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>We've always been at war with Oceania anon How do we

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>We've always been at war with Oceania anon
How do we more keep internet archives up and running from increasing interference?
>we do not want people to remember what comes out of our mouths
they are becoming self aware
keep malinging shit i like.
by that i mean internetarchive solely.
>"yeah, like we dont want people to know how stupid we are in a few years so....no archives lol"

So how do we get around it lads?
People don't trust screenshots
>We print some retarded shit, and it's hard to deny it if people archive our stories.
make an archive that runs through tor, no special user agent. make it randomly switch user agents too.

an alternative if they block tor is to just get a group of people to do it from different ips
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>leading millennial news source.
just take screenshots of that shit collectively and upload them to their facebook.
just wow
It's ironic how these are the people that are always like- we must remember our dark past (e.g. slavery) forever to keep us from making the same mistakes.
Yo can I get a link to this?
Can't find it on their facebook page.
It's extremely important if you're running a fake news site to be able to delete past claims when new evidence that it's wrong comes out.
>right wing archiving websites

This isn't real is it?
excuse me, but who the fuck cares?
also, whats prevents me from archiving the google cached version?!?! or are they gonna be so stupid to prevent google from indexing their shit? stupid millennials...
Did that post imply that archive.is, waybackmachine, and megalodon.jp are right wing websites, or did they mean that they are including these websites AND right wing archives.
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>right wing
What the fuck
lel, blocking images wont do anything against edits
have fun blocking google retards
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>ethical journalism
oh my
Literally not on their facebook. I hate VICE as much as the next intelligent person but this is bait. Poor bait at that.
Every website that has proof of their retarded click bait articles that openly insult white and straight people is extremely right wing.
use unvis.it
then archive
>implying they didn't delete that post
Well prove it. The only sources for this are some shit /pol/ threads. You'd think some journo cunt would've report on this before they pulled it.
The question is are Vice archive websites really disabled.
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archive.is still works.
The first article when clicking the terrorism tab is about "islamaphobia".
wew lad
it works for news.vice .com, not for vice .com
>right-wing archive websites
fucking lol they're totally neutral
>taking a stand against Racism, Bigotry, and Islamophobia
Yeah sure, this totally isn't about ad revenue.
>used by right-wing activists to discredit us
They're using your own words to discredit you. You are discrediting you. Just because you can't update them on the archive doesn't mean you didn't publish that trash in the first place. Most people see the article and make a link right before they share it anyway, so people are still getting the most current version in most cases.
>millennial news source
I don't ever want to see the word millennial again.

I wish they would just be honest about this and admit it's about money. It is so clearly about getting those racist/sexist/bigoted page views and the ad revenue that comes along with them. I'm sure they realize how much cash they're missing out on and they're trying to make it look like it's a moral issue and not a financial one.

1. How are these websites right-wing?
2. Why is it implicitly assumed that _all_ right-wingers are racist? That would be equivalent of saying _all_ left-wingers are liberals.
>Right-Wing archiving sites
Must be nice to be able to be this obtuse to just dismiss people disagreeing with then as right wing
>right wing archives
I'm fairly leftist and even I think this is stupid. Its like calling a hammer or screwdriver right wing. Its a tool not a community.
Is it even possible to disable archiving?
I can't even begin to describe the implications of this

Yes, I have seen /pol/ people use archiving sites to link vice stuff usually to deny them revenue (apparently)

But the idea that as a mainstream news site they don't want what they publish to be scrutinised (not a strawman, its described) is stupid.

Think of all the times in journalism where people's previous mistakes have been exposed which has disqualified them from a job they weren't suited for, usually based on a form of archiving, etc etc. It's just silly.


Probably not
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This post is not on their facebook page.

No it's not.

THIS IS FAKE NEWS. As hilarious and disturbing as it would be for this to be real, all signs point to fake.

Technically you yourself can disable archiving on your website, even retroactively dropping archived DBs+backups, but it would be extremely hard to stop webcrawlers/scrapers from archiving your website.

Even if your site is all images/flash you can write an archiver that works via screenshots vs just text/images.
I should have know at the "right wing archiving websites" no one could have been that stupid.
liberals are entitled to the right of changing their views on a whim

if someone takes a pictures of them assaulting another person, they want to label the picture an assault itself
I wanted it to be real so bad. That line is hilarious.
DDoS any sites that want to block them.
It's funny though.
In a couple years this stuff will become accepted as just 'anti-right' stuff.
>Remember, don't leave old news and stuff on archive sites since the alt-right can use this against you later!
Guys, I know this sounds crazy but maybe don't waster your time reading click-bait sites?
>What are screenshots
>What is if I save the website
>What if there are other archiving services that do not give a fuck about robots.txt and use real user_agents
>What is google-cache
Also this >>61201488

How about they build a house where everyone that wants to hear their 'news' can walk in (incl. security check), look at the articles and then has to go. No pictures, no anything. Sounds good right?
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Is this real?
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>History is a right wing hate fact
this is a fake right
>someone misquotes an earlier version of your story
>correct them with a quote from the latest version
>debate and discussion can continue without Vice needing to block archivers
Gee that was easy

>premier millennial news source

Kill me now
They of course don't mention that same mosque has been cranking out terrorists for years.
He didn't just attack some random mosque.
Pretty funny that youre referencing 1984. I started reading it today and its frighteningly realistic desu.
Probably, they cant disable archiving services.
Archive.is is working right now for their sites.
>It's funny though.
the excuse whenever the subhuman poltard is caught in a lie
>Gets pointed out as fake multiple times
>Still some people who think it's real
Congratulation, you Orwell'd yourself.

I can totally imagine SJWs establishing Ministry of Truth.
Are you basically saying i've been bamboozled?

I just archived a vice article a few minutes ago

What the fuck are they actually doing to block it?
I don't care, nothing is true nowadays, not even lies.
useragent and IP blocking
I just tried archiving a site and it just showed a 404 on the archived version
The sites themselves are not right wing. Vice is just mad as hell that /pol/acks are using archive links to prevent retroactive edits and to deny them ad revenue.
>ad revenue
There are still people who don't use adblockers?

adblockers make these sites super mad as is

imagine what sort of boardroom discussions they are having about archives
Who do you think are the type of people that would visit places like Vice in an unironic, frequent and casual manner?
>right-wing archiving websites
sometimes I wish someone would create a worm that installed adblockers everywhere
They didnt mention homophobia
There are ads that the blockers don't catch.
I used to check the .ro section, several years ago, when they pumped out some interesting stuff.

They shortly went full retard afterwards, and also started being a puppet for their US flagship, by imitating their stuff and posting more and more translated articles, and everyone that's not a SJW started shitting on them(their stupid memes and sjw ranting don't even make sense in Eastern Europe).

Not that they didn't start being slightly Orwellian even before that, by disabling comments and shit.
Do they do that on the international version as well?
Normally banning their bots in robots.txt should do the job but this is only really possible to do with archives that play nice.
>>>/pol/ you mouth breathing neckbeard.
vice.com seems to be the site that serves both as US and international. I'm probably wrong, though since I don't go to that site in the first place
The archive blocking is actually real, you faggot. Go back to redit before you spout more shit here.
>vice.com seems to be the site that serves both as US and international.
There are some local branches on the .com/uk or /ro or whatever.

Just checked /ro for laughs:
-half the articles are about gay parades;
-headline article is ranting about the Church, and how homophobic and bad it is;
-a quarter is about the poor opressed gypsies(you realise you are a massive SJW when you take the defence of fucking gypsies, and how their poor, oppressed innocent souls have to deal with unjust racism);
-one is about skulls discovered in Göbekli Tepe, and another about pilotless Boeing planes;
But regardless, they did block out the ability to comment on the english articles as well?
Seems like it. I can't see a section anywhere that I could leave a comment.
I tried archiving 3 different articles from the past week and they all archive 404 pages if you put them through archive.is and the wayback machine.

The three articles in question were:
"https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/bjx8ed/no-brad-pitt-did-not-confirm-hollywood-is-a-child-sex-ring" - http://archive.is/rGwB6
"Let's Be Honest, Should We Just Ban All Kids from Restaurants?" - http://archive.is/ct9Rx
"The Syrian Exile Who Went from Depressed Cabbie to Celebrated Writer" -

All of them 404 when archived but work perfectly fine when visited normally.
They used to have, but people started calling them on their shit.
It seems like unvis.it is also not able to fetch content from that place.
Typical VICE

Worked with them briefly a few years ago. Dropped them when they made an ordeal out of me not referring to one of their employees by the proper pronoun. Looked like a he so I called him a he, he corrected me and said hes a she so I apologised and called him a she. Then he begun trying to lecture me on the importance of it all. Left right then I'm not going to be lectured by a mentally retarded cockerspaniel
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The Internet Archive is a right-wing archival website dedicated to racism, bigotry, Islamophobia, xenophobia, and sexism?

If your news is so vulnerable to redaction/retraction, maybe you should hire an editor and fact-checker so you can get it right before you post some dumb bullshit.
So, a fake screenshot here,
Uh op?
>he hasn't tried directly archiving a vice article
Go fuck yourself
It's amazing how easily people will believe shit if it confirms their beliefs.
It's not a matter of beliefs, you retards. It's literally impossible to directly archive an article now.

>Internet Archive
>right wing
fake and gay
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the fuck is a canard
We are not taking your bait, /pol/
Is my ventilator right-wing too? It only cycles to the right with its fans.
I can confirm that archive.is is no longer working with Vice.com

Regardless of whether the screenshot is true or not, it looks like archival services no longer directly work with vice. However, from what little I tested, unvis.it still works, so you can grab the text via unvis.it, and then archive that.
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Here you go.


Used a front-page article too.
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