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Which is the most evil?

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Google and Facebook without dubts
finally deleted my facebook this week. feels good man.

not sure if i can do the same with google and all of its apps/services though...
Depends on your definition. Google are enabling mass surveillance, Amazon are starting to as well. Apple is to a lesser extent, mostly they just abuse sweatshop workers, their own employees, and consumers.
idk but fuck Facebook
fucking jewgle
Apple are goys, sure, but they know how 24/7 surveillance feels atleast

Op here, i forgot Amazon, i will add it next time
Facebook or Microsoft
I'll swallow my pride and admit that Apple has to be the least evil of these four. The main crime they commit is selling overpriced products, encouraging people to be fashion victims, and running a walled garden. None of those are good things but they aren't exactly high crimes. And they did after all stand up to Comey and the FBI.

Microsoft is the second least evil. They do a bunch of evil things - telemetry, embrace/extend/extinguish, etc, but there's an escape route - don't use Windows. They're evil, but the scope of that evil is limited.

But I don't know which of Google and Facebook would take the crown of being most evil. Both have as stated goals nothing less than the total elimination of privacy from the world. Both are, at base, ad companies. Both actively try to track you wherever you may go online, member of their services or not.
Facebook is the most retarded.
You couldn't just piggyback on this thread? >>57993304

lmao you think all that data is actually gone?
Swap these two and you're set anon.

why would you include Apple? They're a consumer tech company, not a big data/ad company. More computer engineering than computer science
How would Amazon be more evil than Google or Facebook, though?
Facebook, Google and Microsoft by this order.
Apple is the most retarded.
all 4 run sweatshops that drive people to suicide
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they claim it will be in 41 days. i'm pretty sure there are laws in the EU that can force any website to delete all personal data at someone's request, and facebook did say that they will be removing it from their backup systems, etc. i'm pretty sure they care a lot about compliance. guess it wouldn't be gone from the NSA/CIA/FBI logs but whatever.
apple / facebook

did you know apple is the only major tech company not a member of the Partnership on Artificial Intelligence to Benefit People and Society?

they are playing with the biggest existential risk that currently exists for humans and nobody really cares. shiny aluminium hipster sticker fun box.
Why not add
>Red Hat

(and probably some others too)
To be fair Apple is the only one lagging way behind in terms of data collection.
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>the biggest existential risk that currently exists for humans
This is even stupider than Elon Musk thinking that we urgently need to colonize Mars. Computers have fucking off switches. It's not some movie-plot thing like Skynet.
You are me in 6 months

Too bad I'm getting a pixel...

an exponentially increasing AGI would be able to outsmart a human / group of humans withing minutes of reaching a human level intelligence benchmark
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>my windows10 just automatically updated and rebooted my laptop when I went to eat and now all my unsaved data is lost
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Google - big data, tracking everything, abusing their massive influence to push narratives

Facebook as a close 2nd, for the same reasons, they're just not at Google level of influence yet

You can void MS altogether and i don't really consider Apple evil, at least not to the extend of the above
You just think of them as a humble store.
On the back end, they see and store what books you read, of panties you search for and rash cream you order. They offer streaming media like the others do. They run web and data services utilized by thousands of organizations. But at the end of the day you give them a pass because a box shows up on your doorstep filled with the butt plugs you ordered earlier this week.
facebook by far
microsoft, and google just hardcore monitor you, apple is just slowly becoming shit again
but facebook, they spy on you, and the manipulate what you see all the time

Pick one.
They all pretty evil, sadly i cant avoid google so its probably the worst.
goo gle
Facebook. They offer literally nothing. No hardware, no software, nothing.
Nah man, they offer JIT for PHP
they made React
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I've been there, bro
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They are pretty much the same in terms of evilness. The major difference is Alphabet Inc. (Google) is by far the biggest and most powerfull one. Also they do a lot of A.I. research which makes think they are up to something.

They give you the option to use their software without botnet. (AOSP)

They give you the option to use their hardware without botnet (Every chromebook has coreboot bootloader and can be converted to standard linux lappy, while recent Windows 10 tablets and notebooks have locked down uefi, and Macbooks don't even allow you to use their keyboard without reverse engineering the protocol and driver)

Their web services are somewhat useable. You can access search and youtube through proxy or tor to avoid fingerprinting, you can download every youtube video in highest quality and store it locally.
Using MemeDuckGo is not so different from Google, it too has tracking and sells data to Amazon or other third parties. Also, you can install firefox addon to clear Google's tracking prefixes in search links.
Translator is one of the best in the market. The re is no offline competitors to it, which is sad.

Facebook is just garbage. VK is better.
Facebook and Google
Apple doesn't really affect anyone but their users.

MS is better now, old MS was worse than any of these.
Facebook. Their evil is more active than the others'.
Facebook > Microsoft > Google > Apple

Microsoft > Google > Facebook > Apple

>MS is better now
MS has forced telemetry now.
Apple > Facebook > Microsoft > Google
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In the end, Google is pure, literal evil. The other companies have terrible moral standards in conducting business and abusing your privacy, but those companies pretty obvious about it and let people call them out.

Google is a manipulative, sociopathic mastermind that hides behind of a facade of cute corporate culture and picture-perfect PR. They make the normies like them by teasing them with populist treats like fiber internet and self driving cars. They trickle out these morsels of socially beneficial technology very slowly over time, giving off the impression of generating public value while they build a grotesque data empire backstage.

Google makes MS and Facebook out to be the enemies of data privacy, but Google has the largest and most elaborate data collection methods of them all.

Google will own your entire life and there is nothing you can do about it. Everything you think you want to know is fed to you through Google search engine, your entertainment (and entertainment demand) is provided through YouTube, your business and private correspondence is conducted through Gmail, you take calls, send texts, and take pictures through your Google Pixel. Soon, you will send the entirety of your internet traffic through Google Fiber, see the world through Google Glass and be driven around in a Google self-driving car. When or if Calico discovers the solution to biological immortality, you will literally owe your life to Google.

And you will love it, because Google's services are just quality enough to keep you coming back, WANTING to give them data on every single aspect of your life to make it more convenient for you to consume even more of Google's products.

No-one suspects the company with the colorful logo and geeky culture.

You can stop using Facebook. You can stop using Microsoft Windows. You can stop buying Apple MacBook and Apple iPhone. You can't escape from Google. Google is everywhere. Google has won.
Good little MS shill.
Go and play spaceman with your plastic bag.
Google is so pervasive that it's scary.
But put yourself in their shoes. They survive on data mining and being entrenched with the internet.

Also nobody is forcing you to use Gmail, Youtube, Android... Although it's true that the competition is lacking, at least for Android.
the sky above the port wuz ze color of broken youtube video n shiiet xxxDDD


You forgot about Google Documents and the scary "Google Brain" Project.

You see, Microsoft is just a bunch of chumps. They make somethink like Tai AI, show it off like little boys and then shut it down because - who could have known? - the internet corrupts it.

Google has some super elite tier deep learning labs and provides them with a vast amount of money. What for? We just don't know. But "owning every possible data user data" + "creating some super kind of AI" doesn't sound too well..

Suppose we put you in the jungle. Colony of apes consider you a threat.

Do you think your superior intelligence will buy you even one single second more time before they completely fuck you up? No chance.
is it a wonder that Google and Facebook are founded by jews and thus have communistic goals in mind?
It's a 50/50 situation. That's an actual miracle of intellect.
I'd say Facebook. Just look at fucking Zuckerberg.
Microsoft by far. If you take them out it's a bit harder to say, but I definitely prefer Google to Facebook, evilness aside. Apple doesn't have any control over my life AFAIK, so if they're evil I don't mind really.

I know this is bait, but I'll bite:

You do know that communism is really really antisemitic?
Bit of a false equivalency there m9
Go lurk in /fglt/ for a bit... Just consider the possibility of switching at least. You do not have to suffer through this pain. You can be free. You can be happy.

Jews are self hating? Really?
OP said most, not least. Sounds like you are defending Google, though.
i'm pretty sure Googlas has a glaDOS hidden in their basement somewhere.

Its stupid to think not so. They own everything data related.

If the day comes we shall elect an AI leader, it'll have a google logo innit
>Jews are happy-merchant hyper capitalists always out to own things and screw you out of money
>Jews are behind communism, an ideology which advocates for seizing wealth from the wealthy and doing away with private property

so which is it, /pol/?
First one. Everyone is equal in communism and money can be phased out.
Communism is the invention of a jew. Later, the communist rise in Russia was pushed by jews. Cultural marxism is jew. The people in american brainwashing youngsters in academia with leftist nonsense are jews. And yes, capitalism is a jew thing too. Capitalism for the elites and communism for everybody else is a good method to world domination. That's why we need to go back and bring tradition back. The french revolution was a mistake.

Not really. Many russian millionaires showed up when the iron curtain went up.

Communism could be the ultimate capitalist paradise. Because not only you cannot simply phase money out, you create an eternal monopoly by the guise of muh goverment
Facebook because of that cuck
All communist regimes were in fact crypto-capitalist states, and yes, you are describing two different groups of jews.
>The main crime they commit is selling overpriced products, encouraging people to be fashion victims, and running a walled garden. None of those are good things but they aren't exactly high crimes.

basically this. if your biggest (novel) complaint about a company is that they charge too much money, in tech that's really benign. the insidious shit is where they track you surreptitiously (or rather bury references to it in a mountain of legalese) and sell your information to whomever without any regard for your well-being.

>>57994219 brings up a point... of sorts. but his own point is vacuous. all 4 do it. so what is this adding to the discussion about which one is the most or least evil?
>Uber not in that set
because it would've been too short a discussion if they were in the running, or what?
MSFT is the least evil. They help people in poor regions to connect. They used white spaces to create very affordable internet cafes. And don't forget project Emma for example (enabling people with parkinson to write again)
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Facebook, easily.

I don't even think MS and Apple are even evil anymore. And Google is just very creepy.

I'm 98% sure ol' Cuckerberg is a reptilian though.
Google, then Microsoft, then facebook, then apple
Google are creepy as fuck, no doubt.
Microsoft does really shady stuff (w10, lockin) but doesn't have as extensive profiling
Facebook is scary, sure, but they're incompetent pajeets
Apple are semi-good guys. Expensive and proprietary, sure, but nowhere near the others.

Half hearted attempts at tax evasion disguised as charity makes them saints now?
I'm not saying they are Saints but at least they do something instead just watching tell them to buy their latest new overpriced tech
Found out last month my grandpa was Jewish and converted to marry my grandma. Always thought the (((Jews))) memes were funny but not serious, then I started reading into my heritage and learning about what a fick grandpa was.

Finding out I'm quarter Jewish makes me hate Jews.
>All successful companies are evil guys!
>They make money by making your life easier!
>Don't fall for it, because reasons!

That overpriced tech gives a billion chinks and pajeets jobs. Fuck your netcafes
>That overpriced tech gives a billion chinks and pajeets jobs. Fuck your netcafes
Because that netcafes can't help those unemployed find and apply for a job, right.
Easily Facebook. A lot of people are influenced by the things they see on it, and since it's a very, VERY specific information source that selects what it thinks you'll like. Very dangerous indeed
they're all evil, every fucking last one of em

Yeah niggers are going to look for jobs, good one.
I enjoy using gmail, android, keep, calendar, maps, etc. too much to hate Google.

Use my data all you want, thank you for the services you provide in return.
>$0.5 has been deposited to your account
Actually google gives me money for answering surveys on android, not posting on 4chan.

Uhm.. have you heard about that PRISM thing, mate?


Nah, you're just from a bad family. I can tell be reading this stupid post.

Don't blame some minotiry for your shortcomings..


Hey, I'm up to something:

Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg BOTH HAVE BLUE EYES !!!

At first I thought this was a conincidence, but then I checked how many CEOs have blue eyes..

WTF !!!
I found out about one of the biggest conspiracies ever !!!1!
Easily Facebook.

Google might take my shit, but at least they're nice about it, and they offer good services.
Wrong. They set trends which end up affecting almost anyone. All smartphones got to look like the iPhone. All laptop keyboards are chiclet. Soon everything will have removed the audio jack. A closed software ecosystem (which was later copied by Google and Microsoft) was also started by them. That's bad enough if you ask me.
>MS is better now, old MS was worse than any of these.
They might have been more ruthless towards competition, but their products were much higher quality in the past. Windows has become a joke in all aspects if you compare 10 to 2k/XP/2k3.
>two identical threads in the same time
Your mother is worst
You mean that thing where the NSA strong-arms companies into compliance?
I realized this a while ago, particularly when they moved on from simply search engines.
the scary part is their involvement with satellites and military applications. when google has all the satellites, all the texts, all the tweets, all the photos and generally has all information and communication pass through their hands, then what? one only needs to look up their involvement with the white house while also doing business with our enemies over seas all while censoring the internet and pushing agendas.
They practically own the internet and are directly involved with most of the others. apples a scam artist, microsoft is a corrupt dinosaur likely on it's last leg trying to mimic googles data mining and facebook is generally only spying on social media just not on alphabets level yet(and likely never will be)
alphabet/google is what happens when a monopoly gets waaaaay out of hand *tightens tinfoil hat*
What's evil is capitalism, not the companies. In a paralell world, where Zuckerberg, Jobs and etc died as babies, there would be other companies, with different names, logos and perhaps interface, and "spirit", but that would too be going for the cheapest labour, greatest profit, greatest control, most evil arrangements and so on. The problem is not that we don't have saints as ceos of major companies or presidents and prime ministers, it's not a coincidence or a moral problem of the individuals, but that the whole system rewards the most profitable and not the most ethical and so it is bound to end like this.
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>implying I made this one
This. Why does apple always intentionally keep the life of their products short as shit?
All seeds of capitalism.
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I agree 100%.

But think about this:
We (as "homo sapiens" or as "mankind" or as "tribes"..) are here because we were smarter and more ruthless in the past than others. This thing call "ethics" is nice and worth fighting for, but it's built on top of natures game of outfighting/outsmarting the others.

So yes, fool us twice: shame on us. You can't blame Google for their struggle for power.

Still it's up to us to not let things get any worse. Let's just pray that Google won't pull off a Skynet.

Oh and one more thing:

Capitalism is not "evil", nobody forced us to use it.
It's far from perfect, but every other way of gouvernance is much worse.

So no, it's not the capitalism, it's the people who are ignorant, only think of themselves and don't fight for ideals that make the world what it is.
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In order:
The founder literally laughed about the stupidity of their users on launch
Turned into a trans non-technical agenda evil, also thinks the Internet is their property
Scam practices, price fixing, and tech anchor
Opportunists, that try evil and fail, because they are pretty stupid
Their workers are sleeping in tents next to the warehouse
Apple are just out to make money by dirty means.

Microsoft make good hardware but also make money through dirty means. They're also in the pocket of the CIA, which is bad if you're an Americuck.

Google pose as a progressive and transhumanist forward company but are fucking Randian to the core, influence people with post-truths, have an agenda and are fucking marketeers who want the most money.

Facebook is almost the same as Google, but don't fund any transhumanist projects and are a social network that are implicit in destroying what used to be a good internet for decent hackers.
hahahaha look at this retard
Wow, you seem very frustrated, maybe you should get a gf. Ohh thats rite, you cant cause your a a fat necberad autist NEET that lives with his parrents, and thats probably cause of "da joos".
I don't see Oracle in the list
What's up with Oracle?
>nags people to log in
>login to download, like to download
>not logged in error message
add vkontakte
>unregistered users can't play audio, but can play video
>Apple are just out to make money by dirty means.
can you be clearer about what "dirty means" involves? is it just the fact that they advertise really competently, or is it substantively more than advertising? is there some bait and switch going on that consumers don't know about going in?
1. Google
Their evil is not even opt-outable, without making huge parts of technology unusable
2. Facebook
Their evil is not opt-outable, but at least completely blocking them is rather easy.
3. Microsoft
Their evil is mostly opt-outable.
4. Apple
Their evil is mostly opt-in
all famous companies that make software because they do not support linux
Poor hardware at premium price.
Cheap labour i.e. Foxconn.
Marketing gimmicks as "innovations" and quadrupling the price.
Closing out hardware that isn't Apple.
Does PRISM affect only the USA or everyone?
Only Ustashas can get Mac PC, not us Kebabremovers.
bcause you had to know a thing or gwo bout pyramid scheme of royalties and who actually wns wich patents.
Neo/g/ dont know shit that elder 30-40 years old IT corps have most patent rights ,didndunotin for years,collect their monthly checks (in trillons) and decide who lives and who bancrupts. Firms bought firms bought firms bought corps bought corps etc for last 50 years,every buyout chain transfer shitload of patent righs.
Whenyou figure out who has most patents,youll know who has most pull and is most evil.
If i had to chose,i would go IBM . So evil,they look good.
Literally fake news.

Do your own research.
I'm not gonna spoonfeed you basic knowledge.
>finally deleted my facebook this week. feels good man.
at least fb has tor service and theres the tinfoil application for android
Google by far. While Facebook is arguably more evil, it's reach is virtually nonexistent. Only google is pervasive online regardless of if you are involved with their products or not. Facebook and Google are the most evil of the two though as they promote censorship and the death of privacy, and are the only ones who have got involved with politics for issues beyond merely increasing their bottom lines.
serbian global marketing at its prime.
you forgot that globalfoundries ,mayority of intel(people think jew, but they be wrong).tsmc, tweeter and manyy other high profile corps are in hands of kebabs.
>Poor hardware at premium price.
>Cheap labour i.e. Foxconn.
>Marketing gimmicks as "innovations" and quadrupling the price.
>Closing out hardware that isn't Apple.
the first and third points sound the same in different words. did you just repackage the same critique to inflate your claim?

the second point is (as discussed) endemic to tech companies in general, so while i agree it's bad i don't know that this really adds anything. it's a wash, unless you're saying microsoft doesn't outsource manufacturing to chinese factories.

the last point doesn't seem to be true either. they've stopped making monitors and routers and probably a few other things. and the flagship desktop operating system device (MBP) uses USB-C to charge, which you can buy generically.

your criticism sounds like it's been rehashed over and over again, but like it hasn't been updated in a few months.
in a long run, they destroyed pretty much any retail especially with books and smaller stuff and next will be food
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Google keeps logs of your searches, uses, times, dates and places. It then sells this data to third parties. Google didn't even use lube. Just raw dogged the masses. Apple uses child slave labor like most other companies. I don't like Apple products but they are by far the less evil of the two.
this doesn't strike me as all that bad.
Apple is the only one that protect s your data and will tell the FBI to fuck off even if you're a dead terrorist

Hackintosh master race reporting in
Retail is obsolete
is that eric shmidt?

>unemployment is good
>destroying small scale business is good
>please register me, mr. data collector
>soo comfy, must tell my social network "friends"
Small business means higher prices. Maybe you're okay with that for a local pizza joint that makes an unusually good pie, but for uniform, mass-produced goods like (new) books and electronics, there's no reason for the small retailers to exist anymore.
I was about to say this, but thanks anon.
What's it like working for Apple?
In order of least to most evil

As others have said, their worst crime is making overpriced and underpowered stuff that is too heavily locked down for nerds. They don't do anything that bad. Like all the others they have sweatshops but at least they're transparent and trying to improve them.

Haven't really been all that evil since they were shoving Internet Explorer down everyone's throats way-back-when. Incompetent yes but not evil. They're pretty much underdog status now.

Collects a shit ton of data. To be fair though they have a very transparent privacy policy and give you the tools to easily check what they've got on you, clear it, and turn it off, if you so choose. (I quite like Google Now as I'm a retarded Google-enabler, but eh... it's more embracing the evil rather than denying it exists. I like being given news I'm actually interested in and being told on a map when and where I stumbled to that night I drank myself under the table. Sorry I'm part of the problem.)
Plus, you can just not use their stuff. Use Bing or Duckduckgo, Cyanogenmod on the phone, your own email server etc.

Collects a shit ton of data that you can't easily get rid of, involves you even if you're not on it, enables stalking, acts as a filter bubble / echo chamber and it's a lot more difficult to avoid than Google because everyfucker uses it and so it's often the only way you find out about some party that's going on or whatever.

Facebook wins.
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What was the name of the worker sleeping in the tent next to the warehouse?
I love to hate Apple just like the other guy but they're a *hardware* company, so their users are their clients, not their product. It's exactly the opposite with Google and Facebook and MS is somewhere inbetween.
It's not even close
I'll have to agree with this guy. But maybe not so much with the microsoft botnet.
>>>57994219(You) brings up a point... of sorts. but his own point is vacuous. all 4 do it. so what is this adding to the discussion about which one is the most or least evil?

I thought it was worth mentioning, that's all.
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AMD is the most evil. They have held back CPU advancement for many years just to sell cheap defective products
One more thing:

Many people think if they don't use facebook they can avoid it. But every site with a "login wiht facebook" logo also has a facebook tracking pixel and the ttrace peopl as good as they can.

It's still nto even close to Google/Alphabet, GoogleAnalytics runs on.. I'd say 8/10 sites.

So if you think google won't track you, just because you use DuckDuck go, you are wrong.
apple products don't have a short life though, I still have 2008 and 2010 laptops that are working perfectly. Their phones have long software support too.
Deleted my ten year old account a couple months back. Just downloaded a copy of my data and deleted it.

I did make a new account, though. But it's as locked down as they'll allow, doesn't have my phone number, and I'm only using it to RSVP to parties. Went from like 2000 "friends" (read: strangers with access to your personal information) to less than a hundred.

It's not perfect but I'm unfortunately not a complete autist and need to maintain social standards to some degree.
You do realize blocking requests to "facebook tracking pixel", Google Analytics JS file, or any cross-domain request to FB/Google is trivial and there's a gazillion browser extensions that do just that, right?
wew lad
Daily reminder that people will to refuse to hire you because you don't have a facebook account.
Tbh both are for retards
Apple and Facebook with Google as an honorable mention
actively spies on you, reads your email and admits to it in the ToS, uses it to you sell you crap.

Has made a huge pivot towards open-source and actually listens to their customers now. Contributes regularly to Linux kernel development and discusses it with the community. Not a paragon of virtue, but no longer in the running for "most evil."

Doesn't give a shit about their customers, no longer listens to anyone, insists removing headphone jacks and shipping incompatible cables is "the future".

Used to be bad, but has started taking active measures to let users protect their privacy and control who sees their shit, wants to eliminate clickbait. Still wants to be the center of your life and isn't great, but no longer "the worst."

Pretty obviously Google.
Google and Facebook are the most evil, because they created literal botnets that only make money by selling you. You are their product.

Apple comes second because they are completely unashamed at their huge profit margins they make off selling the equivalent of sugared water in technology.

Microsoft is more interested in selling cloud solutions, hardware and enterprise licenses and support. They don't really make money from telemetry or ads. They're starting to learn how to be more like the above, they're always playing catch-up (in mobiles, cloud, data collection).
Now here's a little lesson in trickery
Facebook, they don't even bring any single thing of value to the table.
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