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/csg/ - "Where's My Package" edition In /csg

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Thread replies: 325
Thread images: 66

/csg/ - "Where's My Package" edition

In /csg/ we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites.
>IRC channel
#/csg/ on irc.rizon.net
>Discord link
>Chink Shit Randomiser
>Chink Shit Wiki:
>>Chink Shit Infographic v1.4
>Chink Shit Infographic v2.0 "Still Unfinished Edition"

•Anon nominates the Oukitel C5 Pro as the new budget king, no one disagrees >>59013469
•Eiaosi X6 with memory foam tips sound better than the Remax 610D, but then you can just put foam tips on the 610D and get even better sound >>59013502
•Anon installs RR on his k6000 pro >>59013834
•Anon reviews his new Serge Panchenko replica >>59014181 and mini Coin Claws >>59014203 but unfortunately the store has no more products for sale >>59014456
•Anons order is cancelled. He's very angry >>59015497
•Kimovil comparisons may not be as accurate as anons thought >>59021855
•ZSTs with the upgraded cable are "A E S T H I C" >>59026780
•Anons Love Mei case arrived. It's solid >>59031864
•Anon receives an enclosure and usb otg >>59031149
•Anon receives banana plush >>59032252

If your news has been missed please link it in a reply to the op.

Previous thread >>59013214
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>have a 200 word essay on why supporting local economy is important due to tomorrow
>can't stop browsing /csg/ and buying cheap chink shit

I have bought the Quintessential Chink Watch Meme
>200 words
Hardly an essay anon, more like a short note.
>tfw 10 word essay due tomorrow
Looks like the chinese shopping autist is making threads again.
No I'm not
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I got a feeling that now we have 2 OCD /csg/ fags stalking the thread, for retarded shit like being the first to make the thread.

I guess RegOP wins either way...


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>T. Autismo with no tendies :(
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To the guy with the mei love:

Have you already tried to throw it around a bit?
Is the color good or does it seem to go off easily (signs of air bubbles and such)
And to be sure, aluminium or plastic?
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Yes you are, you even purposefully left out the Chink Shit General name.

1 Lithuanian and 1 Norwegian? Where does the Australian fit in to this?
>Looks like the chinese shopping autist is making threads again.

He's still whining about the word chink?
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Supposedly the Lithu/Norwegian/Muricunt are the same guy using different proxies.

The Aussie is just here to act like a contrarian cunt and shitpost.

Bleach yourself nigger
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Calm down, man.
Here have some chink.
Notice that the threads name is left out and his old OP pic >>59032661 so it was the chinese shopping general autist that was constantly racing RegularOP to make threads again.
>posts Koreans
Didn't the Aussie discover the Eiaosi X6? Those turned out pretty well based on reviews from people who have been able to present actual proof of ownership.
t. Aussie Eiaosi shill
Where can I find episode 2 of the /csg/ podcast?

But is he still crying about racist slurs or using another excuse?
I wanna know if he's a sped or a troll
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Yea but they are shit compared to the other
Chink Audio memes, namely Kz, Xiaomi and
Remax and they require EQ for it to be listenable.

Not to mention, JBM MJ8600 and Fonge have
been stated to be better at the same/lower

The sheer bullshit that the Whiney Eiaoshill retard pulled are the main reason why I will never buy an Eiaosi.

Sure they are 'decent' 3 dollar earphones but I have upgraded wayyy beyond that (HLSX)
>claims Eiaosi are shit
>admits he doesn't own them
Why should we trust your uninformed opinion of them over that of people who have posted oc pics of them and gone on to admit that they were pleasantly surprised at their price:quality ratio?
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>I am not brave self
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>>Those people
Half of them are Eiaoshill masquerading with stock pics.

The rest never owned a Kz/JBM/Xiaomi and never had a point of reference for Chink budget earpieces or even more expensive earphones.

Oops forgot the cardinal rule:
>Ignore Eiaoshills
>No three Dollars for sucky sucky
Does anyone have a Homtom HT20? I'm thinking of getting one for my dad but some of the reviews are mentioning that the microphone isn't great, and since he'll be using it for business that's not really bueno.
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Got my Chuwi Laptop today, so far it seems fine for shitposting and youtube.

How does it compare to a thinkpad or xiaomi air?
Anyone get airport security check fail return to sender on their tracking. They're trying to tell me it's ok and normal
BV6000 or BV6000s is better.
It's aluminium, weighs a fuckload, has a rubber layer inside which shock absorbs and a glass screen protector built in, not chucked it about yet, will be going skiing next weekend, so will be using it there.
Well, its basically a shitty windows tablet. But on the plus side is has good battery life, ok screen and the keyboard isn't too bad either..
Lapbook 14.1? Are you planning to do the thermal mod?
No its the crap version 15´6 inch.
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Gearbest Order status:


I live in the Netherlands too, so I should be fine with PostNL. BUT FUCKIN GAYBEAST
I got my Chuwi Hi10 Tablet not long ago, I didn't expect screen to be that good, I also can play HL2/720p@30fps.

I got it for ebooks mostly but I am happily surprised for 150bux.
Good. This general shouldn't be founded on edgy teenage racism.
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(Deal Alert)

Amazon.com Deal of the day
BLU LIFE ONE X2 - 4G LTE Unlocked Snapdragon 430 3150mAh Smartphone



Redmi 3 specs (smaller battery) but pretty sweet deal if your'e in NA and need bands.
>tfw 3 character essay due in 7000 years
>Supposedly the Lithu/Norwegian/Muricunt are the same guy using different proxies
Yes, according to the RegularOP Defense Force, but there are no proofs.
Help a fellow anon out /csg/

I wanna buy a chinkphone, but have some (high?) requirements.

- Not old af, doesnt need to be too cheap
- Dual SIM
- Released kernel source (plan to use it for a long time, and chinks dont update their shit, also dont want botnet)

I already checked most xiaomemes but they are either old or dont have sauces
Zuk z2
You aren't looking hard enough, a lot of Xiaomi's have kernel sources released, some even have official LineageOS builds
-Redmi Note 3 Pro
-Redmi 3/3 Pro
-Redmi 3S/3X
-Mi Max
Oneplus 3T or Axon 7
I knew about the 3's, but considered those older
I really missed the Mi Max and Mi5, because i only checked the description of their github repo. Thanks, adding mi5 & max to considering list
wow, didn't know lenovo is a viable phone manufacturer, added.
Is there a buying guide for chink laptops?
yes the guide is buy a thinkpad.
Wasn't there an anon that bought and received cute "programming" panties last week? I don't recall them ever giving a review on them.
But Anon, all laptops are chink laptops
Why did comfy leave ;_;
>21 days
>they still have not shipped my package
What spinners did you buy?
anyone have experience with xiaomis laptops? considering one but idk about the cooling. any other chinktops?
Wait comfy left?
Check Techtablets review. Also take a look at Chuwi Lapbook 14.1 and Voyo laptops.
He rarely comes here anymore
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Thats not even a paragraph
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in his latest video he said he got a job, I guess he became a wagecuck.
Can you still give feedback if your order is cancelled? Let's say the order processing time ran out and you did not extend.
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Thanks, that sounds pretty much like what I'm looking for.
Have fun skiing, man!
>having a job is a bad thing
This is why I'm embarrassed to say I browse 4chan.
>say I browse 4chan
Do you also tell people your fetishes?
If you're not embarrassed to say you browse 4chan you need to get yourself a better social circle, anon.
This >>59034544.
You don't need a specific type of circle, what you are doing in your private time isn't somebody else business.
The other way round, do you really care what your friend is doing after you both left the bar?
I want a simple tackle-box style project box to make my own fight stick.

Does anyone have any store recs?
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You mad wagie?
According to tracking info, the tea I bought is finally in my country
wish me luck, I'm tired of spending my days drinking mate
>If you're not embarrassed to say you browse 4chan
it actually goes more like
>yo friends I've seen this on this 4chan website...
>4chan? what is it?
>•Anon nominates the Oukitel C5 Pro as the new budget king, no one disagrees >>59013469

Okay, I have to disagree. Ulefone U008 Pro is way better. Just got it a week or two back from bangood with that discount so it costed me 66,8€ or so. It have same internal expects (processor, ram, gpu, storage), but better cameras, connections and battery.
I got it for my mom, riced it for her a little and teach her where to click to get cancer like facebook and even downloaded a few cancer games which I don't remember what were them and the phone is really smooth.

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I miss his autistic spergouts about the Lithuanian mass disliking his videos. It was more entertaining than the videos themselves.
Both wrong.

Blackview Omega Pro and Cubot Manito are both better since they give you 3GB RAM instead of 2. both under $90.

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First time that i found some reference to chinese memes irl
I think most people under 30 have some vague idea of 4chan as being the place where racism and pedophilia lives on the darkweb thanks to occasional poorly researched articles in the mainstream media.
and people over 40 thinks about hackers on steroids thanks to CSI and that assorted crap
The only advantage the Cubot has is one extra GB of RAM, while the Blackview has a better processor too. Both have a better camera, but worse selfie camera, which will be used a lot by mothers like mine.

Also, keep in mind they are in different price range.
Cubot 85~90€
Blackview 86~114€
Oukitel 63~65€
Ulefone 67~79€

So, again, if you got the Ulefone whit the discount, then that's the perfect budget phone. If you don't care about going to almost 100€, then the Blackview looks like it's the best (Ulefone beats the other two in Antutu, while losing with the Blackview).

Also, a good point of the blackview is that it looks really solid with the iPhone-ish aluminum/metal body.
You're forgetting one advantage of the Oukitel. It's the toughest phone off the lot and least likely to suffer damage in an accident.
Thanks, that's a pretty a good rundown. I missed that the Blackview had 6753 which is a bit faster than 6735.

All solid choices below 100$/€.
Cancel order
Is chuwi laptop the best 2 in 1? Any others that are better?

Also, which of the chuwis are good?
Looks like the chuwi 10pro is the better one I think
Those are gooks anon, learn the difference, it could save your order.
Around $200, either Chuwi Hi10 Pro or Cube iWork1x. At $300, Chuwi Hi12 or Cube i7 Book.
Ah thanks bro,
What're the difference between the pro and hi10pro apart from the best screen from pro??
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/csg/: 98% shitposting edition

post your recent orders u fgts

other than this I'm waiting on a (probably fake) study hoodie, quadcopter props, a bnf mini drone that I can pair with my spektrum, a LIPO charger, some phone repair tools, and some JIS screwdriver bits

if you've never used a J bit, they're almost identical to Phillips bit but they fit so much better. the only place I've seen them required is in iphones
Which tablet do you mean? The Hibook Pro?
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pic related, got taken down off AliExpress, probably because it's fake but the refund button works well
Yeah, the chuwi lines I'm comparing now (pro vs hi10pro)
Sorry for not clarifying
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Been seeing capture cards like this floating around eBay and I have absolutely no idea what they are. Listings say they are Epiphan cards but Epiphan says they don't manufacture them. Anyone here have any ideas or are they just fake, dead pieces of crap?
I'd just get the Hi10 Pro as it's cheaper, and the SoC is kind of underpowered for the 1600p display on the Hibook Pro.
So I checked FAQs overall and saw nothing about ebooks. There's something I have to have in mind? Should I ask for specific things?
Got my Ugreen USB sound card today. Works great, sounds great. Recommended.
yeah? it's basically the same as AliExpress but the prices are rounded up. fair enough because it's really convenient
Ahh aight, thanks for the tips lad

One last thing:
Is the cube iwork1x better or worse than hi10 pro?
Do you have a link to one?

I bought one when they were going for $40-ish. Shows up as a scsi device in the motherboard viewer on my machine. lspci in Linux can't tell what it is at all.

Has Vidyo branding (which is a video conferencing company)
Cube iWork1x has slightly better specs (newer SoC and bigger battery). It's also larger (11.6" vs 10.1").
Assuming you mean ereaders you won't find any Chinese ones, so a used Kindle/Kobo is what you want. That may change over the next year or so as a parent or something is due to expire shortly, so we may see a flood of cheap ones soon.
Yes, an ereader, sorry for the mistake and thanks for the info.

Should I try to get one cheap Kindle/Kobo? If yes, what do I have to have in mind?
always hardball the chinks
Ah aight, they both look pretty good but I'm kinda leaning on the chuwi for now.

Thanks again friend!
>HDMI Viveo Capture
how does this work
anyone knows some good Security Cam? I know escam is pretty decent. Was considering xiaomi but they aren't realy for outdoor i think.
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Just got these in.

Xiaomi Hybrids. The successors to the Piston line of headphones.

Metal sounds pretty fucking awesome out of them and the phone controls work fine on my OP3.

Solid shit, my dudes. $23.
>could have gotten 6 Eiaosi X6 with foam tips instead
What a waste.
you got chinked by like $7 m8
could've had a pair of KZ ATE as well
>200 words.
Mate, My first year of college I wrote a 5000 word essay about why the double bass drum set should be considered art.

I started at midnight.
Most of us only have two ears, anon.
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Congratulations on your solid meme earphone purchase and agree with everything positive you said. Except for the price, you kind of over-payed.
Fuck gearbest!
look at this fucking one-earphone peasant and laugh
Best cheap mp3?
Sucks to be you!
Are you planning on installing Arc or any other autist distro, I mean you must be a winfag if not.
Can I have some input, please. Thanks kind anons.
I read "Xiaomi, El Retador De Apple" as "Xiaomi, El Retardor De Apple" and assumed that it was saying Xiaomi was a retarded apple
Benjie S5 / K9 / X1
What are some chink knives that I can get?
I already have a Ganzo Spyderco ripoff, and some stubby HX Outdoors stubby bright green fixed blade with a paracord grip
Xiaomi is a retarded Apple though.
jesus christ mexico's discovered paper
Tanto knife brah for cutting packages smoothly ;)
Sanrenmu 7010 and Ganzo 714 are established memes.
I can find the Sanrenmu but not the Ganzo one
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what's a good alternative to pic related (ZD-8906 Mini solder station) from chink sites?

it costs 20$ on this site
Get one of the automatic Ganzo knifes if your country/state isn't cucked.
my cunt is cucked unfortunately
You could buy their hakko clone station for $2 less, and you'll be able to find more tips easily.
Hi !
I am planning to buy an intel ES skylake chip. Codename QHQF or QHQG.
I found some great deals online and I wanted to ask if someone here already made an order on Taobao.com.
My plan is to buy from a chinese agent called TaobaoFocus, and the more I know, the safer I'll be
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Got /bestwaifu/ poster today. The print and material quality are both pretty good, better than I expected. It's printed on some kind of fabric.
>having pics of women on your wall
Yihua 936. It's a Hakko clone, so replacement tips are easy to find. It's bigger than the one in your picture, but many people on here and on other places recommend it. There's a digital version that Big Clive did a review of on YouTube that seems easier to calibrate, but Hobby King actually sells the non digital version for $20 iirc.
>not having pics of women on your wall to show everyone that you definitely are not homo
thanks anons, can you link me to the station on one of the chinese websites (AE, or banggood) as hk doesn't ship to my country
Yihua 908d (closer to the size of the one that you were looking at)

Same thing as above, but not digital

Re-brand of the Yihua 936, based on the classic Hakko

Unfortunately, the 936d and 937d are pretty expensive with shipping in my country, but if you want to take a look for yourself just look up "936d soldering station" on aliexpress, maybe shipping will be cheaper for you.
I show that to everyone by being a dominant alpha male. You wouldn't understand, because you don't lift regularly or pee straight into the water when you're a guest at someone else's house. When people at me, they 're like "There's no way that guy is a homo. He's definitely a pure 100% heterosexual silver back gorilla alpha male!".
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My HM7's have "arrived at (my town) hub"

I'll probably be getting those tomorrow at the latest, so I'll try in weigh in after a day or so on a few albums. (/mu/fag, so if you want me to test some specific album lemme know. I'll be using my G4)

I'm interested in trying these because they're easily one of the cheapest options that get favorable reviews on budget audio, but I haven't seen them talked about around here. And if they're good for the price, this pretty much kills the Eiaosi meme because who in their right mind would pay 3 bucks for a questionable pair of earphones when you could just spend 5-7 on a verified can confirm werks on my machine?

Will keep you updated
There are people who deliberately piss away from the water?
Whats a good chink laptop? Not looking for atom, aren't they too under powered?
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They are excellent headphones. My second favorite out of that lot after the Xiaomi Hybrids.
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Chink PC seems to perform much better with a fresh Windows 10 installation.

It had a cracked pre installed Windows 7 OS.

Not excatly sure what to with it.
Are those dzats? How do you like those? I was thinking of copping them if the HM7s don't pan out
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The wooden ones? No, they're KZ ED7s which cost about $5 and are fairly mediocre.
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thanks broski, shipping is also expensive to my country but I might go all in and pull the trigger at the end of the month.
whats this PC called? Or link please.

Unless you need something with a specific formfactor, American might as well buy something locally.

If you want to build a Chink router:
Chuwi Lapbook 14.1
Xiaomi Air 12 / 13
I looked at both.

Problem with chuwi its too cheap, specs are a bit low.

Problem with the air. It's too expensive.

Is there no i3 notebook with a decent build quality?
>want to get chink shit
>nothing that I need
>still want to buy
I think I need to see a professional
>going into academia
>get to be a professional NEET
feels good man
Log off now, before you drawers are filled with chink shit you don't really use.
metal sounds better on the hybrid pros desu famalam, and at that price you might as well have grabbed those.

Cube i7 Book / Cube i9
Voyo Vbook V3 (Apollo Lake)
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How come the CPU shows up as both 4200U and i3-4030y?
who's the best seller for a 7506 clone that i'm definitely sure i won't get chinked on?
Is there any actual quality product on aliexpress?
Like hand made stuff such as woodworking, anything that's not mass made basically.
>Chink shit
>not made
What were you thinking when you made this post?
*not mass made
I was thinking that maybe there was somebody able to read, even just a person in the sea of idiots.
Was worth a shot I guess.
You can't get non-mass-produced shit on Ali, maybe try Etsy.
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these headphones were made to order
show us your real doll
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realdolls count as 3dpd so no
ordered 10 chink knives this month
might order another 10 next month
living the life lads
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Do chinks put tracking? I want to chink a chink for a chink phone.
>chink phone
yes tyrone the will put track on that
LMAO at pic. What is a "roastie?"
>sign into aliexpress on PC
>"Slide to verify"
>on PC
why is this allowed
>200 words
>considered an essay
Is this the current state of burger education?
its some idiot trying to force a meme, just ignore him
Long shot but has anyone bought a bicycle phone mount from a chink site here?
>Voyo Vbook V3
All out of stock
>is this the current state of burger education?
Yes it is. Anything longer than three paragraphs is an insurmountable tl;dr Wall of Text.
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>when you buy a geiger counter from aliexpress and the geiger counter is setting itself off
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>11.5W TDP
>1596 MHz
You got Chinked.

Try saturating the CPU with Prime95 or something and see if it does more than 1.6GHz since the 4200u has turbo boost while the 4030y does not. Also check the GPU (Intel HD4200 = 4030y, Intel HD4400 = 4200u).
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>when you think you're posting a funny to /r/aliexpress but you accidentally post it to /csg/ instead
You sure?
you got given a laptop with a CPU 30% weaker

>When you get salty that you're buying radioactive waste from chinks
roast beef
gf < waifus
is BangGood reputable?
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>when you remember that one man's trash is another man's treasure and that radioactive waste you just got from China will make a killer dirty bomb
Extreme Series. Very good model 5 stars.
Looking for a solid tablet for comic and ebook reading. Suggestions?
Average. Most reputable is FastCardTech. Gearbest for Xiaomi accessories, they almost don't dropship as much. Geekbuying for silver RN3P.
Well... Im interested now. Why should the double bass drum set be considered art
What do you guys think of these LeEco's going for around $200?



No 3.5mm or Expandable storage.

Also I do think it has an unlocked bootloader, but the roms don't seem to work with the camera.
For me 1440p and no microsd are downgrades and no 3.5mm is a massive downgrade so i wouldn't get one.

but if you don't mind then go ahead i guess
>No 3.5mm or Expandable storage.
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Vitamin Pen arrived
Cute af, feels cheap af, and bigger than expected.
which do I chose uiisii HM7 or KZ-ED2
can you put it inside your urethra
>bigger than expected

More lube.
ED2s are crap. Of the two, HM7s. In the price bracket, KZ ATE.
any review for the KZ ED4
What the fuck.
My android mipad 2 arrived today.
For some reason it doesn't have Australia as a selectable region.
Nor does it have the US or the UK.
What do?
Wasn't impressed. Basically ED9s with the non-bass tubes in, only shittier.
thanks for the help I think I'll get the HM7
Probably install global ROM?
What Korean Band is this?
Looking for a mechanical keyboard maybe a 60 key one, but Anne Pro is too expensive for me (plus I don't need backlight or bluetooth).

Any good ideas?
get a LINGBAO my man
Is that a proprietary charging port?

>no headphone jack

Might as well have just gotten rid of the charging port and made it wireless charging.
It comes with a cdla headphone. An earphone with a type c socket. It also comes with a type c to 3.5 converter. The only minus is you can't charge the phone while listening to music.
Anyway to chink them though?
>day 22
>they still haven't remembered to ship my package

live in a shithole like me where things can take from 90 to 120 days to arrive so you can make a dispute because of the 60-day refund policy from Aliexpress.
What earphones are these? Can anyone tell me?
What's the best thing on Ali for $2>?
what is with Xiaomi's naming conventions
there is a Redmi Note 3
and a Redmi Note 3 PRO
and a Redmi 4 Pro
and a Redmi Note 4

how are we supposed to know which one's the good ones? it's really confusing!
>anything with note
upgraded version

Live in the US :(

Notes are 5.5" and regular's 5"

Pros have better spec
I'm the anon who asked for ereaders, I ended up searching anyway for fun and found this:



Checked it and tolino is a legit german brand, although I won't abuse it a lot. What do you guys think?

>inb4 es
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are we memes now?
It's been 24 days now since I ordered my package. 24 days and my package is in Newyork while I'm in Florida. I don't I'll ever get my zuk
Looking for an HDMI switcher. Does latency become a problem with cheap chinese ones?
is it a bad idea to buy pc parts on aliexpress
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I got this Mocute Bluetooth Controller today in the mail.

Can't say that I would recommend it because:
>the buttons are so mushy, they feel terrible
>they have a long travel
>you have to really press down hard on the a,b,x,y buttons or they don't register (this relates back to the mushy buttons as you don't really feel the "click" of a button registering.)
>the analog sticks have a dead zone

There is also lag that affects gameplay. Most of the time, it is not noticeable or you can easily compensate for the lag.
Ay recommended chinky shades for driving?
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Into the Trash it Goes.gif
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>No 3.5mm or Expandable storage
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>chinky shades
i have this one

no problem whatsoever, connected to my PS3 and PS4
>sorry, this item is no longer available!

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I just received this.
All the buttons work but I want to reconfig the two thumb buttons, which currently are set to Forward and Back.

How does the hdmi switch work

T. Noobfag
you can have various HDMI devices connected to one HDMI input in your TV. Very usefull if your TV has only 2 or 1 inputs and you don't want to physically connect and disconnect stuff everytime you want to change input
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>TOMO power bank case for 4x18650 batteries
>apt-X bluetooth 4.0 receiver
>44-key RGB remote

Chinks forgot the receiver of the remote. ;_; Wish me luck with the dispute.
What's a decent "blue switch" mechanical keyboard?
aula f2012
Hmm, might consider ordering, thanks for info
Put this in the Telegram chat but in case you're not in there:

If you live in the US, the Moto Z Play at Fry's is $400, $350 if you have an email promo code. I turned it on at 80%, it's currently on 42% with 5 hours 45 mins SoT.
>bluetooth audio receiver
nice, is this cheaper than the $20 ones on amazon?
Is it normal for Ali express to ask for your phone number and wanting to "verify" your account?
This shit is making me pretty angry.
I just wanted to buy some chink shit.
got one of those too except I printed a dragon showing off his huge dick then got tempbanned for posting it

i just enjoy making the chinese degrade themselves printing scaly porn
What did you study?
Becoming a retard?
You can't be a NEET if you're in education dumb shit.
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Yeah, and it is pretty good desu.

Range is about 10 metres (no walls), sound quality is just like wired. NFC pairing works fine. Central button works as play/pause and answer/hang up on calls. Haven't checked the mic and the other functions though but it should be decent.
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Reminder to unsub from Comfy Tech Reviews, stop supporting pajeet tech reviewers
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Am I going to die of lead poisoning?
Can I install Ubuntu Server on Orange Pis?
How are the HDSEs?

I got the same TOMO case, thought it was shit at first because it only charged my phone twice before running out of battery, then realized that my phone had a 4000mah battery.

Using recycled 16850s from a Thinkpad battery anyway so I'd say it's pretty good.
why do you hate pajeet so much?
>can't identify an old as fuck stale 4chan meme
Are we being raided by r/4chan again?
How does Comfy have white hands and arms in his videos? Color correction?
A bit uncomfortable but I need some time to get used to them. I like them so far.
Lead will sink to the bottom, extract the liquid working from top to bottom
Ubuntu ARM
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Daiso (100yen / $1 store) in Japan has been selling NATO straps for a few months (picked up a couple for my fake DW which had a shitty strap and it's pretty great quality for 100 yen)

Found they're doing basic copies of the DW watch in whole now (pic related) for about 500 yen / $5

Didn't pick one up cos all the strap options weren't to my taste but I'll check some others and see how it fares, might even open up my fake DW and a Daiso one and see what the internals are like
sky blue colored Wayfarer knockoffs
anyone tried the 13 inch Mi Book yet? how is it?
It sucks.
So after 50-70 order, I am impressed.

1 never shipped and was refunded automatically
2 were a week or two late
a couple had the wrong colour but it was minor
1 was a set of 30 knitting needles were a single pair was missing and a second pair had a minor production error
the rest were pretty much flawless.
>getting paid to circlejerk with old people all day
>not glorified neet
Yeah, buyer protection is pretty gud unless you call them a stinky chink like other anons found out the hard way
Stop trying so hard you faggot, you're no NEET.
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no noice.png
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the product details don't seem to like it
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Any super cheap stuff I can buy quickly?
Fuck you
The SD card in my tablet broke for no reason and Gearbest refused to refund me then they bribed PayPal to side with them when I disputed it
Fuck Gearbest, fuck PayPal and fuck chuwi
Serves you right.

Aliexpress/Alipay master race.






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shoo shoo ivan
Your own fault for being so rude about it to be honest
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wow anon that is why I said glorified








That's not even him you autist fuck.
Prove it
What's a know good seller for Rock Zircons?
Got a question about the hdmi switcher when using ps4, no picture flickering or anything?
You don't want zircons. They break too easily
Buy two because >>59047039.

Or just change the cable, isn't that hard.
>tard finds out that chinking the chinks doesn't work every time
Gearbest, but they only have the white ones in stock atm:
well fuck, was about to order it
103 Days since 11.11. order. Still no package...
Quick, someone post a new thread before RegularOP does.
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I'm honestly not bothered by that, I listen to my music on a separate player.

Literally buying a rock in the YEAR 2017

Any poster recommendations?

Looking for a map or a nice painting.

nothing shit please. demonstrate your sophisticated taste
it's a mineral






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He's pasty white, look at his hand.





>that shitty skin
Absolutely disgusting. He needs some more Vitamins D and E, and a tiny bit of sun. Shouldn't spend all his time indoors, making videos and fapping to his parrot.





That's a relief. White skin really is beautiful

Holy shit. Fuck off paco. Not all of use want shit skin like you.
Someone post the pic of him reflected in the TV screen. He's literally wider than he is tall
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>Pablo Picasso
He asked for sophisticated. Not cancerous

Have a look at this guys store. Its where I buy all my art.

Anyone tried these?

Make that thread if you're so great
Thumbnail made it look like it was smoking. kek.
Showed my chink coworker the randomizer. I think it broke his mind.

I expect to see a lot more random chink shit on his desk in a few weeks.
thanks fellas!

really love /csg/
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More Taobao hauls.
RCA - 3.5 cable.
A silver lelnopo 3.5 cable, 0.5m. Didn't know they make these.
You made previous Taobao Hauls?
I have that tomo. Yours looks like a fake from the box.

Which could be a good thing because mine is shit. It drains batteries while it's off and has that stupid "power button but it turns off automatically if it isn't drawing enough power
You have horrible taste and should feel bad.
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Next up, a headamp and a folding lockpick set.
The lockpick set was pretty expensive.

If someone made a series of Taobao Hauls before, then no that's not me.

Buy Qidian
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I'm too cheap to buy another one. I just take the batteries out and made something to keep it on.
>Yours looks like a fake
What makes you think that?
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>More Taobao Hauls
>Only made one Taobao Haul

Too tired to make a new thread, just finished graveyard shift. Anyone else want to step up?
The box doesn't even have the brand on it.
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chink jew.jpg
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No shit sherlock. Check any youtube video, none of them has a brand on the box.
On mobile, otherwise I would.
If you post a shit new one with no news it will trigger some autist to make an elaborate overly detailed one just to show you up
Fuck you guys, making a new thread now.
New Bread >>59048445

Ignore the Lesbian
Just ordered a screen replacement for the UMI touch 5.5 inch
Thread posts: 325
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