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Linux exploit gives root access, goes unnoticed for NINE yea

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Linux exploit gives root access, goes unnoticed for NINE years


jesus christ just pack it in guys
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"The systems using a Linux kernel are right now running with security flaws," Cook wrote. "Those flaws are just not known to the developers yet, but they’re likely known to attackers."
So glad I use an OS made by actual programmers not a tree house hobbyist project that anyone can poke holes through like swiss cheese
>tree house hobbyist project
that's only one of the seven the government is sitting on. Enjoy your "muh secure" OS.
>use Linux
>have exploits that don't get patched for 9 years
>use windows
>Microsoft sells exploits to Israel and the NSA
>use BSD
>Never do anything on your computer
>Use TempleOS
>Have access to the greatest operating system of all time with literally flawless security and all the programs and tools you'll ever need
Why haven't you switched yet?
It's funny how people don't think the NSA/CIA has people who infiltrate open source projects and organizations and do the government's bidding.
>This is an ancient bug that was actually attempted to be fixed once by me eleven years ago

and its patched
only 35 more remains that will be patched next decade
>Bug is discovered
>Patch is made and distributed immediately to all distributions
>Somehow supposedly much worse than when all of this happens behind a veil of secrecy and is only distributed to the latest versions of Windows
It's a bit like when macfags laugh about how macs don't get trojans the same way windows does due to gatekeeper keeping people from installing shit off the internet. The fact that you don't know about something like this happening behind the scenes doesn't make it any better.

Oh well... It's not like /v/ is going to stop leaking microbabbies any time soon.
anon you must delet this at once
>local privilege escalation
Wow it's fucking nothing
more like they will be patched as they are found i mean the kernel is opensource so if you are that concerned about it then find them yourself or pay someone else to find them
This is true of all operating systems.
every single OS has countless backdoors that are circulated or haven't even been discovered yet
Do you fools not think Windows/Apple has the same problems? They're just not made public.
Are you implying this shit doesn't happen on Windows every week?

>Somehow supposedly much worse than when all of this happens behind a veil of secrecy and is only distributed to the latest versions of Windows

The fix is only available in the latest kernel retard, its up to the devs of every distro to backport the fix to whatever version of the kernel they use. So its only going to be backported to supported kernel versions.

>bu bu muh veil of secrecy
Guys stop replying to this low effort garbage
shutup this is the most informative post on /g/ in weeks
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>All this denial
>just sort through every single line of code in the kernel

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So does this mean every android phone has a fresh new exploit?
>one irrelevant beg went under the notice

>Losedows users clinging to this small security bug when Windows sends reports to the NSAout in the open
Yes. Also,

>average lifetime of a Linux bug is five years.

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>Disclosure of the nine-year-old vulnerability came the same week that Google researcher Kees Cook published research showing that the average lifetime of a Linux bug is five years.

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wtf i hate linux now

moving to the best os
i mean you could also stop spazzing and realize all OSes have exploits
this is why LTS kernels exist
Does it work on Android?
Yes, but with closed-sourced OSs you don't even know that there is a bug, nor even for how long.
Yeah, and since attackers don't get to read the source code, they don't know it's there.
>since attackers don't get to read the source code
But they do, they get it handed on a silver platter.
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>muh "gubberment"

fuck off bootlicker.
Oh yeah. I guess that's why all anti-virus software is open source. /s
Daily gentle reminder that Windows 10 acts like an exploit/vulnerability/trojan as standard.
This is why nobody takes Linux seriously
Nine year old flaw is discovered. Gets patched. Film at eleven.
It's also funny how people don't think the NSA/CIA has people who infiltrate popular online gathering places and do the government's bidding by spreading fud about linux, tor, encryption, etc.
B-b-b-but linus torvald is a geneeous, he'd never let garbage commits through!111

Whatever you say means nothing compared to the shitfest that Linux is as OP has proven.

You Linuxfags like to claim your high horse muh security bullshit while all your communication is being logged even more than anyone else's as confirmed by the Snowden leaks

>This is why nobody takes Linux seriously
You mean like major scientific research centers, supercomputer developers, the US military, and Google server farm? Odd how they all use linux despite no one taking it seriously, eh?
Shill detected. Badge number, please.
>Whatever you say means nothing compared to the shitfest that Linux is as OP has proven.

Already patched.

>You Linuxfags like to claim your high horse muh security bullshit while all your communication is being logged even more than anyone else's as confirmed by the Snowden leaks

This isn't within the scope of Linux contributors and engineers but is a lot better than your baby OS.
Reverse engineering is a thing that helps you to produce even more CVE for MS or Apple products. I don't even use CoW and hard to imagine android have this feature. That would be a memory hog.

Our horse is in the MS stable. Deal with it.
>implying windows is better
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mfw linux not only failed as a desktop OS but now a server OS
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a more conservative version of this image
Patch was released weeks ago, I don't see any issues here
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Not even remote!
>TempleOS has any network features?
Hi shill.
>It's funny how people don't think the NSA/CIA has people who infiltrate corporations and other companies that produce closed source proprietary software and do the government's bidding.
Also mine :^)
WTF I hate linux now!
>actual programmers
$0.05 has been added to your account pajeet
Is it you? :^)
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Yeah, they use Linux for their servers but hopefully never have to deal with it on desktop.
>local privilege escalation
wow, thanks for the update rajesh.

I see it's fixed as well
Actually many of them use it for desktop too. Took the b8. :)
Wangblows #rekt
anime pro here I use macOS
>implying I'd ever be freetard
anon pls no
That's why it is that secure
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It's a bug where you would need a compromised piece of software or allow your comptuer to have multiple users via ssh, etc to someone not trusted
Don't be daft, Linux is open source so every line is checked by thousands of highly component people on a daily basis, there is no way that Copy-On-Move could have a serious and reliable way for someone else to gain control of your computer.
Pretty much purely linux for desktop in the sciences.
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>thousands of highly component people on a daily basis

Actually not. Peer reviewers are on shortage even on Linux development too.
The thing MS shills don't know is, the Linux and any other OSS can have automated code review as they think it's not exist even on Linux too and talk about only "Linus' law". A maintainer who is know his code inside-outside is a must for every project (ie OpenSSL).
Sadly if we post every zeroday and other unpatched shit (Google made fun of MS in the past) then /g/ could be flooded with MS related CVE's. Sadly arstechnica need to produce b8 too as the usual paid it shitposting.
I have always wondered how Linus Torvalds has a fortune of 100 million dollars. Now we know
>kernel exploit
>stuck on Linux 3.18
Well fuck
>using a insider preview
>complaining about spyware
If you're using some mainstream distro the version number is only for feature parity. Security updates will be backported to it by your distro maintainer
You mean even for a processor-specific kernel where development seems to have ceased I'm still going to get an update for this?
If you're using some dead architecture/distro you might have trouble getting the update.
i'm not an expert at systems programming, but doesn't this really strengthen the case for memory-randomization?
It's fine, I'm using systemd.
yes, all is well.
I masturbate as I laugh every time some linux fag claims (mah free ware cant be haxore or infected" and than I write another packet just for them and send it off with a kiss into the world.
Weed combined with shitposting not goes well for you.
Don't know if your being sarcastic or not. But the fact you all dumbasses allowed truecrypt to be completely Burned down to the ground because it posed a future threat to the great us of a , proves your and my point.
You should be using dm-crypt/LUKS if you're serious about security anyway.
Even OpenBSD?
No OS is perfect, just because there are no known security holes doesn't mean there are no security holes.

Please, give evidence of at least 3 different security vulnerabilities in OpenBSD this past year, that isn't due to the ports tree or X Window System.
If they were known they were patched, dumbass. I'm talking about unknown vulnerabilities.
Well of course they would be, fucktard.

But there probably aren't any new vulnerabilities if there were never any old ones.
>But there probably aren't any new known vulnerabilities if there were never any old known ones.
can confirm, also a pedophile
There's a first time for everything. There's always a chance a vulnerability known only by a certain few hasn't been publicised yet.
You're fucking retarded, aren't you?

If an operating system with a relatively large userbase has no history of vulnerabilities, then it is safe to say that there aren't any.

That "first time" has come and gone.

Jesus fuck, I bet you're the same type of faggots who think that the number of reported rapes only make up for 5% of the actual amount of rapes in the US.
>If an operating system with a relatively large userbase has no history of vulnerabilities, then it is safe to say that there aren't any.
Clearly you're the retard. Take Bash for example. It's much smaller than an OS and shellshock went unnoticed for decades.
So you'd rather go with a "If nobody I know knows about X, then X doesn't exist" mentality? Oh, I see where this is going.

Bash wasn't made with the intent of security being why they eat, sleep, and breath.


All you need are three vulnerabilities in OpenBSD that aren't due to the ports tree or the X Window System. Then I'll concede my point.
>All you need are three vulnerabilities in OpenBSD that aren't due to the ports tree or the X Window System
Can't list unknown vulnerabilities, you fucking moron.
>he doesn't use a rolling release distribution
Install Gentoo if you want support for weird archs
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>not using mac os
Who cares if you aren't bumping the thread?
I didn't say they had to be unknown, fucktard.

How could you possibly know about them if nobody knows about them?
Gentoo won't fix anything, you can't compile a kernel for a processor it doesn't support.
What processor?
See >>57181193
I was saying that I'd be surprised if OpenBSD didn't have unknown vulnerabilities. Then you were like lol list them retard

Ingenic JZ4780
Good thing I switched to Mac OS when I got a job.
If we want to get a bit philosophical, then: even if we could list one, then it wouldn't be unknown anymore, would it?

Thank goodness security isn't just about preparing yourself against known threats, but about potentially unknown ones too.
MIPS32 based?
No, I never told you to fucking list UNKNOWN vulnerabilities, you fucking dunce.

Maybe you ASSUMED that I did, but that was neither intended nor implied, fuckface.

Gentoo can be built on MIPS32, if there's a site with kernel patches to enable some types of hardware that aren't on these devices listed on this page https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:MIPS

You can setup a crosscompilier chain, build on a host OS with portage, and you even tell portage how to patch the kernel for you.
No fucking shit Gentoo runs on MIPS32, the problem is that Linux does not support this specific processor. There's a fork that was working on gaining parity with the mainstream kernel development so they could merge into the actual kernel and they never made it past 3.18.
Wouldn't thid sort of shit happen all the time on Windows, except when they find out they just wouldn't tell anyone about it?
I asked you to list vulnerabilities, you autistic fucking retard.

Where do you see the word "unknown" in >>57181354 , huh, dipshit?

You don't, because IT ISN'T THERE.

Not only that, but we've already established what I was asking beyond a reasonable doubt with >>57181637 .

Whatever, though.

I'll rephrase my question, though, so your dumb ass can actually comprehend it, as reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

Please, give evidence of at least 3 different security vulnerabilities in OpenBSD this past year, that isn't due to the ports tree or X Window System.


Do you understand now, you massive fucking autistic faggot?
Anon, you are beyond retarded. Do the world a favor and off yourself.
I'm saying you'd have to write an ebuild to pull source from the git repo, patch it(with a patch that you'll have to write with inspiration from current implementations)
Yeah, nah.
Please, explain to me just why I'm retarded.

I'm all ears, and I'm still waiting for the answers to the clearly defined criteria I have outlined in >>57182374 .
Because I was specifically talking about unknown vulnerabilities and you asked me to list vulnerabilities. Then I repeatedly explained this to you and you kept insisting you were right when you couldn't possibly be more wrong.
Welp, thats what happens when you have unsupported toys you're unwilling to play with.

Wouldn't have to worry too much anyways because they'd have to get local access and push a compiled binary for your shit.
Fuck off dumbass
I don't understand how somebody can be this retarded.

The request for knowledge of unknown vulnerabilities was neither written nor implied.

I've repeatedly told you I did not explicitly request for such.

Not only that, but I hav also explained my reasoning for knowledge of vulnerabilities in the first place.

I seriously don't understand why you have to be such a fucking faggot, especially now.

I have already catered my original question TO YOU. Now all you have to do is answer it.

Just stop going into FUCKING semantics and answer the question.
> Because I was specifically talking about unknown vulnerabilities and you asked me to list vulnerabilities.
> you asked me to list vulnerabilities.
This is exactly right, and is what I have been trying to explain to you for the past half hour.

> Then I repeatedly explained this to you and you kept insisting you were right when you couldn't possibly be more wrong.
I don't understand how you could possibly imply this.
I was specifically talking about unknown vulnerabilities. Any other form of vulnerability was irrelevant to the conversation. For you to ask me to list ANY kind of vulnerability is proof of your retardation as it's impossible for me to list any vulnerability I was talking about BECAUSE THEY'RE FUCKING UNKNOWN. Go back to >>>/r/eddit and take that shitty post formatting with you.
I honestly don't know how you can be this retarded and still operate a computer. See >>57182580
Just an anon not knowing what's being actually talked about, nothing else.

We're talking about >>57181193

"Irrelevant to the conversation" my fucking ass, because that's all you've been complaining about.

I've already given you my reasoning behind wanting the knowledge of vulnerabilities, why can't you just answer the fucking question?

> Go back to >>>/r/eddit and take that shitty post formatting with you.


Despite what you may have originally stated, I requested vulnerabilities, OF ANY KIND, and you still have not delivered.

> I honestly don't know how you can be this retarded and still operate a computer.
That's because I'm using a phone :^)
How are known vulnerabilities even remotely relevant to a conversation about UNKNOWN vulnerabilities?
>Despite what you may have originally stated, I requested vulnerabilities, OF ANY KIND, and you still have not delivered.
Because A) they're irrelevant and B) THERE FUCKING AREN'T ANY. I NEVER CLAIMED THERE WERE. Jesus Christ anon seriously how the fuck are you alive?
To which I countered with >>57181637
To which I countered with >>57181694
If it doesn't "click" with >>57182689 then I'm afraid we can't help you anymore.
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