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T420 appreciation station. Post your beautiful T420's (the

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T420 appreciation station. Post your beautiful T420's (the masterrace of laptops)
>windows sticker
>tfw can't have a W520 appreciation thread because everyone has 12 or 14" thinkpads
You're welcome to stick around :)
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tfw ThinkPad L450 master race </3
Seems alright except for the shitty soldered CPU
Should I get T420 for 160squids or X201 for 140 squids?
I dont know what to do, and I dont have anough money to buy them both.
T410s master race


Because you can't not say it as
"Tea For Tennis"
What battery life should I expect from a t420?
I'm getting about 3 hours, is this average? I'm pretty sure the battery life on my t400 used to be better than that.
windows - download lenovo power manager
linux - terminal, acpi -V

post it's percentage left. "last charged capacity"
You're ruining it with Ubuntu, you cuck.
I have one but no need for a picture.

I have the big battery pack (the one that sticks out). On Linux I get around 5-6 hours with normal use and brightness a few ticks below the max.
Meant for >>57427522
>Last full capacity 4254 mAh = 94%

I suppose it's good then.

Right, I'll probably buy one of those. I just remembered I had the 9 cell in my t400.
You're ruining it with *ubuntu, you cuck.
Yeah, everything just works. It's great
>Battery 0: design capacity 7813 mAh, last full capacity 6291 mAh = 80%
I set my charging threshold to 84%; does that factor into this, or is my battery going to shit?
I bought an OEM lenovo battery and after two years it degraded from 99% to 73%. It's worth noting that you can fake the "max capacity" number if you got a chink battery.
Thoughts on the Lenovo Yoga series?
No beuno senor
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The only master race is quad core T430 + nvidia dGPU and classic keyboard.
T420 is for poorfags and faggots.
Dude lmao that's the weed number.
You'd have more people if you included the T520 that based Rossman used. I-i'd join.
>that gorgeous fhd screen
Hipster faggot.
Is that yours? how well and easy was replacing the keyboard? It's the only thing preventing me from getting a T430, I know their gpus are quite a leap over the previous generation.
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NVS 5400m 2GB is good enough to handle all modern gaymes. I tested BF1 yesterday and it was fine. :^)
>how easy
>is that yours?
No, mine is better.
I fucked up the link.
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Yep, I have a quadcore T420 + dGPU and that's the only setup that tops it.
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Is there a problem, fampai?
The temperature never goes higher than 85C under full CPU load with turbo and HT enabled.
Throttling kicks in at 101C... which NEVER happens.
>Is there a problem, fampai?
Yeah, you're using an i7 in a laptop.
>uses a thinkpad
>calls other thinkpad users poorfags
you must be one of them light skinned niggers looking down on other niggers
And why is that a problem? Don't you like the required resources to get shit done?
Are you some kind of a nigger faggot?
I honestly feel bad for you, enjoy your overheating with marginal performance.
>NVS 5400m 2GB is good enough to handle all modern gaymes

I feel like you're trolling. I heard that the NVIDIA chip in T420 for example, is weak. How is this one capable of playing modern games? Proofs?
I'm a purely white aryan heterosexual man. My dad was an SS officer.
I think I'm actually more white than you and your entire family combined, nigger :^)
>I'm a purely white aryan
I just showed you the test case where it's completely cool. I think you're mentally retaded, kid.
T420 4200m 512GB GPU is shit. It's old and it's a completely different platform.
OCd 5400m to 900MHz is slightly better than GT 640m.
not him. I thought we had cpu stepping to prevent this, and also doesn't the feature set of the i7 just not activate if it isn't being used?
Great response kid. You sure told me!
What are you talking about? Prevent what?
Throttling in this i7 model kicks in at 101C degrees. (at 105C there is a shutdown). 20 minute test with full load of both CPU and GPU shows that the CPU doesn't go higher than 85C degrees, which means it's completely fine. What's so hard to understand?
The GPU of the T430 has twice the performance of the 420 one
So you would say the T430 is worth the extra money? Is it still a good buy at this time or should I be looking at even newer models like T440?

Also, how is the screen? I heard that it's terrible. Is it really?

How do you OC on a laptop? Never understood that.
*at stock frequency
**applies only to the 40nm model
***28nm (2GB) shrink is actually faster and cooler
Playing games on a laptop is cancer, that's why you have a desktop.
hey guys is this t420 a good deal? I've been dreaming about being a t420 owner ever since my laptop broke

>OCing a soldered GPU
Just get a 15" model
Yeah that's a pretty good deal.
Did you ever smoke weed when having sex? Lol, that would be crazy. But cool though
It's sounds good in theory
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Yes, it's worth it. I love it and IMHO it's superior to t440p, especially when it comes to the keyboard.
T440 has an ULV CPU. T440p has a shitty, unusable touch trackpoint. Plus it has much worse GPU (730m?).
1600x900 screen isn't that bad. You just need to use Intel PWM Control program, so it won't give you the eye cancer. After that it's completely fine.
>How do you OC on a laptop? Never understood that.
You download MSI Afterburner, you bump vRAM and core freqs. Done.
Also if you want to keep both QC CPU and OCd GPU you should bent a little both heatsinks, so they're properly aligned, thus giving you best cooling possible with stock cooling system. Also if you're afraid of overheating you can also enable the fastest fan state in tpfancontrol.
Pre-i7-3720qm CPUs cannot be OCd, tho. I wouldn't recommend that anyway, unless you want ot use the 135W PSU with it.
>Intel PWM Control program
How safe is that?
m-muh thinkpad circlejerk
Stop shilling your trash T430 >>>/tpg/

This is the T420 thread (masterrace laptop)
Playing gaymes on laptop is completely fine, unless you're a retarded kid who needs to play at 120FPS and everything set to ultra.
Unlike you I leave the house for most of the day, and sometimes I just want to play a little - in my company, for example. Have fun carrying your desktop with you everytime you go to your work you stupid negroid.
>OCing the already underclocked 28nm chip
Fix'd for you
All 15" thinkpads also have soldered GPUs.
>Intel PWM Control program
What is this?
I have a T420, an R61i, a Toshiba satellite, and an HP envy. Appreciate
Safe. Nobody ever reported an issue with that. I'm also using it at 500Hz since like a month and it's fine. No problems whatsoever.
Stop shilling for your trash T420 and get back to >>>/hm/
Shitty screens like the ones of the T420/520 set lower brightness levels by rapidly turning the LED backlight on and off, and these models have a really low frequency (220Hz) for doing that. Someone made that tool to set a higher frequency.
If you are using a really old CCFL screen though, it could be damaged by a too high frequency
It's shit, kurwa.
Stop fighting lads, let's face it the T430 has superior hardware but the T420 the superior keyboard. Not everyone is comfortable hacking his computer and getting a non-100% functional keyboard.

And both have shit tier screens btw, T/W5x0 blow them out of the water.
Says the autist that can't go two seconds without playing his games.
>You just need to use Intel PWM Control program, so it won't give you sure cancer

Elaborate on that, please. I saw people in last thread complaining about T420 PWM. What is that?

Also, do you know if it's possible to adjust PWM on Linux? I'd dual boot.
Basically, if you notice the screen flicker at lower brightness rates and it's a problem for you, the tool will fix that
>a non-100% functional keyboard.
You probably don't even know what this ONE unsupported combination does. Kek
>And both have shit tier screens btw, T/W5x0 blow them out of the water.
That's actually true, but keep in mind you can replace it with fHD one, especially now when there is this one faggot on leddit who still sells them.
>two seconds
You mean 12 hours?
I have a T410 that I bought many years ago, still in excellent condition
Anyone looking for a T430 and have a Fry's nearby? $247 today.
I own a W520. If it had a gaming GPU on it I would literally be set for life. Beautiful laptop

You're not welcome, Macfag.
The 2000M is quite nice for gaymes
Yeah, but working with optimus is a pain in the ass.
T420. The damn thing absolutely refuses to die.
says the poorfag that can't afford a good laptop
Hmm, I see. What about the T530? Seems to have that same GPU and you get a better screen. Does it still have that PWM problem, though?
How so? If you mean that the list of games is not installed by default, there's a fix for that. Or do you mean linux support?
Interesting, I sometimes notice flickering with certain images on the screen but im sure those are related to the lcd itself and always use my screen between 2 and 4 (out of 15) levels below max. Still this got me curious. I've done a couple of self repairs to my laptop namely bridge the broken led backlight fuse with a cable that runs through half the laptop because I can't into soldering SMD so im a bit nervous about it causing interference or something.
eGPU familia.
Don't know. T5*0 have much better screens. My dad's T520 has non-IPS screens and looks superior to the T430 one.
Also talking about the 1600x900 one.
Yes, it's got PWM too
You're so autistic. I like you.
Plus you just gave me a mad craving for strawberries and cream.
I'd definitely get any T/W5x0 over the T4x0 line any day if size and money aren't an issue (biggest selling point of T4x0s, dirt cheap and good specs). Better cooling and slightly better upgradeability for the W line (4 ram slots) and the much better screen but only if you go for a FHD screen model.

>Does it still have that PWM problem
I don't know, I have a T520 and never noticed it but always use it near max brightness levels.
Linux support. I'm still computing everything on the Intel GPU because I can't figure this shit out
>Foo Fighters

come ooooooooooooon
>not taping the cam
>not using the BIOS
It's not my laptop, newfags
I care about screen quality a lot.
It would sort of be used as a desktop replacement. It wouldn't be carried around daily. Can't really have an actual desktop computer now, so I'm turning to laptops.

Ah, so if you have your brightness set high, PWM is not a problem? Sorry lads, I'm a bit tired and didn't "get it" right away.
I'm not one of those 'die-hard arch or gentoo purists' but seriously... ubuntu?
It doesn't mean it's too bad for your standards.
All my other screens are IPS, and this one is the only one that doesn't hurt my eyes after 1-2 hours of constant use.
Also you can always replace it with 1920x1080 IPS one. It just requires a little bit of money.
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Not having a factory optioned web-cammless T420

Nobody to chat with?
>Not having the camera pointed at your junk 24/7
Could it be that you're craving my McNuggies, Chinknovo?~
Pretty much this
It's nice to have your camera, especially when you call your friends.
>implying this faggot even has friends
There are these things called keyboards m8

you can chat with other people by typing on these things, crazy i know
>I care about screen quality a lot.
Definitely avoid the T4x0s and get a 5x0 one.

>Ah, so if you have your brightness set high, PWM is not a problem?
Yes, and even if it is you can use that program and fix it easily. Visual acuity varies a lot and while I don't notice anything wrong with mine you may do, but it's an easy fix so I wouldn't worry.
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daily reminder that the t420 has one of the worst displays ever produced on a laptop
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Fine. Video chat, you pedantic faggot.
There are those things called phones you know.
There is this thing called suicide, you know.
I think you should commit it.
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>he doesn't have the ultra rare special edition IBM T420 thinkpad

Why do you even live senpaitachi?
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>marginal performance
Wow, you clearly know shit! Can I touch you, master?
this nigga serious?
Someone pls be kind and excplain me what's the thing about this laptop. I see it everyday on this board, looks like a meme. I don't understand.
It's just very cheap and reliable.
Most /g/ users are underaged kids with no own finances.
That's why this laptop is so popular here. It's cheap and it's shit. Ideal /g/ laptop.
For the price it's a bargain. Well built, great keyboard.
So you're fine with carrying around a smartphone in your pocket, but you're against having a webcam in your laptop? How long have you known you're on the spectrum?

I see. I got a cheap Dell inspiron 7 years ago and the fucker stays strong. some of this days it will give its last goodbye.
Are T420S's welcome?
I don't think it's specifically about Thinkpads but rather all business laptops that companies renew constantly. A new Thinkpad from Lenovo is expensive but in a few years it's dirt cheap.

HP Elitebooks and Dell Precisions are welcome on the Thinkpad general too. I'd get an Elitebook but I like the matte all black style of the memepads.

I see. so this threads are more about the quality/money ratio.
I don't know. I got my laptop when I enter the college, and as I didn't have much money and didn't need a powerful machine for my degree, I got the cheapest laptop I saw.
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Thinking of buying a think centre M57 with 8Gb DDR2 and a Core2Duo Quad q6600 for server.

It's $20.00.

Should I bite?
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how long did it take to clean and sterilize the DNA deposited from the previous owner?
If you don't pay the electricity bill, sure
Its not bad since it comes with a SSD and looks clean however I got this except with a 320GB HDD for $150 shipped and I already had an SSD to put in it

Anybody with nvidia graphics that uses linux able to get their display port to work?
I can't get it to work even on windows 8.1. Monitor doesn't even feel anything when it is plugged.
I like xubtuntu too.
How does the 460 compare with the 420?
T420 is like a wise old man, but frail. T460 is like an arrogant trainee but strong
I think that's just a sticker, anon.
For the same reason I uninstalled the calculator and libreoffice.
I already have a paper notebook and a physical calculator.
Much more practical to have them all separate than on the same device.
>T460 is like an arrogant trainee but strong
Isn't X1 Carbon (with the basic config) in the same price range but better?
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Wow check it out guys. This truly is the offer of the century
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Anyway though guys you see anything here that might be worth it.


I was thinking of going for the T420 with an SSD already installed, but if I should reconsider then please let me know.
There is already a Thinkpad general, and you have already had this thread all week long. Fuck off, you don't get to shitpost like this constantly. This thread is cancer
get the x201t and flip it. THey go for ~$200 on ebay.
Where did you get the quad core? All I could find on ebay/aliexpress was in the range of 200$-350$
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Posting best laptops.
>having friends
>manufacturer: apple
Then something is either wrong with your DP port or you have the wrong drivers installed. Mine works fine in windows.
what the hell is Wei?
>retards don't know that's a stock image from the T420 keyboard swap wiki entry
>Want T420
>Afraid to buy one online

Where is best place to acquire T420?
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Yeah its good
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>full of stuff
>hackers delight
>manufacturer: apple
does a t420s count? i love this thing
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oh look another thinkpad circlejerk thread
>work for school IT dept
>Giant room filled with t420s
>Won't let me buy one

How many should I steal when I graduate?
For my it was rather easy reading the Arch Wiki

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T420 Master Race reporting in

- 2520M
- 4 GB RAM (going to update it to 8 GB)
- 256 GB SSD (waiting for my caddy to be delivered so I can install my old 320 GB HDD)
- Panasonic 9-cell (96%)
- dock
- 90W charger
- authentic Windows 7
- trackpad disabled
- tpfancontrol + tpmiddle.exe

Pic from back when I had a Debian dualboot setup with WindowMaker.
WindowMaker really compliments your desk
>asking them

You already fucked up retard, they'll know it was you
Just bought a t430 instead of an t420. Its better in everey point.
Only the GPU is better and the CPU is only marginally better.

No one cares about the GPU and even if you want gaymen both can use eGPU and then it's worse or the same in everything else.

I'd rather get the XPS anyway.
The whole room will likely go at a liquidation auction. Find out how your school sells off used gear, because if you buy cheap in bulk you can resell on Ebay. Where do you think the other Pads on Ebay come from?
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I enjoy my T420, good for mobile shitposting and great linux support.
Except in the keyboard department of course
What is a T420 actually good for? What do you guys even do on these things besides shitpost with arcane Linus distros?
It's just comfy, i stopped using my desktop after getting one and now use it as my main computer. >>57401235
How much work does it take to set up a T420 like that? Are there manuals, or is it all touch and go?
>docked t420
>that white intellimouse explorer
>that mousepad
muh dik
Only a couple of bucks for the adapter and plugging some cables just once, nothing complicated.

Docking station not mandatory but makes it very convenient as a laptop/desktop hybrid.
Does /tpg/ have a guide? I don't recall, it mostly seemed like a rundown on price/performance.
I don't think so, an anon suggested to make an eGPU guide once but nothing happened. It's very easy to set up though.

Well if you already have a monitor and a spare desktop GPU then it's only $40 for the adapter and nothing else and of course performance depends on the GPU you're going to use for it.
>build some amazing laptops
>very expensive
>always shove some of the worst screens in them
>Run pwm @ 200hz which is bad for anybody even if you're not sensitive to flicker

They always come close to building something perfect then they chinkshit the fuck out of the screen
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Nice 1366x768 screen you got there.
Their screens are designed for office work. Used Thinkpad buyers aren't the target market.

I buy them for the features and use external monitors where that matters.
Am I the only one with a 2540M?

Everyone seems to have the 2520M instead
There was no point paying for the slightly increased clockspeed, it made basically no difference in user experience.
I run a 2720qm on my meme420 here >>57447147

Would recommend if you can get one for cheap/free from a broken laptop or something.
Just go for one with an IPS or OLED screen option.
The one I got from eBay came with a 2540M as well.
Daily. You're not missing out on anything. Sex on acid, though...
That's only available in newer models. Older ones (Ivy Bridge, Sandy Bridge, and older) all have shit screens.
My IPS paneled X220 begs to differ. Also, plenty of older models had them as options, and all the tablet versions have always sported an IPS or AFFS panel.
X220 is an exception. T4xx, T5xx all have TN panels with PWM. Anything older than Sandy Bridge only works as a shitposting station anyway.
>look for new thinkpads online
>1300 burgerbux

fug. D:
my T42p has a fucking good screen
>Anything older than Sandy Bridge only works as a shitposting station
Y50-70 crappy looking gook tier plastic garbage fuming windoze gaymer dualboot arch massaracer here.

throw that piece of crap in the trash. It's 2017 for crying out lewd.
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Iiving the meme
>T420 with shit 16:9 1366x768 resolution being masterrace
>Not T410 with 16:10 1440x900
How can you read that shit oh my god.
Waiting for my 900p screen for the final upgrade!

Just added dual HDD's for raid 0 to go along nicely with my msata SSD and also upgraded my cpu to the i7 2720qm today!
is that the IPS screen?
Does smart water really make you more intelligent?
>triple drive
>soon to be 900p
stop trying to be me ;-;
How would you fucking clean this screen? I just got mine couple days ago and the screen looks for it is trash fingerprints, scuffs, and whatever fucking else is on it.
Got my t420 today.

Is there something I should check while I still can send it back for refund? Already checked all USB ports, card reader, keyboard looks good, can enter the bios. Tomorrow I'll check VGA out.

Also is it normal for CPU to go as high as 90 degrees Celsius? Got to this temps while playing random movie in mpv on Windows 7
>Is there something I should check while I still can send it back for refund?
If the specs are legit, no bios supervisor password, computrace disabled on bios, and that all the ports work.

>Also is it normal for CPU to go as high as 90 degrees Celsius?
Yes but on stress tests/encoding/high loads, if you reached 90c with a video then there's something wrong.
Ok, so I also have to check temps more throroughly.
What could be reason for high temps? Too much dust inside, thermal paste not applied properly?
That's exactly it. I got my temps down from 95 (tripping automatic throttle) watching a stupid youtube video down to 50, just from cleaning the fan and new paste. Even running overwatch (with egpu) doesn't usually go over 75
The W520 I got recently had no dust at all in the heat sink, new thermal paste reduced the temperatures dramatically
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Freakin love mine
No but I take Vyvanse regularly and it makes me very dehydrated . Electrolyte water goes a long way
No it is not. I wish
Comfy and cute.
but I think the T420 is too big

the X220 is the master race
And i think the x220 is too small and the T520 is too big.

T420 master race.
They keep them for miscellaneous purposes, machines for adjunct professors, loaners, etc

Do you have the wallpaper?
They will liquidate them eventually when replacement time comes. govliquidation is one site commonly used by educational institutions to sell surplus.
I'm anon from >>57453129

How bad it is if computrace is enabled?
By enabled I mean that bios says it's enabled, but not activated and it seems I can change enabled to disabled or premanently disabled
>enabled, but not activated
Then it's fine, disable it permanently just in case.

doubt you'll ever pay for a license and use computrace
tfw you realize you 're not alone
T420 owner here. You are 100% correct. The display is fucking garbage. The keyboard makes up for it, tho.
I prefer my T450s with its IPS display.
I have 1366x768, and it's very bad. I already bought 1600x900. I'm going to install it in the weekend, but I'm ready for even worse colors.
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