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reCAPTCHA is shit

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Is Google Captcha super broken for anyone else? I answer tens of these street sign questions and always says it's wrong and gives me more. Then when it wants to select from images, it takes 10+ seconds to display those new images.

So much for being a better captcha alternative, go fuck yourself Google for ruining reCAPTCHA.
Sometimes it gives you more to solve for ones that are easy. The images loading slowly is a new thing probably to combat robots and people that use captcha a lot (human spammers).
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Yeah sometimes they want more than one solution even if you're right the first time.
Why have you train their neural net once when they can make you do it several times?
I'm not sure why, but these kind of captchas enrage me. It will ask me to do 3-4 different ones and when you get to the ones where the images load slowly and you end up waiting 45 seconds or more just to submit some form it really gets on my nerves.
So you can train GoogleCar better senpai :^)
Most of the time I have to click on 5~8 images of mountains. It really fires your neurons if it's worth just to shitpost. I fucking hate getting cucked by Jewgle.

It's all intentional. If you are willing to solve multiple capcha's without leaving the site it will give you more work to do.

You are not just proving you're not a bot. You are obviously also doing image processing for them, training their A.I. and (less obviously) you are part of a human behaviour study.
force the older captcha, it is way faster even if you type slow

I used to like the new captcha back in the beginning where you just clicked the tick-box, but now it feels like I waste 1-2mins on this stupid thing.

By ticking the box next to "Legacy CAPTCHA"
This seems like the place to ask
Does anybody know what to do if captcha simply doesn't load?
Like, there's this empty space where the captcha should be (legacy or otherwise), but it pnly happens on a aingle computer in a single region, even with all plugins disabled.

The internet is filled with people asking why google forces them to do captchas, or why captcga doesn't work on the sites they're tryibg to add captcha to, or simply had a plugin enabled.

I just don't know what to look for nor what to do anymore
>press captcha
>it gives street signs
>street signs again
>this time press refresh
>select all squares with juice
>press captcha
>it gives street signs
>press audio captcha button
>type in five numbers
When picking the images, try to move the mouse at moderate speed and not rush it when selecting pictures and you'll have higher chance to succeed
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use the legacy captcha
>training the botnet to read your emails
What do street signs have to do with email?
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>he sends his emails as images
You're a robot, you can fool 4chan but you can't fool google.
But I haven't been active in r9k for years
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just choose legacy captcha. if legacy captcha ever goes down i will just stop posting.

boy were the times before moot introduced captcha as a "temporary measure" to "fight anonshit spam" happy times.

and this new puzzle thing is such a tremendous pile of dog shit it made me bite through my lip. i would literally strangle the man who came up with this.
hmm legacy captcha
>using the smiley with the carat nose
>if legacy captcha ever goes down
Pretty sure it will, eventually.
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than that would be the end of my stay on 4 chen. i shall take the long walk as moot did. it was long due to hang myself, and i trust you to carry on this fight/
Legacy captcha is even worse.
Fuck no
Fuck yes. It used to contain words, but now it just contains highly distorted shapes vaguely resembling letters.
Legacy CAPTCHA isn't that hard.
You know whats worst with the recaptcha? google is making it as difficult as possible, as time consuming as possible through little tricks everywhere.

They are trying to make you basically fill in those things 24/7, obviously they cant but they are pushing it extremely far away.

Recently I have gotten traffic signs 5 times in a row, and its not solved, but rather if you do one right, you just get another one...5 fucking times.

Basically have to hit refresh until I find one that is only one.

And the speed limit of those fading ones, holy kek its the most annoying thing too.

google really is run by filthy kikes. I fucking hate it. Its the worst thing ever.
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Works on my machine
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it almost always fails for me like 3-8 times in a row
yes. the text captcha works for now tho.
the site owner will make something better then if he cares about the site.
>caring about 4chan
The only thing Hiro did is adding malware ads and replacing the image server with potatoes.
The worst thing of all is that Recaptcha hasn't blocked spambots for months now, and the site is covered with spam again just like it was before captcha.

maybe soon
Hopefully not.

That is just another jewish trick of Google to track every user. The current """"""NoCAPTCHA reCAPTCHA"""""" was already supposed to be a lot less intrusive. And you see how that worked out. (See >>59446532)

It might be doing what it says in the first few weeks or months, until it sees widespread adoption. And then the challenges will become even worse as they need more complex data to train their AI.
Why would you expect that to be anything better than what we have now? If history repeats itself, it means everyone will still get captchas almost all the time, and they'll spend about a year fixing UI bugs like the captcha displaying offscreen and the browser scrolling to the top of the page when the captcha appears.
The last time Google was making a new CAPTCHA, they told me that they could detect if I was a real human with a simple click. But that only works like twice a day. All other times it's traffic signs and shop fronts.
I always have to anwser 3 of the store fronts or street sign ones
>not using legacy captchas
>easy on those who are willing to share their information with us through browser ID, cookies and other sensitive "meta" data

moar like it lol

with jews you lose, it goes twice for jewgle.

yes but you can lie on the second one :)

true story :)

honestly this should be fucking illegal
yes but if the users do away then he will not earn anything from those ads
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it will be the same thing but if you have given enough data to the botnet then you dont need to click to get the green thing
Yeah, bullshit
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if only there was a way to not have to enter in catchas
There is, and you don't have to pay for it, you dumb fuck.
and the way is not posting?
why wouldn't the botnet just read the emails in plaintext
Anyone who has to solve captcha manually or pay for a shekel pass doesn't belong on /g/.
This would happen to me too, I think its because the connection to the google server dropped because if I went on google websites they wouldn't work for a minute after.
Anyone who has to solve captcha manually or pay for a shekel pass doesn't belong on /g/.
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Kill yourself, shit for brains.
Sounds like you're the one with shit for brains if you can't solve an easy captcha.
Where 'solve' means 'write a program to solve automatically', sorry that wasn't very clear.
Way too many retarded consumer whores on /g/ lately.
>Is Google Captcha super broken for anyone else?
only the picture cuck version.
I sometimes just click random shit and eventually it accepts it
>just choose legacy captcha. if legacy captcha ever goes down i will just stop posting.
you cant make threads with legacy captcha, moot banned it
I use the non-Javascript version of the picture one, it works better than the one with Google Javascript, especially with 4chan X providing its own Javascript to make things convenient. Only issue is it takes up a lot of space. Text captcha is also easy on the user recently, but you can't make threads with it, and I expect the option will be taken away entirely any day now.
This is one of the reasons the captcha lets bots through.
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4chan Pass doesn't have this problem.
Chinese moot
>running java
kys yourself.
it's almost as if you enjoy glitches and security vulnerabilities.
>log on youtube/other google account site
>use a throwaway phone number (a sim costs 0.99 in london) if you're a tinfoiler
>every recaptcha ever is just tick the box

wow so hard
For that you have to only post a few times a day.
how do I?
Get a 4chan pass.
Is that clover? If so, update you fool.
Paid for by the Hiromoot® Chanbucks™.
i heard that you can make accounts without verification in some countries
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Anybody find it strange how a lot of recaptchas have chinese text signs?
tried this once. you need to solve the captcha even when logged in to the botnet at least with firefox
Do you clear cookies on exit or disable third-party cookies? The way it works is that if your tracking cookie is old enough, you get a certain number of free captchas per day.

could be ublock and that tracking protection that is on by default.

Yeah, but no way to stop this.
you could always change to a site that does not use it. there are so many imageboards now that theres no reason to use 4chan anymore.
For example
This is the correct answer. You are doing free labor for Google.
I don't get it. What makes the retards flock to /g/?
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Enable Force Noscript Captcha if your 4chan script supports it (4chan X does). You won't regret it.
I wish I could pay monthly.
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Step up yo game, boi. Use the Noscript Captcha (non-Javascript fallback captcha) for v2. There are four squares for street signs in each captcha that need to be clicked and unlike the one you're using, they're separate little pictures instead of the one big picture which is much easier.

Or just pay for the pass.
same here
Ask the 4chan team to get rid of reCaptcha and roll out their own Captcha system. I've done so repeatedly, but they ignored it. But if more people do, maybe we can at least get an answer.
sites broken
google is making it as time consuming as possible

Fucking this. I wouldn't mind clicking your stupid fucking pictures if it could be done in under 2 seconds like in the beginning. Anyway

>not using legacy captcha

kys jewgle
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Works on my machine
The best captcha is noscript v2 with 4chan-x.
You can solve it using only the numeric keyboard.
It always works first time, unlike legacy (v1) captcha.
>being french
they are jewing you, you are answering right, so they send more to you lol
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Anyone else always answer at least one incorrectly?
New clover is shit with the craptastic material shit.
Legacy captcha
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I dont know what material shit You're talking about. Looks the same/polished but works better.
Where the fuck is it?

90% of the time it fucks me so hard it stops giving me new ones and pretends I didn't pass.

Recent development. Usually I have to do two or three.
old cap ftw
>"No reason to use 4chan"
>Posts it on 4chan
This is a load of shit. I have to solve captcha every time. Firefox+ABP+Disconnect+Ghostery.
this is bait
Seems like you are a suspicious user or a bot.
Forgot to mention noscript and UBlock as well. Google are still retarded though.
Then their algorithm is shit if it can't differentiate between a bot and a user with a couple of addons.
honey, you are a robot :/
not using Chan burauza, sometimes CAPTCHA sucks dick, but most of the times you only need to select three squares

This is the only correct answer. Google, like all the tech giants, are evil to their core.
>I answer tens of these street sign questions and always says it's wrong and gives me more

if you are answering them accurately, please stop. we are trying to fill their training data set with trash.
Let's see what we can do about this.
Please tweet @hiroyuki_ni about the need to replace Recaptcha -- both because it's terrible on users and lets bots through.
Tell him 'invisible' recaptcha will not be any better.

(monitored by 4chan developer desuwa)
4chan IRC: irc://irc.rizon.net/4chan
Any other places to bug?
>force the older captcha, it is way faster even if you type slow
Noscript v2 captcha with 4chan X is even faster, since you can set it up to select the boxes with your numberpad or the uiojklm,. keys.
Also http://www.4chan.org/feedback -- although I'm not sure if that's being read at this point.
They read it still, but don't respond via that page.
A script I've been using:
run over and over again (10 jobs in parallel). Takes a few minutes to solve v2 because it's just randomly guessing. But this is between me and Google; 4chan has no way to detect this.

v1 is even easier as it can be OCR'd with freely available software (I'm using tesseract). Even without OCR, guess calle and you'll be right about 5% of the time.
Did this thread inspire you to do this or have you been working on / holding on to this for a while?
Did v1 a bit over a month ago, and started working on v2 stuff a week ago.
Ghostery is made by an ad company and it's snake oil
This. Literally no reason to bother with this stupid machine learning shit when you can just type words like in the good old days.
Does anyone know a way to get the 4chan-x captcha options working on every site that uses recaptcha?
I'm convinced Google is punishing me through its captcha system.

As soon as I start complaining about capitalism or niggers or Jews, the captchas get MUCH stricter and the images load slow as fuck.
You can get the keyboard stuff by user includes.
>not having a pass

lmaoing at poorfags Smh
>paying money for something a bot can do
you got jewed
most of the time
if you use 4chan x you can refresh the captcha without refreshing the page.
When it says next, you have to do two of them
Sometimes it wants FIVE
I can't get it to work.
The user includes should just be the normal captcha-related includes without 4chan's key:
>Pls buy a 4chinz pass
Captcha ain't going nowhere.
Thanks, it sorta works.
The noscript version doesn't seem to work, is that site dependent?
>The noscript version doesn't seem to work
What do you mean by that?
>Force Noscript Captcha: Use the non-Javascript fallback captcha even if Javascript is enabled (Recaptcha v2 only).

I use this option on 4chan-x and it's really nice, but on other sites it's loading the normal javascript based recaptcha.
Yeah, that isn't expected to work, just the keyboard stuff as I said, and other features that operate inside the captcha iframe.
Well, just the keyboard stuff is already a huge improvement, so thanks.
I get far more annoyed with the unsolvable ones that I seem to get more than most.

I even took a screen shot of one that asked for "food" and every pic was an alcoholic beverage.
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>tfw replacing parts of random spanish words with "cunny"
Why are you working for google FOR FREE?
I don't know what the problem is with you all but I never ever got a image puzzle on a captcha, the checkmark appears instantly
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Just switched to see if you're right.
It's a lot easier to complete the legacy captcha.
They do it on purpose because they want you to train their AI.
Good job.
>t. shabbos goy
Is there a way to force noscript v2 captcha everywhere, not just 4chan?
keep reading the thread.
short answer, not really.
I've never had trouble using the legacy captcha

They probably had teams of psychologists analyse how many they can get away with
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Its fucking terrible
You know, the legacy captcha isn't actually that bad.
are you the retard that posted this?
do you mean that the captcha can be solved outside the browser?
Slow loading is fucking CANCER.

I'm dealing with the same shit, it wants me to go through like 8 street signs before letting me in. Either that or the mountains/numbers keep reappearing and take forever to fade in/out...

I feel like they're testing how far they can get away with exploiting their image recognition slaves, i mean users.

[Settings] in the upper or lower right corner, then click save
>and always says it's wrong
I'm pretty sure it doesn't. It just says to try again. But yeah, it's a bitch whenever I have to use captcha outside of 4chan.
It was supposed to be temporary, though.
More bans less captcha.
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you can always use letters that look similar to whatever the text captcha shows. pic related worked for me.
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another that worked
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>He didn't buy his 4chan pass when it was discounted
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anime with cigarette.jpg
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>tfw have a pass but It's useless if you have a dynamic IP.

Just end me.
You only need to solve shitloads of captchas if you're protecting your privacy (blocking cookies and domains). If you embrace the botnet you don't have to solve as many captchas
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>tfw have a pass but want to phonefag

wew mate
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Maybe it's just you?
When you have to select street signs do the posts count?
this works
1.2.11 is the last version before they changed the design to google's material.

2.x also changed the way shit worked. Its been a while, so i cant be 100% descriptive, but the sliding left and right to swap between opened thread, board view, and pinned threads was changed slightly and they have the stupid hovering post button instead of shit at the top bar.

Is supposed to be a reply to
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At least here it isn't as hard as it's on this site.
There the first one ALWAYS fails and I've to do it at least twice
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Sat Dish.png
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>select all images with a house
>one or two images have a building where I can't tell if it's a house or not
>do they mean apartments or traditional "houses"?
>the others I selected were houses
>the ones that may be houses rival the amount that are definitely houses
>say fuck it select all
>verification failed
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Does anyone know what 8gag uses now, or is that a mystery due to the site no longer being open source?
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Apparently they are getting spammed regardless of the captcha so theirs is probably not a good choice. Also they sometimes serve captchas without any of the lines, which can be OCRed without any preprocessing other than thresholding. Not sure yet whether they ban for too many failed attempts.
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captchas are a meme
They sure are.
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Be a good goy and help the military–industrial complex out.
>he doesn't use legacy captcha.
this, plus if you disable javascript you get a mega easy one that never asks you for 'next'.
what neural nets? the tiles are already selected to be the right answer, so there's no point in having people re-confirm it.
i wonder if google has a piss filter for all the captchas that come from 4chan i gaurentee its a significant bulk
testing old captcha, yay
how are you even anonymous if you literally pay for an account
it's an iframe too, can make an exception with noscript
Why is captcha even still used? It has been solved for a long time, and the solutions are widely available and trivial to implement.
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Got this shit just the other day
Do you know any captchas that aren't broken? I don't think we want 4chan to slide back to botspam hell.
>go fuck yourself Google
Yes. I say this every morning, every afternoon, every evening, fuck you Google.

Use legacy recaptcha. The square selection recaptcha is a stinking pile of shit.
>as time consuming as possible
>as time consuming as possible
Just another reason to hate Google.
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does not usually work but you can usually replace l with i or b with 8 and other similar.
how is this thread still up?
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Some faggot is using a bot to bump threads.
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How are you such a faggot?
What the fuck
As time has gone on they've gotten better about placing them neatly in their boxes, and previously I could tell they had both false positives and negatives, whereas now I don't notice that as much. In addition to moving from simple illustrations to actual photographs. I'm guessing they just have an algorithm chopping google photos for use with this system, labeling them slowly and working on some kind of system like youtube annotations where you can search for any item in a picture.

>choose images with houses
>3 images with houses, 6 with traffic signs

I'm sure that training will lead to massive economic gains in the future for you, google.
inb4 404!
i cant wait one day for some of google's sources or info to be leaked, it's bound to happen eventually.
But now how to find the verification word?
Both look the same and i really want to nigger-captching.
Just get a pass faggots.
It's less than 0.02btc
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use legacy and type calle calle, lol :^)
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>not marquez nigger
wait till they make this shite more complex, which click on the queen ant, solve this equation, no end in sight
Solve the equation should unironically be used on /sci/ to weed out brainlets.
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>select all the mountains
>click 3 mountains
>the mountains take 10 seconds to disappear
>new mountains appear
>repeat this process 1-2 more times
I will stop using any service that does not offer an alternative captcha.
>All these people complaining about solving the captcha taking too long.

Duh, they never meant to be solved every fucking minute, It's just 4chan retardery.

google captcha is based.
Hover your mouse pointer nervously over the Verify button. Makes it end quicker.
Ayy Lmao
Turn on legacy captchas or pay for 4chan pass. Normal captchas are made for phoneposters.
what is the point in using extremely complicated shit captcha solutions if the one easily broken by neural networks is still available to the public?
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>tfw so far down the botnet I can only go deeper instead of protecting any data I have left
Help me bros

know the difference
What if I find hot dogs romantic?
Was the introduction of captcha the result of google's prism program?
Kill yourself
I hate this shit, I just go back to regular captcha
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fucking spam bumping for shit

pic related today
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