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Thread replies: 118
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/mkg/ When Edition

>Buyer's template:
>Where to Buy:
>Use the buyer's template
>Keyset wiki

Previous thread: >>56876715
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I fucked up the buyer's template.
I like my browns though :(
I thought I hated browns and got clears
I love browns too now
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Hey guys good news. Pic related. I ordered one last night. Mod keycaps with Gateron Reds, did I do good?
nice looks I might buy one now. Thanks for asking!
If it was me, I would wait for round 3 with aluminum cases.
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>spending more than $10 on a keyboard
>spending less than $10 on a personal hobby you enjoy

Tell us, what do you enjoy?
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>spending money
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Am I /mkg/ yet?
You've transcended /mkg/. You're on a whole new plane of existence.
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not with those keycaps
how do i fix a blue switch that has become loud as fuck? do i have to desolder and open it up? or can i lube it from outside? what do
is the switch broken, as in if you press it nothing shows up? or is it just too loud for you. If so you can just get some dampeners
it works, it's just that the click is excessively sharp and loud compared to the other switches. i'm not sure dampeners would help since it's the click, it's not the bottoming out that's the problem.
If its only that one then buy another switch. Maybe you don't need to desolder it and its just the plunger and stem that's broken and you can easily replace those

if that doesn't work then change the entire switch.
>(strictly for PCB-Mounted Keyboard only)

so you think buying lube will be a waste and i should desolder it instead?

and i don't know which lube i should get, don't know if i can apply this lube from outside

Yeah, you can lube from the outside. You have high chances of killing the click completely tho.

Any silicone lube should work just fine, or even some syntetic lube like krytox. Just dont use any Oil based lubes or you risk ruining the plastic.
i tried removing the keycap and with the keycap off it didn't make much sound at all so it seems the keycap amplifies it a lot more than i expected, so maybe i can do something with the keycap to dampen the sound

>You have high chances of killing the click completely tho.
damn this is scary but hmm maybe i'll go for it... i'll have to think about it
>seems the keycap amplifies it a lot more than i expected
Whats the position of the switch. Maybe its just resonating
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Cherry profile or bust.
So what Godspeed kits did you guys purchase? Solar and Mods or Cockpit?
none because it's in shitty ABS.
PBT sets are coming soon, so until then I'll pass
none cus Mito is a fagget
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I kind of want to try out g20 sets, but the color options are a bit too limited. Maybe if they had a set on massdrop using only one color option for cheap I might pick one up.
it's the S key

interesting idea with the resonance

maybe i can put some foam on the inside of the keycap to try to dampen the sound... if i can find some foam
SA ABS is ok
He's made some fantastic sets tho
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ABS is never okay
SA ABS is ok
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Have yet to see one.
Pulse was okay, Godspeed is literally the height of all keycap sets, overcast DSA was okay. Atleast hes not out making ugly shit like Hana
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>all this grease

Not ok.
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nope it isn't. ABS plastic is one of the cheapo options out there. It is known to shine after use and it ends up looking like shit. If I'm going to be spending 60+ bucks on a keycap set I want something more durable that wont shine like PBT
Any good yet somewhat cheap (Under $100 USD) brown switch keyboards? I need to get me a new keyboard and mouse to upgrade from my Cooler Master Devastator combo.
>user doesn't take care of board
>lets blame the board

They both shine, one just takes longer.

That being said: Quality ABS > Cheap PBT
$2 dell keyboard ABS caps =/= Thick doubleshot Signature Plastics ABS

ABS is shit and nothing you say will change that fact
Its not about the user, its about the SA profile. Signature plastics doesnt have mate SA molds, so pretty much every SA set will have this disgusting greasy shiny texture.
sorry but... PBT > Cherry ABS > Cheap PBT > literal garbage > ABS, even SP ABS
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You use ABS for doubleshots and PBT for dyesubs, I don't see what you people are even arguing about.
Nothing is stooping you from using whatever plastic you want. Some are just more durable then others.
>Nothing is stooping you from using whatever plastic you want
Unless you want doubleshots that don't look like ass.
Motherfucking doubleshot POM, motherfucker.
You can have double shot PBT. Vortex makes some sets.

But Vortex is a meme.
Fair enough.

Now go find some POM doubleshots.

Yeah I know, tai hao also makes PBT doubleshots, that's why I specified not looking like ass.
G20 is really meh. I really dislike uniform profiles, and it having no curvature at all makes it worse.
Where can I get those key caps?

POM is normally lasered. I have black POM caps salvaged from a Cherry G80-3000 that are nice.


Vortex does PBT+POM doubleshot, though not POM+POM.
>Vortex does PBT+POM doubleshot, though not POM+POM.
the POM is only for shine-through legends, with PBT as the main material because memes, they could probably make POM+POM if they wanted to
Its funny they should make acetal keycaps. After all they will match the cancer that is /mkg/
Acetal is POM
not entirely acetal is a carcinogen and will cause cancer. Prolonged exposure also causes irritation of the skin, eyes and nasal region, which is why only a bit of it is mixed in. A pure acetal keycap will violate many health laws
i don't think that's how chemistry works
Ducky Shine 5 or Logitech G810?
Any other suggestions at this price point with RGB.
I won't game, just type.

No gaming? Don't get RGB then.

Biggest meme there is.
If you have to, ducky.
do you really need RGB lighting?
anyway wait until the ducky shine 6 is comes out with double shot PBT keycaps which should feel really nice.
I want backlighting so why don't add 20 bucks more and get it RGB so it matches the color of my set up?

They're EnjoyPBT dye subbed caps. No idea where they are readily available now.
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get RGB, don't let these neckbeards meme you
You can get them on shadovved's GB thread on geekhack. He has some extras on hand. $85USD shipped I think.
I don't, I want backlighting tho and I won't mind spending a bit more to get RGB.
Don't overspend on RGB lighting. Get a Ducky One with a back light. They are only in single color options, but they are much cheaper at under $90 and have the exact same functionality of the shine 5
kill yourself
maybe this will help you

I don't get it don't you want to be a faster typist
fuck off retard

wanting backlighting doesn't necessarily mean you can't touch type

do you tell people who buy gaudy colored keycap sets to l2touchtype too?
calm down m8 everyone should learn to touch type. The link I provided you should be helpful.
Okay, in that case which switch should I get, I've been looking at the buyer's guide but I'm not sure which of them fits more my profile, I'll type a lot and don't want it to be very noisy since I use my PC mostly at night. Are whites/greens really noisy?
Again Ducky Ones only come with one color for your LEDs. You said that you wanted it to match your setup so pick the color you want. As for switches get a tactile switch. whites/greens are loud a clicky. Clears or tactile greys are the ones you should be looking at
Okay, thanks I'll get tactile switches then.
I understood that the Ducky One LED are one color only when you first told me but thanks anyway.
you directed your post toward someone who wants backlighting

there is not much benefit to NOT having backlighting, at "best" it's a matter of preference, if the lights give you sensory overload and triggers your autistic rage then fine you don't need them, but if someone knows they want backlighting you're a dick if you keep shitting on them for it
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>you directed your post toward someone who wants backlighting
no I didn't you have me mixed up with the wrong guy. I just think everyone would be better of learning to touch type as it helps reduce fatigue and who doesn't want to be a better typer
well ok yeah everyone should learn to touch type

but the "l2touchtype" fag was probably being condescending to people who like backlighting
To be fair, backlighting is for children and people who like it should probably off themselves.
whats the problem with playing snake on your keyboard?
forgot the link
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>sour because his artsy fartsy kbs don't offer backlighting
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there is literally nothing wrong with programmable rgb backlighting
A board with RGB underglow is a happy compromise
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Shame more keyboards don't do that. I would love to have pic related, but they don't make it anymore
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this desu

Pretty much everything on winkeyless has it, and they have some neat layouts too.

My favorite would be leeku's 1800 designs, but finding a gb for them is rare.

I got a Compact SQ that I am STILL waiting on keycaps for from thr IMSTO round 4.
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>lights are for children
>colorful keycaps arent

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whoa what are you fucking gay
whats wrong with memecaps?
>double quads in the same thread
off topic but nice
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looks like /mkg/ is blessed
when when when
God that windows 95 keycap is nice
this, you don't have to set it to strobing rainbow mode
I'm dumb, its been out on mechkeyboards and not on amazon.
Overpriced but worth it for how much I'd use it for.
This compact model is for sale for $69.99 on Massdrop. Thoughts? It comes in different variations, not just typewriter caps.

No. Acetal is literally just the short name for polyoxymethylene.
You might be thinking about the fact that some brand name plastics are more specific formulations of POM; eg, Delrin.

As for a carcinogen, you may, again, be thinking of something else. The only connection is that making POM requires formaldehyde, which is a potential carcinogen.

POM has been used in plumbing fixtures, and the only problem with that is that chlorine can cause it to degrade, which makes it physically weaker, but does not release anything Generally Accepted as Toxic.
Where's the alt key?
on either side of the space bar. Can you not read symbols
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Who makes chic cherry keycaps these days?

Signature Plastics
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fresh paint
nice. what caps are those?

geekkeys pbt
I want this meme to end

I have Browns and love them... Will never go back.
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Just got a k65 rgb and I'm loving it. Cherry's are very comfortable and I'm digging the leds, just trying to figure out a good colorscheme to set the keys too.
>tfw memedox infinity has finally arrived but no time to solder it
i spilt coffee on my keyboard a while back

all the keys work apart from the right arrow key. it works 3/10 times i press it but only when i give it a good blow. mx brown keycaps

any advice
Don't spill coffee on your keyboard next time.
replace the switch
open up the switch and clean it
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