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What would the world look like if Linux wasn't full of /

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What would the world look like if Linux wasn't full of / pioneered by autistic fucks?
If GNU/Linux-like system was run or pioneered by dumb faggots, it would look like mac os.
nice rice except for the ugliest i3bar i've ever seen
it mismatches everything else being dark, but I think it looks nice otherwise
lots of windows servers
It would suck far more than it does.

Normies can't code.
great taste
I take it back
>zsh is bad
what do you recommend?
learning how to use bash
Please give a valid reason why bash is better than zsh and please don't say because it's the default.
I could ask you the same question.
>Please give a valid reason why zsh is better than bash, whithout saying something that will lead me to believe that you just want to be different.
I personally don't see a valid reason to switch to zsh. I think zsh is bloat mostly for the sake of it.

I have made some observations about people who use zsh though and I know why they think it's better.

People switch to zsh either to be special snowflakes or because they see cool prompts like in OP pic or because they hear it has better completion (not true btw).
Most of them have no idea that the same look can be achieved with bash, that you can embed commands into your PS1 and they probably haven't heard of PS2, PS3 and PS4.
They haven't even heard of ~/.inputrc, they don't know how to add custom keybinds in bash, they don't know that you can change the editing mode of the interactive shell to be Vi-like.
They don't know about incremental search nor do they know about different completion settings.

Also, shell scripting in a non standard shell is pointless, since you still need to know POSIX scripting and in most cases bash, since it has more features than sh and unlike zsh it's everywhere.
If you want to use a sane language for scripting, use python or if you're writing a large script you might as well use a non interpreted programming language like C.

Zsh users are mostly ignorant impresionable people, hipsters of all sorts including nu-male macfag webdev sitting at starbucks types and most of them like to pretend to be cool for using a non standard shell while barely having scratched the surface of bash and I do not want to be associated with them in any way.
In order to make an informed decision about which shell to use, you've got to at least know the basics of both shells (and yes, the examples I mentioned above are basic stuff).
There might be valid reasons to use zsh, but most people certainly don't do it for valid reasons.

smaller binary size, more / better documentation. bourne shell compatibility.
install gentoo
I was using vanilla zsh just for the vi style line editing, but strongly prefer bash. How can this be achieved in bash?
Here's my ~/.inputrc
$include /etc/inputrc

# Incremental search
"\e[A": history-search-backward
"\e[B": history-search-forward
"\e[C": forward-char
"\e[D": backward-char

# Completion settings
set completion-ignore-case on
#set completion-query-items -1
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
set colored-completion-prefix on
set colored-stats on

# Disable control echo
set echo-control-characters off

# Invoke the manual for the command preceding the cursor by pressing Alt+h
"\eh": "\C-a\eb\ed\C-y\e#man \C-y\C-m\C-p\C-p\C-a\C-d\C-e"

# Alt+Ctrl+n starts a new terminal in working directory
# "\e\C-n": "urxvt &\ndisown\n"
# Alt+Ctrl+f starts thunar in working directory
# "\e\C-f": "thunar &\ndisown\n"

set show-mode-in-prompt on

set editing-mode vi
# Keybinds for editing mode
"\C-l": "clear\n"

set keymap vi-command
# Keybinds for command mode

Google the stuff in there to find out what it does.
Or search the bash man page for descriptions of different settings.
I don't use incremental search, I just use Ctrl+R.
It was uncommented because keybinds need to be under editing mode lines, so it doesn't work anyway.
You can use different keybinds for different editing modes.
If you want to use it, put it under the `# Keybinds for editing mode` line or the `# Keybinds for command mode` or both.
The same goes for the
"\eh": "\C-a\eb\ed\C-y\e#man \C-y\C-m\C-p\C-p\C-a\C-d\C-e"

I don't use it anymore, since it's not that versitile, so I didn't care to add it under the proper sections for it to work.
Non keybinds can go anywhere though.
what's wrong with
set -o vi
So your entire problem with zsh is that you don't like the people who use it? Fuck off politicizing trash.
No, I don't have a problem with zsh itself.
The point of the rant was to illustrate that there are hardly any advantages in using zsh over bash and most of the arguments in favor of zsh I've heard only lead me to believe that those people know next to nothing about bash.

In my opinion you should learn how to use bash first, since that is the standard shell and make an informed decision when switching to another shell, something that most people don't do.

Some of the people I've talked to who use zsh had the most insufferable, obnoxious and uninformed remarks.
They were acting all high and mighty because they don't use the default shell and were looking down on people using bash, while they themselves were ignorant retards who didn't even know how to use bash.
It's like edgy Arch teenagers that switched from Ubuntu just to be "cool" belittling Debian users, while they can't even be bothered to read their own wiki and solve their own problems, asking the same Debian users to spoonfeed them on basic shit and link them articles from the Arch wiki itself.

Becuase its fucking everywhere. And You better have a big fucking advantage to get people to switch to a shell that theyll need to manual change to on every machine in a world where we are more and more working on little virtualized slices.

Honestly no one uses that is the work world.
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The summer is strong with this one.
This is fucking awesome, thanks dude.
>I personally don't see a valid reason to switch to zsh. I think zsh is bloat mostly for the sake of it.
But I've already switched so give me a reason to switch back. Also bash isn't bloated? lol.

>Also, shell scripting in a non standard shell is pointless
That doesn't matter since most scripts start with #!/bin/bash anyway, also I don't like shell scripting, if I need anything more than just a few commands run one after the other I just use Python or C instead.

>Zsh users are mostly ignorant impresionable people, hipsters of all sorts including nu-male macfag webdev sitting at starbucks types and most of them like to pretend to be cool for using a non standard shell while barely having scratched the surface of bash and I do not want to be associated with them in any way.
This line convinced me, back to bash I go :^)
zshfags btfo
/g/ is too pleb to know about Readline, they use zsh gay shit
>But I've already switched so give me a reason to switch back.
Bash is the standard shell.
It is everywhere.
You should know it.
You'll at least appreciate zsh more.
Y-you actually wanted to piss me off and go full scrotum?

Never go full scrotum :(
there's a difference between dumb shit like tetris and useful features
this kills the zsh user
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>Implying you're not already autistic if you post here
you might be
>No, I don't have a problem with zsh itself.
Yet the premise was >>60926116
>So your entire problem with zsh is that you don't like the people who use it?

With reading comprehension like that, what do you know of zsh at all?
did you comprehend this while reading those posts
>The point of the rant was to illustrate that there are hardly any advantages in using zsh over bash
prove me wrong and tell me why do you use zsh
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zshfag btfo again
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