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>The new "textalyzer" technology is modeled after

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>The new "textalyzer" technology is modeled after the Breathalyzer, and would determine if you had been using your phone illegally on the road.
>He says a police officer just goes to the driver and attaches a cord to connect the device to the phone. The driver doesn't even have to let go of the device.
>"They can simply just tap one button ... and it will process, about 90 seconds or so, and it will show what the last activities were — again that could be a text message and so on — with a time stamp," Papathanasiou says.
>The device would display a summary of what apps on the phone were open and in use, he says, as well as screen taps and swipes. "For example, if it was a WhatsApp message, or a call, it will indicate what the source was, the time stamp, and then what the direction of the communication was — so if it was an outgoing call versus an incoming call."

Am I safe on Lineage?
This is actually disgusting.
My phone is encrypted
Don't text and drive you fucking subhuman.
Get a warrant.

While you're running off to check on shit, I'm snapping my ultra thin phone in half over the steering wheel.

Whoops, sorry officer.
Blame the dumbfucks who won't stop using their phone while driving. I normally hate shit like this, but it's gotten to the point where more people are being killed by texting drivers than drunk drivers. THAT is disgusting.
Amazing normie deterrent desu.

Don't violate my 4th amendment rights fascist.

>I have no idea what Fascist actually means
Awful convenient for you to start pretending to care about the constitution, you shitlib. Texting and driving poses as much risk as driving drunk. Only absolute subhuman nigger filth do either. If you'd risk killing someone on the road to type out a worthless bullshit text message you shouldn't have a license.
Enjoy your anal rape
This is not something I worry about because I
a) don't use my phone while driving
b) don't have anything to hide
c) do not drive dangerously or break the laws while driving.

This only seems like a problem for absolute normies
Anyone with actual sources on how this shit works?
They can get all your data just by connecting it to your phone? Highly doubt it.
Sounds like absolute bullshit.
>The textalyzer has been developed by Israeli company Cellebrite who are also linked to the FBI in the recent iPhone cracking case. Cellebrite is a company with a strong focus on mobile forensics solutions, and the textalyzer is officially called the UFED InFIeld. It allows a mobile device to have the data it contains forensically extracted, including call logs, contacts, calendar, text messages, and media files.
>you sent a text one minute ago
>yes officer, I parked by the side of the road, turned off the engine, sent the text, and then start the car again
Many agencies have that, even here in France. I read an article about a case where the police raided a farm for no actual reason (most likely to protect the interests of big companies) and were mad because their hard drive cloning device didn't work on a laptop that ran ubuntu. All the data from apple devices and computers running windows was extracted though.
>get a $15 magnet windshield kit
>your entire phone is now legally a handsfree device while literally being in front of you
iPhone doesn't have this problem
> and were mad because their hard drive cloning device didn't work on a laptop that ran ubuntu
that's fucking hilarious
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>being THIS unintelligent
Linux can't do anything right
gps would not corroborate that lie
lmao, is there anything in depth on this and why it doesnt work on ubuintu?
What if you sent a text using voice commands? And for all the bootlicking statist cunts crying about texting and driving--what about eating and driving, reading and driving, getting in a heated argument with a passenger while driving and everything else distracting? You spineless faggots will bend over and take literally anything up your ass in the name of "safety" won't you?

I would guess that it cant read the filesystem
extx? such a comical thing to overlook
Just text when you are not driving you retarded cunt, when will you realize that sending a stupid fucking message isn't worth trashing 2+ cars and killing multiple people?
>On 12 January 2017 it was reported that an unknown hacker had acquired 900 GB worth of confidential data from Cellebrite's external servers. The data dump includes alleged usernames and passwords for logging into Cellebrite databases connected to the company's my.cellebrite domain, and also contains what appear to be evidence files from seized mobile phones, and logs from Cellebrite devices

Oh boy cant wait
Do you drive in a completely silent car with no thoughts that aren't driving related? Do you always drive alone?

You're talking into the fucking phone.

>Hey Siri, text John I'm on my way home, do you need me to pick anything up.
>David, you received a text from John, it says: Can you get eggs?
>Hey Siri, text John Sure

It's literally more braindead than talking to a passenger or in-car phone.
The driver should focus on road and not interact with any other passengers whatsoever, yes, if every driver did this we wouldn't have so many traffic accidents resulting in millions of death annually.

For what crime?
t. no friends?


they will make it an offense to refuse to have this thing run on your phone
'Obstructing' the law.
>secondary sources

Awful convenient for you ass fucked fascists with daddy issues to need a big stwong govewnment to baby sit you as you give up constitutional rights for the appearance of safety.
I wouldn't mind if you just crashed into an empty building or a tree and killed yourself but, you know, you also indirectly kill other people by crashing your fucking car on theirs.
Obstruction of justice? Laughable. At best.

It would be treated like a sobriety test where I can become immediately sober before tested. Good luck.
>It would be treated like a sobriety test where I can become immediately sober before tested. Good luck.

Well enjoy getting your license revoked then
Nah son, I'm not some Cletus that can't handle a simple conversation in a car while focusing on the road.

Sure hope you never have to pick up a drunk sibling or friend and deal with their shit while driving them home.

For what? Driving with a phone turned on?
Couldn't this thing be defeated just be preventing communication over the micro USB port somehow?
Fair enough, be sure to stay safe on the roads, anon.
Yes. How do you do that though? Maybe some rootkit that disables the USB port in developer mode?
That would be interesting

>haha xD sorry officer sir my android USB port isn't working. XD

>it becomes federal law to own an iPhone
Actually yes I do. I never play music in my car since the stereo is broken. And I never drive with other people either.

I just focus on the road and my surroundings when I drive.
>And I never drive with other people

Fuck I'm so sorry that you're so lonely. Sounds miserable.
I have a windows phone luckily all the spying companies forgot we exist

Yes, if you refuse to let them search it
nah fuck them. I use my phone to listen to music.
They can go fuck themselves with this shit
well cursory searching turns up a bunch of ways to poke at the kernel to disable USB. modprobe blacklist, kernel command line, writing stuff to something under /sys/bus/usb.

The main complication is that there might be other stuff on the device that's connected via a USB bus internally. Other than that it should be possible to disable/reenable USB from a terminal if you have root. It's probably be pretty simple for anyone who can make an app to put an easy-to-use wrapper around the commands. I bet we'll start seeing that if these devices become commonplace.
I have a real job, I don't have cart people around for pennies for uber.
>get list of usb devices
>white list usb devices
>black list everything else
I bet you happily go to prison when drug whisperers arrest you for using PCP, LSD, marijuana and cocaine on grounds of some voodoo magic
Enjoy your helicopter ride, bootlicker commie
Windows and OSX/macOS have been overlooking it for 10+ years
Good thing most phones aren't getting GPS fixes every minute
I think some devices won't charge if they're given a USB port with power but no data connectivity. Technically the spec doesn't allow devices to just suck power out of a USB port without speaking to it and reporting how much current they want.

A few years ago I built a little USB charger kit from adafruit that mentioned this, idk if its changed or how widespread it is.
>A few years ago I built a little USB charger kit from adafruit that mentioned this, idk if its changed or how widespread it is.
That's for Quickcharge and newer standards than USB 2.0, anything USB 2.0 and older can draw up to 500 mA without talking at all
Of course newer devices can take up to 500 mA without talking to the source in USB 2.0 mode, most of them will rank in even more if the data pins are shorted (that's usually used to signal that the source it's a wall charger and not a computer, but it's not an actual standard)
well that shouldn't be a problem then. Find out which USB device corresponds to the physical micro USB port, kill it in the kernel. I don't know if there are dirtier tricks cellebrite might play (since they are a malware-for-governments company after all) but the need to support a wide variety of different devices and a "cover the common cases and call it a day" mentality make me think it'll probably work. Also >>61018249 makes me think that they figure the common case is like 99% coverage. Less than 1% of android users are gonna be using a custom ROM with kernel USB fuckery.
>Less than 1% of android users are gonna be using a custom ROM with kernel USB fuckery.
It doesn't even matter if they are running a custom rom when the vast majority of devices out there have serious CVE's that will never be patched thanks to shit support from the OEM's and closed source drivers
I hope you drive off the road, you dumb shit.
Time to disable the feature.
we're talking practical security, not mathematical security. Yeah from a "pure" perspective once they have physical access, you're totally fucked and there's nothing you can do. In practice that's not always the case. Closing down the common vulnerabilities that an adversary is likely to try first (because they're the cheapest, easiest, and most widely applicable) is very likely to be enough.

It's like that old joke about how if you and your friend are being chased by a bear, you don't have to outrun the bear, you just have to outrun your friend. Outrunning the great mass of normies using stock phones is likely to be sufficient security against this thing, even if you're still theoretically vulnerable.

I have a wrangler, I drive off the road constantly
lock phone in glove compartment when pulled over.
>use an iphone
>have nothing to worry about

feels good man

New! USB killer phone case!

Cops pulled yo over? No problem!
Press the button on the back and when Johnny Law comes over to download your phone..... Oops! It can't read it! In fact, it can't read anything anymore!
Fellow commuters will thank you for your disablement of an overpriced ticket maker!

Starting at $29.95 it makes a fantastic gift, for mom, for dads and grads!

But wait! If you order now we'll DOUBLE THE OFFER!
That's right you will receive 2 USBkiller cases for the price of one! Just pay additional shipping and handling.

The USBkiller case from Oxyclean Industries, buy yours now!
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This is true look up implied consent laws, first offense is a one year suspension of your driving privileges and $650, second offense is road side execution.

This is what happens when Jews take over your local government.

What if you pulled of to the side of the road briefly while you make or take a call?

Will the time of the phone call be cross referenced with your phone's GPS data over the duration of the call/text to indicate whether your car had been moving at the time or not?

What happens if you are spoofing your GPS for whatever reason?
The only time you're going to be stopped for operating a device while driving is if an officer witnesses it anyway. All this does is provide evidence to the court when you're given a ticket for it.
>le helicopter ride meme
>implying you aren't a shit eating leftist antifa cuck

If you text and drive you're not white. End of story, faggot.
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>gubbmint protect me plz can't have people doing things I don't like!
I don't mind this at all. If it keeps people of their phones while driving, I'm all for it.
>everyone ignoring this

>Anything's okay if it stops crime!
No, I think its more important to limit the powers of the police than it is to stop crime. And I don't think the police should have the power to hack phones.
Its bait
Sounds pretty cool. Should help get rid of those ADHD faggots that can't stop looking at their phone.
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given how violent the police can be, I would think that finding ways of limiting police contact with the public would be a better option. but I'm all for a good chimp out after a cop kills a nigger over a texting driving stop.
It should be treated like a DUII...arreseted, car towed forced to go into treatment cant drive for a year, have to attend a victims panel, for the first offense.
Overtly stupid behavior that endangers others is a violation of the NAP you meme spouting antifa cuck.
Texting while driving is no different from drunk driving. Only nonwhite scum do it or defend it. You stupid little shitlib.
let this be the next /g/ project. I'll make the logo.
More contact would be better. If you separate police and people then it just gets even worse, since the police will never meet any non-violent citizens.
>Overtly stupid behavior that endangers others is a violation of the NAP you meme spouting antifa cuck.
It's not a violation of the NAP when it's within your own home, a car is an extension of your home if you didn't know stupid commie, it becomes a violation of the NAP once he fucks up and crashes into you
Not before
lrn something stupid commie retard and gb2r/the_donald
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The Police are gods angry arm, and should only be used to to commit the violence that citizens are not allowed to commit.
>pretending to be a Lolbert
>don't understand any Lolbert principles
Your car is only an extension of your home as it pertains the property within it and your domain over it. When you are driving down the road you are mere feet, sometimes only inches away from another car full of people. If you unduly endanger them through negligence you are violating the NAP. You are posing a direct threat to their safety. That is a NAP violation. Even Molymeme understands this. Even the most delusional AnCaps understand this.
Texting while driving is harmful negligence, exactly like drunk driving is. There is absolutely no difference between the two.

You are not white.
You are not a Libertarian.
You're a subhuman retard.
>The only time you're going to be stopped for operating a device while driving is if an officer witnesses it anyway. All this does is provide evidence to the court when you're given a ticket for it.
"I saw you driving with no seatbelt and you were texting" is a cop favorite for pulling over random cars so they can search them. Once you're pulled over they will do anything to give you a ticket.
Oh it says here that you were traveling 200mph earlier!!! (lost gps signal who fucking knows)

Jesus christ you must look like the most pussy beta faggot in the world if the police have never unjustly hassled you in your entire life.
>Your car is only an extension of your home as it pertains the property within it and your domain over it.
Yeah, finally you understand something
>When you are driving down the road you are mere feet, sometimes only inches away from another car full of people.
Do you even drive, like at all? Do you believe niggers and white trash tailgating everyone it's the norm for driving?
I guess you have never been in a car since you're a commie that loves public transportation
>If you unduly endanger them through negligence you are violating the NAP. You are posing a direct threat to their safety.
The same logic could be applied to driving at all
>That is a NAP violation. Even Molymeme understands this. Even the most delusional AnCaps understand this.
It's not, you are strawmanning hard here
>You are not white.
>You are not a Libertarian.
>You're a subhuman retard.
Nice projecting
Not an argument, shitlib.
Well if your argument for prohibiting texting while driving and using state violence to enforce this is the NAP and the possibility of harm to others from wrecks, then logically you must have no objection to people texting while driving when they're driving in situations where texting wouldn't lead to the possibility of a wreck harming anyone but the driver (and those who freely chose to ride with him)

Such as an empty highway at night, where traffic is very light, country roads, when the driver is stopped at a light or in a traffic jam, etc.

I strongly suspect you aren't anything close to a libertarian, you're a statist using the NAP to justify state violence against people you don't like. This would be supported by your racist rhetoric.
Nice reddit, now you have to go back
Oh yeah, everyone knows people driving down empty roads in the middle of the night is the real silent epidemic plaguing the nation. Cut your superficial horseshit.
Drunk driving is an issue because drunks aren't driving down empty roads and gently coming to a stop in a nice comfy ditch. Its an issue because they're hitting pedestrians, hitting other motorists, and are getting ejected from their vehicles where they end up tattered corpses in the middle of the road. Texting while driving is posing the same risks, and should carry the same penalties.

Driving inherently is a risky behavior, it carriers greater risks than abstaining. Everyone acknowledges this and agrees to a certain statistical level of risk. Drunk and otherwise distracted drivers are unduly increasing that risk, and that is not something that other motorists universally agree to. You do not understand the NAP at all, you don't understand what the A stands for at all. Unduly endangering the well being of other individuals is an act that constitutes aggression. Radical AnCaps can and do argue that such a violation would be justification for lethal force.

Make a better argument, shitskin.
>drunks aren't driving down empty roads and gently coming to a stop in a nice comfy ditch.
you've never lived in a rural area have you
Again, not an argument.
IIHS statistics on vehicle fatalities override your infantile anecdote.
>lets give up rights for "muh safety"

fucking pussy who doesnt deserve liberty
That reminds me, a fucking truck of bees flipped over in my town once. Made the friggin national news and everything. Millions of bees swarming everything within 100 ft. Eventually they gave up on recovering the bees and just torched the hives.
Driving on public roads is not a right.
Thanks for proving beyond all doubt that you're just a dumb leftist pretending to be a Libertarian.
No, you're the one who doesn't have an argument. The only situation in which the NAP justifies the enforcement of traffic-safety laws like this one is when there are other people around to be harmed. And there's an awful lot of driving that takes place where the only person at any risk is the driver. You only have any justification for restricting people's right to do as they will when you can demonstrate that the specific situation they are actually in carries a high risk of harming others. You can't justify blanket restrictions.
>Driving on public roads is not a right.
Privacy it's a right my senpai, implied in all the constitution, and a basic right to any libertarian
Keep false flagging though
Your rights end when endangering others begin.
People have the right to be on the road with a reasonable expectation of safety. Those who drink/text/drive irresponsibly are breaching the rights of every other road user.
>claims to be libertarian
>says people don't have a right to be in a public place
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>implying this won't be misused by statists
>hurr drunk driving should be totally legal because the roads might be empty sometimes
>We should only enforce the law if we can prove the offending party passed by other traffic, people, property

This is flat out leftist logic. Literally the exact same line of Bernie cuck logic that you see in HuffPo comments where self hating whites want laws tailored to black people so we don't offend them and their criminal gang culture.
Public roads are not private property. There is *always* the presumption that they will be in use and shared by other motorists. The logic that your entire shitskin thinking is based on is that the roads will *sometimes* be empty, therefore the law shouldn't apply.

>making an ass of yourself to new and exciting levels
You don't have a right to walk down a freeway, they're off limits to foot traffic.
You don't have a right to drive at all, it is a legal privilege, hence when you need a license.
Don't make retarded posts about topics you know nothing about.
>You don't have a right to drive at all, it is a legal privilege, hence when you need a license.
>claims to be a libertarian
Nice way to oust yourself statist cuck
>>You don't have a right to walk down a freeway, they're off limits to foot traffic.
>You don't have a right to drive at all, it is a legal privilege, hence when you need a license.
So just because the state enforces restrictions on something then you don't have a right to it? Of course, the state would never enforce laws that violate peoples rights! So if there's a law against it it must obviously be just and correct!

you aren't even good at pretending to be a libertarian. You're just some /pol/ retard who decided to dress his statist shit up in libertarian language.
Yet again, not an argument.
You can drive on your own private property all you want without a license, it is your private property. You cannot however drive on public roads, because you don't have any inherent right to. It is not your land, using them is a privilege. That is the legal precedent established on the subject matter.
Simply calling people statists isn't an argument. It shows that you're a weak minded child who can only regurgitate talking point rhetoric.

Another shit eating child who can't make an argument to save his life.
You don't own the roads. You have no legal right to use them beyond what the property owner deems permissible.
You cannot argue against this at all.
Don't like it? Build your own road system on your own property.

You do not have any argument whatsoever. You're not a Libertarian, you an 80IQ shitskin leftist who just doesn't like government because day raycis gainst dem POCs.

>b-b-b-but the state shouldn't own land at all!
This isn't a Libertarian stance, this would be an AnCap argument, and its entirely dysfunctional.
You have nothing but shitposts, matching your shitskin.
I can't imagine this just werks, it must be something Android supports, so am I safe on BB10OS?
Everybody in this thread:

It's not texting and driving that people are worried about. It's police officers being able to get into your phone and check as much as they want with one cord.
Tell that to the people who are actually defending texting while driving.
>You do not have any argument whatsoever. You're not a Libertarian, you an 80IQ shitskin leftist who just doesn't like government because day raycis gainst dem POCs.
>straight up adhoms and straws
Just gb2reddit
This doesn't stop niggers at all, this attacks the privacy of law abiding citizens
Fuck off statist cuck
That's a separate argument that has no place here. Go start a thread on /b/ about it or something.
Well maybe if people stopped texting and driving they'd not need to.
I think a better solution would be to imprison those who text and drive. In maximum security with all the urban poor.
Texting and driving is something that people just flat-out shouldn't do. That's not what this thread is about though. This is something governments can use to collect private information against a citizen's will.

This type of technology can be used to read unencrypted texts. This isn't a problem for most of /g/, since most of us encrypt messages, but normies don't and therefore can be subject to an invasion of privacy.
This doesn't fucking look at any messages. All it does is shows what apps were used at what times. Call log yes, call number no. Whatapp sent a message yes, what the message was no.
>trust me, it totally only does what I tell you it does
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Be sure to encrypt and shut off all ADB features. You should be ok as long as you're running the latest nightly build of Lineage OS or Copperhead OS on a well supported device like a Nexus, Pixel, or OnePlus. Stay away from Samsung and HTC phones since they use proprietary alternatives to Qualcomm ABoot. Especially with Samsung, a lot of bootloader unlocks have been done using flaws in the EMMCs, so definitely stay far away from those.

Also iShit users should go fuck themselves. They are the most vulnerable with their proprietary piece of shit lightning meme cables and serial bus that allowed for bootROM dumps on devices as new as the iPhone 6. Seriously, get fucked iPlebs.
>This type of technology can be used to read unencrypted texts
It probably can get texts from most apps, really few of them actually encrypt the local DBs were they store messages
>Whatapp sent a message yes, what the message was no.
You need to look at the messages to know if there was one sent or not, just the logs from which apps were open aren't enough, specially since most texting apps need to be on all the time or have constant wakeups to check for messages
I'm against, as a general principle, anything that makes it easier for police to conduct searches of any type for any reason.
Can you fucking read?

This thread isn't about texting and driving. Just because it can be used to detect texting and driving doesn't mean it will be used exclusively for that purpose.

Corrupt police officers could use this to blackmail citizens or use the retrieved data for personal use (nude pictures, etc)
>that allowed for bootROM dumps
except iphones are fully encrypted so...yeah they have it but they cant see anything.

meanwhile you have to go through all this other USB shit shutting off features for your android. get rekt
This thread isn't about anything
A cop can do anything they want to you already.
>meanwhile you have to go through all this other USB shit shutting off features for your android. get rekt
All the things you need to shut off are off by default my senpai
>living in police states
Must suck to be in the caliphate of bongland or the US
The law is the response to the problem, you retarded mongrel. No one would be pursuing this unless there was an underlying issue to be addressed. This isn't up for debate. Statistics show that texting while driving is now a pervasive issue in our society. Tens of thousands of people have died because retards like you want to type dumb messages with your thumbs while you're behind the wheel.

You're so logically disjointed you can't see the laughably apparent contradictions you're espousing.
These are all positions that you've supported either explicitly or implicitly:
>texting and driving should be legal
>drunk driving should be legal
>there is nothing wrong with driving drunk, crashing, and creating a burden for tax payer funded police, EMS, and fire fighters if he only harms himself
>no license should be needed to drive on public roads

If you don't like the medicine then stop being an apologist for the cause of the problem. This wouldn't ever be an issue in a high trust white society.
You stink of pseudo intellectual black twitter bullshit.
You do realized that the bootROM has direct access to the AES module that's used to encrypt the flash storage, correct? If the bootROM falls, so does your encryption. A bootROM exploit will work on any device with the same ROM version. Android users are far from rekt.
Remember, creating a police state is acceptable when a couple dozen people die to someone from a country we bombed, but when thousands die every year, police action is just going too far.
>These are all positions that you've supported either explicitly or implicitly:
>I will strawman everything you said
Just fuck off, you are grasping at every straw you can and talking shit out of your ass, it's obvious you are a statist cuck defending this straight up 1984 bullshit
There are people that actually text while driving? I thought this was a third world thing oh wait America is.
>bootROM has direct access to the AES module that's used to encrypt the flash storage
you have no idea what you are talking about do you? if it was this easy to fuck with iphones do you think the FBI would have taken apple to court some months ago to get into that """"terrorists"""" iphone rather than paying a couple of million?

>off by default
right, that still doesnt dispute the fact that you are turning off features just so you can be secure. I didnt even mention the fact that "staying away from Samsung and HTC" because of "qualcomm" is ridiculous, that's like half the phones out there that people use.
>right, that still doesnt dispute the fact that you are turning off features just so you can be secure. I didnt even mention the fact that "staying away from Samsung and HTC" because of "qualcomm" is ridiculous, that's like half the phones out there that people use.
iOS literally doesn't have this features, there's nothing like ADB for it
>you have no idea what you are talking about do you? if it was this easy to fuck with iphones do you think the FBI would have taken apple to court some months ago to get into that """"terrorists"""" iphone rather than paying a couple of million?
That was a meme the FBI tried to pull off as a precedent for future backdooring laws
>That was a meme the FBI tried to pull off as a precedent for future backdooring laws
Yeah, it was clearly the FBI positioning for more state power, but they needed to do it through the court system because they couldn't get into the phone.

They of course bought an exploit that worked, but apple would just patch it, and then they'd be back at square one.

The right to privacy trumps this. You cannot infringe basic rights in the name of safety or endangerment. A murder suspect still has a right to privacy and requires a warrant to have his home searched. The same should apply here in cases of vehicular manslaughter with phones.
>think the FBI would have taken apple to court some months ago to get into that """"terrorists"""" iphone rather than paying a couple of million?

You fell for Apple and government pr
>That was a meme the FBI tried to pull off as a precedent for future backdooring laws
>iOS literally doesn't have this features, there's nothing like ADB for it
you have yet to respond directly to my arguments and instead change the subject. no point in continuing talking to you
Good luck getting my phone without a warrant, friend.
>reading and driving
literally what
>b-b-but muh statist
>muh 1984

Still haven't made a single factual argument, you sad little black retard. You're not even a Libertarian. You're half spouting hardline AnCap ideas, half apologizing for degenerate scummy behavior.
The best way to dissuade someone from a certain course of behavior is to make it financially malapropos. Tickets, fines, and tax penalties are great tools to this end. Revocation of license, and imprisonment is another great venue, but you're such a delusional retard you think people don't actually need licenses to drive on public roads for some reason. You must be related to Philando Castile.
You know what making something financially hazardous does? It creates a barrier of entry. Only someone with the means to risk will be willing to participate in that voluntary transaction. Market forces acting balance the trend in human behavior. That is the free market at work. Something a Hoppe Libertarian would actually understand. Too bad your genes are too shit to ever wrap your mind around that one.

If a cop pulls you over for swerving, speeding, failing to stop, tailgating, etc and suspects you were distracted because you have a phone in plain view they have both reasonable assumption and probable cause to conduct a search. They are not violating your privacy.
You want to argue that you weren't using your phone? Great. Get a dash cam and have it pointed toward the interior of your car. Make your case in court, thats what the legal system is for.

Just calling everything a right is something only leftist subhuman scum do.
Sure, but there's a balance point somewhere. You can't take the logic to the logical conclusion- imprisoning murderers clearly impedes their rights.

So, what about (hidden) cameras that take pictures of people driving, and then uses machine learning algorithms to detect if they were texting or not?
Does this impede someone's privacy?

Actually I think it'd be a cheaper solution anyway.

Endangering someone else is infringing on their rights. Someone's rights are going to get infringed, so you have to judge which is more important. This isn't a black and white issue.
The government is full of retards. Why do you think the US is in so much debt? Because it's run by geniuses that are good at managing money? BootROM dumps aren't worth anything on their own but if you were to exploit it, that ROM version would be compromised forever. Will you also ignore the massive dump of Vault 7 tools that had malware that would infect the EFI partition of iOS devices, also known as the iBoot? They've been doing it on Macs for nearly a decade.

Again, get fucked iPleb. I know more that you do about your fruity toys.
You don't need to turn off this features to stay secure since they're turned off by default, they're there for developers and need to be enabled manually
This features aren't available on iPhones, ie. you can't disable them at all since they don't exist there, and even then you are still unsafe since Apple it's retarded and get serious exploits every few months (that's how people Jailbreak their phones)
Also, staying away from Samsung and HTC phones aren't nearly half of the market, you have literally zero comprehension, anon was saying that Qualcomm's ABoot it's much better than the shit Samsung/HTC pull since they're special snowflakes
Do you even know who Qualcomm is? Stop posting since you have no idea about what you're talking about
>but you're such a delusional retard you think people don't actually need licenses to drive on public roads for some reason
I literally never said this, keep talking out of your ass retarded false flagging liberal
>That is the free market at work.
This it's literally the state setting arbitrary barriers of entry, there's no free market here unless your definition of free market it's state capitalism
>They are not violating your privacy.
They literally are, probable cause it's a retarded way to sideline basic rights
>Just calling everything a right is something only leftist subhuman scum do.
Only an authoritarian leftist subhuman like you will give up their privacy because muh safety ensured by the state
>Endangering someone else is infringing on their rights.
Can't prove someone has been endangered just because you believe they were texting, this it's literally drug whisperer levels of cuckoldry
>still not even a fractional semblance of an argument

By definition, if there is probable cause, an LEO can search your person, and anything in plain view. If your phone is in plain view, then they are not violating any right by checking to validate if you were using it at the time you were driving.

You do not have any argument whatsoever. You have nothing more than
>man fuck da government, fuckin whitey!
>deys be violatin mah rights!
>By definition, if there is probable cause, an LEO can search your person, and anything in plain view. If your phone is in plain view, then they are not violating any right by checking to validate if you were using it at the time you were driving.
Holy fuck this cuckoldry
Keep at those straws and literally ignoring everything that BTFO's (You)
You are so much of a fucking false flagger you can't even differentiate between market set prices and prices set by the state, how retarded do you have to be to do that?
>no argument
>just more banjo lip flapping
When will you stupid blacks ever learn?
You're wrong. iOS has DFU (device firmware update) mode which is the equivalent of bootloader mode in Android phones. It exposes all kinds of functionality to allow you to load and manipulate RAM disks if you can exploit the iBEC. The iBEC is a secondary loader that runs off of recovery, basically a stripped down iBoot with the above mentioned functions. Not a lot of people know this but there's also a WTF mode that allows certain pieces of software to be passed along to memory without a sanity check as long as they pass a signature check.
>more adhoms
Fuck off back to r/the_donald, you are so fucking cucked you call niggers blacks, holy shit
My old English teacher knows a guy that drove across country once and read a book on the way there and another on the way back.
Not him, but you can go to the back of the oven with the other blacks, nigger.
texting just happens to keep your attention longer than other distractions in the car
>whines about racism earlier
>pretends to be a Libertarian
>demonstrably doesn't know the difference between Libertarianism and AnCap
>now he says nigger to try and be edgy
>totally glossed over the fact that he doesn't understand what probably cause means when an officer is conducting an investigation

Nice meme, leftist.
>having a phone
>having a car
>going anywhere
Fucking normalfags.
>totally not him just ignore how IP count hasn't gone up at all
I never whined about racism, you are talking to around three different anons fucking retard
Look at my posts, I call niggers by their name, niggers
Or go and try to look for a post with nigger and whining about racism
Holy shit, do you not know how the unique user count here works? Thanks for proving my point, nigger.
He'll probably just fuckoff back to leftypol when this thread dies.
You don't, the only guy who goes around "muh blacks texting" it's the false flagging liberal, there's literally no one else talking about niggers since they're barely relevant here
Keep samefagging, just a bit more than a minute between posts, exactly what a non-pass false flagger from leftypol needs
Its honestly sad that you're grasping at straws this low.
You ARE aware that driving and texting increases the likelyhood of a crash by 23 times, right?
You are just pretending to be retarded, right?
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I thought warrantless phone searches were unconstitutional.
Again, beside the point.
I'm sad that you are so retarded you can't even differentiate between state set prices and prices set by the market, keep pretending you aren't anally blasted senpai
>Yes my cop! Rape me! It's all right it's for my safety
They're, see>>61017991
Some deluded statist pretending to be a libertarian it's defending this retardation, just like he would defend drug whisperers
>still just shitposting nonstop
>still no argument
>still such a butthurt shitskin that you think people have to samefag to make fun of you

On a scale of 1-10 how angry are you that you weren't born white?
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>literally all your arguments were obliterated
>keep shitposting about muh niggers and samefagging
Into the ovens
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You're the samefag from the thread yesterday who told me I'm not an NSDAP supporter. You're a filthy redditor, and you will be gassed along with all other enemies of the Fourth Reich(TM). Now fuck off, 12 year old nigger.
oy vey!
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I only posted on EBIN threads yesterday, also
>NSDAP and National Socialism != libertarianism
They aren't even related, what the fuck are you seeing here?
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>I only posted on EBIN threads yesterday, also
12 years old confirmed.
>>NSDAP and National Socialism != libertarianism
>They aren't even related, what the fuck are you seeing here?
Where did I say they were? You're talking to two different people in this thread, dumbass. Does the lack of usernames confuse you? Here, I changed it just for you.
Currently in the US, implied consent is for field sobriety tests, not searches. They cannot search your phone without your consent, probable cause (which is very hard to establish if there are several people on the road), or a warrant.

>Texting and driving poses as much risk as driving drunk
>We should have an implied consent to search our phones and fuck us in the ass as most states have an implied consent to conduct drug/alcohol tests

The thing is, unless you have a physical camera inside the phone or a clear shot of the driver using one, you cannot prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they violated the law. Consider the following: >>61018209

Also, flaming is against the rules outside of /b/. Just wanted to let you know.
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>12 years old confirmed.
EBIN means EPYC, weren't you around yesterday to see the Intel kikes getting completely raped by AMD? Holy shit how much of a crossboarder are you?
>Where did I say they were? You're talking to two different people in this thread, dumbass. Does the lack of usernames confuse you? Here, I changed it just for you.
You were the one that came with a completely unrelated accusation of samefagging
No, retard. You accused me and the other anon of being the same poster.
You were so desperate after betting your little groid ass pounded that you started screaming samefag.
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>Hello Civilian, please hand over your phone
>I don't have a cell phone
>No really, hand it over
>I don't own a cellphone due to it breaching my privacy and being able to be turned into a spying device. It would be Stalin's dream to be able to have everyone have a cell phone.
>Ok sir. We're going to have to take you back to the station.
Yeah, you are the one who started to talk about National Socialism and claim someone accused you of not being a natsoc, despite that post calling the other anon a false libertarian
And yeah, you aren't someone new in the thread, since the IP count didn't go up at all, you're just trying to derrail to avoid the embarrassment of being so blatantly BTFO
No one would had called on you defending this shit as a natsoc since this is exactly what a natsoc would support
AMD shill spotted. Your stupid CPU threads have ruined this board. You need to die.

You're the same faggot from yesterday who complained about falsefalgging lick the cock gobbling nigger that you are.
>using only one or two boards
Jesus Christ what a fucking newfag.

I'm the NatSoc, niggerfaggot. Keep up.
No, you retarded little spastic. You are referring to two different anons.
>implying this doesn't already happen on airports
>AMD shill spotted. Your stupid CPU threads have ruined this board. You need to die.
Keep crying kike, they aren't even being spammed like Intel shills spammed launch day benchmarks after the Ryzen launch
>You're the same faggot from yesterday who complained about falsefalgging lick the cock gobbling nigger that you are.
Keep those delusions my senpai
>Jesus Christ what a fucking newfag.
>says the newfag
The fact that anon didn't knew about EBIN showcases he is here just false flagging, some leftypol retard trying to force his statist cuckoldry
Also, crossboarding has implied for a long time that anon browses other boards without having any idea of what they are, just like reddit cucks come and spread their faggotry without even trying to lurk for a day
You can't even keep track of what posts are what. How irrationally angry are you right now?
Sure, then why would anon come out with something completely unrelated to the chain of posts? He literally adds nothing to the discussion
Funny how the "totally libertarian just ignore how I blatantly push statism" guy went silent after the natsoc guy came around, perhaps he's too retarded to samefag using two personas
You can't even make coherent posts, show what's incoherent about that post, go on buttmad leftist
>everyone I don't like is a leftist!
>waaaaaah muh chinkshit CPUs!
>muh crossboarding
That's some leftist logic if I've ever seen it. Please kill yourself.
Yeah and guess what the PATRIOT act is illegal too, wanna know how much they care?
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>waaah I will go on adhom and derrailing the thread
Completely TOLD you statist cuck
Also, AMD it's more American than Intel, most of Intel's R&D it's done by the Haifa team in Israel
Now I see why whatever anon called you a faux NSDAP, you unironically support Jews
>muh adhom
>muh Indian company is an American company
>you're not a real xyz
Oh look, it's nu/pol/.

I don't use any Intel CPUs newer than a Core2. I'm moving to ARM because I'm not an x86 bootlicker.
Wouldn't it be hilarious if our irrational friend here turned out to be Moarpheus?
Their totally incoherent rambling and constant accusatory tones seem awfully similar.
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Keep supporting Jews, Core 2 was designed by the Haifa team too
AMD it's based in America and was founded in America and employs mostly Americans, there's a reason why they never cried about muh H1B Visas when Trump signed an EO to reduce the program, unlike Intel
Keep adhoming, and go buy literal chinkshit ARM SoC's, literally all of the decent boards you can buy use SoCs designed and fabbed in China or Taiwan, the only ones that aren't are ridiculously underpowered Raspberry Pis, and even then they're fabbed in Taiwan

>I want a management engine that I can't disable
>p-p-poo in the CPU!
You're the cuck. I'd rather use a chinkshit ARM CPU that doesn't have a management engine that use an x86 botnet CPU. You're the kind of retard that gives up freedom for muh gayems. Do us all a favor and kill yourself. You've ruined /pol/ and you're ruing /g/ because you're an underage faggot that knows nothing. Get out, nigger.
>Israeli company
/pol/ is always right
>You're the cuck. I'd rather use a chinkshit ARM CPU that doesn't have a management engine
Yeah, that would be great, but guess what most ARM SoCs come with worse stuff than pre Core i ME, ARM Trustzone it's one of the many examples
And this doesn't even take into acount the fact that the vast majority of boards need non free firmware to boot, and that literally none of them have free drivers
Keep pretending to know what you're talking about, if you weren't a filthy newfag you would know that RISC-V it's the only reasonable choice
>I want a management engine that I can't disable
Bulldozer and older AMD CPU's lack PSP, they have no backdoors and you can even boot them on libreboot boards
>You're the kind of retard that gives up freedom for muh gayems.
>talks about freedom while being a natsoc
How fucking retarded are you? Are your libertarian and natsoc personas crossing now?
>get pulled over and caught red handed
>don't be a dick (or be black) to the officer and just admit you did it
>go to hearing like a month later
>get off with a lesser offense and just pay a small fine

or just don't use your fucking phone while driving holy shit how is this a discussion
no shit
NO, blame the dumbfucks who were okay with legislating airplain usage

The day we lost the ability to jump on plains and sail over the ocean was the day we started losing our freedom

Also, the day we allowed cars to come with that fucking annoying seat-belt alarm we gave up the last control of ourselves we had, LITERALLY, that was the day we all collectively accepted the mommy-state, and its not a good mommy, it doesn't allow our cummies in her tummy

Now you all fagots gonna say "hurr durr this is good for catching text-drivers!", next thing you know phone-checking will start spreading to other areas of your life, cause you know, everybody accepted it.

Newsflash: only a moron wouldn't expect car crashes. We are millions of shit-heads driving metal machines at incredible speeds all over the place, its not the alcohol, its not the cellphones, its not the seat-belts, its not your wife giving you a bj, its that we are fucking retarded monkeys zipping by at incredibly high speeds with metal machines full of exploding liquids.

This wouldn't be an issue if the retarded French Revolution never happened and we all had kings who planned sensible public transport rather than this jewish "every-retard-has-a-voice" system of dumbfuckery.

And this go waaaay back, i could trace this fagottry to the day the west stopped having public executions
>next thing you know phone-checking will start spreading to other areas of your life, cause you know, everybody accepted it.
It literally already did, this started on airports, this it's just an extension of that
>lol guise this won't spread, why do you think the "stop evitable deaths" is a gateway drug
>hates the french revolution
>loves public executions
pick one, or les citoyens will for you
>>Hey Siri, text John I'm on my way home, do you need me to pick anything up.
>>David, you received a text from John, it says: Who is Evelin?
>>Hey Siri, text John Fucking Siri.
You are right, i don't know what i was thinking

It all starts at airports

Mark my words: Every action that now needs presenting ID cards, will need a full cavity search in the future

You are right, that was the last fucking sensible action of humanity, but im pretty sure the faggots would have avoided it if they could

Also i don't "love" public executions, i just bring it up cause it was the day we lost control over reality, the day we stopped them and started "correcting" criminals was the day we stopped giving validity to enemies of the state, suddenly they became "misguided people who don't understand whats good for them", before they were "fucking enemies"

Enemies are OK, they are to be killed, but respected as human beings with different interests; retarded people whose choices are detrimental to their selves are the narrative fuel for tyrannycal mind-assaulting psychepolitics
>you can buy this shit on ebay


probably wont work with anything post 2012 though
i don't care about YOUR safety, i care for the poor fuck you crash into and kill
yeah, same heren whenever the state starts prolapsing your anus and injecting you aids when you cross a state border, remember its not about YOUR safety, is about the pure fucks you might kill
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>phone doesn't have compatible port
>phone was being used by someone else in the car
>turn off phone while being pulled over, and/or pull battery (easy on non meme phones)
>just hide the phone, need rights to search for it in the car
>plug in chink/compromised phone. phone infects device. phone infects entire police department.

or just fucking break it. most people's phones aren't worth more than the cost of getting charged with shit. besides many have warranties. this thing has so many holes.
>get a book on your phone's internals
>make an app that deletes the shit they access
I don't text and drive, you illiterate retard. Again, texting and driving is a different argument for a different board.
who is dumber
the police departments who buy this and are foiled by ios whenever it launches point 1 and the split of android devices that actually upgrade after/are too wacky chinky to be detected, to say nothing of it completely missing whatsapp/line/anything that doesn't even register as an sms client

or the users who jump through hoops to "foil" it not knowing that the less-dumb police can just plug in an obd-ii scanner and get throttle/brake input logs and a reckless driving ruling that's just as stringent
It's a good thing that almost anything you can buy can be made to not give out this information
BBB, nigger. I suggest you kill yourself now, faggot.
wew it took an hour for you to recover from being so btfo
Why are you even bothering anymore? Did you at least learn how unfree is ARM and how blatantly ARM vendors violate the GPL?
I hope you see the light and start supporting RISCV, the white man's ISA
Just pass them a dummy flip phone
I went to go exercise and take a shower like I do every morning. Plebs like you can wait, my health can't.

I already am supporting RISC-V, nigger. ARM is more free than x86, and until I can get a RISC-V CPU faster than 300MHz, I'll be using ARM. Suck my cock, you little bitch.
Dont fucking text and drive then.
>he gets shot
>"I saw you driving with no seatbelt and you were texting"
If you wear your seatbelt, you can't get stopped for not wearing one. Common sense. Same goes for texting. Even if you're accused, it's easy to prove otherwise.

Believe it or not, cops have to prove a violation happened in order to cite you. And if they can't, that's where the court comes in.

>Oh it says here that you were traveling 200mph earlier!!!
Not admissible evidence to give a ticket. A speeding violation must be witnessed, not logged.

>Jesus christ you must look like the most pussy beta faggot in the world if the police have never unjustly hassled you in your entire life.

Or! I just don't break the law and don't look like I otherwise would. Looks like my white privilege strikes again ;)
ARM it's less free, there's literally no boards out there that can run without non free firmware and non free drivers
Go look at how many ARM boards have a RYF certification, literally none of them
And ARM needs licensing from ARM holdings, meanwhile a lot of x86 patents have already expired, even the ISA it's less free
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lol, Utopian Colorado instead just made it legal to text and drive because of these slippery slope laws.
>the first thing he does on the morning it's shitpost on 4chan
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>muh legal horse shit is more important than known built in spyware
Do you know how I know you're a Jew?
ARM has known built in spyware dumb retard, like ARN Trustzone, worse of it you need BOTH backdoored drivers and firmware to use any of those boards
>all ARM CPUs have Trustzone
>every little piece of non-free software is spying on you
A potentially malicious wireless card driver is nowhere near as bad as a CPU in your CPU that is known to have malicious anti-features built into it that can control your entire machine. Try again, you fucking downie.
RYF means respects your freedom, it's how the FSF certifies that hardware runs with free software/firmware, thus ensuring there's no spyware/backdoors
Turns out you don't even know that dumb retard
There's plenty of ARM CPUs that have similar stuff to TruatZone, and you can't know if the firmware that those boards need to run isn't malicious either
And a malicious WiFi driver can literally intercept all of your network traffic dumb mongoloid, the Linux kernel can't sandbox drivers properly, a malicious driver can easily take control of the entire machine
Ok, show me where Raspberry Pis are known to ship with malicious firmware. Show me all of the people that are having their shit fucked up by that non-free software.

I can tell you for a fact that Intel AMT is being targeted by malware that uses a virtual serial connection provided by the ME/AMT itself to sent packets around a LAN without the computers ever knowing. Look it up, faggot. Tell me how a potentially malicious driver is anywhere near as bad as a KNOWN malicious feature of x86 chips. Your precious AMD shit has the same thing built in if you're using anything recent.

Get fucked.
>Ok, show me where Raspberry Pis are known to ship with malicious firmware. Show me all of the people that are having their shit fucked up by that non-free software.
You can never know what's in that firmware since it's encrypted, and usually signed, just like Intel's firmware
There's plenty of ARM CVEs arising from proprietary firmware and drivers, a vast amount of Android CVEs arise from those drivers and firmware
>I can tell you for a fact that Intel AMT is being targeted by malware that uses a virtual serial connection provided by the ME/AMT itself to sent packets around a LAN without the computers ever knowing. Look it up, faggot.
In literally zero posts I gave defended ME, ARM has the same shit specially recent SoCs
>Tell me how a potentially malicious driver is anywhere near as bad as a KNOWN malicious feature of x86 chips.
Through CVEs that are used to gain complete control of the machine
>Your precious AMD shit has the same thing built in if you're using anything recent.
Piledrivee and older lack this, and they rape any ARM board
>Get fucked.
Learn something, using ARM instead of librebooted x86 it's completely retarded from a freedom and security perspective
No, ARM consumes less power and is better for portable stuff. Again, x86 has been known to have these backdoors. Something like a Raspberry Pi (most common GNU/Linux ARM computer I can think of) has no known backdoors as bad as what the ME and PSP have. Prove me wrong.

Here, I'll use your own argument:
>supporting the x86 Jews at all, hue hue hue kike!
>For what crime?
Eating a meal? A succulent, Chinese meal?
>No, ARM consumes less power and is better for portable stuff.
Literally irrelevant for desktop usage, good luck getting any kind of good performance out of a RPi, you're strawmanning hard here using a ridiculously slow ARM board instead of any Core 2 or Piledriver with libreboot
>Again, x86 has been known to have these backdoors. Something like a Raspberry Pi (most common GNU/Linux ARM computer I can think of) has no known backdoors as bad as what the ME and PSP have. Prove me wrong.
It literally has, the Videocore IV GPU boots the entire thing and has access to the entire memory, just like ME and PSP do
>No idea about a management engine but the Video Core/GPU boots the thing and has total control an visibility to all your RAM at all times.
>Is it secure?
>The video core code is all closed source. So the whole thing can only be trusted as much as you trust the Pi foundation.
The same thing happens with every single ARM board out there, all of them need closed source firmware that could easily be backdoored (or worse, be full of CVEs like the ones in AMT/ME disclosed in Vault7)

Guess what faggot, the thing it's just as bad if not worse, at least you can run reasonably fast and efficient x86 chips without closed source firmware and without AMT/ME/PSP
>Here, I'll use your own argument:
>>supporting the x86 Jews at all, hue hue hue kike!
>says the guy who claimed to be NSDAP
>the Videocore IV GPU boots the entire thing and has access to the entire memory
Don't lie.

>everyone I don't like is a kike
Yeah, sure.

I'm done here because I have to go to work. And you know what they say, arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics; even if you win you're retarded.
>Don't lie.
Prove me wrong, I even gave you a source
>I'm done here because I have to go to work. And you know what they say, arguing on the internet is like competing in the special olympics; even if you win you're retarded.
That's a pretty presumptuous jump. You don't have friends that ask for rides every so often? Or don't get 6AM calls from your drunk imouto asking for a pickup?

How about road trips? Driven tens of thousands of miles with friends across the country. Florida to Texas to Colorado to Las Vegas and California was pr habit the best trip of my life. And to sit there in total autism silence would've been laughable if it weren't so cringy
s/pr habit/pretty much

Sorry I'm posting and driving :^)
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