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/wt/ - Watch Thread

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Thread replies: 324
Thread images: 92

This thread is about the appreciation of watches, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that are required to make a fine watch.

>Required viewing for newbies:

>Strap guide:

Previous thread - >>58110077

Screw you, Chas.
I love you.
can anyone tell me what watch he's wearing?

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Time for some vintage JDM watches.
is that HST?
Those indices are pretty ugly tbqhwy
>he doesn't want 11 chodes on his wrist at all times

How's the accuracy been on it so far?


You have bad taste, and should try to refrain from commenting on watch threads in the future.
Haven't had a time to properly test it, likely will do next week when i have a short vacation, but definitely in the +\-9 seconds range.
I got a Komandirskie after having an Amphibia for a while now. Is Vostok seriously the most based in-house manufacturer there is under the $300 range?

Not bad for an unserviced 52xx.
Haha no
Ok kid.
hey anons who are into watch repair:

how'd you learn?
Are there any decent watches I can get somewhere like Macy's? I don't think I can get an online order in time for Christmas.
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Really haven't had any time to wear it as i've been practically spending too much time at the base, usually only returning home on Fridays.

Also managed to grab a blue Ray MK.II and sell some poor schmuck my other partially functional 5206 (Broken day/date finger).

They are certainly improving after filing for bankruptcy. The new models are already coming out and the QC has been improving.

Also, a few of the watches that were produced over the past 4months have a small chance to have a black decorated rotor as the factory had a few spares in stock.

Read and watch videos a lot, buy cheap movements and good tools and enjoy yourself.

Pictured is a Raketa 2627 i had some fun with. I have a couple of part's 2609 that i should be able to make a single functional from.
why are etas so shit?
are they now?

What city do you live in?
My parents, knowing I'm a watch nerd, will buy me a watch for christmas.

budget: 200 eurobux

At this price point I'm going Orient, but I don't know the brand very much.

Orient owners, would you recomment the mako, the ray? If so, which version? Or other Orient watches? (I dont like the Bambinos)
yeah. people say that mid tier watches are shitters because they use etas.
It's hard to argue they're the best watches under $100 even, the QC is severely lacking so it's hit or miss if you get a movement that actually keeps time. For less than $300 you can get a fucking Skx or turtle.
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Some vintage Soviet.

Orient Ray is a nice watch.
Any ideas for good cheap(ish) watch winder?

I don't wear my watch weekends cos I'm usually just at home jerking off.
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I love my blue orient ray. If you want something subtle, there is also the symphony and some other dressier ones other than the bambino
The problem is not the movement in itself. It's when brands use an off-the-shelf movement (usually from ETA), an unoriginal/shit design, and makes a watch of low to average quality sold at a higher price, because "swiss made" and "brand heritage".
ETA movements aren't trash in and of themselves (although I'm sure some of them aren't the greatest).
Strap it to a case fan.
Wear your watch while you jerk off, problem solved.
B-b-but I wear my watch on the left hand and jerk with right...
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What in god's name is the point of a watch anymore
Most times jewelry. I also like the fact that something so small and nice and perfect is doing hard work on my hand.
Could watch the movement all day long.

What's the point of champagne if there is water?
why are phone companies pushing smartwatches?
That's personal, but you can also think about all the almost-molecule-sized parts in a smartphone's processors doing perfect work in your palm


Fitness/relatively no one buys them
I'm really tempted to buy vintage slav watches just to tinker with.

Though, i'm still waiting on a new case for my Amphibia.

Same reason as 70years ago.

Why would you need a pocket watch while you can have a wristwatch?
>Fitness/relatively no one buys them
good answer, that was a trick question.

but seriously, it's much more convenient not having to take your phone out to check the time.
>pocket watch analogy
This nigga gets it

Also, phones are a huge pain in the ass to use in sub-zero temps

why a hundred dollar scotch when stoly is 10 bucks?
>10 bucks

its times like these where it hurts being a canadian
its at least double that here
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Just got this luminox 3182.BO. How did i do?
looks decroded
Oh my, those details.
agree Vostok suck
I usually dislike Luminox always looks like a candy watch and a toy to me, but this one looks interesting and unique.

I would wear that.
my fucking eyes
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Poorfag here with his first acceptable watch on my way to work. Living amongst society is harder than I thought. Though, I don't miss being a shut in neet at all. Thanks for all the advice /wt/. Waiting for a nylon NATO strap as the current leather strap is thin and not that great.
Does it look for now?
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respectable for a first watch
>asks question
>receives answer
>Ok kid.

fuck off underage
I know right? That was the entry level quartz watch too.
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R8 my first high end watch purchase.
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Almost as nice as mine.
hahahahaha TAAAAAAAAG
velial squad
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that looks fucking gay
tempted to sell all my watches for one watch to rule them all.
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Merry Christmas NiggerBall. (I'm sorry, but I read that and it was funny.)

My fucking eyes.

Looks decent enough. Cheers m8.

That's like the faggiest pic of smartwatches ever.


Loving the vibe on those vintages.

Vintage love in my pic as well. Cheers.
One watch kinda guy is the best guy, you really dont need more than one watch that defines you. MAYBE an digital shitter as a beater
Fuck. Wrong pic. Sorry guys.

>MAYBE an digital shitter as a beater
My friend I'm afraid you didn't resisted the one watch test foe even a few seconds.
I couldn't either,
>Merry Christmas NiggerBall. (I'm sorry, but I read that and it was funny.)
>when you arch nemesis laughs at your joke
>all is proceeding according to plan

Goodness gracious, that's one ugly, expensive ass watch, L'Avvocado
just got this second hand for pretty cheap

sure hope it's not a fake
>that scratch above the '50' on the bezel

with that, it's worthless in either case
those scratches would drive me insane
looks a lil fake
It is the the best accessory a man can have, for both look and opportunity.
To tell the time without having to reach into your pocket, pull out your phone, press the power button, adjust your eyes to the screen, and THEN read the time.

What would take two to three seconds to accomplish with a phone could be done in less than a second with a quick flick of the wrist.

I personally don't wear my watch as an "accessory". I consider it a reliable and efficient means of telling the time.
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Well m8, good thing is mine, so you don't have to look at this ugly piece of awesomeness very often. Cheers.

>you arch nemesis
You are not my nemesis anon, my only enemies are fat chicks.

How much did you paid???

$4,000 CAD, it's a 16610 (aluminum bezel, not ceramic)

That's about half the value of a 'mint' Submariner if I pegged it right...I think?
Well the cyclops seems to magnify... and according to rolex fags that's worth the $9000.
What the, what kinda nigga can afford a thousand dollar watch and not a good camera. get your priorities straight.
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isn't the whole point of one watch is to use only one watch.

Early 2000's?
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Why do you not own an mechanical chronograph? Quick, give me one reason or your watch on your wrist is magnetized!

Pic is oc
anyone used ramon aka thewatchcollector on ebay
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>Same movement
Mah nigga
how did that go?
>oops yeah it's fake sorry lol
Because they are too complicated and expensive. All the seagull based chrono watches eventually fail within like a year.
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bestest slimmest watch coming through
Chinese crap with a designer name
>He posts a quartz, while he boasts about, slimness, but it should be about its shittiness
Rhyme a reason, diamonds a dozer
Epic post xD
What's your opinion about SKMEI watch ?
I'm about to buy SKMEI 1134 because it's cheap - $5.

Is there any list of /wt/'s approved watch ?
pure shit
cheap nasty fucker
Came buckets. Would love to cop one of those.
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>Why do you not own an mechanical chronograph?
Because I'm looking out for a tuning fork chronograph.
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>cusco peru reportan in
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How about modern JDM?
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Yeah, I just read a review and you can see 88:88 shadow in SKMEI 1134, it's disgusting.
Ignore obvious bait please.
Of all the Grand Seikos you can buy, you chose that one...
just buy the real casio
please just an hero
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I was going to buy that, but then I saw a very similar watch on Aliexpress for $12.

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thoughts on Tissot watches?
They're dogshit.
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Anyone got a working discount code for spinnaker? I've got my eye on a Tavolora but i'm a cheap fuck.
Only one of a couple hundred made, purchased in Hong Kong. You'll probably never see one in real life.
I wasn't baiting with my luminox. I was asking for honest opinions. What exactly is wrong with my watch that makes it bait?

I don't come to this general often so i am probably not aware of all the current watch memes.
>Omega China sources up to the maximum legally allowable under Swiss law

wait what

can someone explain this
did anyone ask Santa for a watch...?

I did......
>you'll probably never see one in real life
>implying that's a bad thing
>implying that's a bad thing
I didn't?
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What's the white-faced Citizen on the bottom right and the cream-faced watch below the Navitimer?
Also ideas to add to the image
'90s, actually, aluminum bezel.
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Is that CADPAT?
bro are u blind
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Yeah, the rightful owner of the Navitimer dial design IP.
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anyone herd of creationwatches prices seem to good to be true

Well, I'm interested in Tough Solar product from Casio, but I don't like most of the digital wristwatch model in http://www.casio-intl.com/wat/standard/solar_power/

I'll look for other casio model but maybe I'll buy Casio F-201WA-1ADF.
Price is reasonable ($16) and I like the model.
My Seiko 5 snzg broke within 2 weeks after I dropped it on a rugged floor

Seiko is a meme brand.

They're known to be delicate but they have fine craftsmanship and they're from Japan which adds a cool factor. As long as you don't hit a Seiko on anything they're basically the best watches out there.


it literally dropped from 3 feet onto a plush soft carpet most eggs wouldn't even break on that you stupid faggot

Seiko = meme
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Phones are the new nigger bling it was proven in a /pol/ thread. The best way to acquire the time is discreetly on your wrist, without reaching into your pocked for your "ice" or "bling blang" like the proto newage millenial nigger . It is something to be ashamed about, to pull your phone out of your pocket to check your time like the black person flashes his golden teeth at an oversized woman , it is essentially the same thing
Does anyone else find the date feature to be completely worthless eyesore?

Santa is delivering my watch late.
dang, they have some nice designs.

Similar decent brand? Wanting to spend about 500-700 (aud). Simple design, navy blue face would be awesome but not a necessity.

On certain watches, yes.
Someone asks today's date.
You pull your phone out of your pocket just to check it
ok, so the >Tossit comments is unfounded on my part. for all i know, they may be great or crap. i just remember someone using that response a while ago and i thought it was amusing.
there's probably more than a few people here who can offer better advice

you tell them you don't know and you continue about your business which was just interrupted by some buffoon.
people who ask such questions are generally annoying manchildren.
don't give in
they're a legit online store

>people who ask the date are annoying manchildren
are you one such individual m8?

Yeah, that's me.
any watch suggestions with day/night feature that is somewhat durable, for use in a factory
Hey, so I'm not a watch enthusiast, I just like a basic analog one to tell time, and not look like i'm wearing a burger king digital one.

Are Seiko watches decent enough for an average consumer?
I noticed mine (It's only worth about $60) has been slowly been getting wrong, is there something I can do about that, or is it a defect? Sometimes it stays perfectly fine and on time for days, sometimes it's just an entire 3 hours off.
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Rolex Explorer.jpg
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Any other Explorer fans? I never quite got the appeal of the Explorer II.
I just realized that this is the basic concept of a watch being inaccurate or being fast or slow. I'm pretty stupid to have not realized that.
It was like that the moment I got it, is there nothing I can do?
You can have it serviced, but for a $60 watch, I'd not bother.

Seiko makes a lot of fine watches. Their 7s26 automatic movement is pretty solid and is used in a lot of watches.
automatic watches are off by up to ~30 seconds every day

It's not even close to the same watch.
No shit, but the Explorer II bears practically the same name yet is more like a GMT.

You're talking like there's a comparison between the two.
I think Vostok is highly underrated on /g/ but it's mainly because it's an anime website obsessed with Japanese brands like Seiko

I normally wouldn't care but innocent users like


are being tricked into buying brittle garbage

I've never tried the Komandirskie but I probably will eventually. I sort of want to try a pure winding mechanical this upcoming year.

What do you mean? Almost everyone here has owned or owns a Vostok.

go on ebay and look at all the 30year old used seikos for sale for hundreds of dollars

you got a lemon or you fucked it harder than you admit, anyway they are good about their warranty and will fix it if you send it to them
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how can anyone think this looks good?
Seiko is a meme, but a good meme.

i wish it did look good because technology wise that is a badass watch

ugly as fuck though

i wish they could make a basic diver based on eco drive and getting the radio wave signal for syncing
I find the dials too busy. I'd only own one with a minute register and no running seconds. I can't stand more than one subdial.
That would look amazing without the tachymeter.
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Literally unbeatable
Ooooohhh, sorry Jacques-Yves Cousteau
Because it's dressy as fuck.
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>implying you've ever gone into something deeper than a backyard swimming pool
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>Last update : 5/23/2015
Why there's no update ?
They use a lot of Chinese parts.
The "Swiss made" designation states that 60% of the value of the watch must come from Switzerland, and final assembly must be done in Switzerland.
That means you can assemble a watch from a mix of Swiss and non-Swiss parts, often Chinese, and it will fall under "Swiss made".
This is the reason you often see decorated oscillating weights made from an expensive metal on an otherwise stock movement. It has a big "value", but is very easy to make, so it's an easy way to push the Swiss value over 60% and gain the right to the "Swiss made" phrase, which apparently means you can double the price of the watch and nobody will bat an eye.
I did last year. I have two cheapies now, and I'd rather wait to be able to afford one nice watch for the next.
Santa can't afford to bring me a Nomos, nor even a SARB.
I think it's useful, but that it ruins the aesthetic of a watch more often than not.
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the more i learn about the swiss industry the less highly i think of everything under rolex tier

why are they such jews, japan doesn't do this shit afaik
Rolex Explorer II
They have the same name because they're meant for the same people.
The Explorer was created after that whole Everest thing. It was made to be a tough watch that could be worn by... explorers. The design remained the same since then, because muh heritage.
The Explorer II was meant to be used by people who could spend a lot of time without access to daylight, like in a cave. Once again, explorers, kind of.
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I starten with turning a pivot yesterday, Im about halfway done.
casio gshock
enable 24 hour display
How do you know?
Nobody cares enough.
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The pivot is about 0.10mm
fucking nice.

very different states of mind between the two countries. switzerland is jews.
Is it what u all call à "Rolex homage"?
You can fill it with oil apparently
Exactly the same for my SNK
What are you viewing this through?
I like Vostok, I even have a komandirskie, but I can't stand the finishing.

Its gross and cheap.

For a few bux more u get a Seiko with a nice crisp finishing
Well senior advocate, when are you going to get your hands on a vintage JDM piece?
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Oh but i do.

Now with an upgraded display caseback.

Certainly welcome.
>display caseback
>doesn't post a picture of said display caseback
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is the tissot visodate a bad choice for a watch under 400$?
I know how tissot is seen here but i can't find a better dress watch that's larger than 38 mm in this price range
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Sure thing.

Though i'm still awaiting on straps as the one you see in the earlier picture is already kaput.

Need to put up all of the old junk straps i got for sale as a lot for some shekels.
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5 days into my almost one month long Chinese vacation.

I had to use my chronograph today for logistical purposes.

p.s. I've seen so many rolex homages here that I've lost count.
Suck it, I'm wearing a quartz, magnetize it all you want
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I want a SARB017 so bad
Does there need to be one?
a loupe
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In Switzerland and need buying advice
- $180 - willing to push to $200 USD
Take a look at the SARB065.
go to japan and get a seiko
It's probably the best value watch Tissot makes.
It's thick for a dress watch (it even has the nickname thick-o-date). Other than that, nothing wrong with it.
As the other anon said, I'd go for a Seiko SARB myself at this price point. I wouldn't want a day window.
Not a fan of the SARB065 personally, I'd go for the 035, but since you're looking for a larger watch it doesn't fit the bill.
Thank you. That movement doesn't have sexy finishing but it's always cool to see chronographs do their thing.
We've seen the picture already, no need to keep posting it.
It's cool but not one I'd wear.
It's an added look to a dress. You need to only give a split second glance at the watch to see what the time is.

In the case of phones, you have to take it out of the pocket(approx 1 sec) and then click some button to show you the time(+1 sec).

Plus I love watches because fuck you, that's why.
I hope you fags are all enjoying late December, because if you work in a mall jewelry store as a watch repairer like me it's a fucking nightmare.

I think I'm going to sleep through 24 and 25.
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I'm giving my bro this cute Bauhaus style vintage Pobeda for xmas, r8 pls.

The watch was just 27€ shipped and the strap is by Hirsch for just 10€, a bargain imo.
I looked at the SARB035 before and I absolutely love the design. The thing is, I already have a SNK805 and I feel like it's too small for my wrists (37 mm). Will the bigger lugs on the SARB make it look bigger on the wrist than the SNK?
Longines has a chronograph without it but using the same movement.
Hey buddy, first of all, I feel sorry for you but that's your job. And I was seriously considering being a watch repairer because I like how they work.

I have some questions.

>How's the pay?
>Won't your eyes get fucked up if you look through that small lens to have a look at the minor parts?
I have the 033, and had a Seiko 5 in the past and i'd have to admit it wears bigger. (SNK357 i think) Not by a lot, but definitely does wear bigger and has a larger lug width (20mm vs 18mm).
Fair. Once you start doing your own work, ie people bringing their watches directly to you instead of the store, and you get into the realm of old Omegas and Doxas you can make a decent living.

The loupe is actually helping not getting your eyes fucked up, looking at tiny shit all day. What you have to take care of in the long run is the eye that doesn't have a loupe, because you tend to keep it open during work even if you're not actually seeing with it. This can hurt your vision in the long run, but for me it's not big of a deal, my non-dominant eye is not too good anyway.
>worn by explorers
sorry, but it's just a marketing trick, Rolexes are generally worn by people who like watches or have enough money to not care and just want a name. Real "explorers" probably wear g-shocks or some shit. It's all a marketing meme, same as "heritage", "history" and other intangible shit that sells watches to idiots
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except that when the explorer was created rolex was a tool watch company and it was actually worn to the top of everest by sir edmund hillary
>tfw in Japan
>go to some backstreet watch shop
>it's full of like 20 different "japanese" watch brands all for 20 bucks
It's the first time I've seen so many shitters in one place.
And for the couple of real watches they got the premiums were insane, seiko 5's were about 3-4 times as expensive as on amazon, probably trying to jew some unexpecting clients
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I thought he wore a Smiths up Everest?
that's called a publicity stunt
If I recall correctly both were brought up to the top. That and no one really knows which one he was actually wearing on his wrist (if either) at the time.
I'm not saying actual explorers wear the watches, just that that's why they were made.
But as for the first Explorer, in a time before quartz, I'm sure it would have made a great watch for that purpose.
>it was actually worn to the top of everest by sir edmund hillary
That was just a regular oyster, the Explorer was made after the fact.
The thing is, that he had on him both a standard Smiths watch and also a one of a kind Rolex Oyster perpetual chronometer and not an explorer.


Also the old caseback had a lot of play so i had to replace it either way.
Agreed, back in the 50's, 60's Rolexes were still used as tool watches. Quartz killed them and the rest of mechanicals and they moved to a more luxury market
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>being the first one to scale mount everest
>a publicity stunt
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Nice, real nice. How'd a nitwit like you get a timepiece like that.
>Just about any watch can do this

Are people really this dumb?

I think it's "Roveda" in english senpai.
Neat. I'm assuming those (and the Omega) are pretty rare?
8/10 pretty good
The longines moreso. There's usually a few speedsonics up for sale on ebay at any given time.
Not at the time they couldn't.
But yes, it isn't a great achievement.
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Where's my bros at?

Just got it (in time for Christmas), even forgot the crown open in the pic.
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That's an export dial, silly.
It's already in latin letters instead of cyrilic
If I wasn't a wristlet, I'd buy it in a heartbeat
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Love the lume.
Too poor, and I'm not settling for no QC chinkshit or worn out old Poljots.
Huh, I didn't know they made separate dials for export.
"MADE IN USSR" could have clued you in
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>How'd a nitwit like you get a timepiece like that.

I've been buying and selling vintage Soviet watches for the past 2 years as a hobby and have owned pretty much all the most iconic affordable pieces so far.
I know a lot of 10/10 sellers on eBay who sell really nice stuff for real cheap, but I wouldn't share them with "nitwits" like you ofc.
give sturmanskie
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I needed the money for some project and sold it for 300€, pretty much a good deal considering I bought it for 130€ to someone who didn't know shit about it.
Here another cool 3133 I've owned.
Swatch is going into the car battery business
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Quick post all your slav shitters
>vulcain in financial trouble


i really liked vulcain.. feelsbadman
>i really liked vulcain
how many of their watches did you buy?
lmao right on point.
watch normies with the budget for them simply buy omega/rolex/tudor
Nobody here has ever fallen for that 90's meme Rolex, right?
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Im so nervous to get a Blacked Bay from chrono24 for cheap that I might pay over 500€ too much for a store in finland.

Turns out my company hasnt paid me for this compensation we get in finland for doing 40 hour weeks instead of 37.5. For nearly two years. Its 6.3% extra for every month. I didnt care because this job is a hobby.
wouldn't you want to invest that money instead, since it's a one time thing?
What is a meme Rolex?
I want one now.
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I could invest 90% of my pay. I have two alright watches that /g hates, I need to succeed on online forums in a thread where people want "value" for superficial jewellery.

You better buy an Apple watch, my friend.
>This is a watch advertisement
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I would but the battery life is full retard, one more device to charge.
oh go for it then. which one are you looking to buy?
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Red bezel, vintage leather brown strap. I know metal bracelets cost more seperately and they feel ok.

Still havent seen the price for the new ones with in house movements
nice, post pics when you get it. i'll make sure to validate your choices and be jealous.

Cool. I just imagine it reflecting flames from my fireplace.
No, I won't wear a watch without day and date.

They are always wrong
Get it cleaned.
What are you talking about?
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Recommend me a watch lads, got a bonus at work.

€500 budget max
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Already got one.

get another one that you'll save for the nice occasions
>Someone asks today's date.
I always know the date. Always, I never forgot in my adult life what day of week and date it was.
Casio Oceanus
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Going to get this desu
Quit being:

>hipster trash posting stock images of tryhard luxury watches
>commie homosexuals posting chink and slav cold war era crap that doesn't run anymore
>posers with diver's watches

Just get something normal that doesn't look like a manlet wrist fedora and call it a day, /g/.
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Gotta have at least one nice quartz.
I just call that ugly shit
What are good microbrands that offer stylish watches in the $400 range? Preferably with sapphire crystal.
>stop liking what I don't like
Like fucking all of them, you'll have to be more specific.

Something I can wear with a suit or a casual outfit like button shirt and dress slacks on a weekend. Bonus points if it can be used as a field watch with a simple swap of the strap.

Something like Hemel, so I can have more choices from because so far, the most versatile watches for different uses I've found are Seiko.

Enjoy your Chinese parts at "Made in Germany" prices, cuck.

Now this I can get behind.

Thanks lads!
When are you going to get yours?
>Something I can wear with a suit or a casual outfit like button shirt and dress slacks
>can be used as a field watch

Good luck reconciling those irreconcilable requirements.

A SARB033/035 does the former better than any microbrand alternative in your price range, but doesn't really do the later very well.
Does it tell the time
That's incredibly broad, so I'm going to assume you're lax on the requirements of a dress watch. How about something lie an Aevig Valkyr?

Do you know any more expensive watches that would fit the bill? It's hard to see what you're looking for.
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With those digits now I have to consider

It's got two big orange hands that do just that, you can't miss them.
>with a diver's watch
Guilty as charged :^)

damn I wish I had some way to justify owning a watch that is both sturdy and resistant to the elements.
Now this is a timeless design. It's not exactly practical for daily wear, and the pricing is outrageousl!
how many jewels does it have? :^)

Got it, buddy.
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Flikker op, Carlos.

You live up to 300m underwater?
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magnifying isn't 2.5x
inner bezel

more but that's enough
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You know what else has two big orange yellow hands?
the president elect?
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Cosmograph Daytona?


Btw OP that watch is fair, might as well go Cartier in the same category of icing with no cake
What unit?
Wie is carlos
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sheeeeit i'm sold

I bet you are, faggot
More like down to
why the butthurt ?
Why do you care? Are you trolling for a date? FAG!
i know a guy who just got a quartz aqua terra for 2000€

seems pretty expensive for basic quartz, it isn't even chronometer
I'm watching Legends of Tomorrow and Professor Stein just pointed out that a KGB agent was wearing a Komandirskie watch, that's how he recognised him as a Soviet.

It would go over most people's heads but any watch guys would notice.
Damn, I guess I'm KGB then.

That's pretty cool though.
Ding ding ding
Why is it called the cosmograph not chronograph?
I know oyster due to the casing and subsequent water resistance and perpetul due to it being an auto.
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(fart noises)
New thread where
New Fred

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A fellow skmei fan??

That specific watch was just released this year, it's not just Cosmograph actually, it's the branding of a specific Daytona Cosmograph line. Daytonas identify with race car driving and they've always been the hardest and often rarest chronographs to get on the market. Current iterations have this unique caliber chrono mechanism designed in house from start to finish. Cosmograph was added to the Daytona brand in the 60s after the racecar victory of Newman as some stellar accomplishment juxtaposed with the celeberation in the conquest of outer space which was the ultimate dream come true at the time. So basically you get this marketed embodiment of speed.

The difference is in the ceramic bezel with the tachymetric scale to measure speeds, Daytona chronographs are also unique in their design and the core of the watch, the oscillator has hairsprings that are insensitive to magnetic fields and stable and temperature variations and shocks. Combined with the Oyster case you mentioned which also certifies the watch at a hundred meters.

***** sounding like a salesman. Just lived in Switzerland, you get to know this stuff. Rolexes are considered just standard functional watches refined to the very core functionality actually, marketed status symbols.
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Me too, they don't show it on screen enough to properly see which dial it was but I'm fairly sure it had the dots and dashes bezel like mine.
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Here's a zoomed in screen cap, I think it looks like the blank 'tank' dial.
>soviet agent with a soviet watch
seems pretty dumb
Yeah well, it's a time travel series, and I'm pretty sure back during the cold war era, those watches were extremely uncommon outside of Soviet Block countries. So, in context to the time, the professor was right. Now days, any dweeb with an eBay account can order Russian watches.
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Why isn't this watch more popular? Instead of your choices, Putin would laugh at you he has an extensive collection.

jorg gray jg6500

obamas watch, under 300 bucks. He has a customized secret service version.
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Good try, but you need to brush up on your Submariner lore.

The laser etching of "ROLEX" on the inner bezel was in the later editions of the 16610 (aluminum), and all of the the 116610 (ceramic) models.

The '2.5x' magnification is a good rule of thumb, but is never sufficient to indicate a fake by itself - Rolex QC has varied considerably on the cyclops throughout the years.

Any horologist worth his salt would not expect to see the sapphire 'glare' when the crown is angled away from the light source.
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