and the deadline time match
BEQ afterDeadline

B beforeDeadline


BL wait

ADDS r1, 1

SUBS r3, r1, r2 ; Get the amount of time that has passed after the deadline
BL read

B afterDeadline

SUBS R0, #1
BNE wait

LSLS r4, r1, #16
LSRS r4, #28
MULS r4, #24
UDIVS r4, 0x10 ;r4 contains human readable HOURS from deadline in realtime (0 - 23 hours)

LSLS r5, r1, #20
LSRS r5, #24
MULS r5, #60
UDIVS r5, 0x100 ;r5 contains human readable MINUTES from deadline in realtime (0-59 minutes)

LSLS r6, r1, #28
LSRS r6, #28
MULS r6, #60
UDIVS r6, 0x10 ;r6 contains human readable SECONDS from deadline in realtime (0-59 seconds)

LSR r7, r1, #16 ;r7 contains human readable DAYS from deadline in realtime


END ; This never happens though _(._.)_

Sorry, I had to go but now I'm home. This approach is indeed hacky because it fails when there are no seconds or there is only one second (the later is easily fixable, the former is not, AFAIK). So right now I'm thinking about splitting Duration into fields and then converting it back into Duration. I will try to do this.

I'm onto this too, just after the D one, since this is way too foreign to my eyes.
0 seconds?
What kind of assembly? I did some x64 on gas, nasm and yasm, and this doesn't look like any of that. Forgive me for asking, I'm total newbie when it comes to assembly.

I thought about doing it with in-built Linux syscalls (I know, unportable), but I'll save it for later (until I analyze the programs I've got).
Set deadline to one minute ahead and test it periodically.
I don't understand. I think if there is a difference of 0 seconds it will print 0 seconds
If the interval is 1 sec, it actually will, post 1 sec
You are write about second/seconds though, it's fixable by just using second(s)
4 seconds ahead.
> ./a.out
3 seconds ahead.
> ./a.out
2 seconds ahead.
> ./a.out
2 seconds ahead.
> ./a.out
1 seconds ahead.
> ./a.out
979 ms and 390 μsseconds ahead.
> ./a.out
240 ms and 989 μsseconds ahead.
> ./a.out
381 ms and 837 μsseconds ago.
> ./a.out
1 seconds ago.
> ./a.out
1 seconds ago.

1 minute, 59 seconds ago.
> ./a.out
2 minutes, 559 ms, and 240 μsseconds ago.
> ./a.out
2 minutes, 1 seconds ago.
> ./a.out
2 minutes, 1 seconds ago.
How are you computing?
immutable DEADLINE2 = DateTime(2017, 7, 16, 23, 59, 58).to!SysTime;
immutable DEADLINE3 = DateTime(2017, 7, 16, 23, 59, 57).to!SysTime; //Clock.currTime will automatically return SysTime
writeln(INTERVAL2); //prints 1 sec

And when it's the same, DEADLINE2 = NOW is checked and thus "Now" would get printed
It's ARM assembly I guess.

Also I looked at the ARM Cortex M0 instruction set again (used by the board I specified in the code), and it doesn't actually have a division operation, so that read loop won't work...
Oh well, human readable time is for the weak anyway.
I used this: >>61437301
import std.stdio, std.datetime, std.conv, std.algorithm;

void main()
immutable DEADLINE = DateTime(2017, 7, 18, 20, 03, 30).to!SysTime;
immutable NOW = Clock.currTime;

if (NOW > DEADLINE) writeln(INTERVAL, "seconds ago.");
else if (NOW < DEADLINE) writeln(INTERVAL, "seconds ahead.");
else writeln("Now.");
Okay I think you are missing something.
>it fails when there are no seconds difference
Remember that I checked NOW and DEADLINE, INTERVAL for the case of "Now"
>or there is only one second
Pretty sure 1 sec would work
>INTERVAL for the case of "Now"
Not* INTERVAL I meant
python ebinscript.py
>Remember that I checked NOW and DEADLINE, INTERVAL for the case of "Now"
Your NOW variables holds milliseconds and microseconds, so it will be practically never be equal to DEADLINE. You have to round it to have 0 milliseconds and 0 microseconds.

>Pretty sure 1 sec would work
It does. It doesn't work when there is 1 minute, 0 seconds left, because "0 secs" are not printed and
doesn't work.
another general, another filter
I'm trying to figure out how to do

.split("days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds");

and then turn in back into Duration.
Do you want only and only Day, Month, Hour, Minute and Second?
Why are you avoiding years?
Because years do not have a defined number of seconds. Some have 365 days, some have 366 days. And so don't months. Some months have 28, some 30 and some 31 days. Days are the biggest unit that have defined number of seconds, so they the last ones.

Yes, a correct number of days should be printed.

Works fine (not thoroughly tested yet) with a few tweaks. Added comma separators and discovered a new way to attach postfix (printing backspace characters) and newlines at the end of the postfix. Now trying to figure out how to print local time instead of UTC.
(import (ice-9 receive) (srfi srfi-19))

(define *units* '((86400 "day") (3600 "hour") (60 "minute") (1 "second")))
(define *deadline* (date->time-utc (make-date 0 50 28 20 18 7 2017 0)))

(define* (print-seconds secs #:optional (units *units*))
(if (> secs 0)
(receive (val rem)
(euclidean/ secs (caar units))
(if (> val 0)
(format #t (if (> val 1) "~A ~As, " "~A ~A, ") val (cadar units)))
(print-seconds rem (cdr units)))))

(define (print-time-diff x y)
(let ((diff (time-second (time-difference x y))))
(print-seconds (abs diff))
(display (cond ((> diff 0) "\b\b ahead.\n") ((< diff 0) "\b\bago.\n") (else "\b\bNow.\n")))))

(print-time-diff *deadline* (current-time time-utc))
import std.stdio, std.datetime, std.conv, std.algorithm, std.format, core.time;

void main()
auto DEADLINE = DateTime(2017, 7, 16, 23, 59, 59);
auto NOW = Clock.currTime.to!DateTime;

.split!("days", "hours", "minutes", "seconds");

if (NOW > DEADLINE) writeln(INTERVAL.time_format, " ago.");
else if (NOW < DEADLINE) writeln(INTERVAL.time_format, " ahead.");
else writeln("Now.");

string time_format(T)(T t)
"%s day(s), %s hour(s), %s minute(s) %s second(s)"
(t.days, t.hours, t.minutes, t.seconds);
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