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How do I stop myself from going to 4chan? If I block hosts file,

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How do I stop myself from going to 4chan?
If I block hosts file, i'll just find myself editing them again after an hour. If I lock them with a random password I mashed, I'll just boot to linux, use my laptop or phone.
What the fuck do I do?
I wonder if he has sex with that miku doll.
Or is one of those autists who thinks his waifu is pure and not for lewd?
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You have too much free time if you find yourself coming back here that often. Go get a job and/or a hobby that requires you to be outside and have actual social interaction with people so you won't be on Clover the whole time.
I already have a job, today I spent the whole day on my phone shitposting, since it's blocked on the proxy
Of course he does. Nobody buys a doll like that unless they plan to use it.
normie detected.
If any of us knew that we wouldn't be here dumbass.
Get a cooler hobby. Exercise. I frequent /r/bodyweightfitness. Lost 70 lbs and get laid pretty frequently.
hey buddy most people aren't autists, hth
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>tfw i just read a post on here about a guy who was autistic enough to delete all the intro/endings off his anime from his plex server
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buying a sex doll for any reason other than protecting her smile.
Start visiting Reddit. After you find the right subreddits you will literally lose all desire to visit 4chan except for the purposes of advertising or political advocacy.
What does that have to do with autism? Seems reasonable to not have to want to watch the same intro repeatedly when you are watching a tv series.
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I can't stand reddit
the mere mention of reddit angers me, that's how much this place has rooted itself into me
Yeah, it's a spectrum. That's what I'm trying to say. You need to go the other direction on the spectrum. That's how you break free of this prison.
I would've migrated if there were no logins.
I know that there's no real anonimity anywhere but i'm too autistic to pass that wall.
You don't even need to confirm your email. You can literally just give them any random email. You could use a different identity every time if you wanted.
don't they hellban you if you had a 4chan referral during signup?
But the intro is the best part!!
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>How do I stop myself from going to 4chan?
have you tried having self control?
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WTF Reddit is too inclusive for shit like that
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I'm sorry but this is for the best
>tfw can't uninstall 4chan
>Newfag who doesn't know that every /g/ user is also a reddittor since they're both useful resources if you find the right subs
You don't even have to put an email address at all. Just skip that field during signup.
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>called a newfag for not being a redditor
Unplug the computer AND the monitors.

Don't use your phone for 4chan (or anything you wouldn't show to your boss) because Google (Android phones) or Apple is watching you.

I don't have a new laptop and I still end up looking at "NOT-PORN" on Instagram but it sure helps.

I personally think I have ADD or something cuz I always forget to unplug my shit and half the time I don't even enjoy what I'm doing on the computer I just gotta be doing SOMETHING so I don't feel like I want to kill myself from boredom.

normie/10 bait, I REEEE'd a little.

I think this one's real, fuck off.
Only newfags non-ironically hate reddit. You may hate the userbase of popular subs but it's just too useful if you find the right places and everyone here knows it.
>you have to dig through a pile of shit to get to the good stuff!
no thanks, I already have 4chan for that
>Only newfags non-ironically hate reddit
t. newfag.
>You may hate the userbase of popular subs but it's just too useful if you find the right places and everyone here knows it.
No shit, that's why you lurk. If you absolutely must, you make a throwaway to ask a question every now and then but if you think those faggots are any more trustworthy than Anonymous then you're fuckin' deluding yourself.

Reddit's culture is directly opposite that of 4chan's, so don't act like hating reddit is pure memery.
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you have to be kidding, right?
Fuck off and never come back
Miku is only for lewd
How bout you fuck off?
I want that tiny laptop
My waifu is pure and not for lewd.
Damm. I have a job and I still post here all the time.
Same, in fact if you based by job description on that I actually do all day as opposed to what I'm supposed to do then it would be "browse 4chan and drink coffee for 7 35 hours a week"
I do almost anything but Scan papers and sort them in folders, beside that kill time, drinking coffee for 9 hours 6 day a week.
I sense conflict.
is it a bit like Digg?
Shitpost so hard you get range-banned.
Additionally you will transcend to the meme-sphere.
find an actual hobby
if you occupy yourself, then you wont visit 4chan
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you're here forever faggot
I hate how that sex doll looks like a kid...
Post cp, mod will be kind enough give you a ban

its called self control
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