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/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 323
Thread images: 26

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Old thread: >>57551716

How are you making America great again, /dpt/?
looking for a Swing guide.
Weeaboos will never be good programmers as long as they continue watching children cartoons
I'm working in Java. I have this generic tree that I do some action on. The method requires me to return a generic polymorphic binary search tree. I can't cast to the polymorphic binary search tree because there is no inheritance relationship. I'm stuck.
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Working on my terminal emulator, trying to add URL hints support.

It's not going to be too easy sadly.
Is there a way to break from multiple loops all at once?
if (...){
do {
if (...){
break; //break all the way out to printf
} while (...)
printf("stop posting anime");
Yes, use goto.
Goto and labels
goto and labels

If Java, then break and labels.
>if Java

by drinking real champagne
Wrap it in a function. Then you can return early if you want.
don't indent that far in the first place
Literally this
public static void printf(String format, Object... args) {
System.out.printf(format, args);
or if you want to be a fucking pajeet, flags
Why does googles front page have such a wacky source code?
i remember one poster said an anime cartoon about anthropomorphized programming languages is coming out. update on that?
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try {
while (condition1) {
do {
while (condition3) {
if (condition4) throw 0;
} while (condition2);
} catch (...) { }
My niece wants to learn C. She's 14 years old.
I've learnt C a long time ago from various resources not worth mentioning now (not K&R).
What would /g/ recommend her? What is The Book to learn C from nowadays? Still K&R, or maybe something more modern?
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>empty catch
Pajeet approves
I don't remember the title, but the "learn how to program C with your beloved anime characters" book
Teach her C++ first, then teach her C.

In my experience as an instructor, its actually easier to teach C++ students C, than C students C++.

And if she learns C, she's going to want to learn C++ anyway.

As for books, Absolute C++ is good. For C nothing beats the real K&R
K&R could be a bit to abstract and may take away the joy of programming. let her start with a magnetic needle.
>be trump supporter
>want to protect your countrys culture by stopping unrestrained immigration
>acts like dirty islamist immigrants themselves by not respecting the culture of /dpt/ by posting anime in the OP
Hypocrisy overload
My favourite:

}catch(Exception ex){
>empty catch
It catches the default exception.

C++ doesn't have finally
>Teach her C++

I let my inner C# escape for a minute. ;_;
Teach her the D.
does K&R have exercises? is it good for actually learning, or is it just a reference book?

Send her here
I think I'm going to be sick
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She's not into anime. I suspect she she might be into furry, but that may be just normal for girls her age to draw animals
I've given the Cardiac to learn a little about how computers works, so I suppose C should be the next logical step
magnetic needle? I've learnt C from absolute disgusting books that should have been burned, so with a little help I think she'll manage to learn it from k&r. She's smart for her age, she skipped 2 grades and is in the second year of HS right now.
thankfully I have plenty of exercises from other resources
I wish I had become a girl earlier!
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Meeting with CS dept head tomorrow to try to convince him to let me do independent study next semester for upper level (400) elective credit. I want to study genetic algorithms, and have done some work before on this as well as stochastic processes:


How should I present my case to him? Advice?
Still, Trump has nothing to do with programming.
tell him u a real G, B
Am I missing something? Doesn't seem overly bad. I mean, it's sexist, but there are thousands of demographic-specific scholarships
>I've given the Cardiac
*I've given her the Cardiac
>ywn fug degenerate kode girls while dressed as a cute girl and whispering to them about C
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Assuming you had to teach her to program, what language would you start with?
Akaribbs is down
Everybody panic
eh it's pretty believable i'd say it's a she
wrote an IRC client in Java with a CLI interface implementing multithreading for nonblocking I/O

the IRC protocol is surprisingly easy to work with, it's all simple verbs in plaintext
fuck off with that retard from this board
good job
that you do some action on? you wouldn't by any chance happen to be black, would you?

A tree is just an interface you use in traversing an array or list in a proper order. So essentially you dont so anything to the tree but invoke it, reconfigure traversal/sort or put it away. What exactly is keeping you from doing any of the above?
and just as an act of pre emtpion, you dont do sorting. sorting occurs in the matter of pulling or inserting the elements in particular indices. Each case abiding a separate entity. When you pull you designate the sorting algorith to pause and supply you the info you need. When you insert, you either pause the sort or add the element prior to sorting and let it sort itself out.

Now, what do you need again?
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The superior coding language is MATLAB.

Prove me wrong codemonkeys.
Teach her how to play house with C as you know it. Then along the way you can help her. My sister is a grown woman and never showed interest in technicalities but she plays sims like a mother fucker and is fairly intuitive about technical aspects though she is still fucking dumb.
>1-based indexing
if it keeps out the sjw posters im all for it. its not like i read the first post anyway.
You are responding to the SJW posters.

They can't help themselves from taking the bait and having a tantrum seeing trump.
Still not as bad as people that have tantrums seeing anime.
>Teach her how to play house with C as you know it
Anyway, she played with rpg maker, scratch and who knows what else a few years ago and I'm pretty sure she has enough of this dumbed down shit
>if it keeps out the sjw posters
that's literally the best lure for them
>automatically a SJW if you point out Trump has nothing to do with Programming

Nice logic there friendo.
pointing it out has nothing to do with programming and you usually don't see people pointing out that anime and traps have nothing to do with programming
thats for the expressions as they fit the model. otherwise 0 based indexing just provides an entry point or a standard form for th. family of functions being represented by the formula/expression.
neither do anime traps. no one cares if the op image is about programming
If you point it out yes, you are just inciting a further flame war such as this one.

Now the thread is completely derailed because you couldn't help yourself from pointing it out.

Learn from >>57562130
>you usually don't see people pointing out that anime and traps have nothing to do with programming
are you new here?
sometimes people will whine about anime/traps but not because they're not programming related it's because they're degenerate
Google C and levels of indirection.

Im meaning that she can apply hierarchies from the level of pointers without having to cater her coding practice and style to the level of the monkey coder idiot. This will help with her maths, english, programming, c, history, chemical engineering, etc. As long as she can keep track of her own work, she'll have no problems and not to mention that the simple syntax will make the learning of other structures a breeze from then on.

If the C ecample sounds, silly, its just like the employee, factory and company analogy used in the books except you dont involve pajeet and his village idiot list of cronies. If that doesnt make sense to you, maybe it will for her. It'll also help keep her humble.
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>Implying 1-based isn't the natural way to to interpret data

Zero is the nigger of numbers, it wasn't even relevant until the decimal system was introduced.
sorry about grammar errors. im on my phone and cant see whats typed if i use it landscaped.
0 is better because the first number in digital circuits is zero. It would be retarded to address using registers starting from 1.
I don't know why MATLAB is 1-based anon.
I'm working with the only argument I have.
i think you mean 0 was on a need to know basis. each worker was given a different task, all under the same rule, and it wasnt necessary for everyone to understand or know what was going on with the whole thing. hence roles in civilization and a gendered outcry from the uneducated yet educated majority. the men didnt know what the women were thinking and the women didnt need to know what the men were doing. eventually this form of civilization broke down and the greater understanding became more relevant, but still under the pretense of privileged versus the need to know basis.

thats why people like me exist. we help you numbnuts figure this out so that we dont have another 2 terms like the last one. i almost died. i cant have that happening to you all. you are my responsibility.
or int?
Can someone tell me a good beginners language to learn and from where?
Just boxed myself in the face really fucking hard after writing code for an exercise in SICP and seeing that the authors did it with one less variable

should I quit programming?
I really fucking suck, my version of matrix transposition required two variables and an inner function, which is absolutely unacceptable why the fuck do I even try?
tfw often when I decide it's convenient I index from 1 in other languages.
I just make sure the size of my structures is one bigger than needed and leave index 0 unused. I always leave a comment about this though.
How does it make you feel, /g/?
That's pretty typical when you're learning to program, just learn from it and move on
Why do we fall?
something relevant pls
Making my own binary database in Racket. I was thinking of compressing the values being saved, but I don't want to depend on any FFI libraries like snappy... Maybe I could reverse engineer snappy? Nah, that sounds like it'd take too long.
if it makes you so emotional, then maybe you should
I'm pretty new to programming, in a java course where we do relatively basic code. My question is why use a text editor like notepad++ or sublime text? I use eclipse where I can write it and compile it all in the same program, so what is the reason for using a text editor?
President Pedophile
This is different from normal trial and error.
This is the seeds of a deep rooted incompetence. In calculus today it wasn't until the professor got the the last step of the proof that the antiderivative of a function is unique that I understood why it worked, and I think someone in the class was able to compute more of the difficult antiderivatives in the allotted time that the professor wrote to prove a point than I was.

I'm just so fucking trash I don't think I can do this or anything else.
thats with several years of correction time and editors as well as students to correct. take it easy woman.
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So we can learn to pick ourselves up.
fuck off, nigger.
how do i unsubscribe from your blog
you should be using 4chan x, learn to use the filter.
thats too loud! set the volume to ____ or lower.
By killing yourself, you shit brained baboon.
if i need to write in JS, should i use coffeescript?
the problem of calculus is that of intergration, to the whole, and differentiation, from the whole by way of the whole.

it doesnt take privilege to see this. What is sand? a tiny pebble or a sea of it?
>I'm just so fucking trash I don't think I can do this or anything else.
In the math circle preparing for the Math Olympics I attended, there was a triple C rule: Concentration, CONFIDENCE, Creativity.
You'd be surprised what kind of idiots got into meaningful places in the rank with proper guidance.
So I am trying to implement a simple shell for fun. I am already upto the point that I can run cmds with arguments, what other functionality should a shell have?
C++ while s/he sits on my knee.
loop structure, piping of returned values, conditional statements, nested function arguments. if youre bored, aliasing?
>This is the seeds of a deep rooted incompetence.
So, normal trial and error then? Just pull your incompetence up by its roots, accept the smack in the face and keep trying. I mean that or give up but if you're not literally mentally ill, then you have the ability to learn this shit. Do you think everyone is a genius in that field?
Why is web dev so awful?

There's hundreds of different, incompatible tools, no standards, no consistency. Good luck figuring out how to fix something if it doesn't like your system configuration.
char im_an_int_trust_me_really[4];
If you're asking then int.
Deadline for applying for a PhD at the University of Washington is December 15. Should I apply?
>he uses a language where int isn't always 32 bits
Because the tools were written by web designers and not programmers.
Webdev cunts exist in their own little world where they think nobody should ever reimplement anything because they don't trust themselves enough to write a goddamn leftpad function.
No daddy, you need to stay at home to look after mummy and feed doggo
>there is nothing wrong about reinventing the wheel when you're building a spaceship
why wouldn't you?
But Obama won't be president in 2 months.
I had to work on a node.js project earlier today, I tried running it with npm and it failed because it hit the open file count limit. Increased the limit to 2000, same thing happened. Fucking hell.
I will never understand the level of adage performance in autists...
Is that how they see themselves?
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So is every normies into loli and hypocrit as fuck or it's just me?
just (you)
Okay it's hard to know when the meme are deeply implanted into the brains
You'll love this. An node.js module for exiting your program.

any good?
>"""process.exit is called on Windows"""
So many problems could be fixed by simply suppressing this shit...
What's the alternative? Linux is better in some ways but worse in others.
>Implying you're actually using Windows
Literally what

>worse in others
Nop. Linux is better in every aspects from performance to userfriendliness on recent distro.

Just try it and stop being an mindless parrot.

It's a matter of, "Do I want to go into research, or should I try my hand at programming in the industry?" My portfolio is fairly shit, but I might be able to score a job at Microsoft if I can play up to my skills well enough. On the flip side, my GRE scores were pretty decent, and it would be trivial for me to get the letters of recommendation to go into academia. With an academic job, I have a few more opportunities, both to work as a professor (and many universities are looking for new professors as students at jumping into computer science in large numbers), or to do private research (I could always work at Microsoft Research afterwards, which requires a PhD).

This would mean about 3 more years of stress through academia, but I suppose it might be better for job opportunities?
>score a job at Microsoft
What happened in your life so you want to become a pajeet?
what are some good project ideas I can put on github?
>Nop. Linux is better in every aspects from performance to userfriendliness on recent distro.

Worse for vidya :^^^^)
Mummy, teach me C#!


>Decent pay
>Decent benefits
>More opportunities to work with system level (C, C++) software rather than web development (although a decent amount of what they work with is in .NET, which I'm okay with)
>Company not likely to go under within the next decade or so, forcing me to look for a new workplace
>Located in Washington, not Commiefornia

I don't see anything wrong with working at this company.


GTP, should I become Dr. Ruby, or should I jump straight into the workplace?
My dick.
>GTP, should I become Dr. Ruby, or should I jump straight into the workplace?

That's up to you, boss. What do you ACTUALLY want to do?
I am learning c++ at the moment and I am wondering if I should start contributing to an open source project that uses C++. I really want to start stretching my skill out because I have never created anything useful whilst learning a language. If the answer is yes to a open source project, could you tell me what project you could recommend to me ? Thank you.
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But who was hint?
this is why i don't browse or take code from github

people are beyond horrible at programming

To be honest, I've considered both possibilities rather equally. What I'm considering is what could be most advantageous for me in the long run.
unsigned int > uint32_t > int > int32_t

depends on requirements

a = {
["xxx"] = {
["yyy"] = {

b = {
["aaa"] = {
[" bbb"] = {

How can i copy the content of b to a, without overwriting a? I want to add data, not replace it.
To be honest in the long run you're just gonna die.
New to pointers. How do I point a variable to another, do shit to the first and have it reflect on the second?

int x = 0;
int * y;
y -> x; //y pointing to x
cout << x; //x should be 1
unless he becomes a legend
int x = 0;
int *y = &x;
std::cout << x << std::endl; //1
y = &x;

Whatever you're learning out of should have shown you this

#define pointer *
#define at &
int x = 1;
int pointer y = at x;

That's what I thought it was but trying it now:

    int x = 0;
int * y = &x;
cout << x;

Output is 0.

This increments the memory address y is holding before dereferencing it

Oh, this seemed to work.

    int x = 0;
int *y = &x;
*y += 1;
cout << x;
First reply guy, my bad, I overlooked that in haste. Don't postfix it's incrementing the address.
Javafags will never experience the joy of writing:
 public string X { get; set; } 

Why haven't you taken the .NetPill yet, /g/ ?
I hate evolutionary algorithms and how much of a bad meme they are.

Hurr durr let me create every permutation of my tiny-ass data-set and pick the one that doesn't suck.

even though in order to formulate a question that is solvable by a genetic algorithm, you have to already have the solution in mind
so you could just not fucking waste all that processing time on meaningless bullshit and go straight for the answer

fuck shit
The most I do with .Net is Powershell
I think I have found a non-harmful use for goto
Error handling? Because it's fine for error handling, it's readable and efficient.
>genetic algorithms
You shouldn't be using raw pointers much in C++ if you can help it.

References > std::unique_ptr > std::shared_ptr > raw pointers
but anon you are the genetic failure.
C++ fag but I did some Unity stuff with C# and I loved getting to say "delegate" regularly in conversation outside of US political context.
>implying the commune of washington is any different from commiefornia
hehe.... youve got so much to learn kiddo
either you are mentally and or socially retarded or C# is mentally and socially retarded and actually has the non-verb delegate in it
the delegates, dahnald
i just can't help but think of it as a verb
what a fucking retarded language
>what a fucking retarded language

lol, it is a very shitty word to use, but I like getting to say it
What the actual fuck? Do people do this?
Yes, it's called C++
I fixed it.

Also, I started working on akari-bbs again after being sucked into animal crossing for 2 weeks~
>not anime
Is the 3DS worth it?
get your ass over here... i'm gonna rape you
What should I learn guys, between these two, C# or Java?
If there's some game you really want to play, then yes, probably.
The game library is smaller than I'd like tho, I wouldn't even bother trying to pirate them, there aren't that many worthwhile games on 3DS to make it worth it.

To be honest, I only bought a 3DS to play new leaf and I haven't played anything else.
I even bought some other games and haven't touched them.

pls no
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Decided to tinker with a personal project for the first time in a while.

Muh triangles n shit. :)
Cute girl

Black women are the QTest. Indisputable fact.
>Black women
we usually call that female
animals can't be women
fuck those two learn a programming language instead
>I'm working in Java
literally stopped reading

Google image search a best. As is your taste, damn.
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>linking small version

She is honestly one of the most beautiful creatures that God has ever created.

I didn't even know it was possible to be that black.
that things looks ugly as h*ll
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So am I edgy for wanting to learn how to write malware/hack like for a purely educational/curiosity reason?
Cute cute. Her eyes are gorgeous. I wish she didn't do what she did to her eyebrows though, desu.

No. Of course you aren't.
why does on-line help for anything but C suck?

common lisp's hyperspec is shit
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Gentlemen and gentoomen, we go full URL hint support.
Fuck you, faggot. You're not fucking funny. I'm sick of seeing this stupid shit and I think I can speak for the rest of /g/ when I say that your post is utter fucking garbage and you should neck yourself immediately, you fucking retarded kid. I fucking hate you and I want you to die. What the fuck is wrong with you, are you actually fucking retarded? Kill yourself, no literally fucking end your life, you childish piece of shit. I hate you and everything you stand for. Fuck off and never post again, asshole.
>I can speak for the rest of /g/
Yes, you just showed how /g/ is so retarded this days.
pure functional programming
How many layers deep can I make a neural network before I start running into vanishing gradients?
Other than epeen against other smelly neckbeards, name one reason to learn and master Haskell?
it depends on how you backpropagate. this number has changed radically in recent years with new backpropagation methods in the research literature
>learning haskell
Okay, how many layers can a total noob expect to get when dicking around with sigmoid activation functions in Tensorflow? I'm just looking for a conservative guesstimate
if you don't know any functional language you should learn one just because the idioms are widely useful

haskell also has a nice type system that can help you think about how to use types in other languages

monads are shit
>monads are shit
am i speaking to affine autist?
i could pull a number like 10? out of my ass but it's probably much easier for you to bisect until you find the answer. i think it is probably in that order of magnitude, i haven't used tensorflow
Whelp, I guess that's better than nothing. Thanks
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working on an rpg
no, i am a C++ template satanist
Whoops, meant to reply to >>57565680
what's wrong with monads?
Is it possible to use a loop inside a conditional in C?
Also, anyone have good resources to learn PHP?
>loop inside a conditional
Originally I wanted to do it for convoluted reasons that wouldn't solve my problem.
But that was a while ago, and I've already fixed it. Now I'm just curious.
Also, follow-up question: would batch normalization help with vanishing gradients, or is that for something else?

I'm just trying to find what methods there are for getting deeper networks without resorting to LSTM's.
So is that a no?
int n = b ? max : 0;
for (; n < max; ++n) ...;
Batch normalization wouldn't help with vanishing gradients. Do you understand what vanishing gradients are?
the for loop isn't part of b
>help mum i am retarded pls
Yes I do. It was my understanding that batch normalization granted you greater control over the backpropagation process so that you don't "spend" all of your gradient near the bottom of the network. That must have been mistaken, though.
>calling a young girl a loli

Kill yourself.
I see what you're doing, but it doesn't have the behavior I wanted.
im not an american i am polish and im not going to "make america great again".
a young girl is a loli
there are no good resources to learn PHP
anything that teaches PHP is a bad resource
C has become magical.
#include "multiply.h"
#include <string.h>
void multiply(int m, int k, int n,
double (*res)[n],
const double (*x1)[k],
const double (*x2)[n])
memset(res, 0, sizeof(double) * m * n);
for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
for (int l = 0; l < k; l++)
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
res[i][j] += x1[i][l] * x2[l][j];
so I got some neural implants. I need to write a program that could boost my calculation speed. for example an equation that now takes me 10 seconds to solve will take a lot lesser.
Which language should I use to write this calculation assistance?
I don't get it
That's quite a generalization. Batch normalization is used because it allows increasing learning rates. While it might positively affect changes near the top, the goal is faster training.
What exactly?
You are not a girl, you're a fat NEET cunt dressed in girls clothes. You are disgusting, kill yourself
I'm an idiot. I need an example of this in C or I'm not going to be able to finish.

>In Project Part 3, you will design and implement a reliable block transfer protocol,
called Stop-and-Wait ARQ Protocol (SWAP), which uses another protocol called
Simple Datalink Protocol (SDP). As SDP is a non-reliable block transfer protocol, you
will also implement an application, called File Transfer Application (FTA), to send a
file to another computer using SWAP, as shown below:
didn't stop reading there.
Calm your shit.
1: There will ALWAYS be programmers who are better than you.
2: If you're doing it right, you are pretty much always improving.
3: A common (and fair) complaint about textbook exercises is that they present you a perfect solution, when in reality, the solution almost was never written perfectly in one go. (There was this really good article written on this in the context of the 'Handmade Hero' youtube series but I can't find it). Generally what you'll do is you'll write something that approximates the problem, then test it and find out that it doesn't work for some edge case, then fix it up, and then maybe it works well but you now see a way you could have written it better, so then you do it that way, or maybe for some harder problems you do all of that for a subset of a problem.
Asking opinions. I currently know C# and python, and actively use them both. From a 100% employment opportunities standpoint, which languages should I learn next? I was thinking java and C. I already know C basics, as I learned it in school many years ago, so I suppose it will be easy to refresh. I just want to be well rounded enough to be seriously considered for the largest amount of positions. I know I'm asking a lot from a Malaysian recipe board but any help would be appreciated.
>C# and python
stopped reading right there bruh
Wow rude.
Right, because "real programmers" only use "insert old, deprecated, going nowhere, random bullshit language here"
Web shit is worth learning if you don't mind it.
Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP.
wypierdalaj stad szmato
Real programmers use real languages
not C# and or python
why not? it's not like you can make poland great "again"
In JavaScript, do you know of a monitoring tool that lets me see the internal, binary representations of numbers, in real-time?

It is my understanding that all numbers are double-precision floats.
I don't care about the numbers themselves, I just want to mess around with the bits.
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What would an implementation of nextsym() look like?
I just can't seem to take this shit and turn it into something working, somebody kill me.
>A common (and fair) complaint about textbook exercises is that they present you a perfect solution, when in reality, the solution almost was never written perfectly in one go
It's the same with math. E.g. Greeks loved to pass on only their perfect, pampered, elegant proofs of theorems which were supposed to emphasize the beauty of logic, while omitting the dirty process in which they got their results. That's just how their religion and philosophy worked like.
But if you think e.g. the Pythagorean theorem was invented in a way its proof was presented, then you are just simply not aware of all of the work Egyptians put into it before Greeks. Same thing is said about Euclid proof of infinity of primes which is often presented as a marble of reasoning.
This trend survived through ages. And don't even make me started about all of the shit that went on with calculus. If you're studying math, and you have the option, take math history course. It's enlightening to learn about all the things and work that had to be done to discover certain things and the order in which those discoveries were made.
>which languages should I learn next
here's your problem
it's doomed anyway
>and they said we can't have nice things
Web is pretty popular. Everything is centered around JavaScript. So I would learn that.

Or go for mobile, and learn Java for Android. Make a couple of apps, publish them on the appstore, and voila, you have a portfolio. Employers will like that.
consume a symbol
change sym to the symbol
Thanks man. I'll check it out
I want to be completely proficient in at least 3. The overall target being 6. Why is that a problem?
>write a comprehensive answer
>just about to hit post
>"why would I consciously lower my market value by making myself a competition by spreading this meme and not even get paid for it?"
>delete the whole post
>post this instead
you'll be a jack of all trades, a hobbyist who spends his time learning flavor of the month languages instead of becoming truly proficient in a real language by using it to build real software

learn C++ and/or java
you are a bad person
>tfw I live in times when it's considered "bad" to be paid for your job
php, it's the gold standard for neural implants
I stopped caring about Haskell when I was introduced to the concept of monads. What a crock of shit. If your program can only modify state by inventing a higher-order abstraction that can't exist, like some kind of programming deity, then you are fucking wrong and the language is flawed. Same for type checking that basically says "the correct type is whatever the correct type is". That's what the error message said transcribed to words, but god forbid if i wrote in down in English instead of the meme Haskell runes that GHC marks me wrong.

Haskell is logical and category theory never lies my ass. Haskell is just as flawed as any other """"functional"""" language.
Are you disrespecting the programming deity?
He'll smite you
>your program can only modify state by inventing a higher-order abstraction that can't exist
I don't know Haskell, but isn't that like the true, correct way of doing OOP?
It's copypasta
I'm in the process of picking up JavaScript. It's my first real attempt at learning a programming language. I tried Python a while ago, but it doesn't quite "click" in my head as JS does.

I wasn't sure where to start, so I've spent this week going through all the free JS courses on codecademy.

Where would you recommend I move on to next? I really enjoyed the interactive learning aspects of codecademy, but now that I'm done I don't feel like I've learned any way to actually apply what I learned to solve tasks and problems in the real world.
so you ask /g/?

he probably made the leap
im just joshing you ruby

i would say go into research. But thats always been a dream i just blindly added to my list of dreams. Working as a full fledged programmer always leaves a bad taste in my mouth but i know its only because im surrounded by chimps. I cant imagine id be working with anyone that would care to do more than code the same, boring old modality over and over. research would at least lemme test out new things frequently. i figure that research would give you "hands on" with some pretty gnarly interfaces too.
Doing my honors and spend a lot of time with the PhD students in the lab. The majority is project management and report writing, the implementation almost seems like an afterthought at the end of it.
Java is one of the main ones I've been considering. Thanks for the input
thats the perfect distance from pajeet.
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The problem is that they're trying to shoehorn women into programimg and other STEMish careers just to prove they can do anything men can do (you won't see a push for female plumbers or carpenters). I have no problem with women being programmers but putting this pressure on them to take on something they probably won't even like is concerning. Not only that,but men handle shit better than women. I've seen some senior level female programmers lose their fucking shit when they fuck up their code and can't fix it.
why dont you ask them what they want? that read like youre saying "they" are to prove themselves omnipoten from a distance rather than that women are bei.g shown to be capable. I think thats a big part of the push. women read it and get triggered and suddenly theres a push for the change as it was instigated.

its silly i know but i cant help but see it that way considering the way women are protesting amd considering how often youll see ot worded exactly as youve phrased it. its called a lazy algorithm.

>JS as first programming language

Oh shit, what are you doing?!

But if you really want to, read "Eloquent JavaScript" and DO THE EXCERCISES:

After that you could look into "JavaScript: the good parts", which is basically a list of JS do's and dont's..

And after than you can dabble into "ECMA Script 6", the new version of JS. Or learn something like Typescript, CoffeScript..
Btu don't get tempted to skip really get a good understanding of JS before getting into the newer stuff. It will pay off to get the basics first.

Oh, I just noticed you alredy did the codeacademy stuff..

Well, in "Eloquent JavaScript" are two smaller projects you could do.

Or learn ECMA6 and then build a website. Or learn Node.JS. Or start building plain old websites with HTML, CSS and JS. Or learn fancy JS libraries like D3.js...
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I hate to use this meme but most of the time women don't know what the fuck they want. Most of them are getting into it because society is telling them "muh women in stem."

Thanks. I realize it might not be the best starting point, but so far I'm really grasping the basics, and it's a lot of fun.

My plan is to not get into library usage like nodeJS or jQuery and instead learn as much as I can from doing plain JS. Once I'm comfortable, I'll get into nodeJS.

Thanks for the advice though. I'll check out the projects in "Eloquent Javascript" then move on to ECMA.
its probably just about agitating the cuktural subsystem. i got a headache just thinking about it again.

glad its over for now. god bless america.
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>solving http://codeforces.com/problemset/problem/276/C?locale=en for homework
>create source file
>mfw touch littlegirl.cpp
>Need to make a log-in/register system in PHP & SQL
Security asks a lot of your life it appears.
You mean cause of Trump? Women ain't going back to the kitchen senpaiiii.

No problem, JS is fun. And being good in JS is definately a good plan for whatever you do later.

But be aware that most programming languages are pretty different from JS..

jQuery doesn'T bring anything new to the table, but it's making your life much easier. So yes, do that next (also build a website and apply all those jQuery stuff !).

Node.JS is a different beast, since you have to get what the internet really is: client/server architecture, TCP/IP vs. UDP, HTML status codes.. that's only the tip of the iceberg.

If you go into web development there's a lot of stuff you have to learn at the same time. But once you understood them, it gets easier, so don't get frustrated and tackle them one by one Just use wikipedia or ask here.

>List of HTTP status codes - Wikipedia

sorry, messed up my formating

There are basically two groups of "women in tech":

Group one are the ones that are interested in tech stuff and don't give a flying f about gender. Those are usually pretty good coworkers, fairly skilled and great to have in your team.

Group two are women that were tricked by this whole "everybody must into science" circus, believing their "math/programming is not hard, it's fun!" lies.
Gen Z are a bunch of mollycoddled cucks
the cucking is what they will rebel against

leftists were part of the counter-culture back in the day

the "alt-right" is the new counter-culture
Nah they're stuck in their safe space groupthink thanks to the internet so everything different looks scary and wrong.
It's ailly and sexist, but this is hardly what's pushing women, it's simply enabling the ones that already have an interest. Also bad habit to generalize by demographics, friend
Trump won't make america great again. He believes in shit-tarded memes like "global warming isn't real" and "vaccines cause autism". He will inflame the left and make them even more idiotic possibly resulting in a leftist version of trump in 2020. Protectionism is a stupid economic policy. He is an aging senile boomer celebrity with no political experience who will be manipulated by shills and yes-men even if he genuinely believes in clearing out the swamp.

I say this as a conservative who dislikes the whole SJW thing. He could have deported illegal immigrants without all this other bullshit. I very much doubt he will make much progress even on this issue since he is so incompetent.
cause the leader isnt black anymore and so to "rome as the romans do" no longer means to mimic black people....as they mimic their mothers or asian stuff. The thing with that is the difference between phonic and lexical which really hurts my head to think about since ive always been lexical and only went the phonic route when trying to discuss things with people that dont speak regular english or deal with people that grew up around the crimunal element and have come to accept it as "normal". So, yeah, the issue is gone as far as what's american, again. I dont mind that women do that thing theybdo and nag and oull ears for attention but as long as they arent doing it the way black men and black women do it in okay with itbhappening and can ignore it...cause, really. whens the last time you were "allowed" to just ignore a black person? shit, when's the last time you were allowed to just ignore a group of people? I really cant remember anymore.

women are kind of phonic too, now that i think of it. but its more like "im being louder now" than anything else.

You think being a quiet, handsome guy that wants to live quietly will go to being back in style again? I could rome to that roman.
white dudes protecting white hegemonic interests and the ruling class while calling minorities niggers and spics isn't counterculture, it's been the status quo since america was born.
and to add, the biggest loss in wealth were dealt to minorities since the recession
ive never been a called a spic to my face. so the hegeminy seems to be right in line with what ive always known. though i call some types of brown spics due to behavioral constraints in lieu of a representative form of oppression, just their bias towards being "a good boy". Imm eanung that guy that will make a gesture as you've turned away or turned your back just because he knows you acting out will mean he was right about you, as a single mother would say to her son whom she she has been nagging about his father. I really hate shamer cuckture.

like, really, not even in a school in the middle of neo nazi central or in the middle of mew york using an atm in a majority black burb was i ever called a spic. i dont get the argument but im not a loud person anyway. i also dont discount the potential for their word to be weighed more strongly against mine.
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The only demographic you can safely generalize is women, friend. Travel a bit and you'll notice the similarities.

Dominican here. I look black and have no accent and I've never encountered people calling me nigger. Granted, I don't sag my pants and I listen to mostly metal. Basically if you don't act ghetto or Hispanic you'll be fine.
more heavily*

might i add that ive always lived in a shit neighborhood and have been pulled down by friends or family as ive made any form of ascent. the thought that id ever have to account for a majority or minority just based on my skin color and possible heritage doesnt gel with me. i was raised christian, for christ's sake. "there is no salvation but through the graces of God".
I can see that mexicans are not doing right by what theyre being given, especially not now that they had all the opportunities in the world to truly come together and not just gather in protest for rights. instead they sold themselves to an ideal that would allow them a sense of hubris in place of the satisfaction of having done the job right, rather than simply having the right job. these new laws about immigration? they arent even unfair and only apply to criminal felons. the types of criminals that create a status quo within the limits of the culture as if it were our civic duty as folk that reflect light as poorly, as made evident by the tone of their skin, to keep each other from advancing and to force everyone to understand "you!" rather than to just let them go on by while you keep to your plans. we screw shit up for ourselves...but still... i can see, and have seen firsthand, the point of initiation. fobs. doesnt matter where from, they bring trouble on a scale tantamount to the collective intwlligence of the other "skins" and really from there its eitger you take them out or you learn to live among them as they live out their derangements.

anyway, enough about how easily liberal psychology and social engineering can plague the status quo if you let it run rampant and hidden in plain sight. i just wish they were more precise, less lazy and didnt just throw the book at it with equivocation to blame or derangement to flout. lets talk c.

im thinking i wanna make a website for all kinds of undefined behavior, in c, that has since been implemented by other languages or that is common practice in asm technologies

it would be nice to have a table format with links to examples and extra columns with description and philosophies in tact. I think it would make for a pretty good portfolio, too.
anyone here got anything to add to the tables? I am still weighing over the practical elements in play as separate column rather than as comments in the code, so that students googling for something thats already part of your code can call up a hit to your site through the seo withoutbjust selling up another one of those indian sites where a ring of indian students comment and seo each other to providence with "very helpful" code that won't run without the clearing of what would be obvious mistakes...that act as clear induction. which contain segments of code and explanations that link you to a stack question by them, for you to upvote, and that feed you in to the currently running marketing ploy by the ring of alien, i mean indian, overlords as they are: google, android, ms, adobe.

yeah im annoyed and probably being annoying too. sorry about that.
lol i just remembered that the ceo to quora is someone i was sorta somewhat acquainted with. i say it this way because i dont think id ever ask him for money, but id ask him to help me sell something through his site.
Is he Indian?
oops not quora but sone other really big message board deal. oh the places you'll go, amirite?
Into the trash, then
>The only demographic you can safely generalize is women, friend. Travel a bit and you'll notice the similarities.
I disagree, manchild
I'm writing open source software to replace businesses, destroying all jobs and making socialism inevitable for the survival of the species.
Can your software deport Mexicans?
its garbage that you can cry foul over my making a post here but claiming i made it in /b/. how does that seem right to you in any way? im an avid contributor here. every day i find at least one person to help. i may have been the one to spark the c "meme" here recently. why are you being this way?
How would that replace businesses and destroy jobs?
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and im referring to that fucked up judgment call of a ban you just made.
I want to write the evil AI called "AM". What do I need to know
You need to know more than everyone else who has ever tried to implement AI.
>My niece wants to learn C. She's 14 years old.
No, she fucking doesn't.

Some autist, probably yourself, painted it as something she should want to learn.

If she actually did want to program, I guarantee she would be happier with a language that is easier to actually finish projects in.
I learned to script when I was 12, but I am not the little girl.
Sure, but if I'm gonna go for a record high jump I wanna start from the shoulder of the tallest giant(s)
its super easy to write things in c. its a lot less of a brain dump too, not only that but it lends itself to good all around practices like designing on paper and implementing through simple structures. a lot of the security issues go out with the window once you learn to use the operators in the correct order. its just like math.

if you read any of the other posts he made, youll note that she is 2 grades ahead so its not like any of this studf is just "granted" to her. i would give her some credit.
There are a lot of good CS resources on the Cornell website, including for machine learning.

Try not to get sucked into the decades-old 'LISP for AI' concept that /dpt/ parrots. They're great languages which you should try, but they're not mandatory for AI.

You won't succeed without corporation-scale hardware. Note that all speech analysis services available on your phone send the audio to a farm to be processed.
In MySQL, when I make an update statement and it does match some rows, but does no changes to them, how do I get the number of rows matched?

Like if I have a row a=1, b=2, c=3, and I make an update statement to change b=2 where a=1, the update will match that row, but will not change it.
Why not use a similar SELECT statement prior to the UPDATE?
Because the where clause is slow, I don't want to do it twice.
If you have an index on the relevant column and do a
, it shouldn't be that slow.
, that is
i'm not a count I'm a duke!
That abc example was a gross oversimplification, its a multi table query with pattern matching in the where statement, including others. I want to avoid doing a select, because it would be slow.
I am doing this with PHP, by the way, but mysqli_info's rows matched seems unreliable, it doesn't always return the correct value.
Time for the spoon-feed:

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New thread

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It's one of the remains of unix ideology - each tool should do one task well.

It has some pedagogical porpuses, since it doesn't babysit you too much. Also you are able to switch compilers/interpreters easily, which you can't do with most ides.

Best compromise is emacs, it's one of the best text editors with many plugins for compiling/interpreting languages.

Ide vs text-editor is in the end mainly question of culture. Java-folks use ides, C-folks vim + (g)cc, lispers mainly have emacs with their interpreters embedded in it.
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