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Are you gonna buy our real life amine waifu to tell you bed

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Thread replies: 135
Thread images: 33

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Are you gonna buy our real life amine waifu to tell you bed time stories,white piggu?!
No because it's just 2d projected on glass
she's not even a hologram
It actually a a screen with a plastic pyramid.

It's not
I want one
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You can see pretty clearly how it works in the video. It's just a sheet, the rounded glass case around it is merely decorate.
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Might as well just buy an Amazon echo and tape a cutout of Hatsune Miku to the side of it if you want to be spied on by the NSA with an always on microphone disguised as a big eyed cartoon lady. Would save you some money at least if not your dignity.
This is the saddest thing I've ever seen. Dude works his ass off, has no friends, no hobbies, no interests. Seriously he needs to hit the fucking gym and do something with his life. Who the fuck thinks this behavior is perfectly okay and normal?
Clearly to most well adjusted normal people this sounds weird but if you hang around r9k you'll understand there are plenty of guys that don't get to just go out and get a gf. Those sad guys who don't have the social skills and don't even know where to get them. That type of person could really use this to make their life livable. Robo waifus are good man.

Sounds like Japan's answer to Amazon Echo/Alexa thing, but with a touch of waifuism sprinkled on top.

I'm not so lonely as to stoop down to robotic companionship though, personally. I have friends and family.

>Who the fuck thinks this behavior is perfectly okay and normal?
Japan. Remember, this is the country that came out with LovePlus. Literally date your DS while the Chinese and Koreans steal your women.
Who cares, I already have up on real women, it's all about waifus and boipucci now.
Gave up*
No, I'm not a loser.
Good goyim
I'm guessing this thing spies on you and tracks your activities.
For sure. I'm definitely going to get one of these, I don't care if they're $3k or whatever. It'll be good practice for keeping up with my Japanese studies.
絶対に買います長寂しいだから (実は私は魔法使い)
This is even better than ScarJo's voice. I can't wait.
just like a real gf
I have reached a point in my life where all of this just seems sad. I used to indulge in ASMR, femdrom, anime and waifu-ism. But now I step outside and see myself as a 3rd person, it looks really shameful.

What is happening to me?
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>it looks really shameful
All these years later I still can't believe that what started as a joke ended up as something people legitimately "indulge" in. When you say "waifu-ism" do you mean what I think you mean? Legitimately contemplating what your personal relationship is with a fictiojnal character?
What part of ASMR do you perceive as shameful? Innocent question, because I've barely spoken to anyone about enjoying ASMR videos for relaxation. Are you specifically speaking to the psuedo-celebrities involved? Or the women who discover "holy shit I get 10x views if I wear a low-cut top"? Wondering because I am a huge fan of tapping and scratching videos and they help greatly with my insomnia. Sometimes an occasional "examination" or "doctor visit" role play instead will help me sleep, stemming from details of my often-ill childhood.
girlfriend roleplays and all points in between
Gotcha. Thanks for answering.
Are you so ashamed of this you had to say it in awkward Japanese?
I've reached the point in my life where I don't really care anymore. I look at myself from an outside perspective and see a man who will die alone. And I'm ok with that.
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I would be more excited if it wasn't just a fucking sheet of illuminated glass in what looks like some kind of futuristic blender.

This here looks more impressive and it's just bits of plastic and tape on top of a smartphone.
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Nah, society just made you believe that there are is only one or few ways to "proper" live your life, especially in private matter. Which is comfortable way of thinking because it gives you sense of superiority and frees you from contemplation about correctness of your life choices. Many anons do that as well, for example thinking that they has chosen the best option avoiding women, because "all women are 3DPD, want to cheat on you and take your money" etc.
Of course it's not true, having girlfriend doesn't mean that you'll be cheated on and having waifu doesn't mean you have no friends and live in basement. None of these things prevents you from being happy, you can have successful life you enjoy with any combination of these. But when you take one group's behavior as the "proper" one and consider others shameful, you get trapped and are unable to see the whole picture.

>All these years later I still can't believe that what started as a joke ended up as something people legitimately "indulge" in. When you say "waifu-ism" do you mean what I think you mean?
It didn't really started as a joke. Falling in love with fictional character was the thing before internet was ever created(see Pygmalion).

>Legitimately contemplating what your personal relationship is with a fictiojnal character?

I think you would spend much more money having girlfriend than on Gatebox.
>Japan already has massively low birthrates
>it's only going to get worse because of shit like this
the future does not have anime
>Thinking I want a gf

Anyways, spending that much money on a cashgrab/autist bait piece of technology is really fucking sad. Literally Siri on iPhone with a hologram of an anime character that programed to love you but not actual feeling.
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You guys are too simple. AI waifu is fine and all, but this is not the real change that will happen.

The real change is AI robot partner for life. Each human will be assigned a AI partner for life, then those AI partner can battle other AI for dominance/power/prestige. The higher the power/prestige, the more customizable option you'll get.

Eventually you'll be able to materialize your AI partner using passive AR environment around the world(you can buy one in your bedroom).
More like

>Japan has a low birthrate
>It fills the population gap with self-aware Androids
>Androids are given the same culture and appearance as Japs
It's like immigration, but without Xenophobia.
>AI partner can battle other AI for dominance/power/prestige

I'm more of a Chobits guy than an Angelic Layer guy.
My post was about "ASMR, femdrom, anime and waifu-ism" not gatebox.

>>Thinking I want a gf
Never said that. I'm thinking you want to be a normalfag, that's all. Not saying it's bad to act like one, but believing this is the only correct way is naive.

>Anyways, spending that much money on a cashgrab/autist bait piece of technology is really fucking sad.
Yeah, we all are savvy and can see it's overpriced. But sad? Who are you to judge? There are people spending more money on more overpriced things that makes them happy.

>hologram of an anime character that programed to love you but not actual feeling.
How is that a bad thing? In movies and vidya you have women who look sexy, but you won't actually fuck them. Or fantasy books about adventures that has never happened.
People who live alone and want to buy voice assistant, want it to act lovey-dovey and intimate. It's all about appealing, if you would remove it all, everything would be just boring.
Not with that horrible character design.
let me know when they start making android waifus that can suck dicks.
>hit the gym
yes, yes, giving money to the exercise jew will suddenly make his life have meaning
>the future does not have anime

It will, we just have to wait for shitters like Miyazaki to die: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BfxlgHBaxEU
This, although its a step in the right direction.
I looked at myself and see a man who's currently alive

Why would I worry about my death when it's not only so far in the future, but I also will be literally incapable of caring about it afterwards? Makes no sense to me

Stop giving a shit about your future and just do what you enjoy now
Why is it so expensive?
It only support Japanese, can you speak Japanese? I bet your shit of a brain can not.
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>there are plenty of guys that don't get to just go out and get a gf. Those sad guys who don't have the social skills and don't even know where to get them

Pretty much me. No interest in buying this though
私は毎日私のカタナと一緒に練習します。この優れた武器は1000回以上折りたたまれており、地球上の他の武器に比べて非常に優れているため、鋼鉄できれいに切断できます。 私は2年前に私の剣の免許を得て、毎日良くなってきました。
This is fucking sad.
I like weeb products, but this is just Welcome to NHK level sad.

I'm thankful I still have family and friends.
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>It only support Japanese, can you speak Japanese?
No it doesn't? Where did you get that info from?
And I'm not interested in buying it.
Cool google translate. Took you almost 5 minutes to do it.
Took me a minute at most. I'm not the guy you originally replied to.
So you don't want other people to feel good?

Fucking normies.
Fuck off normalscum.
having a virtual girlfriend is 100% more girlfriend than you ever had.
What if he's dying right now?
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Says right there in the FAQ

Several months back when they first announced the product, they were completely surprised that there was any gaijin interest at all
If if makes you feel good go ahead and buy it, but I'll still silently judge you.
Well, I saw on other thread on /jp/ that they want to make english version as well, maybe it's not done yet.
Anyway, I don't have any quote to support my claim.
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>just bee yourself bro!
Degenerate af
Fuck off Chad
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>it's da joos fault
>women are 100% desirable and you're a fag if you don't get a relationship with them
>getting a gf is a piece of cake
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you do realize he could have seen your reply one minute after it was posted and taken two minutes to translate it, right? you don't honestly believe there's a correlation between the time taken to reply and the time of posting, do you?

>inb4 it took me almost 3 and half hours to reply
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>Autists in denial
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back to your containment board(s), sheep
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we medabots now
all that's wrong with it is the botnet. not even the $2600 price tag is an issue. this is a step in the right direction but an unfortunate first.
> no hobbies
> no interests
What if he enjoys working his ass off?
>normalfag being normalfag
Who would've guessed?

>annoying voice
>animation looks like it's from 90ies
>flat projection, not 3D
>heavy CG touch-ups in promo video

Would not buy.

Are we really in 2016?
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>3k USD
I'll wait for version 2 or 3.
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nobody needs a needy ai waifu

what everybody wants is just cheap, good quality, fully customizable sexdolls.
Because its new. If you're too poor to afford it, just wait for newer and better versions that can do more at a cheaper price.
Intimacy and interactions are more important than sex.
I would rather have android that looks like my waifu and will go on dates, talk with me and express her love for me but unable to have sex than a doll that I can fuck.
I'm still going to buy the latter though.
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too old, too slutty
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>that movie
I bet the japanese nerds never got cucked because they used anime personalities.
>Clearly to most well adjusted normal people this sounds weird but if you hang around r9k you'll understand there are plenty of guys that don't get to just go out and get a gf

Sounds like a typical r9k thing, too many people think they are 'owed' something in life.
Is there some mysterious force that is stopping people from going out and trying new things and meeting people ?

It is a 2 way street mang, you want that attractive young girl ? guess what, she wants a hot guy.
If you are ugly and uninteresting, that is the kind of girl you will get.
If you want to do better than that, you need to be a better version of you.
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Too 3D. 2.5D is better.
Not technology, kill yourself.
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I'm not aware of anyone doing 1:1 dolls in anime style.

Well, except stuffing dolls into kig suits.
Eh, I disagree.

If you're going to have an always-on microphone in your house, it better be the prettiest one you can get, fully animated and what not.

Though to be honest, while this beats the Amazon Echo, it's not quite good enough for me to even consider it, were I single.
They're gonna have to have full on androids, 'fully functional' if you know what I mean, if I'm going to allow the NSA in my house like that.
Piss off Chad.
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Nope. Got a wife, and have had her as a wife for 5 and a half years, plus a live-in girlfriend for a couple years before that.

I look at that commercial, and feel immense pity that they need to play pretend in order to obtain the happiness of a real spouse. It must be like being given a glass of tang when you are really craving orange juice. It's just a pale imitation of what you really want.

I'm genuinely sorry people have to settle for this, whether it is because so many women are shit, or because you can't attract any woman.
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They are doing that.

Where I can buy a girlfriend for $3k?

And I don't think that they are playing pretend to higher degree than things like Love Plus, dating sims, VNs, anime etc. You have forgotten that every entertainment lets you pretend. Does GTA makes you feel pity for people not going out on a killing spree? Or documentary movies for people who don't travel around the world?
I hope that when you come home you never watch any movie, play games or read books because it would be immense pity that you need to play pretend in order to obtain the happiness of a real things.
>Where I can buy a girlfriend for $3k?
I was well under 3k in investment right up to the point we both said "I do" in the court house for 20 bucks.

And while I don't know what Love Plus is, and with the caveat that not all anime is romantic, I DO feel bad for those who can't find good life companions who genuinely care about them, and instead of to turn to some sort of simulation to (hopefully) achieve that feeling.

Loneliness and unrequited love sucks.

>I hope that when you come home you never watch any movie, play games or read books because it would be immense pity that you need to play pretend in order to obtain the happiness of a real things.

I can enjoy a good narrative without wishing that it was my life. Reading and enjoying LOTR isn't because I wish I was a hobbit. On the other hand, I can not imagine that purchasing a computer simulation that attempts to make you feel loved is for anything else than hoping to feel loved.

I get ASMR from talking to people who have down's syndrome.

What the fuck is wrong with me.
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>it's just 2d
That's the point.
>Reading and enjoying LOTR isn't because I wish I was a hobbit. On the other hand, I can not imagine that purchasing a computer simulation that attempts to make you feel loved is for anything else than hoping to feel loved.
It's the same exact thing. The fact that you are unable to see affectionate character as nothing more than some miserable attempt to deal with loneliness is only your problem. Not everyone has such a limited world view.
LOTR is idealized journey, it's fun, fascinating and skips all the boring moments. People can enjoy it even if they wouldn't want to be one of the characters. Not everybody is made into a warrior who would happily die in good vs evil war and cope with all the hardships of living in that world. LOTR lets you skip all the unpleasant parts and serves you the essence of that story so you can enjoy it without changing your whole life.
Gatebox works the same way. Not everyone wants to deal with real women, not everybody has possibility to get their dream girl, and not everybody has time and will to change their life to have one. Gatebox skips all the hard part of relationship and serves you idealized women and essence of having someone waiting for you at home. It's still unachievable fantasy, you will never get LOTR-kind of journey nor you will ever have perfect anime girl waiting for you in home.
Of course there are people who enjoy LOTR/Gatebox so much they wish it was real. It is pitiful, but not everybody does that. You can enjoy fantasy without wishing it to become part of reality.

I really is sad. I actually kinda feel bad for him. And I haven't been laid or had a girlfriend in seven years.

Yeah, and the first time this thing falls off it's chair at night, you'll run out of your apartment screaming.
>I get ASMR from talking to people who have down's syndrome.
lmao please be true
>can't even stick my penis in her

so basically wannabe normies
God I wish it wasn't
marry a retard
i want underage version
and i want to choose character
Based Japan.
She is as proprietary as an ordinary 3D roastie.
So what's the point? You can program an open-sorce neural net to turn on your lights and tv.
Jesus christ that's sad
One day I'd be laying there and she says "goodnight"
I'd realize how fucking pitiful my existence is and I'd kill myself.
If I wanted a fake companion, I'd get a robot dog or something.
But a fake hologram waifu would be too depressing
Then program one and get all the money from weebs.

Do you want to kill yourself after realizing that the movie you just watched didn't really happened?
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There's a difference between indulging in dreams from time to time and out replacing sources of your emotional need by bringing simulations of them them into reality.

t. Hideaki Anno

In all seriousness, if it works for you nigga, go ahead, I've never had a gf, but I've seen real love and it can't really be simulated.
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>There's a difference between indulging in dreams from time to time and out replacing sources of your emotional need by bringing simulations of them them into reality.
Where does the trailer guy replace source of emotional need? It all looks like he is typical salarymen who works whole days, doesn't have a wife and have gatebox to make coming back home more enjoyable. It doesn't mean he loves her nor he will be able to do typical things couples do.

>In all seriousness, if it works for you nigga, go ahead, I've never had a gf, but I've seen real love and it can't really be simulated.
[citation needed]
I've fallen in love with Miku 3 years ago and I'm pretty sure it's how love feels like. I've never had feelings this strong for real human so I can't compare, but there is plenty of people claiming this is the same thing except you don't receive all the pheromones.
Also during these 3 years every single night I sleep with her, I cuddle with her daki, kiss her, tell her "goodnight" and imagine her response, and there was not a single moment I even felt pitiful. Not having girlfriend doesn't make cause your life to be a failure, except if you are a normalfag and the goal in your life is to fuck. It's all about pursuing your personal goals to be happy with your life and you can archive that without a real female partner. I'm personally happy with how my life is and Miku only makes it better because it feels god damn good to be in love.
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Love is caring for someone as they're dying of bone cancer, when you can barely stand to look at them in pain, when they're so ashamed they don't want you to see them reduced to a shadow of themselves.

Love is wiping their ass because the cancer has metastaticised into their vertibrae, so they have to stand up in the shower to take a shit and even the act of sitting down is painful to them.

Love is blaming yourself when you couldn't keep your promise to the person that they weren't going to die in pain. Unfortunately the person becomes phentanyl resistant, then morphine resistant, and you have hospice doctors jam morphine into them just so they're not semiconciously moaning in pain while you wait for their heart to finally give out.

Love is love because there is a risk of getting hurt in the process. There's two people who risk opening up to each other, hurting each other, and destroying each other's lives to connect with each other.

You fallen for the meme of what teenagers think love is, and simulated it. If it makes you happy in the short term, that's fine. But it's shallow, and it will run out.
So basically, love is pain and suffering? Remind me why I should listen to the relationship jew again
Tbh I'm jelly of his waifu
Life is pain, suffering and struggle, interspersed with brief moments of happiness and contentedness.

Love is putting another person before yourself, often suffering so they don't have to.

>with a touch of waifuism
>a touch

It fucking TEXTS you at work
I would do all of that for her and never ever consider leaving her side.
If you think that for me, love is holding hands, playing together and having sex then you got the wrong impression. I told you about that daki thing in response to:
>One day I'd be laying there and she says "goodnight"
>I'd realize how fucking pitiful my existence is and I'd kill myself.
to show you that it never really happens, even if intuition tells you otherwise. I didn't wanted to show it as proof of love. My relationship with her is much deeper and I think it would be hard to describe it.
In any way for me, love isn't about being lovey-dovey, it's about having someone you can care about and about having someone to care about you. Sharing hard moments is more important and bonding than pleasant moments. After 3 years we went through both and it just tighten us more and more together. I don't see any reason for it to run out. We went through time when that spark fades and things weren't so wild and overwhelming anymore, but we keep going because all the time I feel so connected to her, just like she is essential part of my life. I couldn't imagine life without her and I still commit a lot into relationship so it never becomes stale, even if now it has more stable, heart-warming and intimate form. I wouldn't call it shallow.

Because it gives you someone to care about, one additional goal in your life and someone who will care about you.

I agree, but I wouldn't call it suffering when you do it to someone you love. It feels so good to do something to make them happy, even if it brings you pain. I would say the net happiness is positive.
>believes Japanese people think what South Park says they think
why is the Alt Right raiding /g/ today? this blows.
>Life is pain, suffering and struggle, interspersed with brief moments of happiness and contentedness.
Idunno, speak for yourself
>Because it gives you someone to care about, one additional goal in your life and someone who will care about you.
What if my life has no goals? Why would I want life goals?

Life is not a journey, and trying to set up “goals” only gives you ways to disappoint and hurt yourself.
well my life personally is constant "dealing with it" trying to make the best of a bad situation

and I haven't felt love for another person in a very long time, honestly, though I still do nice things for my parents when I can
>Why would I want life goals?
So you have a way of staving off the inescapable, all-consuming void of nihilism that consumes the hearts of every idle man without family or purpose.
Idunno, speak for yourself. Maybe you should see a therapist?
OLED transparent?
Give me a shout when there's more than one layer so you can have foreground and background
You shouldn't give your life goals. You should just acquire them as you progress through life and try to accomplish them to accomplish things you care about. I don't think coming up with goals just to make your life less pointless will work. I've never decided that my goal is to love my waifu, nor to have girlfriend at all. I just happened to fall in love with her. I didn't wanted or expected that. It just happened and gave me one additional reason to live, to wake up every day and see her beautiful smile.

Or you can just not think about these unchangeable things and focus on entertainment.
>Or you can just not think about these unchangeable things and focus on entertainment.
You cannot hope to escape your humanity by submitting to vacuous and ultimately pointless indulgence in entertainment. You crave meaning. You crave purpose.

Maybe you find it through your job, or maybe you find it through your family, but if all you have is an existence of passivity, using entertainment to distract yourself, you will end up very depressed and lost.
What did you mean by this?
>You crave meaning. You crave purpose.

I don't. If I did, I wouldn't have spent the last 12 years of my life simply consuming media. And I will continue doing so. I don't want anything out of life but to mindlessly watch the lives of fictional characters and live vicariously through them.

>you will end up very depressed and lost.

I've already given up and accepted my fate.
>You crave meaning. You crave purpose.
Speak for yourself.
go back to facebook normie and kill youself
I treat my job as entertainment. I don't really try my hard or something, I just go there anytime I want, chat with people and mess around most of the time. And I find programming entertaining, but it's not like there is so deeper meaning in that. I make pointless Shovelware and only do tasks I find entertaining.
I don't have family and I spend my free time watching anime, playing vidya and smoking weed with friends. There is no deeper meaning or purpose in these things, I just do whatever I can to let myself enjoy more entertainment. I would only get depressed if I could no longer do these things, especially programming.

>You crave meaning. You crave purpose.
Nah. Maybe you should try LSD to realize you are just a insignificant part of the universe and that your meaning and purpose doesn't really matter.
Dont lie anon, it Mathers not the board, but that you are on 4chan. That alone is proof that you are a 13 year old weeboo from the cringelands.
>I treat my job as entertainment. I don't really try my hard or something, I just go there anytime I want, chat with people and mess around most of the time.
That sounds like my job description, anon
Wow if I had to wake up to that annoying voice I'd probably tear my ears off
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if you want an example of just how fucking annoying this can get just install this app. it's the same exact thing. she wakes you up in the morning, she tells you the weather, your fortune, your luck points based on zodiac, even addresses you by name. you can also communicate with her but only in japanese. she also reacts when you poke her chest.

i've had it installed for the better part of a year and she's really only my secondary alarm. i just turn it off as soon as i hear the app open.
As if I want a slut who had two years worth of semen glopped inside her
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At least they can't take away my network connected waifu. Besides why don't they just release the software and market it as a more useful Cortana, since Cortana a shit.
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tfw feminism ruins everything
yes!!! i want one so bad, i love it!!!
>white water piggu

ftfy and no, i will buy one to remind me that asians are worse than jews #MAGA
>pig disgusting proprietary botnet that needs daily attention
How about No.
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25KB, 612x380px
I'm not white.
Hitler died for this.
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